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Author: PerryChase
Forum Activity by PerryChase
- As the regulars here know,
- As the regulars here know,
- As the regulars here know,
- I love the format of this
- I love the format of this
- I love the format of this
- Women and Real Estate
- I’m afraid to direct anyone
- I’m afraid to direct anyone
- I’m afraid to direct anyone
- I’m afraid to direct anyone
- It’s been happening slowly
- It’s been happening slowly
- It’s been happening slowly
- I would think that the
- I would think that the
- I would think that the
- Lets see. Countrywide just
- Lets see. Countrywide just
- Lets see. Countrywide just
- Nancy, it’s interesting to
- Nancy, it’s interesting to
- Nancy, it’s interesting to
- Diego, people make
- Diego, people make
- Diego, people make
- Ozzie, if weren’t for the
- Ozzie, if weren’t for the
- Ozzie, if weren’t for the
- Ozzie, why would the MBS
- Ozzie, why would the MBS
- Ozzie, why would the MBS
- Ex-SD. You make too much
- Ex-SD. You make too much
- Ex-SD. You make too much
- rb_engineer, a recession is
- rb_engineer, a recession is
- rb_engineer, a recession is
- now, if your mommy and daddy
- now, if your mommy and daddy
- now, if your mommy and daddy
- Core inflation excludes food
- Core inflation excludes food
- Core inflation excludes food
- Alex, you seem to have a
- Alex, you seem to have a
- Alex, you seem to have a
- In the 1990s I saw them cut
- In the 1990s I saw them cut
- In the 1990s I saw them cut
- rb_engineer, you’re blaming
- rb_engineer, you’re blaming
- rb_engineer, you’re blaming
- A lender does not necessary
- A lender does not necessary
- A lender does not necessary
- Hype, congratulations on
- Hype, congratulations on
- Hype, congratulations on
- For one thing, without cash
- For one thing, without cash
- For one thing, without cash
- SD Realtor, you provide
- SD Realtor, you provide
- SD Realtor, you provide
- The best that public figures
- The best that public figures
- The best that public figures
- Not surprising. I expected
- Not surprising. I expected
- Not surprising. I expected
- Of course, intelligence and
- Of course, intelligence and
- Of course, intelligence and
- Another thing. I think that
- Another thing. I think that
- Another thing. I think that
- I agree with Ex-SD. Listen
- I agree with Ex-SD. Listen
- I agree with Ex-SD. Listen
- I play ignorant when I talk
- I play ignorant when I talk
- I play ignorant when I talk
- “the fear of the known may
- “the fear of the known may
- “the fear of the known may
- Yes, formersandiegan, it
- Yes, formersandiegan, it
- Yes, formersandiegan, it
- powayseller predicted 50%
- powayseller predicted 50%
- powayseller predicted 50%
- sdnativeson, I agree that’s
- sdnativeson, I agree that’s
- sdnativeson, I agree that’s
- I still don’t see how
- I still don’t see how
- I still don’t see how
- I say 2000/2001 nominal
- I say 2000/2001 nominal
- I say 2000/2001 nominal
- mixxalot, you keep on
- mixxalot, you keep on
- mixxalot, you keep on
- Another good post, bugs.
- Another good post, bugs.
- Another good post, bugs.
- ” If you can truly get $270k
- ” If you can truly get $270k
- ” If you can truly get $270k
- Because progressive liberals
- Because progressive liberals
- Because progressive liberals
- Pasadena Broker, your buyers
- Pasadena Broker, your buyers
- Pasadena Broker, your buyers
- Excellent point NavyDoc. An
- Excellent point NavyDoc. An
- Excellent point NavyDoc. An
- cyphire, you sound like you
- cyphire, you sound like you
- cyphire, you sound like you
- I see that Fashion Walk is
- I see that Fashion Walk is
- I see that Fashion Walk is
- I like what Mark Zandi of
- I like what Mark Zandi of
- I like what Mark Zandi of
- Lender cannot allow short
- Lender cannot allow short
- Lender cannot allow short
- Poetic justice would be
- Poetic justice would be
- Poetic justice would be
- ” she and those like her not
- ” she and those like her not
- ” she and those like her not
- I thought that rent was
- I thought that rent was
- I thought that rent was
- temeculaguy, I do track
- temeculaguy, I do track
- temeculaguy, I do track
- Sure, contraman is on to
- Sure, contraman is on to
- Sure, contraman is on to
- Alex, do you still believe
- Alex, do you still believe
- Alex, do you still believe
- They’re still living the
- They’re still living the
- They’re still living the
- wow, sdrealtor, you’ve made
- wow, sdrealtor, you’ve made
- wow, sdrealtor, you’ve made
- I knew that it was only a
- I knew that it was only a
- I knew that it was only a
- I almost always agree with
- I almost always agree with
- I almost always agree with
- Be sure to vet your
- Be sure to vet your
- Be sure to vet your
- Nice project, radelow. I
- Nice project, radelow. I
- Nice project, radelow. I
- Evidence that drywall prices
- Evidence that drywall prices
- Evidence that drywall prices
- Ray, commodities prices are
- Ray, commodities prices are
- Ray, commodities prices are
- The topic came up because
- The topic came up because
- The topic came up because
- I think of San Diego as
- I think of San Diego as
- I think of San Diego as
- vrudny, you were smart to
- vrudny, you were smart to
- vrudny, you were smart to
- Plenty of Chinese get
- Plenty of Chinese get
- Plenty of Chinese get
- Foreigners will come to
- Foreigners will come to
- Foreigners will come to
- Get ready for 10% rates on a
- Get ready for 10% rates on a
- Get ready for 10% rates on a
- Perhaps Alex is an REIC
- Perhaps Alex is an REIC
- Perhaps Alex is an REIC
- The ownership premium that
- The ownership premium that
- The ownership premium that
- Elan is closing in Sorrento
- Elan is closing in Sorrento
- Elan is closing in Sorrento
- Alex, go ahead and go with
- Alex, go ahead and go with
- Alex, go ahead and go with
- How about another bailout
- How about another bailout
- How about another bailout
- I thought that eloan was the
- I thought that eloan was the
- I thought that eloan was the
- Ex-SD, welcome to
- Ex-SD, welcome to
- Ex-SD, welcome to
- Some interesting numbers
- Some interesting numbers
- Some interesting numbers
- Another excellent post,
- Another excellent post,
- Another excellent post,
- I can’t stand Kouric. She
- I can’t stand Kouric. She
- I can’t stand Kouric. She
- Great post, TheBreeze.
- Great post, TheBreeze.
- Great post, TheBreeze.
- I don’t listen to these
- I don’t listen to these
- I don’t listen to these
- I wanted to revive this
- I wanted to revive this
- I wanted to revive this
- Good post bugs. Yeah, poof,
- Good post bugs. Yeah, poof,
- kaycee, was there a broker?
- kaycee, was there a broker?
- just to play devil’s
- just to play devil’s
- Porsche has full page ads
- Porsche has full page ads
- Ending the mortgage interest
- Ending the mortgage interest
- Interesting topic.
- Interesting topic.
- Glad it’s working out for
- Glad it’s working out for
- HLS, with a teaser rate loan
- HLS, with a teaser rate loan
- I have to admit that before
- I have to admit that before
- What’s so shocking with
- What’s so shocking with
- Landlord need to honest with
- Landlord need to honest with
- Downtown is overvalued. No
- Downtown is overvalued. No
- I also suggest you go the
- I also suggest you go the
- For a more basic building in
- For a more basic building in
- Don’t buy now. Rent for 6
- Don’t buy now. Rent for 6
- Those towers presold at the
- Those towers presold at the
- sdr is right. With any kind
- sdr is right. With any kind
- Good advice, vrudny.
- Good advice, vrudny.
- Ask her to sent you a letter
- Ask her to sent you a letter
- I think that it’s basic
- I think that it’s basic
- I think it’s helpful to look
- I think it’s helpful to look
- I heard that
- I heard that
- On the subject of love, what
- On the subject of love, what
- I just checked the agreement
- I just checked the agreement
- Rustico, does the contract
- Rustico, does the contract
- Good advise all around bugs.
- Good advise all around bugs.
- I’m with HLS. You have
- I’m with HLS. You have
- luchabee, are you working
- luchabee, are you working
- Never say never.
Let’s see
- Never say never.
Let’s see
- HLS, don’t think so much as
- HLS, don’t think so much as
- “1. Honor your commitments.
- “1. Honor your commitments.
- i agree with betting.
- i agree with betting.
- Bravo! I’m all for that.
