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Author: bearishgurl
Forum Activity by bearishgurl
- I don’t visit here much
- Well, it looks like phaster
- You’ve got Jerry Sanders and
- Uhh, phaster?? You’ve been
- Well Peeps, here we ARE, five
- I just researched common core
- Time to dig out your
- plm wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN, if you live in an
- Interesting, HLS. Can you
- FlyerInHi wrote:One thing I’m
- flu wrote:Lol… Looks
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Don’t
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- spdrun wrote:Vouchers are
- AN wrote:flu, she’s actually
- spdrun wrote:For either
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl: I
- spdrun wrote:The “no
- I have grown to love my
- gzz wrote: . . .
–there was
- gzz wrote:Dylan is 180 units
- FlyerInHI wrote:I’m going to
- scaredyclassic wrote: . . .
- flu wrote:BG, look if you
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl: I
- I love the 2016 Jeep Grand
- livinincali wrote:flu
- spdrun wrote:Why not get one
- flu wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:Why
- spdrun wrote:I’d have to side
- flu, once again . . . are YOU
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:I was also
- spd, why don’t you advise me
- spdrun wrote:Don’t some of
- btw, the following Toyota
- flu wrote:scaredyclassic
- If SD newcomers want to
- gzz wrote:. . . Midway and
- gzz wrote:The Census link is
- flyer wrote:”San Diego County
- LOL . . . if they ARE true,
- Escoguy wrote:bg
the source
- Esco, your chart from
- poorgradstudent
- spdrun wrote:Cite?You are
- spdrun wrote: . . . Texas is
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Utah was never
- FlyerInHi wrote:The death
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- The link in the preceding
- Escoguy wrote:bg,
before you
- scaredyclassic wrote:what
- NotCranky wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:ive
- spdrun wrote:If you don’t
- NotCranky wrote:Brian, Before
- harvey wrote: . . .
- FlyerInHi wrote:Trump doesn’t
- I agree with xboxboy. I
- Hobie wrote:C-mon you guys.
- Flyer in HI wrote:Central
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . .
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . The
- FlyerInHi wrote: …. Show me
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- spdrun wrote:Can she take
- I’m still waiting for that
- ocrenter
- FlyerInHi wrote:George Will
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Stop
- FlyerInHi wrote:That was a
- Well temeculaguy, if you’re
- harvey wrote:BG doesn’t
- harvey wrote:And this is how
- FlyerInHi wrote:This is for
- FlyerInHi wrote:I agree, BG.
- harvey wrote:njtosd
- FlyerInHi wrote:Why is Dubai
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun wrote:
- FIH, what do you think of
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- harvey wrote: . . . He’ll
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Real
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- njtosd wrote:scaredyclassic
- scaredyclassic wrote:utcsox
- Nearly 5M votes remain to be
- spdrun wrote:BTW, Trump may
- spdrun wrote:What’s wrong
- We need a president to play
- harvey wrote:This is Trump’s
- flu wrote:So the funny part
- spdrun wrote:If you’re a
- It appears that AZ’s vote
- flu wrote: . . . And then we
- The same could be said for
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . The
- harvey wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:California is a
- Umm, how are we going to
- FlyerInHi wrote:Hobie
- flyer, you well know that
- outtamojo wrote:flyer
- flu wrote:harvey wrote:flu
- Why don’t you read those two
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, voter
- Um, last I checked, HRC only
- spdrun wrote:Hey bearishgurl,
- FlyerInHi wrote:NotCranky
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, i can’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:I used to
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you gonna
- poorgradstudent
- OK, I’ll stick my neck out a
- I’m against accessory
- SK in CV wrote:LOL! Great
- JAFO wrote:Hillary should be
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- For all you “techies” who
- I find it puzzling that
- guitar187 wrote:SK in CV
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, if your
- It appears the MSM has now
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: . . . No wonder
- harvey wrote: . . . Brian
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- SK, you must know that the
- njtosd wrote: . . .
- Upon further inspection of
- njtosd wrote:Water leak
- moneymaker
- Umm, phaster?? No one here
- ltsdd wrote:Folks, remember,
- Apparently, I’m not the only
- Huma is very attractive,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, Bill and
- I’ve posted it before and
- CardiffBaseball wrote: . . .
- flu wrote:…. Just like for
- FlyerInHi wrote:It doesn’t
- EconProf wrote:Bearish Girl,
- millennial wrote:. . .
- CardiffBaseball wrote:Popped
- EconProf wrote:Bearish Girl:
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, pensions
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- Blogstar wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:Gilberthorpe,
- Blogstar wrote:Where are all
- Blogstar wrote:FlyerInHi
- Blogstar wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, don’t you
- Instead of chasing down all
- More links for brian to amuse
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t know
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- ucodegen wrote:scaredyclassic
- ucodegen wrote: . . . There
- If Gilberthorpe could
- svelte wrote:ucodegen
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . It
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- millennial wrote:bearishgurl
- btw, nj, I had another kid
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:That is
- millennial wrote:bearishgurl
- millennial wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:I caught up
- yamashi wrote:bearishgurl
- No 74-year-old “slumlord”
- scaredyclassic wrote:except
- svelte wrote:Should have
- flu wrote:Remember folks…
- SK in CV wrote: The fact that
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote: . . . with
- flu wrote:AN wrote:flu
- flu wrote:Well, that didn’t
- harvey wrote:scaredyclassic
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK, you must be aware that
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:JFC. Trump has
- flu/flu
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:…What
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . .
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:.Hey, flu . . . I
- no_such_reality wrote:In
- I just read a link within the
- CA renter wrote:harvey
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- It’s perfectly legal to have
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK, correct me if I’m wrong,
- SK in CV wrote:Can you
- A number of owners of large
- deadzone wrote:Why do we care
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . That’s
- La Jolla Renter wrote:IMO
- FlyerInHi wrote:What say I?
- FlyerInHi wrote:Errr… Trump
- equalizer
- harvey wrote: . . . Mexicans
- FlyerInHi wrote:Ttump should
- spdrun wrote:
It was pretty
- kev374 wrote:check this
- Also, practically the entire
- kev, what would be your
- The-Shoveler wrote:You are
- I thought the Piggs would
- Hilarious!
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- ltsdd wrote:flyer wrote:If
- Hobie wrote:”The Economist (a
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flyer, if you don’t mind my
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:That too. So
- spdrun wrote:
eVerify takes
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Glad to see here that my
- Back from a lo-o-o-ng road
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, your
- Dukehorn wrote: . . . (a) I
- Um, Dukehorn? Did you
- sdgrrl wrote:It may not be
- Rich Toscano wrote:So please,
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- Rich Toscano
- This thread is ridiculous.
- flu wrote:No BG. You see,
- flu wrote:And before you
- flu wrote:You know what I’m
- flu wrote:… yet another
- Myriad wrote:I don’t think
- Myriad wrote:bearishgurl
- PC, I see you have nothing
- The “real” BG spells and
- dumbrenter wrote:. . . Oh
- If I were you, phaster, I’d
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Low
- bullishgurl aka FLU wrote:I
- Are we surprised? It’s flu
- FlyerInHi wrote:Settling is
- flyer wrote: . . . As far as
- scottinob wrote:I wasn’t
- Myriad wrote:bearishgurl
- flyer wrote:BG, I completely
- flyer wrote:It’s true that a
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- scottinob wrote:You are being
- Myriad wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- scottinob wrote:You are being
- The-Shoveler wrote:What you
- sdsurfer wrote:Thanks for
- I quickly read thru pages 1-6
- HLS wrote: . . .
He didn’t
- FIH, there is nothing wrong
- At least I have actually made
- bearishgurl wrote:sdgrrl
- sdgrrl wrote: . . . Someone
- sdgrrl wrote:Wow. I don’t
- Yeah, ucodegen, I also
- mixxalot wrote:Uh oh, BG is
- Rich Toscano
- It appears that my huge body
- flu wrote:Just a sinole
- Unlike you, I don’t wish to
- For whatever reason, flu,
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- sdgrrl, I agree with Rich
- PCinSD wrote:More
- FlyerInHi wrote:If your kids
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, it’s not
- PCinSD wrote:bearishgurl
- recordsclerk wrote:This is a
- HLS wrote:BG wrote “I don’t
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- HLS wrote:One more thing
- sdgrrl wrote:PCinSD
- SK in CV wrote:flu wrote:So
- flu wrote:It’s probably
- PCinSD wrote:Want me to post
- FlyerInHi wrote:It’s not
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:Typical
- AN, I assume you’re happy
- Even though SD County has
- Back to the OP’s
- flyer wrote:True, flu, and
- PCinSD wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- I want to close this side
- FlyerInHi wrote:AN
- Rich Toscano
- The homeowner in brian’s
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you’re so
- Rich Toscano
- FlyerInHi wrote:Lot splitting
- FlyerInHi wrote:sdsurfer
- AN wrote:BG, what you see on
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality wrote:BG, I’m
- If newcomers can’t find
- I travel to see friends and
- flyer wrote:. . . One of our
- spdrun wrote:FlyerInHI:
- The-Shoveler wrote:I was
- flu wrote:bump…
Well, looks
- The dearth of availability of
- gzz wrote:The strongest
- HLS wrote:bearishgurl
- “Military duty” isn’t the
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, all the
- spdrun wrote:^^^
So actually
- FlyerInHi wrote:HLS
- mixxalot wrote:Ugh here we go
- Up until about ’92, some “VA
- spdrun wrote:Why would a
- HLS, I’d be interested to
- HLS wrote: . . . IMO anyone
- This part of the article
- As a former “bureaucrat,” you
- PCinSD wrote:For fucks sake.
- SK, that’s not legal advice.
- The-Shoveler wrote:LOL even
- The-Shoveler wrote:I am going
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK, you must know that it is
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- treehugger, if he hasn’t
- Sorry for late reply. I had
- The-Shoveler wrote:From the
- A family of four can still
- The-Shoveler wrote:La Jolla
- FlyerInHi wrote:I would go
- I think the Piggs shouldn’t
- La Jolla Renter wrote:For me,
- La Jolla Renter wrote:We
- carlsbadworker wrote:. . .
- no_such_reality wrote:Is the
- I don’t believe in “bubbles”
- If you are currently living
- scaredyclassic wrote:what
- scaredy, you sound just a wee
- flu wrote:But my question is
- deadzone wrote:Which goes
- deadzone wrote:Translation
- no_such_reality wrote:svelte
- flu wrote:So is the lesson to
- deadzone wrote:BG, while I
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:joec wrote:This
- joec wrote:This maybe why
- Here is a 24.5 year-old LA
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, sure,
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Even
- carli wrote:bearishgurl
- carli wrote:Essbee wrote:I’ll
- deadzone wrote:FlyerInHi
- SK, the women of the US got
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- Ha ha, I ran across this
- spdrun wrote:By my revised
- SD Trolley map
Only the first
- spdrun wrote:Work the
- SK in CV wrote:But still no
- The use of the terms, “edge
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl: the
- FlyerInHi wrote:Njtosd, we
- carli wrote:Ok, got it, now
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl:
- carli, the “academic paper”
- carli wrote:. . . I’m sure
- harvey wrote:njtosd
- spdrun wrote:Dressing better
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- joeypants05 wrote:joec
- SK in CV wrote:The-Shoveler
- zk wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:This
- livinincali wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Can California
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:Funny. One of my
- SK in CV wrote: . . . The US
- AN wrote:flu wrote:carli
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . BG, If
- spdrun wrote: . . . Maybe I’m
- I repeat, the US does NOT OWE
- spdrun wrote:Borders are
- LOL! Just stop! We have here
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, if San
- livinincali wrote:. . .
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- deadzone wrote:These studies
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . BG, I
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Henry
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . .
- I don’t support UBI. Just
- FlyerInHi wrote:There will be
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: . . . But hey, if
- FlyerInHi wrote:It’s not
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, i’m
- FlyerInHi wrote:Is it really
- If anyone here would have
- FlyerInHi wrote:This is a
- svelte wrote:Oh give me a gd
- The-Shoveler wrote:LOL,
- no_such_reality
- bewildering wrote:Most of OPs
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- I’ve seen a post like this
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic
- SK in CV wrote:Anthony
- flu, I was so sorry to read
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:Wow.
- SK in CV wrote:It’s so easy
- FlyerInHi wrote:all
- scaredyclassic
- FlyerInHi wrote: … BTW,
- harvey wrote:I said before
- utcsox
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, so many
- What I called a “chump lady”
- zk wrote:bearishgurl wrote:My
- zk wrote:livinincali
- scaredyclassic wrote:with so
- This post is in response to
- My comments/opinion about
- Major arrogance and bullying
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:From the
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:harvey wrote:flu
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:There is a
- You don’t have to be
- SK in CV wrote:SK in CV
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, don’t
- spdrun wrote:At least this
- SK in CV wrote:No. I didn’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t
- Yeah, scaredy, I LOVE small
- Why do Peds get paid so much?
- SK in CV wrote:livinincali
- I know I sound a bit like one
- HLS wrote:Ahhh…if it were
- Well, Burkey can do whatever
- I forgot to add that in the
- flu wrote:The great thing
- HLS wrote:bearishgurl
- WOW, I’m shocked that the
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- HLS wrote:bearishgurl
- HLS wrote:I know that AN is
- HLS wrote:BG,
I’m just going
- What’s crystal clear here,
- HLS wrote:I can rant on as
- HLS wrote:I know that you’re
- HLS, if you’re still around,
- flu wrote:no_such_reality
- This post is in response to
- FlyerInHi wrote:I was invited
- poorgradstudent
- Oh, Good L@rd, flu. Stop
- flu wrote:bearishgurl wrote:
- The problem with your posts,
- flu wrote:BG, we’re talking
- Just an FYI, folks, there is
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- Ok, I just checked my source
- HLS wrote:Absolutely Flu,,,
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . BG,
- mixxalot wrote:Fed highly
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, Trump
- FlyerInHi wrote:Sounds like
- I just got a text that
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, Marla
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, It’s
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, It’s
- The-Shoveler wrote:Passion?
- scaredyclassic wrote:Parents
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:I
- carli wrote:Flyer, I’m not
- flyer wrote:Daniel Kahneman,
- carli wrote:Funny that
- Well, carli, he could also
- carli wrote:I keep hearing
- ctr70 wrote:mixxalot
- Many of the same issues in
- Here’s a good debate with the
- no_such_reality wrote: . .
- Filling out my mail-in ballot
- no_such_reality wrote:I’m
- no_such_reality
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I’m not
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you
- One of my kids has tix for
- FlyerInHi wrote:Carli, I
- carli wrote:no_such_reality
- joec wrote: . . . I agree
- FlyerInHi wrote:In my view,
- flyer wrote:BG, you make some
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Not
- flyer wrote:Also, to parents
- FlyerInHi wrote:Haha, BG… I
- carli wrote:BG, when you
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, the
- Again, I don’t agree with
- This just in and I am
- Awww, scaredy, I thought you
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, haha..
- scaredyclassic wrote:The
- I’m so-o-o-o glad we had the
- no_such_reality wrote:My kid
- flu, carli, NSR. I can
- enron_by_the_sea
- AN wrote:You quoted the wrong
- flu wrote: . . . But I really
- flu wrote:1. There are too
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, why do
- AN wrote: . . . I find it
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- Umm, Napolitano resigned as
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- no_such_reality wrote:Isn’t
- flu wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- mixxalot wrote:close to
- Here’s 2 articles on the
- mixxalot wrote:True but
- I vote that CA re-institute
- Well, according to my kid who
- I wouldn’t add a spa to your
- mixxalot wrote:Thank you
- Lakeside would be an awesome
- mixxalot wrote:Thank you
- bewildering wrote:I like
- Essbee wrote:bearishgurl
- mixxalot wrote:I put off the
- If “boomers” comprise >20% of
- flyer wrote:We all have
- mixxalot, my understanding
- flyer wrote:The politics of
- gzz wrote:I agree that hold
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I knew
- flu wrote:Convenient how no
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:After
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I read
- flu wrote:After reading this
- FlyerInHi wrote:It’s well
- I saw Clinton’s new ads on
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . This
- I just watched a couple of
- no_such_reality wrote:I
- Dukehorn wrote:When
- spdrun wrote:Nope. Private
- spdrun wrote:
If Sanders
- skerzz wrote: . . . I picked
- spdrun wrote:
This is all the
- Thanks for the “thrifty”
- FlyerInHi wrote:Here’s a good
- I take my somewhat
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, by “food
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- XBoxBoy wrote:It’s probably
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, are you
- FlyerInHi wrote:Flu, I think
- no_such_reality
- FlyerInHi wrote:Middle
- As a 50-year resident of CA,
- I forgot to add to my
- no_such_reality wrote:Here’s
- Ok, the following are MY
- FIH, it’s not the healthcare
- gzz wrote:If it is a legit
- I’m going to have to go back
- I have a feeling the OP here
- no_such_reality
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- gpdrasnin wrote: . . . There
- livinincali
- scaredyclassic wrote:Are her
- flu wrote:Myriad
- flyer wrote:Everyone will get
- I have two “neighbors” (both
- La Jolla Renter
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . I read
- Copying this post from the
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . But as
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- OK, I’m going to stick my
- FlyerInHi wrote:njtosd, ACA
- FlyerInHi wrote:Trump did
- In short, the RWNM is trying
- zk wrote:utcsox wrote:
It is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Trump did
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . If
- flu wrote:harvey wrote:Lol,
- I use an OCR software for
- HLS wrote:no_such_reality
- no_such_reality wrote:flu
- La Jolla Renter wrote:The
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you need
- La Jolla Renter wrote:I
- FlyerInHi wrote:You can scan
- Blogstar wrote:It’s not
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . I
- Not blaming anyone here, spd.
- IIRC, a CA title company’s
- joec wrote:Having those
- Keep it as bald and laced out
- njtosd wrote:. . . In terms
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . OMG,
- Keep us posted, svelte. It
- njtosd wrote: . . . Regarding
- I’d really, really like to
- spdrun wrote:I disagree. If
- harvey wrote: . . . There’s
- I’ve been down there a couple
- I also noticed that there was
- spdrun wrote:Remember those
- For the record, I’m still
- HLS wrote:Harvey,
- Harvey and spdrun, what part
- harvey wrote:spdrun wrote:The
- FlyerInHi wrote:dumbrenter
- spdrun wrote:The criteria are
- I just found this piece dated
- spd, this is the only recent
- spdrun wrote:So FHFA
- I don’t believe in this
- Sean19 wrote:I am interested
- scaredyclassic
- FlyerInHi wrote:So, BG,
- spdrun wrote:Unless he was
- bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Do you
- scaredyclassic wrote:Sounds
- Back to your “branding
- spdrun wrote:I wonder how
- no_such_reality wrote:This is
- spdrun wrote:
I just like the
- FlyerInHi wrote:Drugs and
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- flyer wrote:Yes, BG, I am
- flyer wrote:It’s true that
- Five of the six carriers who
- The carriers on Covered CA
- La Jolla Renter
- spdrun wrote:Solution: public
- Escoguy wrote:BG
Thanks for
- no_such_reality wrote:I get
- I don’t blame brokers and
- no_such_reality wrote:….The
- La Jolla Renter wrote: . . .
- La Jolla Renter, on a
- FlyerInHi wrote:ucodegen, one
- Blogstar wrote:FlyerInHi
- I’ve seen special assessments
- Blogstar wrote:joec
- FlyerInHi wrote:I feel for
- The-Shoveler wrote:Temecula
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:Back to the Model 3,
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:The-Shoveler
- Temecula is in Riverside
- AN wrote:Is Fresno
- The-Shoveler wrote:AN
- njtosd wrote:I don’t
- Norco (CA) Reception
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . BG,
- FlyerInHi
- flyer wrote:Although I don’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you don’t
- shoveler, “exurban” has
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . And
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you’re
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . You’re
- spdrun wrote:Does Tesla still
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, maybe you
- spdrun wrote:Maybe I’m wrong,
- btw, spd, I’ve had to get off
- spdrun wrote:I’m going to
- The-Shoveler wrote:Suburbs
- FIH, not EVERYONE who
- It looks like it will be just
- FlyerInHi wrote:Meth scourge
- FlyerInHi wrote:Mustard oil
- svelte wrote:utcsox wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:Being house
- I don’t think I’ve ever been
- scaredy, you can now purchase
- scaredyclassic wrote:I am
- scaredy, if you have
- I just ran across this
- flu wrote:The reason why
- flu wrote:ucodegen
- flu, imagine yourself a
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: … There’s also
- no_such_reality wrote:Go even
- FlyerInHi wrote:When I had a
- scaredyclassic wrote:Let’s
- The-Shoveler wrote:I agree
- livinincali wrote:I thought
- FlyerInHi
- scaredyclassic wrote:ocrenter
- scaredyclassic wrote:I bet if
- With its 840 mile coastline
- In SoCal (in my price range
- The-Shoveler wrote:I would
- The-Shoveler wrote:I would
- utcsox wrote:SK in CV
- flyer wrote:Personally, I
- I know. I know. It’s really
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Okay, SK. Can we agree that
- Once again, SK, you are still
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- As usual, non-answers,
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- carli, perhaps with your
- livinincali wrote:joec
- SK in CV wrote:I appreciate
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- carli wrote:I have many years
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- utcsox wrote:SK in CV
- To get us started on Medi-Cal
- bearishgurl wrote: …. Ditto
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- joec wrote:In CA, I think
- joec, for the record, PLENTY
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- ltsdd wrote:No difference
- FlyerInHi wrote:Talking about
- My point, SK is that
- FlyerInHi wrote:Wow, Lindsey
- outtamojo wrote:I work in a
- joec wrote:Maybe some people
- Well, people, it looks as
- no_such_reality wrote:Looks
- It has crossed my mind that
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:La Jolla
- La Jolla Renter wrote:What
- no_such_reality wrote:In my
- paramount wrote: . . . And I
- zk wrote:livinincali wrote:zk
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- Races in Wichita, KS (2013)
- no_such_reality
- AN
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:flu wrote:To be
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:outtamojo wrote:A
- njtosd wrote:BG – I’ve asked
- no_such_reality wrote:Bunk,
- nj, you and your siblings
- flyer wrote:I understand
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, whatever
- joec wrote: . . . I actually
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- AN
- flyer wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, free will
- spdrun wrote:People would
- AN wrote: . . . As for
- spdrun wrote:Or they can walk
- spdrun wrote:Isn’t that what
- I learned my “appropriate
- spdrun wrote:Or they can walk
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Eat
- Blogstar wrote:Sort of
- FlyerInHi wrote:ok, not free,
- Chase Freedom gives 5% cash
- BoomerAang wrote:Certain Amex
- I think Trump and Cruz made a
- Case in point re: the
- I finally had a chance to
- Just ran across this e-mail
- no_such_reality
- FlyerInHi wrote:What happens
- moneymaker wrote:Yeah I guess
- MM, the “ghost listings” you
- moneymaker wrote:I started
- moneymaker wrote:bearishgurl
- 20/20 (ABC News) just
- I was studying results from
- Trump and Cruz are going to
- FlyerInHi wrote:Trump is not
- I just got done watching
- del
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, btw, what
- no_such_reality wrote:I
- FlyerInHi wrote:So, BG, if
- FlyerInHi wrote:Bearish, why
- Rich Toscano wrote:Gonna wait
- ltsdd wrote:paramount
- all wrote:flu wrote:Yes. Get
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, if we
- flyer, the “old-timers”
- flyer wrote:BG, I admire the
- H@ll, I’m still waiting with
- svelte seems to be using an
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . I’ve
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . When
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . These
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . At
- Starting tomorrow, the Donald
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:Not only that, but I
- flu wrote:I stopped getting
- spdrun wrote:
Don’t be stuck
- FlyerInHi wrote:Less than 5k
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, based on
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:What you’re wishing
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I know
- The-Shoveler wrote:The really
- Mira Mesa is a “working
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, so I take
- FlyerInHi wrote:If there are
- I still think all the
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:spdrun wrote:Good.
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . BG
- FlyerInHi wrote:When the
- mixxalot wrote:Problem is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Marco Rubio
- paramount wrote:…I want to
- It seems the Fox News channel
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Trump
- paramount
- scaredyclassic wrote:A half
- no_such_reality
- no_such_reality wrote:Same
- Okay, my peeps (both over 55)
- FlyerInHi wrote:Why didn’t
- harvey wrote:If it comes down
- FlyerInHi wrote:I watched the
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I think
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you sound
- livinincali wrote:. . . Vons
- zk wrote:If it’s Hillary vs.
- There is really nothing to be
- paramount wrote:A professor
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- Here is another article which
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, if Phil
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- Whether Protestant or
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Not
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:The Smog
- spdrun wrote:OK. It’s
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:So go to the
- enron_by_the_sea
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Trump
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . .
- scaredyclassic wrote:the
- outtamojo wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: . . . The biggest
- From his purple-tie rah-rah
- spdrun wrote: … Why would
- skerzz wrote:bearishgurl
- skerzz wrote: . . .
For the
- spdrun wrote:Bearishgurl —
- yamashi wrote: . . . I also
- yamashi wrote:bearishgurl
- .
- yamashi wrote:bearishgurl
- yamashi wrote: . . . Then why
- yamashi wrote: . . . BG, not
- FlyerInHi wrote:Cap health
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . .
- yamashi, in my biz, having
- moneymaker wrote:. . . On the
- FlyerInHi
- The Frontline special was
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, let me
- scaredyclassic
- skerzz wrote:bearishgurl
- Gen X and Y’ers would do well
- People who are retired don’t
- I know a lot of the Vons in
- There’s a show on mainstream
- scaredyclassic wrote:Cal
- FlyerInHi wrote:The-Shoveler
- yamashi1 wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:Daycare,
- skerzz wrote:I know several
- The-Shoveler wrote:If your
- skerzz wrote:FlyerInHi
- yamashi1 wrote:bearishgurl
- yamashi, I’m not necessarily
- yamashi wrote:bearishgurl
- yamashi wrote:BG wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I don’t
- The-Shoveler wrote:Our
- scaredyclassic wrote:Except
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:Like Bernie
- scaredyclassic wrote:Hell I
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . Why do
- FlyerInHi wrote:From what I
- FlyerInHi wrote:CSU is not
- yamashi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Not
- yamashi1 wrote: . . . I spend
- spdrun wrote:What’s wrong
- skerzz wrote:There’s no way
- If the Piggs will recall,
- yamashi1 wrote: . . . BG not
- .
- yamashi1 wrote:bearishgurl
- yamashi1 wrote:bearishgurl
- yamashi1 wrote:The-Shoveler
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK, but I
- yamashi1 wrote:bearishgurl
- yamashi1 wrote: . . . The
- yamashi1 wrote:flyer
- yamashi1 wrote:Clifford
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . BG, I
- phaster wrote:all
- XBoxBoy wrote:kcal09 wrote:I
- FlyerInHi wrote:outtamojo
- outtamojo wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:If those
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . .
