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Author: powayseller
Forum Activity by powayseller
- You guys are right – at
- You guys are right – at
- You guys are right – at
- You guys are right – at
- You guys are right – at
- My beef is with the content
- New Guy,
I had the same
- wooodrow, I am sharing the
- I suspect MEW is the source
- check out Rich’s Bubble
- Chris, Peter Schiff would
- According to Credit Suisse,
- I did not include MEW in my
- My Bloomberg quote was
- I agree that the duplicate
- woody- education is not
- Sorry about the 4
- I just had a look at this
- I listened to the hearing,
- JWM is right.
OC prices are
- Foreclosure is a lagging indicator
- We are in a temporary sweet
- Powayseller’s new site
- Perry’s personal adventures
- My mom told me it’s never
- rankandfile, June 14,
- SDAppraiser, bear market
- jg, Please let me go, your
- How did we get from “So my
- FSD, nicely done on the
- stores gold
- Your answer leaves me
- Rich, did you purchase any
- jg, I made a 530% profit on
- Rich, I was quoting the Wall
- The best market timer is my
- To what do you attribute the
- Construction Attorney, do
- Shoddy Construction of 2000-2005 Housing Boom: Beware of National Builders
- So gas prices fell $4.20 per
- So the Yahoo Finance entries
- We replanted the plants into
- jg, I was just bragging
- Paul Craig Roberts, PhD –
- jztz, interesting link.
- jztz, interesting link.
- This post shows Standard
- Poverty is related to
- jg, you’re right, they don’t
- Nice work, akrowne.
- I’m in dynamic inverse
- Stan, do you have any
- This program uses your
- Good job there, jg, you beat
- “…a large portion of the
- I think the most popular ARM
- lostkitty, this is my
- From comments in Ben’s
- SD Realtor, what do you
- So Ownit sold their loans to
- The lender makes the loan
- Housing busts are worse
- Husing busts are worse than
- Thanks for the well wishes.
- That’s right. One of the
- We hatched 3 eggs, and we
- Oil is being sold in euros
- RenterClint, if wages keep
- Nice post – thanks.
- Wow! Good find, Perry. I
- jg, could you stop with the
- SD Realtor, it seemed like a
- Bill Manning is calling for
- The median price of
- PD, I would be more
- Have you ever seen a pancake
- Have you ever seen a pancake
- This video was made by a
- PD, steel does not bend or
- jg, it seems like median
- Bill Manning, Fire
- Thanks for the interesting
- My husband was just telling
- Can You Say “Conspiracy” (in the Housing Market)
- In the last downturn,
- bgates, I got the idea for
- Head in the sand refers to
- bgates, you raise an
- My friend, who told me about
- surveyor, I have gained
- My logic is sequential.
- qwerty, I disagree with each
- I believe real estate is a
- So that’s what they meant
- sduuude, I don’t proclaim to
- Another option is to live in
- sdrealtor is right, and I
- While rents have continued
- Riverside is in a huge
- Good advice, Steve.
- sdsundevil, this is all part
- I wanted to bring this
- Selling a house and moving
- Off Topic – Did this really happen?
- Solar energy is still very
- City %
- DaCounselor, as I said
- My lack of response is not
- We’ve got a couple long-time
- What is DHS?
I think some
- SDR, I remember you told me
- surveyor, of course you are
- The Riverside/San Bernardino
- AN, sometimes I don’t know
- nsr, love your advice,
- Dacounselor, this is where
- Yup, the CEOs of Lend and
- Would you still come out
- The jobs lost are middle
- You may have a case under
- nsr, the consumption tax
- Where do you buy euro bonds?
- Thanks for all the food for
- Unfortunately, the data on
- So the price of US made
- Thanks for your explanation.
- Well, everyone expects their
- Steve, my closing costs were
- FSD, so you’re talking about
- surveyor, I seriously doubt
- FormerSanDiegan, it’s not
- Are bub and bubba99 two
- Lindi is right. If oil
- I wouldn’t call a flattening
- Never mind, my error. Zip
- MLS inventory on 12/1 was
- Do you think there has
- Tax Consumption. not income or wealth
- Yes, I have that same
- SD Realtor and SDrealtor,
- CONCHO, you are right.
- Most people on this forum,
- The total mortgage debt in
- Masses believe market will rebound, sales flat
- Now I know why builders
- Suing Builder, Appraiser for Falling Prices?
- Lindi, just to clarify, I’m
- Nice thread. Check out the
- I feel like a total idiot
- Secrets of the Federal Reserve – We need to Wake Up!
- The guy loses, but who wins?
- China Rising, US Falling ?
- It’s “imprudent” for
- I didn’t mean to imply these
- I still wonder how many
- If you count births and
- GLD is an ETF that holds
- Status of State Regulation of Exotic Mortgage Guidance
- Thanks for the link, murray.
- Oil Demand Slowing as Global Economy Cools, Retail Slows
- I passed that stretch of
- Foreign countries are not
- 28% of gross income for PITI
- So people who are willing to
- In about 3-5 years, I think
- He predicts, “Expect the
- Dollar Falls because government increases money supply
- Goofy Fed governors speak stupidly, dollar fall, realtors forced to sell
- His advice right now is to
- Don Harrold
- I found the article. Down
- Nail salons will definitely
- Market Collusion?
- Former Owner, thanks for the
- Reply To: The 50% Club
- duplicate
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- Nancy, so you think they are
- CPI is kept low by cheap imported goods
- Economic Storm Brewing in
- The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and Collapse of the American Dream
- Debt is not wealth – what a
- Military people will keep
- If true, this is
- jg, you look more like a
- surveyor, very interesting.
- jg, under the Comment box,
- Perry, I dont want to
- Case-Shiller index for
- AN, how does the new zillow
- Lenient lending standards
- NAR will say that zillow
- Can you e-mail me at
- After the credit bubble
- The insiders are selling
- I’m sure the NAR attorneys
- UCLA Anderson Forecast Misses the Mark
- Maybe just a computer
- Did you guys read Jim
- Daniel, Bob C. does this
- These people are too late.
- You’re right on track. I
- jg, in regard to your
- Realty Times November Market Conditions Report
- This NYT follow-up tries to
- Dollar’s Days are Numbered
- NYT: The Hidden Truth about Home Prices
- Insider Selling Peaks
- Yeah, you do lose some
- If the Treasuries are sold
- In San Diego, every year
- This is how we did it back
- Thanks for the procuring
- Did they close their
- nice post, cowboy.
- We first went off the gold
- jg, here’s a quote from The
- I won’t interfere with your
- I was waiting for one of our
- The mortgage business is
- Thanks, Wiley! I also think
- jg, your college textbook
- Would you buy gold bars, the
- Ways of buying gold
- As far as Treasury money,
- One of our Federal Reserve
- I already explained it. The
- jg, I’m sorry I’m having
- Duncan continues, and
- Foreign Central Banks Create Money to Buy Dollars
- Looking for Chef for Cooking Lesson
- Ok, let me make sure I get
- jg, the money is already in
- sdr, you are at heart a guy
- What did you buy with
- Here’s a great article from
- You’re the realtor, you
- This topic is worth some
- Let’s add to that the 30% of
- sdr,
“According to a recent
- I like his posts too.
- sdr, I know that a 20% rise
- jg, which gold mining stocks
- Some of our exports go into
- So gold soared in the 1980s
- Patriotic politicans would
- kev374, you make a lot of
- I don’t think they’ll raise
- horsepropertyneeded, what
- The NAR has a big lobby,
- Workers’ comp is a high
- I don’t know so much about
- bubba99, how did you invest
- Isn’t that the neighborhood
- Where are prices stable?
- OHFEO index is -.21% from
- davelj, Roubini quoted me
- I read that book, but I
- davelj, my opinion will
- davelj, my opinion will
- TheBreeze, you are right,
- rseiser, call CPA Michael
- AN, Dean Baker just
- FSD and PerryChase, I agree
- asianautica, the auto sales
- jg, next thing you know,
- Today, Roubini, “Deutsche
- Nominal rents just keep
- If Q4 GDP is close to 0% as
- GDP is up because inventory
- It’s not the greed of
- D&D, You guys might enjoy
- My brother has said for
- San Diego Oct 05 vs Oct
- December closing are always
- I hope it’s okay if I point
- I’ve read that China is
- I agree, we should not allow
- davelj, I don’t gamble with
- The FCBs have a real
- I read (Roubini?) recently,
- Could you see if this data
- I figured jg would come up
- I am by no means a currency
- Ok, here’s my reasoning.
- I think that the majority of
- How are U.S. Treasuries out
- Check out this link from
- qcomer, a question…since
- jg, I picture you as a great
- It’s a fact that almost 70%
- What do you think will
- Ben Bernanke’s essays say
- He wasn’t a surgeon – he
- This is a method I would use
- Hey woodrow, glad to see you
- My friend says his SIL sold
- Good post. I read on
- denis4x4, do you think they
- Yes, I had a better
- How long do you guys think
- Thanks for the tip.
I am
- Just make sure you get on
- I believe the S&P500 will
- sjk, thanks but I know what
- Good work PC. Examples like
- Dataquick data shows prices
- qcomer, Roubini stated
- As a patient, Palomar is
- The government creates the
- I didn’t say I believe S&P
- The market is likely to go
- AN, no one suggested you
- A recession is 2 quarters of
- THe other wars were a
- AN, I don’t get your point.
- Are you saying that the past
- That WSJ article has so many
- I didn’t mean autos
- What sorts of problems occur
- M3 growing at 10% annually
- I’m not sure why, but the
- AN, here are some signs that
- AN, the last recession was
- Fleck is recommending
- Why do criminals get
- Why do criminals get
- Eric Janszen from
- Eric Janszen from
- SD Realtor, how do
- Good find, IONEGARM, I had
- Good find, IONEGARM, I had
- When I left Fashion Valley
- Friend says US will never fail
- #1 lowered their price to
- I posted about this book in
- carlislematthew, calculated
- Great evening! Hopefully
- vegas renter, this thread
- PD, I am dying to meet you,
- Yardeni’s points are noted,
- Fashion Valley is always
- According to Dataquick’s
- PD, I believe in sex, drugs,
- lindi, it sounds like the
- I read some other archived
- The consumption madness and
- Thanks for the link, PC.
- I thought rents are going
- Thanks for the link. I’d
- Do you think the lenders
- M3 as reported by John
- MarketWatch reported, “Net
- We’re at 10 months supply,
- I realize that some funds
- I realize that some funds
- I realize that some funds
- Roger Showley’s article is
- I asked Adam Hamilton at
- stopforeclosure, I will
- We’re still selling
- I have no clue about
- qcomer, thanks for the
- Why are you waiting until
- Sounds good, if you have no
- jg is right. The OFHEO
- Median prices do NOT climb
- PD, Why do you hate me for
- “Dr. Marc Faber says living
- PD, thanks for your reply to
- Just another perspective,
- Ease up on santeeman. I
- juice, everything you said
- I haven’t looked at this
- PD, you are right that the
- The excess death claim comes
- Good thread. Very thought
- Spiegel: Bush can barely string a sentence together, and more
- Love that example, esp. the
- piggington timing out, slow page loads
- piggington timing out, slow page loads
- I’m not quite following you.
- stopforeclosure, you’re a
- thanks for the link. The
- THere is no way this will
- At least he’s now admitting
- IONEGARM, I also wish the
- I couldn’t convince my neighbor there’s a housing bubble
- Can you give some examples
- What percentage of Calgary’s
- I thank sdrealtor for
- I agree about the hearsay
- Robert Shiller’s conflict of interest
- Can you tell us more about
- So you think a bank’s losses
- More from Hampton’s article,
- On Brad Setser’s blog,
- sdrealtor, the government
- qcomer, I have no clue. We
- From that same article:
- Raybyrnes, I bought inverse
- renterclint, the state
- Cagan is more optimistic
- BikeRider, excellent points
- Cagan: 13% of recent ARM buyers likely to default
- jg, where can I read more
- So much for the soft
- Like your father, many
- I know I’m real slow, but
- surveyor, when you roll
- bubba, you’re making so much
- Very interesting, and thanks
- Robert Toll: No end to slump in sight
- sdcellar, I noticed the
- sdrealtor, in jg’s first
- sdrealtor, would you say
- Perhaps off topic, but
- 5:30 pm, one person.