- Bravo! I’m all for that.
- yeah, i don’t think they
- yeah, i don’t think they
- Great charts, Gary. And
- Great charts, Gary. And
- Ha,ha. Rustico, yeah, I’m a
- Ha,ha. Rustico, yeah, I’m a
- Here’s for a little bit of a
- Here’s for a little bit of a
- Until all lenders have
- Until all lenders have
- David Streitfield is one of
- David Streitfield is one of
- Are you sure that you want
- Are you sure that you want
- Divorcing in a Down Market
- Prices did drop big time in
- Prices did drop big time in
- I think that there is such a
- I think that there is such a
- Rustico, not morbid at all.
- Rustico, not morbid at all.
- HLS, i agree with you.
- HLS, i agree with you.
- So we know that a recession
- So we know that a recession
- Man, I’m in big trouble now!
- Man, I’m in big trouble now!
- SD Realtor, how about
- SD Realtor, how about
- Humm.. interesting. Those
- Humm.. interesting. Those
- Taxes. Getting a tax break
- Taxes. Getting a tax break
- Good guess cyphire. I’m
- Good guess cyphire. I’m
- Rich will never write such
- Rich will never write such
- KIBU, what is your
- KIBU, what is your
- I do believe that citizens
- I do believe that citizens
- Foreclosed properties are
- Foreclosed properties are
- I agree with some of your
- I agree with some of your
- Don’t need hindsight
- Don’t need hindsight
- Yeah, great explanation,
- Yeah, great explanation,
- Since were’re talking about
- Since were’re talking about
- I think that most people who
- I think that most people who
- I like this development of
- I like this development of
- Bugs is one of my favorite
- Bugs is one of my favorite
- Personally I prefer the HOA,
- Personally I prefer the HOA,
- I fully expect Downtown San
- I fully expect Downtown San
- Great work, Gary. Thanks
- Great work, Gary. Thanks
- I don’t see what’s so
- I don’t see what’s so
- Gary and Rustico, you guys
- Gary and Rustico, you guys
- As far as globalization is
- As far as globalization is
- is the place
- is the place
- I voted for Bush Sr myself
- I voted for Bush Sr myself
- Ok FormerSanDiegan. Thanks
- Ok FormerSanDiegan. Thanks
- The biggest scam is
- The biggest scam is
- Also when homes are begging
- Also when homes are begging
- The financial/political
- The financial/political
- Remember that when a home is
- Remember that when a home is
- Cool video. Do you have
- Cool video. Do you have
- I guess Realtors have to buy
- I guess Realtors have to buy
- This is a nice convenient
- This is a nice convenient
- yeah, waiting_hawk rocks.
- yeah, waiting_hawk rocks.
- I concur with 4plexowner and
- I concur with 4plexowner and
- waiting_hawk, I enjoy your
- waiting_hawk, I enjoy your
- How about his personal real
- How about his personal real
- Good post waiting_hawk. I
- Good post waiting_hawk. I
- Interesting topic. Thanks
- Interesting topic. Thanks
- Interesting article
- Interesting article
- I’m all for it.
But how are
- I’m all for it.
But how are
- Thanks for the update,
- Thanks for the update,
- Do you think that downtown
- Do you think that downtown
- DaCounselor, that article
- DaCounselor, that article
- I posted the video link
- I posted the video link
- I’m patiently watching the
- I’m patiently watching the
- Rustico, it’ll let you
- Rustico, it’ll let you
- Money Creation
- Never give financial or love
- Never give financial or love
- I’m kind of indifferent to
- I’m kind of indifferent to
- Very good points LA_renter.
- Very good points LA_renter.
- LA_Renter is right. The
- LA_Renter is right. The
- I concur. Although the
- I concur. Although the
- How much do you guys pay for
- How much do you guys pay for
- I’ve yet to hear of anyone
- I’ve yet to hear of anyone
- Not surprising. People will
- Not surprising. People will
- As much as we’d like to
- As much as we’d like to
- Like I said I’m not
- Like I said I’m not
- I disagree with you
- I disagree with you
- If all the ducks are in a
- If all the ducks are in a
- Gaylord was never obligated
- Gaylord was never obligated
- It would be worse if those
- It would be worse if those
- Rich, you’re just so
- Rich, you’re just so
- uncomfortably numb is right.
- uncomfortably numb is right.
- Darn, jg, I was hoping you’d
- Darn, jg, I was hoping you’d
- I’m so sure that real estate
- I’m so sure that real estate
- jg, you should go watch the
- jg, you should go watch the
- I do think the level of real
- I do think the level of real
- cyphire and rustico, I’m
- cyphire and rustico, I’m
- Well said, speedingbullet.
- Well said, speedingbullet.
- I watched the _Sicko_ last
- I watched the _Sicko_ last
- If you’re a bad parent it’s
- If you’re a bad parent it’s
- Good summary, Concho.
- Good summary, Concho.
- I think that it depends on
- I think that it depends on
- Get really to see 100,000 to
- Get really to see 100,000 to
- After so many years in SD, I
- After so many years in SD, I
- I happen to love Michael
- I happen to love Michael
- ok, jg, you win.
- ok, jg, you win.
- I like San Diego now a lot
- I like San Diego now a lot
- jg, did you have pre-marital
- jg, did you have pre-marital
- I didn’t realize that San
- I didn’t realize that San
- The Fed will cut rates, if
- The Fed will cut rates, if
- jg, since you’re fond of
- jg, since you’re fond of
- Temecula guy, if your family
- Temecula guy, if your family
- yes, jg is always a good
- yes, jg is always a good
- I agree with you taz.
- I agree with you taz.
- redtide, no i don’t dig.
- redtide, no i don’t dig.
- I’ve been in San Diego since
- I’ve been in San Diego since
- Good discussion, you’all.
- Good discussion, you’all.
- Not a bad price, relative to
- Not a bad price, relative to
- ” Excuse me to say.. but
- ” Excuse me to say.. but
- housingfreefall, thanks for
- housingfreefall, thanks for
- I agree, we need to organize
- I agree, we need to organize
- Right on, lostkitty. I too
- Right on, lostkitty. I too
- Physicians and scientists
- Physicians and scientists
- I wonder if these people are
- I wonder if these people are
- Wow indeed! 4plexowner, see
- Wow indeed! 4plexowner, see
- Christians are generally not
- Christians are generally not
- I’ve reviewed financial
- I’ve reviewed financial
- The investors were
- The investors were
- SD Realtor, this is
- SD Realtor, this is
- doublewide, I agree with you
- doublewide, I agree with you
- jg, you’re such a
- jg, you’re such a
- jg, Africa is a mess it is
- jg, Africa is a mess it is
- Lostkitty is not posting any
- Lostkitty is not posting any
- I’m with lookoutbelow.
- I’m with lookoutbelow.
- article. I’m glad
- article. I’m glad
- Another Financial Crisis?
- hpi, you’ve not been looking
- hpi, you’ve not been looking
- I’m not into gossip about
- I’m not into gossip about
- Montecastro, Hendrix, et al,
- Montecastro, Hendrix, et al,
- Condi Rice and George W. Bush
- drunkle, milk the ones who
- drunkle, milk the ones who
- I’d love to know if anyone
- I’d love to know if anyone
- By shelter money, I didn’t
- By shelter money, I didn’t
- How about going with climate
- How about going with climate
- Good topic, jg. What you
- Good topic, jg. What you
- The law is the law and it’s
- The law is the law and it’s
- jg, i’d love to see your
- jg, i’d love to see your
- “They claimed that we would
- “They claimed that we would
- Earning money is all
- Earning money is all
- Right-on, Ash Housewares.
- Right-on, Ash Housewares.
- I have no problem with SD
- I have no problem with SD
- Foreigners working and
- Foreigners working and
- He could go with interest
- He could go with interest
- Alex_angel, if a couple
- Alex_angel, if a couple
- I too believe that the
- I too believe that the
- To me, seeing kids driving
- To me, seeing kids driving
- No surprise there.
- No surprise there.
- Alex_angel, were you one of
- Alex_angel, were you one of
- The high-end is immune?
- Government taxes when when
- Government taxes when when
- Our standard of living has
- Our standard of living has
- liver, I disagree on the
- liver, I disagree on the
- Here’s the sales
- Here’s the sales
- liver, the new paradigm is
- liver, the new paradigm is
- While I’m not on the same
- While I’m not on the same
- Capeman, I totally agree
- Capeman, I totally agree
- France just had legislative
- France just had legislative
- Rustico, you’re the ideal
- Rustico, you’re the ideal
- The early Reagan years were
- The early Reagan years were
- Let’s make it clear. Higher
- Let’s make it clear. Higher
- Bonds are sold with a coupon
- Bonds are sold with a coupon
- Rustico, do what I do. Get
- Rustico, do what I do. Get
- Those with assets and who
- Those with assets and who
- Very good point SD Realtor.
