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[quote=utcsox][quote=outtamojo]While we are name-calling, what are we calling the opposite of Trump derangement syndrome?
Wanting to vote for someone to “hit back at Ca. harder” is kinda nut-jobbish especially when Ca is admittedly the best place to make your family nut.[/quote]
I call them the Republicans.[/quote]
If, by the opposite of tds you mean
[quote=zk]To be so delirious with cultish devotion to someone whom you pathetically believe when he says he’s “the only one who can fix it” that you can’t see the truth or the danger or the outrage.[/quote]
then I’d partially agree. That does seem to apply to a sizable majority of republicans.
zkParticipant[quote=scaredyclassic]when the presodent calls for investogation of comedy shows is it really that deranged to be alarmed?
trump derangement syndrome is just something that trump followers came up with because, as econtroll (or “econprof,” as he hilariously calls himself) and neeta and their ilk have shown, they can’t defend their positions using logic and reason. They’re reduced to responding to reasonable discussions with the silly notion that anybody who’s outraged at the outrage that is the trump presidency must be irrational.
It’s irrational not to be alarmed. That’s the real trump derangement syndrome. To be so delirious with cultish devotion to someone whom you pathetically believe when he says he’s “the only one who can fix it” that you can’t see the truth or the danger or the outrage.
my wife is very direct.
i cant smell anything.
she smells everything.
she said i smell better.
of course that doesnt mean i smell good….but…better than before…[/quote]Excellent.
Your take on the unquestioning acceptance of some of the routines we use is interesting.
zkParticipantNot being snarky; serious question:
How do you know you smell better (or good or okay)?
Girl I heard talking once: “Guys who don’t shower for a day and then put on cologne think that covers it up and that they don’t smell. It’s disgusting.
Dude I knew about skipping showers: “I just put on cologne. No girl has ever complained.”
Me to him: “Yeah, but you’re not exactly Casanova over here. Maybe that’s got something to do with it. Maybe they don’t complain, they just don’t stick with you.”
I also worked with a guy who would sometimes come in for days in a row just stinking of old sweat. Everybody hated it, but nobody said anything. I said to his best friend, “hey, you’d be doing him – and us – a favor by telling him.” No dice. He wouldn’t do it. His best friend!
Point being, you can’t really smell yourself, and most people aren’t going to tell you that you stink.
I’m not saying you stink. I’m just asking if you’re sure that you don’t.
zkParticipant[quote=EconProf]So far, these comments merely make my point.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
More please.[/quote]Ha! Exactly as I thought.
And also exactly like all the other right-wing nutjobs who run away when confronted with reason and logic. You’ve got nothing, and it shows.
There is a malady out there called Trump Derangement Syndrome–TDS, wherein Trump haters lose all semblance of rational thought in their obsession with Trump and Trump supporters. The comments on this thread show this obsession, as expressed by the same commentators whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
If you want to point out any flaws in the rationality of my thought, please do. Allow me to debunk your efforts to this point:
[quote=EconProf]This thread was started by Moneymaker, who made a fair observation about the State of the Union Address shared by many.
[/quote]Show me the “many” (outside of right-wing propaganda and sycophantic politicians, of course) who thought that “He seemed to have a real desire to bring people together rather than cause discord.”
[quote=EconProf]TDS folks talk mainly to each other,
[/quote]I’m here talking to you. And I tried to engage neeta several times (although, since he generally doesn’t have a counterpoint to my arguments (or anyone else’s) debunking his, it’s hard to engage him, so I gave up). I’m always looking for a trump fan to debate. It’s hard finding reasonable trump supporters to talk to. They usually end up ranting and raving and running away. Or they resort to trolling. Stick around, econprof. Stick to reason and logic, and let’s debate.
If you want to do that, I have a few questions for you.
[quote=EconProf]and can’t stand dissent,
Can’t stand dissent? I love dissent. I love making counterarguments against trump supporters. I particularly love debating people who have spent most of their time in the right-wing propaganda bubble (and in my experience that seems to include almost all trump supporters at this point). It’s amazing how few of them have heard what I’m saying. They’re not used to actual, reasonable counterarguments to Hannity’s nonsense. They’re used to everybody else agreeing with him. (And that’s when the ranting and raving and running away starts.)
so they have to squash alternative viewpoints.