- flu wrote:. . . I’m guessing
- WOW, it looks like all the
- Not so much here, but in my
- njtosd wrote:For a while
- flyer, I believe that
- flyer wrote:BG, may I ask who
- When I get the energy, I’ll
- flyer wrote: . . . I’m sorry
- Oh, and btw, my carrier has
- flyer wrote:I think it’s very
- yamashi1 wrote:The-Shoveler
- yamashi1 wrote:Quote:yamashi,
- scaredyclassic wrote:The
- yamashi1 wrote:As a
- Of COURSE, seniority means
- Yamashi, I personally don’t
- I understand what you’re
- mixxalot wrote: . . . My BA
- flyer wrote:Everyone has a
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:Works OK
- FlyerInHi wrote:Portland, OR
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . .
- no_such_reality wrote:Good
- paramount wrote: . . . And a
- paramount wrote:BG: The Death
- paramount wrote:Death
- FlyerInHi wrote:errr… BG,
- I saw the video. Private SL
- FlyerInHi wrote:whatever, BG.
- FlyerInHi wrote:Too much
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . I
- At this point, I would
- Maybe its best that
- I’m going to start being more
- spdrun wrote:A one-year lease
- spdrun wrote:(1) People
- The-Shoveler wrote:LOL yes
- The-Shoveler wrote:I need to
- Those longtime bay area
- The-Shoveler wrote:That’s a
- I just noticed that Trump is
- I see Trump as being in the
- FlyerInHi wrote:Also,
- On a lesser (expensive) note,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, it’s a
- outtamojo wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:Scalia likely
- ljinvestor wrote:Contact Jim
- OP, I do apologize if my
- LeavingSD wrote:Hi
- OP, there are several
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . If
- moneymaker wrote:Fixing it up
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, in a
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:New
- spdrun wrote:Actually, dense
- LeavingSD wrote:….My
- treehugger wrote:Spoke with
- FlyerInHi wrote:Only a few
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, sorry to
- Interesting videos on this
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- moneymaker wrote:Don’t know
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . I’m
- scaredy, you are in a
- scaredyclassic wrote:just for
- scaredyclassic wrote:don’t
- flyer wrote:This particular
- Wow, NH is just a
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi
- Blogstar wrote:Gotta use my
- Blogstar wrote:. . . I would
- spdrun wrote:$7-10k is CHEAP
- Umm, “opioid addiction” has
- temeculaguy wrote:paramount
- spdrun wrote:Vista is
- spdrun wrote:There should
- spdrun wrote:Not really.
- paramount wrote:spdrun
- Blogstar wrote:EPA might not
- spdrun wrote: . . . (Some are
- spdrun wrote:
It is my
- Blogstar wrote:FlyerInHi
- paramount
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- A seller backing out at the
- This timely chart was in my
- Blogstar wrote:Thanks for the
- FlyerInHi wrote:”Husband and
- FlyerInHi wrote:The seller
- FlyerInHi wrote:I got the
- FlyerInHi wrote:For what it’s
- gzz wrote:”QT default
- FlyerInHi wrote:Risks come
- Blogstar wrote: . . . What
- FlyerInHi wrote:gzz
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, there are
- FlyerInHi wrote:gzz mentioned
- gzz wrote:Hi Blogster,
I am a
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- Unless he’s severely abused
- spdrun wrote:Pffffffft – I’ve
- FlyerInHi wrote:If you want
- livinincali wrote:If you do
- Just an FYI … BJ’s Rentals
- FIH, are you suggesting
- spdrun wrote:Hence, most
- flu wrote:Hobie wrote:Small
- spdrun wrote:Not really —
- spdrun wrote:Or an oil hose
- spdrun wrote:If it’s an old
- spdrun wrote:
I wasn’t going
- flu wrote:spdrun
- flu wrote:FlyerInHi
- spdrun wrote:If you don’t see
- spdrun wrote:If you don’t see
- Peeps, the moral of this
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl —
- flu wrote:utcsox wrote:Audi,
- FlyerInHi wrote:It’s not a
- I don’t know how many other
- FlyerInHi wrote:The whole
- I agree with Hobie in that a
- spdrun wrote:It should be a
- I’ve been down this road with
- spdrun wrote:Regardless,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you may
- spdrun wrote:For the majority
- spdrun wrote:Exactly. If
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- yamashi1 wrote:I’ve never
- yamashi1 wrote:deadzone
- I may have posted here before
- Over 10 years ago, I joined a
- yamashi1 wrote:Paramount your
- paramount wrote:A few facts
- spdrun wrote:Why the
- spdrun wrote:Not like Apple’s
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . We
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . .
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, Vegas
- Here’s this morning’s gas
- The-Shoveler wrote:We will
- When young adult residents of
- FlyerInHi wrote:The-Shoveler
- FlyerInHi wrote:The-Shoveler
- scaredyclassic
- deadzone wrote:My point is
- There’s something to be said
- Blogstar wrote:Thanks BG, I
- Russ, the first paper fee at
- Blogstar wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:
The kids in
- Blogstar wrote: . . . BG, I
- FlyerInHi wrote:This is the
- flyer wrote: . . . I think
- If Mr. Wacko doesn’t respond
- Back to the OP … this
- bearishgurl wrote:…Did I
- For instance … among
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- La Jolla Renter wrote:I grew
- spdrun wrote:The counties
- XBoxBoy wrote:To some degree
- I’m constantly battling with
- Those native elephant ear
- spdrun wrote:Solution to this
- Oh, and SD has its own
- FlyerInHi wrote:Snow clearing
- spdrun wrote:I’m about to put
- Try Fed Ex. I know for a
- Blogstar wrote:No problem,
- Blogstar wrote:Totally
- Blogstar wrote:Easements are
- Hobie wrote: . . . You are
- Blogstar wrote:I got serious
- I should add that “you will
- Blogstar wrote:. . . I wonder
- Here is the full
- Blogstar wrote: . . . I have
- Blogstar wrote:Threadjack,
- More questions, Russ. You
- bearishgurl wrote:If you
- If I were you, I would want
- If you recorded the easement
- blogstar wrote:…i lived
- blogstar wrote: …. Why a
- bushman1 wrote:Thank you all
- paramount, there are a lot of
- Maybe a lot of their students
- paramount wrote:The-Shoveler
- Are you thinking of trying to
- Since the OP stated he/she
- Hobie wrote:I remember that
- As a homeowner in the 55-64
- FlyerInHi wrote:Congrats, BG.
- FlyerInHi wrote:I agree with
- poorgradstudent
- flyer wrote:Beyond the hype,
- spdrun wrote:Agreed. Toss
- flyer wrote:The point of my
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FIH, if you are referring to
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, foreign
- My corner of SD County is but
- flyer wrote:Can’t speak to
- dumbrenter wrote:flyer
- dumbrenter wrote:harvey
- harvey wrote:bearishgurl
- So, in reading between the
- flyer wrote:Much of what you
- harvey wrote:. . . Here’s an
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- phaster wrote:livinincali
- Uh, the Federal TSP plan is
- Uhhhhh, phaster, may I ask
- When a newly-minted college
- flyer wrote:From my
- In my travels, I just haven’t
- How do you think all this
- phaster wrote:
- Uhh, phaster? You’re
- I got sidetracked but am
- scaredyclassic wrote:Right.
- Since the CSU revamped its
- scaredyclassic wrote:True,
- Congrats on your kid’s
- XBoxBoy wrote:bearishgurl
- temeculaguy wrote:phaster the
- The MSM pulls this stunt at
- I’m not saying here that I
- ltsdd wrote:bearishgurl
- ltsdd wrote:^^^I am just
- dumbrenter wrote:njtosd
- I’m not quite understanding
- poorgradstudent wrote:There
- The-Shoveler wrote:IMO there
- kev374 wrote:There is no real
- scaredyclassic
- dumbrenter wrote:harvey
- Why do the Chinese have a
- Myriad
- 42nate1 wrote:Monthly
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . There
- flyer wrote: . . . We can all
- flyer wrote:Have to agree
- FlyerInHi wrote:If we were
- FlyerInHi wrote:Getting
- FlyerInHi wrote:I can see now
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . A lot
- Myriad wrote:bearishgurl
- FIH, by chance, were you
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I know
- Blogstar wrote:No lie, I know
- Blogstar wrote:Look at how
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you’re
- flu, if the checkstub you
- When it comes to housing, I
- flyer wrote:Agree with
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- I wonder how much longer new
- njtosd wrote:. . . Our oldest
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- Here is the same article
- flu wrote:Oh please… stop
- The-Shoveler wrote:IMO they
- A lot of college students
- flyer wrote:No question there
- yuhtey wrote:joec wrote:In
- yuhtey, you still haven’t
- flu wrote:yuhtey wrote:no
- Just saw this thread. I
- flu wrote:OP just go get your
- I should add that one could
- Another thing to look for is
- If the complex you are
- FlyerInHi wrote:yuhtey
- yuhtey, what the Piggs are
- flu, I recall posting that
- joec wrote: … If your wife
- Hobie wrote:I think this
- yuhtey wrote:flu wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- OP, zk’s listing is VERY
- zk wrote: . . . Here’s a
- btw, yuhtey, CV consists of
- njtosd wrote:yuhtey wrote:the
- yuhtey wrote:bearishgurl –
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK Last
- yuhtey wrote:bearishgurl
- Basically, flyer makes a good
- FlyerInHi wrote:I believe
- flyer wrote:Many of our
- AN wrote:Back to the OP, it
- The-Shoveler wrote:Whatever
- Last threadjack …. What
- The-Shoveler wrote:LOL BG
- The-Shoveler wrote:Out by
- FlyerInHi wrote:I just saw a
- The-Shoveler wrote:Whatever
- flu wrote:Start smaller and
- The-Shoveler wrote:Then they
- The-Shoveler
- poorgradstudent wrote:When
- “Political persuasion” is NOT
- Having dozens of relatives
- I didn’t suggest to the OP
- Well, I just took the online
- yuhtey wrote:bearishgurl
- I’ll bite.
yuhtey, if you
- FlyerInHi wrote:That’s if you
- FlyerInHi wrote:sprawl
- FlyerInHi wrote:bG, see how
- CA renter wrote: . . . It’s a
- harvey wrote:cvmom
- flyer wrote:Here’s the Forbes
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:Bg, even with
- no_such_reality wrote:Please
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG. If you
- In short, what I was trying
- doofrat wrote: . . . Is there
- The-Shoveler wrote:The
- The-Shoveler wrote:We still
- The-Shoveler wrote:If you get
- I’ve posted this here before
- flyer wrote:I completely
- Svile1604 wrote:Hello fellow
- Back from l-o-o-ong road trip
- scaredyclassic wrote:maybe im
- .
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I just
- I’ve seen it over and over
- FlyerInHi wrote:spd, to do
- FlyerInHi wrote:i think that
- BoomerAang wrote:There is the
- Oh, and I know people with
- If this hypothetical “mom”
- moneymaker wrote:Buy it if
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . My
- I don’t know the source of
- paramount wrote:Buy it. It’s
- kev, if I am reading your OP
- IN short, ALL CA law
- Even if a CA city, county or
- sorry, wrong thread
- Cops in CA have legal
- She’s a longtime East County
- I regularly made $265 week
- deadzone wrote:20 years
- deadzone wrote:BG, certainly
- deadzone wrote:BG,
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . 60 is
- 2.75 hr gym allocation
.5 hr
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . I’m
- no_such_reality wrote:There’s
- no_such_reality wrote:Jazzman
- Absolutely unbelievable,
- deadzone wrote:BG, there is
- FlyerInHi wrote:I feel
- Try a Body Pump class for
- spdrun wrote:
That’s why
- deadzone wrote:Excellent
- spdrun wrote:Comparing San
- spdrun wrote: . . . most
- Yes, CAR, I have and DO hear
- FlyerInHi wrote:So this whole
- FlyerInHi wrote:More total
- I have no problem with
- FlyerInHi wrote:What’s wrong
- I’m sure there are a lot of
- FlyerInHi wrote:I live in NV
- I haven’t gone into any of my
- FlyerInHi wrote:Didn’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:Let’s suppose
- ocrenter
- deadzone wrote:That is one
- FlyerInHi wrote:I think the
- brian, let’s be realistic
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:Doesn’t seem
- FlyerInHi wrote:Children at
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:I doubt it’s
- harvey wrote:CA renter wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, did you
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl
- Back to the OP … brian, do
- Don’t believe me? Well, get
- CA renter wrote:spdrun
- CA renter wrote:harvey
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, go with
- FlyerInHi wrote:… I don’t
- treehugger wrote:Hey BG, sold
- spdrun wrote:You can replace
- treehugger wrote:I did it,
- bibsoconner wrote:Sometime
- XBoxBoy wrote:bearishgurl
- Jazzman wrote:There’s carpet
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:Treehugger, I
- birmingplumb wrote:Hi all old
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I have
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, you can
- Oh, and btw, Rus, I just
- Blogstar wrote:BG tile saws
- Blogstar wrote:If it’s on a
- spdrun wrote:Do it yourself
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- It’s not like we residents of
- “Kirkland,” or 10-cent
- This phenomenon (and the fact
- spdrun wrote:Why does anyone
- treehugger wrote:BG I
- treehugger wrote:”Most people
- Being the “road warrior” that
- flu wrote:The nice thing
- flyer wrote:As far as MD’s in
- flyer wrote:BG, agree the job
- Escoguy wrote:15 years ago
- Another HUGE problem of many
- flyer wrote:It’s interesting
- Back to the OP, I’ve posted
- flu wrote:IF you say so.Yes,
- I don’t blame any one group
- flu wrote:Anyway, blame all
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Over
- I don’t think the average
- mixxalot wrote:Well I am
- flyer wrote:Many articles
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- Let us take into account that
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- Oh, and uh, HELLO? EVERYONE
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:I wouldn’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I believe
- FlyerInHi wrote:What’s up
- Hobie wrote:Quote:I’ve used
- flu wrote:teaboy wrote:Thanks
- I haven’t been paying
- Good post summarizing the
- no_such_reality wrote:While I
- My kid and 3 roommates (all
- mixxalot, if you’re actually
- mixxalot wrote:Point Loma,
- Synchrony Bank (NJ) also has
- Property Taxes Tax data from
- bearishgurl
- Here’s a street-view pic of
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I’m
- Here’s a 8558 sf vacant lot
- Yikes!! On the 24th,
- The only area in SD County I
- no_such_reality wrote:. . .
- mixxalot wrote:I found a lot
- mixxalot wrote:I found a lot
- Uhh, flu, if this is your
- Oh, and btw, Prop 13 and its
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- Perhaps (for the parent
- paramount wrote: . . .
- A first-time buyer (“FTB”) or
- paramount, the problem with a
- mixxalot, here’s a search
- mixxalot wrote:I see a lot of
- Happs wrote:bearishgurl: What
- As I stated before here, NSR,
- There has been three “heirs”
- no_such_reality wrote:At that
- no_such_reality
- urbanrealtor wrote:Per my
- I forgot to add that a large
- Question for the Piggs:
- I’m now very interested to
- bearishgurl wrote:livincali,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG,
- FlyerInHi wrote:AN
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- Based upon my rough
- If “Horse Creek will fund
- The-Shoveler wrote:BG there
- The-Shoveler wrote:This is
- davelj wrote:I, for one, and
- I just looked over the bill
- no_such_reality wrote:You
- Leorocky wrote:The state
- The-Shoveler wrote:LOL So no
- Commuting over one hour each
- The-Shoveler wrote:What
- The-Shoveler wrote:You
- The-Shoveler
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- Oh, and people CAN drive
- The-Shoveler wrote:This has
- livincali, I don’t see a
- livinincali wrote:I think
- FlyerInHi wrote:Learn what,
- As far as land used for
- Oh, and I don’t see Jerry’s
- Ha, ha, NSR! I think ALL
- no_such_reality wrote:That
- Like CAR, I don’t believe
- NSR, I could see your point
- Well, HLS, both of your links
- IMO, this young lady (age
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- EconProf wrote:BG: Not
- I don’t want to hear any more
- no_such_reality
- Yes, NSR, Prop 13 needs to be
- no_such_reality wrote:Since
- no_such_reality wrote:I
- ltsdd wrote:livinincali
- Sorry for the long T/J, HLS,
- flyer wrote:BG, I’d be the
- Like CAR, I agree that Prop
- flyer wrote:It’s true there
- Prop 13 was legally
- My kids played for Bonita
- livinincali wrote:I have the
- EconProf wrote:OK
- EconProf wrote:BG: I fully
- The Golden State bestows
- flyer wrote:BG, when you’re
- Oh, and regular professional
- H@ll, maybe I’ll just buy a
- flyer wrote:The many members
- bibsoconner wrote:Very
- The Paragon charts speak
- SK in CV wrote:111 where I am
- Nonethless, I’m reserving my
- Regardless, we in SD County
- I’ve always used very good
- The YMCA of SD County charges
- Between the two choices you
- .. .This timely piece just in
- thejard wrote:I have a hard
- thejard wrote:I agree with
- thejard wrote:I have a hard
- Rich Toscano
- poorgradstudent
- deadzone wrote:bearishgurl
- deadzone wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:. . . People
- spdrun wrote:I have to say
- spdrun wrote:Yet the
- deadzone, you must be aware
- deadzone wrote:bearishgurl
- That’s all well and good,
- ltsdd wrote:I doubt very much
- deadzone wrote:You are naïve
- Gata wrote:Housing market is
- gzz wrote:My grandparents
- Jim the Realtor wrote:But the
- I agree with everyone,
- dumbrenter wrote:lifeisgood
- Here are my thoughts on the
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:That’s just a
- spdrun wrote:If you have a CD
- spdrun wrote:If you have a CD
- spdrun wrote: . . . I much
- I want to repeat here again
- flu wrote:Well, we will find
- KristopherSD, don’t decide to
- svelte wrote:No longer our
- You can get a passport now
- My first Q is, “How do you or
- gzz, I think a Sentri Pass is
- Actually, when push comes to
- rockingtime wrote:Yeah, my
- I should add that even though
- Uhhh, rockingtime, I WAS
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, not a bad
- brian, whoever purchased that
- brian, here’s a large
- Well, I’ve posted it here
- Blogstar wrote:Just looked
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:BG, you are
- FlyerInHi wrote:Yesterday, I
- Hobie wrote: . . . So why
- Again, I’m not against
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:In
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- In other words, an American
- FlyerInHi wrote:How does
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl —
- spdrun wrote:
Imagine the
- AN wrote:svelte
- Oh and btw, I roll thru
- AN wrote:jeff303 wrote:Why,
- Hi TG.
Nice to hear from you
- Just popped in to look around
- FIH, here are 13 current SFR
- scaredyclassic wrote:Spent
- FlyerInHi wrote:If I were a
- I guess the thrust of the
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I just
- dupe
- FlyerInHi wrote:The-Shoveler
- shoveler, LA County really
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:On second thought.
- joec wrote:I agree that a lot
- Columbus Day to Veteran’s Day
- spdrun
- flu wrote: . . . At $1.375,
- spdrun wrote:No one here is
- I guess all those antiquated
- I do believe some people can
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- Gawd, I’m failing to
- AN wrote:BG, you’re
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:You speak as if
- I would have loved to buy a
- IMO, there really is no
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:I do think home
- My monthly PITI outlay is
- spdrun wrote:Or banks will
- ltsdd wrote:flu wrote:If this
- ltsdd wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:Get a room, you
- The folks that run LM don’t
- ltsdd wrote:bearishgurl
- La Mesa is absolutely boomer
- ltsdd wrote:spdrun wrote:Who
- spdrun wrote:Who wants to be
- In looking at the photos of
- Dukehorn wrote:What a
- Why don’t any of these
- flu, clearly, you’re now
- FlyerInHi wrote:Of course,
- Folks, I want to know exactly
- flu wrote:This is awesome.
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, the San
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, new
- FlyerInHi wrote:Jazzman
- Jazzman wrote:BG, if we take
- spdrun wrote:Maybe my level
- flyer wrote:Imo–as long as
- spdrun wrote:No one is saying
- flu wrote:FWIW: I really
- Just for sh!ts and giggles,
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- joec wrote:The problem, bg,
- flu wrote:Maybe there are
- flu wrote:Well, 1.1-1.3 is
- svelte wrote:Not to freak you
- Canadian wrote:bearishgurl
- Canadian wrote:Thanks a lot
- Essbee wrote:I hate the lack
- spdrun wrote:Taxes are about
- scaredyclassic wrote:I am
- CAR, the insurance rep came
- The-Shoveler wrote:Expensive
- spdrun wrote:Everything here
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t have
- scaredyclassic wrote:best
- spdrun, I see nothing in the
- thejard wrote:It is funny you
- Back when I turned 50, I
- scaredyclassic wrote:just got
- Believe it or not, there are
- spdrun wrote:svelte: it’s not
- AN wrote:BG, did you list
- svelte wrote:spdrun wrote:Who
- scaredy, my advice is to get
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- SK in CV wrote:BG, this
- Back to the “marriage” thing,
- The seller pays a prorated
- If the accessory dwelling is
- Don’t do it, flu. An IRA
- scaredyclassic wrote:One
- SK in CV wrote:… One of my
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- bearishgurl wrote:…I just
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:The-Shoveler wrote:
- dumbrenter wrote:I’m gonna
- scaredyclassic wrote:. . .
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flyer wrote:That’s good to
- Flyer, it doesn’t seem like
- I agree with flyer in that
- There’s no law mandating
- cvmom wrote:bearishgurl
- Norco reception center awaits
- svelte wrote: . . . Scaredy –
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . .
- Just a couple fav summer
- The-Shoveler wrote:I think
- The-Shoveler wrote:IMO as
- Folks, your “millionaire next
- AN wrote:What is the
- Very interesting info, nla.
- flu wrote:I guess all these
- It takes a village to raise a
- deadzone wrote:If both kids
- FlyerInHi wrote:The education
- I wouldn’t have said this 4-5
- If Gata and her spouse
- Gata wrote:I’ve been
- flu wrote:scaredyclassic
- If I had a student loan, I
- scaredyclassic wrote:but
- CA renter wrote:…It’s been
- FlyerInHi wrote:flu wrote: I
- AN wrote: … If my kids are
- deadzone wrote:Well my
- flu wrote:AN wrote:flu
- Deadzone, my youngest is
- deadzone wrote:flu
- deadzone wrote:Okay, give me
- I think the CSU is now much
- skerzz wrote:Didn’t know
- skerzz wrote:Didn’t know
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, in
- skerzz wrote:Not sure, but
- Gas is more economical than
- skerzz wrote:bearishgurl
- skerzz wrote:Coronado Hills
- skerzz wrote:Any reputable
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, some
- I got my SDGE bill this
- rockingtime wrote:Just
- Whether the residential RE
- KristopherSD wrote:This is
- KrisopherD wrote:This is just
- Kris, LM is not considered
- On second thought (I haven’t
- joec wrote:I usually just
- flyer wrote:As you, BG, we
- flu wrote:…What does this
- spdrun wrote:
It’s like
- Of course, it’s water under
- I want to know if the
- Why would a small investor be
- spdrun wrote:They’re
- joec wrote:Yeah, since this
- If you don’t mind my asking,
- spdrun wrote:Since when is no
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, compare
- AN wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:Or
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t love
- KristopherSD
- Jazzman wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:Nit to pick: a
- spdrun wrote:I think package
- I’m glad you’re enjoying your
- I forgot to add that a condo
- I agree with svelte, here, as
- I spend 4 hrs a month just
- I just looked at both price
- FlyerInHi wrote:I have some
- FlyerInHi wrote:I predict a
- scaredyclassic wrote:High
- The-Shoveler wrote:Hobie
- rockingtime wrote:Cash in
- spdrun wrote:1300 sf is big
- flu, I know this is probably
- I purchased Netgear extender
- rockingtime wrote:Since you
- I just got a snail mail offer
- I’ve posted this before here,
- lpjohnso wrote:Hi all, I’m
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:Jazzman
- scaredyclassic wrote:At under
- It is really immaterial
- flu wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- scaredyclassic wrote:i talked
- I just have a couple of
- UCGal wrote:scaredyclassic
- Essbee, he can speak for
- FlyerInHi wrote:I mean a
- FlyerInHi wrote:San Gabriel
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I don’t
- Actually, the east/northeast
- svelte wrote:Folks here talk
- I agree with both Shoveler
- CA renter wrote:Thanks,
- CA renter wrote:Okay, I’m
- spdrun wrote:2% per annum
- The tax bill is legitimate.
- Since both of you are now
- mid-century era “Chaise
- harvey
- spdrun wrote:Unless you live
- CA renter wrote:. . . BG (and
- FlyerInHi wrote:I think
- spdrun wrote:Public
- spdrun wrote:Bearishgurl: I’d
- FlyerInHi wrote:Isn’t public
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:True.
- Hatfield wrote:Glad to hear
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- localguy wrote:BG’s post on
- The-Shoveler wrote:flu
- Even though SD County is
- My advice for parents of high
- CA renter wrote:Awesome news
- harvey wrote:A while back,
- FlyerInHi wrote:Don’t buy
- AN wrote:harvey wrote:Ok, but
- CAR, I DID play with Turbo
- Lol, I just sat down to take
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:I have no idea what
- Inasmuch as I can’t stand
- zk wrote:bearishgurl
- Rich Toscano
- zk wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:zk
- I now see the whole thing
- My bad. I didn’t look
- OT: All I can say is, Thank You, God!
- CAR, I’ve been swamped but I
- CA renter wrote:I appreciate
- kev374 wrote:Two interesting
- CA renter wrote:Please read
- CAR, I’ve never “dictated”
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:kev’s ex
- Thanks for your diatribe,
- CA renter wrote:Link for
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- Yes, it was the right
- I want to add that it doesn’t
- CA renter wrote:It would make
- CA renter wrote:Agreed, but
- When I got home from a long
- Good post by CAR in response
- CAR, my kids played outside
- Blogstar wrote:Lots of work
- In my long post above, I
- scaredyclassic wrote:How
- I can’t tell you all how many
- CA renter
- flyer wrote:I’ve read quite a
- joec wrote:I’ve posted before
- scaredyclassic wrote:big
- Well, scaredy, I didn’t get a
- Here’s an alternative to
- scaredyclassic wrote:mt san
- Blogstar wrote:Great public
- ..
