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You should give pod save America a try. It’s truthful. Those guys were Obama staffers.
One reason I avoid video news, whether it’s msnbc or fox or cnn or any television (or other video) news is that it’s just buckets of emotion being thrown at you. And those emotions are there, usually, in an attempt to manipulate. I despise it.
That said, I watched the trailer. Looked good. I watched a couple interviews, skipping around to try to get a feel for their style. Looked good. I liked that they’re pretty low-key, the seem like they’re trying to get to the heart of things. I like their sense of humor and their style in general.
Or maybe it’s just that I generally agree with them that the emotion that they do show doesn’t bother me. And now I’m going down a slippery road toward being manipulated. I don’t like that.
The other main reason I avoid video news is that I just don’t want to spend the time. If I watch a 30-minute interview with somebody, I might get a better idea of their personality than if I read the news, so maybe if I’m curious about someone this would be a good place to flesh out my opinion. But video is just so slow. I can read a shit ton of news in 30 minutes.
Anyway, thanks for the recommend. I’ll keep them in mind.
zkParticipant[quote=FlyerInHi]Please point to the exact quote you posted before about your friendship with that Fox News lover. I don’t find it.
All relationships are asymmetrical because of power dynamics. It’s a matter of degrees. If it doesn’t apply to you, then I apologize. My observation is that liberals tend to be more conciliatory “for the greater good”. My point is that doesn’t work. People don’t get it unless given some of their own medicine. That’s the deterrent principle conservatives operate by.[/quote]
It’s all right there in the link I already provided. Read the whole page.
Apology accepted.
zkParticipant[quote=flu]Zk. Happy holidays. I am not taking the bait from Brian, either on this thread of the other on the “right wing media” he resurrected to start stir shit up again on a real estate blog out of all places, like I said he would do. That’s why I haven’t even even read each of his ignored posts. Like I said, I know what his motives are, and I don’t really want to encourage this mental illness. You cannot reason with someone unreasonable. Have a great holiday.[/quote]
Thanks, flu. I’m basically an atheist, but I celebrate christmas. I love the festiveness, the music, the lights, and the giving.
Happy holidays to you and yours.
If I recall, ZK posted about his golf buddy who watches Fox News. Zk is too nice, but I’m sure that if he were to behave symmetrically, the friend would no longer be friend. Obvious tilted relationship. I challenge anyone to test my observations.
Your “observations” are made up, you idiot. Go back and read the posts:
I re-read as you suggested and i found nothing.
You did agree that there is asymmetry in left vs right media.[/quote]
Wow, brian. That’s something trump would do. Get called out on some shit he was obviously wrong about, and then make up some nonsense to make it sound like he was right and then hope nobody notices or cares. I shouldn’t have to spell this out for you, but I’m going to anyway, in case you’re actually too stupid to understand where you went wrong (which I doubt) rather than just trying to manipulate the conversation using misdirection and half-truths: Agreeing that there is asymmetry in the media is not the same as having an asymmetrical friendship. They don’t even have anything to do with one another.zkParticipant[quote=FlyerInHi]
If I recall, ZK posted about his golf buddy who watches Fox News. Zk is too nice, but I’m sure that if he were to behave symmetrically, the friend would no longer be friend. Obvious tilted relationship. I challenge anyone to test my observations.
Your “observations” are made up, you idiot. Go back and read the posts:
You assumed something. I told you back then I had already tested your assumption and proven it wrong. And here you are, a year later, challenging anyone to test your already-proven-wrong “observation.”
Brian, the fact that you are able to ignore the truth probably has something to do with what flu is talking about. You remember and believe what you want to, truth be damned.
I get mistaken for an extreme liberal sometimes, even though I’m a left-leaning moderate. The reason I get mistaken for an extreme is my white-hot, passionate loathing for donald trump and for right-wing propaganda. The reason I hate those things so much is that I absolutely despise when the truth is ignored, when people are manipulated, when people make decisions based on lies.
I would hate left-wing propaganda just as much as right-wing propaganda, but there’s so little of it, and it’s so ineffective, it’s not really hurting our country that much. But it would be hurting the country if it was as powerful and influential as right-wing propaganda.