- The PUSD Transportation Dept
- The pro-Bush folks say this
- Can you give examples of
- Foreigners signaling more moves out of dollar
- yes, unlawfulcombatant, that
- I just remembered some other
- Excellent interviews.
- Retail Sales Slowing
- US corporate credit quality at greatest risk of default since Great Depression
- sduuude, your post is
- FormerSanDiegan, Jubak
- I haven’t finalized the
- She’s just parroting what
- sdcellar, I don’t know what
- Good site, thanks Perry
- Reversion to the mean is an
- The unemployment numbers are
- I once posted full addresses
- Inventory and sales both
- sdcellar, balasr suggested I
- Roubini has an amazing
- For that price, I am renting
- San Diego’s reliance on
- Excellent points.
- The falling dollar as a
- The blog is a marketing
- There are 3 ways to
- I say he’s desperate because
- JES, I’m referring to the
- Kerry opened his speech with
- Sounds like I missed some of
- Realtor Desperation?
- jg, the problem is figuring
- RP is an older area, mainly
- Shouldn’t this go in
- Wiley, I was wondering the
- 4plex, I did home price/rent
- I’d like to clarify that I
- I’d like to clarify that I
- The reason I suggest waiting
- Prices are dropping in my
- Wiley, CDs are insured by
- Nobody can beat the market.
- Thanks PD, good article. I
- I already commented on this
- PD, I’m not really sure how
- jg, this is a housing forum,
- Come on, jg, even this is a
- PD, did I misunderstand your
- We also thought builders had
- After revision, GDP growth
- Many investing professionals
- Well said, zk. “And people
- The proper speed limit is 80
- London Local Spin Meister
- GDP is down because of a 17%
- Those people heavy in cash
- I caught the last minute of
- The investment newsletter
- Bugs is right. The
- We’ve got $9 trillion in
- Have you talked with any
- Good post, cabinboy.
- Steve, the housing market is
- 1.6% GDP
- Why do they report the
- Don Harrold’s video (thanks
- lendingco: that’s what I
- If you live in your home for
- The downsides to renting:
- The new lending guidelines
- Can you comment on the new
- If you check with the
- Since these are just tract
- Sorry to keep you all
- 1st listing, MLS 066080619,
- I just called Rydex to
- Price war on my street
- I wanted to respect the
- I called Rydex and they told
- What are the names of the
- 2 million foreclosures predicted in the coming months
- I’m still here, but posting
- Try Great Bear Funds . I
- My recession call is early.
- I had a bad experience with
- jg, you rock! Great chart
- America’s Bubble Economy
- 4plex, I understand the
- What is really mind boggling
- Nov 18, 4pm, Today’s Pizza
- I don’t have an options
- Great post from Barry at the
- Eric at made a
- Good post. Prices are set
- sdcellar, I’m still here,
- You can buy this from
- The price goes down 50%, but
- Boston_OC, glad that you’re
- Thanks, North County Jim, I
- This is one of the slowest
- KingKong, I’m so glad you’re
- Precisely why it is not too
- A very gross measure would
- MH, are enlisted personnel
- I saved $12,000 in
- The regulatory lending
- The guy working on my
- kev374, your comment is
- I have promoted Chris
- My friend is a civil
- too bad this guy will get
- HTML code:
Thanks for
- HTML code:
Thanks for
- 3-5 years from now, if
- The problem with rate cuts
- SD Realtor, I also believe
- If rates hit 15%, then there
- Bugs, could you tell us more
- It makes perfect sense that
- I’ve talked with several
- davelj, I am counting on
- From today’s Bill
- The guy’s story is an
- The money is coming probably
- So owner equivalent rent is
- What’s the difference
- FormerSanDiegan, my
- I bought RYTPX and RYCWX
- I would like to make some
- Good job! This proves that
- Bear funds buy put options,
- qcomer, I have laid out my
- I saw your charts, and I
- The mortgage resets are a
- One more anecdote to show
- How do you find an “agent”,
- I doubt part-time cashiers
- I think a good realtor will
- REad the just published book
- I’m thrilled that the stock
- I’ve been given the “I must
- Great stuff. I just put my
- Only powayseller makes hard
- FSD, I can’t explain the
- I’m one of Chris’
- Dumb people lack the brains
- Yes, the realtors who
- vrudny, which inverse fund
- A realtor told me today that
- Sounds familiar. It’s
- FormerSanDiegan, I disagree,
- doofrat, your post brings to
- Sorry, Chris, I did not read
- Chris was talking about a
- If the house costs less than
- Bugs, besides the shoddy
- It’s been so quiet around
- Not to toot my own horn, but
- Has anyone bought Rydex
- I talked to a guy in his
- Gold is linked to inflation.
- Yes, CDs are a sucker’s bet
- A good friend of mine, a
- Invoking God to help you win
- CDs and Treasury notes are
- My son’s Poway elementary
- I believe Rich is a very
- Ok, 3 times I asked
- Perry Chase, thanks for your
- Roubini’s reports
- Steve is right; the commute
- jepsd, is there a way to
- Again, please tell us the
- My friend put it well: “this
- Alan Gin issued his San
- Steve,let’s start from last
- privatebanker, why don’t you
- The Dow index is not
- I have no idea what will
- Jobs: Housing Steady, Watch
- The Federal Reserve has been
- Steve, I’ve been advising
- privatebanker, what is the
- TV interview w/
- qcomer, you make very good
- I think that investors take
- CDs, yes. Stocks, no: how
- Regardless of hard or soft,
- CNN is reporting in bold red
- 4plexowner nailed it! On
- sdr, I will have all this
- I am a big fan of Rich, and
- sduuude, if I have a spanish
- 3-mo. Treasuries, yup. In
- Thanks, Itokuda.
I have a
- Some of the comments have
- October Yamamoto Forecast is
- lewman, that’s the point I
- The fan comments is the most
- “I would like to see it be
- sduuude, your comment is
- Thanks for all the comments
- At the meetup, my husband
- From today’s Dallas Morning
- Criminals’ Cash Switched from Dollar bills to Euro bills
- Bullion Vault
- UCLA Anderson interview w/ Ryan Ratcliff
- Add to that the MBS sold
- If nobody’s buying, it’s because your price is wrong
- I’m with MH. Efficient
- Inflation is tamed, but if
- poorgradstudent, they’ll
- Listings are worthless to a realtor
- Why bother with Open Houses?
- People still buying – masses have no clue about bubble
- sjk, do you think it was a
- Is the Fed tricking?
- ronnieb, you have a point.
- oops – I think it’s
- Do Builders Ever Learn?
- Risak factor for being Bubblicious
- deadzone, the sheep thing is
- Maybe that explains why
- That info came from the
- I agree, that last post you
- Won’t the banks lower the
- If interest rates are
- nsr, my calculations are all
- everbank is one of the
- Baker: Trend Level for Housing is 30% down; this will get real ugly
- Swiss franc
- False Market, Developer Rents out unsold homes, Ripple Effect
- The last time we had a
- I also have come to believe
- Oil Prices
- What’s Up with the Stock Market?
- Government Bailout?
- I think much bigger too.
- NODs are interesting. We’ve
- What about $1.5 mil
- Average adjustable loan is 50% higher than average fixed rate loan
- The CNN anchor smirked at
- link
- Right price for your home: 3% below other listings
- Nothaft, Baker, and Lereah on CNN
- The Down and Dirty on New Home Sales from Commerce
- 500,000 Families Likely to go into Foreclosure, 5 Years to hit Bottom
- New Lending Guidelines Will Lower Sales and Refis
- Low vacancy rate did not
- woodrow, I agree with you
- Perry, you’ve been right
- FSD, you mean SF of 20
- Why is inventory high: adjusting ARMs or low demand?
- This thread was about using
- sdcellar, I’m sorry, I
- But that IS his point.
- The mortgage fraud news are
- FSD, I don’t know what the
- I ran these ideas by the gym
- I’ve been reading tidbits of
- sdrealtor, I just spoke
- Put the religion and the
- Oh my gosh, that is so
- sduuude, peace to you!
- That only makes sense if
- jg, I don’t know what we
- oops, sorry I messed up the
- FormerSanDiegan, that all
- Thanks, Daniel, that was
- I’m so sick of the poor
- Your mortgage is probably
- Only 2% of households
- With HH income of $200K, you
- All is quiet at the Poway truss yard
- sdrealtor, what do you mean
- You’re right, Bugs, now I
- carlisle, this is the post
- BikeRider, thanks for your
- He said that a former mayor
- I meant to say that incomes
- Did High Tech Incomes Cause the San Diego Bubble
- Good points, carlisle…
- There’s nothing wrong with
- HMI correlated to S&P500 since 1995
- Are you saying that since
- justme, you are absolutely
- I don’t subscribe to Zeal
- I have no idea about the
- ” The headline news said
- I posted an analysis of
- Yes, he said “1 million
- I respect Kelly Bennett, I
- Start a thread woodrow –
- Cagan said 1 million people WILL default
- woodrow, you have lost
- If the loans won’t default,
- If the illegals were truly a
- I like Chris, and defend him
- I wouldn’t read too much
- I would like nothing more
- Off topic, but this is one
- From the article:
“The more
- woodrow, I appreciate
- “The more precariously
- How can CA improve its business climate?
- Liar Loans- CBS5 story
- jg, it’s clever to use a
- We pound on Lereah because
- I’m a novice with shorting,
- jg, good stuff. When was the
- It’s a very valid comment.
- Many people have
- Calling someone a
- jg, using this model, what
- “evidence of myopia”,
- Critique the analysis, not the person: professional behavior
- When does this model show
- Cagan did not say “chance of
- Sorry, I didn’t explain it
- NCJ, what? I didn’t make
- Motion him to come real
- I prefer using rate of
- jg, the OFHEO index peaked
- Excerpts from today’s
- 1,460,000 ARM defaults expected
- Oh, the paper made a
- The Descent: Real nationwide prices may fall 20 – 30% by next year
- NODs stayed above 800 in
- If you’re going to be
- Lereah: My Anticipated Housing Correction Here, Bottom Hit
- Ugly houses
- Blocked from logging ing?
- anxvariety, the World Cup
- CR makes an interesting case
- I’m not allowed to be right.
- Why is he going to hell,
- Michael Gallon, CPA,
- I get it now. The real
- Why do we need employment
- 4plexowner, could you
- Good advice from
- Rent in San Diego is very
- Way to go, Chris, and
- FutureSDGuy, you make some
- kagster, there is no reason
- If you look past his “white
- Larry J. at the Senate
- 4plexowner, if the consider
- duplicate.
- I value realtors. The
- If you add on the TI and
- I make friends by inviting
- Bottom of Market will be in 2011 or later
- Is the 60% debt to income
- Perry, you must have got
- Why is it when I wrote about
- These hearings pointed out
- Great data point, davelj.
- No wonder I can’t get loan
- Well, then enjoy
- I know a famiily that moved
- Thanks, Perry Chase, for
- I live next to the Community
- Yes, I agree.
- I was told prices dropped 25
- He didn’t bash Bush; he
- You already answered your
- Del Mar Ridge Apartment
- Inventory usually decreases
- sdrealtor, lots of
- There are several hurdles to
- JES, I have not read the
- sdrealtor, I disagree. The
- Senator Jim Bunning,
- I tried to help my friend
- Senate Banking Committee Video on Non-traditional Mortgages
- vrudny, Nouriel Roubini is
- Roubini writes today on his
- So the payment goes up 50% –
- I did not say Option ARMs
- Since you responded so
- jg, since median prices lag
- Why did he release his Power
- vcguy_10, that makes sense.
- Probably there was a
- carlislematthew, I like
- I posted this a few weeks
- Could a Fed Funds Rate of 3% Revive the Housing Market
- Why is oil down?