- Blogstar wrote:Great public
- All CA CC’s are in the same
- zk wrote:bearishgurl
- The dire climate of CA public university admissions for freshmen
- blogstar wrote:Someone
- scaredy’s most recent
- I just returned from an
- scaredyclassic wrote:This is
- Well, your decison to buy a
- I don’t see the four cities
- FlyerInHi wrote:Losing
- spdrun wrote:
A ~$500K home
- The-Shoveler wrote:flu
- This interesting study by the
- spdrun wrote:^^^
- desmond wrote:flu wrote:Texas
- spdrun wrote:Bearishgurl: I’m
- desmond wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:Not really. You
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Perfect project
- FlyerInHi wrote:Flu. I own
- spdrun wrote:Too much money
- flu wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:flu
- flu wrote:I’d take silicon
- flu wrote:spdrun wrote:Get a
- desmond wrote:I guess you did
- FlyerInHi wrote:Blogstar
- njtosd wrote:OK, Brian, you
- Blogstar wrote:. . . The grow
- Blogstar wrote:Stage
- SK in CV
- I forgot to add that the
- McCluer South Berkeley High
- I think some of you ought to
- ctr70 wrote:I rent up in
- Nazzy_17 wrote:Yes,
- AMEX Platinum is not a
- livinincali wrote: . . . I
- CA renter wrote:Yes, the
- phaster wrote:The-Shoveler
- scaredyclassic wrote:I’d
- zk, I’d like to know what you
- zk, you’re making the same
- I totally agree with flyer
- zk, all I was trying to point
- FlyerInHi wrote:I personally
- flyer wrote:I’m sorry to see
- zk wrote:bearishgurl
- I think hoarding is a form of
- Hi CAR, I went back Wed to
- zk wrote:flyer wrote: “Why
- Federal officials and water
- nla wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- +1 on your diatribe, scaredy.
- CA renter wrote:Yep, I
- scaredyclassic wrote:If he’s
- bewildering wrote:The most
- NYMom, if your spouse wants
- CA renter wrote:NYMom,
- I’ll take a look at Green
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- NYMom wrote:Yes, I’ve been
- MYMom, if you don’t live in
- moneymaker wrote:I’d say
- carli wrote: . . . Many
- spdrun wrote:Considered
- NYMom wrote: . . . we have a
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- I forgot to add that MH has
- NYMom wrote:I totally hear
- Happs wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote:BG, I hope
- The-Shoveler wrote:Others
- Happs wrote: . . . San Marcos
- The-Shoveler wrote:It’s just
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:San Diego has
- UCGal wrote:What made you
- FlyerInHi wrote:Doctor thinks
- Everybody’s got an opinion
- UCGal wrote:NIMBYism on
- livinincali wrote:Just go to
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:I was
- The-Shoveler wrote:… Like I
- CA renter wrote: . . . No
- spdrun wrote:
I was in Tracy
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . .
- spdrun wrote:I’d sooner buy a
- Shoveler, Tracy is not
- The-Shoveler wrote:I don’t
- Yes, melanoma can grow like
- I don’t believe that CA
- spdrun wrote:I can understand
- AN wrote:The-Shoveler
- spdrun wrote:
spdrun, those
- The-Shoveler wrote:That is
- The-Shoveler wrote:I did a
- Happs wrote:Lots of office,
- The-Shoveler wrote:I was
- patb, the “tech bubble” in
- flu wrote:. . . If you have a
- spdrun wrote:
- Here is the answer to your
- pencilneck
- brian, your most recent post
- CA renter wrote:BG, there are
- OMG, livinincali! I had no
- All the Prop 8 letters in SD
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:We’ll, see another
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:I was
- HLS wrote:Flu,
You are
- FlyerInHi wrote:HLS wrote:The
- flu wrote:Cheap homes and
- FlyerInHi wrote:… They key
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearishgurl
- LOL, brian, I’ve used
- joec wrote:Agreed…I think
- HLS, I’ll read the
- I understand about the
- SK in CV wrote:joec wrote:I
- joec wrote:bearishgurl
- joec wrote:bearishgurl
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote: …. You’re
- I’m living in an area which
- I can’t believe this thread
- It’s not just “boomers,”
- spdrun wrote:Bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:Whether a home
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredy, if you listed your
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- joec wrote:bewildering
- bewildering wrote:I like the
- scaredyclassic wrote:i once
- Someday that’s going to be
- scaredyclassic wrote:zk
- spdrun wrote:
Also, certain
- werdna wrote:I’m not much of
- Oh, and a “slow down” in the
- Here we go again.
There has
- SDowner, be happy you
- scaredyclassic wrote:forget
- ltsdd wrote:HLS wrote:ltsdd
- I get all my newz from TMZ
- The $64M question is, “Will
- spdrun wrote:…
- spdrun wrote:
Some parents
- Interesting thread. I
- Imho, all you worker-bee
- EconProf wrote:Let’s step
- CA foster kids successfully
- Foster kids may also be
- scaredyclassic wrote:Even if
- Blogstar wrote:I wouldn’t
- Isn’t the expectation of an
- livinincali wrote: . . .
- scaredyclassic wrote:Further
- scaredyclassic wrote:Blogstar
- Just to clarify, a school
- I just saw this comment in
- …. Further, Judge Treu
- scaredyclassic wrote:children
- The political winds are changing direction in re: Prop 13 loopholes
- I just found a moment to
- flu wrote:scaredyclassic
- I understand. I have had
- LA, I take it you’re now
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- This was in the news this
- brian, not ALL women “lack
- bearishgurl wrote:Sevilla has
- Rowe Petition for Rehearing
- patb, I’ve now had a chance
- I don’t know exactly how RE
- Thanks so much, ER,
- Blogstar wrote:…If it was
- kev374 wrote:@bearishgurl, I
- kev374 wrote:what if the
- The red flag for me would be
- I just pm’d ER to see if he
- harvey wrote:Your credit
- livinincali wrote:Maybe this
- spdrun wrote:I thought if
- Effect on credit score of canceling/downgrading my AMEX card
- Sevilla has until Monday (the
- sdrealtor wrote:Too much fun
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- AN, if you don’t mind my
- Gunslinger wrote:Like it or
- ucodegen wrote: . . . might
- CA renter wrote:joec
- Oh, and uh, Sevilla is no
- Lurking on and off here and
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- Oh, hey flu, I just saw your
- FWIW, La Jolla proper has
- AN wrote:I’ve been saying for
- flyer wrote:Back the pioneer
- Just saw
- kev374 a surprise
- I forgot to add that our
- spdrun wrote:Yet smoking
- livinincali
- Good points CE and I’ve got
- They’re just not speaking up,
- no_such_reality wrote:Your
- Blogstar wrote:all
- no_such_reality wrote:This is
- SD Realtor wrote:nsr stop
- no_such_reality wrote:Didn’t
- I think the fear of the
- CDMA ENG wrote:I think
- no_such_reality
- jeff303 wrote:bearishgurl
- flyer wrote:Agree with these
- no_such_reality wrote:The
- SD Realtor wrote:NSR I cannot
- no_such_reality wrote:Yea,
- all wrote:spdrun wrote:Wait,
- del
- scaredy, what are you growing
- no_such_reality
- spdrun wrote:Wait, so
- spdrun wrote:I think they
- My kid has a reading
- spdrun wrote:Yet when I
- The-Shoveler wrote:From my
- no_such_reality wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:What about to
- 6packscaredy wrote:I like the
- I put Lake County on my
- spdrun wrote:Unless they find
- 6packscaredy wrote:No
- 6packscaredy
- 6packscaredy wrote:Stupid
- spdrun wrote:Most of whom
- scaredy, if you want to check
- I think Arcata has the name
- 6packscaredy wrote:what about
- If given the choice between
- scaredy, I was last there in
- Jazzman wrote:Dear
- flu wrote:well I just did a
- spdrun wrote:I’m not
- As a couple of other posters
- spdrun wrote:Meh, disagree on
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t know
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, let’s
- AN wrote:Bg, just because I
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- flu, instead of taking up
- Leorocky wrote: . . . Our
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- flu states that,
- FlyerInHi wrote:BTW, here is
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . Now
- FlyerInHi wrote:Bearish, the
- FlyerInHi wrote:bearish, you
- exsdgal wrote:Here is a
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- I just called and the
- spdrun wrote:Only on
- CDMA ENG wrote:You had it
- CE, I think you might be be
- spdrun, how much does an
- And paramount, you must know
- 6packscaredy wrote:according
- paramount wrote:Thanks
- Of course, Pigg flu is the
- SK in CV wrote:BG, sometimes
- spdrun wrote:Why are dues
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- ucodegen
- spdrun wrote:Really difficult
- CDMA ENG wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- tc wrote:I am a union
- CA renter wrote:AN wrote:CAR,
- I visited CoveredCA today,
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- I forgot to mention that on
- citydweller wrote:BG, thanks
- citydweller wrote:The
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Oh, I understand all that,
- This just
- ER, you’ve made my point for
- Blogstar wrote:Died out
- UCGal wrote:BG –
Once again
- earlyretirement wrote:It just
- earlyretirement
- ER, it’s just that your ardor
- ocrenter wrote:I do recall a
- ER, your entire post is about
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- citydweller wrote: . . . Does
- Even though I’ve come very
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- no_such_reality
- citydweller, the way I see it
- This out this morning on
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, cares
- 6packscaredy wrote:doesnt our
- In my case, I don’t want to
- bearishgurl
- Thanks for responding so
- I just placed a PM to
- Between yesterday and today,
- I would highly recommend that
- There is still potential for
- njtosd wrote:Here’s my
- njtosd wrote:Here’s my
- no_such_reality
- citydweller wrote:I’ve just
- no_such_reality
- FlyerInHi wrote:GE and IBM
- no_such_reality wrote:SK in
- no_such_reality wrote:I’m
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:I’m confused.
- spdrun wrote:Bearishgurl, so
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . .
- flu wrote:SK in CV wrote:Your
- 6packscaredy wrote: . . .
- I figured thousands of
- earlyretirement wrote:Thanks
- ER, I just found this set of
- dumbrenter
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement
- SK in CV wrote:. . . The
- SK in CV wrote:all
- The “close in” areas were
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote:ER,
- 6packscaredy wrote:i forgot
- SD Realtor wrote:Just another
- EconProf wrote:Wanna
- kev374 wrote:Zillow says my
- FlyerInHi wrote:I will get on
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . I got
- FlyerInHi wrote:6packscaredy
- zk wrote:bearishgurl wrote:
- 6packscaredy wrote:middle age
- flyer wrote:Flyer, it’s true
- flyer wrote: . . . Everyone
- 6packscaredy wrote:Ultimately
- Former SD resident wrote:bg-
- CA renter wrote:Just a
- flyer wrote:Agree that there
- 6packscaredy wrote:…I
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG it takes
- no_such_reality wrote:I must
- SD Realtor wrote:I know of a
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, turnover
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- 6packscaredy wrote:Ultimately
- 6packscaredy wrote:…I don’t
- FlyerInHi wrote:Don’t knock
- no_such_reality wrote: … As
- SD Realtor wrote:Very well
- no_such_reality
- CDMA ENG wrote:…Our
- spdrun wrote: . . . “Rent
- The-Shoveler wrote:In the
- SK in CV wrote:…My point
- CA renter wrote:CDMA ENG
- If that is you, scaredy, I
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:I’ve heard
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote: . . . My
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote:. . . Agree
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Again, folks … “salaries”
- AN wrote:…Income went up
- AN wrote:Here’s the
- Jazzman wrote:BG said “In a
- dumbrenter, the (mostly
- dumbrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality wrote:BG,
- Y’all are also forgetting
- Actually folks, most of these
- SK in CV wrote:That was fun!
- CA renter wrote:BG,
There are
- flu wrote:Welcome to Carmel
- Jazzman wrote:
. . . [S]igns
- harvey wrote:…This is why
- The-Shoveler wrote:When you
- Very interesting older
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality wrote:At what
- I just got back with staying
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- In order for the current FHA
- The first three listings are
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- I meant to add that the
- spdrun wrote:Perhaps this is
- SK in CV wrote: … If it
- HLS wrote: … FHA has
- The next thing the FHA should
- It appears that 90% of the
- SK, are you implying here
- SK in CV wrote:…In many
- njtosd wrote: . . . I
- bearishgurl wrote:The
- bearishgurl wrote:Boxer and
- The ever-present Allred is
- I keep seeing pots and
- paulflorez wrote:Filner
- paramount wrote:I heard
- The most-recent and “15th
- 6packscaredy
- paramount wrote:BG: If one
- Paramount, I remember when
- Sorry, I meant to say earlier
- Blogstar wrote:The principal
- 6packscaredy wrote:plus
- flu, I don’t personally know
- 6packscaredy wrote: … we
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote: . . . I think
- SK in CV wrote:As I said BG,
- SK in CV wrote:BG, none of
- I just noticed the findlaw
- SK in CV wrote:BG, do you
- Oh, and FIH, in CA, a
- FlyerInHi wrote:nj, you seem
- new to SD wrote: . . . * Ask
- sdsurfer, I’ve owned several
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- sdsurfer, how big is your lot
- new to SD wrote: . . . I
- new to SD wrote:I will tell
- new to SD, there are probably
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:Hmmm…
- flyer wrote:Actually, the
- The-Shoveler wrote:Actually
- The-Shoveler wrote:You left
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- no_such_reality wrote:Maybe
- spdrun wrote:What I don’t get
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . .
- flyer wrote:Per the trend of
- FlyerInHi wrote:Bearish, you
- Jazzman wrote:LOL! Great to
- Hi Piggs, saw my name here
- SK in CV wrote:…
- I think SK makes some good
- kev, I’ve only been able to
- livinincali wrote: . . . The
- FlyerInHi wrote:Kev, my
- HLS wrote:kev374 wrote:yes,
- kev374 wrote:yes, but the
- kev, if you don’t mind my
- HLS, are you trying to say
- Yes, I too agree with your
- TemekuT wrote:My heart goes
- CardiffBaseball wrote:Thanks
- CardiffBaseball wrote: . . .
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- SK, your brother is very
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality wrote:You can
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- You bolster my argument, NSR,
- Off the top of my head, I was
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . It is
- outtamojo wrote:Left-over
- I just noticed insurance
- I got a letter from my
- oooreallly wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote: . . . just
- patb, this can’t happen in
- Fair enough, flu. I haven’t
- flu wrote:ltsdd wrote:
We all
- Allan from Fallbrook
- ocrenter
- Tom Lemmon of the San Diego
- ocrenter, I’m sure you
- livinincali wrote:Schools in
- FlyerInHi wrote:The use of
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG, I’m not
- FlyerInHi, the original
- Because of Prop 13’s progeny,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAR, I belong
- jimmy1977 wrote:Hi
- SK in CV wrote:The-Shoveler
- CA renter wrote:No, increases
- SK in CV wrote: . . . Your
- all wrote:People living in
- all wrote:The point was the
- no_such_reality wrote:SK in
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:Well I
- earlyretirement wrote:…BG,
- HLS, I saw a piece on “60
- earlyretirement wrote:…You
- ER, I viewed three of your
- If Prop 13 is repealed but
- ER, I think it is wonderful
- Happs, I think if you try the
- Yes, birmingplumb, after the
- flu wrote:jimmy1977
- HLS wrote: . . . Having
- FSD, that was my thought,
- jimmy1977 wrote:Hi HLS
- njtosd wrote:BG – you ask
- DaCounselor wrote: … As I
- flyer wrote:What’s really
- all wrote:njtosd wrote:…I
- Thank you for your RANT,
- Oh, good L@rd, nj (are you
- drboom wrote:My wife taught
- I get tired of reading over
- btw, folks, Lincoln HS in SD
- sjglaze3 wrote:Hi I just had
- njtosd wrote:BG – I searched
- westwood wrote:I really don’t
- jimmy, the reason you will
- jimmy, the listing you placed
- SK in CV wrote:To the
- DaCounselor wrote:What spdrun
- DaCounselor wrote: . . .
- FishGuy wrote:I went to LJES,
- DaCounselor wrote:Thanks for
- kev374 wrote: . . . I am
- CA renter wrote:BG,
Where in
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:So who
- A photo in this Primetime San
- Rhett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:…Again they
- Scarlett, I never stated that
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK not
- Rhett wrote:. . . 2. 7:30 –
- Rhett wrote: . . . Like the
- Stuck wrote:I was trying
- Rhett wrote:. . . there
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote: .
- Rhett wrote:Since this has
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Uhhh, Stuck?? Don’t you
- nazzy, flyer is correct that
- Here’s the more recent county
- zzz, I am also female and
- zzz wrote:thx BG, its a 3yr
- bearishgurl wrote:I forgot to
- I forgot to add that, as a PP
- Gosh, treehugger … if your
- Run your vehicle in the Auto
- SD Realtor wrote:It can be
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SD Realtor wrote:The fact
- t36tran wrote:…Why would
- SK in CV wrote: . . . I’d
- SK in CV wrote:BG, It’s
- I don’t see Pelletier as
- t36tran wrote:Couldn’t sleep.
- kkun wrote:One question I am
- In the absence of an arrest,
- We would need the address or
- SK in CV wrote:I suspect the
- I’d be curious as to what was
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- all wrote:And the article
- bearishgurl][quote=all
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- kev374 wrote:which Toyota’s
- WOW, it looks like we have
- Allan from Fallbrook
- spdrun wrote:Totally
- spdrun wrote:That’s why
- kev374 wrote:$1300 for
- spdrun wrote:I’d take a jeep
- spdrun wrote:Me, I *LOATHE!*
- spdrun wrote:Bg – haha.
- miata_deathtrap
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality
- My bad. Subaru Forresters
- kev374 wrote:How about the
- paramount, if you currently
- paramount wrote:Are you being
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:My 2009
- I agree with ER that the
- EconProf wrote:Don’t obsess
- bearishgurl on July 21, 2012
- treehugger, I would LOVE to
- TemekuT wrote:BG – that was
- Sorry to hear your son’s
- The-Shoveler wrote:Whatever
- The-Shoveler wrote:This is a
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . . You
- Shoveler, I haven’t yet read
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I think
- btw, last time I checked
- Quote:All campuses of UC
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote: .
- earlyretirement wrote:I
- HLS wrote:You seemed to have
- livinincali wrote: . . .
- True, shoveler. All areas
- kev, where are all these
- Quote: . . . Will it be talk
- Ricechex wrote:Hi All,
- spdrun wrote:What’s the harm
- Ricechex wrote:Hi All,
- SD Squatter wrote:sbridge2013
- My comments below regarding
- spdrun wrote:(1) Yep, NJ is
- spdrun wrote:”The NAR was the
- The NAR was the main lobby
- SK in CV wrote:Concur.
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:I guess the main
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I just
- jpinpb wrote:BG – I am into
- I wanted to add that I think
- SK in CV wrote:So it actually
- SK in CV wrote:BG, what would
- all wrote:A friend of mine
- CA renter wrote:Sorry, BG,
- CA renter wrote:BG,
- Good for YOU, spdrun! And at
- ctr70 wrote:A the time being
- SK, I think kev was shopping
- flyer wrote: . . . Like many
- kev374 wrote:You should
- WOW, a 9700 sf lot??
- Quote:….It was listed for
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Adame, if your condo is near
- SK in CV
- kev374 wrote:…Let me ask
- kev374 wrote:best to stay out
- kev, I take it from your post
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Well, ER, the people I’m
- earlyretirement wrote:…I
- joec wrote:I always found it
- If former students with good
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:all
- I want to clarify that I
- all wrote:It’s ok to be exact
- all wrote:zk wrote:
I’d be
- outtamojo wrote:The new
- I don’t know if SD County
- SD Realtor wrote:…The only
- zk wrote:…I’d be interested
- livinincali wrote:FHA default
- livinincali wrote:… Most of
- livinincali wrote:I don’t
- Scarlett wrote:What segments
- earlyretirement wrote:I don’t
- Jazzman wrote:You are also
- CA renter wrote:BG,
- flyer wrote:Agree CAR and SK,
- I just spoke to a former
- spdrun wrote:
I don’t
- SK in CV wrote:I left Carmel
- I just spent over an hour
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- If any prospective homebuyers
- JohnAlt91941
- spdrun wrote:Horseshit.
- all wrote:bearishgurl wrote:
- desmond, I don’t think
- desmond wrote:Sell one, move
- kev374 wrote:LMAO, the
- Remember, kev, that after
- The-Shoveler wrote:… Also a
- The-Shoveler wrote:”Since
- Jazzman wrote:All makes
- The-Shoveler wrote:In defense
- kev, just like this thread,
- earlyretirement
- The-Shoveler wrote:Funny I
- Thanks, SK, for clarifying
- ER, your assumptions about me
- I think CSU must have “dumbed
- Essbee wrote:bearishgurl
- I believe the listing in my
- SK in CV wrote:Essbee
- Here’s a fun new map I got in e-mail today
- The-Shoveler wrote:Sounds
- livinincali wrote: . . .
- all wrote:The owner does not
- It is clear here that English
- Sounds like the makings of
- Folks, I’m now seeing
- livinincali wrote: . . . The
- earlyretirement wrote:…Yep.
- The-Shoveler wrote:Really I
- spdrun wrote:Offer is moving
- sdresident, aren’t there any
- I hear you, ER. I wouldn’t
- equalizer wrote:Since prices
- moneymaker wrote:How do you
- kev374 wrote: . . . By
- kev374 wrote:This sounds
- MM, correct me if I’m wrong,
- moneymaker wrote:I will put
- SD Realtor wrote:…Any
- recordsclerk wrote:Not much
- recordsclerk wrote:I wouldn’t
- CA renter wrote:all
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- all wrote: . . . it’s all
- all wrote:Quote:all, I don’t
- Happs wrote:. . . What
- Quote:…In our case my wife
- all wrote:Happs wrote:
- all wrote:Few SD/OC upper
- I wanted to clarify that in
- I agree with SDR that the
- Oh, and Happs, regarding the
- Happs, I’ve been asking the
- How Boomers retiring en masse will affect the CA housing market
- Arraya wrote:The big
- This just in …
Saying she
- SK in CV wrote:Those damn
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Other
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Article
- The-Shoveler wrote:I had one
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- SK in CV wrote:Agree with all
- The-Shoveler wrote:In
- SD Realtor wrote:SK in the
- FormerSanDiegan
- SD Transplant wrote:Another
- EconProf wrote:CAR: if they
- Throughout history, very few
- spdrun, along with your
- Hatfield wrote:I’ve got
- Yikes, that “thing” (what
- jimmyle wrote:This is one of
- This area has “gentrified”
- Fantastic “snow tour,”
- WOW, obviously a SS which
- spdrun wrote:I think she’s
- ER, we’ve discussed this
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Here’s
- When paramount posted his
- zk wrote:BG, your staunchest
- CA renter wrote:Not
- paramount wrote:The USPS is
- earlyretirement
- CA renter wrote: . . . Just
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I think
- CA renter wrote: . . . I
- flyer wrote:As someone who
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:Consumer
- Essbee wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- livinincali wrote:How do you
- Ren wrote:My finances are
- UCGal wrote:There are plenty
- spdrun wrote:Bearishgurl
- EconProf wrote:BearishGirl:
- If PHX and its surrounding
- Ren wrote: . . . It isn’t
- spdrun wrote: . . . i.e., as
- spdrun wrote:By the time it’s
- Ren wrote: . . . Of course I
- ctr70 wrote:Done, over, end
- paramount wrote:The
- The entitlement culture of
- Here is the link I discussed
- EconProf wrote:What these
- Here is a snapshot of the
- I’m in receipt of the 63 pg
- earlyretirement wrote:I was
- earlyretirement wrote:BG.
- dumbrenter wrote:this plan is
- earlyretirement wrote:Read
- craptcha wrote:You replied to
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote: . . . I guess
- SK in CV wrote:In 1960,
- no_such_reality
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- craptcha, if you’re a
- craptcha wrote:bearishgurl
- no_such_reality wrote:Because
- spdrun wrote:Some buyers will
- no_such_reality wrote:I
- sdduuuude wrote:Perhaps the
- SK in CV wrote:Let’s put some
- The-Shoveler wrote: I was
- no_such_reality
- SK in CV wrote:spdrun, are
- spdrun wrote:SK in CV:
- no_such_reality
- SD Realtor wrote:Nobody else
- sdduuuude wrote:….In fact,
- Rich Toscano wrote: . . .
- SD Realtor wrote:So
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- SD Realtor wrote: . . .
- spdrun wrote:If you see an
- David J wrote:I believe this
- It appears Joe C decided he
- $90K divided by 29 parcels is
- Looks like Deee-TROIT is
- I glanced over the article
- I’m starting to “downsize”
- flyer wrote:Just checking in
- I have no further comment re:
- deadzone wrote:And why don’t
- deadzone wrote:I think this
- ltsdd wrote:bearishgurl
- deadzone wrote:Are you
- deadzone wrote:BG, although I
- dupe
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- deadzone wrote:BG, if you
- Jazzman wrote:CA Renter, your
- ltsdd, you didn’t do the math
- ltsdd, it is clear here that
- ltsdd wrote:bearishgurl
- CAR and deadzone, are you
- deadzone wrote:By the way,
- deadzone wrote:BG, may I ask
- earlyretirement wrote:…BG,
- deadzone wrote:Who are they
- deadzone wrote:The days of
- And for every
- deadzone wrote:…That said,
- earlyretirement wrote:…But
- livinincali wrote:Looks like
- no_such_reality
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flyer wrote:…What I meant
- Think of it as having an “AA
- flyer wrote:…As far as
- earlyretirement wrote:Me
- earlyretirement wrote:flyer
- flyer wrote: . . . Looking at
- The “key word” here is
- I gotta take a break myself,
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- ER, Mayor Mo’s story could be
- flu, if it turns out to be
- earlyretirement wrote:…I
- SD Realtor wrote:Shoveler
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- SD Realtor wrote:…Also no
- flu, you are free to sit all
- spdrun wrote:Good. Should
- 2 and 4 don’t make sense
- earlyretirement wrote:jstoesz
- CA renter wrote:BG, you’re
- spdrun wrote:It’s still
- Oh, and btw, nsr, SF has
- The “sheen” has worn off
- no_such_reality
- no_such_reality wrote:BG, any
- no_such_reality wrote:BG, any
- Here’s another link in
- Honestly, I know it won’t
- no_such_reality
- no_such_reality
- paramount posted a LA Times
- SD Realtor wrote:Nope u just
- Back to flu’s lamenting that
- SD Realtor wrote:BTW the
- SD Realtor wrote:If it can be
- SD Realtor wrote:We left
- btw, I’ve personally talked
- SD Realtor wrote:I am not
- spdrun wrote:And the pitfalls
- no_such_reality
- Why don’t y’all “prospective
- Very well-built house asking
- flu wrote: . . . When you
- I don’t think MM qualifies as
- flu wrote:Another zip code in
- flu wrote:…And as ER
- earlyretirement wrote:…
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun is dumb like a fox
- flu wrote:earlyretirement
- earlyretirement wrote:Yeah, I
- flu wrote:earlyretirement
- flu, can I just inquire as to
- Unless the property is right
- spdrun wrote:Here’s one condo
- AN wrote:You have a partner
- SD Realtor wrote:Cash flow
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:flu –
- spdrun wrote:Institutional
- desmond wrote:Yes, everybody
- spdrun wrote:What about
- The-Shoveler
- The-Shoveler wrote:Sprawl,
- SK in CV wrote:Let’s look at
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . . If
- SK in CV
- ER, when a patron is visibly
- earlyretirement wrote:…Man,
- I have many childhood
- I’m not “gullible” re:
- Acc to the Huffpost article
- SK is correct. Depending
- Here’s a more in-depth
- earlyretirement wrote:”The
- recordsclerk wrote: . . .
