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Author: Rich Toscano
Posts by Rich Toscano
- Year-end 2024 valuation update
- December 2024 housing data: months of inventory at 6-year high
- November 2024 housing graphs
- October housing data: inventory pulls back, prices recover a bit
- September housing data: months of inventory surpasses pre-pandemic average
- August housing data: possibly better late than never
- July valuations: price/rent and monthly payment/rent ratios
- July housing data: prices flat, supply-vs-demand cruising at pre-pandemic norm
- June housing data: months of inventory back to pre-Covid norm; prices weaken a bit
- May housing data: months of inventory continues to normalize
- April housing data: supply low, demand low, supply vs. demand kind of normal
- March 2024 housing graphs
- February 2024 housing data: more… standoff…
- January 2024 housing data: prices back in sync with inventory
- December 2024 housing graphs: inventory pulls back, but so do prices
- November 2023 housing data: inventory on the rise
- October 2023 housing data, laconic version
- September housing data: buyers gain some ground
- August 2023 housing data
- Shambling away from affordability again, July 2023
- July 2023 housing data (charts only but the short version is more standoff)
- June 2023 housing data: more standoff, new high for monthly payments
- May 2023 housing data: more of the same
- April 2023 housing data: neither side gains ground, sellers retain the lead
- March 2023 housing data: another round to the sellers
- February 2023 housing data: prices on the… something
- Shambling towards affordability, January 2023
- January 2023 housing data: prices on the incline?
- Shambling towards modern web design
- December 2022 housing data: prices on the decline
- November 2022 housing data: the standoff continues
- October 2022 housing data: new lows for affordability and pending sales
- September 2022 housing data: inventory ticks up a bit, prices drop a bit
- August housing data: inventory tightens up, but prices still drop
- Shambling towards affordability, July 2022
- July 22 housing data: more evidence of price declines, and another jump in months of inventory
- June 2022 housing data: interest rates starting to bite
- May housing data: something’s got to give
- April housing data: some slowing but still low inventory/higher prices; real monthly payments surpass bubble peak
- Monthly housing data: no inventory, prices up, rates up, affordability horrendous
- Valuation update: affordability just got a lot uglier
- February 2022 housing data – prices moving again
- January housing graphs
- December housing graphs
- November housing graphs
- October housing data – yet more of the same
- What’s going on with housing? Plus valuation update (née shambling towards affordability)
- September 2021 housing data – ditto
- August 2021 housing data – more of the same
- July 2021 housing data — the frenzy is over, but the market remains undersupplied
- June 2021 housing data
- May 2021 housing data – we may have achieved peak frenzy
- Valuation update
- Price changes in perspective (log style!)
- April 2021 housing data – now it’s getting weird
- February 2021 housing data – fewer houses, higher prices
- Hastening away from affordability — San Diego housing valuations, Jan 2021
- December housing graphs – quite a year for San Diego home prices!
- October 2020 housing data – still super-low inventory, still rising prices
- September 2020 housing data — more of the same
- August 2020 Housing data — prices react to inventory shortfall
- July 2020 housing data — inventory hits a new low
- May 2020 housing charts
- April 2020 housing charts
- March 2020 housing data
- December 2019 housing graphs
- October 2019 Housing Graphs
- September 2019 housing data: prices pull back but supply remains low
- July 2019 housing data
- Shambling a tiny, halting step towards affordability
- June 2019 housing data
- May 2019 housing data
- April 2019 resale data: the rebound continues
- Mar 2019 housing data: further strengthening (but real prices negative y-o-y)
- February 2019 housing data: a bit of strengthening
- December 2018 housing data: highest months-inventory since 2011; prices decline
- November 2018 housing data: months of inventory jumps again, but prices steady
- October 2018 housing data
- September 2018 housing data — the slowdown is here
- August 2018 housing data — a cooling market
- June 2018 Housing Data
- Shambling pretty damn far afield from affordability, at this point
- March 2018 Housing Data
- December 2017 Housing Graphs
- November 2017 Housing Graphs
- October 2017 Housing Data
- September 2017 Housing Data: looking more like 2016 than 2013
- August 2017 Housing Charts: a break from the 2013 pattern
- July 2017 Housing Data Charts-n-Graphs
- June 2017 housing data: prices up, inventory up more
- Site changes coming soon-ish
- May 2017 Housing Data: Quick Graph-Fest
- Still No Housing Bubble in San Diego
- April 2017 Housing Data: Prices Surge, Inventory Slightly Improves
- March 2017 Data Roundup: prices moderate, but inventory collapses to 2013 levels
- Toronto, apparently in some kind of time warp, has gone full mania
- February Housing Data: big jump in prices; inventory approaching early-2013 lows
- VOSD podcast: high prices vs. low payments, and is it a good time to buy?
- Valuation update (with bonus graphs!)
- VOSD: Monthly Payments Low, Despite High Valuations — But Rates Aren’t a Big Driver of Home Prices
- January 2017 Housing Mini-Rodeo
- December 2016 Housing Data
- November 2016 Housing Data
- VOSD: Minus the Bubble, San Diego Homes Are at Their Most Expensive Ever
- September 2016 Housing Data
- Valuation Preview
- August 2016 Housing Data
- July 2016 Monthly Housing Data
- June 2016 Housing Data Rodeo
- April 2016 Housing Data Rodeo
- February 2016 Housing Data Rodeo
- December 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- October 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- August 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- Shambling Towards Affordability, Mid-Year 2015
- June 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- May 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- March — April 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- February 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- January 2015 Housing Data Rodeo
- November 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- October 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- September 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- August 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- July 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- June 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- May 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- Shambling Towards Affordability: Housing Valuations Surpass Pre-Bubble Peak
- April 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- March 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- February 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Index: Cheaper Homes Still Rebounding Fastest
- January 2014 Housing Data Rodeo
- Shambling Towards Affordability: San Diego Housing Overpriced (But is it a Bubble?)
- Chatting with Jim the Realtor
- December 2013 Data Rodeo and Year-End Stats
- November 2013 Housing Data Rodeo
- September-October 2013 Housing Data Rodeo
- August 2013 Housing Data Rodeo
- July 2013 Housing Data Rodeo
- May-June 2013 Data Rodeo — Price Explosion
- Monthly Payment Ratios, May 2013: Homes May Not Be Cheap, But Mortgages Sure Are
- Shambling Towards Affordability: May 2013
- April 2013 Data Rodeo: Rock-Bottom Inventory and Rising Prices, Again
- March Data Rodeo — Housing Market Smoking Hot
- February 2013 Resale Data Rodeo (Graphs Only)
- The Year in Home Prices, According to Case-Shiller
- January 2013 Housing Data Rodeo
- December 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- November 2012 Housing Data Rodeo
- October 2012 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- September 2012 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller: Prices Up But Still Near Bottom
- August 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- Piggington going down for maintenance Fri afternoon
- July 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- June 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Index Starts to Register Home Price Bounce
- May 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- April 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- My Day Job – Year-End 2011 Edition
- March 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- Why Bubbles Are Bad
- Employment Backed Off in Early 2012
- Case-Shiller Index Down in January
- February 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Index Ended Down for 2011
- January 2012 Resale Data Rodeo
- A Lost Decade-Plus for San Diego Home Prices
- Piggington Jumps the Shark
- Ending a Good Year for San Diego Jobs
- Radio Week, Apparently
- On the Radio with Jim the Realtor — Monday 1/23
- December 2011 Resale Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Home Price Index Down Slightly in October
- San Diego’s Job Recovery Continued in November
- Shambling Towards Affordability: November 2011
- November 2011 Resale Data Rodeo
- Inflation-Adjusted Home Prices Hit New Post-Bubble Low
- Job Recovery Strengthened in October
- October 2011 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Index Dropped in August
- San Diego Employment Still in an Uptrend
- September 2011 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Index Rose in July, But Underlying Home Price Pressure was Down
- August 2011 Resale Housing Data Rodeo – With Words!
- San Diego Continued Modest Job Recovery in August
- Face for Radio, Revisited (on radio today at 12:35pm)
- Bouncing Along the Bottom with the Case-Shiller Index
- July Resale Housing Data (Chart) Rodeo
- Local Job Market Strengthened Again in July
- Oops — Were We Supposed to Buy Foreclosures With That $70 Million?
- Spring Home Price Bounce Masks Underlying Weakness
- San Diego Job Growth Defies National Weakness
- June 2011 Resale Data Rodeo: Taciturn Edition
- Case-Shiller Up in April, But It’s All Spring Bounce
- Job Growth Resumes Its Upward Slog
- May 2011 Resale Data Rodeo
- No Double Dip For San Diego Yet
- Job Market Faltered in April
- April 2011 Resale Data Rodeo
- Low-Priced Home Whackage in February’s Case-Shiller Index
- Blast from the Past: Revisiting Moody’s and Forbes’ Colossally Inept 2006-Era Housing Forecast
- PCA 2010 Investment Performance
- San Diego’s Job Recovery Strengthens
- March 2011 Resale Data Rodeo
- Across-the-Board Declines in January’s Case-Shiller Index
- Employment Improves in the New Year
- February 2011 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Buy a House Now? It Depends…
- Case Shiller Index Declines Slightly in December
- Shambling Towards Affordability: Year-End 2010 Edition
- January 2011 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Q&A in the OC Register
- Case-Shiller Flattened Out in November
- Frail Job Market Ends 2010 On an Up Note
- December 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Home Prices Dropped Sharply in October
- Job Market Sleepwalks Through November
- November 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Employment Grows in One Sense, Shrinks in Another
- Home Prices Still Tracking Months of Inventory
- October 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Index Declines for First Time in Sixteen Months
- Foreclosures May Be Just a Sideshow in Paperwork Scandal
- September 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Foreclosure Freeze Could Have Mixed Results
- Home Prices Rose in July; High Tier Weak Again
- Both Job Surveys Indicate San Diego Slowdown
- Local Job Market Takes a Turn for the Worse
- August 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Higher-Priced Home Weakness Asserts Itself Again in June
- Shambling Further From Affordability
- Non-Bubble Job Growth Goes Positive
- July 2010 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Post Double-Dip Price Flatness
- Bubble Sectors Account for Bulk of Job Losses
- May Case-Shiller Charts
- Local Non-Census Employment Rises Yet Again
- June 2010 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Rising Inventory Could Stall Home Price Rally
- Home Prices Rose Across the Board in April
- San Diego’s Job Growth Streak Carries On
- The Many Faces of Shadow Inventory
- Foreclosures Still Piling Up
- May 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller High Tier Comes Alive
- Job Growth Notches Another Positive Month
- San Diego Population Grows Despite Continued Domestic Outflow
- April 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Case-Shiller Price Trends Shifted in February
- Further Evidence of Improving Job Conditions
- My Day Job
- March 2010 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- March Data Suggests Potential Job Recovery
- Home Price Rally Returns with a Vengeance
- With Government Help, Entry-Level Homes Get Pricier Again
- Shrinking-Job-Losses Streak Continues
- Housing Bailout Nukes Launched
- Two Years in Job Losses
- The Year in Job Losses
- Rate of Job Loss Slows, But Probably Not Nearly as Much as It Seems
- February 2010 Resale Data Rodeo
- Cheap Home Prices Rebounded, Higher-Priced Homes Slid in December
- The Nuclear Housing Bailout Option
- January 2010 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- New Foreclosure Activity On the Decline
- The Home Price Rally is Over For Now
- Higher-Priced Homes Still Sitting Out the Rebound
- Improvement in Rate of Job Loss Stalls Out
- Shambing Away from Cheapness But Still Milling About In The General Locale of Affordability
- December 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Shadow Inventory is For Real
- Case-Shiller: Low End Rebounds, High End Languishes
- Ramsey Su’s Real Estate Outlook for 2010
- Another Less-Bad Employment Data Point
- “Less Bad” Trend in San Diego Employment Picks up the Pace
- November 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Dueling Job Data, Revisited
- Housing’s Summer Super-Bounce Runs Out of Steam
- Forecasting the Real Estate Non-Market
- Home Price Bounce Falters at the High End
- More Mixed Signals from the Job Market
- Dueling Job Surveys
- The Housing Battleship-Turned-Party Boat
- October 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Divining Case-Shiller
- Case-Shiller’s Summer Super-Bounce Continued in August
- Foreclosures Edge Down Again
- Housing-Related Job Sectors Taking the Big Long-Term Hit
- Job Losses Shrink for a Second Month
- September 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Government Intervention in the Housing Market a Fact of Life
- Case-Shiller Chartfest
- Historical Home Sale Volume Measured in Dollars
- San Diego Job Losses Tentatively Slow
- Despite Rebound, Home Sales Historically Weak
- August 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- One of These Rallies is Not Like the Others
- Cheap Homes Selling Faster, But Not Anything Like Before
- More Foreclosures Than Home Sales, Again
- The Rally is For Real, Say Case and Shiller
- Reset Timebomb Not Such a Big Deal?
- A New Peak for Job Losses In July
- Shambling Towards (Though, More Recently, From) Affordability
- July 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Ramsey Su: Has Real Estate Bottomed?
- On the Radio Tomorrow Morning
- Home Price Rally Scores Another Month
- Perspective on the Home Price Rally
- Case-Shiller Registers the Home Price Rally
- A Smoother Look at Foreclosures and Home Sales
- Where the Jobs Aren’t
- San Diego Unemployment Hits the Double Digits
- Home Sales per Trustee Sale
- Foreclosures Consistently Outpacing Home Sales
- Another Chapter in the Increasingly Boring Tale of the Shadow Inventory
- June 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Site Upgrade Plus Private Messages
- On the Radio This Sunday
- Fun, or Lack Thereof, With the Case-Shiller Index
- Back to Regular Shadow Inventory
- Job Losses Accelerate (But What Does It All Mean?)
- More Moratoria
- Reverse-Shadow Inventory
- Mortgage Rates Explode Upward
- May 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- The Spring Rally Soldiers On
- Festival of Home Price Charts
- Rents May Decline, but Probably Not By Much
- As of April, No Letup in Job Losses
- Housing Supply and Rents
- More Homes Enter Foreclosure Limbo
- April 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- Size-Adjusted Median Price Increased in April
- Rents Versus Incomes, Take Two
- More Case-Shiller Charts
- Low-Tier Homes Half Off
- Sunshine Tax Through the Ages
- Shadow Inventory Looms
- A New High for Unemployment
- The Foreclosure Onslaught Continues
- Post-Boom Mortgage Fraud
- March 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- March Resale Home Prices
- Bubble Logic Through the Ages
- The Case of the Plummeting Price Tiers
- Case-Shiller Chart Roundup
- Shambling Towards Affordability (December 2008 Edition)
- Still Bleeding Jobs
- Mortgage Defaults Hit All-Time Highs
- Weekend Fun, or Possibly Quasi-Fun
- February 2009 Resale Data Rodeo
- 1990s Level Unemployment, Only Much Faster
- Yet More on Decelerating Home Price Declines
- More on Decelerating Home Price Declines
- December Case-Shiller Graphs
- Low-Priced Zip Codes Still Selling Fastest
- Foreclosures Still Outnumber Home Sales
- A Spring Bounce (in Seller Delusion?)
