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17 years ago

Chicago mercantile exchange
Chicago mercantile exchange futures for San Diego May 08
last traded at 222.8 –
I don’t have the March 07 figure to hand but it’s 230 something.

So if anybody really believes in the bottom they can put their money where their mouth is trading an index which seems to understate the “price recovery.”

Keep up the good work, Rick!


17 years ago

Very nice update,
Very nice update, Rich.

Funny, how the change in mix (less low-end, relatively more high-end) affects even the size-adjusted calculations; I would not have guessed that that would be the case. When I squint, I see a good correlation between the raw median and size-adjusted median graphs.

I know that ‘median price for resale homes’ is flawed. But, for me, it alone is sufficient when it is caveated with the statement, ‘Remember that there is a change in mix, and that such will resolve itself in the data series in coming months.’

Keep up the good work, sir.

Now, back to politics and religion…

17 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree that this is a
I agree that this is a fantastic update. We are privleged to have access to it.

“Funny, how the change in mix (less low-end, relatively more high-end) affects even the size-adjusted calculations;”

My take is that these more qualified “high end buyers” are buying more expensive land(location,views ect.) and higher quality construction and finishings or some hybrid of all three.If this is true it explains the price per square foot almost tracing the basic median trend.