- Very good point SD Realtor.
- CMcG, sorry I offended you.
- CMcG, sorry I offended you.
- CMcG, looks like you have a
- CMcG, looks like you have a
- Ozzie, point well taken.
- Ozzie, point well taken.
- It’s a forever mortgage,
- It’s a forever mortgage,
- Housing Market Prediction
- There’s another excellent
- There’s another excellent
- Simple calculation:
- Simple calculation:
- If the builder buys out the
- If the builder buys out the
- The amount of gambling with
- The amount of gambling with
- Thanks for posting the
- Thanks for posting the
- Rustico, you did pretty well
- Rustico, you did pretty well
- Jimmy, this site lists all
- Jimmy, this site lists all
- I agree with with
- I agree with with
- I agree with sdrealtor. The
- I agree with sdrealtor. The
- I vote my ideals, my wallet
- I vote my ideals, my wallet
- Prices to drop in 1/2 in Manhattan?
- jan777, I’m a little
- jan777, I’m a little
- Foreclosures affecting the market — coming soon to a town near you
- I like the way Jim brands
- I like the way Jim brands
- Apparently rents are going
- Apparently rents are going
- Like kewp said, much of the
- Like kewp said, much of the
- i should add that it’s not a
- i should add that it’s not a
- I’ve heard of people getting
- I’ve heard of people getting
- Below is an article that jg
- Below is an article that jg
- Some gruesome images.
- Some gruesome images.
- One of the things I hate
- One of the things I hate
- bugs, I love your posts.
- bugs, I love your posts.
- I don’t think that 6% – 8%
- I don’t think that 6% – 8%
- I would wait to at least
- I would wait to at least
- 18000 sf at $2.95 million is
- 18000 sf at $2.95 million is
- I agree with bugs and
- I agree with bugs and
- Chris, I pretty much agree
- Chris, I pretty much agree
- lostkitty, my best buddy is
- lostkitty, my best buddy is
- My European friends think
- My European friends think
- SD Realtor, you’re almost
- SD Realtor, you’re almost
- Chris is right that a house
- Chris is right that a house
- Now that you’ve made the
- Now that you’ve made the
- I think that Patrick has a
- I think that Patrick has a
- I beg to differ, in the long
- I beg to differ, in the long
- SD realtor is right. Most
- SD realtor is right. Most
- I’m a bugs fan. His posts
- I’m a bugs fan. His posts
- Humm…. baby pops out and
- Humm…. baby pops out and
- Nice to see you back
- Nice to see you back
- Article on Florida market.
- Article on Florida market.
- good video. :)
We should
- good video. :)
We should
- There’s the link to the
- There’s the link to the
- I agree with you
- I agree with you
- cyphire, you sound like a
- cyphire, you sound like a
- cyphire, I agree with you,
- cyphire, I agree with you,
- Yes, I do own my home. I
- Yes, I do own my home. I
- cyphire, good post.
I made
- cyphire, good post.
I made
- Temecula video. Watch it
- Temecula video. Watch it
- The median information
- The median information
- As far as criminal charges
- As far as criminal charges
- I pretty much agree with
- I pretty much agree with
- Does anyone have a link to
- Does anyone have a link to
- Animal cruelty is a criminal
- Animal cruelty is a criminal
- Like HeWeGo said, the
- Like HeWeGo said, the
- The decline will only be
- The decline will only be
- ocrenter, what’s the deal
- ocrenter, what’s the deal
- Ash, we now have plenty of
- Ash, we now have plenty of
- Yes, the keyword is cheap.
- Yes, the keyword is cheap.
- Good watch with breakfast.
- Good watch with breakfast.
- Good post, bugs.
One thing
- Good post, bugs.
One thing
- There’s video on
- There’s video on
- I’ve been looking at the
- I’ve been looking at the
- I’m with 4plexowner on this.
- I’m with 4plexowner on this.
- sdrealtor, you have point
- sdrealtor, you have point
- Here’s an update to the
- Here’s an update to the
- 23109VC, I see nothing wrong
- 23109VC, I see nothing wrong
- I think this article
- I think this article
- We thought we’d make $100,000 without batting an eye
- Me too. I’d to hear about
- Me too. I’d to hear about
- Some people I know bought a
- Some people I know bought a
- Those investors clearly let
- Those investors clearly let
- That’s another agent taking
- That’s another agent taking
- I agree with JWM. We ain’t
- I agree with JWM. We ain’t
- Foreigners who come in
- Foreigners who come in
- Do any of you who are
- Do any of you who are
- I like Ariana Huffington. I
- I like Ariana Huffington. I
- As much as I hate to say it,
- As much as I hate to say it,
- I think that bias, hence
- I think that bias, hence
- Fox News is Good
- very insightful,
- very insightful,
- Did you guys go to the
- Did you guys go to the
- thanks for the correction,
- thanks for the correction,
- Yeah, too bad Learah is
- Yeah, too bad Learah is
- I agree with you,
- I agree with you,
- I know someone in DC who is
- I know someone in DC who is
- Yeah, Harry won’t go Iraq
- Yeah, Harry won’t go Iraq
- $1k in Taos. Sounds like
- Thanks for posting. Great
- I second the Dwell concept.
- I was young but around in
- I have a feel that if you
- Yep, you never know…..
- Now we know what happened to
- That’s a nice house. I like
- I wonder how the trend of
- The noise is due to the
- Rustico, God help the
- Jeffrey Berns does option
- temeculaguy, i think that
- sdrealtor, actually, I’m
- Rustico, your post prompted
- I hate it when people use
- Real Estate Scams
- I read the NYT article also.
- Rustico, of course my
- I know a couple who is a
- How convenient! Now the
- Now, who’s disgruntled?
- 23109VC for a lawyer working
- Go ahead, BUY and feel
- I call it the desirability
- Not reasonable in my view.
- For those interested, here’s
- no_such_reality, in your
- I think that national
- Thanks for sharing Downtown
- That means that foreigners
- I fully expect a 99 Ranch
- Mozilla Firefox 5 has spell
- 4 year holding period is not
- The stats come from the
- El Jefe & 4plexowner, you’re
- I think that it’s useless to
- About school districts, with
- Something is odd with the
- Looks like lots of people
- I like Northpark. However
- I too am interested in Bay
- I too think that
- Here’s a joke ;)Woman
- Looks like the Downtown LA
- I concur that money can and
- I think that you’re right
- It used to be that the rule
- Man, why all the vitriol?
- Neighborhood prices don’t
- Great interview. Rich
- I concur with Bugs — let
- Looks like LA and SD are
- I never knew Chula Vista
- asianautica, I have a
- I’m wondering how servicers
- Just speculating here. I
- I like to look at listings
- with address you can get
- Of course, as Larry J,
- isn’t it “I am a real estate
- Chris sounds like the type
- More titillating news.
- Many folks in Del Mar and
- Sounds to me like it should
- I see 19,777 listings on
- I think that it’s more a
- I agree with you, MANmom.
- MANmom, 1995 was a different
- “After monitoring San Diego
- Builders are usually the
- Discovery is one of the best
- How far is the Sprinter
- Has anyone tried the Orange
- SD Realtor, are you talking
- SD Realtor, there goes your
- This is an old condo with
- HOA Downtown is $500/mo or
- Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bailout in California – Maybe Not Much Help
- I’m with bugs on the point
- 4Sbuyers2002, point well
- 4Sbuyer2002, you bought
- ocrenter, I wish that all
- Look at history. The 1990s
- ” Ameriquest’s top
- If you credit is really bad
- If I remember well, a poster
- If you look back at the
- So the house sells for
- Underwear and lingering
- I quickly browsed the
- Technically there is no tax
- “You bet the government is
- I’ve read that it’s fraud if
- Great point,
- This thread is kinda fun.
- dcarl, you have it all
- I agree with sdrealtor, jg
- I agree with Construction
- Actually, I’m all for
- Your landlord violated your
- One very important piece of
- Great point you made
- I had a Realtor leave a
- There’s another one from LA
- I think that the best way to
- “It’s been my experience
- You can get the information
- My bad. On this subject I
- $120 billion to bailout
- People often price rents by
- Good link little_lady.