- SDBear, I disagree with your
- That is exactly what will
- Median home prices are
- He’s a typical seller, who
- Great stuff! So you can
- Jim, thank you for
- Great chart, jg!
- sdrealtor, this is one last
- Here’s a post from a lady
- sdrealtor, my post was up
- sdrealtor, did you read the
- woodrow, you are right. I
- PerryChase, I appreciate
- sdrealtor, what bothers you
- Josh, I take it you’ll be
- What concerns me is that
- I used $400K to be
- Option ARM Suffering
- It’s not at a bar, is it? I
- Thanks guys, for the
- It is the dollar amount of
- carlisle, my strong and
- sdr, what do you think about
- AN, just ignore him…
- To the person who started
- I wish my post was still up,
- I used to say that the peak
- Credit Suisse: Economy not dependent on MEW
- A 63% drop. I am called
- MaxedOutMama, I had not
- My oldest is 15, and she
- Realtor Jim Klinge says
- In defense of our track home
- North County Jim, you’ve
- Where do you think Campbell
- Good one; I didn’t have the
- I still plan to buy gold,
- Realtor Jim Klinge predicts
- Fallback plan: Raise taxes.
- Wow, I am impressed. You’ve
- He completely missed the
- Another great project by jg!
- Yes, gold is correlated with
- How to market your house
- Here’s another priceless
- “I’m not giving my house away”
- jg, these are great charts!
- duplicate
- bubba99, my prediction is
- So the “ask a professional
- Bugs, is it fair to assume
- Not any realtor, I
- Chris, he was wrong to have
- I haven’t seen a model yet
- One of my friends noticed
- Thanks, jg, I have to admit
- Hey, leave Mydogsarelazy
- Very interesting…. Great
- Based on my rent vs. current
- SD has 5,437 tax liens, 699
- Halfway to Foreclosure Record of Last Downturn
- If London suburb lost 60% in
- vcguy-10, Do you know of any
- He does have several wrong
- First, kudos to jg for
- The Poway rental market is
- vrudny, great analysis! Can
- Coming
- Rich is a financial planner.
- YOu’ve really got to talk
- The median is not useless,
- AN, you don’t have to defend
- IMF: Risk of Global Crash is Increasing
- sdrealtor, I’ve always been
- Larry J., I am working on a
- I found out why neighbor #1
- balasr, that’s funny.
- savingforahouse, that sounds
- Is it even legal to make 5
- Perry, I should clarify. I
- Stocks don’t go up or down
- Steve, when you use year
- Price/sq ft works really
- vrudny, your friends could
- Zeal recommended COP in
- When you plot % change yoy,
- Zeal’s Lucky Streak Ended?
- The government says oil
- Roubini: National median will go down 25%
- I now realize that oil
- bgates and sduuude, your
- davelj, your answer makes
- If they get the Option ARM
- anxvariety, it takes real
- I know some engineers from
- Lots of sellers are bringing
- contraman, how widely used
- Women and men use emotion
- inv was 3K in April, 6K in
- Bugs, I made up the stories,
- That’s what perplexes me
- “Secret Seconds” Raise risk of MBS default, unknown to investors
- Neutron mortgages – a real threat?
- David Lereah on option
- Riskiest Loans
- Temecula guy, your post was
- OTOH, China’s trade surplus
- US Slowdown affecting Japan
- NorthLATemeculaSanDiegoGuy,
- cabinboy, if 10 people
- My Zip guy, Alan is gone
- Is the lower wage meant to
- Chrispy, it depends on when
- He told us in his post (2300
- Realtors, can you
- My friend said if she didn’t
- technovelist, what is your
- Link
Rich’s post on how to
- Josh, I wasn’t giving an
- These kinds of questions are
- I used to move my 401(k)
- Mr. Brightside, since you
- Trough: 2011-2012
SFR, fall
- Outsourcing started in the
- Japan’s residential and
- vrudny, count me in with the
- That sounds like great
- JES is right; why are you
- dalsik, the 10%/5% rule is
- You set up a Roth IRA in the
- Not too many; between
- Neighbor #1 is a friend, #2
- The problem goes beyond
- These last exchanges between
- Yes, compassion is needed,
- HSBC warns of recession
- Today’s CNN article about
- Brightside’s link
- vcguy, you are so sweet to
- Why would Minneapolis be
- davelj, that’s a gem of
- Bugs, were you asking my
- bgates, the data you
- Why are people having too
- A friend told me that the
- Rouhini’s recession call is
- Does he have proof that the
- Read Roubini’s blog, where
- WaMu sold 71% of its Option
- I didn’t realize that it’s
- oops, sorry, it expired and
- Josh did not berate Alan
- 95% of US economists missed the last recession AFTER it had already started
- If you pay me a consulting
- Chris, with all due
- Sometimes I wonder when I
- How forward looking is the
- My 3 neighbors are chasing the market down
- Great answer, LOL.
- Chris, some people had
- The economy, and the stock
- North County Jim, I just
- Josh, once they don’t get
- Kelly, I don’t know anyone
- Chris suggested that I wait
- bigtrouble, John Dugan,
- jg, I’m working on something
- Another point for shorting
- davelj, I’m not interested
- Serious Budget Issues, Don’t Count on Boomers
- I agree completely with
- Chris, I really enjoy these
- FormerSanDiegan, where do
- I’m not saying we are
- I don’t know anything about
- This lady has an anger
- Adam, go over to the
- bgates, are you referring to
- OFHEO data ignores the
- How can the new regulations
- Larry J, I concur with you.
- Act with what? They don’t
- Links?
- Although his system is not
- This is what I think:
- From my limited knowledge of
- He sees a recession as
- ottnott, you mentioned
- The charts I referred to in
- I admire Campbell for being
- Thanks davelj, for your
- I started reading Nouriel’s
- I’ve read that Texas has the
- Roubini: How Bearish Does The Stock Market Get During a Recession? 28% Down…or Growling in Bearishness
- Josh, I think this is
- Can someone go and write an
- bigtrouble, my inside
- jg, I just received my copy
- I don’t know anything about
- This is very interesting.
- I think most people believe
- GAAP rules allow unpaid
- How can eps rise when the
- I meant to say “negative
- davelj, It was only AFTER
- davelj wrote to me “That you
- qcomer, S&P500 went from 123
- A Chinese friend told me
- I read Hamilton’s article,
- If WaMu keeps recording $200
- davelj, has your approach
- davelj, I don’t know at whom
- Hey Rightside, before I even
- Definitely, the market is
- I’ve been told that about
- Shorting WaMu
- SDA, cooked books can fool
- technovelist, can you
- cabinboy, I wouldn’t rely on
- PD, so do I. The market has
- davelj, the last time I read
- Chris,
Actually, you are
- The problem with $/sq ft is
- Too few people are savers,
- Daniel, I’m specifically
- Great article. Two points
- Roubini’s blog today
- vrudny, Chinese women are
- My landlord has invested in
- cabinboy, you pose an
- JES, I agree with you, but
- vrudny, your comments are
- Commentary:
Yes, Champion is
- vrudny, I don’t have the
- Savvy Broker Needed
- Thanks for bringing this to
- Wiley, are you concerned
- technovelist, you’ve got me
- Countrywide Letter – payment can double
- I’ve written before about
- ljr, I have to agree with
- I agree w/ you about water.
- Bear Market in Equities and Perma-bull spin doctors – Roubini
- Ford just said they think
- Just because a dividend
- Gold is linked to inflation,
- davelj, thanks for your
- Rydex Inverse S&P500 Fund
- Delusional Deep-Slumbering
- threadskimmers, my post was
- hey, how did you do that?
- Chris, why do you think the
- commodities will weaken
- manmom, i have written often
- welcome bubblesitter.
- can you guys take your cross
- why do you like pho?
- yes, you got it.
fdic will
- contraman, can you email me
- vcguy, Bauer’s not good.
- ybc – thanks for your great
- no-such-reality, bunk to you
- Gatewood Hills is home to
- do you have a website? have
- pc, paper profits is not
- median is lagging; yrs 3-5
- sdrealtor said, “All the
- Why doesn’t the buyer just
- Steve, months inventory,
- SD Realtor, I love exchange
- quick answer – read Zeal,
- Quick response – Roubini
- Taking a break to start my own business
- an – lots of consumer
- asianautica – I wouldn’t
- an- your dead cat bounce is
- The problem is that China
- I would stay away from
- Letter from a realtor
- In the 2000-2001 recession,
- My investment advisor, who
- Thanks for that chart, I was
- Yes, the insurance company
- Hi cabinboy, you wrote
- I have no knowledge of how
- Cool, will you update us and
- I built my house with 2×6
- jg, we need more people to
- USAA takes only military
- I don’t short, but I truly
- S&P500 dropping to 600 by spring 07
- Toll Bros Insiders Cashing out since late 04
- Dean Baker: “It was an
- UK Guardian: Chinese Economy Headed for a Fall
- The $10 trillion is not
- I predict piggybacks will
- Wow, this is a creative,
- Why a 50’% housing drop is good for our country
- greekfire, I wrote it and
- socalalarm, Roubini says
- greekfire, it’s more like
- contraman, you are a breath
- asianautica, Most of Poway
- Median Wage Down, First Time Since WW II
- theplayers, I agree with
- Homes falling out of escrow
- Oh, the financial sector
- Housing Market Will Crash 50% by 2010
- sdude, you have such a
- Steve, would you provide a
- I brought up Carmel Valley
- My 2-tier comment was that
- Could be repos… People
- sduuude, if you ask the
- sduuude, if you ask the
- I still don’t see what this
- In your example, the
- bob007, it is certainly
- They sell and repair
- Request to start new thread when getting off topic
- Why hire a Realtor
- SD Realtor, I still don’t
- I don’t think we’ll have a
- “I just belive the declines
- mydogsarelazy, you’ve
- Commercial real estate market – how is it?
- Foreclosures’ effect on comps
- Every one of those statement
- Biggest Drops in 2007 and 2008; housing will fall 50% nominal terms
- The tiers of the market
- Hey, you are on fire with
- I think SD Realtor wrote
- Right carlisle. I was
- Dr. Roubini is expecting the
- Great article! I always
- This has been covered in
- Political discussion on this forum
- For similar sq ft., Carmel
- Thanks for the info, Steve.
- Yeah, my brother was hired
- Where do you buy his book?
- Lenders forced to repurchase their exotic loans-gone-bad
- Let’s try to figure out the
- jg, I read that study too.
- Study: College and Beyond
- jg, I am not a real estate
- Carmel Valley Prices Down 12%
- Months inventory =
- Josh is right. I think they
- What could be 30% down,
- Hardest hit, IMO, are
- The auctions of foreclosed
- Daniel, I attended
- sdrealtor, I don’t recall
- Mr. Brightside, I love your
- I will hire a realtor. One
- Carlsbadliving, I think the
- speedingpullet, I make links
- Whenever I see Roubini, I
- Once rentals are cash flow
- Link created for LA-Renter,
- Survey on Out migration
- What made you decide to
- Roubini interview
- deadzone, we don’t have any
- Fleck: Housing Market RIP
- I’m the most bearish here of
- Statistics tell us that home
- waiting hawk, I’ll make the
- Links
- manMom, there are no new
- Thanks for that link. I had
- Rich one e-mailed me that he
- Good point, Daniel. The
- Daniel, his forecast that
- Goldman Sachs helped Fannie violate accounting standards, Freddie Mac Reins in loans
- Incentives overstate median
- Real Estate’s Crash Landing
- I am disappointed in KPBS.
- When to get out of the way
- avidsaver, several people
- I love it! The contrarians
- Median down 10.5 Percent from April
- This story deserves its own
- What is the futures market’s
- waiting hawk, the peak
- What’s the diff bet/ months
- I have another listing on my
- cawireman, Poway is awfully
- Growing up, my husband and I
- Hey, did you read how to
- barnaby, I wonder too if
- Why do you say it’s
- 1) Rent
2) Yes, sold 1/06
- This property is not listed
- UTC Renter, what about
- A replay of today, with two
- Their reputations and future
- Thanks for the link,
- A guy like Lee Sterling will
- doofrat, your last post was
- Great interview, Rich. The
- Bugs and all realtors, I am
- I’m just teasing y’all. I’m
- Rich’s reports would be so
- I am against illegal
- This attitude has permeated
- David, read the Bubble
- I met a realtor today while
- How to choose, how to
- Thanks for the link.
