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17 years ago

I’d like a pound please…..

I’d like a pound please…..

17 years ago

Rich, if you listened to
Rich, if you listened to KOGO in the mornings you’d hear Chamberlain spout of this type of non-sense quite regularly. This is pretty much par for the course.

17 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The really funny lines from
The really funny lines from C- in the morning on KOGO are when he has to explain downturns in the market; he really seems to lose his footing, then. I feel for the guy, sometimes. It’s going to be a long, painful period, this forthcoming downturn, for him.

17 years ago

He spoke to the same thing
He spoke to the same thing at the (marketing) seminar held in Del Sur earlier this year. And he seemed truly bothered by the U-T. I almost felt like there was more history behind it and made me wonder if George had been snubbed by the paper at some point.

I don’t get why George can’t bear to be the slightest bit bearish about the housing market. I know I’ve heard him bash other things–I know he hates annuities, for example, so he’s not just a silver lining guy. Clearly it helped him get a speaking engagement like the one I just mentioned, but is he otherwise in the pocket of or significantly connected to the REIC?

17 years ago
Reply to  sdcellar

Supposedly his daughter
Supposedly his daughter bought at the peak using unconventional financing…on Daddy’s advice…ouch.

17 years ago
Reply to  JWM in SD

C’mon, Chamerblin….quit
C’mon, Chamerblin….quit being such a pussy and defend yourself here…you know you’re pissed. Now, fight back! (if you can even find your manhood, that is)