- forsale_2007, you make it
- I’m going to go out on a
- Are you talking about a Real
- I agree that immigrants who
- If he’s upside down, then he
- Surveyor, I’m not sure how
- Very interesting topic.
- Like Bugs said, prices in
- Survey said America’s “faith
- sdjdguy, the foreigners who
- Actually if you compare San
- That’s why we need to let
- I use Firefox and got a
- It doesn’t look very nice —
- Here’s Mish excellent
- partypup, I agree that Obama
- Both Reators are right.
- good call sdrealtor.
- Foreclosure info available on Yahoo
- partypup, all you’re saying
- I was very young and bought
- Juice, talk about face
- Anyone who thinks there
- Good summary. I’m not in
- If I were Obama’s
- partypup makes some good
- Oh, and why are the Chinese
- Considering the amount of
- Senior Communities
- Very true; good-looks open
- Thanks for the post. It’s
- I think it is a uniquely
- The problem is so much
- There you go.
- hipmatt, I think that
- The land and the cost
- sdcellar, I didn’t direct
- How do people afford the
- I can’t believe that there
- There are plenty of agents
- Why New Home Sales is a Much
- “Privatize Profits,
- sdrealtor, I’d think that
- Benefits of Bubble
- Foreclosure is one way to
- “It’s the ratio of must-sell
- Being adaptable is the key.
- Drew, I still give you
- Give her a break.
- I don’t think that
- I just read an interesting
- Los Angeles is losing its illegal immigrants. That’s bad news
- I think that you heard it
- Scary indeed.
We borrowed
- Find out how much her
- If we really wanted to make
- FormerSanDiegan, you make a
- Rent at $1,100 for an old
- Interesting that many of the
- Tracking the fraud is easy
- ” A 1br unit now rent for
- “… at some point in time,
- I’m with you asianautica.
- House is now down to $598k
- For a little perspective,
- Yes, Bugs has some of the
- Considering the prices in
- I don’t focus on what
- Give powayseller some slack.
- Good point, no_such_reality.
- I agree with Bugs.
- Way to go powayseller!
- I think that both Realtors
- Are they truly bailing out
- The Economist is one of the
- The truth is that people
- I’m afraid that getting
- Whatever happened to letting
- I believe that, in England,
- Apparently, Downtown LA is
- Verano Price update:
1 bd =
- Losses are mounting at the
- She bought the plasma/LCD
- Downtown San Diego is a
- I’m a liberal (lower case l)
- I didn’t mean to criticize
- “This credit collapse is an
- In Josh’s defense, yes,
- I think that climate
- But I guarantee I will never
- These are good calculators
- powayseller, best to luck to
- Don’t worry, 100% financing
- SD Realtor, I didn’t mean to
- Staying Power
- They just bought 2 years ago
- It seems like 80% of the
- I think that given the
- If I were rich I would have
- what about people like me
- I agree with you ucodegen.
- Duck, yes I think that you
- Thanks for posting this
- On construction costs, the
- If I recall from his
- “I do know building material
- Lenders are stopping the
- Cow_tipping made a very good
- Here’s the latest news on
- Subprime mortgage woes may
- Regardless of how much money
- “Now is the time to get
- These videos promoting
- Atlas Hillcrest
- Off Topic: Conservative Hyprocrisy
- How about Talahassee or
- is owned by
- Here’s the CNN article.
- That’s the problem with our
- Here’s what Roubini said.
- U.S. mortgage fraud
- I would say that people who
- I remember an article that
- Yes, who would’ve thought
- Rate Hikes Possible?
- what about all those
- Fun site on David Lereah.
- According to 10 News, rents
- Thanks, for the UTC rent
- Love her or hate her,
- He’s the Chief Economist,
- Yes, SD median will go down
- “The extraordinary cost of
- The savings and loan crisis
- Bernanke calls for stronger
- What about David Lereah’s
- PD, ha.ahaha, that’s funny.
- That’s what I was also
- greekfire, your posting
- Yes, we are a positive
- sdrealtor, having watched
- Seems like an implosion in
- Very good point, csr_sd.
- I agree with you 4plexowner.
- dejams, try renting a
- (like sdrealtor this morning
- I agree on the Hyundai.
- It’s clear that CO2 is
- I’m not giving Al Gore a
- I agree with asianautica.
- But Downtown SD doesn’t have
- One small factor to
- Thanks for the input. It’s
- Downtown Los Angeles
- I read the paper. Assuming
- formersandiegan, your
- Here’s the link to the RSF
- SD Realtor, like I said
- Were’re on the same page,
- As FormerSanDiegan pointed
- Purchasing carbon credits is
- If Gore was really, deeply
- Some of the reasons often
- I recommend moving to
- This country could be saved
- Below is how the Anonymous
- I can accept your point of
- Sales history on Duke
- Life is all about paradoxes.
- CONCHO, can you not hike and
- If I were the Brazilians,
- I have friends who work in
- BuyerwillEPB, you’re
- sd realtor, no i didn’t buy
- little lady, don’t worry….
- Wouldn’t depend what the
- No it’s not loose/loose, the
- Any good-faith deposit money
- Building/rehabing your own
- About telecommuting, if I
- Instead they will only serve
- I’m a big believer in
- Also, let’s not forget that
- I too am looking for a house
- The one thing to remember
- Let’s not forget.
- Most recent borrowers were
- I agree wity masayako. If
- The price of food is going
- I tend to think that if the
- America won’t invade Iran.
- Here’s a sample graph. You
- farbet, give it a rest.
- I remember the peak of the
- Bugs, you make an
- Thanks for posting the sales
- Although I follow the OC
- I tend to agree with Chris
- Washington DC blog / Info
- Great post, ocrenter. I
- I think that there’s no need
- Yeah, I know some people who
- After reading the comments,
- Thanks for the links, hd. I
- I agree with you 4plexowner.
- This looks like a 1993 owner
- The savings rate is the net
- If we go through an rental
- I would negotiate a lower
- the defendants promised to
- Where is Santucky? Santee?
- I also agree that the
- cow_tipping, you got nothin’
- There are enough cash
- 150K for a 2723sf house.
- Susan Bies, a Fed governor,
- The bubble will take some
- Sounds like your buddy has
- Thanks for posting. Great
- jg recently posted a great
- I think that there’s a
- Buying a Del Sur
- You sound like a single
- Can someone who has access
- Global warming or not, it’s
- In support of the realty
- Since I am single its easy
- at home in so cal, are there
- Retiring is the urban core
- … their brains will be
- I’m going to go out on a
- There’s a possibility that
- Nor_LA-Temcu-SD-Guy, same
- Right on bugs. I don’t
- Not just Dana Point, but all
- recordsclerk, back when
- Littlepoint, what would be a
- A Sinking Sensation for
- Sure, for the right price,
- NSR, the couple featured in
- Good info, lostcat. I’ll be
- Here’s a good link to San
- you’re not the only one,
- The employees do pay SS Tax.
- … that’s how capitalism is
- Where are the Real Estate
- To me, the business of
- zk, you’re right on. That’s
- I concur with the comments
- Bugs, it sounds like only
- As always, great info, JG.
- Credit Cards for Illegal Immigrants. Mortgages Next?
- What’s the loan history on
- Go to law school. You’ll
- I’ll be a little kinder and
- And 3000sf single-level
- Another thing to think
- I remember that up until
- He likes to pay his
- PD, you make a good point.
- humm…. and you’re still
- Lawsuit over Overpriced Purchase
- One reason why houses are
- I think that the newnest of
- ibjames, i like your outlook
- In case you guys haven’t
- I LOVE San Diego, but
- San Francisco is actually a
- I agree with exeunt for the
- I visited Sunset Cove. I
- While we’re on stereotypes,
- A friend of mine is an SAP
- Thanks for posting. Great
- I agree with the psychology
- Looks like this development
- Flip Flop on condo
- Much of the housing stock
- Where did the inventory go?
- Here’s a Santa Rosa flip
- Real Buyer, how are the
- This is another company that
- Let’s consider liquidity and
- According to the LA Times,
- That is true, but when you
- Chris, I think that you’re
- I don’t believe that
- Thanks for posting. I had a
- Wells Fargo has both prime
- DaCounselor will be fine.