- Another Housing Market Disparity
- Mortgage Defaults Piling Up Fast Once Again
- January Resale Data Rodeo
- New Year, Same Home Price Trend
- Employment Trends Through 2008
- San Diego Employment Growth in Pictures
- November Case-Shiller Chart Extravaganza
- No Deflationary Spiral Forthcoming
- Mortgage Defaults Come Roaring Back
- December Resale Data Rodeo
- December Medians
- Mortgage Rates Forced Down by the Fed
- Higher-Priced Homes Feeling the Pressure
- The Fastest Population Growth in Five Years
- San Diego’s Job Situation Darkens
- The Fed Has Gone Nuclear
- Foreclosure Activity Remains Subdued
- November Resale Data Rodeo
- Unemployment Likely to Keep Rising
- Home Price Chartfest
- Guest Commentary: A Festive Thanksgiving Message from Ramsey
- Employment Situation Worsens (But Still Better Than the Worst of the 1990s)
- Site Maintenance
- Cheap Homes Selling Fast, Expensive Homes Not
- October 2008 Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Financial Flood Insurance
- August Case-Shiller Charts
- Where the Jobs Were in September
- Regional Employment Declining Slowly but Steadily
- September Resale Data Rodeo
- Mortgage Defaults Plummet, For Now
- A Step in the Wrong Direction
- Bailouts Don’t Address the Real Problem
- August 2008: The Tardiest Data Rodeo Ever
- More San Diego Job Losses
- Berating Our Fearless Leaders
- It’s Bailout Week!
- Another Huge Bailout or Two
- One-Two Punch for the Default Swap Market
- Credit Default Swaps Back in the News
- Guest Comentary: Ramsey on the Search for the Illusive Bottom
- A Wee Dram of Data Before the Rodeo
- U.S. Treasury Nationalizes the Mortgage Market
- Monthly House Payments, Rents, and Incomes
- Shambling Towards Affordability
- June Case-Shiller Index
- Bottom Calling: Now Its Own Genre
- Employment Weakness Continues to Spread
- NerdAlert: Cool Neighborhood-Specific Housing Charts
- Mortgage Defaults Slow — Kind Of
- July Resale Data Rodeo
- Secrets of Real Estate Success: Vehicle Selection
- Quick, Everyone — Into the Foreclosure Sanctuary!
- May Case-Shiller HPI
- The Future of Foreclosures
- June Foreclosure Activity
- Employment Weakness: No Longer Contained?
- Pay Up for Fannie and Freddie
- Nationalizing the Mortgage Industry, Maybe
- June Resale Data Rodeo
- Mortgage Rate Update
- Guest Commentary: Ramsey on the Bailout Proposals
- Alt-A Pain Still Ahead
- April Case-Shiller Index
- May Employment — Negative Again
- Prices Way Down, Sales Way Up
- Notes on the Site Upgrade
- May Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- Website Upgrades
- May Foreclosures
- Return to 2003, Again, or Possibly 2002
- Return to 2003
- March Case-Shiller Index: Back to 2003 Pricing
- Foreclosures Climbing the Economic Ladder
- Foreclosure vs. Home Sales: Foreclosures are Winning
- April Employment
- April Foreclosure Data
- Notes on the High End
- April Resale Data Rodeo
- Employment Sector Winners and Losers
- February Case-Shiller HPI
- BailoutWatch: I Can’t Even Keep Up
- Employment Goes Negative
- March Foreclosures
- Employment’s Been Weak for a While
- Fence Sitters Will Be Sorry
- March Resale Data Rodeo
- March Median Price Preview
- Desirable Yes, Immune No
- January Case-Shiller HPI
- Local Employment Growth Falters
- February Foreclosure Chart Extravaganza
- Fantasy in the Real Estate Business
- February Resale Data Quasi-Rodeo
- A February Beatdown for the Size-Adjusted Median
- This Just In: San Diego Homes are Overpriced
- Vaya Con Monos
- Job Growth Not What it Used to Be
- Yet Another Bad Month for the Case-Shiller HPI
- Another Angle on Job Growth
- Foreclosure Chart Extravaganza: January 2008
- Random Observations on a Historical Chart
- January Resale Housing Data Rodeo
- January Resale Price Preview
- Guest Commentary: Ramsey on San Diego REO Auctions
- Bloggers vs. MSM Credibility Survey Deathmatch
- January’s Foreclosure Explosion
- Brief Technical Note
- High-Risk Reset Trends
- Put On Your Data Mining Helmets
- Yet More Foreclosures in the Pipeline
- November Case-Shiller HPI Gets Spanked
- BailoutWatch: Lower Rates for Everyone!
- Questioning the Employment Data
- Credit Default Swap Problems
- Boosterism and December Foreclosures
- December Housing Data
- December Home Prices
- No Housing Bottom in 2008
- The Next Foreclosure Wave
- October Case-Shiller Prices
- November Employment
- Bigger Boom, Bigger Bust
- In for a Surprise
- Guest Commentary: Ramsey on the Big Mortgage Bailout
- November Housing Data
- Bailouts Redux
- The United States of Bailouts
- September Case-Shiller Numbers
- Random Housing and Economy Stuff
- Real Home Prices
- October Employment
- Zillow’s Lost Year
- Price Changes in Low-, Mid-, and High-Priced Homes
- October Foreclosure Data
- Case and Shiller Come Through
- October Housing Data
- October Housing Data Preview
- One City, Two Markets
- August Case-Shiller HPI
- The Fires, the Economy, and Housing
- Fire Info
- September Employment
- Who Could Have Seen It Coming?
- September Foreclosures
- September Housing Data
- Housing Data Preview
- Real Estate as an Inflation Hedge, or More to the Point, Not
- July Case-Shiller Home Price for San Diego
- August Job Data Roundup
- Moody’s Forecast: Good Luck with That
- Sunday Foreclosure Chart Extravaganza
- August Housing Data
- Housing Data Preview
- August Defaults and Foreclosures
- Site Content and the Potentially Increased Frequency Thereof
- More Motivated Sellers, After All
- Mortgage Tightening Revealed
- Home Prices Declined Again in June
- Where the Jobs Were in July
- Media Appearance: “These Days”
- July Employment
- Linkery
- Confusion at the Transcript, Conspiracy at the NC Times
- July Housing Data Roundup
- July Foreclosures
- Mortgage Tightening, Round 2
- As of May, Still No Spring Bounce
- Interest Rate Update
- “The Forum” — NPR San Francisco
- Where the Jobs Are, June Edition
- June Employment
- Snippet in the LA Times
- Sales and Defaults — A Logarithmic Look
- Media Appearance
- Demand and Must-Sell Supply
- Sales and Foreclosures
- June Foreclosures
- Did I Mention It’s a Buyer’s Market?
- The Ratings Agencies Punch In
- June Housing Data
- Laid-Back Lenders
- April Case-Shiller HPI
- It’s Not a Subprime Problem
- A New Flavor of Mortgage Trouble
- Where the Jobs Are, May Edition
- May Jobs
- May Foreclosure Activity
- Chamberlin Supplemental
- Yet More Confusion at the Transcript
- May Housing Market Data
- Latest Case-Shiller Numbers
- What Could Save the Housing Market?
- Lereah Out With a Bang
- It’s a Comparitive Media Frenzy
- April Housing Data
- New Century Article, Time Off
- Misinterpreting the Median
- Media Appearance — These Days
- Guest Commentary: Ramsey on Foreclosure Auctions and More
- Measuring Home Prices
- Lereah Out
- Where the Jobs Are, March Edition
- March Jobs
- Where the Jobs Are
- The Real Credit Risk
- March Sales per NOD/NOT
- Confusion at the Transcript
- March Defaults and Foreclosure Sales
- March Housing Data
- Sales and Must-Sell Inventory
- February Jobs
- Population Changes
- Interest Rate Update
- Fewer Motivated Sellers?
- February Defaults
- January Jobs
- February Inventory Detail
- More Lending Regulations
- Guest Commentary: Ramsey on Default and Foreclosure Volume
- February Housing Data
- Lender Bender
- Subprime Soup
- Everyone Loves Real Estate
- Rickety Analysis
- Revisiting CDS-Land
- There’s a Housing Bubble — A Fact-Filled Opinion
- The San Diego Housing Bubble
- Mini-Rallies Aren’t Meaningful
- Motivated Sellers Abound
- Guest Commentary: Ramsey on Foreclosure Impact
- January Housing Data
- Assorted Things
- December Jobs
- The Job Loss Myth
- Angst in the New Era
- January Mortgage Rate Update
- Next Year in Real Estate
- December Housing Market Data
- November Jobs
- Too Many Condos
- Fight the Power
- Lereah: Housing Has Bottomed
- Wonders of the Industrial Age
- The Dumb Money
- Subprime Stabilizes
- Mortgage Rate Update
- “Better Buy Now”
- The Case-Shiller Index
- Site Performance
- Trouble in EZ-ville
- November Housing Data
- Historical Home Prices, Payments, Rents, and Rates
- October Employment
- Last Time to the 90s
- Before and After: Rents, Prices, Payments
- The Cause of All Busts
- Return to Return to the 90s
- Big Profits, Little Relevance
- Return to the 90s
- October Housing Data
- NAR’s Propaganda Patrol
- Intro to Credit Default Swaps
- Population Followup
- Population Positive
- September Job Data
- CAR’s 2007 Forecast
- September Prices and Sales
- Back to Work
- A Wrench in the EZ-Credit Works
- A Word from Our Sponsor
- Rates On the Decline
- September Inventory
- Double Logins
- A Year or Two?
- Is Inflation Dead?
- Expanding Homeownership?
- A New Home for the Econo-Almanac
- August Home Sale Data
- Median Problems
- Mystery Solved… Kind Of
- More Job Dissection
- Inventory Growth Takes a Breather in August
- Dissecting the Job Market
- August Credit Market Update
- 60 Days to Tighter Lending?
- Migration Mystery
- Liar Loans
- Affordability Wars
- The March of Progress, Revisited
- A Face for Radio
- Much Ado About Renting
- Take 5, Take 2.5
- The Wealth Effect Illustrated
- ARM Wrestling with Bernanke
- July Price and Sales Data
- Happenings at the Econo-Almanac
- Take 5, Take 2
- July Inventory
- Rates vs. Rates of Change
- Media Appearance
- The Bulls Strike Back
- Questionable Career Moves
- Piggington Makes the News
- That’s More Like It
- The U-T Makes It Official: Prices Are Falling
- Year-Over-Year Medians Have Gone Negative
- Ruh-Roh, Raggy!
- Still Panicking
- Soros: “Gigantic Real Estate Bubble”
- Rates No Longer an Excuse
- The Optimism Fades…
- Housing Market Report: May 2006
- Mortgage Resets + Harvard Hogwash
- Housing Will Fall 25%, Assuming…
- Credit Market Report: May 2006
- The Meaning of the Median
- Measuring the Downturn
- We Are Back
- Renting Money vs. Renting Homes
- Rates Are Low — So?
- Soft Landing Re-Revisited
- Turn That Frown Upside-Down
- Good Luck With That Soft Landing
- Is This Really the Best Time to Become a Realtor?
- Borrower Speculation
- Housing Market Report: April 2006
- Before Bubbles Burst
- How Much Inventory is Too Much?
- Don’t Fence Me In
- Credit Market Report: April 2006
- Waiting Out a Housing Downturn
- San Diego Tophat and Monocle Sales Plummet
- The Forest and the Trees
- Hello, 5%
- What, Me Speculate?
- Pigpourri
- Forums and Comments
- Housing Market Report: March 2006
- A Brief History of the Last Housing Bust
- Downtown and Underwater
- Spring Forward?
- Mortgage Guidelines Moving Forward
- Credit Market Report: March 2006
- Everyone Wants to Leave Here
- Surprises in Store for ARM Holders
- Bubble Money in OC
- Misinformation from the NAR
- Mortgage Reset Mania
- Good Luck With That
- Drink the Poole-Aid
- Craneville Revisited
- Condo Hell Freezes Over
- Housing Market Report: February 2006
- A Bubble is Born
- When Mortgage Brokers Attack
- Disappearing Demand
- Big Housing Players Turning Bearish
- A New Low for the Bullish Propaganda Mill
- Forecasting Futility
- Credit Market Report: February 2006
- No Skin In the Game
- It’s Dark Matter Week!
- A Bad Month for Everyone
- Dark Matters
- In Like a Lamb — Some January Stats
- Cluster Selling
- Credit Where Credit Isn’t Due
- Price Changes by Zip Code
- Worst Shortage Ever: Downtown Edition
- Lack of Affordability: A Self-Correcting Problem
- There’s a New Sheriff in Town
- Housing Market Report: January 2006
- Downtown San Diego’s Condo Onslaught
- The Real Estate Economy
- Credit Market Report: January 2006
- Worst Shortage Ever
- The Rise of the Desperate Seller
- A Warning Light on OC’s Dashboard
- The Myth of the Housing Shortage
- We Are the Champions
- The U-T’s 2005 San Diego Housing Wrap-Up
- Visions of the Future
- When Bubbles Burst
- Stated Income Loans—Now There’s a Great Idea
- Housing Slowdown Starting to Cause Real Pain
- Are Interest Rates About to Drop?
- Piggington Goes North
- Appraisal Reform Efforts: Too Little, Too Late
- The Dangers of Exotic Loans in San Diego
- Housing Market Report: December 2005
- Fraud and the Home Appraisal Business
- The Real Estate Agent Bubble
- A Message from the Yield Curve
- The Ghost of Housing Bubbles Past
- Credit Market Report: December 2005
- Is This the End of E-Z Credit?
- On Supply and Demand in San Diego
- As Goes Housing, So Goes the Economy
- Church of the Soft Landing
- The Condo-Based Economy Goes Nationwide
- Deeper Analysis of Los Angeles Housing
- Trouble In ABS-Land
- Rates and Orange County Housing
- Everyone Wants to Live Here: That’s Why They’re Moving Away
- A Picture of the California Housing Bubble
- Tip of the Mortgage Fraud Iceberg Coming to Light
- Housing Market Report: November 2005
- Credit Market Report: November 2005
- Myths of the Market (UK style)
- Option ARMs Losing Their Appeal
- E-Z Credit Under Fire
- Deep Analysis of Los Angeles Housing
- Reflexive Disinterwhatnow?
- Inland Empire Homes 70% Overvalued
- Orange County Homes 62% Overvalued
- Los Angeles Homes 65% Overvalued
- Bubblers: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
- Evidence of a Southern California Housing Bubble
- Risks of a Serious Home Price Decline
- Calling Bull$#*t on NAR
- Denial is Not Just a River in San Bernardino
- Rise in Foreclosures Making More Headlines
- The Condo-Based Economy Makes the News
- San Diego: The Best Investment in 2006?