[/quote]If by, “squash alternative viewpoints” you mean “point out the flaws in their attempts at reason” then, yes. If not, what do you mean by that and where have I done that?
TDS is just another way that trump fans try to discredit negative commentary about trump. “Oh, that guy is obviously outraged; he can’t be making sense.”
Nonsense. I am definitely outraged. Now, show me where I’m not making sense.
zkParticipantWell, in just a few short days since the SOTU, con man don has sent a bunch of tweets that show that he immediately reverted back to his unpresidential ways (if he ever left them). Anybody who is surprised by this, or who thought that trump was “becoming presidential” is a fool.
Let’s check out just a few of his unpresidential tweets since Tuesday:
He exhibited his delusions:
The fact is, when I took over as President, our Country was a mess. Depleted Military, Endless Wars, a potential War with North Korea, V.A., High Taxes & too many Regulations, Border, Immigration & HealthCare problems, & much more. I had no choice but to work very long hours!
He exhibited his ignorance about global warming and mocked a candidate’s appearance:
Well, it happened again. Amy Klobuchar announced that she is running for President, talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Bad timing. By the end of her speech she looked like a Snowman(woman)!
He misrepresented democrats’ positions (and showed his carelessness via yet another typo / spelling error):
The Border Committee Democrats are behaving, all of a sudden, irrationally. Not only are they unwilling to give dollars for the obviously needed Wall (they overrode recommendations of Border Patrol experts), but they don’t even want to take muderers into custody! What’s going on?
He actually believes democrats want a shutdown to change the subject:
It was a very bad week for the Democrats, with the GREAT economic numbers, The Virginia disaster and the State of the Union address. Now, with the terrible offers being made by them to the Border Committee, I actually believe they want a Shutdown. They want a new subject!
He threw out a straw man argument:
Gallup Poll: “Open Borders will potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans.” This would be a disaster for the U.S. We need the Wall now!
He name called:
Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!
He displayed his ignorance of what happened when republicans had the majority and also projected his 2016 shortcomings onto democrats:
The Democrats in Congress yesterday were vicious and totally showed their cards for everyone to see. When the Republicans had the Majority they never acted with such hatred and scorn! The Dems are trying to win an election in 2020 that they know they cannot legitimately win!
He sucked up to a dictator who starves his people and is developing nuclear weapons:
North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, will become a great Economic Powerhouse. He may surprise some but he won’t surprise me, because I have gotten to know him & fully understand how capable he is. North Korea will become a different kind of Rocket – an Economic one!
He seemed to forget that the impartial investigation (which he very presidentially refers to as a “witch hunt”) into him has yet to conclude:
The mainstream media has refused to cover the fact that the head of the VERY important Senate Intelligence Committee, after two years of intensive study and access to Intelligence that only they could get, just stated that they have found NO COLLUSION between “Trump” & Russia….
…It is all a GIANT AND ILLEGAL HOAX, developed long before the election itself, but used as an excuse by the Democrats as to why Crooked Hillary Clinton lost the Election! Someday the Fake News Media will turn honest & report that Donald J. Trump was actually a GREAT Candidate!And he has apparently forgotten his birther stance:
PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! It should never be allowed to happen again!
zkParticipant[quote=NeetaT]I hate to disappoint you guys, but I will vote for him again unless there is a Republican who will hit back at CA harder for it’s high tax / high spending policies.[/quote]
That’s like the town drunk saying, “I hate to disappoint you guys, but I’m going to have another drink.” Yeah, we get it. You’re an idiot. Although the pride in both cases is amusingly pathetic.
zkParticipantIt’s hard for me to fathom how anybody can watch and listen to trump for all these years, and then listen to one scripted speech and say, “he seemed to have a real desire to bring people together rather than cause discord.” Are you really that easily fooled by a con man? And not even a good con man? Con man don’s actions and most of his unscripted words show that bringing people together is the last thing he wants. Dividing people – stoking fear of immigrants and resentment and loathing of liberals and disgust with and fear of “others” in general – is THE central plank of his political platform, and his words and actions outside of his scripted speeches clearly show this.