- SDowner, I’m not a “SR
- spdrun wrote: . . . Unlike in
- spdrun wrote:Actually, SR-1
- I bought a kitchenaid 6 yrs
- Happs, it is actually SR-1
- spdrun wrote:I didn’t think
- spdrun wrote:Why was the
- The-Shoveler wrote:Not saying
- The-Shoveler wrote:I have
- The-Shoveler wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Shouldn’t vacant
- afx114 wrote:Clearly, desmond
- WOW, I just looked at the
- spdrun wrote:
Even if they DO
- spdrun wrote:Wrong about
- spdrun wrote:What is the
- ctr is right. There are
- methinks this isn’t going to
- dhart760 wrote:The boat
- flu wrote:On second
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- sdduuuude
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:Uh, if a business
- Since one of Dorner’s victims
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote: .
- SK in CV wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote: . . . BTW, last I
- sdduuuude wrote:In my
- davidaaronhart… wrote:There
- paramount wrote: . . .
- sdduuuude wrote:So, you don’t
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- The assessor would have
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- sdduuuude wrote:Here’s a fun
- Wow, Redfin has some handy
- Okay, I just joined Redfin
- spdrun wrote:Strangely, the
- Homeowners Association
- SK in CV wrote:That area is
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: . . . If you think
- AN wrote:The other side of a
- Want_to_Retire
- spdrun, is your first xc
- spdrun wrote:…I don’t see
- spdrun wrote:DC can’t really
- spdrun wrote:For what it’s
- spdrun wrote:Coastal Maryland
- spdrun wrote:No plans to
- Want_to_Retire wrote:…RV
- Absolutely gorgeous,
- I often wonder how former CA
- CA renter wrote: . . .
- Want_to_Retire
- ucodegen wrote:…To get to
- spdrun wrote: . . . People in
- davidaaronhart… wrote:I
- flyer wrote: . . . Depending
- spdrun wrote:However, it’s
- sdsurfer wrote:spdrun
- Good post, paulflorez.
I just
- …”We are seeing more
- ucodegen wrote: … PS:
- I read the article, as well.
- CA renter wrote:I wonder how
- spdrun wrote:But some of the
- flyer wrote:Not that it would
- toots wrote: . . . The GS
- paramount wrote:toots
- flu wrote:sdduuuude
- toots wrote:What prompted you
- Freddie Mac has now decided to allow “strategic default” under certain conditions
- In its request for proposal,
- flu wrote:Hey, now there’s a
- paramount wrote:One thing
- sdduuuude wrote:bg – that was
- Some of you may already be
- livinincali wrote:bearishgurl
- patb wrote:we may still be
- flu wrote:Wow borrowing
- sdduuuude wrote:As for me,
- CA renter wrote:BG,
Not sure
- flyer wrote:BG, although I,
- flyer wrote:I agree, TS. As a
- The-Shoveler wrote:At least
- flyer wrote:Another
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:Funny, SD
- The-Shoveler wrote:Most of
- sdduuuude wrote:Calculated
- CA renter wrote: … I think
- carlsbadworker wrote:CAR,
- CA renter wrote: . . . For as
- Wow, I never would have thunk
- What about a group home?
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: …
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:BG – I
- sym wrote:BG, I am not saying
- earlyretirement wrote:Fast
- I’m rather incensed that some
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- livinincali wrote:SK in CV
- SD Realtor wrote:It is also
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- flu wrote:Oni Koroshi
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- Oni Koroshi wrote:Why do you
- CA renter wrote: . . . BTW,
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- AN wrote:BG and Essbee, of
- Essbee wrote:AN wrote:Maybe
- AN wrote:Maybe math have
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:BG –
- zzz wrote:….nor does your
- craptcha wrote: . . . So, did
- flu wrote:…You see BG.
- zzz wrote:BG, reality check,
- flu wrote:meh.. it’s just a
- zzz wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- craptcha wrote:BG, you said
- AN wrote:BG, do you have to
- cvmom wrote:earlyretirement
- I saw the video in Sports
- It’s just not all as “gloom
- I am surrounded by boomers
- flu, re your last post, I
- I’m failing to see why
- AN wrote:Lot B+, house D-.
- SK in CV wrote:I think you
- I forgot to add that there is
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- gzz, this house is going on
- It’s such a cool house that
- L@rd, I so-o-o-o wish I could
- flyer wrote:Yep, not far from
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:Which tax preparer
- flu wrote:BG, you really
- flu wrote:BG, you really
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: . .
- SK in CV wrote:Note the date
- earlyretirement
- Does any Pigg know exactly
- I find it strange that the
- flu wrote:I don’t get the
- flu wrote:Ummmm…
You do
- flyer wrote:BG, I think
- I guess Cali finally got
- Zillow, which typically
- I forgot to add that 99% of
- earlyretirement wrote:Yeah
- scaredy, you might want to
- squat300 wrote:Hmmm.
Need to
- squat300 wrote:Would it pay
- Happs, I’ve had two 27″ ovens
- UCGal wrote: . . . Start
- Oops, I just saw in the
- no_such_reality wrote:…If
- no_such_reality wrote:As I
- I forwarded this map to my
- no_such_reality wrote:BG,
- no_such_reality
- earlyretirement wrote:SK in
- no_such_reality wrote:BG, I
- no_such_reality wrote:SK in
- no_such_reality
- paramount wrote:NeetaT
- mike92104 wrote:SK in CV
- CA renter wrote:Thanks for
- CA renter wrote:They need
- I was just perusing Wiki and
- I was just looking at the
- I guess Gen Y has no problem
- Well, I think there is a
- paul florez, from your
- CA renter wrote:It should
- CA renter wrote:BG,
You keep
- AN wrote:SK and CAR, if
- AN wrote: . . . Also, keep in
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- AN wrote:BG, what you say
- moneymaker wrote:The smart
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- poorgradstudent wrote:The
- livinincali wrote:equalizer
- moneymaker wrote:I don’t know
- AN wrote:I agree, divorce is
- AN wrote:The author lost her
- carlsbadworker wrote:Yes,
- SD Squatter wrote:The point I
- paulflorez wrote:That’s
- SD Squatter wrote:SD Squatter
- I wish you all the best, flu.
- IN SD County, I think you, as
- sdduuuude wrote:BG – you
- The-Shoveler wrote:Near the
- bearishgurl wrote:This year
- nhamlin wrote:I am a real
- The-Shoveler wrote:Shoveler’s
- CA renter wrote:flyer
- In my last post, I meant to
- flu wrote:Are you concerned
- deadzone wrote:I agree with
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- Jazzman wrote:I agree with
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- SmellsFeeshy wrote: . . .
- SmellsFeeshy
- SmellsFeeshy
- SmellsFeeshy, I see now that
- AN wrote:Maybe you should try
- Any new housing development
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:…So…. Looks
- This just came in:
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:SK in
- SK in CV wrote:It did both.
- Jazzman wrote:All things
- desmond, I just listened to
- AV, as far as “interest
- anxvariety wrote: … I am
- anxvariety wrote:I think rent
- anxvariety, I would suggest
- CA renter wrote: . . . As for
- flu wrote:No….
No offense.
- flu wrote:creechrr wrote:What
- creechrr wrote:What year car?
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu, I know LOTS of people
- As an aside, a Federal
- sjk wrote:…Public-private
- no_such_reality wrote:BG,
- no_such_reality
- sdduuuude wrote:…I betcha
- SK in CV wrote:…I’m not
- CA renter wrote: . . . I
- UCGal wrote:Only anectdotal.
- EconProf wrote:I’ve heard
- As to a possible Federal
- davelj wrote:…My point is
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:If
- AN wrote:BG, I was referring
- Thanks for beating me to the
- AN wrote: . . . Just for fun,
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:The more
- Most potential sellers don’t
- carlsbadworker wrote: . . .
- outtamojo wrote: . . . It IS
- EconProf wrote:Not mentioned
- outtamojo wrote:. . . I am
- spdrun wrote:Hey, I didn’t
- carlsbadworker
- FT college is the right thing
- spdrun wrote:Problem is that
- This link was in JTR’s
- This article in the UT just
- Jazzman wrote:bearishgurl
- My posts were really not
- Jazzman, I’m sure you’re
- jstoesz wrote:I started
- barnaby33 wrote:Prices on
- Hobie wrote:citydweller
- spdrun wrote:”Le tout sur 4.4
- Jazzman wrote:As I already
- Jazzman wrote: . . . Soon
- spdrun wrote:Dirt cheap as
- Jazzman wrote:I think I paid
- ctr, have you visited some of
- Hobie wrote:Love ya BG but
- Jazzman wrote:I should I
- Hobie wrote:Ok BG pull a
- Hobie wrote:Just stay away
- Jazzman wrote:SDEaves
- Tracy will welcome Amazon
- Very insightful post,
- flu wrote:…I “fixed” the
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- Uhh, I remember glancing at
- SDEaves wrote:BG,
Just as you
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote:BG, I don’t
- spdrun wrote:Frankly, in an
- CA renter wrote:…I know an
- CA renter wrote:paramount
- urbanrealtor wrote:SDEaves
- I just pm’d Pigg UR on your
- Even though its only five
- I am unaware of any appraisal
- SDEaves wrote:The affordable
- Would the five “affordable
- LOL ….. wonder if 125% LTV
- UCGal wrote:All I can say is
- Diego Mamani
- desmond wrote:Just got back
- CA renter wrote:BG,
- Blogstar wrote:Sorry bg, it’s
- Blogstar wrote:….If people
- Blogstar wrote:”But the joe6p
- Blogstar wrote:There is a lot
- CA renter wrote:. . . BG, it
- no_such_reality wrote:How bad
- ocrenter wrote:moneymaker
- CA renter wrote:Yet, some
- spdrun wrote:Neighbors’
- spdrun wrote:Why bother
- CA renter wrote:FWIW, I
- My household of 1.5 people
- SD Squatter wrote:I think
- I saw that the supes were
- spdrun wrote:…Lastly, it’s
- squat250 wrote:…Personally,
- flyer wrote:Going forward,
- craptcha wrote:A friend of
- kkun wrote:Bearishgirl- Your
- squat250 wrote:i figure i’ll
- To be clear, I never intended
- kkun wrote:I wonder why
- squat250 wrote:…Judge Glenn
- flyer wrote:And more food for
- flyer wrote:BG–Very
- spdrun wrote:The pay is good,
- ucodegen wrote:Oilfield pay
- flu wrote:Cool…
Hey, I’m
- I’ve currently got three
- Hobie wrote:Can anyone else
- earlyretirement wrote:Just an
- It will stop when the lenders
- flu wrote:don’t believe
- The $100K jobs no one wants
- Here’s CA’s “Homebuyer Recovery Timeline”
- That’s fantastic news,
- AN wrote:flu wrote:If
- ljinvestor wrote:I’m in the
- CA renter wrote:Tell me about
- CA renter wrote:livinincali
- flu wrote:New
- The-Shoveler wrote:Guy’s your
- spdrun wrote:So he’ll have a
- spdrun wrote:TSOR says that
- spdrun wrote:Insurance is
- I meant to say, if Fannie had
- no_such_reality wrote:No it
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Insurance is
- no_such_reality wrote:spdrun
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- CA renter wrote:BG,
- Closer to “home,” another
- FHA loans going to “Rebound Buyers” just ~3 years out of foreclosure/BK
- AN wrote: . . . You never
- spdrun wrote:AN: You’re
- I have a theory about moving
- AN wrote:…You providing
- squat250 wrote:bearishgurl
- ucodegen wrote:One of the
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:BG, thanks for a
- I don’t know about the state,
- UCGal wrote:If he’d been
- squat250 wrote:well, he’s
- no_such_reality
- no_such_reality wrote:LOL, so
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:Again,
- CA renter wrote:ctr (or is it
- spdrun wrote:If the garage in
- ltsdd wrote:spdrun wrote:What
- spdrun wrote:…Injun
- spdrun wrote:…Re: Oklahoma
- spdrun wrote:Speaking of the
- no_such_reality wrote:I mean
- Oh, and btw, CTR, I can tell
- ctr70 wrote: . . . I wrote in
- no_such_reality wrote:You all
- AN wrote:The funny part is,
- ctr, have you ever considered
- flu wrote:…There was a
- spdrun wrote:Handouts.
- jstoesz
- If Cal State wants students
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:CA
- Oni Koroshi wrote:I’m in
- Does the voting public
- Absolutely, scaredy. As I
- spdrun wrote:SF has a lack of
- AN wrote:1st one is bleh.
- spdrun wrote:Because SoCal
- ctr70 wrote:Now Santa Fe NM
- AN wrote:Since we’re on a
- ctr70 wrote: . . . you either
- squat250 wrote:in defense of
- sdduuuude, would it be worth
- KarlsGood wrote:I have lived
- AN wrote:I still think the UC
- AN wrote:KarlsGood wrote:How
- Back in ’94, we poured a 17 x
- Yes, flyer is correct. A
- spdrun, does your bldg have a
- matt-waiting wrote:squat250
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Not
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:BG, Plumosa Park
- AN, I was focusing on city
- SD Realtor wrote:The view
- AN wrote:There must be more
- sdduuuude wrote:I think you
- AN, correct me if I’m wrong
- scaredy, of course it depends
- spdrun wrote:Construction
- spdrun wrote:47 years old.
- CA renter wrote:My vote is
- spdrun wrote:Married. Two
- spdrun wrote: . . . As far as
- flyer wrote:As usual, you’re
- scaredy, I think the
- spdrun
- spdrun wrote:bearishgurl –
- spdrun wrote:If you can
- squat250 wrote:one way law
- …[Keckley] predicted
- jstoesz wrote:Have you
- martin, in the wake of recent
- flu wrote:squat250 wrote:he
- spdrun wrote:F— reciprocity
- spdrun wrote:State
- svelte wrote:Over the last 4
- flyer wrote:It is interesting
- UCGal wrote: . . . (Picture
- SDEaves wrote:Our dear friend
- SDEaves wrote:Thanks for your
- SDEaves wrote:We found it
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- Navydoc, I see you’ve
- mike92104 wrote:bearishgurl
- I can’t right now but later
- flu, I believe educating our
- ctr70 wrote: . . . The only
- Ren wrote:flu wrote:I don’t
- Hi jstoesz, I just got an
- Kishy wrote:- I think I’d
- Is keeping poultry allowed in
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . . in
- Kishy, are you an American?
- I don’t consider SM a
- svelte, I have a question for
- UCGal wrote:I vote townhouse.
- Good L@rd! Oops …
As I
- SDEaves wrote:Thank you so
- moneymaker wrote:How about
- SDEaves, the Piggs would need
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- Essbee wrote:bearishgurl
- From the choices you gave,
- For starters, Johnson,
- OT: Ramifications of the passing of Props 34 and 36
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:flu
- Jazzman wrote:I’m only
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:~
- flu, why don’t you give the
- sdduuuude wrote:birmingplumb
- flu wrote:birmingplumb
- Strike that (this is why we
- Acc to its shareholder fund
- enron_by_the_sea
- birmingplumb, I recently
- flu wrote:dumbrenter
- flu, if you have the
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- I agree with Rus that
- I realize a lot of these
- Jazzman wrote:Mills Act
- ocrenter wrote:AN wrote:
- Just checking in … carry on
- I see a qui-tam suit in the
- ocrenter wrote:go away,
- livinincali, my property is
- carlsbadworker wrote:Or you
- spdrun wrote:~
Lastly, the
- Thanks, flu! I think I’ve
- livinincali wrote:The market
- The annual tax savings alone
- Ponies for ALL
- scaredy, just stick with your
- spdrun wrote: ~
Lastly, low
- spdrun wrote:Why bother in SD
- UCGal wrote:BG-
- As a potential seller in the
- spdrun wrote:Those “deep SS
- spdrun wrote:Assuming the
- An avg of $111K each seems
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:I gave Former
- I’m re-e-e-a-a-a-ally partial
- As predicted, Fannie is beginning to sell blocks of assets in bulk to REITs
- Full explanation here …
- birmingplumb wrote:Not to
- CA renter wrote:BG,
Why not
- Luv it, scaredy … :)
- AN wrote:flu wrote:One of my
- livinincali, Gen Y (the
- CA renter wrote:Call me
- flu wrote:Well it’s clear
- flu wrote:…
* And wow, no
- bobby wrote:so….
we closed
- flu wrote:Blogstar
- briansd1 wrote:I filed
- Blogstar wrote:briansd1
- Blogstar wrote:Should they
- To edit my post above, I
- If “existing retirees” and
- My understanding is that
- spdrun wrote:Are the
- spdrun wrote:Are the
- flu wrote: . . . Some of us
- flu wrote:no_such_reality
- Question for the Piggs:
- CA renter wrote:Fact-based
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Home
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Now,
- SD Realtor wrote:There are
- earlyretirement wrote: …
- spdrun wrote:… or condo
- early, the SD County Assessor
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote:. . .
- joec wrote:In the end, there
- CA renter wrote:IMHO, people
- Here’s a more recent
- This topic was already
- Do any Piggs know if it is
- nla wrote:The original owner
- Trustees Deed filed 10/27/11
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- SK in CV wrote:Do you have a
- The SSN prefix info is now
- SK in CV wrote:Thanks BG,
- Birmingplumb, if you can’t
- SK in CV wrote:What is the
- My study has been a “comedy
- ocrenter wrote: . . . As for
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:I can tell
- I have one and don’t use it
- CEA charges me $185 annually
- disimilar1 wrote:I would NOT
- briansd1 wrote:BG, you
- briansd1 wrote: . . . There
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:I don’t know
- jstoesz wrote:No one argues
- briansd1 wrote:Are you
- briansd1 wrote:. . . My
- squat250 wrote:I left law
- bobby wrote:up to $20K?
- …a study by mortgage data
- flu wrote: . . . And some of
- flu wrote:You know…
- Diego Mamani wrote:From a
- Diego Mamani
- I agree with SDR to shop
- sd gal wrote:Personal loan of
- dumbrenter wrote:It is very
- no_such_reality
- flu, an individual with $110K
- I’m just curious how sd gal
- Jazzman wrote:First,
- Jazzman wrote: . . . I really
- spdrun wrote:The one
- bobby wrote:Speaking from
- squat250 wrote:i have a new
- It is unbelievable to me that
- Wantoceanview wrote:It came
- briansd1 wrote:I recall
- If I could have gotten
- I actually have well over the
- spdrun wrote:…How hard does
- Given all that our “esteemed”
- Jazzman wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:squat250
- pencilneck, I refer to them
- jstoesz wrote:I may be
- pemeliza wrote:. . . Second,
- Brutus wrote:A $250K a year
- Jazzman wrote:BG, here’s some
- dumbrenter
- AN wrote:briansd1 wrote:An
- AN wrote:blake wrote:Md.
- From the OP,
You continue to
- The-Shoveler wrote:The
- Jazzman wrote:BG, a
- “Typical” case in point.
- ocrenter wrote:I still think
- harvey wrote: . . . There’s a
- The-Shoveler wrote:aahh,
- harvey wrote:ocrenter
- It appears here that the
- Jazzman wrote:BG, do you
- carli wrote:Hey, BG, if
- The infamous “Eugene Brucker
- . . . Right now, the district
- poorgradstudent wrote:I, for
- flu wrote:. . .
1. How about
- zk, are you in SD County?
- matt, how many sf does your
- Jazzman wrote:^^^Not sure I
- flu wrote:What do you guys
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote: .
- spdrun wrote: … I’ve made
- desmond wrote:On one of my
- flu wrote:jimmyle wrote:Great
- maverick wrote:bearishgurl
- I’m happy for you, scaredy,
- maverick, did you list your
- scaredy, a cursory Auto
- spdrun wrote:Better the devil
- scaredy, just tuck a couple
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- dup
- . . . or join your anvil twin
- briansd1 wrote: . . . There
- briansd1 wrote:BG, that’s why
- Declines of 60% or better hit
- It seems “Prophet CAR” hit
- Diego Mamani
- Diego Mamani wrote:I like my
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Find an ugly
- Back to the OP. zzz, I
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- birmingplumb wrote: . . .
- svelte wrote:My son bought a
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Toy pickups and 4-runners can
- ocrenter wrote:Agree, toyota
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote: .
- squat250 wrote:5 spd manual
- Awesome post,
- What many people may not be
- The-Shoveler wrote:… Same
- The-Shoveler wrote:Funny how
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- 10. Before you sign that
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . . Los
- #1 My Dad (toured Italy WW2 )
- no_such_reality wrote:BG,
- The-Shoveler wrote:Very Good
- As to CAR’s earlier links
- no_such_reality wrote:Total
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Congrats sd_matt!
The LM
- birmingplumb wrote:UPDATE . .
- heywood wrote:A prius is not
- spdrun wrote:I paid $2500 for
- spdrun wrote:
Except by
- birmingplumb wrote: . . . p.s
- birmingplumb wrote:Guy is
- Brutus wrote: . . .
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:Just to be
- sdrealtor wrote:CE
That fire
- HLS wrote:lpjohnso wrote: we
- HLS wrote: . . . With FHA
- HLS, I wasn’t thinking Mark
- sdrealtor wrote:So the
- lpjohnso wrote:… As far as
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . If
- deadzone wrote: . . . While
- Aecetia wrote:A very good
- sdrealtor wrote:I was curious
- spdrun wrote:…Yeah, we
- Why do you want to refinance
- Second largest employer:
- flyer wrote: …It’s still
- flu wrote: . . . (end of long
- spdrun wrote:
Prick was a
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:.
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote: .
- sdrealtor wrote:In our first
- paramount, the SCRA used to
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:There is a
- flu wrote:VAB’s are assessed
- bearishgurl wrote:flu, these
- AN wrote:flu wrote:Yes, but
- flu, these “fixed charge
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:Thanks
- flu wrote:Pull up your
- In Eastlake Hills (91913 –
- flu wrote: … Why are there
- flyer wrote: . . . but many
- A lot of central LA County
- I actually exited to buy gas
- sdrealtor wrote:…In Logan
- pemeliza wrote:BG may rub
- flu wrote:Not following
- sdrealtor wrote:Ren
What some
- spdrun wrote:So you claim
- Ren wrote: . . . I’ve got a
- spdrun wrote:CA doesn’t have
- So, LA, will you rent here
- Back to the OP.
I’m hoping
- Ren wrote: . . . To each his
- Fearful wrote:Here’s your
- AN wrote:This Rolex Datejust
- spdrun wrote:As long the
- In every house I’ve had, I
- Ren wrote:…I think it’s
- Ted, it is jurisdictional,
- flyer wrote: . . . We happen
- spdrun wrote:Hope you used
- jwizzle wrote:moneymaker
- flyer wrote:. . . Got the
- AN wrote:I love some of the
- squat250 wrote:…and
- Back on topic, I’ve always
- CAR, I know you won’t be
- paramount wrote:…I still
- Jazzman wrote: . . . I bought
- no_such_reality wrote: . . .
- Another sad tale of
- sdrealtor wrote:…The bitter
- The cookie-cutter-tract and
- spdrun wrote:OB has good
- livinincali wrote:Here’s a
- DaCounselor wrote:I’m glad
- cabal, your preferred age of
- The bill also apparently
- County Assessment has nothing
- cabal, have you considered
- cabal wrote:@bearishgurl –
- squat250 wrote:I am nauseated
- ocrenter wrote:Did a search
- squat250 wrote:It is a
- harvey wrote:I don’t think
- no_such_reality wrote:I’ll
- briansd1 wrote: . . . I would
- no_such_reality
- spdrun wrote:…Wasn’t San
- briansd1 wrote:…Like it or
- I am against elderly legal
- It is true that many members
- It should be noted here that
- Wantoceanview
- sdduuuude wrote:…By the
- Obviously, it must be “hot
- sdduuuude wrote:Isn’t there
- This is very, very
- spdrun wrote:Re: AT&T
- I just looked at aerial
- spdrun wrote:
Too cheap to
- You can use any carrier that
- sreeb wrote:bearishgurl
- SFR inventory is extremely
- Hobie wrote:You’re not.
- mike92104 wrote:Easy: “What
- deadzone wrote:…While a
- brian, I DO worry about my
- spdrun, I’ve got Gen Y kids
- spdrun wrote:^^^
Good to
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- UCGal wrote: . . . I think
- spdrun wrote:…They ponied
- Diego Mamani
- Do you have at least a $5K
- kkun wrote:…Every house in
- spdrun wrote:This didn’t have
- kkun wrote:There is another
- It appears to be a stone’s
- SD Squatter wrote:bearishgurl
- spdrun wrote:^^^
I’d suspect
- Hobie wrote:Spd: Makes you
- spdrun wrote:Story to tell —
- SD Squatter wrote:Maybe so,
- spdrun wrote:Pffffffft. My
- desmond wrote:bg-
La Fonda is
- …Since 2009, Stockton has
- (from the OP) flu
- SD Squatter wrote:Ok, here
- Allan from Fallbrook
- sdrealtor wrote:Why is it ok
- SD Realtor wrote:Once
- sdduuuude wrote:sdrealtor
- sdrealtor wrote:…Thanx for
- SK in CV wrote:deadzone
- I’m sure all those AriDzona
- AN wrote: . . . My brother’s
- UCGal wrote:I had a
- …Stockton’s finances
- desmond wrote:sdr,
If your in
- I travel the both the
- The OP specifically asked if
- Coronado has great public
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . Oh
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . You
- spdrun wrote:
I would also
- SD Realtor wrote:If I were
- spdrun wrote:If the OP is
- “New England” could be rural
- I’m not seeing this OP as
- poorgradstudent wrote:Out of
- spdrun wrote:Unlikely to
- briansd1 wrote:I have no
- spdrun wrote:Do more people
- To answer your questions
- flu wrote:spdrun wrote:Do
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:
- no_such_reality wrote:Thank
- flu wrote:sdrealtor… You
- spdrun, most of the condo
- Essbee wrote:Interesting.