- Monthly Housing Market Report: October 2005
- Monthly Economic Report: October 2005
- Monthly Credit Market Report: October 2005
- Bernanke and the Real Estate Market
- Monthly Economic Report: September 2005
- Where Are Condo Prices Declining Fastest?
- The Psychology of Financial Mania
- Monthly Housing Report: September 2005
- Monthly Credit Market Report: September 2005
- Myth and Reality II
- San Diego Housing: Myth and Reality
- Piggington’s Mailbag: The Rising Cost of Building Materials
- Japanese Vote “No” on U.S. Housing Bubble
- Monthly Housing Report: August 2005
- Monthly Economic Report: August 2005
- Monthly Credit Market Report: August 2005
- Piggington’s Mailbag: Rates, Prices, and Unwieldy Nautical Metaphors
- The Condo-Based Economy
- Monthly Housing Market Report: July 2005
- Monthly Economic Report: July 2005
- Monthly Credit Market Report: July 2005
- Piggington’s Mailbag: Why San Diego?
- On Rates, Part II: Will They Stay This Low?
- On Rates, Part I: Why Are They So Low?
- Monthly Housing Market Report: June 2005
- In Search of Instability
- Monthly Credit Market Report: June 2005
- Monthly Economic Report: June 2005
- A History of the Housing Bubble
- Recession Is Not a Prerequisite for a Housing Downturn
- Get On the Ride
- The Math Skills of Crowds
- The Madness of Crowds
- Cuckoo For Condo Gluts
- Speculation Nation
- Everybody Wants to Live in San Diego
Forum Activity by Rich Toscano
- Reply To: “The Big Short” … 20 yr anniversary ?
- Reply To: Real Estate Agents ARE GOING BROKE?!
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Best free resources for financial education
- Reply To: Best free resources for financial education
- Reply To: Best free resources for financial education
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: North County Coastal monitor
- Reply To: Quick remodels – avoid altogether?
- Reply To: Mira Mesa Monitor
- Reply To: Mira Mesa Monitor
- Reply To: Mira Mesa Monitor
- Reply To: RIP Allan From Fallbrook
- Reply To: North County Coastal monitor
- Reply To: Bathroom Remodel
- Reply To: Money markets at Schwab now above 4%, tax-free muni now above 3%
- Reply To: Money markets at Schwab now above 4%, tax-free muni now above 3%
- Reply To: Money markets at Schwab now above 4%, tax-free muni now above 3%
- Pagination is working on the forums now
- Reply To: Mira Mesa Monitor
- Reply To: Investment Property
- Reply To: We’re back!
- Reply To: We’re back!
- Reply To: North County Coastal monitor
- Reply To: North County Coastal monitor
- Reply To: We’re back!
- Reply To: We’re back!
- Reply To: We’re back!
- Reply To: We’re back!
- These are old/closed forums – please go to the main Forum page to post content
- Yes, these real time updates
- deadzone wrote:I’m not a
- deadzone wrote:I’m not a
- sdrealtor wrote:So says the
- Those are all reasonable
- Well, I guess I was wrong…
- deadzone wrote:Rich Toscano
- deadzone wrote:If you don’t
- Emphasis mine here:
- deadzone wrote:That way your
- deadzone wrote:Rich Toscano
- deadzone wrote:That’s
- sdrealtor wrote:Rich, you
- I just sent you a test
- moon wrote:Hi Rich, I cannot
- sdrealtor wrote:No problem
- sdr — Good color, thank you
- I am going to put up an
- 30 year mortgage rates hit 5%
- The-Shoveler wrote:I guess my
- sdrealtor wrote:
The part
- I don’t think it’s hard to
- gzz wrote:
If mortgage rates
- I agree that rents in the CPI
- Wow…. just wow. Coronita
- gzz wrote:Coronita
- gzz wrote:Rich Toscano
- gzz wrote:Reminder: From 1995
- scaredyclassic wrote:Rich
- gzz wrote:Bet you all thought
- Good stuff xbox, thanks for
- svelte wrote:”Mortgage/tax
- I’ve been thinking about your
- xboxboy, this is awesome!
- hahahaha… :-D
- Well I was… a very long
- an wrote:sdrealtor
- Once someone has replied to a
- Although in fairness, I
- XBoxBoy wrote:Can we please
- Just to get this on record, I
- PS which is it, “get ready
- sdrealtor wrote:I was
- sdrealtor wrote:Inflation
- Ah gotcha… I thought you
- sdrealtor wrote:I suspect you
- Agree on all that… but
- Buy real estate now or you’ll
- gzz wrote:
Relatedly, the
- carlsbadworker wrote:Just
- gzz wrote:Ponzi scheme that
- Howdy – All is well,
- Rich Toscano wrote:Also that
- Coronita wrote:I’ll share a
- sdrealtor wrote:Maybe we can
- sdrealtor wrote:So Im curious
- Haha, I know it’s Benford’s
- I’m shutting down this
- Nooope.
As explained in the
- I don’t even know where to
- Disagree; the index is the
- Like I said, whether his call
- sdrealtor wrote:But timing is
- CA renter wrote:Rich Toscano
- I definitely did not request
- As I said in another post: “I
- The-Shoveler wrote:Just using
- gzz wrote:
Now we have even
- Are you guys also going to
- I like having these as two
- The real issue IMO is that RE
- FlyerInHi wrote:This is not
- saiine wrote: Feds now buying
- saiine wrote:There’s no
- scaredyclassic wrote:ah,
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- svelte wrote:Rich Toscano
- davelj wrote:
This is an
- zk wrote:Rich Toscano
- zk wrote:Davelj, your take is
- Brian, take it to another
- Thanks, good to hear that
- Gunslinger blocked for
- pinkflamingo wrote:Thank you
- zk wrote:Rich Toscano
- TheBrianNarrative
- TheBrianNarrative wrote:Rich
- Rich Toscano wrote:PS see how
- PS see how I brought this
- Back to the OP (for the love
- The bottom in San Diego was
- The SF chart didn’t display
- Unfortunately they are not
- Myriad wrote:henrysd
- flu wrote:Plus the real
- I’ve been out of town all
- flu wrote: But, I am waiting
- I have no idea on cost but I
- cb, you are right, I kind of
- cbworker, you raise a lot of
- NeetaT wrote:I try to skirt
- Actually months of inventory
- Wow… those are some crazy
- Hi ocr – Where did you find
- FlyerInHi wrote:Over the
- Re-using the floor epoxy!
- flu wrote:Anyone know how I
- Not only should you do the
- CA Renter, thanks for the
- Update to the chart I posted
- I live in Bay Park, where we
- I might have to add this to
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:What is
- FlyerInHi wrote:njtosd
- Walk-in margarita machine.
- OK thanks for the feedback
- Yeah, that’s how I understand
- moneymaker
- harvey wrote:no_such_reality
- PS Besides being ad hominem,
- moneymaker wrote:
Most people
- I’m not aware of it, but I
- Yeah NSR, that’s a good
- deadzone wrote:Zero Hedge is
- barnaby33 wrote:Well at least
- Wow, duuude, sounds like
- SK in CV wrote:
The part that
- I don’t think it was a myth
- Cool… very interesting!
- Wow, for real, you tried it?
- Welcome back.
(I don’t have
- I feel like people aren’t
- spdrun wrote:They lost their
- spdrun wrote:I wasn’t scared
- spdrun wrote:The crash was
- harvey wrote:It’s an odd
- Sorry, I was referring to the
- bewildering wrote:No, it is
- Haha nextdoor… that’s where
- a few pics
- I don’t have inside info but
- Thank you guys (including TG,
- sdgrrl wrote:I remember real
- Sent you a pm.
- no_such_reality wrote:Rich
- no_such_reality wrote:It does
- moneymaker wrote:When was the
- AN wrote:Rich Toscano
- no_such_reality wrote:Rich
- no_such_reality wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Rich Toscano
- no_such_reality wrote:Rich
- AN wrote:Rich Toscano
- no_such_reality wrote:Rich
- no_such_reality wrote:
- gzz wrote:
But as described
- Reality wrote:Rich Toscano
- gzz wrote:AN, I think where
- no_such_reality wrote:Rich
- bewildering wrote:There is
- no_such_reality wrote:True,
- True, some individual homes
- So your plan is to wait for a
- Thanks Adam, haven’t heard
- Thank you!
- Well so I do! I didn’t
- harvey wrote:
I hope Gary
- “Can’t find any SFH in my zip
- flu wrote:It is done… I go
- Maybe get a bulk discount?
- Well what’s done is done… I
- svelte wrote:mixxalot
- Maybe it was your constant
- 45 minute (or more!) wait you
- Yum! Thanks for the PSA.
- I’d rather spoon my own eyes
- Wow… stunning!
Pigg meetup
- Excellent post, zk….
- OK, this is fixed (albeit in
- Thanks… it actually is
- Hmmm, it’s not working for me
- Haha, thanks… better (very)
- PS – I’m not expressing an
- Here’s a screen grab:
- CA renter wrote:
I’m not on
- Zero Hedge, always with the
- PS I just realized that my
- AN wrote:masayako
- I think this probably sums it
- AN wrote:There’s a difference
- AN wrote:Because although one
- flu wrote:masayako wrote:It
- flyer wrote:”Always buy,
- poorgradstudent wrote:At this
- Interesting thoughts from
- flu-redux wrote:I am trying
- That picture is from my
- Thanks for the heads up. Spd
- spdrun wrote: one doesn’t
- spdisms
OP: Can anyone
- PS My argument to this poster
- Well, I just got a DM from a
- “Let’s be honest, who but the
- The irony is: I’m not even
- Typing +1 isn’t the same
- njtosd wrote:
FWIW – not that
- ucodegen wrote:Rich Toscano
- ucodegen wrote:Hobie wrote:
- My personal view is that
- ucodegen wrote:Rich Toscano
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:
- CA renter wrote:Did they
- mixxalot wrote:H1b and
- “It’s a great time to start a mortgage company” – Donald Trump, April 2006
- mixxalot wrote:If you call
- Someone here in Bay Park
- harvey wrote:
I understand
- BG, a couple further thoughts
- My only “leaning” is against
- bearishgurl wrote:It would be
- harvey wrote:
I’m generally
- zk wrote:Compensating for
- I’m not sure how high a bar
- kev374 wrote:
I see a lot of
- no_such_reality wrote:To the
- svelte wrote:I still can’t
- Hahahaha… ;-)
- I remember when Trump first
- La Jolla Renter wrote:
- bullishgurl wrote:I don’t
- Yep, I read it the same
- I looked on FRED (great data
- Worst Pics in the MLS 2: The Suckening
- Start here:
- The BLS has a CPI rent series
- sdsurfer wrote:I’m really
- Anyone who endorsed Trump is
- sdsurfer wrote:
As far as the
- FlyerInHi wrote:
But whatever
- Some thoughts here that might
- Well, I’m glad someone finds
- FlyerInHi wrote:I took
- FlyerInHi wrote:Haha..
- njtosd wrote:
I think it
- harvey wrote:The media wants
- FlyerInHi wrote:harvey
- sdgrrl wrote:
If the home
- I type fast too, BG, and yet
- bearishgurl wrote:For
- Hi sdgrrl – Sorry to be so
- bearishgurl wrote:I watched
- This is not exactly what
- gzz wrote:
I am trying to
- Hi jfel – Homes are
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t
- poorgradstudent
- Just got back from vacation.
- mixxalot wrote:Don’t get me
- utcsox
- This is a good idea, to make
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, just what
- bearishgurl wrote:Perhaps it
- FlyerInHi wrote:Leave aside
- The-Shoveler wrote:Wage
- FlyerInHi wrote:What makes
- Thanks OP, glad to see
- utcsox wrote:It’s easy to run
- svelte wrote:This starts
- Consideringoptions
- carli wrote:
- zk wrote:
…I’m hoping to
- FlyerInHi wrote:
I agree that
- FlyerInHi
- Case in point, I just looked
- Gonna wait for the Feb data
- paramount wrote:
I believe
- Ps in the meantime, check out
- Hi evolusd – Thanks, it’s
- utcsox wrote:paramount
- yuhtey wrote:bearishgurl
- PCinSD
- Posted in another thread (
- Really, baby Hitler jokes
- harvey wrote:Any the many Fed
- Yes! For sure. Sorry for
- Yeah, you are right, lots of
- Scaredy, I like you and I am
- ltsdd wrote:
Hindsight is
- Agreed, there are many
- Harvey, I’m not talking about
- scaredyclassic wrote:his
- ltsdd wrote:Wouldn’t buy the
- Yeah, the dept of numbers
- no_such_reality wrote:I just
- I find it ironic that this
- As I’ve grown fond of
- moneymaker wrote:Nice chart
- BTW here’s an easy visual on
- If she is trying to justify
- I’m not seeing a drop on
- Been a busy bee, and at this
- Rich Toscano wrote:This guy
- Xbox, I agree with everything
- Lizards???
- Xbox, I find myself in
- This is where I take my
- Well I would add one nuance:
- nct wrote:I wasn’t here at
- One more good background
- XBoxBoy wrote:Leorocky
- Thanks xbox and others for
- urbanrealtor wrote:Rich
- It’s working now for me… is
- It may be different in
- The-Shoveler wrote:I am not
- spdrun wrote:Jeebus X. Khrist
- FlyerInHi wrote:Policywise,
- FlyerInHi wrote:
A major
- FlyerInHi wrote:As a
- Thanks so much for the kind
- TG!!! Nice to hear from you,
- In SD anyway, I feel like
- Good idea to use Wayback to
- This guy installed my AC and
- OT: Great resources for neck or back pain
- kiki wrote:Separate question:
- I basically just meant if the
- BTW my answer is A, I’d be
- Hi Kiki — Sorry you couldn’t
- Escoguy wrote:Personal
- svelte wrote:
We shall see if
- Thanks utcsox…
- utcsox wrote:
You can read
- harvey wrote:These
- bewildering wrote:
I think
- Good question flu, and that
- That’s an argument I’ve heard
- kev374 wrote:
I hope Rich is
- CA renter, you are far too
- FlyerInHi wrote:
- paramount
- I’m imagining something like
- bearishgurl wrote:The issue,
- Yeah, that’s interesting… I
- Just to be clear specifically
- zk wrote:[
I’m still an
- CA renter wrote:Rich Toscano
- For me it’s the inside
- Hardcore INTJ for me… I
- I’m watching it live, like a
- Thanks for the overview flu!