I think
- My advice, is to buy only if
- I started a thread in the
- Don’t forget to add
- SDR – That means that 5 out
- Large homes separate families
- Love your sense of humor,
- Americans are getting stronger
- asianautica – I thought you
- gunbuster, can you still buy
- 1) women who seek attention
- Dan seemed pretty good,
- So you all think this is
- Waiter whisks away plates after dinner
- Rich’s media appearances
- I don’t have cable, so I’ve
- I love NPR. I’ve listened
- There isn’t a need to make
- “Harvest equity from your home, like a farmer harvests corn”
- Since these wealthy people
- leung_lewis, I truly
- Chris, I share your poor
- He went from “prices will
- Thanks, Daniel. ” Although
- Thanks, Daniel. ” Although
- jepsd, I love your
- I don’t get why now is a
- The Holocaust happened. My
- Very interesting, and thanks
- I have a way to get
- What do you mean?
- I wish docteur were still
- In the comments for the
- They are investing in us
- What do you mean with
- tickets, how did you learn
- Who ended up finishing those
- Bugs, could you elaborate on
- Gold must follow the fake
- As I reviewed this page,
- tickets, how do you turn one
- daniel and technovelist, you
- The NAR is not loved by the
- Having studied his reports,
- Docteur, I regret you are
- bgates, thanks for that
- Chris, from your view, gold
- bgates, I’ve wondered the
- It’s because he charges for
- Delaware Investments Holds Housing Mortgages
- foreign central
- FormerSanDiegan, I am so
- Yeah, I saw that. They call
- OK, so in the spring our
- sdr, I don’t think I’ve
- rankandfile, I’ve never been
- Poll: Is Housing a Good Investment over the next 1/5 years
- Make sure you have
- The Singapore story is very
- For me personally, gold has
- No blogs, I need a website.
- This is an interesting
- I never liked Bush. I would
- Bearish Fleckenstein: Stocks and dollar will fall, don’t SHORT
- Web design and web hosting advice needed
- Jimmy Carter on Bush and the Middle East
- I think higher appreciation
- How could Escondido and
- A quick scan of AARP showed
- Exactly! Condo conversions
- rooous, what are the inputs
- anxvariety, you are
- Thanks for hs for
- I first heard about
- If this condo sells at 20%
- The American auto dealers
- I don’t think Adam is
- This WSJ inventory graph
- 4S is down? Tell that to
- Didn’t this happen in SD
- Don’t retirees move in with
- So those two counties have
- Has anyone checked out the
- I think we’ll see lawsuits
- Read
- Chris, the cycles you
- The housing market is
- The bubble started in 1999,
- What started this housing bubble?
- Why are Orange and Ventura Counties More Expensive
- I read in the paper today
- I was scared off also by the
- Spelling is a weak point for
- I think the swiss franc is
- What puzzles me about George
- Josh, why do you think
- How solvent is American
- What ever happened to
- I think it’s time to start
- You bring up an interesting
- waiting hawk, you’ve gotta
- Too many people, in
- I will get any available
- The Coming Economic
- I’m happy to be within 5%.
- Are people starting to sell their stuff?
- Chris, your input and
- an – how did 9/11 change the
- Ok, let me ask it this way:
- This article includes a
- Hi Brooke, does that mean
- SD Realtor, you are my fav!
- I wouldn’t be surprised to
- The FDIC website gives you
- Does your professor think
- I love Chris’ newsletters!
- Asianautica, thank you for
- 2003 was not a dead cat
- Hey, Lindi, does that mean
- What I was wondering is how
- Here’s another factor of
- Homebuilder earnings are
- Shifts in buyer behavior
- Time for me to get my money
- Reminder: Watch Take5 Tonight at 10:30pm
- The realtors I met on
- For me the time it is “safe”
- Will Petrodollars and FCBs Stall the Real Estate Bust?
- You could do a write-up
- Interesting point. I
- My husband says he has found
- Saudi Arabia Petrodollars reponsible for low Treasury yields
- KingKong, what is the
- Very interesting…I would
- Please explain.
- carlislematthew – I don’t
- This is a very important
- What the Median Does Not Tell You
- If I had used months
- I’m not able to see the
- Inflation or Deflation
- North County Jim – Could you
- Stock Market Rallies in Mid-Term Election Years
- Bugs, I would like your
- It does sound deflationary,
- Chris, could you expand on
- jg – what kind of paper do
- AN – Yes, I will buy 10
- High Frequency Economics
- The only reason I sold my
- Rrising foreclosures will
- jg – this is a gem! Some
- Diego Mamani, if you used
- jg, what is the treasury
- Without permits, a homeowner
- Why did it take you 2 years
- I am willing to be corrected
- Finally!
- Why Bernanke Took This Job
- Recession is coming in Q1
- I just wrote this earlier:
- no_such_reality, why
- barbaby and jepsd and
- Stagflation – isnt’ that
- Lendingbubbleco – Could you
- I am more versed on the
- Horrible Journalism “Bubble Sitting” by
- You are right about rising
- Do you think anybody would
- The Midwest is seeing high
- The problem is that 99% of
- jg, can you explain how
- Puts on Homebuilders, Lenders, Retailers, Restaurants, etc.
- Doesn’t liquidity mean there
- Housing slowdown leads to boom in mini-storage units
- The Fed’s Big Bluff
- anxvariety – I will risk a
- PD is right. Many people
- SD Realtor, my apologies for
- f.a.q. link
- “The price to income ratio
- 30 year fixed in 2000. no
- We can’t get new buyers as
- This is the beginning of the
- Childless couples, or
- duplicate
- Rich is the most analytical
- I also wondered what
- Downtown living is for
- With a “10-month supply of
- I e-mailed Ms. Simon to tell
- PD, could we add more info
- Monster, you got that right!
- I have not seen an economist
- Rich’s updated chart is on
- Yesterday I told my son’s
- http://getforeclosures.blogsp
- VCJIM, this is your project.
- Only the purchase mortgage
- Seasonal trends show sales
- Ok, I’m “in”. Can we start
- Why did the Fed Pause?
- Thanks for the Toll
- I agree with you, VCJIM.
- It says, “while he was gone,
- While on the subject of
- A recent KPBS discussion on
- Revolving credit rising at 10% annual rate
- Toll Bros CEO: Phoenix and Colorado Market is Strong
- Chris, do you think this
- bmarum, this is a solid
- What’s going on over at
- BobbyD, you seem up to the
- In the long term, long term
- In San Diego: credit
- It’s a conspiracy… the NAR
- I’m undecided. theplayers
- FormerSanDiegan – I need to
- Yesterday, I spoke with
- For me, it started out as a
- Allied Van Lines: CA is Nation’s #1 Outbound Economy
- In the other link I posted
- Miramar makes sense to me –
- I find the government
- I read a media critique
- I vote for a pause too….
- The Indebted Middle Class
- National Guardsman Loses Home After Serving in Iraq
- A second question must be
- Thanks for the clip. I will
- Very interesting… one
- I agree, you are a real
- Steve Beebo – very
- If this guy is a
- mephisto, people like you,
- Lindi, it seems like others
- Roubini writes some things I
- The government promises 100%
- Yes, they quoted the LA
- What percentage of the San
- Steve, isn’t months
- Why can’t you sell before
- It could also be sparse
- Public Pension Plans Face Billions in Shortages
- Dr. Roubini explains why
- How are their costs the
- I think this time they are
- Funny… and I’d be
- I *love* your phrase:
- novice – good points. For
- batleft- What? “Unless
- Rich -what is “monetizing
- Atlantic Monthly Quotes Rich Toscano
- Well, he doesn’t like his
- Rich has avoided the flak
- I had not thought of tying
- bubble_contagion – how is
- Sample size was all San
- A good friend of mine is a
- The biggest early housing
- What is interesting, is that
- Very interesting info on
- Daniel, I agree with your
- Rents depend on demand *and*
- speaker, I agree with you,
- sdsundevil – read the bubble
- Today, Dr. Roubini puts the
- Where in the US are housing prices still rising?
- Here’s the link. Thanks,
- Okay, you guys make great
- It’s hard to make it here on
- Off topic – don’t read this
- Beware of Everbank. I paid
- flinger, why do you like
- U-T: “Caught in the Middle” – making ends meet on $50K/year
- Dr. Nouriel Roubini: Q1 07 Global Recession
- Dean Baker: The Coming Housing Crash
- Buyers Can’t Afford Glut of High Priced Condos, Stalled Development
- San Diego County Assessor Promotes Buying Real Estate
- Transaction or exchange rate
- Both Zeal Intelligence and
- Sorry, I didn’t mean to say
- I am also waiting for gold
- irvinesinglemom – Today’s
- I think we’re going to see a
- Are you sure Bugs? With
- There are lots of blacks in
- Population migration into
- I know the toughest part for
- Bill Miller Admits Buying Homebuilders Too Early
- Bill Miller Admits Buying Homebuilders Too Early
- I believe we are going to
- duplicate (server slow …)
- Rolling wave for the nation.
- x1y2z3, thanks for all those
- Sellers’ Musings
- San Diego’s Big Investment in Low Wage Jobs, or Reality Check for Sellers
- Privatebanker wrote “What
- I doubt it. The UCLA
- X1Y273 – you are such a
- I sold my house with a Help
- Diego Mamani, Native meant
- We all hijack threads around
- Regarding John Hokkanen’s
- Months Supply: price drops are neighborhood specific
- bmarum – this is how we
- Daniel, great post. I am
- Suggestion: lower it 5-10%
- I was also wondering why
- Real Hourly Pay is down 2-4% since 2003
- Bumper Sticker Advertises Condo 4 Sale
- Wall Street talk of buying “undervalued” home builders
- Italy’s bank dumped billions $s of Treasury bonds ahead of dollar slide
- Real Estate Securities investor says rents will rise to meet mortgages
- The website says that the
- Bugs, I also hope this power
- Quiz: Pause or No Pause?
- Hey you all, don’t fight
- “Review a home” feature on ZipRealty
- Novice, I speak what I see.
- Our vastu house had siding,
- That is going to be a
- Center for Responsible Lending: lending practices unfair and deceptive
- From a lender, wiseguy:
- San Diego lender allows 50% debt ratio on stated income loans
- The letter in its entirety,
- Danger of Stated income loans, 75% of borrowers face payment shock at least 50%
- Avoid two-story homes
- deadzone and Daniel, can you
- equalizer, thank you.
- zk, anybody who claims “this
- Sthapathya Veda Architecture
- Daniel, I would put all my
- Carlsbadliving, I am honored
- Risky Investment Ideas or “Don’t risk your home equity shorting stocks”
- I like SD Realtor. The
- I tried to go back to edit
- I tried to go back to edit
- sduuude, what? I have been
- sduuude, what? I have been
- CA Foreclosure Charts
- teamtrim – Read the Bubble
- The UCLA Anderson Forecast
- deleted
- Who has any savings to pump
- I can’t speak for how S&P
- I’ve read about
- I don’t know about y’all,
- bauerfinancial wants to
- Who knows what Qualcomm’s
- Welcome back, docteur. I
- The National Association of
- The vacancies are higher in
- Yes, I saw it. The other
- NCJim – I was picturing the
- I’m hoping that some other
- Everbank Rated C by Weiss
- Was he laid off because of
- equalizer, this is horrific.
- I have been writing that 30%
- lindismith, can you comment
- The Briars at Eureka
- Daniel, our full employment
- Does she want to buy another
- This analysis could be
- Very interesting. We know
- A median price drop of 37% –
- Bob007, I will estimate that
- It’s the S&P 500
- The American economy is
- The worst part about being
- sduuuude, Leading
- Surgeons make $250K/year,
- Why are they leaving CA for
- Submitted by LA_Renter on
- I agree with you; the buyer
- Why aren’t those big
- The buyer only found out
- VCJIM, I sold my Vanguard
- For housing prices, we have
- You thought doctors were free of outsourcing worries?