- sdrealtor wrote:It must be
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:sdrealtor
- harvey wrote:…Do a google
- pri_dk/harvey, I see you
- flu wrote:…I think me and
- AN wrote:SD is way overrated.
- harvey wrote:. . . Let’s not
- zzz wrote:thanks sdr and SD
- sdrealtor wrote:9 offers and
- zzz wrote:SDR and BG…yes
- zzz wrote:…So it sounds
- UCGal wrote: . . . Lots of
- SD Realtor wrote:…As a
- flu wrote:…FYI: there are
- The county PA employee
- flu wrote:Well to complete my
- harvey wrote:no_such_reality
- no_such_reality wrote:CD,
- AN wrote:briansd1 wrote:BG,
- Since pri is obviously
- There are oil pumping
- I paid $200 (contract rate
- Always studying and
- harvey wrote:Ok, so SK has
- paramount wrote:To answer
- Hobie wrote:Me thinks, is got
- paramount wrote:pssst, BG.
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- harvey wrote:…More
- ucodegen wrote:…Ok guys..
- svelte wrote:How much does it
- briansd1 wrote:Regardless of
- no_such_reality wrote:June 7,
- NSR, you really should be
- briansd1 wrote:…You forgot
- briansd1 wrote:…He’s paying
- Always studying wrote:This is
- The “greater Tijuana (BC)
- lifeisgood wrote:I disagree.
- harvey
- I also know someone who
- AN wrote:I was assuming BG
- btw, Rhett, did you and
- Rhett wrote:Save for one
- lifeisgood wrote:You said
- Rhett wrote:…On the other
- lifeisgood wrote:What I was
- I’m with AN. The
- AN wrote:BG, no, lot size is
- flu wrote:Happens all the
- sdrealtor wrote:The comment
- AN wrote:BG, I never claimed
- AN wrote:Thanks for the laugh
- 92111 Clairemont is a better
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:If you
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- Actually, flu, if you’re
- AN, one need only examine the
- AN wrote:no_such_reality
- squat250 wrote:…I think
- squat250 wrote:We don’t want
- scaredy, you’re probably
- squat250 wrote:Should,
- Essentially, what I’m trying
- ltsdd wrote:…I don’t have a
- Unfortunately, it isn’t fair
- sdrealtor wrote:Every house I
- squat250 wrote:Here’s a side
- This just in on Yahoo
- flyer wrote:Standard of
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:AN
- flu wrote:Did the fuzz still
- AN wrote:I’m confused, why
- flyer wrote:As an early
- no_such_reality wrote:BG, be
- ltsdd wrote:So how are these
- flu wrote:So let me ask you
- flu wrote:Well ok great. So
- flu wrote:…I’m sorry. But
- flu wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- CONCHO wrote: . . . If you
- I like an “investment” that I
- no_such_reality
- Yes, flu. I stand by my
- kev374 wrote: . . . And, this
- harvey wrote:. . . But please
- HLS wrote:Twilight Zone
- AN wrote:SK in CV wrote:Why
- birmingplumb wrote:I cannot
- squat250 wrote:…It’s very
- briansd1 wrote:AN, I agree
- AN wrote:BG, none of those
- svelte wrote:jstoesz wrote:
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:HOA and taxes
- UCGal wrote:…But I’ve got
- scaredy, do you wear
- Allan from Fallbrook
- From the OP’s article:
- I see now that the article
- I don’t know the facts of
- ocrenter wrote:Nice video.
- I believe this “shadow
- I don’t know where the
- dupe.
- I just perused this
- markmax33® wrote:sdrealtor
- flu wrote:…I feel bad more
- briansd1 wrote:…The article
- briansd1 wrote:…But
- My understanding from this
- ocrenter, that is a beautiful
- markmax33® wrote:You don’t
- ocrenter wrote:Got it. Yup,
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK to each
- sdduuuude wrote:I spent the
- Glad to see CE can finally
- flu wrote:…There’s always
- desmond wrote:…College is
- Even at this late date, sdr
- moscin wrote:…My wife is
- CDMA ENG wrote:sdr is
- sdrealtor wrote:…OK…now
- jwizzle wrote:flu – what high
- desmond wrote:It will
- I see it taking 6+ years to
- SD Realtor wrote:No I am not
- flu wrote:SD Realtor
- Uhhh, pri-“harvey,” the
- AN wrote:…I’m a established
- sdrealtor wrote:Location,
- Allan from Fallbrook
- There is no effing way
- flu wrote:ocrenter wrote:oh
- sdrealtor wrote:I would
- flu wrote:You know. Two
- harvey wrote:ctr70 wrote:End
- Hobie wrote:Note to self, pre
- Your posts are always crystal
- jstoesz wrote:anvil
- AN wrote:markmax33® wrote:I
- CDMA ENG wrote:…And for the
- flu wrote:ayy yahhh!… I
- sdrealtor wrote:Just a side
- Thank you for your post, HLS.
- sdrealtor wrote:Just a side
- flu wrote:1. Do you think
- fat_lazy_union (aka “flu”)
- fat_lazy_union (aka “flu”)
- Wow, flu, all I can say is
- SD Realtor wrote:I showed a
- harvey wrote:fat_lazy_union
- harvey (aka pri_dk) wrote:A
- SD Realtor wrote:It is
- harvey wrote:SD Realtor
- AN wrote:….You seem to
- Oh, and uh, congrats to the
- AN, Compare MMHS (area you’re
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- AN wrote:…WRT Bonita Vista
- AN wrote:BG, you’re right,
- AN wrote:flu wrote:Well in on
- flu wrote:outtamojo
- Upon a closer look, the
- Does anyone understand that
- I’m noticing the CA API
- Dublin High in my old
- I got a gas cooktop at Worst
- GE Profile makes at least one
- harvey wrote:I think our
- harvey wrote:If our public
- SDR, can you post a link of
- …Rob Magnotta, a real
- Questions for HLS, ctr70 or
- HLS wrote:We are witnessing
- jstoesz wrote:BG, you said
- squat250 wrote:Squat n shower
- I have learned over the years
- Both good posts. If RP loses
- Lender malaise is truly the
- EconProf wrote:I love the
- I’m so there with you on
- walterwhite wrote:I’ve been
- AN wrote:Flu, nice take over
- The walter I knew seemed to
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:sdrealtor:
- paramount wrote:I built a
- Bluefin wrote:We are planning
- squat250 wrote:scaredycat =
- scaredy, I’m proud of you if
- Insist on an owner’s title
- markrnax33 wrote:markmax33
- carlsbadworker wrote:I
- sdrealtor wrote:Will they
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:You can
- AN wrote:In that case,
- I would buy a multimedia
- burghMan wrote:It’s captcha.
- markrnax33 wrote:markmax33
- He definitely can shoot a
- flu wrote:UCGal wrote:Here
- flu, you “hijacked” your own
- dumbrenter wrote:Is that it?
- It’s billed every two months
- This just in this
- omg, this very disturbing,
- The-Shoveler wrote: . . .
- ocrenter wrote: . . . the
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- captcha wrote: . . . How is
- SK in CV wrote:markmax33
- markmax33 wrote:…and since
- Not surprisingly, it sounds
- I just reregistered again
- Here is a link to Prop 60
- I agree with the authors that
- flu wrote:desmond wrote:One
- enron_by_the_sea
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:Now I
- pri_dk wrote:flu wrote:…And
- captcha wrote:bearishgurl
- (deleted by the admin as too
- Y-a-a-a-w-n … Ironically,
- Just thought I’d check back
- pri_dk wrote:bearishgurl
- pri_dk, I’d just like to ask
- mike92104 wrote:We went
- bobby wrote:thanks for
- mike92104 wrote:If you’re
- For the life of me, I don’t
- by CalculatedRisk on
- outtamojo wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote: . . .
- CA renter wrote:”SOME time
- TG, I will neither quote you
- briansd1 wrote: . . . I love
- example of brian’s “dream
- briansd1 wrote:pri-dk pointed
- bobby wrote:a little
- The-Shoveler wrote:There is
- sdsurfer wrote:…Worst
- HLS wrote:If the HOA had
- briansd1 wrote:Congrats to
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Maybe
- HLS wrote:Did you buy a brand
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . The
- For the past few weeks, I’ve
- The “11A” toner for my
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . You
- I’d like to see how scaredy
- I’m not a tax expert.
Did you
- The-Shoveler wrote:Thanks for
- Gotta hand it to ya, flu. It
- sdduuuude wrote:briansd1
- In January, I processed a
- I haven’t looked but my guess
- briansd1 wrote:Well, voters
- I loved your video, desmond.
- Tenting prices vary wildly
- sdrealtor wrote:Home prices
- HLS wrote: . . .
- HLS, the Piggs discussed this
- So, I take it that the
- UCGal wrote:kev374 wrote:was
- HLS wrote:IMHO the WORST
- flu wrote: . . . Assumption
- UCGal wrote:I’ll be the
- HLS wrote: . . . If CD rates
- HLS wrote:Comparing the
- bearishgurl wrote:Moneymaker,
- Moneymaker, if you have
- sdduuuude wrote:I can’t say I
- Jessica, if you have cash for
- Yes, follow UCGal’s link
- Jessica wrote:HOA pending
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I don’t
- Orca wrote:What do you think
- ltsdd wrote:sdduuuude
- sdrealtor wrote:Like I said
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- I just saw the 2nd 10 min
- I watched the 13 min video
- CA renter wrote:What “public
- AN wrote:Talking about the
- briansd1 wrote:I’m not glad
- temeculaguy wrote:20 story
- sdrealtor wrote:Essbee
- enron_by_the_sea
- Essbee wrote:bearishgurl
- Essbee wrote:I know about
- Essbee][quote=bearishgurl
- Essbee wrote:Sorry for
- Essbee wrote:OK, interesting
- Good thread starter,
- CONCHO wrote:…10 to 1 he
- outtamojo wrote:walterwhite
- walterwhite wrote:On my next
- sdr is correct that the train
- Very good post and good
- temeculaguy wrote: . . .
- sdrealtor wrote:AN wrote:BG,
- pri_dk wrote:…Why can’t
- flu wrote:BG, I don’t get it.
- SD Realtor wrote:I am waiting
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- The-Shoveler wrote:Fry’s and
- sdduuuude wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote: . . . Meanwhile,
- AN, what’s the point of
- AN wrote:BG, how do you have
- Yes, congrats, profhoff! I’m
- You’re “jumping the gun”
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry if you
- briansd1 wrote:…The problem
- The casino industry DOES have
- briansd1 wrote:I think Vegas
- UCGal wrote:briansd1 wrote:I
- flu wrote:Actually, if you
- SD Realtor wrote:Of course.
- markmax33 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:I think the
- SD Realtor wrote:…It has
- treehugger wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:Price
- sdrealtor wrote:Assessor is
- treehugger wrote:As a
- desmond wrote:How about some
- ocrenter wrote:Heres the
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont agree.
- sdrealtor wrote:I think you
- UCGal wrote:Markmax –
If you
- My tract’s CC&R’s (yes, from
- walterwhite wrote:I guess I
- dumbrenter, “welfare” (incl
- BKlawyer wrote:Great
- sdrealtor wrote:CW
There is
- pri_dk, thanks for posting
- carlsbadworker wrote:Do you
- EconProf wrote:…The trouble
- Congratulations, Oni! Five
- EconProf wrote:Actually, BG,
- econprof, I don’t know about
- briansd1 wrote:I agree
- I saw it and thought it sent
- CardiffBaseball wrote:Wifey
- briansd1 wrote:…The funny
- When I become eligible for
- exsdgal wrote:… What should
- sdrealtor wrote:Just ran some
- desmond wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:…With health
- briansd1 wrote:…In fact, I
- Hire PARRA to inspect your
- flu wrote:… I pay for my
- BKlawyer wrote:Wouldn’t touch
- briansd1 wrote:Actually,
- Jazzman wrote:bearishgurl
- I agree with markmax in that
- svelte wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote: . . . BG has
- sdrealtor wrote:Sounds good
- Essbee wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:I looked at
- Jazzman, the coming
- sdduuuude wrote:I’d suggest a
- briansd1 wrote:There is a
- Essbee wrote:Edited to add: I
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:So
- pri_dk wrote:Stressing over
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:You would have to
- UCGal wrote: . . . Next
- REOs are currently selling
- The-Shoveler wrote:Funny, I
- briansd1 wrote:BG, there’s
- UCGal wrote:I remember when
- AN wrote:…FYI, Fresno,
- sdrealtor wrote:I just love
- The-Shoveler wrote:While I
- sdduuuude wrote: . . . Maybe
- ctr70 wrote:This is a very
- AN, if you go to the bottom
- brian, you might consider
- briansd1 wrote:Thanks guys…
- I saw these two articles
- svelte wrote:…And yes get
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:…If
- Just curious about something,
- Essbee wrote:But shouldn’t
- In other words, if a longtime
- AN wrote:. . . Home owner
- Jazzman wrote:bearishgurl on
- Jazzman wrote:Bearishgirl,
- SD Realtor wrote:…So you
- Jazzman wrote:Username, you
- flu wrote:Ask Robert
- Username, if you think you
- bobby wrote:Thanks again. We
- bobby wrote:… a little
- outtamojo wrote:That area is
- bobby wrote:Should we (from
- What is your price range?
- briansd1 wrote:$140/sf for
- briansd1 wrote:Here’s a Mira
- briansd1 wrote:…Cars are
- paramount wrote: . . . There
- flu wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- I think it’s preferable (AND
- sdrealtor wrote:And
- flu wrote:Here we go
- bobby wrote:Bearishgirl,
- briansd1 wrote:pri_dk
- This is an uphill battle for
- captcha wrote:no_such_reality
- sdrealtor wrote:Some people
- SD Realtor wrote:How about an
- Actually, in case you haven’t
- jstoesz wrote:The 2010
- pri_dk wrote:The history of
- briansd1 wrote:BG, the tax
- davelj wrote:I’d guess
- The first property in 91914
- briansd1 wrote:BG, the urban
- sdduuuude wrote:Why should
- pri_dk wrote:Amazing how
- sdrealtor wrote:classic!
- sdrealtor wrote:I figured we
- briansd1 wrote: . . . I don’t
- desmond wrote:All this
- briansd1 wrote:I’m of the
- pri_dk wrote:Rich Toscano
- Rich Toscano wrote:That’s
- . . . In it, they make a
- Folks on “Medicaid,”
- It could be partly due to the
- I have several pets and am
- SM and SC counties (north of
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Thanks for
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- A cursory check on townhomes
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Thanks BG.
- urbanrealtor wrote:SD Realtor
- sdrealtor wrote:Another one
- sdrealtor wrote:Just setting
- Gosh …. I’m so sorry to
- I understand all this. As I
- briansd1 wrote:Bearishgurl,
- SD Realtor wrote:A contingent
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:…
- flu wrote:Not really, the
- no_such_reality wrote:Again.
- no_such_reality wrote:Is that
- pri_dk wrote:no_such_reality
- desmond wrote:One more thing,
- ucodegen wrote: . . . As for
- no_such_reality wrote:. . .
- sdrealtor wrote:pri
May I
- pri_dk wrote: . . . I want to
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- pri_dk wrote: . . .Do you
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Are there
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- CA renter wrote:sdrealtor
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . CRazy
- Arraya
- The Ritters have kept the
- briansd1 wrote:You may not
- To be frank, a couple of the
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- dupe
- pri_dk wrote:. . . You are
- flu wrote:. . . in recent
- pri_dk wrote:bearishgurl
- pri_dk wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:I never said
- I think I’m going to go find
- sdrealtor wrote:…When
- paramount wrote:sdrealtor
- temeculaguy wrote:paramount,
- sdrealtor wrote: … AS for
- svelte wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:…Now it all
- flu wrote:First off…
- Ren wrote:as wrote:Sorry to
- AN wrote:What make you think
- no_such_reality
- AN wrote:. . . Why would I
- flu wrote:Ok… enough is
- flu wrote:…How did this
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:Now that BG and
- flu wrote:BG, I don’t think
- briansd1 wrote:After thinking
- svelte wrote: . . . I don’t
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:San Marcos is
- sdrealtor wrote:svelte
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry but
- svelte wrote:BG, you have a
- svelte wrote:…We owned a
- I’m confused. You guys say
- briansd1 wrote:I’ll say what
- flu wrote:BG, why would I say
- EmilyHicks wrote:The roof of
- sdrealtor wrote:Is BGelgado
- briansd1 wrote:BG and CA
- AN wrote:BG, lets take a step
- briansd1 wrote: . . . “Moving
- CA renter wrote:Other public
- AN wrote:I didn’t say those
- SD Realtor wrote:Good thing
- Wah-Wah wrote:flu wrote:
- Wah-Wah wrote:AN wrote:flu
- flu wrote:BG, please help me
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . The
- EmilyHicks wrote:200 feet
- paranoid, let me ask you,
- Cube wrote:I’ve been
- The map indicates the BY of
- Here’s another “bubble
- sdrealtor wrote:Only the
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Fancy
- The City of Chula Vista spent
- I just want to know if
- delete
- sdrealtor wrote:Remember the
- briansd1 wrote:….I think
- SD Realtor wrote:It is
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- Navydoc wrote:…A 2000 sf
- ocrenter wrote: . . . by
- ocrenter wrote: … the
- Navydoc, even though you are
- Navydoc wrote:…Really can’t
- briansd1 wrote:…Btw flu,
- flu wrote:And it will be fun
- flu wrote:You’re missing the
- UCGal wrote:Sure you couldn’t
- flu wrote:You’re thinking way
- I just ran across this
- I just thought of a potential
- flu wrote:I’m pretty sure CA
- UCGal wrote: . . . Looking at
- State tax deductibility of all Mello-Roos charges threatened beginning tax year 2012
- Jacarandoso wrote:I agree
- paramount wrote:…They could
- Examining 250 properties
- sdrealtor wrote:…BTW next
- pri_dk wrote:It’s over.
- I’ve said it before and will
- May I
- I find it hilarious that RP
- scaredy, I thought you traded
- Directions to “Slab
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- EconProf wrote:…This looks
- OT: To Piggs who want to live super CHEAP, here’s your chance!
- From what I can see,
- briansd1 wrote: . . . The
- scaredy, I don’t think we’ve
- I know you were joking, TG,
- CONCHO wrote:Some thoughts:
- walterwhite wrote:I remember
- UCGal wrote:BG –
- temeculaguy wrote:Now that
- My “educated” guess is that
- UCGal wrote:UM… BG… AN
- AN, I saw your link to LA
- AN wrote:…There’s nothing
- sdrealtor wrote:kcal09
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- I saw in Albertson’s last
- WOW, afx!! Great post! I’ve
- briansd1 wrote:…The nice
- UCGal wrote:A note on high
- sdrealtor wrote:Great
- temeculaguy wrote:BG, she is
- frossty wrote:My budget’s
- SD Realtor wrote:…What will
- markmax33 wrote:…The
- SD Realtor wrote:It is very
- dupe
- markmax33 wrote:sdrealtor
- markmax33 wrote: . . . As
- temeculaguy wrote:Looks like
- UCGal wrote:Did you ever get
- booter1 wrote:Thx BG-yes I
- booter1 wrote: . . . If we do
- Agree with pri_dk here. My
- svelte wrote:Conditional and
- jstoesz wrote: . . . Fun
- jstoesz wrote:… My next job
- UCGal wrote:fwiw, HOA’s
- xiv014 wrote:It’s too bad
- Sounds like the homeowners in
- markmax33 wrote:Mitt and
- jstoesz wrote: . . . . I just
- UCGal wrote:…I’m not sure
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- pri_dk wrote:Anything that
- Jacarandoso wrote:bearishgurl
- This one I bought and
- Jacarandoso wrote:Ignore
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry was
- Looks like Rus won!
- profhoff wrote:Did we ever
- pri_dk wrote:bearishgurl
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Public
- As to broker/agent
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:I
- AN wrote: . . . An average of
- pri_dk wrote: . . . To use
- markmax33 wrote:Do you think
- walterwhite wrote:ok, if ron
- On the “OT: Public
- dupe
- On this thread, I again asked
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- temeculaguy wrote:I could
- sdrealtor wrote:I havent seen
- ucodegen wrote:bearishgurl
- If you don’t mind my asking,
- sdrealtor wrote:Just want to
- The short answer is . . .
- $206,400
- CA renter wrote:Wrong again .
- markmax33 wrote:whoops. So
- This!
One of my kids just got
- CricketOnTheHearth wrote: . .
- flu, I know you will pull
- sdrealtor wrote:Thank
- Ride cable car and streetcar.
- mike92104 wrote:I don’t
- Make sure you have at least
- walterwhite wrote:Well when
- CA renter wrote:walterwhite
- UCGal wrote:. . . It looks
- davelj wrote:Looks like they
- Premium lot. Appears to be a
- AN wrote:I never knew there’s
- My personal experience with
- briansd1 wrote:Could interest
- sdduuuude wrote:Wow. Your
- If recent graduates did NOT
- FWIW, I won’t be ignoring any
- SD Realtor wrote:Dont see a
- CDMA ENG wrote:I would pay
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:I’m an
- briansd1 wrote:…Without
- hslinger wrote:bearishgurl
- SD Realtor wrote:except i
- briansd1 wrote:Recently, I
- sdrealtor wrote:The camino
- SD Realtor wrote:. . . Don’t
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:Awesome! I
- CBad wrote:Definitely do ebay
- bearishgurl wrote:pri_dk
- Jacarandoso wrote:bearishgurl
- pri_dk wrote:Leverage
A 20%
- pri_dk wrote:Sub 5% return
- sdrealtor wrote:The
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- Eve wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:Cant beleive
- briansd1 wrote:…Since
- sdrealtor wrote:What are you
- sdrealtor wrote:Tell your
- UCGal wrote:An actual example
- Excellent recent short news
- flu, I have another kid who
- If any Pigg hears of tan (or
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont know
- briansd1 wrote:BG, you
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:The irony is
- UCGal and SDRealtor,
How long
- sdrealtor wrote:Too bad you
- UCGal wrote:Rich posted a
- sdrealtor wrote:….You place
- sdrealtor wrote:Spot on
- UCGal wrote:…You’ve had
- UCGal wrote:…It’s like the
- UCGal wrote:It’s neither
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:”My
- hslinger wrote:Lenders have a
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . The
- sdrealtor wrote:Again lots of
- You may already be aware of
- sdrealtor wrote:The wife lost
- sdrealtor wrote:…A couple
- SoCal79 wrote:No need to get
- SD Realtor wrote:See was it
- Thanks for your post,
- SD Realtor wrote:Lots of
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . BG
- walterwhite wrote:I am just
- ocrenter wrote: . . . We do
- sdrealtor wrote:or because
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . How
- sdrealtor wrote:It was not
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Did I
- sdrealtor wrote:Again you
- SD Realtor wrote:Why would
- sdrealtor wrote:Nearly all
- sdrealtor wrote:I saw the
- sdrealtor wrote:Except when
- dd123 wrote:I’d love to live
- Holiday season “eviction moratorium” agreed to by the nation’s “Big Banks”
- dd123 wrote:Guys
There is no
- Jacarandoso wrote:Some people
- jameswenn wrote: . . . I’ve
- jameswenn
- briansd1 wrote:Rich Toscano
- walterwhite wrote:i think it
- Rich Toscano
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl,
- briansd1 wrote: . . .Along
- Eve, I just went over a few
- Agree, pencilneck. The ones
- AN wrote:How many people
- tugg49 wrote:Just signed the
- Eve wrote:…Ramona felt too
- Eve wrote:About what
- ocrenter wrote:4S and SEH is
- CA renter wrote:Sure hope
- Chula Vista has a population
- Clifford wrote: . . . – Bel
- kcal09 wrote:I suspect that
- $610K would now be a “jumbo”
- Eve wrote:…I have a feeling
- treehugger wrote:…I told
- svelte wrote:…
So which is
- sdrealtor wrote:tugg
- I understand now, tugg. A VA
- flu wrote:outtamojo
- tugg49 wrote:I’ve offered to
- bearishgurl wrote:. . . Even
- flu wrote:SD Realtor wrote:If
- flu wrote: . . . I would also
- Couple of questions here,
- HiggyBaby wrote:bearishgurl
- Three or four-car CafeMoto?
- Congrats on your new (old)
- sd_matt wrote:briansd1
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:i just use
- When I travel, I lock up my
- Jacarandoso wrote:Now,BG, I
- flu wrote:Ok..I’ll be the one
- Jacarandoso wrote:]…People
- Whether or not the debtor is
- urbanrealtor wrote:This sums
- sdrealtor wrote:For the
- I didn’t succumb to “cash
- SK in CV wrote:sdrealtor
- SK in CV wrote: . . . If you
- I want to add here that I
- FormerSanDiegan
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry but you
- Proposed new FHA purchase in
- Rich Toscano
- If one borrows the maximum
- KSMountain wrote: . . . While
- CA renter wrote:…Some
- tugg49 wrote:Actually I’m an
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- bake wrote:Texas is a “non
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:Can I rent
- pri_dk wrote:…Ever hear the
- pri_dk wrote:eavesdropper
- eavesdropper wrote:The first
- SK in CV wrote:wow eaves,
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . No frog
- A few questions for you:
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Your
- sdrealtor wrote:Look at the
- sdr, go ahead and call me
- sdrealtor wrote: . . .There
- aldante wrote: . . . And I am
- walterwhite wrote:He’s not
- Here’s a good active comp to
- “Zillow” is “delusional” in
- If you decide to buy Dr.
- Up until 2003, HELOCs were
- sdrealtor wrote: . . .
- pri_dk wrote: . . . Got a
- pri_dk wrote: . . . We are
- These “furloughs” affect
- CA renter wrote: . . . many
- And personally, I don’t think
- gandalf wrote: . . .
- gandalf, who better to be in
- Lol, Domo, I can’t imagine
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- EconProf wrote:…Anyway, to
- Let me ask you Piggs calling
- Maybe a loan officer can
- If CA voters REALLY wish to
- TexasLine, that home appears
- Not sure, but I don’t think
- I just googled Carl Richards
- sdrealtor wrote:Again the
- In 2.5 to 3 years, I believe
- sdrealtor wrote:I knew
- RP is going to get my vote!