My point, brian, is that if you’re not willing to stick with the truth, if you have to make shit up in order to make your points and back your positions, then you’re every single bit as bad as any trump supporter.
zkParticipant[quote=flu]I’ll take a slightly different approach…. [/quote]
Great post, flu.
zkParticipant[quote=NeetaT]Oh no! Here I go again. I’m watching Fox News. Those guys are real deplorables.
They believe in:
1.) Low taxes
2.) Limited government
3.) Secure borders
4.) Respect for law enforcement
5.) They are anti affirmative action.
6.) They don’t believe in getting rid of plastic straws.
7.) They don’t believe in making people pay for plastic grocery bags.
8.) They believe in personal responsibility.
9.) They don’t believe in putting triangle signs on bathroom doors.
10.) They believe that certain criminals should be shot on sight.OH NO!!!!![/quote]
Well, first of all, Neeta, that’s a straw man argument. Nobody’s calling trump supporters deplorables for the above reasons. We’re calling you deplorable because you support a president whose example, whose ideas and comments and actions are deplorable.
In any case, thanks for making my point for me by illustrating precisely what I’ve been saying all along:
You’re an imbecile for worrying about what fox manipulates you into worrying about (your list) when 1) a lot of it is nonsense or trivial (especially compared to the damage trump is causing) 2)what is important on that list assumes that progressives hold the opposite views (which, with the possible exception of limited government – and then only relatively – they don’t) and 3)most importantly, you’ve been distracted and manipulated and disinformed into ignoring (or minimizing or not knowing about) the massive damage that a completely unfit leader is doing to our country.
(fox news): Mattis resigned. We’ll give you trump’s take on this and only trump’s take. Nothing to see here. LOOK OVER THERE! THEY’RE MAKING YOU PAY 10 CENTS FOR A GROCERY BAG!!
Good god, what a chump.
zkParticipant[quote=gromit][quote=zk]I think we’re approaching the screeching monkey phase.
And still most of the people who voted for trump don’t get it.
After the news about Mattis’s resignation came out yesterday, I checked foxnews online just to see what they were saying about it. It wasn’t even a top story – I had to search to find it on their front page. And of course all it said was that Mattis was going to resign (as though it was an ordinary transition in due course), and the article quoted TRUMP’S TWEETS, not Mattis’s resignation letter!!!!
No wonder MAGA-folk are such unrelenting Trump supporters, they aren’t even getting the news. I guess I knew this on some level, but I never look at foxnews, so this was a depressing/ alarming realization – the extent to which they’re being kept ignorant.[/quote]
I looked at fox, and of course I saw the exact same thing. I would have been shocked if I had seen anything else.
As I’ve been saying for years, right-wing media are destroying our country in almost exactly the manner you describe. Where I would differ is that I think it’s worse than them being kept ignorant; they’re being disinformed. They’re constantly being fed disinformation by fox and infowars and the rest of the right-wing propaganda machine. This disinformation includes false information about liberals and their positions and their ideas and their priorities. It includes false information about conservatives and their priorities and their policies and the effects of their policies.
They’ve created an alternate universe where trump is a stable genius, democrats want as many undocumented immigrants in the country as possible, tax cuts for the rich will benefit the poor, republican men are manly and strong while liberals are all pansies, and a thousand other “alternative facts” are “true.”
They fall for it all. Goebbels would be very impressed.
zkParticipant[quote=FlyerInHi]What is all the knowledge for?[/quote]
So much of the knowledge, hard work, ingenuity, accumulated enlightenment, and social progress of humans is wasted because so many of them are gullible, irrational, easily-manipulated fools.
I get what you’re saying about a global perspective, Brian. But it seems to me that a large percentage of people all over the world are just as ignorant, gullible, irrational, easily-manipulated, and stupid as trump supporters.
zkParticipantI think we’re approaching the screeching monkey phase.
And still most of the people who voted for trump don’t get it.
No smoking rules includes no smoking of any kind. Tenants who have medical marijuana needs don’t seem to undernstand that. Or they use “medical” as a trump card. No can do.