- I am a bit of a neat freak
- paramount wrote:And moonbeams
- Yeah, I’d prefer a web
- ocrenter wrote:
this is
- totally cool home searching app by one of our own pigg forum members
- PS – All changes have been
- It does indeed… that
- scaredyclassic wrote:the very
- Thank you CAR! You are a
- scaredyclassic wrote:I kind
- website maintenance this weekend – site may go down without warning
- zk wrote:
Having not seen a
- paramount wrote:Rich Toscano
- No, they are laughing because
- Great article…
- FWIW, if home valuations (per
- werdna wrote:
Does this mean
- scaredyclassic
- Thanks for the tip, Cube…
- scaredyclassic wrote:im
- Thanks Jazzman. I certainly
- Owning a home has no
- Thanks, EconProf. Though I
- zk wrote:
Huh. That was just
- Glad someone finally found a
- afx, I didn’t know you were
- scaredyclassic wrote:2,000
- Haha, thanks CAR… more
- Thank you for the kind words!
- moneymaker wrote:Here’s a
- Hi guys — I recently
- Closing comments on this
- zk wrote:Just make sure the
- Spelling isn’t paramount’s
- Even though this thread is
- Thanks again everyone… I
- BTW there is what appears to
- Thanks for the GPS
- Thanks zk for the offer,
- OT: Seeking advice on trying out mountain biking
- backintown wrote:Whereas most
- I am suitably
- Hi Graham! Sorry, I’ve just
- CDMA ENG wrote:Blogstar
- CA renter wrote:urbanrealtor
- urbanrealtor wrote:
I have
- I will look into it…
- K, never mind… someone else
- You got a spam message as a
- I can’t believe I’m still
- paramount wrote:Rich Toscano
- paramount wrote:
Caution: The
- sdduuuude wrote:
Well, maybe
- sdduuuude wrote:
The point is
- Passing mention of a same-sex
- Great to hear from you, TG,
- earlyretirement wrote:
- There are so many legitimate
- 6packscaredy wrote:Diligence
- PS – Amazing job… Rip be
- 6packscaredy wrote:Stopped
- How’s your back squat doing?
- oooreallly wrote:Man, cleanup
- no_such_reality wrote:
- thebazman wrote:
Maybe those
- Probably a wise strategy…
- Tsk tsk… that’s cheating.
- For electric I used to have a
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:
- BTW, a sneak preview of the
- barnaby33 wrote:
On that note
- CA renter wrote:
I wonder if
- Great post sdduuuude.
- Yeah, I don’t like this new
- SD Squatter wrote:Typical
- desmond wrote:
130 lb little
- Well done sir! My squat is a
- flu wrote:
Nope. But they are
- I almost deleted this thread
- More from Ritholtz:
- paramount wrote:
The author
- As far as Black Friday goes,
- paramount wrote: This is not
- zk wrote:
I’ve said this
- paramount wrote:
- dumbrenter wrote:
Because US
- dumbrenter wrote:
My question
- dumbrenter wrote:
To make
- kev374 wrote:well, since the
- This thread has become major
- Essbee wrote:I think that if
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:
- ctr70 wrote:I loved Jack
- Apeman wrote:
In spite of
- ocrenter wrote:
- That’s 5% on an annual basis
- urbanrealtor wrote:
I really
- Brutus wrote:
I would expect
- urbanrealtor wrote:viagra c|i
- OK, I added a “report spam”
- I do appreciate when people
- gregw9898 wrote:Rich – I
- Haha… I actually like RP.
- sdduuuude wrote:Whoever you
- zk wrote:Rich Toscano
- Over
- markmax33 (the real one):
- sdduuuude wrote:Just because
- pri_dk wrote:
The challenge
- Actually I think the MIT
- bubba99
- jstoesz wrote:I saw an
- That’s just silly SDR…
- A big benefit of this is that
- Exactly right ocr… and of
- CDMA ENG wrote:svelte
- Brian said he heard or read
- sdduuuude wrote:
- We actually looked at that
- Bob Lobbla wrote:I’m pretty
- Haha, well pri, I did
- SK in CV wrote:Rich Toscano
- SK in CV wrote:I have a
- Haha, I love it… how do I
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes,
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- DomoArigato wrote:Rich’s
- I don’t put a timeframe on it
- That was a thoughtful,
- markmax33 wrote:zk
- Best of luck, flu, and happy
- DomoArigato wrote:
I was only
- DomoArigato wrote:sreeb
- Fearful wrote:DomoArigato
- This would tremendously
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:
- threadkiller wrote:Rich
- Houses went from 10 to 15,
- That could happen based on a
- In case the ignore user feature doesn’t do the trick
- urbanrealtor wrote:
- FHA raised back up to
- That was actually a pretty
- No need to add NewToSanDiego
- Shark
- DataAgent wrote:In a few
- svelte wrote:There once was a
- sdduuuude wrote:
I wouldn’t
- walterwhite wrote:Does it
- TexasLine wrote:oh! I don’t
- desmond wrote:Yes, why would
- Thanks guys… I took care of
- Sure, I agree, every
- briansd1 wrote:Actually, it
- Yep, it did work in the past
- Makes perfect sense for a
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- Too many variables.
Yes, I
- Great post afx… you pretty
- Here is my perspective as a
- sd_matt wrote:sd_matt
- Talking about the assumable
- urbanrealtor wrote:
- SK in CV wrote:Rich Toscano
- pri_dk – You are right, there
- Here is an article from
- Yes, what FSD wrote sums up
- bearishgurl wrote: Why not
- PS – Anyone who thinks I am
- AN wrote:Are you just being
- I am shocked. Shocked! Conforming limits going back up.
- markmax33 wrote: Even Rich
- Thank you for the nice
- Sure, ucodegen, I can share.
- markmax33 wrote:
I’m not
- lifeizfun — I think you make
- PS to Dan… I lol’d at
- briansd1 wrote:Did you not
- Principal reduction back on the table
- briansd1 wrote:Despite all
- Jim is in the trenches and
- I unpublished it. Someone
- Holing yourself up in an
- In the interest of getting
- Let’s get this thread back on
- Come to think of it, that’s
- Would the rent component of
- patientrenter wrote:Between
- Good counter from my favorite
- jpinpb wrote:CS chart
- Here are my thoughts in
- pri_dk wrote:
So we can’t use
- ECRI has a very good track
- ctr70 wrote:1991-1996 was
- Thanks afx… you are always
- Thanks afx… you are always
- Thanks afx… you are always
- Thanks afx… you are always
- Thanks afx… you are always
- This pleases me greatly. I
- This pleases me greatly. I
- This pleases me greatly. I
- This pleases me greatly. I
- This pleases me greatly. I
- Like a typical MSM article,
- Like a typical MSM article,
- Like a typical MSM article,
- Like a typical MSM article,
- Like a typical MSM article,
- Have any of yall ever made
- Have any of yall ever made
- Have any of yall ever made
- Have any of yall ever made
- Have any of yall ever made
- That was also one of my taste
- That was also one of my taste
- That was also one of my taste
- That was also one of my taste
- That was also one of my taste
- duuuude, I must respectfully
- duuuude, I must respectfully
- duuuude, I must respectfully
- duuuude, I must respectfully
- duuuude, I must respectfully
- deadzone wrote:Wow, I didn’t
- deadzone wrote:Wow, I didn’t
- deadzone wrote:Wow, I didn’t
- deadzone wrote:Wow, I didn’t
- deadzone wrote:Wow, I didn’t
- earlyretirement wrote:
I also
- earlyretirement wrote:
I also
- earlyretirement wrote:
I also
- earlyretirement wrote:
I also
- earlyretirement wrote:
I also
- bluehairdave wrote:
I think
- bluehairdave wrote:
I think
- bluehairdave wrote:
I think
- bluehairdave wrote:
I think
- bluehairdave wrote:
I think
- kcal09 wrote:Savings accounts
- kcal09 wrote:Savings accounts
- kcal09 wrote:Savings accounts
- kcal09 wrote:Savings accounts
- kcal09 wrote:Savings accounts
- Yes, that’s a very insightful
- Yes, that’s a very insightful
- Yes, that’s a very insightful
- Yes, that’s a very insightful
- Yes, that’s a very insightful
- Zeitgeist, I admonished the
- Zeitgeist, I admonished the
- Zeitgeist, I admonished the
- Zeitgeist, I admonished the
- Zeitgeist, I admonished the
- Thank you sir! That
- Thank you sir! That
- Thank you sir! That
- Thank you sir! That
- Thank you sir! That
- Hi zk —
I think the
- Hi zk —
I think the
- Hi zk —
I think the
- Hi zk —
I think the
- Hi zk —
I think the
- Thanks again TG.. you are too
- Thanks again TG.. you are too
- Thanks again TG.. you are too
- Thanks again TG.. you are too
- Thanks again TG.. you are too
- briansd1 wrote:
Shiller is
- briansd1 wrote:
Shiller is
- briansd1 wrote:
Shiller is
- briansd1 wrote:
Shiller is
- briansd1 wrote:
Shiller is
- jficquette wrote:High gas
- jficquette wrote:High gas
- jficquette wrote:High gas
- jficquette wrote:High gas
- jficquette wrote:High gas
- Can’t disagree with you, CAR.
- Can’t disagree with you, CAR.
- Can’t disagree with you, CAR.
- Can’t disagree with you, CAR.
- Can’t disagree with you, CAR.
- Speculators can contribute to
- Speculators can contribute to
- Speculators can contribute to
- Speculators can contribute to
- Speculators can contribute to
- CA renter wrote:briansd1
- CA renter wrote:briansd1
- CA renter wrote:briansd1
- CA renter wrote:briansd1
- CA renter wrote:briansd1
- Oops in looking thru the
- Oops in looking thru the
- Oops in looking thru the
- Oops in looking thru the
- Oops in looking thru the
- Right, nobody can argue that
- Right, nobody can argue that
- Right, nobody can argue that
- Right, nobody can argue that
- Right, nobody can argue that
- Jim points out that the
- Jim points out that the
- Jim points out that the
- Jim points out that the
- Jim points out that the
- Thanks BG, I hadn’t checked
- Thanks BG, I hadn’t checked
- Thanks BG, I hadn’t checked
- Thanks BG, I hadn’t checked
- Thanks BG, I hadn’t checked
- GSE limits slated to drop (PLUS bonus question for mortgage experts)
- Sweet… keg party at afx’s
- Sweet… keg party at afx’s
- Sweet… keg party at afx’s
- Sweet… keg party at afx’s
- Sweet… keg party at afx’s
- urbanrealtor wrote:
If we
- urbanrealtor wrote:
If we
- urbanrealtor wrote:
If we
- urbanrealtor wrote:
If we
- urbanrealtor wrote:
If we
- Great article, thanks ZK.
- Great article, thanks ZK.
- Great article, thanks ZK.
- Great article, thanks ZK.
- Great article, thanks ZK.
- Kind of weird that the UT
- Kind of weird that the UT
- Kind of weird that the UT
- Kind of weird that the UT
- Kind of weird that the UT
- threadkiller wrote: It would
- threadkiller wrote: It would
- threadkiller wrote: It would
- threadkiller wrote: It would
- threadkiller wrote: It would
- And just like that,
- And just like that,
- And just like that,
- And just like that,
- And just like that,
- In reference to the following
- In reference to the following
- In reference to the following
- In reference to the following
- In reference to the following
- Update: UCGal nailed it!
- Update: UCGal nailed it!
- Update: UCGal nailed it!
- Update: UCGal nailed it!
- Update: UCGal nailed it!
- Here’s the bird’s eye view
- Here’s the bird’s eye view
- Here’s the bird’s eye view
- Here’s the bird’s eye view
- Here’s the bird’s eye view
- Hi OCR — Thanks for your
- Hi OCR — Thanks for your
- Hi OCR — Thanks for your
- Hi OCR — Thanks for your
- Hi OCR — Thanks for your
- Thanks Aecetia and JP! I
- Thanks Aecetia and JP! I
- Thanks Aecetia and JP! I
- Thanks Aecetia and JP! I
- Thanks Aecetia and JP! I
- Thanks guys for all the
- Thanks guys for all the
- Thanks guys for all the
- Thanks guys for all the
- Thanks guys for all the
- Thanks j — yeah, Thornberg
- Thanks j — yeah, Thornberg
- Thanks j — yeah, Thornberg
- Thanks j — yeah, Thornberg
- Thanks j — yeah, Thornberg
- Thanks for the input SDT.
- Thanks for the input SDT.
- Thanks for the input SDT.
- Thanks for the input SDT.
- Thanks for the input SDT.
- Going on the radio this afternoon… quick questions for the piggs
- sdduuuude wrote:
Seems to me
- sdduuuude wrote:
Seems to me
- sdduuuude wrote:
Seems to me
- sdduuuude wrote:
Seems to me
- sdduuuude wrote:
Seems to me
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich I would
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich I would
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich I would
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich I would
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich I would
- sdduuuude wrote:
And …
- sdduuuude wrote:
And …
- sdduuuude wrote:
And …
- sdduuuude wrote:
And …
- sdduuuude wrote:
And …
- sdduuuude wrote:
I appreciate
- sdduuuude wrote:
I appreciate
- sdduuuude wrote:
I appreciate
- sdduuuude wrote:
I appreciate
- sdduuuude wrote:
I appreciate
- socrattt wrote:
Rich, I got
- socrattt wrote:
Rich, I got
- socrattt wrote:
Rich, I got
- socrattt wrote:
Rich, I got
- socrattt wrote:
Rich, I got
- Carlsbadworker, I think you
- Carlsbadworker, I think you
- Carlsbadworker, I think you
- Carlsbadworker, I think you
- Carlsbadworker, I think you
- sdduuuude wrote:
To me,
- sdduuuude wrote:
To me,
- sdduuuude wrote:
To me,
- sdduuuude wrote:
To me,
- sdduuuude wrote:
To me,
- sdduuuude wrote:Been out of
- sdduuuude wrote:Been out of
- sdduuuude wrote:Been out of
- sdduuuude wrote:Been out of
- sdduuuude wrote:Been out of
- socrattt wrote:
You just made
- socrattt wrote:
You just made
- socrattt wrote:
You just made
- socrattt wrote:
You just made
- socrattt wrote:
You just made
- For an index (not actual rent
- For an index (not actual rent
- For an index (not actual rent
- For an index (not actual rent
- For an index (not actual rent
- Arraya wrote:
But isn’t
- Arraya wrote:
But isn’t
- Arraya wrote:
But isn’t
- Arraya wrote:
But isn’t
- Arraya wrote:
But isn’t
- CA renter wrote:
- CA renter wrote:
- CA renter wrote:
- CA renter wrote:
- CA renter wrote:
- CA renter wrote:
Now, we are
- CA renter wrote:
Now, we are
- CA renter wrote:
Now, we are
- CA renter wrote:
Now, we are
- CA renter wrote:
Now, we are
- i was talking about month to
- i was talking about month to
- i was talking about month to
- i was talking about month to
- i was talking about month to
- briansd1 wrote:What’s to
- briansd1 wrote:What’s to
- briansd1 wrote:What’s to
- briansd1 wrote:What’s to
- briansd1 wrote:What’s to
- I have SD Case Shiller as up
- I have SD Case Shiller as up
- I have SD Case Shiller as up
- I have SD Case Shiller as up
- I have SD Case Shiller as up
- That’s the seasonally
- That’s the seasonally
- That’s the seasonally
- That’s the seasonally
- That’s the seasonally
- Sorry greekfire, I have added
- Sorry greekfire, I have added
- Sorry greekfire, I have added
- Sorry greekfire, I have added
- Sorry greekfire, I have added
- Oh boy, well now I’m
- Oh boy, well now I’m
- Oh boy, well now I’m
- Oh boy, well now I’m
- Oh boy, well now I’m
- You invoked Ron Paul, who is
- You invoked Ron Paul, who is
- You invoked Ron Paul, who is
- You invoked Ron Paul, who is
- You invoked Ron Paul, who is
- urbanrealtor wrote:The irony
- urbanrealtor wrote:The irony
- urbanrealtor wrote:The irony
- urbanrealtor wrote:The irony
- urbanrealtor wrote:The irony
- pri_dk wrote:So everybody
- pri_dk wrote:So everybody
- pri_dk wrote:So everybody
- pri_dk wrote:So everybody
- pri_dk wrote:So everybody
- I have confidence in him to
- I have confidence in him to
- I have confidence in him to
- I have confidence in him to
- I have confidence in him to
- OK, I read it, you are
- OK, I read it, you are
- OK, I read it, you are
- OK, I read it, you are
- OK, I read it, you are
- permabear wrote:Have you read
- permabear wrote:Have you read
- permabear wrote:Have you read
- permabear wrote:Have you read
- permabear wrote:Have you read
- I think his numbers are very
- I think his numbers are very
- I think his numbers are very
- I think his numbers are very
- I think his numbers are very
- Thanks guys!