- sdrealtor wrote:I bought new
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . You
- Rus, check your pms tonight
- AN wrote:BG, again, “Let he
- AN wrote:It always amazes me
- Jacarandoso wrote:Thanks BG,
- Of course, time will tell,
- AK, I want you to know,
- sdrealtor wrote:BTW in case
- sdrealtor wrote:Sure I’ll
- Jacarandoso wrote:BG, When
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- Okay, I see sdr answered my
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont you pay
- sdrealtor wrote:LOL I was
- sdrealtor wrote:At some point
- sdrealtor wrote:Why couldnt
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Pretty
- I just looked at the photos
- sdrealtor wrote:I think its a
- Here’s another link as to the
- flu wrote:I’ve said this many
- I haven’t read the writer’s
- walterwhite wrote:I read some
- Is that in “recycling?” ;=]
- sdrealtor wrote:Dude,
- Oh, he’s speaking for another
- gandalf wrote:Hedgecock
- I’m totally on board with you
- joewhite wrote:Was not a
- sdrealtor wrote:WTF? How do
- Diego Mamani wrote:AN
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote: .
- We’re now (delicately)
- SD Squatter wrote:More
- I’m just curious about the
- urbanrealtor wrote: . . . As
- EconProf wrote:This is a
- ctr70 wrote:Bearishgirl,
- Fannie Mae guidelines on
- At exactly six months and one
- SD Realtor wrote:…You will
- SellingMyHome wrote:Why put
- SellingMyHome
- SellingMyHome wrote: . . .
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . See I
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . No one
- Of course, these comments are
- FWIW, I posted that long
- I want to backtrack here for
- SMH, The parts of your story
- SMH, for a more complete
- Oh, and, markmax, you ALSO
- Our “currently beleaguered”
- markmax33 wrote: . . . Here
- I’m of the “aging old fart”
- UR, I’m surmising that your
- Thanks for posting that to
- pri_dk wrote:But how will
- ctr70 wrote:paramount
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- AN, I think you are an
- flu wrote: . . . Conservation
- Hey, paramount . . . I’ve
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:
- I see RP wants to cut
- markmax33 wrote: . . . The
- EconProf wrote: . . . This
- tugg49 wrote:Monterey Bay is
- walterwhite wrote:Doctors
- The “immediate former” is a
- EconProf wrote:Gov. Brown has
- If it passes, it would only
- hslinger wrote:It’s for
- walterwhite wrote:In general,
- Sold Homes near 814 E
- jstoesz wrote:I have not
- Thank you, Akula. Nearly all
- walterwhite wrote:I had
- Akula, I have a few questions
- I understand now.
- patb, am I mistaken or are
- CA renter wrote: . . . All of
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- jstoesz wrote: . . . BTW, to
- ucodegen
- CA renter wrote:No, public
- nla:
Yes, trustee’s sale
- Well, shades of Alameda
- CA renter wrote:…If we get
- flu wrote:BG, with all due
- equalizer wrote: . . . So I
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- hugo wrote:…I think you’re
- hugo wrote: . . .
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:a house in
- svelte wrote:It really
- DomoArigato wrote: . . . I
- CA renter
- 70Degrees wrote:…That
- patb, if I may ask, is this
- briansd1 wrote:I think that
- Yes, brian, that IS good
- SD Realtor wrote:Jazz I
- Jazzman wrote: . . . I have
- walterwhite wrote:Do you pay
- zk wrote:So, unless I’m
- bubba99 wrote:Back in the day
- Great post, sdduuuude, esp
- walterwhite wrote: . . .
- zk wrote:My point is that
- UCGal wrote:I went to SDSU in
- A few years ago, I used to
- LOL, if I’m not mistaken,
- CDMA ENG wrote:Well… It
- zk wrote:bearishgurl wrote:zk
- zk wrote:I’m not sure I get
- CA renter wrote:bearishgurl
- zk wrote:AN wrote:Mark Cuban
- I second UR here as my
- briansd1 wrote: . . .
- jpinpb wrote:Just a reminder
- walterwhite wrote:I’m even
- poorgradstudent wrote:…As
- temeculaguy wrote:
blah, blah
- I recently attended a disso
- briansd1 wrote: . . . I take
- pfflyer wrote: . . . Who
- sdrealtor wrote:FYI the
- This just came in and I was
- Then Liebke bought it new.
- I haven’t checked with the
- It appears it was deeded to a
- walterwhite wrote:My 80s
- pfflyer wrote:Thanks for your
- pfflyer wrote:I agree with
- As long as none of our
- briansd1 wrote:…About those
- jpinpb wrote:3626 Elliott
- AN wrote: . . . You make it
- I want to add here that the
- I just located Jobs’ obit in
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- CA renter wrote: . . . We are
- svelte wrote:sdduuuude
- ocrenter wrote:one
- svelte wrote:Are we talking
- Zeitgeist wrote:This is worth
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- jpinpb wrote:I really only
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote: . . . To get
- AN wrote:I don’t think anyone
- sdrealtor wrote:Better wine
- sdrealtor wrote:And everyone
- sdrealtor wrote:My inventory
- briansd1 wrote:…Bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:Who cares
- CDMA ENG wrote:So is it just
- AN wrote: . . . Good darn
- AN wrote:bearishgurl wrote:It
- urbanrealtor wrote:I concur
- Good L@rd!!
When I see a
- AN wrote:Even at $125k
- AN wrote: . . . You seem you
- jpinpb wrote:BG – yeah, that
- AN wrote:Wow, low end
- I was driving back from the
- AN wrote:This is what the
- AN wrote:20% above 2003 price
- Ren wrote:100% of the women
- captcha wrote:I am a single
- captcha wrote:temeculaguy
- Allan from Fallbrook
- eavesdropper wrote:Allan from
- delete . . . wrong thread,
- scaredy, I can’t even imagine
- Don’t blame me . . . my
- Congratulations, CAR! I’m
- walterwhite wrote:Who bought
- I’ve had Spring Air
- sdrealtor wrote:Is a view of
- pencilneck wrote: . . . Does
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 re: MD
- Quote:I have a couple friends
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- So, Nor-LA, are you saying
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- Ren wrote:Again, tastes are
- I’ve been on the road a few
- pencilneck wrote:I’m not
- Ren wrote:With emphasis on
- I did a cursory check around
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Due to the sheer amount of
- SK, my understanding of the
- SK in CV wrote:I assure you
- briansd1 wrote:Did you also
- Aecetia wrote:Wow Sk thanks
- briansd1 wrote:…BTW, people
- briansd1 wrote:BG, you have
- temeculaguy wrote:Follow BG’s
- canuck, you have a very tall
- UCGal wrote:Well – the
- WOW, jstoesz! “Tanglewood”
- Jacarandoso wrote:Good and
- briansd1 wrote:I believe it’s
- ocrenter wrote:I think the
- Well, ocrenter, the “East
- AN wrote:2k sq-ft house on
- Well, looks like I’m crashing
- AN wrote:I don’t need to go
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:BG, another bad
- AN wrote:Bad assumption. The
- briansd1 wrote:As Ann Coulter
- For the record, Piggs, I’ve
- briansd1 wrote:BG, if AN
- AN wrote:I’m confused. If
- briansd1 wrote:BG I don’t
- AN wrote:I’m confused. You
- AN wrote:There are plenty of
- AN wrote:Sorry BG, but I
- I just drove past this
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- You car buffs are hanging out
- walterwhite wrote:My ultimate
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:I still
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:I never
- flu wrote: . . . The issue is
- briansd1 wrote:There’s a big
- flu wrote:There is one
- walterwhite wrote:Old people
- temeculaguy wrote: . . . The
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:BG, you should
- AK wrote: … I’ve lived in
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:hmm, I
- CA demographic shifts in the coming years will favor cities over suburbia
- Nancy_s soothsayer
- walterwhite wrote:I’m not
- Huckleberry wrote:Agreed.
- Jazzman wrote:Just wish I
- It’s only fair that the
- walterwhite wrote:8.4 Million
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote: . . . In
- Jazzman wrote:Not sure you
- afx114 wrote:BG, your post
- afx114 wrote:bearishgurl
- Jazzman wrote:Bearishgirl, I
- Jazzman wrote:Many places
- CA renter wrote:You’re
- EconProf wrote:We are likely
- CA renter wrote:sdrealtor
- dd123 wrote: . . . People
- AT&T service on unlocked
- SD Realtor wrote:davelj
- Harris County, TX (county
- cjdairym wrote:lol, day isn’t
- To the OP, we have a LOT of
- flu wrote:If they were
- sdrealtor wrote:Again BG you
- Attrition of the best
- Wow, is sdr giving “legal
- flu wrote:I think there is a
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
If you
- AN wrote:…To those who say
- Back to the Pigg “grindstone”
- walterwhite wrote:API scores
- walterwhite wrote:API scores
- walterwhite wrote:API scores
- sdr wrote:[eliminating wtf
- sdr wrote:[eliminating wtf
- sdr wrote:[eliminating wtf
- Revised top HS list:
- Revised top HS list:
- Revised top HS list:
- LOL, either he can’t read or
- LOL, either he can’t read or
- LOL, either he can’t read or
- sdrealtor wrote:…Comparable
- sdrealtor wrote:…Comparable
- sdrealtor wrote:…Comparable
- sdrealtor wrote:Isnt Eastern
- sdrealtor wrote:Isnt Eastern
- sdrealtor wrote:Isnt Eastern
- wtf?? Above is nothing but a
- wtf?? Above is nothing but a
- wtf?? Above is nothing but a
- sdrealtor wrote:Isnt Eastern
- sdrealtor wrote:Isnt Eastern
- sdrealtor wrote:Isnt Eastern
- nla wrote:Eastern Chula Vista
- nla wrote:Eastern Chula Vista
- nla wrote:Eastern Chula Vista
- joec wrote:…Economic and
- joec wrote:…Economic and
- joec wrote:…Economic and
- carli wrote:You’re welcome,
- carli wrote:You’re welcome,
- carli wrote:You’re welcome,
- joec wrote:. . . no idea why
- joec wrote:. . . no idea why
- joec wrote:. . . no idea why
- Thank you, carli. CCA sounds
- Thank you, carli. CCA sounds
- Thank you, carli. CCA sounds
- cvmom wrote:Although I think
- cvmom wrote:Although I think
- cvmom wrote:Although I think
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Do you
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Do you
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Do you
- UCGal wrote:Did you exclude
- UCGal wrote:Did you exclude
- UCGal wrote:Did you exclude
- beatrix wrote:Have to plug my
- beatrix wrote:Have to plug my
- beatrix wrote:Have to plug my
- I work out at a gym 12-15
- I work out at a gym 12-15
- I work out at a gym 12-15
- earlyretirement wrote:. . .
- earlyretirement wrote:. . .
- earlyretirement wrote:. . .
- I’m a “baby boomer” but I’ve
- I’m a “baby boomer” but I’ve
- I’m a “baby boomer” but I’ve
- pri_dk wrote:Keep it coming
- pri_dk wrote:Keep it coming
- pri_dk wrote:Keep it coming
- pri_dk wrote:Keep it coming
- temeculaguy wrote:…I did
- temeculaguy wrote:…I did
- temeculaguy wrote:…I did
- temeculaguy wrote:…I did
- cvmom wrote:…I think you
- cvmom wrote:…I think you
- cvmom wrote:…I think you
- cvmom wrote:…I think you
- FYI: “Emotional pleas” and
- FYI: “Emotional pleas” and
- FYI: “Emotional pleas” and
- FYI: “Emotional pleas” and
- paramount wrote:BG: The Fat
- paramount wrote:BG: The Fat
- paramount wrote:BG: The Fat
- paramount wrote:BG: The Fat
- Not so fa-a-a-st, paramount
- Not so fa-a-a-st, paramount
- Not so fa-a-a-st, paramount
- Not so fa-a-a-st, paramount
- TemekuT wrote:Example of why
- TemekuT wrote:Example of why
- TemekuT wrote:Example of why
- TemekuT wrote:Example of why
- walterwhite wrote:I wouldn’t
- walterwhite wrote:I wouldn’t
- walterwhite wrote:I wouldn’t
- walterwhite wrote:I wouldn’t
- cvmom wrote:bearishgurl
- cvmom wrote:bearishgurl
- cvmom wrote:bearishgurl
- cvmom wrote:bearishgurl
- Jacarandoso wrote:Email from
- Jacarandoso wrote:Email from
- Jacarandoso wrote:Email from
- Jacarandoso wrote:Email from
- Overall (Top 13 in
- Overall (Top 13 in
- Overall (Top 13 in
- Overall (Top 13 in
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- walterwhite wrote: . . .
- walterwhite wrote: . . .
- walterwhite wrote: . . .
- walterwhite wrote: . . .
- walterwhite wrote: . . .
- CONCHO wrote:briansd1 wrote:I
- CONCHO wrote:briansd1 wrote:I
- CONCHO wrote:briansd1 wrote:I
- CONCHO wrote:briansd1 wrote:I
- CONCHO wrote:briansd1 wrote:I
- sdrealtor wrote:And it doesnt
- sdrealtor wrote:And it doesnt
- sdrealtor wrote:And it doesnt
- sdrealtor wrote:And it doesnt
- sdrealtor wrote:And it doesnt
- SK and all, although not
- SK and all, although not
- SK and all, although not
- SK and all, although not
- SK and all, although not
- Arraya wrote:…Now,
- Arraya wrote:…Now,
- Arraya wrote:…Now,
- Arraya wrote:…Now,
- Arraya wrote:…Now,
- Spot on, UR. Thanks for your
- Spot on, UR. Thanks for your
- Spot on, UR. Thanks for your
- Spot on, UR. Thanks for your
- Spot on, UR. Thanks for your
- Arraya wrote:briansd1
- Arraya wrote:briansd1
- Arraya wrote:briansd1
- Arraya wrote:briansd1
- Arraya wrote:briansd1
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I take you
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I take you
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I take you
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I take you
- SK in CV wrote:BG, I take you
- I would bet marbles to chalk
- I would bet marbles to chalk
- I would bet marbles to chalk
- I would bet marbles to chalk
- I would bet marbles to chalk
- I think the MID is valuable
- I think the MID is valuable
- I think the MID is valuable
- I think the MID is valuable
- I think the MID is valuable
- sdcellar, that last question
- sdcellar, that last question
- sdcellar, that last question
- sdcellar, that last question
- sdcellar, that last question
- sdcellar wrote:If instead,
- sdcellar wrote:If instead,
- sdcellar wrote:If instead,
- sdcellar wrote:If instead,
- sdcellar wrote:If instead,
- It looks like Scripps Crown
- It looks like Scripps Crown
- It looks like Scripps Crown
- It looks like Scripps Crown
- It looks like Scripps Crown
- Looks like 11645 Cam.
- Looks like 11645 Cam.
- Looks like 11645 Cam.
- Looks like 11645 Cam.
- Looks like 11645 Cam.
- sdrealtor wrote:There you go
- sdrealtor wrote:There you go
- sdrealtor wrote:There you go
- sdrealtor wrote:There you go
- sdrealtor wrote:There you go
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I was in
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I was in
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I was in
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I was in
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I was in
- sdrealtor wrote:One question
- sdrealtor wrote:One question
- sdrealtor wrote:One question
- sdrealtor wrote:One question
- sdrealtor wrote:One question
- ocrenter wrote:Jim the
- ocrenter wrote:Jim the
- ocrenter wrote:Jim the
- ocrenter wrote:Jim the
- ocrenter wrote:Jim the
- More taxes at SCP … I
- More taxes at SCP … I
- More taxes at SCP … I
- More taxes at SCP … I
- More taxes at SCP … I
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- This particular sold comp was
- This particular sold comp was
- This particular sold comp was
- This particular sold comp was
- This particular sold comp was
- bzribee, Thank you for your
- bzribee, Thank you for your
- bzribee, Thank you for your
- bzribee, Thank you for your
- bzribee, Thank you for your
- For the strongest wall, I
- For the strongest wall, I
- For the strongest wall, I
- For the strongest wall, I
- For the strongest wall, I
- Your post is spot on, TG. I
- Your post is spot on, TG. I
- Your post is spot on, TG. I
- Your post is spot on, TG. I
- Your post is spot on, TG. I
- So true about SF. My kid who
- So true about SF. My kid who
- So true about SF. My kid who
- So true about SF. My kid who
- So true about SF. My kid who
- sdsurfer wrote:Thanks for
- sdsurfer wrote:Thanks for
- sdsurfer wrote:Thanks for
- sdsurfer wrote:Thanks for
- sdsurfer wrote:Thanks for
- ctr70 wrote: . . . 91910 is a
- ctr70 wrote: . . . 91910 is a
- ctr70 wrote: . . . 91910 is a
- ctr70 wrote: . . . 91910 is a
- ctr70 wrote: . . . 91910 is a
- ctr70 wrote:…San Diego just
- ctr70 wrote:…San Diego just
- ctr70 wrote:…San Diego just
- ctr70 wrote:…San Diego just
- ctr70 wrote:…San Diego just
- ctr70 wrote:Now a $100k house
- ctr70 wrote:Now a $100k house
- ctr70 wrote:Now a $100k house
- ctr70 wrote:Now a $100k house
- ctr70 wrote:Now a $100k house
- AN wrote:…How are you going
- AN wrote:…How are you going
- AN wrote:…How are you going
- AN wrote:…How are you going
- AN wrote:…How are you going
- ctr70 wrote:I also think it
- ctr70 wrote:I also think it
- ctr70 wrote:I also think it
- ctr70 wrote:I also think it
- ctr70 wrote:I also think it
- SK in CV wrote:Bearishgirl,
- SK in CV wrote:Bearishgirl,
- SK in CV wrote:Bearishgirl,
- SK in CV wrote:Bearishgirl,
- SK in CV wrote:Bearishgirl,
- GH wrote:….If and I am
- GH wrote:….If and I am
- GH wrote:….If and I am
- GH wrote:….If and I am
- GH wrote:….If and I am
- I would not consider 91910 a
- I would not consider 91910 a
- I would not consider 91910 a
- I would not consider 91910 a
- I would not consider 91910 a
- sdsurfer wrote:Is this in San
- sdsurfer wrote:Is this in San
- sdsurfer wrote:Is this in San
- sdsurfer wrote:Is this in San
- sdsurfer wrote:Is this in San
- ctr70 wrote:I wouldn’t buy
- ctr70 wrote:I wouldn’t buy
- ctr70 wrote:I wouldn’t buy
- ctr70 wrote:I wouldn’t buy
- ctr70 wrote:I wouldn’t buy
- Part of an 8,500-page
- Part of an 8,500-page
- Part of an 8,500-page
- Part of an 8,500-page
- Part of an 8,500-page
- beselfish, are you aware the
- beselfish, are you aware the
- beselfish, are you aware the
- beselfish, are you aware the
- beselfish, are you aware the
- beselfish, to answer your
- beselfish, to answer your
- beselfish, to answer your
- beselfish, to answer your
- beselfish, to answer your
- flu wrote:….One thing good
- flu wrote:….One thing good
- flu wrote:….One thing good
- flu wrote:….One thing good
- flu wrote:….One thing good
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes my sfr
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes my sfr
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes my sfr
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes my sfr
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes my sfr
- flu wrote:Ok folks,
For folks
- flu wrote:Ok folks,
For folks
- flu wrote:Ok folks,
For folks
- flu wrote:Ok folks,
For folks
- flu wrote:Ok folks,
For folks
- Piggs, did you realize if you
- Piggs, did you realize if you
- Piggs, did you realize if you
- Piggs, did you realize if you
- Piggs, did you realize if you
- sdrealtor wrote:Just wanted
- sdrealtor wrote:Just wanted
- sdrealtor wrote:Just wanted
- sdrealtor wrote:Just wanted
- sdrealtor wrote:Just wanted
- If I have this straight, sdr
- If I have this straight, sdr
- If I have this straight, sdr
- If I have this straight, sdr
- If I have this straight, sdr
- SD Realtor wrote:My advice
- SD Realtor wrote:My advice
- SD Realtor wrote:My advice
- SD Realtor wrote:My advice
- SD Realtor wrote:My advice
- sdrealtor wrote:You are
- sdrealtor wrote:You are
- sdrealtor wrote:You are
- sdrealtor wrote:You are
- sdrealtor wrote:You are
- clearfund wrote:Bearish –
- clearfund wrote:Bearish –
- clearfund wrote:Bearish –
- clearfund wrote:Bearish –
- clearfund wrote:Bearish –
- sdr never indicated the
- sdr never indicated the
- sdr never indicated the
- sdr never indicated the
- sdr never indicated the
- SDR, you must be aware that
- SDR, you must be aware that
- SDR, you must be aware that
- SDR, you must be aware that
- SDR, you must be aware that
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- jpinpb wrote:I wasn’t going
- jpinpb wrote:I wasn’t going
- jpinpb wrote:I wasn’t going
- jpinpb wrote:I wasn’t going
- jpinpb wrote:I wasn’t going
- SD Realtor wrote:…This is
- SD Realtor wrote:…This is
- SD Realtor wrote:…This is
- SD Realtor wrote:…This is
- SD Realtor wrote:…This is
- clearfund wrote:SDSURFER –
- clearfund wrote:SDSURFER –
- clearfund wrote:SDSURFER –
- clearfund wrote:SDSURFER –
- clearfund wrote:SDSURFER –
- sdrealtor wrote:You didnt
- sdrealtor wrote:You didnt
- sdrealtor wrote:You didnt
- sdrealtor wrote:You didnt
- sdrealtor wrote:You didnt
- sdrealtor wrote:So WhoTF are
- sdrealtor wrote:So WhoTF are
- sdrealtor wrote:So WhoTF are
- sdrealtor wrote:So WhoTF are
- sdrealtor wrote:So WhoTF are
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- AN wrote:Is there a life time
- AN wrote:Is there a life time
- AN wrote:Is there a life time
- AN wrote:Is there a life time
- AN wrote:Is there a life time
- I understand. But there are
- I understand. But there are
- I understand. But there are
- I understand. But there are
- I understand. But there are
- 1. Beginning adulthood
- 1. Beginning adulthood
- 1. Beginning adulthood
- 1. Beginning adulthood
- 1. Beginning adulthood
- In my household, the
- In my household, the
- In my household, the
- In my household, the
- In my household, the
- CA renter wrote:Not only did
- CA renter wrote:Not only did
- CA renter wrote:Not only did
- CA renter wrote:Not only did
- CA renter wrote:Not only did
- Kingside wrote:My Encinitas
- Kingside wrote:My Encinitas
- Kingside wrote:My Encinitas
- Kingside wrote:My Encinitas
- Kingside wrote:My Encinitas
- pabloesqobar wrote:mike92104
- pabloesqobar wrote:mike92104
- pabloesqobar wrote:mike92104
- pabloesqobar wrote:mike92104
- pabloesqobar wrote:mike92104
- ljinvestor wrote:Since this
- ljinvestor wrote:Since this
- ljinvestor wrote:Since this
- ljinvestor wrote:Since this
- ljinvestor wrote:Since this
- sdrealtor wrote:Is National
- sdrealtor wrote:Is National
- sdrealtor wrote:Is National
- sdrealtor wrote:Is National
- sdrealtor wrote:Is National
- SD Realtor wrote:These are
- SD Realtor wrote:These are
- SD Realtor wrote:These are
- SD Realtor wrote:These are
- SD Realtor wrote:These are
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- sdsurfer, I’m not sdr and am
- sdsurfer, I’m not sdr and am
- sdsurfer, I’m not sdr and am
- sdsurfer, I’m not sdr and am
- sdsurfer, I’m not sdr and am
- sdrealtor wrote:I guess I
- sdrealtor wrote:I guess I
- sdrealtor wrote:I guess I
- sdrealtor wrote:I guess I
- sdrealtor wrote:I guess I
- threadkiller wrote:Just got
- threadkiller wrote:Just got
- threadkiller wrote:Just got
- threadkiller wrote:Just got
- threadkiller wrote:Just got
- Happs, the best mass-produced
- Happs, the best mass-produced
- Happs, the best mass-produced
- Happs, the best mass-produced
- Happs, the best mass-produced
- walterwhite wrote:no one
- walterwhite wrote:no one
- walterwhite wrote:no one
- walterwhite wrote:no one
- walterwhite wrote:no one
- walterwhite wrote:I was
- walterwhite wrote:I was
- walterwhite wrote:I was
- walterwhite wrote:I was
- walterwhite wrote:I was
- pri_dk wrote:Lots of fairly
- pri_dk wrote:Lots of fairly
- pri_dk wrote:Lots of fairly
- pri_dk wrote:Lots of fairly
- pri_dk wrote:Lots of fairly
- briansd1 wrote:Go to Cabazon
- briansd1 wrote:Go to Cabazon
- briansd1 wrote:Go to Cabazon
- briansd1 wrote:Go to Cabazon
- briansd1 wrote:Go to Cabazon
- AK wrote:…Sometimes I’m not
- AK wrote:…Sometimes I’m not
- AK wrote:…Sometimes I’m not
- AK wrote:…Sometimes I’m not
- AK wrote:…Sometimes I’m not
- flu, I take it you currently
- flu, I take it you currently
- flu, I take it you currently
- flu, I take it you currently
- flu, I take it you currently
- UCGal wrote:I gleaned some of
- UCGal wrote:I gleaned some of
- UCGal wrote:I gleaned some of
- UCGal wrote:I gleaned some of
- UCGal wrote:I gleaned some of
- TexasLine wrote:Two thumbs
- TexasLine wrote:Two thumbs
- TexasLine wrote:Two thumbs
- TexasLine wrote:Two thumbs
- TexasLine wrote:Two thumbs
- sdrealtor wrote:BG is my hero
- sdrealtor wrote:BG is my hero
- sdrealtor wrote:BG is my hero
- sdrealtor wrote:BG is my hero
- sdrealtor wrote:BG is my hero
- sdrealtor wrote:There is no
- sdrealtor wrote:There is no
- sdrealtor wrote:There is no
- sdrealtor wrote:There is no
- sdrealtor wrote:There is no
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:It’s
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:It’s
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:It’s
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:It’s
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:It’s
- HiggyBaby wrote:More drama
- HiggyBaby wrote:More drama
- HiggyBaby wrote:More drama
- HiggyBaby wrote:More drama
- HiggyBaby wrote:More drama
- CA renter wrote: . . . Sorry
- CA renter wrote: . . . Sorry
- CA renter wrote: . . . Sorry
- CA renter wrote: . . . Sorry
- CA renter wrote: . . . Sorry
- I looked at your old links,
- I looked at your old links,
- I looked at your old links,
- I looked at your old links,
- I looked at your old links,
- ahewitson wrote:…I’d be
- ahewitson wrote:…I’d be
- ahewitson wrote:…I’d be
- ahewitson wrote:…I’d be
- ahewitson wrote:…I’d be
- Lol…
Customers at the bar
- Lol…
Customers at the bar
- Lol…
Customers at the bar
- Lol…
Customers at the bar
- Lol…
Customers at the bar
- Bernanke and “friend” Miller
- Bernanke and “friend” Miller
- Bernanke and “friend” Miller
- Bernanke and “friend” Miller
- Bernanke and “friend” Miller
- Yeah, Arraya posted it
- Yeah, Arraya posted it
- Yeah, Arraya posted it
- Yeah, Arraya posted it
- Yeah, Arraya posted it
- CONCHO wrote: … Sometimes I
- CONCHO wrote: … Sometimes I
- CONCHO wrote: … Sometimes I
- CONCHO wrote: … Sometimes I
- CONCHO wrote: … Sometimes I
- Piggs, should this be compared to renting to your friends/relatives with a “Section 8” voucher??