- Here’s the HSBC paper if
- Josh, I would agree that the
- It’s interesting that HSBC
- I think that the “insiders”
- I’m not sure why buying is
- Q: Can the assessed value of
- Off Topic. Fraud Everywhere
- You’re such a tough guy,
- What’s so Marxist about the
- BobbyD, thanks for the
- We need to bring back
- SD Realtor, sounds like you
- Yes, patience, patience…
- Aren’t you generally paying
- If you lend money to
- What I hope comes out of
- FirtTimeBuyer, Bob2007, I
- Want easy credit? $145k for
- I agree that credit is what
- Thanks for the article. I
- Do you guys know if this
- mixxalot, another thing to
- I think that there’s some
- Off Topic: Poverty in America
- Your brother-in-law’s wife
- This past weekend, I was
- Remember, we are just 1 year
- I looked at the
- I don’t know about Wilkes.
- Thanks for sharing your
- I meant to write “$186/sf in
- $186/sf in Oceanside and still now buyer
- That is wild. I wonder if
- Cunningham Figure going NOD
- I finally got a chance to
- Links to Asheville, NC.
- You’re just too cool
- I’ve never been to Ashville.
- I was wondering the same
- Let’s not forget the Fed’s
- Milton Friedman also said
- LBC, also remember if you
- I don’t see why cash back
- InCarmelValley, are you
- The only way for those sorts
- Big question. Where is the
- I too love energy
- I concur with Bugs.
- Interesting that the
- San Diego Bayfront
- And the people that paid
- I have the perception that
- Big loss in Carmel Valley.
- I too like Panama better
- Nancy, sounds like you got
- Talking about living with
- Where would you retire?
- CNN debunks false report
- I heard something on radio
- We have to wonder why the
- I wouldn’t bet on interest
- I agree with you CONCHO. By
- In all seriousness, we were
- We are fighting, the “bad
- If I buy it now… say at
- $100k+ loss when all is said
- Properties Selling for Losses
- $1 million for a remodeled
- This is an issue of local
- The Chevy Volt in
- I think that with the real
- Bugs, good post on that
- Ford posts record net loss of $12.7 billion in 2006
- I heard a lawyer ad on 93.3
- You can contact Rich at
- deadzone, i agree that the
- I believe that the changes
- About $200k Haircut in Clairemont
- Very astute point, jg. What
- Great chart, jg. If there’s
- There was no concensus on
- Concho is right. There is
- “Three times a week, they
- Bush is becoming
- Prominent Republicans are
- The buck stops here. The
- Another flip flop.
- In a down market, builders
- Republicans would say that
- I liked Jim Webb’s response
- It’s not just about
- Masayako, I have no children
- Here are the links to the
- Example of RE fraud.
- Real Estate Fraud
- 4plexowner is right.
- If you’re waiting for an
- Regardless of the historical
- jg, when you were at Walmart
- If your goal is oceanfront
- I like the UTC/La Jolla in
- Short sale in La Jolla.
- jg, traveling with the
- Obama’s spending his
- I see now. At first I was
- I don’t think that there’s
- I too won’t buy until I see
- I too can’t understand how
- In looking at listings, I
- sdnativeson, I wonder how
- Considering the cost of the
- I don’t read Consumer
- $100k+ loss in one year. Is
- Of the listing downtown i
- We borrowed from the future.
- It’ll probably take 500,000
- The GOP in a Quagmire.
- But, should a place be
- More of the same at the UT.
- BuyerWillEPB, 2 years is too
- I agree with zk what we
- I admire Jimmy Carter.
- Very seriously. Planners
- Some city leaders in San
- I wouldn’t strike
- When I say an eye for an
- I’ll just say I live in
- Both sides are guilty.. But
- sdrealtor, isn’t your market
- Hard for American People to Understand; Cracked Egg
- I’m voting for Obama in the
- In fact, I think it’s
- 3rd time’s a charm?
- Ceteris paribus is the first
- Trump recently started his
- Thanks for posting that
- Builders are always a little
- jg, i’m curious about who
- Diego, yes, I realize that
- FormerSanDiegan, I should
- sdrealtor, I would agree
- calidesigner, I remember the
- Do yourself a favor people:
- War costs are hitting
- jg, i’m writing my answer
- Yellow pages are effective
- Think about the fraud
- “Que sera sera.” Daisy, I
- SD Realtor, with the flux in
- Good site I believe. It
- I’m the one who said that.
- jg, I’m not in the least
- I noticed that Pardee has
- Superior Properties
- Chuck Hagel interview on
- How Republicans win if we
- jg, I didn’t say that i’m
- It’s about time!!
I think
- Laci Peterson house flip flop
- The opposition to Bush on
- $150k for a Mission Valley
- I remember someone on this
- According to the OC
- My Inbox is getting flooded.
- Condo Complex Goes to Lender
- Yes, Bill, peel the onion
- Raybyrnes, I don’t
- Cow-tipping, I love your
- My friend lives in an old
- Flip that flopped?
8609 VIA
- Well said bidtrouble.
- Some builders can sell new
- I’m not saying that tax
- I’d say that planning to be
- william_busch, how would you
- 7411 HERSCHEL AVE #2A, La
- UTC/La Jolla
- Nice to you have you back,
- Here’s an alternative.
- Another loss at the Grande.
- I don’t find this
- BikeRider, when you said
- If you’re for small
- Thanks guys. I used DAS
- Buying now is still a bad
- However much we like to
- The Republican Party is not
- How about a prepaid type web
- BikeRider, just curious,
- bgates, I think that the
- Yes, lumber prices have
- Crappy washer/dryer
- Definitely 2004 Pricing.
- This is an interesting read
- Things are never simple,
- The Fed will try to pull
- Overall a win for the USofA.
- Certain magazines I
- Technically, we are in a
- What is is about Clinton
- Bankruptcy Bootcamp
- I love this property
- $100k loss before expenses
- Not only are progressives
- Here’s an article about Greg
- The MLS is a closed database
- Interesting to watch the
- Here’s another one from
- I’m well aware of the
- Let’s see what he’s got to
- I agree very much with your
- Downtown is definitely a
- The lenders are in it for
- Bush terrorified. Ha, ha,
- … But that wouldn’t help
- As was mentioned before, the
- Thanks VanMorisonFan. Your
- Substantial loss at 777 6TH
- Another one at the Grande.
- Loss at the Grande. I like
- Look at this loft
- 1240 INDIA #1313, SD –
- Look at this spec house in
- RB, sounds like you’re
- Thanks sdrealtor. Perhaps if
- I’m always amazed at how our
- I would’ve taken that offer.
- They just keep on pouring
- Wow, I’m finding so many
- That’s exactly why I have no
- New Development Questions
- Does anyone know anything
- Loss in an old building.
- This seller is trying to
- I suggest that we post
- Downtown
- Same floor plan, higher
- My mom told me it’s never
- At the very least! OC is
- I too have receive constant
- Real Estate/Finance Trivia
- CardiffB, sounds like I’m
- I don’t think that you
- meadandale, 3 years ago is
- Here’s an article in the
- If our agriculture weren’t
- Yes, SD Realtor, looking at
- I just read that Grantville
- I’m hoping for pre-fab
- I concur with NeetaT —
- Rent a nice house for a year
- Another one taking a bath at Escala
- Fashion Walk Cancelled?
- $152k Loss on Oceanside Condo
- I have a friend who is a
- That’s because the lenders
- Interest Rates
- Off Topic. Frontline Programs on Iraq, and the Return of the Taliban
- Off Topic. Frontline Programs on Iraq, and the Return of the Taliban
- powayseller, you can the
- I have set some criteria on
- powayseller, you sound like
- Even if developer could, why
- Million-Dollar Babies
- Thanks for the link to the
- One reason I can think of
- Here’s another thread
- I agree with you Diego.
- If the banks are giving out
- That’s the problem with our
- PS, I’m also sorry about
- No matter the amount of
- Duplexes? I don’t think
- I agree, it’s going to take
- Concho, that is a great
- sdrealtor, your comments
- I was thinking the same
- LookoutBelow, wow, you have
- For tax purposes, your
- I’m looking for a place to
- Another minor point. The
- ocrenter, I love your blog.
- Very good point. An ARM is
- This is a re-post of
- Juice, that’s lousy advice.