- Yes, here’s another one with
- I can buy Treasury bills at
- Beginning of a bear market for the dollar
- Why isn’t demand rising when prices are falling?
- Yes, that’s right, Daniel.
- The Voice has a story today
- I wanted to post these,
- waiting hawk, yeah, let’s
- Housing Charts
- What’s OC doing with all
- I’m learning so much today
- Yes, SD Realtor is
- If the guy really has a job,
- anxvariety, that’s good
- rankandfile, how can you
- equalizer, did you read my
- Real Estate Return for
- CALPERS Real Estate Portfolio is 4.5% of Assets
- 2 Lenders with REOs on same street: a new type of competition
- In a study of market
- FormerOwner, very
- So your mortgage is less
- dontfollowtheherd – what
- Roubini said this recession
- Well, you may be right, but
- Daniel, I read a number of
- suuuude, 3) The date from
- Yes, post whatever you can
- This link is to the main
- Thanks, Michael. It’s
- In the last few years, we
- Roubini Predicts 2007 Recession
- My backlog is fabulous. Pinch Me. – Robert Toll, August 2005
- cooperthedog – thank you for
- U.S. Home Prices in
- Goldman Sachs: U.S. Housing Prices Set to Fall in Nominal Terms for the First Time Ever
- Daniel, I also got a kick
- Very interesting cooperdog.
- I was surprised to see any
- Steve, thanks for your
- I rely on data to make my
- zk, I’ve been called a
- I love your comments. Have
- Our HOA prohibits trailers,
- That’s why this guy is
- Weiss Ratings: PIMCO and ProFunds earn E-, Chevron earns A
- I don’t have a life either
- Reversion to mean = 37% nominal price drop, maybe 50%
- sduuuude, do you think the
- qcomer, the dollar falling
- I read an analysis today
- According to Dean Baker of
- bmarum, I back up my
- Hybrid Loan Time Bomb.
- SD Realtor, I actually LIKE
- I again kindly request data
- bmarum – which jobs
- Leading Economists have NEVER predicted any of the last recessions
- VCJIM, are you renting now
- Yes, I trusted the bank on
- The other day, a lady was
- My guess is that a seller
- I am not against the oil
- I don’t believe this guy
- The stock market lost over
- This man got the loan in
- An I/O loan is interest
- I don’t understand how
- Dowtown condo buyer “unconcerned” about overpaying $24K on commission
- I googled it, and kiki and I
- A health care technician
- Thanks, sdrealtor for the
- Here’s another example for
- Do these realtors have other
- This is a serious concern.
- More proof that the profit
- PIMCO has been wrong for a
- I assume she isn’t friends
- Daniel, I already explained
- “I don’t know.” “I never
- Bugs said It is the people
- speaker, how are things at
- Record Oil Company Profits due to domestic drilling
- The land is actually 40
- It appears the financial
- How do you define “strong
- This circular argument was
- Recession Very Likely Prominent Economist Says
- I’ve noticed more vacancies
- Two other metrics you can
- Stagflation and Falling Dollar
- carlislematthew, “I’m not
- Yes, you did, and that’s
- SDAppraiser, what does
- What’s VOSD? I don’t want
- Sell to a developer. They
- health care technician w/ I/O loan in $1.1 mil house
- So the U-T is printing the
- Does each realtor carry
- rankandfile – the employment
- I think Tim Iacono is the
- cooperdog, thanks for the
- cooperdog, I put my money on
- Chris, thanks for correcting
- Bugs, he is not anxious to
- Chieftain, do you think it
- Foreclosure Ads and Tourism Down in SD?
- Thanks rankandfile, I do try
- Where’d you get the idea she
- The volume in those is too
- Diego Mamani, we are
- “There’s just too much room
- My friend blew off
- Great stuff, John. I guess
- I posted this to show how
- Kiki, I should tell you that
- Colombo, how can China’s oil
- I enjoyed the Emanuel
- Yikes – I think landlords
- Chris, perhaps the rally
- Tell us more…
Some people
- VCJIM, the entire last
- kiki, great idea! I will
- hipmatt, I am not counting
- cooperthedog – I carefully
- Strickland did a great job
- “Shots at Gin” at VoiceOfSanDiego
- NAR July06: Renting can cost 7x more than owning
- Bill Fleckenstein advised a
- Next In Line, welcome! Why
- I e-mailed back to Ms.
- jepsd, wow! Interesting
- San Diego Magazine’s July
- I ran this by a business
- A poorly made video is a
- The financial planner has
- VCJIM, ??
I offered to send
- jepsd, can you elaborate on
- BobbyD, you seem very
- This is Barratt American’s
- The post I made is about the
- Thanks for posting. I read
- The low-end is $400-$500K
- Video Tour for MLS Listings
- One of my realtor friends
- sduuuuuude, thanks. Can you
- St. Louis Fed: US Headed Toward Bankruptcy
- MaxedOutMama, are you a loan
- Bob Visini, vice president
- New Housing Blog
- Often, the reporters do
- John, could you run the
- Alan Gin, I was hoping you
- Yesterday, from Bill
- For the novice, like me, can
- Great to see you here Jim.
- What Should Reporters Ask their “Experts”?
- John Hokkanen: DOM in Poway, Escondido, San Marcos
- This is why I am such a
- I ordered the book after you
- Look through the real estate
- hahaha, good one!
- My friend is having trouble
- jepsd – did I meet you at
- Yuma Real Estate
- Does she understand the
- Hi FL Realtor. How did you
- This article is worthy of
- Your argument uses an
- I love his quote that there
- This refinance boom only
- I don’t see the problem with
- Kristine, this sounds very
- OPEC doesn’t like the high
- It’s a shame that no nation,
- lostkitty, e-mail me at
- Yes, that’s the point. Read
- $100 Oil
- Sources Needed for “why commodities can’t sustain their bull run”
- theplayers, why did you
- Personal Career Advice for Me
- Yeah, I got screwed on that
- I used the wrong word, Jim,
- Mr. Perry lives on the East
- The ARMs made in the last
- Bugs, you and Rich have
- This is indeed a reversal of
- Don’t treasury bill values
- I read this story yesterday
- theplayers, why are you 100%
- My gloom and doom about ARM
- I ran into a couple looking
- Everbank, and presumably ING
- Search the forum archives
- If she is truly concerned
- Shane, thanks to you for
- 280 x 3 = 840. Tripling.
- John, I am still interested
- Thread bumped. Another in a
- I sure miss KingKong. Are
- Hey all, I was having some
- Let’s say she tries to sell
- zillow shows San Diego homes
- Prove to me that it *won’t*
- I’m not using CR’s numbers
- Chris, every asset bubble in
- it’s tomorrow
- Here’s one that is 10% BELOW
- Bob C. wrote :
“In reality,
- sakina, as I keep explaining
- sduude, how much of a price
- reanalyst, running out of
- sduude, I have posted my
- sduude, realtor Jim Klinge
- 2. Banks originate these
- Yes, I think you are right.
- I have family in Chula
- Even healthcare is
- Thanks, I definitely won’t
- We have the strongest
- Josh, I was thinking the
- Perry, please read my
- Rich, I made this post
- Why I predict a 55% nominal price drop in North County
- DaCounselor, downturns and
- Wouldn’t they have more luck
- Steven, I found your post in
- President of MBARL Warns of Fraud in Stated Income Loans
- Which countries can agree on
- Josh, you can be harsh. The
- LA Times Writer Needs Our Help
- Yes I see. Scroll down to
- I wish I could answer this.
- Neither reply addresses
- I had no idea that a La
- Those who think the US is
- Thank you for asking my
- I’m sorry I didn’t explain
- irrational exuberance,
- Another poster gave us the
- I asked Rich if he could add
- Way to go, Bugs!
- June 2006 San Diego Labor Market Report
- Darryl, I gave you the
- Darrell, this is a
- lostkitty – I will be at the
- Since when does a critique
- Darrell Young, I agree that
- Flippers in Trouble
- I’ve never heard of Texans
- Open mics are an accident,
- Please come, peace!
- Brookfield reports lower earnings, bright outlook
- Maybe Bugs, but it would be
- In the last downturn,
- The Worst Decline are Yet to Come
- I just don’t have the time
- Sales prices are down 10-20%
- The use of the median is the
- SD Realtor, my neighbor has
- Why hold on to the condo?
- I invite you to rebut the
- Excellent! Thanks. Watch
- This explains why another
- She will have to discount
- Now I see. They are
- I don’t understand how a
- Are Illegal Labor Wages Rising
- lindi, what are those
- When was the last time a US
- Gold prices are historically
- No, and that’s why I
- I thought you had an Open
- Yes, it does seem odd that
- I am waiting until the
- Missed it. Wha did he say,
- The problem is that these
- Voice of SD Columnist Becomes a Renter
- Why does a landlord have an
- Great post, John, and I like
- Debt Forces 1 in 4 to fall behind on monthly bills
- Do you think the NAR is
- Yes, the Chinese planners
- Why do you think it is
- partypup and theplayers –
- flinger, since the oil
- SDLaw – what do you mean
- A quote from Jim the
- enda_mode, I understood the
- Study indicates foreclosure linked to violent crime
- Fleckenstein, July 19, 2006
- Takeovers and Shorting Homebuilders
- Lender Study Calls Stated Income Loans, “Liar Loans”
- Will Commercial RE Loans Hurt Banks
- Foreclosures are very
- Please don’t attribute too
- Great post! Does anyone
- What would be the factor
- U-T: No Letup In Rental Rates
- This was discussed here
- Yes, it makes sense that we
- ARMs are only .01% of the SD
- The media misinterprets
- The Dubai ports deal would
- murray, you don’t need job
- Diego Mamani, how will we
- I wrote to Bill Fleckenstein
- Can this bubble correct at a new higher plateau?
- Bugs, why are you defending
- I’ve been unable over the
- Diego Mamani, are you
- masayako, that is a very
- Tim Iacono posted Arguments
- Lindi, the Australians
- My friends just purchased a
- US Dollar Held Up by Confidence, Not Reality: Peter Schiff
- Wow, you’re a hard worker.
- San Diego was the first city
- If he’s not lying, he’s
- Why are foreign companies buying our roads and bridges?
- More Lies from Alan Gin
- Can you elaborate on the
- 1 New Foreclosure Filing for every 438 households in Riverside
- Who’s buying our Treasury bonds?
- A friend whom I respect very
- Surge in $1,000 Gold Options
- Did foreigners cut back on
- I am glad you posted it. We
- Foreclosure is more akin to
- The advice for this guy is
- sduuude, fascinating article
- Why does your friend think
- I owned a home in San Diego
- Have you considered going
- I agree with Bugs and
- Waiting Hawk, great site. I
- With all the condo
- North15, do you have any
- Rented some jet skis with
- Conversation with Channel 10 Weatherman
- Why is zero down worse than
- Well, if you can buy a house
- Foreclosure rates are low
- My friend is a mortgage
- I agree that being in all
- I have liquid assets,
- I like this quote, “the
- Yes, a technical paper. The
- Thanks drocto, my typo.
- I see… they need at least
- I only know about Poway:
- Usually you pay 6 months
- Car loan defaults rise with gas prices
- Why don’t all exotic loan borrowers refinance now?
- This is the 4th year in a
- SD Realtor, do you tell the
- Bubble Man: Greenspan and the Missing 7 Trillion Dollars
- Here’s another guy in
- Savvy Investor Loses Money in Deeds of Trust
- Fed Study: US is going Bankrupt
- SD Realtor, you seem to be
- Thanks for that response, SD
- We have to agree to
- Interesting stuff, sdr. I
- Title Lien Prevents New Home Sale Within 2 Years
- Best quotes of these
- LookOut, you’ve made it
- HELOC is a secured loan,
- Timely story. I got a book
- Steve, I didn’t comment on
- I wonder if the people using
- Bugs and sdr, it comes back
- Thank you for sharing your
- Does it really help to raise
- I’ve read some of the SD
- Farls, thanks for the
- This data point is certainly
- Good one. Noticed lots of
- Can you find out the
- merlin, we have overbuilt,
- I guess that explains my
- Here’s more data predicting
- Here’s more data predicting
- Insomnia…, sometimes I get
- If your mailing address
- My realtor was Pam
- Looks like many are back to
- Bugs, what are you implying?