- AN wrote:CAR,so in essence,
- AN wrote:CAR,so in essence,
- AN wrote:CAR,so in essence,
- AN wrote:CAR,so in essence,
- AN wrote:CAR,so in essence,
- Correction: On “Sunbow” in
- Correction: On “Sunbow” in
- Correction: On “Sunbow” in
- Correction: On “Sunbow” in
- Correction: On “Sunbow” in
- FYI, forget those two-lane
- FYI, forget those two-lane
- FYI, forget those two-lane
- FYI, forget those two-lane
- FYI, forget those two-lane
- birmingplumb, Congrats to
- birmingplumb, Congrats to
- birmingplumb, Congrats to
- birmingplumb, Congrats to
- birmingplumb, Congrats to
- UCGal wrote: . . . And if
- UCGal wrote: . . . And if
- UCGal wrote: . . . And if
- UCGal wrote: . . . And if
- UCGal wrote: . . . And if
- pemeliza wrote:…So the
- pemeliza wrote:…So the
- pemeliza wrote:…So the
- pemeliza wrote:…So the
- pemeliza wrote:…So the
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote:BG – I know your
- jpinpb wrote:BG – I know your
- jpinpb wrote:BG – I know your
- jpinpb wrote:BG – I know your
- jpinpb wrote:BG – I know your
- Acc to the map, the vacant
- Acc to the map, the vacant
- Acc to the map, the vacant
- Acc to the map, the vacant
- Acc to the map, the vacant
- jpinpb wrote:Land value in PL
- jpinpb wrote:Land value in PL
- jpinpb wrote:Land value in PL
- jpinpb wrote:Land value in PL
- jpinpb wrote:Land value in PL
- jpinpb wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote:bearishgurl
- jpinpb wrote:I hope my DH has
- jpinpb wrote:I hope my DH has
- jpinpb wrote:I hope my DH has
- jpinpb wrote:I hope my DH has
- jpinpb wrote:I hope my DH has
- sdrealtor wrote:I’m heading
- sdrealtor wrote:I’m heading
- sdrealtor wrote:I’m heading
- sdrealtor wrote:I’m heading
- sdrealtor wrote:I’m heading
- Your last post was spot on,
- Your last post was spot on,
- Your last post was spot on,
- Your last post was spot on,
- Your last post was spot on,
- Here’s another Richards
- Here’s another Richards
- Here’s another Richards
- Here’s another Richards
- Here’s another Richards
- walterwhite wrote:When I
- walterwhite wrote:When I
- walterwhite wrote:When I
- walterwhite wrote:When I
- walterwhite wrote:When I
- threadkiller wrote:92102 link
- threadkiller wrote:92102 link
- threadkiller wrote:92102 link
- threadkiller wrote:92102 link
- threadkiller wrote:92102 link
- Piggs, does anyone know the
- Piggs, does anyone know the
- Piggs, does anyone know the
- Piggs, does anyone know the
- Piggs, does anyone know the
- njtosd wrote:sdrealtor
- njtosd wrote:sdrealtor
- njtosd wrote:sdrealtor
- njtosd wrote:sdrealtor
- njtosd wrote:sdrealtor
- Happs wrote:No I haven’t, but
- Happs wrote:No I haven’t, but
- Happs wrote:No I haven’t, but
- Happs wrote:No I haven’t, but
- Happs wrote:No I haven’t, but
- ahewitson wrote:What happens
- ahewitson wrote:What happens
- ahewitson wrote:What happens
- ahewitson wrote:What happens
- ahewitson wrote:What happens
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- Happs wrote:So if the naked
- Happs wrote:So if the naked
- Happs wrote:So if the naked
- Happs wrote:So if the naked
- Happs wrote:So if the naked
- sdrealtor wrote:Before you
- sdrealtor wrote:Before you
- sdrealtor wrote:Before you
- sdrealtor wrote:Before you
- sdrealtor wrote:Before you
- CA renter wrote:jpinpb
- CA renter wrote:jpinpb
- CA renter wrote:jpinpb
- CA renter wrote:jpinpb
- CA renter wrote:jpinpb
- Oh, and I forgot to mention
- Oh, and I forgot to mention
- Oh, and I forgot to mention
- Oh, and I forgot to mention
- Oh, and I forgot to mention
- sdrealtor wrote:Its all WAMU
- sdrealtor wrote:Its all WAMU
- sdrealtor wrote:Its all WAMU
- sdrealtor wrote:Its all WAMU
- sdrealtor wrote:Its all WAMU
- Here’s a local link (Board
- Here’s a local link (Board
- Here’s a local link (Board
- Here’s a local link (Board
- Here’s a local link (Board
- faterikcartman wrote:My wife
- faterikcartman wrote:My wife
- faterikcartman wrote:My wife
- faterikcartman wrote:My wife
- faterikcartman wrote:My wife
- sdrealtor wrote:familyguy
- sdrealtor wrote:familyguy
- sdrealtor wrote:familyguy
- sdrealtor wrote:familyguy
- sdrealtor wrote:familyguy
- HiggyBaby wrote:BG, speaking
- HiggyBaby wrote:BG, speaking
- HiggyBaby wrote:BG, speaking
- HiggyBaby wrote:BG, speaking
- HiggyBaby wrote:BG, speaking
- jp, you made a wise choice
- jp, you made a wise choice
- jp, you made a wise choice
- jp, you made a wise choice
- jp, you made a wise choice
- cvmom wrote:Hooray for
- cvmom wrote:Hooray for
- cvmom wrote:Hooray for
- cvmom wrote:Hooray for
- cvmom wrote:Hooray for
- threadkiller wrote:Maybe my
- threadkiller wrote:Maybe my
- threadkiller wrote:Maybe my
- threadkiller wrote:Maybe my
- threadkiller wrote:Maybe my
- walterwhite wrote:however
- walterwhite wrote:however
- walterwhite wrote:however
- walterwhite wrote:however
- walterwhite wrote:however
- Crown56 wrote:In 2009 we were
- Crown56 wrote:In 2009 we were
- Crown56 wrote:In 2009 we were
- Crown56 wrote:In 2009 we were
- Crown56 wrote:In 2009 we were
- Thank you for your
- Thank you for your
- Thank you for your
- Thank you for your
- Thank you for your
- All very good advice, ER.
- All very good advice, ER.
- All very good advice, ER.
- All very good advice, ER.
- All very good advice, ER.
- familyguy wrote:bearishgurl
- familyguy wrote:bearishgurl
- familyguy wrote:bearishgurl
- familyguy wrote:bearishgurl
- familyguy wrote:bearishgurl
- Navydoc wrote:BG, you clearly
- Navydoc wrote:BG, you clearly
- Navydoc wrote:BG, you clearly
- Navydoc wrote:BG, you clearly
- Navydoc wrote:BG, you clearly
- threadkiller wrote:…I also
- threadkiller wrote:…I also
- threadkiller wrote:…I also
- threadkiller wrote:…I also
- threadkiller wrote:…I also
- threadkiller wrote:…With
- threadkiller wrote:…With
- threadkiller wrote:…With
- threadkiller wrote:…With
- threadkiller wrote:…With
- Navydoc wrote: . . . If I
- Navydoc wrote: . . . If I
- Navydoc wrote: . . . If I
- Navydoc wrote: . . . If I
- Navydoc wrote: . . . If I
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- jstoesz wrote:not to poke the
- jstoesz wrote:not to poke the
- jstoesz wrote:not to poke the
- jstoesz wrote:not to poke the
- jstoesz wrote:not to poke the
- pri_dk wrote:Yeah, Temecula
- pri_dk wrote:Yeah, Temecula
- pri_dk wrote:Yeah, Temecula
- pri_dk wrote:Yeah, Temecula
- pri_dk wrote:Yeah, Temecula
- ocrenter wrote:familyguy
- ocrenter wrote:familyguy
- ocrenter wrote:familyguy
- ocrenter wrote:familyguy
- ocrenter wrote:familyguy
- flu wrote:oh my fvcking
- flu wrote:oh my fvcking
- flu wrote:oh my fvcking
- flu wrote:oh my fvcking
- flu wrote:oh my fvcking
- temeculaguy wrote:…Plus I
- temeculaguy wrote:…Plus I
- temeculaguy wrote:…Plus I
- temeculaguy wrote:…Plus I
- temeculaguy wrote:…Plus I
- sdrealtor wrote:While we are
- sdrealtor wrote:While we are
- sdrealtor wrote:While we are
- sdrealtor wrote:While we are
- sdrealtor wrote:While we are
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- paramount
- paramount
- paramount
- paramount
- paramount
- sdrealtor wrote:paramount
- sdrealtor wrote:paramount
- sdrealtor wrote:paramount
- sdrealtor wrote:paramount
- sdrealtor wrote:paramount
- paramount wrote:I have
- paramount wrote:I have
- paramount wrote:I have
- paramount wrote:I have
- paramount wrote:I have
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I do
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I do
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I do
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I do
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I do
- pemeliza wrote:threadkiller
- pemeliza wrote:threadkiller
- pemeliza wrote:threadkiller
- pemeliza wrote:threadkiller
- pemeliza wrote:threadkiller
- briansd1 wrote:EconProf
- briansd1 wrote:EconProf
- briansd1 wrote:EconProf
- briansd1 wrote:EconProf
- briansd1 wrote:EconProf
- …And of the nation’s
- …And of the nation’s
- …And of the nation’s
- …And of the nation’s
- …And of the nation’s
- Cube, if I were you, I would
- Cube, if I were you, I would
- Cube, if I were you, I would
- Cube, if I were you, I would
- Cube, if I were you, I would
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t get to
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t get to
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t get to
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t get to
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t get to
- Ricechex wrote:BG–South Park
- Ricechex wrote:BG–South Park
- Ricechex wrote:BG–South Park
- Ricechex wrote:BG–South Park
- Ricechex wrote:BG–South Park
- AN wrote: . . .At the end of
- AN wrote: . . .At the end of
- AN wrote: . . .At the end of
- AN wrote: . . .At the end of
- AN wrote: . . .At the end of
- Ricechex wrote:Bad
- Ricechex wrote:Bad
- Ricechex wrote:Bad
- Ricechex wrote:Bad
- Ricechex wrote:Bad
- AN wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- AN wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- AN wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- AN wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- AN wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- AN wrote:Why don’t you try to
- AN wrote:Why don’t you try to
- AN wrote:Why don’t you try to
- AN wrote:Why don’t you try to
- AN wrote:Why don’t you try to
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- Rhett wrote:bearishgurl
- Rhett wrote:bearishgurl
- Rhett wrote:bearishgurl
- Rhett wrote:bearishgurl
- Rhett wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote: . . . I don’t buy
- AN wrote: . . . I don’t buy
- AN wrote: . . . I don’t buy
- AN wrote: . . . I don’t buy
- AN wrote: . . . I don’t buy
- ucodegen wrote:Man, that
- ucodegen wrote:Man, that
- ucodegen wrote:Man, that
- ucodegen wrote:Man, that
- ucodegen wrote:Man, that
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- IMO, in order the best zips
- IMO, in order the best zips
- IMO, in order the best zips
- IMO, in order the best zips
- IMO, in order the best zips
- briansd1 wrote:BG, I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:BG, I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:BG, I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:BG, I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:BG, I don’t
- AN, I used the words, “living
- AN, I used the words, “living
- AN, I used the words, “living
- AN, I used the words, “living
- AN, I used the words, “living
- Rhett wrote:CDMA ENG
- Rhett wrote:CDMA ENG
- Rhett wrote:CDMA ENG
- Rhett wrote:CDMA ENG
- Rhett wrote:CDMA ENG
- Very good advice, montana!
- Very good advice, montana!
- Very good advice, montana!
- Very good advice, montana!
- Very good advice, montana!
- mixxalot wrote:…Cost of
- mixxalot wrote:…Cost of
- mixxalot wrote:…Cost of
- mixxalot wrote:…Cost of
- mixxalot wrote:…Cost of
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Are there
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Are there
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Are there
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Are there
- SmellsFeeshy wrote:Are there
- As I posted around the new
- As I posted around the new
- As I posted around the new
- As I posted around the new
- As I posted around the new
- It’s not all gloom and doom. “Silly” Valley values booming
- Piggs, I guess what I’m
- Piggs, I guess what I’m
- Piggs, I guess what I’m
- Piggs, I guess what I’m
- Piggs, I guess what I’m
- patb wrote:bearishgurl
- patb wrote:bearishgurl
- patb wrote:bearishgurl
- patb wrote:bearishgurl
- patb wrote:bearishgurl
- DaCounselor wrote: . . .
- DaCounselor wrote: . . .
- DaCounselor wrote: . . .
- DaCounselor wrote: . . .
- DaCounselor wrote: . . .
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:bearishgurl
- patb wrote: . . . They may
- patb wrote: . . . They may
- patb wrote: . . . They may
- patb wrote: . . . They may
- patb wrote: . . . They may
- sdrealtor wrote:But 4S has an
- sdrealtor wrote:But 4S has an
- sdrealtor wrote:But 4S has an
- sdrealtor wrote:But 4S has an
- sdrealtor wrote:But 4S has an
- briansd1 wrote: . . . To
- briansd1 wrote: . . . To
- briansd1 wrote: . . . To
- briansd1 wrote: . . . To
- briansd1 wrote: . . . To
- briansd1 wrote:…There is no
- briansd1 wrote:…There is no
- briansd1 wrote:…There is no
- briansd1 wrote:…There is no
- briansd1 wrote:…There is no
- sdrealtor wrote:Don’t quote
- sdrealtor wrote:Don’t quote
- sdrealtor wrote:Don’t quote
- sdrealtor wrote:Don’t quote
- sdrealtor wrote:Don’t quote
- Eugene, I’m not sure if this
- Eugene, I’m not sure if this
- Eugene, I’m not sure if this
- Eugene, I’m not sure if this
- Eugene, I’m not sure if this
- temeculaguy wrote:BG-I used
- temeculaguy wrote:BG-I used
- temeculaguy wrote:BG-I used
- temeculaguy wrote:BG-I used
- temeculaguy wrote:BG-I used
- Eugene wrote:Quote:I disagree
- Eugene wrote:Quote:I disagree
- Eugene wrote:Quote:I disagree
- Eugene wrote:Quote:I disagree
- Eugene wrote:Quote:I disagree
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- temeculaguy wrote:…The
- AN, it’s late and I will call
- AN, it’s late and I will call
- AN, it’s late and I will call
- AN, it’s late and I will call
- AN, it’s late and I will call
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN, perhaps far-reaching
- AN, perhaps far-reaching
- AN, perhaps far-reaching
- AN, perhaps far-reaching
- AN, perhaps far-reaching
- AN wrote:BG, you didn’t
- AN wrote:BG, you didn’t
- AN wrote:BG, you didn’t
- AN wrote:BG, you didn’t
- AN wrote:BG, you didn’t
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- It’s very simple, AN.
- It’s very simple, AN.
- It’s very simple, AN.
- It’s very simple, AN.
- It’s very simple, AN.
- Eugene wrote:briansd1
- Eugene wrote:briansd1
- Eugene wrote:briansd1
- Eugene wrote:briansd1
- Eugene wrote:briansd1
- Eugene wrote:…In the mean
- Eugene wrote:…In the mean
- Eugene wrote:…In the mean
- Eugene wrote:…In the mean
- Eugene wrote:…In the mean
- Aecetia wrote:That’s where
- Aecetia wrote:That’s where
- Aecetia wrote:That’s where
- Aecetia wrote:That’s where
- Aecetia wrote:That’s where
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:To build a
- briansd1 wrote:To build a
- briansd1 wrote:To build a
- briansd1 wrote:To build a
- briansd1 wrote:To build a
- It IS a pain, brian. Get a
- It IS a pain, brian. Get a
- It IS a pain, brian. Get a
- It IS a pain, brian. Get a
- It IS a pain, brian. Get a
- Zeitgeist wrote:…
“1 in 3
- Zeitgeist wrote:…
“1 in 3
- Zeitgeist wrote:…
“1 in 3
- Zeitgeist wrote:…
“1 in 3
- Zeitgeist wrote:…
“1 in 3
- Zeitgeist wrote:More
- Zeitgeist wrote:More
- Zeitgeist wrote:More
- Zeitgeist wrote:More
- Zeitgeist wrote:More
- UCGal wrote:barnaby33
- UCGal wrote:barnaby33
- UCGal wrote:barnaby33
- UCGal wrote:barnaby33
- UCGal wrote:barnaby33
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- njtosd wrote:walterwhite
- njtosd wrote:walterwhite
- njtosd wrote:walterwhite
- njtosd wrote:walterwhite
- njtosd wrote:walterwhite
- Vod-Vil wrote:BG,
Why are
- Vod-Vil wrote:BG,
Why are
- Vod-Vil wrote:BG,
Why are
- Vod-Vil wrote:BG,
Why are
- Vod-Vil wrote:BG,
Why are
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:I’m of the mind that
- AN wrote:I’m of the mind that
- AN wrote:I’m of the mind that
- AN wrote:I’m of the mind that
- AN wrote:I’m of the mind that
- urbanrealtor wrote:Guys.
- urbanrealtor wrote:Guys.
- urbanrealtor wrote:Guys.
- urbanrealtor wrote:Guys.
- urbanrealtor wrote:Guys.
- sdrealtor wrote:…I’ve been
- sdrealtor wrote:…I’ve been
- sdrealtor wrote:…I’ve been
- sdrealtor wrote:…I’ve been
- sdrealtor wrote:…I’ve been
- eavesdropper wrote:…Very
- eavesdropper wrote:…Very
- eavesdropper wrote:…Very
- eavesdropper wrote:…Very
- eavesdropper wrote:…Very
- lifeisgood wrote:I love this
- lifeisgood wrote:I love this
- lifeisgood wrote:I love this
- lifeisgood wrote:I love this
- lifeisgood wrote:I love this
- walterwhite wrote:the whining
- walterwhite wrote:the whining
- walterwhite wrote:the whining
- walterwhite wrote:the whining
- walterwhite wrote:the whining
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:There is
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:There is
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:There is
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:There is
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:There is
- sreeb wrote:They may be slow
- sreeb wrote:They may be slow
- sreeb wrote:They may be slow
- sreeb wrote:They may be slow
- sreeb wrote:They may be slow
- LOL, eavesdropper!! The
- LOL, eavesdropper!! The
- LOL, eavesdropper!! The
- LOL, eavesdropper!! The
- LOL, eavesdropper!! The
- eavesdropper
- eavesdropper
- eavesdropper
- eavesdropper
- eavesdropper
- That’s an interesting
- That’s an interesting
- That’s an interesting
- That’s an interesting
- That’s an interesting
- walterwhite wrote:Speaking
- walterwhite wrote:Speaking
- walterwhite wrote:Speaking
- walterwhite wrote:Speaking
- walterwhite wrote:Speaking
- CA renter wrote:Definitely.
- CA renter wrote:Definitely.
- CA renter wrote:Definitely.
- CA renter wrote:Definitely.
- CA renter wrote:Definitely.
- walterwhite wrote:…if the
- walterwhite wrote:…if the
- walterwhite wrote:…if the
- walterwhite wrote:…if the
- walterwhite wrote:…if the
- UCGal wrote:I agree w early
- UCGal wrote:I agree w early
- UCGal wrote:I agree w early
- UCGal wrote:I agree w early
- UCGal wrote:I agree w early
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- Okay, ER, I take back
- Okay, ER, I take back
- Okay, ER, I take back
- Okay, ER, I take back
- Okay, ER, I take back
- CONCHO wrote:Hahahaha these
- CONCHO wrote:Hahahaha these
- CONCHO wrote:Hahahaha these
- CONCHO wrote:Hahahaha these
- CONCHO wrote:Hahahaha these
- patb
- patb
- patb
- patb
- patb
- walterwhite wrote:Do I get
- walterwhite wrote:Do I get
- walterwhite wrote:Do I get
- walterwhite wrote:Do I get
- walterwhite wrote:Do I get
- JBurkett19 wrote: . . . The
- JBurkett19 wrote: . . . The
- JBurkett19 wrote: . . . The
- JBurkett19 wrote: . . . The
- JBurkett19 wrote: . . . The
- Ren wrote:JBurkett19
- Ren wrote:JBurkett19
- Ren wrote:JBurkett19
- Ren wrote:JBurkett19
- Ren wrote:JBurkett19
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- walterwhite wrote:What’s the
- walterwhite wrote:What’s the
- walterwhite wrote:What’s the
- walterwhite wrote:What’s the
- walterwhite wrote:What’s the
- Ren wrote:Condos usually give
- Ren wrote:Condos usually give
- Ren wrote:Condos usually give
- Ren wrote:Condos usually give
- Ren wrote:Condos usually give
- EconProf wrote:Newly
- EconProf wrote:Newly
- EconProf wrote:Newly
- EconProf wrote:Newly
- EconProf wrote:Newly
- pfflyer wrote:I have several
- pfflyer wrote:I have several
- pfflyer wrote:I have several
- pfflyer wrote:I have several
- pfflyer wrote:I have several
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Sorry but
- briansd1 wrote:meadandale
- briansd1 wrote:meadandale
- briansd1 wrote:meadandale
- briansd1 wrote:meadandale
- briansd1 wrote:meadandale
- sdrealtor wrote:I know js and
- sdrealtor wrote:I know js and
- sdrealtor wrote:I know js and
- sdrealtor wrote:I know js and
- sdrealtor wrote:I know js and
- walterwhite wrote:it’s pretty
- walterwhite wrote:it’s pretty
- walterwhite wrote:it’s pretty
- walterwhite wrote:it’s pretty
- walterwhite wrote:it’s pretty
- Always studying wrote:I have
- Always studying wrote:I have
- Always studying wrote:I have
- Always studying wrote:I have
- Always studying wrote:I have
- walterwhite wrote:im going to
- walterwhite wrote:im going to
- walterwhite wrote:im going to
- walterwhite wrote:im going to
- walterwhite wrote:im going to
- jpinpb wrote:… Also, not
- jpinpb wrote:… Also, not
- jpinpb wrote:… Also, not
- jpinpb wrote:… Also, not
- jpinpb wrote:… Also, not
- frenchlambda wrote:My initial
- frenchlambda wrote:My initial
- frenchlambda wrote:My initial
- frenchlambda wrote:My initial
- frenchlambda wrote:My initial
- frenchlambda wrote:I think I
- frenchlambda wrote:I think I
- frenchlambda wrote:I think I
- frenchlambda wrote:I think I
- frenchlambda wrote:I think I
- ucodegen wrote:frenchlambda
- ucodegen wrote:frenchlambda
- ucodegen wrote:frenchlambda
- ucodegen wrote:frenchlambda
- ucodegen wrote:frenchlambda
- ucodegen wrote:I know a
- ucodegen wrote:I know a
- ucodegen wrote:I know a
- ucodegen wrote:I know a
- ucodegen wrote:I know a
- Eugene, why quibble over $5K
- Eugene, why quibble over $5K
- Eugene, why quibble over $5K
- Eugene, why quibble over $5K
- Eugene, why quibble over $5K
- bearishgurl wrote:If this
- bearishgurl wrote:If this
- bearishgurl wrote:If this
- bearishgurl wrote:If this
- bearishgurl wrote:If this
- ucodegen wrote:…There was
- ucodegen wrote:…There was
- ucodegen wrote:…There was
- ucodegen wrote:…There was
- ucodegen wrote:…There was
- frenchlambda wrote:…My goal
- frenchlambda wrote:…My goal
- frenchlambda wrote:…My goal
- frenchlambda wrote:…My goal
- frenchlambda wrote:…My goal
- Rustico wrote:It is an old
- Rustico wrote:It is an old
- Rustico wrote:It is an old
- Rustico wrote:It is an old
- Rustico wrote:It is an old
- frenchlambda wrote:I am going
- frenchlambda wrote:I am going
- frenchlambda wrote:I am going
- frenchlambda wrote:I am going
- frenchlambda wrote:I am going
- frenchlambda wrote:The
- frenchlambda wrote:The
- frenchlambda wrote:The
- frenchlambda wrote:The
- frenchlambda wrote:The
- Regardless of ANY language on
- Regardless of ANY language on
- Regardless of ANY language on
- Regardless of ANY language on
- Regardless of ANY language on
- frenchlambda wrote:
– a few
- frenchlambda wrote:
– a few
- frenchlambda wrote:
– a few
- frenchlambda wrote:
– a few
- frenchlambda wrote:
– a few
- sdr, your most recent remark
- sdr, your most recent remark
- sdr, your most recent remark
- sdr, your most recent remark
- sdr, your most recent remark
- ucodegen wrote:First things
- ucodegen wrote:First things
- ucodegen wrote:First things
- ucodegen wrote:First things
- ucodegen wrote:First things
- desmond wrote:Hobby: Here is
- desmond wrote:Hobby: Here is
- desmond wrote:Hobby: Here is
- desmond wrote:Hobby: Here is
- desmond wrote:Hobby: Here is
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:My boys have been
- UCGal wrote:My boys have been
- UCGal wrote:My boys have been
- UCGal wrote:My boys have been
- UCGal wrote:My boys have been
- jpinpb wrote: . . . But, I
- jpinpb wrote: . . . But, I
- jpinpb wrote: . . . But, I
- jpinpb wrote: . . . But, I
- jpinpb wrote: . . . But, I
- Good advice, Eaves.
- Good advice, Eaves.
- Good advice, Eaves.
- Good advice, Eaves.
- Good advice, Eaves.
- sdr, I truly did not notice
- sdr, I truly did not notice
- sdr, I truly did not notice
- sdr, I truly did not notice
- sdr, I truly did not notice
- afx114 wrote: . . .
- afx114 wrote: . . .
- afx114 wrote: . . .
- afx114 wrote: . . .
- afx114 wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- eavesdropper wrote: . . .