- Sign up on
- I find it hard to believe
- Good video. We need a
- OK, I had a break and
- Here’s the NY Times article
- There are the three old
- Also, as you know, when a
- I think that 2007 will be
- I agree that most FBs will
- jg, should we add Rice,
- Report: 2.2 Million Subprime Borrowers Face Foreclosure
- What you are suggesting is
- That was a good screenplay,
- Don’t worry. There’ll still
- Regardless of whether you
- cabinboy, I believe that PS’
- Ok, so I looked up the area
- I don’t recall PS
- I guess that there’ll be
- You’ll see a lot more of
- Sounds like the 9/11
- Piggington is one of the few
- Sometimes related parties
- A search of Chula Vista
- Chula Vista
- I believe exactly what Tom
- You’re in the a great
- I’m not the only one
- Persian Palace
- Persian Palace
- That’s also how homebuilders
- Salo, i guess i’m not
- 3 months’ salary on an
- The American public lives by
- I’ve never been to Texas
- You would be an idiot to buy
- bgates, nobody hijacked my
- This is how people afford those 800k houses
- I’m amazed that some many of
- Probably related-party
- What kind of help are you
- I don’t believe that they
- Considering that most people
- Surveyor, real estate
- Even as a homeowner I
- Interesting topic. I
- studenteconomist, I know
- And rents will drop sharply
- To me, looking at median
- It depends what
- sdrealtor, as first, I
- Sure, for every house sold,
- powayseller, i’m glad you’re
- I don’t think that the best
- That why I think that
- I should also mention that
- My gas and electric bill
- Let’s not carried away with
- Steve Beebo, I still don’t
- I think that the real estate
- What wrong with renting a
- We need to reduce the size
- powayseller, I think that
- There’s no law against
- BuyerWillEPB, good for you
- It’ll be interesting to see
- My grand ma used to tell me
- I’m also a nutrition nut and
- I can understand why people
- Why would people who can
- I don’t now about Orange
- Hertzberg always looks at
- A loan that’ll get ugly fast
- Ride their bikes? Are you
- Link to Full Story on Yahoo
- Someone please explain to me
- lindi, I love Dwell
- I stand corrected,
- Death to the overstuffed
- When I think of housing
- Well, Universal just got the
- What’s wrong with colored
- I’m hoping for a
- Universal City: Now with residents?
- Daniel, thanks for
- It’s a seller’s market for
- How many people can afford
- To be fair to them, lenient
- sdcellar, i think that Santa
- I beg to differ with you
- It’s one thing trying to
- Because it’s a great deal.
- We are far from done. The
- Best way to ship car from SD to Chicago
- That’s true. I had to pay
- How about taking the family
- I too love Mexico but I
- jg, you may think that Susan
- Yeah, I don’t understand why
- The weather in San Diego is
- Warren Buffet lived with his
- sdrealtor, I agree that it
- One thing is not yet quite
- Why work until I am ready to
- Where are they? Can you
- jg, once suggested that it’s
- Lulu, when you say that you
- Mixxalot, where would you
- I believe that in the 1950s
- Renting at the Presidio in San Francisco
- I wish that we had a hybrid
- bgates, I admire your
- Yeah, 25% increase is crazy.
- Yeah, in the last few years,
- Wanting to win is one thing.
- I’ve been watching Liberty
- bgates, I’ve been busy at
- In another thread there was
- List Price: $799,000 –
- I agree with powayseller. I
- jg, yes, you are
- And here’s what Bernanke
- Civil War in Iraq
- For those who love history,
- Opps, sorry for the typos.
- Interview of Bill Gates
- I went to Target to buy 800
- You’ve been waiting since
- I would never defend the
- Nothing wrong with religious
- I read once that there is no
- I can understand your
- Don’t despair, kritinejm.
- AN, I just looked at that
- Here’s a link to a rental
- AN, I too don’t understand
- I’m with you
- rhinopham, no, you don’t
- nsr, you’re the best kind of
- Look at this modest condo in
- What you are referring to is
- I read somewhere that luxury
- bgates, to answer your
- Don’t allow your kids to
- Example of the 1990s downturn
- I beleive that one way to
- I agree with Roubini. I
- Yes, it is possible to refi
- jg, I have to agree with you
- Talking about malls, Chula
- Mexico Resident, where in
- Here’s a lease-to-own
- I wonder when the localities
- Yes, PD, I agree with
- bgates, I agree with most of
- Here’s what I discovered
- Here’s a link to a more
- That’s why we need
- A few years ago, my little
- Latest ad for Airoso. Just
- It wasn’t me, I can assure
- I read Bgates’ posts last
- My experience it that
- I agree with you
- Here’s a link to a better,
- bgates is certainly very
- Nobel-winner Milton Friedman dies at 94
- Thanks for the link CONCHO.
- bgates, I have no problem
- Downtown Project Going Rental
- Please share your rental
- I agree that leverage is
- also search for lender
- Will it take a depression?
- I don’t like Anti-American
- deadzone is right.
- I agree with BikeRider. Old
- I did read somewhere a while
- Buying a house is a way to force people to save?
- You just have to be a little
- The Germany of today is much
- Short sale in PQ at $30k more than purchase in 2002
- I’m with deadzone and
- I’m a fan of the Dixie
- sdrealtor, that house is
- WMDs or not, the world was
- The opinion expressed by
- Nicaragua – Another Administration Blunder?
- $47k Loss in Carlsbad in nearly 2 years ++
- Daniel, I agree that most
- Substantial Loss in College Area
- The fact that you “feel like
- There’s enough land along
- Here’s an article in the UT
- Bugs, your posts are
- 2003 prices at Escala is
- Thanks for posting. I love
- “I was very
- The Democrats could not
- I don’t think they can do
- I haven’t had the time to
- Republicans Cleaning House
- Back to the original thread
- No, I don’t think that the
- …. Shift + left click is
- Iran Is Key to Course Change
- Do you actually listen to
- Was listening to some of
- If I remember well, PMI was
- Making it nice for the
- I read the brochure more
- …. it’s like saying the
- I love politics and
- I’m eager to hear the Senate
- I’m not sure this survey is
- Chances of housing prices dropping is highest in SD
- Affirmative Action works if
- I don’t think that the
- I like to use quotes around
- As powayseller said, we
- I believe that this site
- I’m rooting for the
- Big Loss for Agent in San Marcos
- Perhaps because most of the
- jg put it perfectly well.
- I don’t mind the density.
- If you’re willing to pay in
- If you’re handy and
1. want
- Schwarzenegger will win so
- Why do you have problem with
- If you don’t want the
- I have been to Japan and I
- What is a flip anyway? I
- 24% Loss on modest condo conversion
- jg, the story of the
- I could not see find it on
- We don’t need to support
- Let’s look at it this way.
- ocrenter, i love your blog.
- New Website
- I didn’t even know who
- I think that powayseller is
- I have Internet addiction.
- New York City people are
- There’s a wide right-wing
- I think that powayseller is
- I don’t believe that there’s
- Way to go, socalrenter. :)
- ….. because it’s not
- I used to be very antsy in
- Evangelical leader quits
- Mexico Resident, are you
- In my view, $739k is not
- I think that threads should
- I also support compulsory
- I’d like to see more details
- Escala Mission Valley $27k loss in 2 years
- $50k loss on modest condo
- jg, I really like the WRX,
- It baffles me that people
- Enlisted military are not
- I would agree that
- I’m also on jg’s side
- Actually, housing moving at
- I’m only an observer of San
- These are some other links
- Here’s my response to
- jd, I’m trying to picture a
- I also read Jim the
- powayseller is right. The
- I find that Bugs speaks with
- Seller in trouble selling all fixtures?
- Real Estate realists are
- The poster wanted the best
- I would agree that
- I think that lack of posting
- jg, I bet that you’d still
- I know that there’s some
- So many military guys on
- Interesting article on
- Some time ago, I went to a
- I forgot to say that if
- Yes, deadzone, the invasion
- I would recommend the
- We had a brief 6-month
- LA Times Story
- Steve B, I beg to differ.
- Those signs should be
- Thanks for the link. Very
- I really love Bay Park
- Bloodbath at UTC?
- JES, what is the difference
- Here’s an interesting Union
- Ha,ha, I had a good laugh
- What’s the difference
- I just checked. Craigslist
- VCJIM, why not move and
- powayseller, you keep
- If our political leaders and
- Well said lendingbubbleco.
- powayseller, good story of
- *Gasp* a Subaru?! That’s
- powayseller, nice to see you
- The deal’s not done until
- That kind of scheme is
- Thanks for the link, JES.
- The sales pitch is why rent
- I like Christians. I
- Psychology is a big factor
- What did you expect of Fox?
- Houses adverstized for monthly payments
- I think that the Internet
- SD Renter, what is the
- Renting is not putting your
- I think it’s a question of
- I suggest renting something
- Perhaps Zillow aims to
- powayseller, i can’t wait to
- In the last 1990s downturn,
- waiting hawk, the real
- Yeah, you’re right… like
- lindismith, I didn’t ask the
- San Diego in no way
- You’re right lostkitty. The
- I second lostkitty’s
- My observation is that
- I wonder why so many
- A good stripper should make
- I also remember the Mt
- Entertainment of the day
- The price compression Bugs
- UT – Home sales, prices still Falling
- I have done real estate
- I just heard of 18-unit
- That’s why I say that
- That’s why Realtor comes
- Notice that their assets are
- BuyerWillEPB, I know it’s
- I’ve been involved in many
- Isn’t there liability
- I can sympathize with the
- bgates, you are right. To
- What about 5 years ago when
- Good suggestions, JES.