- That’s how they make their
- Investing in Yuma Real Estate
- I agree that a good realtor
- hs, when you go on ziprealty
- San Antonio has 369
- Their one foreclosure sale
- I agree in protecting
- I was informed I cannot go
- They bet their entire net
- Are any cities immune from dropping prices
- rankandfile – you also have
- What a liar. “If the
- Also exclude sdrealtor and
- I e-mailed my assigned
- We had a thread on that
- Funny you should ask…. her
- They claim the law limiting
- Affordable Home Buyers Now Suing Government
- Isn’t raising the funds
- Sandicor Statistics – Table
- Fleckenstein: Many-Headed Housing Hydra
- I don’t remember what Bill
- I sent ocrenter’s Lies Lies
- There are value investors,
- I agree with Bugs.
- I measure success in
- The unique factor this time
- From what I read,
- lindismith, I can’t wait to
- Shorting is for pros.
- My friend made an offer on a
- FormerSanDiegan, an
- Very interesting. But, all
- Rich made some comments
- I think Bugs is talking
- is full of
- What determined if prices
- Sell Now. Market is
- It was a mistake in my mind.
- To hear this kind of talk
- Is the low end back to 2004 prices?
- murray, what is your
- It is Vanguard Prime Money
- I think any listings you
- Jim, a few months ago, I
- murray is a typical investor
- Stagnant to flat housing
- We have a problem with
- Million dollar sales puff up
- Prices have been falling for
- It really is…Reporters in
- murray, what is your
- I went to 95% cash, and have
- Medians are for Dummies
- murray, I know that the
- aguho, I admire people who
- Please read my post in the
- Hi, sorry to have doubled
- Demand has dived off the
- Good for you! The LA Times
- Thanks for your response. I
- Market excesses correct and
- Thank you. They are
- I hope their discussion
- The problem with shorts and
- studenteconomist, are these
- That is my impression too.
- I have a friend, who follows
- Thanks for catching that.
- I jumped too soon…it’s the
- sdr, do you think the buyers
- murray, can you quantify
- FRONT PAGE U-T: Housing Hangover
- Thanks sdr, and I will not
- I see Hiring Signs every
- How do you reduce the value
- But while upper income
- I wish I knew a location of
- Syria Ends Peg of Pound to US $, Stocks Walloped
- Karevoll is poorly versed in
- To what do you attribute the
- sdr, I can see that
- Novice, I am sorry you were
- That’s why I get my current
- LookOut, thank you for your
- What a gem of a post. I
- Did you convince him to
- I have not bought them, but
- Yes, check your address on
- desmond, you’re right on!
- I’m sorry I started a
- I got this off Jim the
- My prediction was based on
- I agree they will fall, as
- “The weather has been
- My neighborhood is not
- It’s a cultural thing.
- Prices go up when demand
- I forwarded scowman’s and
- I agree with you PD about
- I’m sorry I created so much
- Jim, I like you, and I am
- I’ve seen several houses
- I gave my name, but NEVER my
- I believe that the realtors
- I am not a socialist, and I
- I got my first offer on my
- Jim had no business listing
- The weather has been
- I’ve mulled this over quite
- My expectation of a realtor
- You’re an admirable man.
- 2nd trust deeds are recourse
- desmond, Bob Casagrand is
- I agree that value pricing
- Good idea for the Tijuana
- sdr, why don’t you compete
- Bad Economist Puts Home on Market
- Someone told me that if you
- I think my landlord falls
- Thanks. You need to enter
- Staging Your Home for a Quick Sale
- Illegal Labor Holds Down Contracting Costs
- Wall Street Puts Risk Premium on Piggyback Loans
- We had the best well in the
- I’m less than 2 years…
- MIne was sold less than 2
- I put in my address, and got
- As a consumer, my perception
- rankandfile is right.
- Can your offers get better over time?
- When I asked my neighbor of
- I don’t get A&E. Can you
- Continuing the train of
- Ok, time for Bugs the
- asianautica, my house was on
- Subsidizing Home Purchases: Good Idea?
- Here’s a quote from the
- You can’t hand your keys to the bank anymore
- The government has data on
- Keep us posted, because I am
- I know from talking with
- I calculated that 5 million
- What foreign currency?
- Interesting point, Bugs.
- I agree with rankandfile.
- What did you guys do with
- This story has an example
- Kids have better
- We moved to Poway in 1999
- Now we have 3 piggington
- Wow! Why isn’t your mom
- desmond, it is worth it to
- What do you mean “kept a lid
- Rental home in high demand
- Schools keep Poway homes in high demand
- desmond, good move! What
- picpoule, that’s what I’ve
- The runup in prices is
- Soft Landslide
- anxvariety, what do you mean
- nadorenter, some very smart
- Detroit Housing Bust
- I also inquire about the
- No Housing Bubble
- From his comments, I doubt
- EJ, you’re right. I’m not a
- Was Lennar’s shoddy
- One weakness with Zeal is
- I looked at some rental
- 246% return with Zeal 2006
- I read predictions that
- Your credit score rises with
- Here’s a part of the story I
- Homeowners not aware of bubble
- ocenter – thanks for the
- Here’s an even better story
- On the premise that Zeal’s
- Government official dismisses ARM concerns
- I don’t know if this CPA is
- My husband and I will come,
- USAA takes non-civilians
- I think we should schedule
- I hope that anyone with
- Maybe their ARM is
- Peter Schiff is good. I
- Oh, so here we have the
- Why do you prefer Canadian
- I’m sorry I upset you, I
- Maybe they had a seller?
- Consult with a tax
- anxvariety, I read Chris’
- I agree with your “market
- I’ve been noticing many SOLD
- I disagree that options is
- How would this investment
- Tom Fudge is clueless. I
- I read it on your earlier
- California Crash
- I’m the poster who bought
- My Omaha friend looked at a
- aguho, can you provide more
- If the FDIC becomes
- Omaha, NE Housing Market
- Regarding the growth funds:
- I agree with Jim.
- Can anyone else make it
- Money market funds are not
- Both are happening.
- CD’s
Diversify in euros if
- The median was rising for
- They really believe that RE
- “Given the extreme and
- I have an idea for you:
- Based on some refinance
- Update the infrastructure:
- Treasury Secretary Favors “Orderly” Decline in the Dollar
- San Diego County Assessor Property Taxes Up 12%
- Surgeon Shortage in San Diego Due to High House Prices
- Halted Construction Projects
- We do NOT have stringent
- The media has kept the beach
- Bugs, those concrete guys
- Illegal immigrants from
- My friend at Nokia is here
- I wrote an employment piece
- I’ve written about the
- So the stench is in IB, but
- Yes, the laid off people
- bubba99- you are so right!
- San Diego Home Prices fell
- I spoke with a Nokia
- Add the possible Nokia
- I’m wondering about any
- I am sorry I asked anyone
- I agree with that
- How much did your house lose
- Yes, zillow is WAY
- Zillow shows my house lost $5K this week
- A vacant house on my street
- Thanks – will you be
- Prices are already dropping,
- What does 242 mean? 242
- From Ben’s blog, regarding
- For those of us not
- MoneyCNN had an article
- BIS Warns of Global Inflation
- Are builder cancellations
- This is becoming interesting
- I was quoting this stuff
- Bugs – One of the Country
- US Treasury Confident that GSEs Pose Risk to Financial System
- What are the best method for
- Here’s a foreclosure in
- Thanks, Bugs, for that
- As long as inventory (and
- SDAppraiser, I understand
- This San Antonio newspaper
- Ben Bernanke stated that
- New Home Sales Up, Prices Down
- Another article today on
- I prefer to not receive
- That’s the show I’m
- Inflation is 0% if you eliminate everything
- The market has turned.
- I like the personal stories,
- Compliments from someone who
- sdr, I kindly request that
- Bugs, I wish you had not
- Good research, sdr. What
- I’m still edgy and my views
- A realtor’s friend got this
- Does it seem like sellers
- I respect that Bugs and
- I have an idea for
- Hey rockclimber, are you
- Lereah didn’t give a seller
- burger007 – are you
- CFO, I’ve heard a solution
- David Lereah’s Double Speak
- Nancy, what industry are you
- Your concern is admirable,
- I am nosy, too. I checked
- Barry at the Big Picture
- The above post was copied
- Why would they remove it?
- Why can’t Anita refinance?
- from the webpage of Bill
- Hey, that’s a good one. Can
- Thanks so much! I’ve never
- Julian is a gem of a town.
- The Plastic Safety Net
- Housing starts in May rose 15.8 percent in the West
- Good laugh
- Today’s Headlines
- Why are you trying to catch
- Finally – a headline that
- This article raises a couple
- He sure is. Check out his
- Yeah, a super big rear,
- Downtown Condo Projects Cancelled
- How can you get a rebound
- Sarah Susanka’s The Not So
- Consumer Group Goes after RE Industry
- It is possible that banks
- Yes. It’s part real estate
- Alright, no more names. But
- Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean any
- Which country has a stronger
- I see that Poway homes are
- Anxious for your reply to
- Bugs, could you tell us
- Ditto here. Gold is down,
- UCLA Anderson Group Dispute by Charles Smith
- Fed Talk vs. What it’s doing
- It is not my mission or in
- Go through Rich. Or get a
- docteur, I would like to
- Thank you. I find it
- I am sincere in wanting to
- Some men are threatened by
- BUBLPOP (bubble pop)
- Hey carlisle, which of my
- docteur, I love your lilting
- This time is different. The
- You are free to disagree. I
- You guys, please please
- No oil leaks on the 911.
- What will happen to Bankrupt People?
- rdivo, you didn’t answer the
- Houses are a risky
- zk makes a good point.
- qcomer and davelj – my hat’s
- You can check the history of
- Let me put it bluntly sdr.
- Carlsbadliving – These are
- U.S. Treasury two-year notes
- Upside down and 0% loans: cars
- Fund Managers Overweight Cash
- I am anxiously awaiting your
- Since when is the Fed
- sdr, No hijacking. I
- Where is the population
- The Carmel Valley story
- Help CAR find a new phrase
- PD, I think the consumerism
- I actually appreciate this
- LookOut, did you mean to say
- Can you Afford to Retire: Frontline Story
- I don’t know anything about
- Would this be another city
- No reply to thread
- sdr, you’re made more
- I read the Sprott report.
- Another tip – just make sure
- Hi sdr – the skimming refers
- I think defense is good, but
- Are you military? hs had a
- Can the Fed save housing?
- My friend’s company has
- Ask the attorney.
- The greed and false
- The employment data is
- Is everyone now convinced
- I thought Qualcomm was a
- If you pay rent to the bank,
- The retail report should be
- In December 2005, the U-T
- Hi Jonze, I think there are
- Price stability is more
- Part 3 of UCLA Anderson Forecast: Job Loss and Recession
- Lsplit – you condemn the
- I had no idea it was this
- PD, I am not reading the
- ocrenter, how is this
- I didn’t mention Germany’s
- I’ve noticed Help Wanted
- PD, logic doesn’t mean much
- Chris, if gold went down
- I’m glad the units are so
- PD, now I understand why you
- My drycleaner in Poway said
- Yes, I was referring to the
- I have read everything you
- Is the owner waiting to
- PD, what I see from history
- Zeal Misses the Point
- PD, are you a military
- PerryChase, it’s great to
- sdr – I find it in poor
- In Arizona, school funding
- The MoneyCNN article?
- Farls, he told me he’s
- Jim, I don’t buy into any of
- What would be the financial
- To understand the RE market,
- Thanks for the link. I
- It happened a few times.
- Ok, that makes sense.
- With the housing industry as
- Gold Falls in Correlation with Foreign Markets
- If the Fed allows the dollar
- I am certain the government
- I didn’t say that rental
- Downtown condos,houses,
- My contractor/architect had
- I hope everyone avoid buying
- Proposition 13, passed by
- john, the vent requirements
- Why do people like Bill
- When I was looking for a
- zk, I am ahead $1,500 every
- I had lunch with my friend
- What does that mean?
