While watching a show on Quorum Sensing, it occurred to me that a parallel could be drawn to the real estate bubble.
Wikepedia says:
“The purpose of quorum sensing is to coordinate certain behavior or actions between bacteria of the same kind, depending on the number. For example, opportunistic bacteria… can grow within a host without harming it, until they reach a certain concentration. Then they become aggressive, their numbers sufficient to overcome the host’s immune system and form a biofilm, leading to disease.”
I think we, as a group, reached the point of quorum sensing around 2003, causing thousands of seemingly sensible people to engage in risky home purchases at the same time.
Wikepedia also says:
“Disrupting the signaling process… is called quorum quenching.”
I think we reached quorum quenching in August 2005.
So when will the disease be completely eradicated?