- The tech revolution hasn’t
- Tucker, I think that was
- I think that there’ll be a
- Thanks for the update,
- LOL, Greedypants
- I’m of the opinion that the
- Powayseller wrote about this
- I drove through Bressi Ranch
- I agree with you jg on
- Thanks for the post,
- carlislematthew, your
- zk, you expressed exactly
- Beebo, you make a great
- noone, truth to the BS? I
- Steve B, buyers who bought
- noone, I don’t quite
- Buy now?
- malfred, if you’ve read
- As evidenced by the latest
- Did you guys see _An
- I learned about those shows
- Back in 1989 the local press
- JES, you make really good
- When the bubble pops, that
- How about a link to the
- JES, it’s looks like you’re
- …..until buyers see high
- I agree with Rich’s analysis
- Here’s the professor’s full
- sdrealtor, you’re making a
- Where is powayseller and her
- Zip Realty is so much better
- They have tips on how to
- Sorry, I don’t pity greedy
- socalalarm, much of the
- That was a little sexist,
- part of powayseller’s charm
- I’m afraid that these
- zk, I also think you have
- I enjoy powayseller’s posts.
- The Red States are not
- Not surprising. I’d surmise
- ” Nothaft: Take out a HELOC
- I refuse to even listen to
- If I were you, I’d sell.
- If borrowers can no longer
- Interesting that the FBI is
- More Home Buyers Stretch Truth
- Daniel is right on. Many
- It’s true, different strokes
- I know some people in
- Thanks for the comments on
- speedingbullet, do you think
- I love languages so I
- I agree with asianautica and
- One thing that you have to
- I hope that the news of the
- I don’t expect the option
- avidsaver, lamoneyguy, what
- I can understand the
- Well said LookoutBelow. Of
- Humm…, sdrealtor, I know
- On the point of powayseller
- Generally good advice all
- For the Bush Administration
- Give powayseller a break.
- Why can’t we have a little
- To you guys out there, you
- Is North County Jim the same
- The spy agencies were never
- Only marry a rich girl.
- What strikes me most is the
- Shinning headlights into the
- I agree with McCain “that we
- If you tell him that you’re
- “What prevents the uninsured
- Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat
- I admire Clinton for being
- Bad Blood Over Bad Loans – Business Week
- Here’s the link on
- Below is an excerpt from an
- In my view, there’s nothing
- Amazing how the condo
- I also love Vancouver. The
- What? I’m a little
- Humm… but buying a house
- Barnaby is right. It’s a
- 4plexowner, if undocumented
- Great information, North
- It seemed a good bet at the time – ARM
- Also speaking personally, I
- “Amorturize” for amortize,
- I’ll keep the politics in
- I also was here in 1990s
- powayseller, you put it very
- Real estate “magnet” instead
- I believe what’s different
- I wish that someone with
- Huge Loss on 2bd Condo in Penasquitos
- We all know this phenomenon
- socalarm, I think if prices
- Yes, PS, that’s the point.
- Wow, hardly to beleive but
- Current Housing Inventory in SD
- Imagine a borrower purchased
- Sounds to me like the NAR is
- I don’t know of any new
- She should be able to get
- My observation of human
- I don’t think that there’s
- Not surprising. Plenty of
- powayseller, I love your
- FutureSDguy, another thing
- I’m a North County Coastal
- Predictions are never
- I had not read Jim the
- I can happen here also.
- I think that the possibility
- How about Carlsbad or
- Anxvariety, that’s why, if
- Attack on youtube
- Also it’s a nuclear weapon
- kylekieu, just try. The
- I’m with you FutureSDguy.
- I say let the chips fall
- I agree. Speculators have
- If I remember well, in the
- I’m with you FutureSDguy.
- My friend is chasing the
- I rarely watch local TV but
- More on Suleiman Fraud
- I agree with your wife.
- I think that cities like
- lendingbubbleco, I love
- I believe that in the past
- Look at rent near where you
- ha.ha very funny! I like
- BTW this condo is currently
- Chrispy, if i rent to a
- Condo Repo under 2004 Price
- carlislematthew, you have a
- What is Section 8?
Look at
- sdrealtor, yeah 20k is not
- As much as I’d like to live
- Yeah, looks like Poway is
- Policy makers keep “the
- I agree with Daniel.
If a
- I think that her equity
- Thanks for all the response.
- What were the consequences
- I’m all for a “revolution”
- I agree with your
- sdrealtor is right that
- Walking on your mortgage
- San Diego Housing Still Cooling
- sdrealtor, what do you think
- Let us know how it
- Mr. Brightside,
If you run
- Gut feelings have everything
- zk, I believe he meant that
- I don’t think the buyers
- I’m with anxvariety. I also
- Yes, I always hear of women
- vrudny, I believe that real
- I just talked to a buddy who
- Zip Realty is great. You
- Living in Western Europe is
- Let’s face it. It’s true
- I have a friend who’s
- sebNY, tu es francais? Ma
- Mr Brightside, thanks for
- I believe that only 20% of
- Working part-time in old age
- Sorry, Barnaby33, I think
- Will Immigration Save Housing
- Can anyone remember the
- Lereah is now blaming the
- I beleive that we’ll be
- duplicate
- powayseller, William
- Unlike the Japanese,
- I would say let them make
- How can you not know Alan
- If you’ve talking about
- Looks like because i don’t
- Such long commutes are
- jp, you need to create a
- I live in one of those
- I find it amazing how
- SD Realtor, do you have a
- Too bad i don’t have cable.
- How do you know that you
- New York Times
article on
- SEPTEMBER 11, 2006
- mrquoi, are you talking
- Should we not want them to
- Bugs, Bressi Ranch is on a
- I’ve been reading Business
- $239k for a 1 bd condo at
- I’d love to learn more about
- sdduuuude, what about TJ?
- lendingbubble, I love it
- Just for the fun of it, i’d
- I would agree with not
- Too bad. I still hope they
- formersandiegan, I live in
- Bank Owned House / Strange Listing
- In: 0
Out: 4
I talked to 2
- Me too. I think it’s
- ybc, I too like Barack
- Bugs, what are the local
- I think the sign
- I think that the oil traders
- Powayseller should love this
- powayseller’s first
- sdrebear, thanks for the
- It would depend how long
- In defense of powayseller,
- The US Constitution is based
- Katrina & Housing
- Church & State
- I concur with you, vcguy_10.
- sdrebear, i agree with you
- Charles Jones Soong, the
- Or could it be that
- Economies are now becoming
- A reduction in US
- Wealth that was created
- Bugs, I enjoy your posts.
- There are so many houses but
- I think a deal is a deal.
- I love powayseller, she’s
- America Beauty is a great
- I went to my friend’s place
- It’s absolutely not true
- By reading Chinese
- I don’t think that most
- I think that the boomers
- If I had children, I’d
- I was referring to the cross
- I’ve noticed that
- Roubini, hot?!
Ok, I
- Chrispy, are you laughing
- One issue that is politics
- Elections 2006
- People are going to hate me
- I wonder if GWB took his own
- What ethic background is
- bugs, I bought my first
- sdrealtor, it’s interesting
- Mr_Brightside, thanks for
- jg, why would native born
- Very reasonable to me.
- or Realtor?
- sdrealtor, I’m not sure
- Harry Dent once said that
- FormerSanDiego, the reason
- Tom Fudge is also bad. He
- We live in world of money.
- I like the Fortune article
- ” I want to run out of
- I think that we’re all
- I do the same thing as you,
- I was reading all the
- Very interesting article.
- City or County officials in
- 1) Own in suburb. Purchased
- True, west of I5 is where
- The reason I said that about
- Another bunch of bull sales
- Nate, my brother is in
- Just out of curiosity, did
- I just decided to remove the
- Too big to fail.
Ford will
- I’ll watching with interest.
