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ParticipantThere are a lot of really great homes sitting. Acedera was really nice, I always liked the Greystone II. In my old neck of the woods, wondering if Caliente will get any takers. That’s the floorplan with the primary suite on the first floor and the ocean view/rim lot. It’s pretty regular inside (probably newer floors, those weren’t an option or at least one that I ever saw fresh out of the box). I think ColRich used that lot (or one of its immediate neighbors) as the view on the brochure.
ParticipantI know the temperature has cooled since Sitio Abeto didn’t go flying off the market this weekend. Truly one of the most spectacular (resale) tract homes I’ve seen in a while.
ParticipantWow, a big drop on Ravean. Haven’t seen a drop like that in a while.
I wonder how relevant the “former model” advertising becomes after a while as some of these tract homes are old enough to order a beer?
I can appreciate that those finishes may have been top of the line at the time, the inside feels like it needs modernizing for today’s buyers. Also if you’re not a local, you don’t remember when these were being built anyway, right?
Participant[quote=sdrealtor][quote=Pbranding][quote=sdrealtor][quote=ncsd760]2.57 to 3.1 in less than a year feels a little arbitrary now, doesn’t it?
That’s about what the market had done. We’ll see if it sticks?[/quote]
So looks like they didn’t get their price. Was reduced and now pulled off the market.[/quote]
It looks like seller got a job relo to OC 6 months after closing. They lived there before coming here and kept house there they bought several years ago. They have a very nice very affordable place up there they likely went back to. Dont think they will have issues carrying it. Maybe rent it out and try again in Spring. Dunno?[/quote]
BOM today at 2.95, noting that the one right by the entrance that is the almost single-level floorplan sold for 2.57 this week. Why not just start at that price and bid up?
ParticipantAgree with SDR re: lots + pricing.
One thing I’ve noticed in this market is the greedy sellers pricing at some arbitrary milestone above a reasonable price threshold (500k mark, million mark, etc). For ex, if your house is worth 1.5, instead of listing at 1.485, you list for 1.65. It’s always been a practice since everyone is convinced they have the crown jewel but it feels like sellers are more insistent and more greedy with it now.
Examples include Aryana Drive, which at one point probably could have listed for 2.7-2.9 and got bid up, but instead listed for 3.395 and played price drop musical chairs. Similarly, the Coral Cove starts at 3.15 and has to reduce in less than 30 days versus listing at 2.89 or something. I’d posit that anyone who has bought a home should know better about pricing their own, and anyone who has sold one should advise better in selling, but what do I know.
ParticipantLCO at the bottom was a good deal, we did the same thing. The Encinitas/SW Carlsbad tracts are just convenient reference points for me since we lived in 2 of them and moved here at the bottom of the last bubble so remember those dynamics and properties decently well.
We moved west of 5 but east of the 101, about 400 square feet smaller, and 10 years older. It took us about 18 months of searching to find what felt “right”, and some remodeling thereafter. Hang in there! You’ve got a good spot.
Participant[quote=sdrealtor][quote=matt]3m in LCV is certainly hard to fathom. I don’t see that happening again in at least the next 2 years.[/quote]
I wouldnt make that bet. Camino Serbal was much nicer and went a couple weeks earlier though longer escrow. It will be a bit of an upset if it doesnt go for more though someone who lost out on it may have gone all in on Morera after that defeat
FWIW generally speaking LCV has the best location, lots, amenities and friendliest community feel of the 4 Villages of La Costa neighborhoods but the oldest homes. Like for like they have always traded at a nice premium to the Oaks, Ridge and Greens[/quote]
Agree that we might not be done with LCV in the 3’s. I think as newer homes in worse locations age and are no longer desirable just because they’re newer/bigger, neighborhoods in good spots in SW Carlsbad/Encinitas will continue to pop.
LCV/Santa Fe Trails + Sonata/Arroyo Vista/The Ranch have benefits that the newer/larger communities of La Costa do not in terms of proximity to the beaches and real shopping as well as walkability to K-12 school(s). Anyone can drop in cantina doors or put in the countertop of the year but you can’t physically move your house.