- Thanks guys!
- Thanks guys!
- Thanks guys!
- Thanks guys!
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am not
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am not
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am not
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am not
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am not
- pri_dk wrote:
Any plan that
- pri_dk wrote:
Any plan that
- pri_dk wrote:
Any plan that
- pri_dk wrote:
Any plan that
- pri_dk wrote:
Any plan that
- Months of inventory has done
- Months of inventory has done
- Months of inventory has done
- Months of inventory has done
- Months of inventory has done
- I stopped doing this chart
- I stopped doing this chart
- I stopped doing this chart
- I stopped doing this chart
- I stopped doing this chart
- ctr70 wrote:
What I also like
- ctr70 wrote:
What I also like
- ctr70 wrote:
What I also like
- ctr70 wrote:
What I also like
- ctr70 wrote:
What I also like
- I’m not a parent, so take
- I’m not a parent, so take
- I’m not a parent, so take
- I’m not a parent, so take
- I’m not a parent, so take
- ILoveRegulation wrote:
- ILoveRegulation wrote:
- ILoveRegulation wrote:
- ILoveRegulation wrote:
- ILoveRegulation wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:How about when
- briansd1 wrote:How about when
- briansd1 wrote:How about when
- briansd1 wrote:How about when
- briansd1 wrote:How about when
- I would be very surprised if
- I would be very surprised if
- I would be very surprised if
- I would be very surprised if
- I would be very surprised if
- Tucker Carlson has been under
- Tucker Carlson has been under
- Tucker Carlson has been under
- Tucker Carlson has been under
- Tucker Carlson has been under
- I will second doofrat on
- I will second doofrat on
- I will second doofrat on
- I will second doofrat on
- I will second doofrat on
- Fixed…
- Fixed…
- Fixed…
- Fixed…
- Fixed…
- OK, there are assumptions in
- OK, there are assumptions in
- OK, there are assumptions in
- OK, there are assumptions in
- OK, there are assumptions in
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- That is a graph of the rate
- That is a graph of the rate
- That is a graph of the rate
- That is a graph of the rate
- That is a graph of the rate
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- AK wrote:”Buying with
- AK wrote:”Buying with
- AK wrote:”Buying with
- AK wrote:”Buying with
- AK wrote:”Buying with
- As to the OP, in my opinion
- As to the OP, in my opinion
- As to the OP, in my opinion
- As to the OP, in my opinion
- As to the OP, in my opinion
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- pri_dk wrote:SD Realtor
- GH wrote:Just keep in mind
- GH wrote:Just keep in mind
- GH wrote:Just keep in mind
- GH wrote:Just keep in mind
- GH wrote:Just keep in mind
- If your in-laws finance it,
- If your in-laws finance it,
- If your in-laws finance it,
- If your in-laws finance it,
- If your in-laws finance it,
- Yep, lived right on Barton
- Yep, lived right on Barton
- Yep, lived right on Barton
- Yep, lived right on Barton
- Yep, lived right on Barton
- sdrealtor wrote:Here is the
- sdrealtor wrote:Here is the
- sdrealtor wrote:Here is the
- sdrealtor wrote:Here is the
- sdrealtor wrote:Here is the
- Damn you bake! ;-) Rudy’s
- Damn you bake! ;-) Rudy’s
- Damn you bake! ;-) Rudy’s
- Damn you bake! ;-) Rudy’s
- Damn you bake! ;-) Rudy’s
- pri_dk wrote:
Not trying to
- pri_dk wrote:
Not trying to
- pri_dk wrote:
Not trying to
- pri_dk wrote:
Not trying to
- pri_dk wrote:
Not trying to
- Nice. What’s your “rig?” I
- Nice. What’s your “rig?” I
- Nice. What’s your “rig?” I
- Nice. What’s your “rig?” I
- Nice. What’s your “rig?” I
- pri_dk wrote:The fact that
- pri_dk wrote:The fact that
- pri_dk wrote:The fact that
- pri_dk wrote:The fact that
- pri_dk wrote:The fact that
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry Prof
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry Prof
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry Prof
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry Prof
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry Prof
- PS for those that don’t know,
- PS for those that don’t know,
- PS for those that don’t know,
- PS for those that don’t know,
- PS for those that don’t know,
- I like Brett’s BBQ in
- I like Brett’s BBQ in
- I like Brett’s BBQ in
- I like Brett’s BBQ in
- I like Brett’s BBQ in
- Presumably everyone on this
- Presumably everyone on this
- Presumably everyone on this
- Presumably everyone on this
- Presumably everyone on this
- briansd1 wrote:The national
- briansd1 wrote:The national
- briansd1 wrote:The national
- briansd1 wrote:The national
- briansd1 wrote:The national
- They will never get serious
- They will never get serious
- They will never get serious
- They will never get serious
- They will never get serious
- Josh, you will be unsurprised
- Josh, you will be unsurprised
- Josh, you will be unsurprised
- Josh, you will be unsurprised
- Josh, you will be unsurprised
- Fantastic takedown by
- Fantastic takedown by
- Fantastic takedown by
- Fantastic takedown by
- Fantastic takedown by
- briansd1 wrote:Warren Buffett
- briansd1 wrote:Warren Buffett
- briansd1 wrote:Warren Buffett
- briansd1 wrote:Warren Buffett
- briansd1 wrote:Warren Buffett
- Great point UCgal — I always
- Great point UCgal — I always
- Great point UCgal — I always
- Great point UCgal — I always
- Great point UCgal — I always
- Wow, the guy who has a $10
- Wow, the guy who has a $10
- Wow, the guy who has a $10
- Wow, the guy who has a $10
- Wow, the guy who has a $10
- Similar setup, qualitatively,
- Similar setup, qualitatively,
- Similar setup, qualitatively,
- Similar setup, qualitatively,
- Similar setup, qualitatively,
- Yes, TG said it well. Being
- Yes, TG said it well. Being
- Yes, TG said it well. Being
- Yes, TG said it well. Being
- Yes, TG said it well. Being
- Cube wrote:Rich, if you have
- Cube wrote:Rich, if you have
- Cube wrote:Rich, if you have
- Cube wrote:Rich, if you have
- Cube wrote:Rich, if you have
- sdduuuude wrote:I think the
- sdduuuude wrote:I think the
- sdduuuude wrote:I think the
- sdduuuude wrote:I think the
- sdduuuude wrote:I think the
- OT – commands prepended with “please”
- CA renter wrote:
We may be
- CA renter wrote:
We may be
- CA renter wrote:
We may be
- CA renter wrote:
We may be
- CA renter wrote:
We may be
- UCGal wrote:There’s a 250k
- UCGal wrote:There’s a 250k
- UCGal wrote:There’s a 250k
- UCGal wrote:There’s a 250k
- UCGal wrote:There’s a 250k
- The cat is not going deaf.
- The cat is not going deaf.
- The cat is not going deaf.
- The cat is not going deaf.
- The cat is not going deaf.
- You actually have it pretty
- You actually have it pretty
- You actually have it pretty
- You actually have it pretty
- You actually have it pretty
- lawyer for foreclosure break-in people has 7 homes in foreclosure
- That is a good list Gandalf,
- That is a good list Gandalf,
- That is a good list Gandalf,
- That is a good list Gandalf,
- That is a good list Gandalf,
- briansd1 wrote:
We have to
- briansd1 wrote:
We have to
- briansd1 wrote:
We have to
- briansd1 wrote:
We have to
- briansd1 wrote:
We have to
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- Given that the mid-2000s
- Given that the mid-2000s
- Given that the mid-2000s
- Given that the mid-2000s
- Given that the mid-2000s
- UCGal wrote:
Gas prices are
- UCGal wrote:
Gas prices are
- UCGal wrote:
Gas prices are
- UCGal wrote:
Gas prices are
- UCGal wrote:
Gas prices are
- Thanks guys…
- Thanks guys…
- Thanks guys…
- Thanks guys…
- Thanks guys…
- davelj wrote:I’m not saying
- davelj wrote:I’m not saying
- davelj wrote:I’m not saying
- davelj wrote:I’m not saying
- davelj wrote:I’m not saying
- Daily Show – Mortgage Bankers Association strategically defaults
- walterwhite wrote:rich
- walterwhite wrote:rich
- walterwhite wrote:rich
- walterwhite wrote:rich
- walterwhite wrote:rich
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- So, let me get this
- So, let me get this
- So, let me get this
- So, let me get this
- So, let me get this
- davelj wrote:Rich Toscano
- davelj wrote:Rich Toscano
- davelj wrote:Rich Toscano
- davelj wrote:Rich Toscano
- davelj wrote:Rich Toscano
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am a
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am a
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am a
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am a
- urbanrealtor wrote:I am a
- davelj wrote: (You may not
- davelj wrote: (You may not
- davelj wrote: (You may not
- davelj wrote: (You may not
- davelj wrote: (You may not
- Great point, DWCAP…
- Great point, DWCAP…
- Great point, DWCAP…
- Great point, DWCAP…
- Great point, DWCAP…
- davelj wrote:
I just read
- davelj wrote:
I just read
- davelj wrote:
I just read
- davelj wrote:
I just read
- davelj wrote:
I just read
- urbanrealtor wrote:Do you see
- urbanrealtor wrote:Do you see
- urbanrealtor wrote:Do you see
- urbanrealtor wrote:Do you see
- urbanrealtor wrote:Do you see
- gandalf wrote:Just wondering,
- gandalf wrote:Just wondering,
- gandalf wrote:Just wondering,
- gandalf wrote:Just wondering,
- gandalf wrote:Just wondering,
- Zeitgeist wrote:Rich,
- Zeitgeist wrote:Rich,
- Zeitgeist wrote:Rich,
- Zeitgeist wrote:Rich,
- Zeitgeist wrote:Rich,
- The US in the 70s, for
- The US in the 70s, for
- The US in the 70s, for
- The US in the 70s, for
- The US in the 70s, for
- Zeitgeist wrote:You are
- Zeitgeist wrote:You are
- Zeitgeist wrote:You are
- Zeitgeist wrote:You are
- Zeitgeist wrote:You are
- mlarsen23 wrote:It amazes me
- mlarsen23 wrote:It amazes me
- mlarsen23 wrote:It amazes me
- mlarsen23 wrote:It amazes me
- mlarsen23 wrote:It amazes me
- What fun, I get to spend my
- What fun, I get to spend my
- What fun, I get to spend my
- What fun, I get to spend my
- What fun, I get to spend my
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- Troll alert.
- Troll alert.
- Troll alert.
- Troll alert.
- Troll alert.
- Some I think are useful,
- Some I think are useful,
- Some I think are useful,
- Some I think are useful,
- Some I think are useful,
- Citydweller, the problem is
- Citydweller, the problem is
- Citydweller, the problem is
- Citydweller, the problem is
- Citydweller, the problem is
- citydweller wrote:So does
- citydweller wrote:So does
- citydweller wrote:So does
- citydweller wrote:So does
- citydweller wrote:So does
- The idea may be getting some
- The idea may be getting some
- The idea may be getting some
- The idea may be getting some
- The idea may be getting some
- patb wrote:i just find it
- patb wrote:i just find it
- patb wrote:i just find it
- patb wrote:i just find it
- patb wrote:i just find it
- outtamojo wrote:Big mistake
- outtamojo wrote:Big mistake
- outtamojo wrote:Big mistake
- outtamojo wrote:Big mistake
- outtamojo wrote:Big mistake
- Aecetia wrote:Or maybe just
- Aecetia wrote:Or maybe just
- Aecetia wrote:Or maybe just
- Aecetia wrote:Or maybe just
- Aecetia wrote:Or maybe just
- Thanks for jumping in
- Thanks for jumping in
- Thanks for jumping in
- Thanks for jumping in
- Thanks for jumping in
- outtamojo wrote:Btw Rich,
- outtamojo wrote:Btw Rich,
- outtamojo wrote:Btw Rich,
- outtamojo wrote:Btw Rich,
- outtamojo wrote:Btw Rich,
- Ha ha… wow, look at that…
- Ha ha… wow, look at that…
- Ha ha… wow, look at that…
- Ha ha… wow, look at that…
- Ha ha… wow, look at that…
- Thanks gandalf.
I just read
- Thanks gandalf.
I just read
- Thanks gandalf.
I just read
- Thanks gandalf.
I just read
- Thanks gandalf.