I thought the insincerity was glaringly obvious. Now, that could be because I’m aware that virtually all of his words and actions outside his scripted speeches demonstrate that he was insincere. But when I listened, he didn’t sound sincere at all.
I thought he sometimes sounded like a whiny little bitch, but mostly he sounded like a giant douchebag. And sometimes he sounded lethargic. Also he just sounds like he’s not very bright, which I guess is beside the point.
But he didn’t overtly rant or rave. It seems that’s where a lot of people are currently setting the bar for sounding presidential. Which is pretty sad.
zkParticipantEdited from tirade to:
ah, fuck it.
Never mind.
zkParticipant[quote=zk][quote=NeetaT]I predict that I will vote for Trump again.[/quote]
What is he doing that you like?[/quote]
Hey, that’s the same as my list!
zkParticipant[quote=NeetaT]I predict that I will vote for Trump again.[/quote]
What is he doing that you like?
zkParticipant[quote=ucodegen]What do you expect when Democrats currently make a practice of calling Republicans “Deplorables” or “Despicable”? That is a hostile and discriminatory statement. How can you blame them for not sticking around?
Many liberals preach being open and accepting or at least tolerant of other people’s views – yet they regularly seem to consider the people on the other side of the isle as ‘deplorables’ or ‘despicable’. If someone voiced that people of a different color or race were deplorables – the liberals would be up at arms. If someone voiced that people of a different religious belief were deplorables, liberals would schedule mass demonstrations. If someone claimed that that LGBTQ (more accurately LGBTTTQQIAA ) are despicable, liberals would start mass riots. How is a different general point of view any different than a different take/belief on sexuality, or religion? Isn’t the liberal stance on so called ‘deplorable’ Republicans kind of hypocritical?
It would only be hypocritical if that were actually why liberals call deplorables deplorable. Liberals don’t call deplorables deplorable because deplorables have a different point of view from us. We don’t call all republicans deplorables. Just the deplorable ones. The racists and the misogynists and the homophobes. And also…I, personally, think that at least 72% of republicans are deplorable. A 2018 Quinnipiac poll showed that 72% of republicans think that trump is a good role model for children. If you think that someone who constantly lies, who cheats, who never takes responsibility for his mistakes or the problems he causes, who stiffs his contractors, who cheats on all his wives, who cares about nothing and nobody but himself, who is petty, petulant, bellicose, ignorant, lazy, impulsive, delusional, amoral, unstable, and vindictive, who is a racist and a misogynist and a bully and a narcissist is a good role model for children, then I think you’re deplorable. If you think that’s the kind of person our children should look up to and emulate, then I think you’re deplorable. And that’s got nothing to do with you having “a different general point of view” from me.
If someone voiced that people of a different color or race were deplorables – the liberals would be up at arms.
[/quote]Of course. People don’t have a choice what color they are. They do have a choice whether to be racist or not. They do have a choice of what kind of role model they think our children should have.
If someone voiced that people of a different religious belief were deplorables, liberals would schedule mass demonstrations.
[/quote]That depends. If their religious beliefs involved murder and child rape, I’m pretty sure liberals wouldn’t object to them being called deplorable. If their beliefs involved “a different general point of view,” then yes, liberals would object to them being called deplorable.
If someone claimed that that LGBTQ (more accurately LGBTTTQQIAA ) are despicable, liberals would start mass riots.
I presume you’re exaggerating for effect with the “mass riots” comment. Otherwise, you’ve been watching too much fox.Anyway, a different sexual orientation isn’t the same as being a racist or a misogynist or thinking that a “man” like trump is a good role model for children.
[quote=ucodegen]How is a different general point of view any different than a different take/belief on sexuality, or religion?
[/quote]A different general point of view isn’t any different from a different take/belief on sexuality (unless you start being deplorable towards those with different sexualities), or religion. But a different general point of view isn’t why liberals call deplorables deplorable.
Christopher Wylie, a former director of Cambridge Analytica said it’s done by exploiting mental vulnerabilities to activate neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases.[/quote]
Standard, age-old propaganda methods, I would presume.