- zk, on another thread, is
- zk, I didn’t mean to insult
- They made the same lame
- zk, do you own any real
- Here’s a great comment I
- Here’s a great comment I
- It seems that commodity
- I wanted to send him this
- I am more convinved that
- zk, I love a good debate,
- Downtown Condo Question
- zk – owning real estate in
- My motive is helping
- I found a post from
- Carlsbadliving gave a
- FormerOwner, welcome!
- John, also include “the”.
- Invitation to UCLA Anderson Forecast
- Thanks for your comments. I
- sunsetbeachguy2 and
- sdrealtor asked me where I
- I read the blog entry
- Stock Markets Falling – Why Now?
- Call Steven Kellman, an
- deadzone, how can you ride
- I’m afraid to short. I
- Oh, and this refutes another
- How can inventory be at the
- Businesses Slowing – Please list the ones you see
- I didn’t show my house to
- UCLA Anderson Forecast Depends on $50 Gas
- I think it’s interesting
- Bugs, I bet on price
- I already wrote about this
- Early December, my realtor
- The link failed to explain
- Novice, realtors get their
- What did you decide with
- Sales are down nationwide,
- I can come anytime after
- May sales down 28% from last May
- I respect both Bob Casagrand
- I got a response back from
- I tried to get some feedback
- Ask Fleck
- I can’t remember the
- John, the attention getter
- You don’t buy a stock based
- For momentum investors, PEs
- I lived in a rental house
- I don’t know about options,
- A professional would have
- The PE ratio is 35. I
- RightSide needs this LEND
- There are 2 main types of
- You’re right, I missed that
- Look at the MLS – selling
- Those 3.8 million people –
- I’ll donate $250 to your
- Hey, read this!
The online
- Docteur, I felt empowered
- Your username was deleted by
- Whereas Thornberg tells
- French theoretical physicist predicts 26% housing drop
- From 2000-2004, LA County
- How do you buy COP Nov 60
- I think your situation is a
- I agree with all of you.
- What is the Kelly Blue Book
- There are some on this forum
- correct link.
Hope you
- 50% price drop in Phoenix Condos
- Thanks, Bugs. Do you think
- That’s what I said, too.
- The money is coming from the
- Part 2 – Refuting the UCLA Anderson Forecast
- I felt more financial
- Has anyone checked the
- LA_Renter, thanks for
- Great comments! You cannot
- Renters – Attorney Recommendation
- Did your neighbor pay his property taxes?
- The Dollar Crisis makes
- What’s going on with Pendings? 10% Drops at Bressi Ranch
- Interesting…if the
- Auctions and foreclosures
- I agree with you PD about
- davelj, if you don’t feel
- hs, interesting point. And
- I believe the causation is
- The Millionaire Next Door is
- Sounds good, I’ll look for
- Glut of Hummers – Dealer Hiding them at Hotel
- Upside Down Means No Way Out
- I love America, and the
- Why does the US have
- anxvariety – I subscribe to
- The lead mining company is
- asianautica said – When
- The most important flaw, and
- I’m amazed that one country,
- Alan Hamilton, editor of
- 4plexowner – in mid-May,
- UCLA Anderson Forecast: How Wrong, How Much
- contentrenter – I am not
- Gold is a commodity, not money?
- George Bush believes he is
- Saiine, I think it would be
- Does anyone have any
- Foreclosure Video – Wisconsin news channel
- Agreed. An alternative to
- Good finds! This will be an
- You don’t need to read tea
- doofrat, now is not the time
- Good find! GMAC’s Money
- Search the archives – this
- My husband’s boss and
- The group of people you
- Forbidden
You don’t have
- OK, Chris, this one is for
- What is causing the rising
- Good point, and one made by
- No one can time an event.
- I agree. Prices dropping
- He was smart 3 years ago.
- Bugs, are you saying that
- As Thornberg said, you can
- Argument for rental
- I can’t reconcile these
- After I clicked “Post
- piggington site server problems
- Asia Times: Liquidity Contraction Feeds Bloodbath
- Try again. The server has
- John Talbott. Among
- ? What is the website or
- Great story. They are
- Question for Bill Fleckenstein
- I’m in limbo on this issue.
- Why is the IRS against
- JES, there is an exodus of
- Hi lostkitty. Rich’s e-mail
- It’s an advertisement for
- Licketysplit, with all due
- That is one journalist’s
- Our problems were
- I think prices will drop
- Yes – how useful is our
- A catastrophe like bird flu
- So the timing of the
- I think we’ll have a return
- Your comment is courageous
- Decline of Petrodollar
- How many of the 44,000
- Thanks for posting. Keep
- Docteur made millions on his
- My understanding is that
- Are you saying that the
- duplicate
- You can say the same thing
- Hey Chris, as always, great
- A seller may take a 5%
- Today’s Voice article says
- I agree that overscheduling
- Stu, why do you think fall
- I was at Pottery Barn Kids
- Eliminate stated income
- Ask a realtor. There are
- Why do you think that fall
- I was broke the first 5
- Won’t a massive boomer
- You raise an interesting
- Was it #3 in the early 90s?
- I took a 5% hit on my home
- jawbone and sduude, you guys
- Isn’t the final decision up
- Why do you think Miramar has
- I assumed the Fed would keep
- I believe not too many
- John, I was hoping for more
- To verify the FDIC status,
- Yup, that’s it. To job
- One of the final ideas is to
- John, if you don’t mind
- No, you don’t need to take
- Here’s an answer to the
- San Diego Employment Report from Friday
- 1) NAR radio and TV ads –
- Good luck on what?
- Yup, chasing down the
- I love that dart throwing
- Wow – that’s a great rate,
- We’re hiding in Vanguard’s
- Fear of inflation seems to
- Another analyst who
- I subscribed to the Yamamoto
- The soft landing forecast.
- It’s natural for PM prices
- You bring up an important
- If you’ve ever been to
- Last October, when we listed
- The previous 2 corrections
- If we get institutional
- Thanks, I need to pay more
- Commodities Salespeople Say No Bubble
- 70% Correction in San Diego
- I don’t know what he
- At this point, with so much
- In my culture, people live
- I think sdrealtors’ point is
- sdrealtor believes the peak
- I disagree that you must own
- The value of a house changes
- Mr. Smith got several
- Good points. While it is
- Looks like over 10%
- I posted the link without
- Pete, no need for you to try
- PD, I’ve been through the
- sduuude, from the previous
- I’ve noticed only a slight
- I will e-mail your analysis
- Most new hiring, related to
- Trading in and out lowers
- I would be surprised if you
- That’s what scares me. You
- Re: futures account: Will
- I wasn’t suggesting in and
- Homebuilder valuations are
- 5’3″, yup. Dad is a doctor,
- What puts do you recommend?
- I am not knowledgeable about
- SRPIX is invested in inverse
- That’s what I was going to
- John Talbott has extreme
- PD, from now on, I will just
- I’m 100% sure of being
- PD is right. Why is anyone
- A loan officer should answer
- Slowing Housing Market Can Slowly Boil Investors
- (Almost) Last Chance to Get out of Stocks
- Housing Prices Will Fall at Least 50%
- American Real Estate
- You must be my twin! Have
- Is this aerospace
- I welcome corrections to my
- By your definition, I am
- Now LookOutBelow has two
- Good, then you fall into the
- I need to talk with Cheryl
- Your compliments about my
- If someone gives you the
- MCE is launching the product
- MCE is launching the product
- Point taken. Thank you for
- Movers…4 guys, 12 hours @
- Are you able to get the W-2
- Will do. I’ve enjoyed
- My reason for 50% price drop
- The time to leverage debt in
- More great advice from
- I agree completely. When we
- Prices already dropped 5% in
- You’re right, PM are in a
- I took the strategy of
- Where did you read about
- Fannie Mae Loosens Underwriting Guidelines
- What about the euro? Or the
- Fortune: Battling the 6% Realtor Commission
- Do you have any charts for
- Where are you invested now?
- Several on this forum are
- So a manufacturing economy
- These are excellent points.
- Rightside, based on these
- I remember RightSide, you
- You know, I like getting
- The Census Bureau reported
- It should. The IMF is
- oops – the above post didn’t
- The Economic Policy
- I’m sick of people like you
- Wow, I sound like an
- Nominal, bec. I’m not
- Chris is a skilled analyst
- sure is…the yen pays no
- negative attitude, not
- Back on topic – does anyone
- sduuuude, you remain silent
- China’s Currency is undervalued also
- Treasury Notes lost 6% this year (24% annualized)
- His situation is
- I believe Rich hasn’t sold
- The realtor, as usual, calls
- Census Data shows a
- Census Data shows a net
- I just guessed that 1/3 of
- 4plex – I chart gold:euro,
- How can our inflation cause
- The recent spike in gasoline
- So the conondrum really is
- I’m frustrated with the lack
- I don’t believe the Fed
- Inflation-adjusted housing
- Basic inflation question
- Let’s think this through
- I ignore the 500-word limit
- I can only get daily or
- The only investment advisers
- My landlord really wants to
- Sorry to offend. It was a
- Good reminder on locking in
- 4plexowner, how long do you
- The worker productivity
- Has David Lereah ever
- So realtors should be race
- What you’ll find on these
- Inflation has been raging
- The factor of 9 is an
- Why now sduuuude asks.
- I started a thread on
- You are absolutely right!
- The Mackey sales team
- Fair enough. However, a
- It doesn’t take much
- Oh, the ice cream part was
- Money supply, BOJ, China & Gold, Ice Cream
- If they don’t know, they’re
- I couldn’t believe it
- That’s what I would do as a
- Yes, and I will post my
- Lostkitty, I decided to
- Talk to the realtor. Within
- The media can’t get enough
- The level of detail given in
- Thanks.
- 80% of homes are sold over
- Jawbone, I think this blog
- Bob told me today that the
- UCLA Anderson Forecast and Current Real Estate News
- zk, what is your perspective
- What are the mortgage
- No offense taken, but I need
- Lostkitty, may I take this
- Speaking as a homeowner and
- zk, I’m happy to elaborate.
- Timing the bottom is easy.
- I’m not sure what you’re
- If the Fed sees rising
- I need to focus on the
- Rich, what do you think
- You’re definitely a
- REO is good buy?
- That VanEeden site is great.
- In Sell Now, John Talbott
- It sounds like Carmel Valley
- My realtor friend sold
- Too much time on my hands.
- WickedHeart, Are these his
- I’m a foreigner also (German
- The pilots I know have had
- What to Make of Contradictory Data?
- Be prepared to be hammered
- The post labeling Carmel
- Hey, sdr, I don’t want to
- Thanks for the compliment.
- I read the article too, but
- It sounds like things are
- Our Political Leaders are Reactive, Not Proactive
- Thanks for the great
- zk, please be careful with
- I guess that’s why we ended
- It’s hard to believe he’s
- A refresher for us
- Sounds like paradise. I
- Sorry to upset you, but I
- So, sdr, no sales this year
- Great Links
- Well, if sdr is having a
- I bet John Lundin had 10
- Yeah, sdr has been on the
- Here’s a graph, showing So
- I bet everyone who reads
- How Long to Hit Bottom?
- I already put in my 2 cents
- Well, enlighten me.
- Sdrealtor, what is the
- I don’t really understand if
- Interesting PIMCO Proposal
- Does anyone have a question
- So the steeper the fall in
- Although that seems highly
- His showings, as well as his
- Mike, the realtor in the
- Greenspan Favors Gold Standard
- Well, don’t tell that to my
- Could they really defer the
- :) :) :) Too funny..
