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ParticipantI would contact a Portland agent if you are really interested, I would imagine buying in the city you should be able find a good (or at least better) deal than you could last year. Burbs probably not so much.
Rates in the 2’s should help as well.The-Shoveler
Participant[quote=Coronita][quote=sdrealtor]Don’t remind me[/quote]
I sold some AMD yesterday…. Right before the almost 8% gain today alone…. Bite me.[/quote]
I think Mark Cuban had it about right,
Today’s market reminds me of late 1990’s, the thing is you don’t know how long theses bubbles can go on, they can last years!!!
ParticipantLOL then you will win !!
I still have a few shares of SLV, I am going to put a trailing stop $1 tomorrow.
We will see.
ParticipantI find Silver is actually quite volatile, I have traded it probably 7 or 8 time since 2016 or so for good gains.
IMO contrary to most who hold these commodities they are better traded than held long term.
Just my opinion
ParticipantHmmm CEF is one I will keep an eye on as well.
I kind of like Silver a bit more than Gold to tell the truth IMO more upside potential and relatively stable/safe below 15 IMO.
ParticipantNever been a big fan of Gold, But if I get the chance to buy SLV at 13 and around 10 again I will take advantage of it, That was a nice ride to 17 when I got out.
About as good as catching the S&P at the lows of March.
Participant[quote=Coronita]Robert Shiller now also says so..
This was a trend that stated a few years ago, I think it just shows only a few really ever wanted to live in the big city areas, they were just kind of forced into it so they could find work.
ParticipantVirus Just seems to run out fuel at around 20% infected.
Cruise ships, really really hard hit areas etc…
It basically suggests that a vaccine could take a long time, and we might end up using masks, physical distancing, and quarantine until we get a treatment, and then use that treatment until we get a vaccine.
[/quote]IMO At some point we will reach burnout before any of the above.
We already seem to be lowering the death rate as well.
Participant[quote=scaredyclassic]how did i get so old and worn out[/quote]
To be honest I think the stress of this whole thing is wearing on everybody.
Participant4th of July pretty much canceled.
Really dumb IMO
This is already a real bummer all around but Cancelling the 4th will do little but just force people in even closer proximity to each other for longer in back yards etc..The-Shoveler
IMO it is not even close to accurate count.
IMO China far under reported by 10 – 20 fold
that’s the spirit that made America great!Other countries managed to control it. we just suck, so let it rip. They’re jealous of our freedom.[/quote]
Not quite true (OK there are a few much much smaller countries that appear to have done a better job) but even in china they are having second waves and mostly in the hardest hit areas it was more of a burn out.
ParticipantIMO the Idea behind the “20% burn out theory” is that most likely in NYC it is already “done” (over) for the most part anyway and they are unlikely to see a large spike in new cases.