I just read
- The author of this article
- The author of this article
- The author of this article
- The author of this article
- The author of this article
- He/she/it is
- He/she/it is
- He/she/it is
- He/she/it is
- He/she/it is
- Aecetia wrote:Thanks for the
- Aecetia wrote:Thanks for the
- Aecetia wrote:Thanks for the
- Aecetia wrote:Thanks for the
- Aecetia wrote:Thanks for the
- site upgrade
- Eugene wrote:Quote:For
- Eugene wrote:Quote:For
- Eugene wrote:Quote:For
- Eugene wrote:Quote:For
- Eugene wrote:Quote:For
- Eugene wrote:
My original
- Eugene wrote:
My original
- Eugene wrote:
My original
- Eugene wrote:
My original
- Eugene wrote:
My original
- Eugene wrote:Quote:They can
- Eugene wrote:Quote:They can
- Eugene wrote:Quote:They can
- Eugene wrote:Quote:They can
- Eugene wrote:Quote:They can
- XBoxBoy wrote:Rich Toscano
- XBoxBoy wrote:Rich Toscano
- XBoxBoy wrote:Rich Toscano
- XBoxBoy wrote:Rich Toscano
- XBoxBoy wrote:Rich Toscano
- Eugene wrote:
All that
- Eugene wrote:
All that
- Eugene wrote:
All that
- Eugene wrote:
All that
- Eugene wrote:
All that
- Eugene wrote:Rich Toscano
- Eugene wrote:Rich Toscano
- Eugene wrote:Rich Toscano
- Eugene wrote:Rich Toscano
- Eugene wrote:Rich Toscano
- Eugene wrote:
It does not
- Eugene wrote:
It does not
- Eugene wrote:
It does not
- Eugene wrote:
It does not
- Eugene wrote:
It does not
- “Headline CPI” = CPI
- “Headline CPI” = CPI
- “Headline CPI” = CPI
- “Headline CPI” = CPI
- “Headline CPI” = CPI
- INTJ… haven’t taken it for
- INTJ… haven’t taken it for
- INTJ… haven’t taken it for
- INTJ… haven’t taken it for
- INTJ… haven’t taken it for
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Huckleberry – Thanks for
- Huckleberry – Thanks for
- Huckleberry – Thanks for
- Huckleberry – Thanks for
- Huckleberry – Thanks for
- Huckleberry wrote:It appears
- Huckleberry wrote:It appears
- Huckleberry wrote:It appears
- Huckleberry wrote:It appears
- Huckleberry wrote:It appears
- jeeman wrote:Money supply +
- jeeman wrote:Money supply +
- jeeman wrote:Money supply +
- jeeman wrote:Money supply +
- jeeman wrote:Money supply +
- It’s pretty impressive that
- It’s pretty impressive that
- It’s pretty impressive that
- It’s pretty impressive that
- It’s pretty impressive that
- OK, I misunderstood you
- OK, I misunderstood you
- OK, I misunderstood you
- OK, I misunderstood you
- OK, I misunderstood you
- pencilneck wrote:Doug
- pencilneck wrote:Doug
- pencilneck wrote:Doug
- pencilneck wrote:Doug
- pencilneck wrote:Doug
- sdduuuude wrote:Is inflation
- sdduuuude wrote:Is inflation
- sdduuuude wrote:Is inflation
- sdduuuude wrote:Is inflation
- sdduuuude wrote:Is inflation
- Eugene wrote:
It’s not
- Eugene wrote:
It’s not
- Eugene wrote:
It’s not
- Eugene wrote:
It’s not
- Eugene wrote:
It’s not
- Yes, that is money in
- Yes, that is money in
- Yes, that is money in
- Yes, that is money in
- Yes, that is money in
- As is often the case, I think
- As is often the case, I think
- As is often the case, I think
- As is often the case, I think
- As is often the case, I think
- Guys,
- Guys,
- Guys,
- Guys,
- Guys,
- Yes, that is correct JP…
- Yes, that is correct JP…
- Yes, that is correct JP…
- Yes, that is correct JP…
- Yes, that is correct JP…
- Thanks again, everyone, I
- Thanks again, everyone, I
- Thanks again, everyone, I
- Thanks again, everyone, I
- Thanks again, everyone, I
- How many times does a guy
- How many times does a guy
- How many times does a guy
- How many times does a guy
- How many times does a guy
- Meant NSD. Fixed.
- Meant NSD. Fixed.
- Meant NSD. Fixed.
- Meant NSD. Fixed.
- Meant NSD. Fixed.
- This is the political
- This is the political
- This is the political
- This is the political
- This is the political
- outamojo, as I understand it
- outamojo, as I understand it
- outamojo, as I understand it
- outamojo, as I understand it
- outamojo, as I understand it
- OT – massage therapist recommendation?
- I liked it better when you
- I liked it better when you
- I liked it better when you
- I liked it better when you
- I liked it better when you
- I’m confused… is this 2005?
- I’m confused… is this 2005?
- I’m confused… is this 2005?
- I’m confused… is this 2005?
- I’m confused… is this 2005?
- stockstradr wrote:
- stockstradr wrote:
- stockstradr wrote:
- stockstradr wrote:
- stockstradr wrote:
- CA renter wrote: This is why
- CA renter wrote: This is why
- CA renter wrote: This is why
- CA renter wrote: This is why
- CA renter wrote: This is why
- Arraya’s chart of the
- Arraya’s chart of the
- Arraya’s chart of the
- Arraya’s chart of the
- Arraya’s chart of the
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Unless
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Unless
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Unless
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Unless
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Unless
- jpinpb wrote:Okay. I’m
- jpinpb wrote:Okay. I’m
- jpinpb wrote:Okay. I’m
- jpinpb wrote:Okay. I’m
- jpinpb wrote:Okay. I’m
- First of all, I did address
- First of all, I did address
- First of all, I did address
- First of all, I did address
- First of all, I did address
- Yes, I do… I think people
- Yes, I do… I think people
- Yes, I do… I think people
- Yes, I do… I think people
- Yes, I do… I think people
- Thanks Arraya. I agree with
- Thanks Arraya. I agree with
- Thanks Arraya. I agree with
- Thanks Arraya. I agree with
- Thanks Arraya. I agree with
- I’m with DWCAP. Consumer
- I’m with DWCAP. Consumer
- I’m with DWCAP. Consumer
- I’m with DWCAP. Consumer
- I’m with DWCAP. Consumer
- Arraya wrote:Consumer credit
- Arraya wrote:Consumer credit
- Arraya wrote:Consumer credit
- Arraya wrote:Consumer credit
- Arraya wrote:Consumer credit
- jpinpb wrote:Rich – didn’t
- jpinpb wrote:Rich – didn’t
- jpinpb wrote:Rich – didn’t
- jpinpb wrote:Rich – didn’t
- jpinpb wrote:Rich – didn’t
- walterwhite wrote:Also stocks
- walterwhite wrote:Also stocks
- walterwhite wrote:Also stocks
- walterwhite wrote:Also stocks
- walterwhite wrote:Also stocks
- capeman wrote:Rich – You
- capeman wrote:Rich – You
- capeman wrote:Rich – You
- capeman wrote:Rich – You
- capeman wrote:Rich – You
- JP –
OK, let’s substitute
- JP –
OK, let’s substitute
- JP –
OK, let’s substitute
- JP –
OK, let’s substitute
- JP –
OK, let’s substitute
- danielwis wrote:Republican’s
- danielwis wrote:Republican’s
- danielwis wrote:Republican’s
- danielwis wrote:Republican’s
- danielwis wrote:Republican’s
- cyphire wrote:Imagine what
- cyphire wrote:Imagine what
- cyphire wrote:Imagine what
- cyphire wrote:Imagine what
- cyphire wrote:Imagine what
- In brief, no.
I think it’s
- In brief, no.
I think it’s
- In brief, no.
I think it’s
- In brief, no.
I think it’s
- In brief, no.
I think it’s
- bump
- bump
- bump
- bump
- bump
- I added you to the whitelist.
- I added you to the whitelist.
- I added you to the whitelist.
- I added you to the whitelist.
- I added you to the whitelist.
- While Prechter has done some
- While Prechter has done some
- While Prechter has done some
- While Prechter has done some
- While Prechter has done some
- I think it’s “N” and “T” in
- I think it’s “N” and “T” in
- I think it’s “N” and “T” in
- I think it’s “N” and “T” in
- I think it’s “N” and “T” in
- INTJ’s unite!
- INTJ’s unite!
- INTJ’s unite!
- INTJ’s unite!
- INTJ’s unite!
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- AK wrote:
I do hope the
- AK wrote:
I do hope the
- AK wrote:
I do hope the
- AK wrote:
I do hope the
- AK wrote:
I do hope the
- “In fact, during periods of
- “In fact, during periods of
- “In fact, during periods of
- “In fact, during periods of
- “In fact, during periods of
- This is the most telling
- This is the most telling
- This is the most telling
- This is the most telling
- This is the most telling
- My theory is that instead of
- My theory is that instead of
- My theory is that instead of
- My theory is that instead of
- My theory is that instead of
- pri_dk —
Thanks for the
- pri_dk —
Thanks for the
- pri_dk —
Thanks for the
- pri_dk —
Thanks for the
- pri_dk —
Thanks for the
- pri_dk wrote:
Rich, if you do
- pri_dk wrote:
Rich, if you do
- pri_dk wrote:
Rich, if you do
- pri_dk wrote:
Rich, if you do
- pri_dk wrote:
Rich, if you do
- briansd1 wrote:
I didn’t
- briansd1 wrote:
I didn’t
- briansd1 wrote:
I didn’t
- briansd1 wrote:
I didn’t
- briansd1 wrote:
I didn’t
- “the UK falls into a severe
- “the UK falls into a severe
- “the UK falls into a severe
- “the UK falls into a severe
- “the UK falls into a severe
- jpinpb wrote:pri_dk
- jpinpb wrote:pri_dk
- jpinpb wrote:pri_dk
- jpinpb wrote:pri_dk
- jpinpb wrote:pri_dk
- Please see this
- Please see this
- Please see this
- Please see this
- Please see this
- I will give her the benefit
- I will give her the benefit
- I will give her the benefit
- I will give her the benefit
- I will give her the benefit
- davelj, in the graph of
- davelj, in the graph of
- davelj, in the graph of
- davelj, in the graph of
- davelj, in the graph of
- davelj wrote: But taking into
- davelj wrote: But taking into
- davelj wrote: But taking into
- davelj wrote: But taking into
- davelj wrote: But taking into
- XBoxBoy wrote:
If I read
- XBoxBoy wrote:
If I read
- XBoxBoy wrote:
If I read
- XBoxBoy wrote:
If I read
- XBoxBoy wrote:
If I read
- Actually the Hussman article
- Actually the Hussman article
- Actually the Hussman article
- Actually the Hussman article
- Actually the Hussman article
- As far as slack and all that
- As far as slack and all that
- As far as slack and all that
- As far as slack and all that
- As far as slack and all that
- Not a mortgage expert but as
- Not a mortgage expert but as
- Not a mortgage expert but as
- Not a mortgage expert but as
- Not a mortgage expert but as
- bearishgurl wrote:LuckyInOC
- bearishgurl wrote:LuckyInOC
- bearishgurl wrote:LuckyInOC
- bearishgurl wrote:LuckyInOC
- bearishgurl wrote:LuckyInOC
- Alright, this conversation is
- Alright, this conversation is
- Alright, this conversation is
- Alright, this conversation is
- Alright, this conversation is
- briansd1 wrote:
I just think
- briansd1 wrote:
I just think
- briansd1 wrote:
I just think
- briansd1 wrote:
I just think
- briansd1 wrote:
I just think
- Update: I added this to the
- Update: I added this to the
- Update: I added this to the
- Update: I added this to the
- Update: I added this to the
- Russell, this isn’t coming
- Russell, this isn’t coming
- Russell, this isn’t coming
- Russell, this isn’t coming
- Russell, this isn’t coming
- Threadjackers Will Be Persecuted (Maybe Even Prosecuted)
- Thanks all… the credit goes
- Thanks all… the credit goes
- Thanks all… the credit goes
- Thanks all… the credit goes
- Thanks all… the credit goes
- Ha! OK, the image was too
- Ha! OK, the image was too
- Ha! OK, the image was too
- Ha! OK, the image was too
- Ha! OK, the image was too
- Hi ZK – First of all,
- Hi ZK – First of all,
- Hi ZK – First of all,
- Hi ZK – First of all,
- Hi ZK – First of all,
- test
- test
- test
- test
- test
- Good line Arraya… but when
- Good line Arraya… but when
- Good line Arraya… but when
- Good line Arraya… but when
- Good line Arraya… but when
- Bumping this one last time in
- Bumping this one last time in
- Bumping this one last time in
- Bumping this one last time in
- Bumping this one last time in
- It’s more the other way
- It’s more the other way
- It’s more the other way
- It’s more the other way
- It’s more the other way
- Established Piggs: I can add you to the spam blocker whitelist
- This is the cover of Time
- This is the cover of Time
- This is the cover of Time
- This is the cover of Time
- This is the cover of Time
- People have dogs in San Diego
- People have dogs in San Diego
- People have dogs in San Diego
- People have dogs in San Diego
- People have dogs in San Diego
- No, unfortunately I can’t
- No, unfortunately I can’t
- No, unfortunately I can’t
- No, unfortunately I can’t
- No, unfortunately I can’t
- briansd1 wrote:
The best
- briansd1 wrote:
The best
- briansd1 wrote:
The best
- briansd1 wrote:
The best
- briansd1 wrote:
The best
- FWIW I completely agree with
- FWIW I completely agree with
- FWIW I completely agree with
- FWIW I completely agree with
- FWIW I completely agree with
- IForget – You are calling
- IForget – You are calling
- IForget – You are calling
- IForget – You are calling
- IForget – You are calling
- Yes, but I believe was
- Yes, but I believe was
- Yes, but I believe was
- Yes, but I believe was
- Yes, but I believe was
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:The
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:The
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:The
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:The
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:The
- Nominal home prices actually
- Nominal home prices actually
- Nominal home prices actually
- Nominal home prices actually
- Nominal home prices actually
- Ha ha, I have to agree with
- Ha ha, I have to agree with
- Ha ha, I have to agree with
- Ha ha, I have to agree with
- Ha ha, I have to agree with
- Yes, as I mentioned there are
- Yes, as I mentioned there are
- Yes, as I mentioned there are
- Yes, as I mentioned there are
- Yes, as I mentioned there are
- I like sdduuuude’s answer,
- I like sdduuuude’s answer,
- I like sdduuuude’s answer,
- I like sdduuuude’s answer,
- I like sdduuuude’s answer,
- Brian, that is a good
- Brian, that is a good
- Brian, that is a good
- Brian, that is a good
- Brian, that is a good
- I don’t think the
- I don’t think the
- I don’t think the
- I don’t think the
- I don’t think the
- scaredycat wrote:Not sure. I
- scaredycat wrote:Not sure. I
- scaredycat wrote:Not sure. I
- scaredycat wrote:Not sure. I
- scaredycat wrote:Not sure. I
- Yes MostlyLurk, you’ve pretty
- Yes MostlyLurk, you’ve pretty
- Yes MostlyLurk, you’ve pretty
- Yes MostlyLurk, you’ve pretty
- Yes MostlyLurk, you’ve pretty
- “Not one of them ever regrets
- “Not one of them ever regrets
- “Not one of them ever regrets
- “Not one of them ever regrets
- “Not one of them ever regrets
- Dan, I didn’t write the
- Dan, I didn’t write the
- Dan, I didn’t write the
- Dan, I didn’t write the
- Dan, I didn’t write the
- Even better! ;-)
- Even better! ;-)
- Even better! ;-)
- Even better! ;-)
- Even better! ;-)
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich what
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich what
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich what
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich what
- SD Realtor wrote:Rich what
- Let the Short Sales
- Let the Short Sales
- Let the Short Sales
- Let the Short Sales
- Let the Short Sales
- foreclosure wave about to hit — again! — and with a thunderous roar no less (per TG’s ladyfriend)
- For myself, the videos are
- For myself, the videos are
- For myself, the videos are
- For myself, the videos are
- For myself, the videos are
- flu wrote:oooohhh oooh
- flu wrote:oooohhh oooh
- flu wrote:oooohhh oooh
- flu wrote:oooohhh oooh
- flu wrote:oooohhh oooh
- I was a bit unclear; I meant
- I was a bit unclear; I meant
- I was a bit unclear; I meant
- I was a bit unclear; I meant
- I was a bit unclear; I meant
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- I’ve cut way way back on my
- I’ve cut way way back on my
- I’ve cut way way back on my
- I’ve cut way way back on my
- I’ve cut way way back on my
- Gov’t to unveil plan to shrink some home loans
- Heh heh… well spotted.