- Donna, I’m not debating
- Read the Bubble Primer, and
- Dona, Rima is fortunate to
- The purpose of contacting
- This is a great question to
- My curiosity would have me
- Foreclosing on the American Dream in Charlotte, NC
- I will definitely go. My
- My next loan will be a 15-yr
- I read this in Sell Now –
- I agree. Poway is like
- I stand by my post. A
- Living near the beach
- Funny :)
- Jim, interesting perspective
- An $800K house would cost
- I thought they record the
- Impossible for Home Prices to Go Up 10% Annually
- Listings are Almost Worthless to a Realtor
- Hey, you guys really made my
- Asianautica, I thought your
- With so much inventory,
- RealtyTrac shows 4 NTS on
- It’s the article Rich quoted
- Ok, sdr, a little debate for
- Good one – did you send it
- Unfortunately for housing
- What I proposed is a spin on
- San Diego Housing Permits the Lowest in 10 Years
- Sold signs are picking up.
- This property is listed as
- The Bank of Japan increased
- I was trying to follow the
- I was wrong. The NBC news
- What I wrote makes no sense
- NBC SanDiego is asking for your feedback on the 19,200 inventory level
- Outsourcing is putting
- This is purely anecdotal,
- #3 is a great point. I have
- Well, sdr, I hope you will
- April 2006 Credit Market Report
- Inventory Doubled in Omaha, NE
- Hard Times for Realtors Ahead?
- I agree with you Carolyn.
- Sell Now, John Talbott,
- Housing Bubble Caused by Overly Agressive Banks – John Talbott
- Excellent points! If we had
- I think zillow got in over
- We moved to Poway for the
- You raise some valid
- Yes, I’ve heard stories of
- We bought the property in
- I recommend that anyone who
- Clever stragegy!
I know my
- It’s great to have another
- Have you reported this to
- That loan basically converts
- Welcome to the forums. That
- New loan: fixed-rate IO
- I would be interested in
- Trumpet Magazine Predicts Dollar Will Falle
- Thanks for the perspective.
- OK, so I shouldn’t sell
- Thanks, Chris, and don’t put
- I believe the Fed will step
- How can someone use my debit
- It sounds like I should sell
- If you buy ticker symbol
- Goldman Sachs Economist Predicts Bear Market
- This makes a lot of sense.
- That makes sense. Why
- What’s up with gold?
- So U-Haul has so few trucks
- Deferred Interest Income, Banks, and Foreclosures
- When I called Vanguard, they
- Realtors are telling their
- The Mortgage Bankers
- I’ve thought of that also:
- Not mine, since I sold my
- Do you think it would be
- I haven’t studied the
- Falling Wages
- Include Oklahoma in the list
- That’s my pet name for
- I just read the links for
- Ok, Jim the realtor removed
- I can’t stand to watch him,
- I rent in Poway, and I sold
- What will be the impact on
- I wouldn’t blame any
- Let me explain. The end
- Excellent point. The
- Smith left out inflation.
- Our friend in Boston said he
- It’s too cheesy. The guy
- Docteur, I’ve held that Legg
- Did the Fed care when
- Housing is a dead horse.
- I checked my Vanguard index
- I found the Greenspan
- I thought you guys could
- Median Price Down in North County
- What is the real CPI?
- Ok, don’t just tease…Give
- ChrisJ, I have used the Dogs
- Sdrealtor, I hope everything
- Are sectors outside of
- I absolutely do not believe
- Welcome to the forum! Can
- Welcome back sdrealtor. I
- Seeking Cover If the Prices
- Hey Bugs, you’re a brainiac!
- Even if that cash is losing
- Housing Slowdown Welcomed by
- Great question. The Fed
- Good point on the profits.
- Docteur, how can I negotiate
- My landlord is expecting 6%
- Thanks, docteur, I liked you
- Thanks for your insights.
- Yes, the landlord’s joint
- China is a greater economic
- It seems like no big deal.
- Investors are Still Making Money in Real Estate
- Another cause of
- The Wall Street Journal
- Fed stablishes Newbank to mitigate risks to the financial system
- USA Today has a story about
- :) Funny…
- Bob Casagrand’s April 2006 Housing Report
- Housing Burst Will Cause National Recession
- And the lower property and
- Thanks lostkitty.
- RightSide, I thought Rich
- I’m starting a new forum
- The economy is strong
- Look at China. Their
- How could I resist with
- Are services rising fast?
- Do you think the cessation
- oops – how could I forget
- Is the recession starting?
- The Soft Landing crowd isn’t
- Which Economists are Worthy of our Attention?
- It is happening: median
- That makes sense. There’s a
- Crazy for Mandarin
- Good point. We’ve been
- Post Crazy Loan Ads Here
- Homeseller Emotions Defy Logic
- Questions on Inflation
- Lennar Layoffs in San Diego
- Property Taxes and Nationwide Housing Bubble
- The Fed doesn’t set bond
- Greenspan warns of falling asset prices
- At least he’s
- Dividend Capital Market
- Great update! Those are
- I just finished reading a
- You’ll get some comments
- Every business loses money
- Money article.
- Bob C. does sell houses.
- MoneyCNN has an article
- Thank you for sticking up
- Go back to the 2nd comment,
- FDIC Panel on Next Recession: No Worries
- It seems logical, that the
- A related thought: if you
- We could see a 22 year
- I like your thinking! I had
- Trump Mortgage
- Interest rate is 5% now, and
- Internet-based BuySide Realty Coming to San Diego
- Sorry – I meant picpoule.
- The Local Housing Monitor’s
- Could you make that
- Why are you bullish on
- I think you can post
- When 92111 was created the
- This article is available
- Bob did account for that.
- How likely is Collapse of US $
- The Washington Post article
- Chris, I have a tiny sliver
- Please call Vanguard to get
- Denver Foreclosures
- He’s a retired executive
- NAR’s Brilliant Tactic to Prevent DOJ Intervention
- Sdrealtor has not disclosed
- Fed Welcomes Housing Slowdown & Warns Deficits Cannot Continue Indefinitely
- If the derivatives market
- The integrity of a realtor
- Take a minute out to thank Rich
- I thought it was a joke,
- How many people do you know
- Can you and leung_lewis give
- I also believe in Index
- “This is not due to a lack
- Can you elaborate, I didn’t
- You can buy yuan w/ a $10K
- oops – I made a mistake.
- I asked my brother, a genius
- Bob Casagrand’s March 2006 Real Estate Report
- So would you say that
- Thanks for educating me on
- What you write is definitely
- Banking collapse possible?
- You’re right, only the early
- You raise an interesting
- OT: Sdrealtor, thanks for
- Can you elaborate on the
- I must say, I was
- Rightside, how did you get
- Sdrealtor, I actually think
- Housing Market Report: March 2006
- Great, you found me! But
- Finally, homebuyer
- I will counter each of your
- Advice to San Diego Homeowners: Sell Now and Rent
- Are you saying, sdrealtor,
- Yes! You sure let ’em have
- This article points out what
- I look forward to working
- I would add to watch these
- That’s also the answer given
- You wouldn’t get back
- Bugs, can you describe how
- Re the IRS play: renters
- If the dollar loses value,
- Lennar made a profit Q1
- Why doesn’t everyone use Help-u-sell?
- Regarding the stable gov’t
- Great insights. You already
- I agree. China imports
- I think Josh asked the
- What’s your personal opinion
- I’m not one to jump on any
- After Real Estate: The Next Hot Fad is Commodities
- Why did Greenspan recommend ARMs in 2004?
- Great detective work. Did
- When you say you’ve never
- Has the sales slowdown
- I thought prices rose slower
- Doesn’t the OFHEO data show
- RE prices are sticky on the
- Interesting, sdrealtor… I
- So the North Cty Coastal
- I agree with you. My
- While American companies are
- Interesting, there’s a U.S.
- The U-T article had a
- I have not read of any trend
- How was the appraised value
- Credit Market Report – March 2006
- The borrower would pay it
- The mortgage market is $8.7
- I checked w/ a mortgage
- How do you short MBS, and
- Keeping a pulse on the
- How can you short safely,
- My husband’s company lets us
- Great job! My first
- Yes, inflation is higher
- I am not concerned about the
- Where is a safe place to put
- Where’s the money coming from to increase home prices?
- Exposure to MBS
- Stories of dropping prices
- Thanks for taking the time
- Magnetic fields are
- Someone gave me the argument
- Thanks for the compliment.
- Interesting..have you seen
- rankandfile = Have you seen
- It’s okay…Hey, I was going
- Well said, Josh, but I would
- My husband used to work at
- What different story?
- I reviewed the data back to
- I bet a bottle of champagne
- Not even the .com bust
- Have San Francisco home prices ever declined?
- How many Sold signs?
- Uneducated or Unethical Realtors?
- You’re right. Two friends
- As a European citizen who
- The realtor who told me
- Two realtors told me today that prices will continue going UP
- This house is in Poway; the
- Buyers Waiting it Out
- Check out the same question
- The San Diego Housing
- If we eliminated interest
- Rich, a smart guy like you
- San Diego wages are not
- The chart that says it all
- I see.. if we impose
- As far as tariffs as
- Any question about bonds
- I’m not sure how rental
- Very interesting. I made a
- Home prices rise, but sales keep cooling
- The OCC guidance is under
- You’ll get some great
- In 8 years, your
- Interesting idea!
This will
- North County Jim said, “I
- I hired an architect and
- Land is overvalued, thus the
- Poway was built mostly in
- RightSide, as the Fed is
- Weiss Ratings Inc. charges
- I like the unusual
- He was suggesting the Fed
- Yes, San Diego’s economy is
- This morning at the San
- Use Weiss ratings to check
- The Fed keeps talking about
- Picpoule – can you explain
- Foreclosure auctions don’t
- “We buy foreclosures in San Diego”
- Why would a realtor refuse
- Well, how do you get the
- He rents an apartment a
- Exactly. Once he itemizes,
- He wrote last week that Feb
- 4plexowner – if the mobile
- I checked in w/ my realtor
- Mobile homes are financed
- He earns about $200K/year,
- 4plexowner – Can you give a
- Advice needed on mobile home purchase – right choice for first time buyer?
- erparadise – do you have MLS
- Hey, good luck to you, too.
- I noticed this too. I saw
- 19K is a landmark. It’s the
- February Pendings are Up – Spring Bounce?
- RealtorSpeak
- We’ve been hearing that the
- In the dry smoggy congested
- Bob Casagrand’s Realty Report
- If the guy stops reading, do
- The I bond interest rate
- NOT Investment Advice! The
- We looked at houses in
- My husband’s boss and his
- Actually, they are moving
- I remember reading in my
- What do you mean about
- sandiegobanker – do you see
- Are you still in the RE
- Sandiegobanker – Fascinating
- How do you explain that the
- When, and by how much, are
- Where will all these
- In my personal experience,
- I know of 2 buyers who sold
- Does anyone know the lag
- I’ve read good arguments for
- The difference in payment
- Holding the bag will be the
- The risk is transferred to
- I was looking for rental
- Read my post
- I found another
- DiveUrge – be careful w/
- I don’t have historical
- Check out
- PreForeclosures in Poway
- There is usually an inverse
- Great comment, about buying
- Yes, I wonder how much
- Yes, I liked it also.
- sdduuuuuuude (did I get the
- I’m not sure you’re correct
- Good point about the
- Leung Lewis, you might want
- I am also concerned about
- I heard this on the news
- yyob – The story of “your
- We closed escrow this month
- teatsonbull; That’s a great
- You can offer as low as you
- Interesting tool! However,
- I just reviewed the ProFunds
- I wonder about this also. I
- I sent a follow-up letter to
- Housing Shortage and Housing Affordability
- Rental prices are about
- leung_lewis: Have you seen
- Local economists predict flat to small increase in housing for 2006 – KPBS Today
- Housing Glut
- San Diego Economy based on housing
- Thanks, professor. This is
- Questions on December 2005 Housing Market Report
- Keep renting until prices
- cowboy – I know some asking
- Jim – please share your
- Would the dollar lose value
- Where to invest proceeds from sale of home
- Rents are lower now. It
- A 30% drop would bring us
- kingKong, do you think I’m
- fed response
- buy now?
- buying houses on margin
- Realtor corroborates declining sales prices
- Vacant rental houses in Poway
- Deceiving Data for North County Sales
- ARM rates affecting sales?
- What do you think about my friend’s situation?
- A different spin on the bubble
- Rents