Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYour argument is not fair JG. Who is going to counter you now when to do so implies talking down your mother?:)
You are making really good points of the true hazards of reckless handling of migrant worker but I must say your qouting her reminds me of the “last in shut the door” mentality that immigrants often have.
Another comparision people here have made is about how unfair it is that illegals are crossing the border whne other people are paying thousands of dollars and wading through years of scrutiny and red tape to have a chance at citizenship.The people who have the means to conduct that sort of effort are not coming here to pick strawberries. They want our jobs, and if the govenment didn’t limit their entry severely there really would be serious political consequences.
Conversely it is a matter of economy and efficiency to play this cat and mouse game with the Mexican nationals who want to swing a hammer or cook prime rib dinners for us up here.It is just cheaper to let them come in illegally at least up front and then there is always the possibility of throwing them out when things go bad and we actually want their jobs. Try that with someone who pays dearly to enter this country legally.
Another point, the children of illegals are in large numbers fighting your war in Iraq. What kind of respect do you think they deserve for that? Do you read the Sirnames of the Fallen?It is the same economy that allows them to die for you or for oil or how ever you look at it,as allows them to work and use public services.NotCranky
ParticipantAfter all contingencies are signed off you can sign the lease. Put an agreement into the lease covering what the damages are if you don’t perform. I would suggest the ammount be enticing enough that the landlord is motivated to sign with you but not more than 2 months rent.That should be somewhat close to or less than the earnest money that you get to keep if the buyer quits after contingency removal.There is no need for your move not to go smoothly. It is too late in your case but frequently the contract terms can be negotiated for the seller to maintain possession for a period of time after the close of escrow.
Good luck.NotCranky
ParticipantAfter all contingencies are signed off you can sign the lease. Put an agreement into the lease covering what the damages are if you don’t perform. I would suggest the ammount be enticing enough that the landlord is motivated to sign with you but not more than 2 months rent.That should be somewhat close to or less than the earnest money that you get to keep if the buyer quits after contingency removal.There is no need for your move not to go smoothly. It is too late in your case but frequently the contract terms can be negotiated for the seller to maintain possession for a period of time after the close of escrow.
Good luck.NotCranky
ParticipantPlease keep this topic up. My wife shares my interest in this topic and it might make her more sypathetic towards me getting fatter and lazier in front of the computer!
ParticipantPlease keep this topic up. My wife shares my interest in this topic and it might make her more sypathetic towards me getting fatter and lazier in front of the computer!
Although We do both agree that we are primates evidently I don’t think I will be going extinct any time soon!
The RE Industry is changing now, with ACCESS to INFORMATION via the INTERNET. Just like every other industry. This is true. However, The INTERNET is more of and aid to me, an agent than a threat to my survival. Don’t underestimate how complicated this job is because you saw so many unsophisticated individuals out pimping houses to thoughtless acentionists in a boom.
You can learn to repair a car bumber to bumper on the net but how many people are going to do it? There is more to it than meets the eye. I will explain more if you want. I recommend you think about getting a license like I have done to others. You might be are the right kind to do your own business but many people aren’t or are not interested in spending the time and they need an honest advocate and an advisor. Most of the time for better or for worse that is a REALTOR in California and will continue to be.Best wishes,
Although We do both agree that we are primates evidently I don’t think I will be going extinct any time soon!
The RE Industry is changing now, with ACCESS to INFORMATION via the INTERNET. Just like every other industry. This is true. However, The INTERNET is more of and aid to me, an agent than a threat to my survival. Don’t underestimate how complicated this job is because you saw so many unsophisticated individuals out pimping houses to thoughtless acentionists in a boom.
You can learn to repair a car bumber to bumper on the net but how many people are going to do it? There is more to it than meets the eye. I will explain more if you want. I recommend you think about getting a license like I have done to others. You might be are the right kind to do your own business but many people aren’t or are not interested in spending the time and they need an honest advocate and an advisor. Most of the time for better or for worse that is a REALTOR in California and will continue to be.Best wishes,
FLU many illegals are paying taxes too…
Sometimes they do it for years with a fake ssn and don’t file.Thats a windfall for our Government I know of people here illegally that file year after year too. Tell me if I am wrong but don’t the have acces to tax payer Id #. I think that is how they do it.NotCranky
FLU many illegals are paying taxes too…
Sometimes they do it for years with a fake ssn and don’t file.Thats a windfall for our Government I know of people here illegally that file year after year too. Tell me if I am wrong but don’t the have acces to tax payer Id #. I think that is how they do it.NotCranky
The apprecitaion although long term happend to a large degree in big chunks.I think we are getting ready to take a big chunk off. Prices have held for a few months because sellers believe they would get a price equal or better than recent but pre-spring comps. We all know spring did not work out too well.There is latent downside tension because of this. Also people are going to realize that Foreclosure activity is not a good sign.
Wait until we here the story….”I bought this forclosure and now I am upside down and being kicked out of my house.”
That ought to do it for another chunk.I don’t get the The “deeper” part of “FASTER AND DEEPER” I agree with Rich and others that the bottom will be at some kind of support fundamentals that are relatively normal unless we have a depression and then they will kind of be abnormal.I don’t think we are even close but I haven’t got any kind of a picture of what that is going to look like. I think if we are still here on the blog, collectively we will be able to put it together at the time. I don’t think in real estate it is as hard to time the tops and bottoms as other financial markets. You pay for the predictability with illiquidity.
The apprecitaion although long term happend to a large degree in big chunks.I think we are getting ready to take a big chunk off. Prices have held for a few months because sellers believe they would get a price equal or better than recent but pre-spring comps. We all know spring did not work out too well.There is latent downside tension because of this. Also people are going to realize that Foreclosure activity is not a good sign.
Wait until we here the story….”I bought this forclosure and now I am upside down and being kicked out of my house.”
That ought to do it for another chunk.I don’t get the The “deeper” part of “FASTER AND DEEPER” I agree with Rich and others that the bottom will be at some kind of support fundamentals that are relatively normal unless we have a depression and then they will kind of be abnormal.I don’t think we are even close but I haven’t got any kind of a picture of what that is going to look like. I think if we are still here on the blog, collectively we will be able to put it together at the time. I don’t think in real estate it is as hard to time the tops and bottoms as other financial markets. You pay for the predictability with illiquidity.
ParticipantAt least I intended the first person! Actually I don’t write in spanish too often.I am pretty fluent. It does surprise me that I stored that one in they grey matter incorrectly. I bet I got away with it in school!
Thanks for the correction Concho
Que pase buen Dia!NotCranky
ParticipantAt least I intended the first person! Actually I don’t write in spanish too often.I am pretty fluent. It does surprise me that I stored that one in they grey matter incorrectly. I bet I got away with it in school!
Thanks for the correction Concho
Que pase buen Dia!NotCranky
ParticipantSD REALTOR
I am sure he is learning and he is as intelligent as anyone,not that you have said otherwise.
It is just his style to throw out everything he is working on to see what feed back he gets then he makes gains and does it again. I give him credit for trying.
In your defintition you said something I think we hear a lot and I probably say half the time when I am on the topic too. It’s very trivial.On a fixed you pay more interest at the start because the principal is larger not because the lender wants money up front. Its just a “straight note”.
Hope you are having a good day! -