“Neighborhood feel” is of course subjective but we didn’t love the neighborhood feel in LC Oaks. As I’ve shared before we almost moved to LCV after living in LCO “North”—we considered it an upgrade to consider a home that was both smaller and older than what we were selling that was on a gracious lot with mature trees. It was also more expensive than what we were selling, so not a “move-down”. Just a relevant anecdote.
Lastly, I agree with SDR that the smaller ones in better spots do better/hold more firmly even in a volatile market. You had some of those LCO/LCG big ones going for about 800-900k at the bottom with a few short sales in the high 7’s and the Santa Fe Trails/Sonata ones weren’t selling for much less, if at all. Look at the average Santa Fe Trails and Sonata 1998 built homes clocking in at the lowish 2’s while average (no view/minimal upgrades or no cul-de-sac) LCO and LCG homes struggle and sit despite being newer and bigger.
Participant2.57 to 3.1 in less than a year feels a little arbitrary now, doesn’t it?
ParticipantThe prices of condos/attached homes/zero lot line in the area astound me. Is it possible that the lower-end inventory — and I mean *relatively* since these units are closing in on 1mm and above in some cases — hold their ground more than the 4000sf tract homes? I can see demand for a 6 bedroom waning more than I can for a reasonable priced, low-maintenance attached home but also I’m not a realtor/broker and am just running off anecdotes.
For example, something in Summer Hill encinitas or Sea Point Tennis seems like it will be solid longer term even if we have “peaked”, no?
ParticipantIt’s hard to imagine not being able to walk to the beach. We’re happy with how Leucadia is changing and modernizing though VERY notable that some of our neighbors are explicitly not. Anecdotally our two newest neighbors are from the Bay Area and Manhattan Beach, respectively.
Don’t get me wrong I love LCV (and really, really didn’t love living in LCO). Just commenting on the slope. I think ECC and OPE are truly the best elementary schools in EUSD, and feel strongly about sending children to public schools. That’s one nuance of the West of 5 culture, all the kids on our block go to different K-8 schools, which I always find funny. When we lived in OPE/Diegueno zone and in LCO, the La Costa Heights/Oak Crest zone, everyone on the block went to the public, zoned elementary/middle.
ParticipantI will note that Serbal does have a slope with neighbors somewhat visibly above, and I think at that price point I’d want something without such a situation (or with better landscape buffering). Yeah I know the market is hot, LCV is perfect, whatever, but just saying, and I do think buyers at that range can be a bit more discerning.
I wonder how much this one goes for I’ve always been obsessed with this development, and though we’re happily West of I-5 now and love walking to the beach/yoga/breweries, this is probably one of a few neighborhoods/homes we’d move “east of I-5” to. I always liked the architecture here, the gracious lot sizes, and appreciated that they made more than 3 single levels in the whole tract. Didn’t end up touring this one but have been in some that back to the I-5, which are a bit loud without the fountain, and others off Caudor tucked in, which are pretty silent. Wonder what noise was like.
ParticipantI wonder if Serbal cracked 3.
ParticipantSitio Lima in LCO closed for 2.8 (bought for 760k) … wonder why Serbal isn’t pending yet on a better lot/street with real upgrades.
Seeing some overpriced homes languish and I think that’s normal and no cause for panic. If Jacaranda was sitting at 999k maybe I’d be nervous but for 1.25 I’d rather take a nicer condo with a less frustrating floorplan/lot.
ParticipantWell here we have it. One of the big boys on Camino Serbal for 2.88 million with actual upgrades. Feels like it’ll bring LCV a sale in the 3s.
One of the smaller in my old neighborhood in La Costa Oaks (which is ironically, the newer part) is on for 1.8M backing to RSF. Good floor plan though.
Seeing a trend of some relistings of buyers who tried to list earlier in the pandemic wanting a bit more coin and those houses seem to be sitting (thinking about Cte. Luisa and Aryana Dr. actives right now as examples, but there are others). I have been in the former home, not the latter, but think both may be mildly overpriced.