- Heh heh… well spotted.
- Heh heh… well spotted.
- Heh heh… well spotted.
- Heh heh… well spotted.
- sdrealtor wrote:Oggi’s is a
- sdrealtor wrote:Oggi’s is a
- sdrealtor wrote:Oggi’s is a
- sdrealtor wrote:Oggi’s is a
- sdrealtor wrote:Oggi’s is a
- Yes, it was fun as always.
- Yes, it was fun as always.
- Yes, it was fun as always.
- Yes, it was fun as always.
- Yes, it was fun as always.
- I’m going to pick up
- I’m going to pick up
- I’m going to pick up
- I’m going to pick up
- I’m going to pick up
- This is happening this coming
- This is happening this coming
- This is happening this coming
- This is happening this coming
- This is happening this coming
- Mmmm… garlic.
I see where
- Mmmm… garlic.
I see where
- Mmmm… garlic.
I see where
- Mmmm… garlic.
I see where
- Mmmm… garlic.
I see where
- davelj, I’m not suggesting
- davelj, I’m not suggesting
- davelj, I’m not suggesting
- davelj, I’m not suggesting
- davelj, I’m not suggesting
- SK – I used the term reckless
- SK – I used the term reckless
- SK – I used the term reckless
- SK – I used the term reckless
- SK – I used the term reckless
- I don’t believe this is a
- I don’t believe this is a
- I don’t believe this is a
- I don’t believe this is a
- I don’t believe this is a
- bailing out robert toll
- Sorry JP, this is the only
- Sorry JP, this is the only
- Sorry JP, this is the only
- Sorry JP, this is the only
- Sorry JP, this is the only
- urbanrealtor wrote:I will be
- urbanrealtor wrote:I will be
- urbanrealtor wrote:I will be
- urbanrealtor wrote:I will be
- urbanrealtor wrote:I will be
- Piggington meetup — Sun, March 21
- This conversation reminds me
- This conversation reminds me
- This conversation reminds me
- This conversation reminds me
- This conversation reminds me
- Ha ha, no, I am not EconProf
- Ha ha, no, I am not EconProf
- Ha ha, no, I am not EconProf
- Ha ha, no, I am not EconProf
- Ha ha, no, I am not EconProf
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:
- scaredycat wrote:isn’t it
- scaredycat wrote:isn’t it
- scaredycat wrote:isn’t it
- scaredycat wrote:isn’t it
- scaredycat wrote:isn’t it
- briansd1 wrote:
We have
- briansd1 wrote:
We have
- briansd1 wrote:
We have
- briansd1 wrote:
We have
- briansd1 wrote:
We have
- sdduuuude wrote:I see a big
- sdduuuude wrote:I see a big
- sdduuuude wrote:I see a big
- sdduuuude wrote:I see a big
- sdduuuude wrote:I see a big
- I liked Ramsey’s version
- I liked Ramsey’s version
- I liked Ramsey’s version
- I liked Ramsey’s version
- I liked Ramsey’s version
- updated credit-suisse reset chart
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:As bad as
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:As bad as
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:As bad as
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:As bad as
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:As bad as
- Sorry, basically the spam
- Sorry, basically the spam
- Sorry, basically the spam
- Sorry, basically the spam
- Sorry, basically the spam
- Ed, I have always used the
- Ed, I have always used the
- Ed, I have always used the
- Ed, I have always used the
- Ed, I have always used the
- davelj, you are correct, peak
- davelj, you are correct, peak
- davelj, you are correct, peak
- davelj, you are correct, peak
- davelj, you are correct, peak
- Contrary to what appears to
- Contrary to what appears to
- Contrary to what appears to
- Contrary to what appears to
- Contrary to what appears to
- Sorry to weigh in so late on
- Sorry to weigh in so late on
- Sorry to weigh in so late on
- Sorry to weigh in so late on
- Sorry to weigh in so late on
- Ha! Hilarious FSD… nicely
- Ha! Hilarious FSD… nicely
- Ha! Hilarious FSD… nicely
- Ha! Hilarious FSD… nicely
- Ha! Hilarious FSD… nicely
- I think there is no chance
- I think there is no chance
- I think there is no chance
- I think there is no chance
- I think there is no chance
- A brief update on this
- A brief update on this
- A brief update on this
- A brief update on this
- A brief update on this
- Thanks afx for the tip, but
- Thanks afx for the tip, but
- Thanks afx for the tip, but
- Thanks afx for the tip, but
- Thanks afx for the tip, but
- Actually the spam filter has
- Actually the spam filter has
- Actually the spam filter has
- Actually the spam filter has
- Actually the spam filter has
- Bumping — see update in the
- Bumping — see update in the
- Bumping — see update in the
- Bumping — see update in the
- Bumping — see update in the
- Thanks Ox… BTW I am a big
- Thanks Ox… BTW I am a big
- Thanks Ox… BTW I am a big
- Thanks Ox… BTW I am a big
- Thanks Ox… BTW I am a big
- The number of attempts to get
- The number of attempts to get
- The number of attempts to get
- The number of attempts to get
- The number of attempts to get
- Thanks OX… sounds like you
- Thanks OX… sounds like you
- Thanks OX… sounds like you
- Thanks OX… sounds like you
- Thanks OX… sounds like you
- Comment spam mitigation: attempt #2 — UPDATED
- Doooh wrote:You bunch of
- Doooh wrote:You bunch of
- Doooh wrote:You bunch of
- Doooh wrote:You bunch of
- Doooh wrote:You bunch of
- Merry Christmas, housing market
- Thanks CA Renter! Happy
- Thanks CA Renter! Happy
- Thanks CA Renter! Happy
- Thanks CA Renter! Happy
- Thanks CA Renter! Happy
- Sorry, Dan… maybe this will
- Sorry, Dan… maybe this will
- Sorry, Dan… maybe this will
- Sorry, Dan… maybe this will
- Sorry, Dan… maybe this will
- *** going down tonight***
- I will never, ever pass up an
- I will never, ever pass up an
- I will never, ever pass up an
- I will never, ever pass up an
- I will never, ever pass up an
- afx114 wrote:This comes up
- afx114 wrote:This comes up
- afx114 wrote:This comes up
- afx114 wrote:This comes up
- afx114 wrote:This comes up
- At least Tiger is actually a
- At least Tiger is actually a
- At least Tiger is actually a
- At least Tiger is actually a
- At least Tiger is actually a
- Bernanke named Time’s Person of the Year
- Enorah wrote:uh oh, Dad’s
- Enorah wrote:uh oh, Dad’s
- Enorah wrote:uh oh, Dad’s
- Enorah wrote:uh oh, Dad’s
- Enorah wrote:uh oh, Dad’s
- ***Please categorize your forum threads correctly***
- I’ve recently had an email
- I’ve recently had an email
- I’ve recently had an email
- I’ve recently had an email
- I’ve recently had an email
- questioning the option arm timebomb thesis
- sdduuuude
- sdduuuude
- sdduuuude
- sdduuuude
- sdduuuude
- marion aka urbanrealtor
- marion aka urbanrealtor
- marion aka urbanrealtor
- marion aka urbanrealtor
- marion aka urbanrealtor
- Well here’s how I see it.
- Well here’s how I see it.
- Well here’s how I see it.
- Well here’s how I see it.
- Well here’s how I see it.
- Pertinazzio, the spam filter
- Pertinazzio, the spam filter
- Pertinazzio, the spam filter
- Pertinazzio, the spam filter
- Pertinazzio, the spam filter
- Spam filtration — never mind
- I think I’ve gotten rid of
- I think I’ve gotten rid of
- I think I’ve gotten rid of
- I think I’ve gotten rid of
- I think I’ve gotten rid of
- ucodegen wrote:
Maybe it is
- ucodegen wrote:
Maybe it is
- ucodegen wrote:
Maybe it is
- ucodegen wrote:
Maybe it is
- ucodegen wrote:
Maybe it is
- Question on the big
- Question on the big
- Question on the big
- Question on the big
- Question on the big
- analyst wrote:
The mortgage
- analyst wrote:
The mortgage
- analyst wrote:
The mortgage
- analyst wrote:
The mortgage
- analyst wrote:
The mortgage
- briansd1 wrote:
I’m also
- briansd1 wrote:
I’m also
- briansd1 wrote:
I’m also
- briansd1 wrote:
I’m also
- briansd1 wrote:
I’m also
- Dan (I called you UR so
- Dan (I called you UR so
- Dan (I called you UR so
- Dan (I called you UR so
- Dan (I called you UR so
- UR – When Krugman was
- UR – When Krugman was
- UR – When Krugman was
- UR – When Krugman was
- UR – When Krugman was
- Another bailout package
- Krugman lost credibility in
- Krugman lost credibility in
- Krugman lost credibility in
- Krugman lost credibility in
- Krugman lost credibility in
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdduuuude wrote:Just so I
- sdduuuude wrote:Just so I
- sdduuuude wrote:Just so I
- sdduuuude wrote:Just so I
- sdduuuude wrote:Just so I
- Actually sdduuuude I think
- Actually sdduuuude I think
- Actually sdduuuude I think
- Actually sdduuuude I think
- Actually sdduuuude I think
- What you say about the deeds
- What you say about the deeds
- What you say about the deeds
- What you say about the deeds
- What you say about the deeds
- Effective Demand
- Effective Demand
- Effective Demand
- Effective Demand
- Effective Demand
- Great post AK. As for this
- Great post AK. As for this
- Great post AK. As for this
- Great post AK. As for this
- Great post AK. As for this
- Bumping this for people who
- Bumping this for people who
- Bumping this for people who
- Bumping this for people who
- Bumping this for people who
- anything approaching rent/buy parity on north county near-coast condos?
- Thanks, I will pass that
- Thanks, I will pass that
- Thanks, I will pass that
- Thanks, I will pass that
- Thanks, I will pass that
- Thanks ucodegen for looking
- Thanks ucodegen for looking
- Thanks ucodegen for looking
- Thanks ucodegen for looking
- Thanks ucodegen for looking
- If the piggs want something
- If the piggs want something
- If the piggs want something
- If the piggs want something
- If the piggs want something
- Thanks for the kind words CAR
- Thanks for the kind words CAR
- Thanks for the kind words CAR
- Thanks for the kind words CAR
- Thanks for the kind words CAR
- Great info as expected…
- Great info as expected…
- Great info as expected…
- Great info as expected…
- Great info as expected…
- Thanks guys for the advice
- Thanks guys for the advice
- Thanks guys for the advice
- Thanks guys for the advice
- Thanks guys for the advice
- OT – A/C installer recommendations?
- jmail wrote:Any one know if
- jmail wrote:Any one know if
- jmail wrote:Any one know if
- jmail wrote:Any one know if
- jmail wrote:Any one know if
- It happened at night?
- It happened at night?
- It happened at night?
- It happened at night?
- It happened at night?
- Some aspects of the credit
- Some aspects of the credit
- Some aspects of the credit
- Some aspects of the credit
- Some aspects of the credit
- Typing this on the road from
- Typing this on the road from
- Typing this on the road from
- Typing this on the road from
- Typing this on the road from
- briansd1 wrote:
For a local
- briansd1 wrote:
For a local
- briansd1 wrote:
For a local
- briansd1 wrote:
For a local
- briansd1 wrote:
For a local
- gverdi wrote:Anybody here
- gverdi wrote:Anybody here
- gverdi wrote:Anybody here
- gverdi wrote:Anybody here
- gverdi wrote:Anybody here
- TG, you are too kind! Thanks
- TG, you are too kind! Thanks
- TG, you are too kind! Thanks
- TG, you are too kind! Thanks
- TG, you are too kind! Thanks
- Heh heh… funny thread.
- Heh heh… funny thread.
- Heh heh… funny thread.
- Heh heh… funny thread.
- Heh heh… funny thread.
- Nice post sdduuuude, you are
- Nice post sdduuuude, you are
- Nice post sdduuuude, you are
- Nice post sdduuuude, you are
- Nice post sdduuuude, you are
- There is a poll function —
- There is a poll function —
- There is a poll function —
- There is a poll function —
- There is a poll function —
- sdduuuude wrote:What does it
- sdduuuude wrote:What does it
- sdduuuude wrote:What does it
- sdduuuude wrote:What does it
- sdduuuude wrote:What does it
- That is a good point about
- That is a good point about
- That is a good point about
- That is a good point about
- That is a good point about
- jpinpb wrote:Wouldn’t the
- jpinpb wrote:Wouldn’t the
- jpinpb wrote:Wouldn’t the
- jpinpb wrote:Wouldn’t the
- jpinpb wrote:Wouldn’t the
- how it all started
- how it all started
- how it all started
- how it all started
- how it all started
- Is he done because this
- Is he done because this
- Is he done because this
- Is he done because this
- Is he done because this
- Here’s a pretty even-handed
- Here’s a pretty even-handed
- Here’s a pretty even-handed
- Here’s a pretty even-handed
- Here’s a pretty even-handed
- pri_dk wrote:I wonder how
- pri_dk wrote:I wonder how
- pri_dk wrote:I wonder how
- pri_dk wrote:I wonder how
- pri_dk wrote:I wonder how
- PatrickCA wrote: My thought
- PatrickCA wrote: My thought
- PatrickCA wrote: My thought
- PatrickCA wrote: My thought
- PatrickCA wrote: My thought
- Thanks PR… I’m glad you
- Thanks PR… I’m glad you
- Thanks PR… I’m glad you
- Thanks PR… I’m glad you
- Thanks PR… I’m glad you
- patientrenter – I agree with
- patientrenter – I agree with
- patientrenter – I agree with
- patientrenter – I agree with
- patientrenter – I agree with
- bsrsharma wrote:
My question
- bsrsharma wrote:
My question
- bsrsharma wrote:
My question
- bsrsharma wrote:
My question
- bsrsharma wrote:
My question
- One of the comments on the
- One of the comments on the
- One of the comments on the
- One of the comments on the
- One of the comments on the
- Good luck to you both,
- Good luck to you both,
- Good luck to you both,
- Good luck to you both,
- Good luck to you both,
- jpinpb wrote:I am so sorry to
- jpinpb wrote:I am so sorry to
- jpinpb wrote:I am so sorry to
- jpinpb wrote:I am so sorry to
- jpinpb wrote:I am so sorry to
- No problem sdr… fortunately
- No problem sdr… fortunately
- No problem sdr… fortunately
- No problem sdr… fortunately
- No problem sdr… fortunately
- flu, are you a fellow drupal
- flu, are you a fellow drupal
- flu, are you a fellow drupal
- flu, are you a fellow drupal
- flu, are you a fellow drupal
- Ex-SD sums it up pretty well.
