I am anxiously awaiting your forecast for SD housing, sdr.
By the way, I have fun with my topics. I come on strong, but usually end with “Did I miss anything”? I’m always looking for a good debate.
If you think that writing 4 contracts with 24 hour windows, and submitting one at a time (thread skimmers missed that they are submitted ONE at a time until expiration) is a bad idea, say so. Why is it a bad idea?
If someone who worked in 3 continents and turned around businesses doesn’t qualify as a mentor, who does? What credentials should a mentor have kiki?
I’m extremist? What about David Lereah? When Lereah said last year that real estate never goes down, wasn’t he extremist?
As far as snooping into another realtor’s sales, that priviledge belongs to anyone using his real name. Hiding behind a pseudonym while exposing others is called being a coward.
One more thing: does anyone have any advice on how to shake off an obsessed realtor in a chat room?