Ok, so you made up the part about “express permission.” If there’s no rule against smoking, or if the tenant is partaking of edibles, they don’t need permission.
I believe there are laws against smoking within 20 feet of doors and windows.[/quote]
Ok, so you made that up, too.
I could be happier with marijuana. But I’m concerned with maximum health so I purposely don’t consume things. I don’t want to get Alzheimer’s. [/quote]Fire up a j, Brian! The latest research shows that THC reduced levels of beta amyloid in the brain, stopping an inflammatory response that kills brain cells in those with Alzheimer’s disease.
People should not be smoking where the smoke can blow into other people’s spaces. Even where there are no laws against that, there are potential civil liabilities for taking away neighbors’ quiet and peaceful enjoyment of their homes.
Plus I think rigor is good for character. We should not indulge all our desires.
[/quote]Have you seen “The Man in the High Castle,” Brian? The premise of that tv show is that Germany and Japan won World War II and the eastern 2/3 of the U.S. is controlled by Germany and is called the greater nazi reich. It’s not really that good of a show, but the premise is fascinating. Anyway, I think you’d like living in the reich as it’s portrayed on that show. It really does sound right up your alley.
Just because you think rigor is more important than enjoyment doesn’t mean you have to try to step on everybody else’s enjoyment. You always seem to want or maybe even to expect everybody to have the exact same values you have. I can’t decide whether you’re more like a nazi or just a super-uptight old fuddy duddy.
First, marijuana used to be on the downlow, now, it’s in your face. People are demanding their rights to smoke, often out of ignorance. No matter the medical condition, it’s absolutely not allowed to smoke in a rental without the owner’s express permission. It’s not ok to smoke near doors and windows.
It could be you’re the ignorant one, Brian. Everything I’ve read says that a landlord can ban smoking or illegal drugs (including marijuana, as it is against federal law), but I haven’t seen anything that says a renter needs the owner’s express permission to use marijuana. Can you show me that? And where are you getting the “doors and windows” thing from?
[quote=FlyerInHi]Marijuana is a new legal sin on top of old sins like alcohol and tobacco. We need to take steps to stop it from becoming…socially cool.
[/quote]That ship sailed long ago, Brian.
To me, there’s something wrong with people who need substances to be “happy.” it’s all a state of mind and you can train your mind to be happy with what you have.
How do you know you wouldn’t be happier with marijuana, Brian? You know, a lot of people find that marijuana makes them less uptight and judgmental. You seem like you could use some help on both counts.[quote=FlyerInHi]
meditation would be better, IMO.
[/quote]I find twice daily meditation and occasional marijuana use to be a great combination.
zkParticipant[quote=FlyerInHi] I know of this old man living in a rented apartment. He sounds educated and claims to have worked on mega business deals. But now, he’s reduced to a pathetic life. His only pleasures are pot smoking and feeding pigeons…[/quote]
Feeding pigeons, if the stereotype is true, is the only pleasure of a lot of old people. That guy’s marijuana smoking puts him one up on them.
zkParticipant[quote=gzz]”there are uncountable people who have smoked high-grade marijuana regularly for decades. ”
ZK, Mark Kleiman of UCLA has been writing about the topic of very heavy marijuana users for a while, and I find his work convincing. He is far from a drug warrior, and was hired by Wash state to implement its legalization. He is pretty concerned about the effects of legalization on this group, and also the easier access to young people to high THC product.
There really is evidence that heavy use is pretty bad for you. What it comes down to is whether the heavy users would have been heavy drinkers otherwise, in which case the substitution is a net positive.[/quote]
I wouldn’t disagree that there’s evidence that prolonged, heavy use is bad for you. Overdoing almost anything is bad. Overdoing marijuana is probably worse then overdoing a lot of non-drug things, but not as bad as overdoing most other drugs.
Light to maybe moderate use of marijuana seems to make a lot of people quite happy. And heavy use works for some people, too. Seth Rogen says, “it’s enhanced my life greatly.” But you’re right; there is a downside in that some people will overdo it.