- If I were you I’d wait 3
- LookoutBelow, what a great
- Excel?! You need an
- Managing property sounds
- Housing Futures Market
- I think that new home sales
- Yes, I grew up in France. My
- Actually what Mexico does is
- sdrealtor, what is your
- davidpeace, if you want to
- PD, you can immigrate to
- Diego, it’s the Republican
- svferris, there are plenty
- I would second sparkey’s
- doofrat, i agree with the
- sdrealtor, i’ve read your
- Shiller said he wasn’t sure
- I’m looking for similar type
- You guys make really good
- gunbuster, how do you manage
- I’m far from elite but I
- asianautica, looks like you
- anxvariety, what do you have
- I don’t like to shake hands
- I think that Rich did a fine
- FormerSanDiegan, those are
- What? You’be been following
- sdrealtor, I’m also looking
- A bear always has to be very
- Insisting on calling an
- asianautica, who is Dan
- Lenders are just serving a
- Upgraded kitchen and
- doofrat, I don’t grab the
- Etiquette says that plates
- This is the first year that
- See, God only saves his
- svferris, thanks for the
- Sounds like those shows are
- Super! I wish I had
- “…the drought killed most
- One thing about God is that
- A good journalist asks tough
- You can deduct for taxes
- It airs at 11:00am and yes,
- End of the Housing Boom on NPR
- burger007, did you remove
- I don’t have cable to so I
- Buchanan is a religious
- Bugs, is your brother
- You can use HTML tags, or
- bgates, Diego, looks like we
- I went to the DMV on
- ybc, yes, I spent several
- A 900k foreclosure!! Talk
- I beleive that’s it works
- bgates, ever since the
- docteur, you make some good
- SD Realtor, when I look in
- I talked to a friend a few
- It’s very worrysome when our
- powayseller, thanks for the
- The only reason I hold on to
- We beleive that the Middle
- bgates, I’m not happy that
- bgates, yes, I’ll concede to
- Anyone who uses the word
- BTW, most everyone, except
- I used to vote for
- rooooous, keep us updated
- I don’t think that the
- I have replacement cost.
- It’s funny that Real Estate
- One reason we’re loosing
- Try for web
- ” I would love to get a
- Bush is a nutcase. He has
- Homeowners Insurance Recommendation
- doofrat, what you said makes
- 50-year mortgage to prop-up housing?
- lindismith, I concur with
- La Jolla Renter, your
- Problem with mc mansions is
- I love to examine the
- There’s always a lot of work
- Here’s the Voice of San
- There is a book on trails in
- A good place in Mira Mesa is
- PS, it feels good to be
- All this time I thought that
- I believe that the Chinese
- Lendingbubble, I beleive
- Did anyone of you see your
- LA_Renter. I’m with you on
- svferris, yeah i’ve seen
- Mini storage has always been
- I believe that since the
- I was one of the fools who
- Yes they did. I remember,
- I beg to disagree Diego. I
- unbiasedobserver, I’ve
- I’d like to live downtown
- So Mr. Brightside, in a few
- I see plenty of resale
- I asked my Navy friend to
- JES, I don’t think that
- I’m not against the
- America is very big.
- The interest of the
- An aiport is good for
- If you have a lease, there’s
- The problem is that we don’t
- It’s amazing the kinds of
- I read the article and
- The military would agree
- There already is requirement
- Now that the Fed paused, I
- I think they should just go
- salo_t, I think that’s the
- The second example you
- I’m here because the
- JES, I think you meant her
- JES, that’s a hard question
- We can debate the downturn
- $150k SFR in 1999? I don’t
- I support the minimum wage
- Technovelist, how does an
- The weather is cooler than
- JES, with high oil prices,
- I have a cousin who lives in
- Daniel, you’re right. ARM
- sdsundevil, did you buy RE
- I wonder who cleans those
- I don’t think that renters
- Right on deadzone, don’t get
- formerowner, yeah SF is a
- powayseller, thanks for
- I don’t advise to buy a
- salo_t, what you’re doing is
- Salo_t, are you sure you
- irvinesinglemom, I would
- technovelist, personally i
- Yeah, people think they have
- mydogsarelazy, based on the
- JES, what state would you go
- I have a friend just like
- bubble_contagion, that’s
- Another question for you
- Thanks SD Realtor. What
- Without immigrants,
- $350k for that condo?
- I find it surprising that
- I’m going to take Barnaby’s
- I think that China is now
- Murray, could it be that
- Please air all the dirty
- Daniel, I would agree with
- If I remember well, during
- About GM and healthy care
- One more hike, then pause.
- waiting hawk, i love your
- I think it’s a super idea to
- Bugs, my cousin who’s a
- I have a feeling that drug
- speedingbullet, excercise of
- I also read that rental
- Yeah, the exotic loans are
- Yeah, I read that developers
- I too love the usability of
- Cardiffbaseball, I was
- Powayseller, thanks for the
- SD has been a place where
- Politically, there’s no way
- A write-down is a book
- I’ve read Piggington since
- PS, i see your point. And
- I second the notion that RE
- ybc, yes you can adjust your
- I’m all for Wal-Mart. The
- Well, I think the big
- While I think that
- Powayseller, please don’t go
- Could it be that our society
- I agree with you
- In defense of Fashion Walk,
- Like you guys, I’m also
- I also like this forum. The
- smfj, home #1 might sell for
- SDAppraiser, do you normally
- Here’s an ad from Pulte for
- I agree with you bob007.
- This thread links back to
- We should think of a global
- International Investors in US Residential Real Estate
- I like the way powayseller
- ” She paid $343,000 for the
- North County, you sound like
- Commercial property
- zk, very interesting look at
- sdrealtor, as I said before
- I’d love to see ZipRealty
- Rich Toscano, as a
- Humm… I would love do a
- It’s amazing how many are
- San Diego lifestyle is
- Having the government
- I wonder how people
- Do you guys know who owns
- I believe that once a
- I would agree with the
- I’m rooting for Zillow. I
- You’re right bmrum… that
- docteur, like you said it
- “Dallas has nearly the
- docteur, profit margin on
- I wonder if gays have less
- Five Stage of Grief
- My friend thought that he
- Sanyo moving SD USA HQ to Dallas Area
- I vote for SD Realtor
- I agree with Bugs’ analysis.
- Well said Powayseller and
- The RE industry is highly
- That buyer will not be
- The RE industry is quasi
- I agree that bankruptcy is
- 10-20% profit margin for
- Homeowners who have homes
- The house in question was
- The San Diego economy is in
- Mold is a big issue in older
- There’s a new sucker born
- Thanks for your input.
- Renting out rooms to meet
- MLS #: 066034153. Don’t
- I’m not an expert but I
- Yes, those are really ugly
- I remember on the plane
- Yes, I also know middle
- Hi Equalizer, how to you
- Thanks for the data MrQuoi.
- San Diego has a long way to
- I’m attracted to downtown.
- I visited that development
- FormerSanDiegan, I think
- Downtown Density vs. Single Family Residence
- sdrealtor, i too feel that
- What’s so great about the
- School Districts in San Diego County
- A bear real estate column?
- The cost of remodeling is
- Dacounselor, please stay
- HS, I would second your
- It’s greed not investment.
- Well said asianautica.
- I didn’t fully answer your
- My auntie, is 84 years old.
- Rich Toscano, maybe
- Tax savings is overstated
- Pakistan Expanding Nuclear Program
- PS, I love your contribution
- Liquidity is also a big
- Also HOA is usually more
- Waiting Hawk, this is
- Refis will delay the day of
- Sanyo whose USA headquarters
- Notice the story of Mr.
- Re-refinancing, and Putting Off Mortgage Pain
- Mr. Young, please let us
- I e-mailed her and politely
- Merlin, I also think price
- How about price per sq ft in
- I’m with you Rankandfile.
- Not if you’re a
- The IRS rule is that if you
- Doctors and hospitals bill
- It’s an urban myth that
- What makes you think that
- We need better leadership.
- Back in the 90’s my brother
- PS, consider that your
- You’re getting a great deal.
- Chula Vista Bayfront
- Back to real estate. I
- Well said, no-such-reality.
- Schadenfreude anyone? I
- I think that Darrell is
- Did you also know that
- $650,000 for a house in
- 3500sqft +? How about
- VCJIM, I support your
- Remember the S&L debacle?
- Verano, Vicenza are junk. I
- I think that housing is such
- Alan Gin is being
- You have some good points
- What is the profit margin on
- I just got an email about
- My elderly auntie is widowed
- I believe it’s unquote.
- Taiwanese are certainly not
- More Housing Decline Example
- Smaller house?
- Thanks for the facts SD
- SD Median Price Down
- I doubt that the Federal
- Real Estate and Divorce
- PS, I’m with you on the
- People are generally good if
- Back to the original post on
- How about taking some money