- Ex-SD sums it up pretty well.
- Ex-SD sums it up pretty well.
- Ex-SD sums it up pretty well.
- Ex-SD sums it up pretty well.
- Yeah, great to meet everyone
- Yeah, great to meet everyone
- Yeah, great to meet everyone
- Yeah, great to meet everyone
- Yeah, great to meet everyone
- temeculaguy wrote:speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:speaking of
- WSJ lets Ramsey sneak in an op-ed
- carlsbadworker wrote:
- carlsbadworker wrote:
- carlsbadworker wrote:
- carlsbadworker wrote:
- carlsbadworker wrote:
- must-read article on lereah
- threadkiller wrote:I see it
- threadkiller wrote:I see it
- threadkiller wrote:I see it
- threadkiller wrote:I see it
- threadkiller wrote:I see it
- little housing crisis on the prairie
- He may be a perfectly nice
- He may be a perfectly nice
- He may be a perfectly nice
- He may be a perfectly nice
- He may be a perfectly nice
- For general overview stuff I
- For general overview stuff I
- For general overview stuff I
- For general overview stuff I
- For general overview stuff I
- sdrealtor wrote:So who’s
- sdrealtor wrote:So who’s
- sdrealtor wrote:So who’s
- sdrealtor wrote:So who’s
- sdrealtor wrote:So who’s
- patientrenter wrote:Am I
- patientrenter wrote:Am I
- patientrenter wrote:Am I
- patientrenter wrote:Am I
- patientrenter wrote:Am I
- This is the best OT thread
- This is the best OT thread
- This is the best OT thread
- This is the best OT thread
- This is the best OT thread
- Wow, I was hoping that ad
- Wow, I was hoping that ad
- Wow, I was hoping that ad
- Wow, I was hoping that ad
- Wow, I was hoping that ad
- THIS is the kind of thing the
- THIS is the kind of thing the
- THIS is the kind of thing the
- THIS is the kind of thing the
- THIS is the kind of thing the
- I think this is some sort of
- I think this is some sort of
- I think this is some sort of
- I think this is some sort of
- I think this is some sort of
- I initially removed the
- I initially removed the
- I initially removed the
- I initially removed the
- I initially removed the
- Site maintenance
- Graham, does this graphing
- Graham, does this graphing
- Graham, does this graphing
- Graham, does this graphing
- Graham, does this graphing
- From Jim’s
- From Jim’s
- From Jim’s
- From Jim’s
- From Jim’s
- Damn. Thanks for the heads
- Damn. Thanks for the heads
- Damn. Thanks for the heads
- Damn. Thanks for the heads
- Damn. Thanks for the heads
- Thanks everyone for the
- Thanks everyone for the
- Thanks everyone for the
- Thanks everyone for the
- Thanks everyone for the
- bubble blog predators
- FLU et al — This
- FLU et al — This
- FLU et al — This
- FLU et al — This
- FLU et al — This
- fixation on school districts
- This is the best threadjack
- This is the best threadjack
- This is the best threadjack
- This is the best threadjack
- This is the best threadjack
- If buyers can achieve a good
- If buyers can achieve a good
- If buyers can achieve a good
- If buyers can achieve a good
- If buyers can achieve a good
- Anyone can create a poll…
- Anyone can create a poll…
- Anyone can create a poll…
- Anyone can create a poll…
- Anyone can create a poll…
- Some very clever ones in
- Some very clever ones in
- Some very clever ones in
- Some very clever ones in
- Some very clever ones in
- I signed it, not that I think
- I signed it, not that I think
- I signed it, not that I think
- I signed it, not that I think
- I signed it, not that I think
- jficquette wrote:
I am not
- jficquette wrote:
I am not
- jficquette wrote:
I am not
- jficquette wrote:
I am not
- jficquette wrote:
I am not
- Bumping so this doesn’t get
- Bumping so this doesn’t get
- Bumping so this doesn’t get
- Bumping so this doesn’t get
- Bumping so this doesn’t get
- private message function
- To everyone else — reading
- To everyone else — reading
- To everyone else — reading
- To everyone else — reading
- To everyone else — reading
- Holy cow.
I just recently
- Holy cow.
I just recently
- Holy cow.
I just recently
- Holy cow.
I just recently
- Holy cow.
I just recently
- Hi rbresident — That is the
- Hi rbresident — That is the
- Hi rbresident — That is the
- Hi rbresident — That is the
- Hi rbresident — That is the
- I agree 100% with
- I agree 100% with
- I agree 100% with
- I agree 100% with
- I agree 100% with
- junglebeat wrote:I would like
- junglebeat wrote:I would like
- junglebeat wrote:I would like
- junglebeat wrote:I would like
- junglebeat wrote:I would like
- patb, I agree with you that
- patb, I agree with you that
- patb, I agree with you that
- patb, I agree with you that
- patb, I agree with you that
- That’s cool… I apologize
- That’s cool… I apologize
- That’s cool… I apologize
- That’s cool… I apologize
- That’s cool… I apologize
- I wrote the article you refer
- I wrote the article you refer
- I wrote the article you refer
- I wrote the article you refer
- I wrote the article you refer
- My own business partner John
- My own business partner John
- My own business partner John
- My own business partner John
- My own business partner John
- I recommend you contact my
- I recommend you contact my
- I recommend you contact my
- I recommend you contact my
- I recommend you contact my
- Hi Ash — You are right, I
- Hi Ash — You are right, I
- Hi Ash — You are right, I
- Hi Ash — You are right, I
- Hi Ash — You are right, I
- OK, thanks FSD… it looks
- OK, thanks FSD… it looks
- OK, thanks FSD… it looks
- OK, thanks FSD… it looks
- OK, thanks FSD… it looks
- it seems to be working for
- it seems to be working for
- it seems to be working for
- it seems to be working for
- it seems to be working for
- test
- test
- test
- test
- test
- Are you not able to edit the
- Are you not able to edit the
- Are you not able to edit the
- Are you not able to edit the
- Are you not able to edit the
- You should be able to edit
- You should be able to edit
- You should be able to edit
- You should be able to edit
- You should be able to edit
- BTW I don’t always get a
- BTW I don’t always get a
- BTW I don’t always get a
- BTW I don’t always get a
- BTW I don’t always get a
- Sorry guys… I don’t know
- Sorry guys… I don’t know
- Sorry guys… I don’t know
- Sorry guys… I don’t know
- Sorry guys… I don’t know
- I tried installing a rich
- I tried installing a rich
- I tried installing a rich
- I tried installing a rich
- I tried installing a rich
- woohoo, it works!
One thing
- woohoo, it works!
One thing
- woohoo, it works!
One thing
- woohoo, it works!
One thing
- woohoo, it works!
One thing
- Alright, let’s see if this
- Alright, let’s see if this
- Alright, let’s see if this
- Alright, let’s see if this
- Alright, let’s see if this
- Damn that Mercury
- Damn that Mercury
- Damn that Mercury
- Damn that Mercury
- Damn that Mercury
- After the site upgrade this
- After the site upgrade this
- After the site upgrade this
- After the site upgrade this
- After the site upgrade this
- Thanks afx114 – I would love
- Thanks afx114 – I would love
- Thanks afx114 – I would love
- Thanks afx114 – I would love
- Thanks afx114 – I would love
- I’m not going to delete
- I’m not going to delete
- I’m not going to delete
- I’m not going to delete
- I’m not going to delete
- To the poster formerly known
- To the poster formerly known
- To the poster formerly known
- To the poster formerly known
- To the poster formerly known
- Alright, thanks for the
- Alright, thanks for the
- Alright, thanks for the
- Alright, thanks for the
- Alright, thanks for the
- Is it slow all the time for
- Is it slow all the time for
- Is it slow all the time for
- Is it slow all the time for
- Is it slow all the time for
- Thanks Bugs, good point… I
- Thanks Bugs, good point… I
- Thanks Bugs, good point… I
- Thanks Bugs, good point… I
- Thanks Bugs, good point… I
- Thanks everyone for the kind
- Thanks everyone for the kind
- Thanks everyone for the kind
- Thanks everyone for the kind
- Thanks everyone for the kind
- Another analytical gem from Chamberlin
- Well said, CA Renter. While
- Well said, CA Renter. While
- Well said, CA Renter. While
- Well said, CA Renter. While
- Well said, CA Renter. While
- Yes, while flattered to be
- Yes, while flattered to be
- Yes, while flattered to be
- Yes, while flattered to be
- Yes, while flattered to be
- A good excuse to trot out
- A good excuse to trot out
- A good excuse to trot out
- A good excuse to trot out
- A good excuse to trot out
- I was going to write about
- I was going to write about
- I was going to write about
- I was going to write about
- I was going to write about
- Ah, gdcox, you give us
- Ah, gdcox, you give us
- Ah, gdcox, you give us
- Ah, gdcox, you give us
- Ah, gdcox, you give us
- Awesome as usual.
- Awesome as usual.
- Awesome as usual.
- Awesome as usual.
- Awesome as usual.
- FWIW here’s what I am
- FWIW here’s what I am
- FWIW here’s what I am
- FWIW here’s what I am
- FWIW here’s what I am
- There is a longtime Pigg
- There is a longtime Pigg
- There is a longtime Pigg
- There is a longtime Pigg
- There is a longtime Pigg
- Here it is in all its
- Here it is in all its
- Here it is in all its
- Here it is in all its
- Here it is in all its
- You can’t make this stuff
- You can’t make this stuff
- You can’t make this stuff
- You can’t make this stuff
- You can’t make this stuff
- I responded to that bit of
- I responded to that bit of
- I responded to that bit of
- I responded to that bit of
- I responded to that bit of
- Chamberlin’s latest gem
- Hi Adam — I always
- Hi Adam — I always
- Hi Adam — I always
- Hi Adam — I always
- Hi Adam — I always
- Hi Stan – Great point about
- Hi Stan – Great point about
- Hi Stan – Great point about
- Hi Stan – Great point about
- Hi Stan – Great point about
- I am very skeptical of the
- I am very skeptical of the
- I am very skeptical of the
- I am very skeptical of the
- I am very skeptical of the
- You didn’t forecast squat…
- You didn’t forecast squat…
- You didn’t forecast squat…
- You didn’t forecast squat…
- You didn’t forecast squat…
- “poway_seller” (how clever)
- “poway_seller” (how clever)
- “poway_seller” (how clever)
- “poway_seller” (how clever)
- “poway_seller” (how clever)
- Hi Jasper — The
- Hi Jasper — The
- Hi Jasper — The
- Hi Jasper — The
- Hi Jasper — The
- Excellent… I’m glad it
- Excellent… I’m glad it
- Excellent… I’m glad it
- Excellent… I’m glad it
- Excellent… I’m glad it
- esmith, I suspect this is a
- esmith, I suspect this is a
- esmith, I suspect this is a
- esmith, I suspect this is a
- esmith, I suspect this is a
- I installed a new caching
- I installed a new caching
- I installed a new caching
- I installed a new caching
- I installed a new caching
- I’m making this “sticky” at
- I’m making this “sticky” at
- I’m making this “sticky” at
- I’m making this “sticky” at
- I’m making this “sticky” at
- Hi cashflow — My colleague
- Hi cashflow — My colleague
- Hi cashflow — My colleague
- Hi cashflow — My colleague
- Hi cashflow — My colleague
- I would also add that Diana
- I would also add that Diana
- I would also add that Diana
- I would also add that Diana
- I would also add that Diana
- Hola Piggs — FWIW here is
- Hola Piggs — FWIW here is
- Hola Piggs — FWIW here is
- Hola Piggs — FWIW here is
- Hola Piggs — FWIW here is
- Here’s an article I wrote
- Here’s an article I wrote
- Here’s an article I wrote
- Here’s an article I wrote
- Here’s an article I wrote
- I changed the title for you
- I changed the title for you
- I changed the title for you
- I changed the title for you
- I changed the title for you
- Do you mean a tax
- Do you mean a tax
- Do you mean a tax
- Do you mean a tax
- Do you mean a tax
- Wow, great work esmith.
- Wow, great work esmith.
- Wow, great work esmith.
- Wow, great work esmith.
- Wow, great work esmith.
- Rich, I realize you’ve been
- Rich, I realize you’ve been
- Rich, I realize you’ve been
- Rich, I realize you’ve been
- Rich, I realize you’ve been
- He’s been sitting up there
- He’s been sitting up there
- He’s been sitting up there
- He’s been sitting up there
- He’s been sitting up there
- I used to live a block from
- I used to live a block from
- I used to live a block from
- I used to live a block from
- I used to live a block from
- edit: I hope I can be
- edit: I hope I can be
- edit: I hope I can be
- edit: I hope I can be
- edit: I hope I can be
- Update: here’s the “main”
- Update: here’s the “main”
- Update: here’s the “main”
- Update: here’s the “main”
- Update: here’s the “main”
- Rus – He feels (as I do)
- Rus – He feels (as I do)
- Rus – He feels (as I do)
- Rus – He feels (as I do)
- Rus – He feels (as I do)
- You already got some
- You already got some
- You already got some
- You already got some
- You already got some
- I don’t have anything
- I don’t have anything
- I don’t have anything
- I don’t have anything
- I don’t have anything
- Sorry, not buying it. None
- Sorry, not buying it. None
- Sorry, not buying it. None
- Sorry, not buying it. None
- Sorry, not buying it. None
- Dude, you have got way too
- Dude, you have got way too
- Dude, you have got way too
- Dude, you have got way too
- Dude, you have got way too
- Drunkle – The price
- Drunkle – The price
- Drunkle – The price
- Drunkle – The price
- Good point SD, the
- Good point SD, the
- Good point SD, the
- Hi PW – The thing is, you
- Hi PW – The thing is, you
- Hi PW – The thing is, you
- I don’t understand this line
- I don’t understand this line
- I don’t understand this line
- Hi Contrarian — Thanks for
- Hi Contrarian — Thanks for
- Good suggestion – I actually
- Good suggestion – I actually
- Hi all — I am now able to
- So let me just see if I’ve
- HWG, I do not agree with the
- Chamberlin never posted here
- For those who missed it, I
- For me, it’s both. The
- No bubble in gold
I wanted
- Hi bubble_contagion — per
- Patientrenter — Thanks very
- Apologies for the plug, but
- No problem, Stan — thanks
- You are right, Stan, when I
- “bigger homes have a lower
- Off-Topic Posts (message from the admin)
- Bugs – email me
- best visual representation of the bubble?