- nybuyer, do you have your
- nybuyer, do you have your
- nybuyer, do you have your
- nybuyer, do you have your
- nybuyer, do you have your
- I would back out of the
- I would back out of the
- I would back out of the
- I would back out of the
- I would back out of the
- bearishgurl wrote:…They
- bearishgurl wrote:…They
- bearishgurl wrote:…They
- bearishgurl wrote:…They
- bearishgurl wrote:…They
- If your in-laws recently
- If your in-laws recently
- If your in-laws recently
- If your in-laws recently
- If your in-laws recently
- wanttobuy wrote:Ok. here is
- wanttobuy wrote:Ok. here is
- wanttobuy wrote:Ok. here is
- wanttobuy wrote:Ok. here is
- wanttobuy wrote:Ok. here is
- For a full understanding,
- For a full understanding,
- For a full understanding,
- For a full understanding,
- For a full understanding,
- Raybyrnes wrote:Here’s
- Raybyrnes wrote:Here’s
- Raybyrnes wrote:Here’s
- Raybyrnes wrote:Here’s
- Raybyrnes wrote:Here’s
- zzz wrote:If I were you, I’d
- zzz wrote:If I were you, I’d
- zzz wrote:If I were you, I’d
- zzz wrote:If I were you, I’d
- zzz wrote:If I were you, I’d
- I would suggest for you a
- I would suggest for you a
- I would suggest for you a
- I would suggest for you a
- I would suggest for you a
- wanttobuy wrote:We generally
- wanttobuy wrote:We generally
- wanttobuy wrote:We generally
- wanttobuy wrote:We generally
- wanttobuy wrote:We generally
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- Thank you for your expert
- Thank you for your expert
- Thank you for your expert
- Thank you for your expert
- Thank you for your expert
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- north park girl wrote:…I
- eavesdropper wrote:Okay with
- eavesdropper wrote:Okay with
- eavesdropper wrote:Okay with
- eavesdropper wrote:Okay with
- eavesdropper wrote:Okay with
- jstoesz wrote:renters pay
- jstoesz wrote:renters pay
- jstoesz wrote:renters pay
- jstoesz wrote:renters pay
- jstoesz wrote:renters pay
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I’m in
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I’m in
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I’m in
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I’m in
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I’m in
- jstoesz, have you done a
- jstoesz, have you done a
- jstoesz, have you done a
- jstoesz, have you done a
- jstoesz, have you done a
- briansd1 wrote:That house is
- briansd1 wrote:That house is
- briansd1 wrote:That house is
- briansd1 wrote:That house is
- briansd1 wrote:That house is
- wanttobuy, to be blunt,
- wanttobuy, to be blunt,
- wanttobuy, to be blunt,
- wanttobuy, to be blunt,
- wanttobuy, to be blunt,
- jstoesz wrote:I disagree with
- jstoesz wrote:I disagree with
- jstoesz wrote:I disagree with
- jstoesz wrote:I disagree with
- jstoesz wrote:I disagree with
- CA renter wrote: . . . I’ve
- CA renter wrote: . . . I’ve
- CA renter wrote: . . . I’ve
- CA renter wrote: . . . I’ve
- CA renter wrote: . . . I’ve
- Ren wrote: . . . Like many
- Ren wrote: . . . Like many
- Ren wrote: . . . Like many
- Ren wrote: . . . Like many
- Ren wrote: . . . Like many
- briansd1 wrote:…One
- briansd1 wrote:…One
- briansd1 wrote:…One
- briansd1 wrote:…One
- briansd1 wrote:…One
- Eugene wrote:Hey, I can argue
- Eugene wrote:Hey, I can argue
- Eugene wrote:Hey, I can argue
- Eugene wrote:Hey, I can argue
- Eugene wrote:Hey, I can argue
- earlyretirement wrote:…And
- earlyretirement wrote:…And
- earlyretirement wrote:…And
- earlyretirement wrote:…And
- earlyretirement wrote:…And
- Harbor Seal performing on
- Harbor Seal performing on
- Harbor Seal performing on
- Harbor Seal performing on
- Harbor Seal performing on
- scaredy, it’s time to load up
- scaredy, it’s time to load up
- scaredy, it’s time to load up
- scaredy, it’s time to load up
- scaredy, it’s time to load up
- earlyretirement wrote:The
- earlyretirement wrote:The
- earlyretirement wrote:The
- earlyretirement wrote:The
- earlyretirement wrote:The
- earlyretirement wrote:…The
- earlyretirement wrote:…The
- earlyretirement wrote:…The
- earlyretirement wrote:…The
- earlyretirement wrote:…The
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- deadzone wrote:Unlike in
- deadzone wrote:Unlike in
- deadzone wrote:Unlike in
- deadzone wrote:Unlike in
- deadzone wrote:Unlike in
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- Rich Toscano wrote:Right,
- Rich Toscano wrote:Right,
- Rich Toscano wrote:Right,
- Rich Toscano wrote:Right,
- Rich Toscano wrote:Right,
- earlyretirement wrote: . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . .
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Do they
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Do they
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Do they
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Do they
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Do they
- I’m not a “mortgage expert”
- I’m not a “mortgage expert”
- I’m not a “mortgage expert”
- I’m not a “mortgage expert”
- I’m not a “mortgage expert”
- I just read two pages of the
- I just read two pages of the
- I just read two pages of the
- I just read two pages of the
- I just read two pages of the
- We have been discussing this
- We have been discussing this
- We have been discussing this
- We have been discussing this
- We have been discussing this
- OTOH, Fannie/Freddie is in
- OTOH, Fannie/Freddie is in
- OTOH, Fannie/Freddie is in
- OTOH, Fannie/Freddie is in
- OTOH, Fannie/Freddie is in
- walterwhite wrote:17 mile
- walterwhite wrote:17 mile
- walterwhite wrote:17 mile
- walterwhite wrote:17 mile
- walterwhite wrote:17 mile
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Point
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Point
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Point
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Point
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Point
- The NY Times article uses
- The NY Times article uses
- The NY Times article uses
- The NY Times article uses
- The NY Times article uses
- utcsox
- utcsox
- utcsox
- utcsox
- utcsox
- Great post, brian. I
- Great post, brian. I
- Great post, brian. I
- Great post, brian. I
- Great post, brian. I
- According to this new piece,
- According to this new piece,
- According to this new piece,
- According to this new piece,
- According to this new piece,
- I want to add that a young
- I want to add that a young
- I want to add that a young
- I want to add that a young
- I want to add that a young
- Very good suggestions,
- Very good suggestions,
- Very good suggestions,
- Very good suggestions,
- Very good suggestions,
- My “affected subdivision”
- My “affected subdivision”
- My “affected subdivision”
- My “affected subdivision”
- My “affected subdivision”
- I’m highly familiar with
- I’m highly familiar with
- I’m highly familiar with
- I’m highly familiar with
- I’m highly familiar with
- To answer your question, a
- To answer your question, a
- To answer your question, a
- To answer your question, a
- To answer your question, a
- sdrealtor wrote:What
- sdrealtor wrote:What
- sdrealtor wrote:What
- sdrealtor wrote:What
- sdrealtor wrote:What
- Scarlett, you would need to
- Scarlett, you would need to
- Scarlett, you would need to
- Scarlett, you would need to
- Scarlett, you would need to
- Scarlett wrote:Thanks KIBU, I
- Scarlett wrote:Thanks KIBU, I
- Scarlett wrote:Thanks KIBU, I
- Scarlett wrote:Thanks KIBU, I
- Scarlett wrote:Thanks KIBU, I
- Congrats, Nancy! How about I
- Congrats, Nancy! How about I
- Congrats, Nancy! How about I
- Congrats, Nancy! How about I
- Congrats, Nancy! How about I
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Good
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Good
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Good
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Good
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Good
- SK in CV wrote:. . . Much of
- SK in CV wrote:. . . Much of
- SK in CV wrote:. . . Much of
- SK in CV wrote:. . . Much of
- SK in CV wrote:. . . Much of
- SK in CV wrote: . . . Not a
- SK in CV wrote: . . . Not a
- SK in CV wrote: . . . Not a
- SK in CV wrote: . . . Not a
- SK in CV wrote: . . . Not a
- Scarlett wrote:totally true.
- Scarlett wrote:totally true.
- Scarlett wrote:totally true.
- Scarlett wrote:totally true.
- Scarlett wrote:totally true.
- Congrats, afx! I love
- Congrats, afx! I love
- Congrats, afx! I love
- Congrats, afx! I love
- Congrats, afx! I love
- SK in CV wrote:Scarlett
- SK in CV wrote:Scarlett
- SK in CV wrote:Scarlett
- SK in CV wrote:Scarlett
- SK in CV wrote:Scarlett
- AN wrote:First off, what’s
- AN wrote:First off, what’s
- AN wrote:First off, what’s
- AN wrote:First off, what’s
- AN wrote:First off, what’s
- Scarlett wrote:I am not
- Scarlett wrote:I am not
- Scarlett wrote:I am not
- Scarlett wrote:I am not
- Scarlett wrote:I am not
- Scarlett wrote:Then how about
- Scarlett wrote:Then how about
- Scarlett wrote:Then how about
- Scarlett wrote:Then how about
- Scarlett wrote:Then how about
- pri_dk wrote:The public
- pri_dk wrote:The public
- pri_dk wrote:The public
- pri_dk wrote:The public
- pri_dk wrote:The public
- Scarlett wrote:Then I think a
- Scarlett wrote:Then I think a
- Scarlett wrote:Then I think a
- Scarlett wrote:Then I think a
- Scarlett wrote:Then I think a
- There is another solution if
- There is another solution if
- There is another solution if
- There is another solution if
- There is another solution if
- Scarlett wrote:I don’t think
- Scarlett wrote:I don’t think
- Scarlett wrote:I don’t think
- Scarlett wrote:I don’t think
- Scarlett wrote:I don’t think
- Scarlett wrote:Errr…. I
- Scarlett wrote:Errr…. I
- Scarlett wrote:Errr…. I
- Scarlett wrote:Errr…. I
- Scarlett wrote:Errr…. I
- CA renter wrote:…”Although
- CA renter wrote:…”Although
- CA renter wrote:…”Although
- CA renter wrote:…”Although
- CA renter wrote:…”Although
- Scarlett wrote:Anybody thinks
- Scarlett wrote:Anybody thinks
- Scarlett wrote:Anybody thinks
- Scarlett wrote:Anybody thinks
- Scarlett wrote:Anybody thinks
- In answer to your question,
- In answer to your question,
- In answer to your question,
- In answer to your question,
- In answer to your question,
- scaredy, I agree with your
- scaredy, I agree with your
- scaredy, I agree with your
- scaredy, I agree with your
- scaredy, I agree with your
- HiggyBaby wrote:…Nice job
- HiggyBaby wrote:…Nice job
- HiggyBaby wrote:…Nice job
- HiggyBaby wrote:…Nice job
- HiggyBaby wrote:…Nice job
- briansd1 wrote:I believe that
- briansd1 wrote:I believe that
- briansd1 wrote:I believe that
- briansd1 wrote:I believe that
- briansd1 wrote:I believe that
- I’ll just follow the slow
- I’ll just follow the slow
- I’ll just follow the slow
- I’ll just follow the slow
- I’ll just follow the slow
- pabloesqobar wrote:…Again,
- pabloesqobar wrote:…Again,
- pabloesqobar wrote:…Again,
- pabloesqobar wrote:…Again,
- pabloesqobar wrote:…Again,
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Making
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Making
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Making
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Making
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Making
- Piggs, you have to ask
- Piggs, you have to ask
- Piggs, you have to ask
- Piggs, you have to ask
- Piggs, you have to ask
- pabloesqobar wrote:Holy shit.
- pabloesqobar wrote:Holy shit.
- pabloesqobar wrote:Holy shit.
- pabloesqobar wrote:Holy shit.
- pabloesqobar wrote:Holy shit.
- pabloesqobar wrote:Many
- pabloesqobar wrote:Many
- pabloesqobar wrote:Many
- pabloesqobar wrote:Many
- pabloesqobar wrote:Many
- pabloesqobar wrote:That’s
- pabloesqobar wrote:That’s
- pabloesqobar wrote:That’s
- pabloesqobar wrote:That’s
- pabloesqobar wrote:That’s
- UCGal wrote:* chula vista has
- UCGal wrote:* chula vista has
- UCGal wrote:* chula vista has
- UCGal wrote:* chula vista has
- UCGal wrote:* chula vista has
- ocrenter wrote:But the
- ocrenter wrote:But the
- ocrenter wrote:But the
- ocrenter wrote:But the
- ocrenter wrote:But the
- Agree, UCGal. You are
- Agree, UCGal. You are
- Agree, UCGal. You are
- Agree, UCGal. You are
- Agree, UCGal. You are
- That’s a good point, Eugene.
- That’s a good point, Eugene.
- That’s a good point, Eugene.
- That’s a good point, Eugene.
- That’s a good point, Eugene.
- sdrealtor wrote:ocr
- sdrealtor wrote:ocr
- sdrealtor wrote:ocr
- sdrealtor wrote:ocr
- sdrealtor wrote:ocr
- ocrenter wrote: . . . You
- ocrenter wrote: . . . You
- ocrenter wrote: . . . You
- ocrenter wrote: . . . You
- ocrenter wrote: . . . You
- briansd1 wrote:Does praying
- briansd1 wrote:Does praying
- briansd1 wrote:Does praying
- briansd1 wrote:Does praying
- briansd1 wrote:Does praying
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- In relation to the location
- In relation to the location
- In relation to the location
- In relation to the location
- In relation to the location
- This should dispel any rumors
- This should dispel any rumors
- This should dispel any rumors
- This should dispel any rumors
- This should dispel any rumors
- gandalf wrote:I don’t know
- gandalf wrote:I don’t know
- gandalf wrote:I don’t know
- gandalf wrote:I don’t know
- gandalf wrote:I don’t know
- Shadowfax wrote:. . . As for
- Shadowfax wrote:. . . As for
- Shadowfax wrote:. . . As for
- Shadowfax wrote:. . . As for
- Shadowfax wrote:. . . As for
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- njtosd wrote:bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:A simple go
- sdrealtor wrote:A simple go
- sdrealtor wrote:A simple go
- sdrealtor wrote:A simple go
- sdrealtor wrote:A simple go
- ocrenter wrote: . . . think
- ocrenter wrote: . . . think
- ocrenter wrote: . . . think
- ocrenter wrote: . . . think
- ocrenter wrote: . . . think
- CA renter wrote:We are
- CA renter wrote:We are
- CA renter wrote:We are
- CA renter wrote:We are
- CA renter wrote:We are
- ocrenter wrote: . . . but
- ocrenter wrote: . . . but
- ocrenter wrote: . . . but
- ocrenter wrote: . . . but
- ocrenter wrote: . . . but
- I’ve seen many people whom I
- I’ve seen many people whom I
- I’ve seen many people whom I
- I’ve seen many people whom I
- I’ve seen many people whom I
- Rhett wrote:…ocrenter’s
- Rhett wrote:…ocrenter’s
- Rhett wrote:…ocrenter’s
- Rhett wrote:…ocrenter’s
- Rhett wrote:…ocrenter’s
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- KIBU wrote:sf2sd and other
- KIBU wrote:sf2sd and other
- KIBU wrote:sf2sd and other
- KIBU wrote:sf2sd and other
- KIBU wrote:sf2sd and other
- I also concur. Had this case
- I also concur. Had this case
- I also concur. Had this case
- I also concur. Had this case
- I also concur. Had this case
- flu wrote:I guess if the
- flu wrote:I guess if the
- flu wrote:I guess if the
- flu wrote:I guess if the
- flu wrote:I guess if the
- Shadowfax wrote: . . . I
- Shadowfax wrote: . . . I
- Shadowfax wrote: . . . I
- Shadowfax wrote: . . . I
- Shadowfax wrote: . . . I
- jimmyle wrote: . . . Hey I
- jimmyle wrote: . . . Hey I
- jimmyle wrote: . . . Hey I
- jimmyle wrote: . . . Hey I
- jimmyle wrote: . . . Hey I
- flu wrote:So let me get this
- flu wrote:So let me get this
- flu wrote:So let me get this
- flu wrote:So let me get this
- flu wrote:So let me get this
- I routinely drive by a
- I routinely drive by a
- I routinely drive by a
- I routinely drive by a
- I routinely drive by a
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Kids
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Kids
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Kids
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Kids
- briansd1 wrote: . . . Kids
- Honestly, I think learning
- Honestly, I think learning
- Honestly, I think learning
- Honestly, I think learning
- Honestly, I think learning
- briansd1 wrote:Shadowfax
- briansd1 wrote:Shadowfax
- briansd1 wrote:Shadowfax
- briansd1 wrote:Shadowfax
- briansd1 wrote:Shadowfax
- urbanrealtor wrote:At a
- urbanrealtor wrote:At a
- urbanrealtor wrote:At a
- urbanrealtor wrote:At a
- urbanrealtor wrote:At a
- walterwhite wrote:Wait was
- walterwhite wrote:Wait was
- walterwhite wrote:Wait was
- walterwhite wrote:Wait was
- walterwhite wrote:Wait was
- urbanrealtor wrote:First,
- urbanrealtor wrote:First,
- urbanrealtor wrote:First,
- urbanrealtor wrote:First,
- urbanrealtor wrote:First,
- CBad wrote:I totally agree
- CBad wrote:I totally agree
- CBad wrote:I totally agree
- CBad wrote:I totally agree
- CBad wrote:I totally agree
- xtina wrote:maybe this will
- xtina wrote:maybe this will
- xtina wrote:maybe this will
- xtina wrote:maybe this will
- xtina wrote:maybe this will
- I agree, SRO, that a buyer
- I agree, SRO, that a buyer
- I agree, SRO, that a buyer
- I agree, SRO, that a buyer
- I agree, SRO, that a buyer
- Acc to the San Diego Tax
- Acc to the San Diego Tax
- Acc to the San Diego Tax
- Acc to the San Diego Tax
- Acc to the San Diego Tax
- GH wrote:Pension managers DO
- GH wrote:Pension managers DO
- GH wrote:Pension managers DO
- GH wrote:Pension managers DO
- GH wrote:Pension managers DO
- I’m not a Republican but the
- I’m not a Republican but the
- I’m not a Republican but the
- I’m not a Republican but the
- I’m not a Republican but the
- Eugene wrote:I don’t know the
- Eugene wrote:I don’t know the
- Eugene wrote:I don’t know the
- Eugene wrote:I don’t know the
- Eugene wrote:I don’t know the
- Eugene wrote:4S is outside
- Eugene wrote:4S is outside
- Eugene wrote:4S is outside
- Eugene wrote:4S is outside
- Eugene wrote:4S is outside
- Concur with brian and other
- Concur with brian and other
- Concur with brian and other
- Concur with brian and other
- Concur with brian and other
- UCGal wrote:The point is- 4s
- UCGal wrote:The point is- 4s
- UCGal wrote:The point is- 4s
- UCGal wrote:The point is- 4s
- UCGal wrote:The point is- 4s
- sdrealtor wrote:If you are
- sdrealtor wrote:If you are
- sdrealtor wrote:If you are
- sdrealtor wrote:If you are
- sdrealtor wrote:If you are
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:bearishgurl
- ocrenter wrote:UCGal, you are
- ocrenter wrote:UCGal, you are
- ocrenter wrote:UCGal, you are
- ocrenter wrote:UCGal, you are
- ocrenter wrote:UCGal, you are
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I’ve
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I’ve
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I’ve
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I’ve
- ocrenter wrote: . . . I’ve
- UCGal, it would be
- UCGal, it would be
- UCGal, it would be
- UCGal, it would be
- UCGal, it would be
- brian, that was an awesome
- brian, that was an awesome
- brian, that was an awesome
- brian, that was an awesome
- brian, that was an awesome
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Your
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Your
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Your
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Your
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . Your
- sdrealtor wrote:No it was
- sdrealtor wrote:No it was
- sdrealtor wrote:No it was
- sdrealtor wrote:No it was
- sdrealtor wrote:No it was
- Piggs, sdr’s recent comment
- Piggs, sdr’s recent comment
- Piggs, sdr’s recent comment
- Piggs, sdr’s recent comment
- Piggs, sdr’s recent comment
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . I would
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . I would
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . I would
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . I would
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . I would
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote:…You
- earlyretirement wrote:…You
- earlyretirement wrote:…You
- earlyretirement wrote:…You
- earlyretirement wrote:…You
- ocrenter wrote: . . .
- ocrenter wrote: . . .
- ocrenter wrote: . . .
- ocrenter wrote: . . .
- ocrenter wrote: . . .
- teacherSD wrote:4S Ranch
- teacherSD wrote:4S Ranch
- teacherSD wrote:4S Ranch
- teacherSD wrote:4S Ranch
- teacherSD wrote:4S Ranch
- ocrenter wrote:BG, why do you
- ocrenter wrote:BG, why do you
- ocrenter wrote:BG, why do you
- ocrenter wrote:BG, why do you
- ocrenter wrote:BG, why do you
- urbanrealtor wrote: . . . zin
- urbanrealtor wrote: . . . zin
- urbanrealtor wrote: . . . zin
- urbanrealtor wrote: . . . zin
- urbanrealtor wrote: . . . zin
- Lol, I don’t wear
- Lol, I don’t wear
- Lol, I don’t wear
- Lol, I don’t wear
- Lol, I don’t wear
- Actually, it is a myth that
- Actually, it is a myth that
- Actually, it is a myth that
- Actually, it is a myth that
- Actually, it is a myth that
- That’s awesome brian! I
- That’s awesome brian! I
- That’s awesome brian! I
- That’s awesome brian! I
- That’s awesome brian! I
- earlyretirement wrote:…I’ve
- earlyretirement wrote:…I’ve
- earlyretirement wrote:…I’ve
- earlyretirement wrote:…I’ve
- earlyretirement wrote:…I’ve
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- threadkiller wrote:I’m
- threadkiller wrote:I’m
- threadkiller wrote:I’m
- threadkiller wrote:I’m
- threadkiller wrote:I’m
- In fn 11, Judge Mann stated
- In fn 11, Judge Mann stated
- In fn 11, Judge Mann stated
- In fn 11, Judge Mann stated
- In fn 11, Judge Mann stated
- Kingside, I haven’t read the
- Kingside, I haven’t read the
- Kingside, I haven’t read the
- Kingside, I haven’t read the
- Kingside, I haven’t read the
- earlyretirement wrote:I do
- earlyretirement wrote:I do
- earlyretirement wrote:I do
- earlyretirement wrote:I do
- earlyretirement wrote:I do
- Mortgage servicers to regulate … themselves?
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- …Mortgage originators who
- …Mortgage originators who
- …Mortgage originators who
- …Mortgage originators who
- …Mortgage originators who
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- walterwhite wrote:Bought a
- walterwhite wrote:Bought a
- walterwhite wrote:Bought a
- walterwhite wrote:Bought a
- walterwhite wrote:Bought a
- On the “Eagles” vein, I’d
- On the “Eagles” vein, I’d
- On the “Eagles” vein, I’d
- On the “Eagles” vein, I’d
- On the “Eagles” vein, I’d
- I use a spray bleach mixture
- I use a spray bleach mixture
- I use a spray bleach mixture
- I use a spray bleach mixture
- I use a spray bleach mixture
- earlyretirement, I am
- earlyretirement, I am
- earlyretirement, I am
- earlyretirement, I am
- earlyretirement, I am
- UCGal wrote:4744 Ramsay
- UCGal wrote:4744 Ramsay
- UCGal wrote:4744 Ramsay
- UCGal wrote:4744 Ramsay
- UCGal wrote:4744 Ramsay
- walterwhite wrote:I’m
- walterwhite wrote:I’m
- walterwhite wrote:I’m
- walterwhite wrote:I’m
- walterwhite wrote:I’m
- Check out all the commercial
- Check out all the commercial
- Check out all the commercial
- Check out all the commercial
- Check out all the commercial
- walterwhite wrote:We changed
- walterwhite wrote:We changed
- walterwhite wrote:We changed
- walterwhite wrote:We changed
- walterwhite wrote:We changed
- UCguy wrote:…doees anybody
- UCguy wrote:…doees anybody
- UCguy wrote:…doees anybody
- UCguy wrote:…doees anybody
- UCguy wrote:…doees anybody
- UCguy wrote: . . . But what
- UCguy wrote: . . . But what
- UCguy wrote: . . . But what
- UCguy wrote: . . . But what
- UCguy wrote: . . . But what
- UCGal wrote:Looking at the
- UCGal wrote:Looking at the
- UCGal wrote:Looking at the
- UCGal wrote:Looking at the
- UCGal wrote:Looking at the
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:sdrealtor
- AN wrote:It’s the same reason
- AN wrote:It’s the same reason
- AN wrote:It’s the same reason
- AN wrote:It’s the same reason
- AN wrote:It’s the same reason
- I’m going to accept the
- I’m going to accept the
- I’m going to accept the
- I’m going to accept the
- I’m going to accept the
- …sd_fb wrote:We are both in
- …sd_fb wrote:We are both in
- …sd_fb wrote:We are both in
- …sd_fb wrote:We are both in
- …sd_fb wrote:We are both in
- hmc wrote:I never suggested
- hmc wrote:I never suggested
- hmc wrote:I never suggested
- hmc wrote:I never suggested
- hmc wrote:I never suggested
- hmc wrote:bearishgurl, It’s
- hmc wrote:bearishgurl, It’s
- hmc wrote:bearishgurl, It’s
- hmc wrote:bearishgurl, It’s
- hmc wrote:bearishgurl, It’s
- hmc wrote:Market condition
- hmc wrote:Market condition
- hmc wrote:Market condition
- hmc wrote:Market condition
- hmc wrote:Market condition
- hmc wrote:I guess people just
- hmc wrote:I guess people just
- hmc wrote:I guess people just
- hmc wrote:I guess people just
- hmc wrote:I guess people just
- UCguy, you’re new on this
- UCguy, you’re new on this
- UCguy, you’re new on this
- UCguy, you’re new on this
- UCguy, you’re new on this
- hmc wrote:I think, in this
- hmc wrote:I think, in this
- hmc wrote:I think, in this
- hmc wrote:I think, in this
- hmc wrote:I think, in this
- Okay, back to the topic at
- Okay, back to the topic at
- Okay, back to the topic at
- Okay, back to the topic at
- Okay, back to the topic at
- walterwhite wrote:I value ghe
- walterwhite wrote:I value ghe
- walterwhite wrote:I value ghe
- walterwhite wrote:I value ghe
- walterwhite wrote:I value ghe
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Could you
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Could you
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Could you
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Could you
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Could you
- AN wrote:captcha wrote:AN
- AN wrote:captcha wrote:AN
- AN wrote:captcha wrote:AN
- AN wrote:captcha wrote:AN
- AN wrote:captcha wrote:AN
- captcha wrote:AN
- captcha wrote:AN
- captcha wrote:AN
- captcha wrote:AN
- captcha wrote:AN
- AN wrote:And the total is
- AN wrote:And the total is
- AN wrote:And the total is
- AN wrote:And the total is
- AN wrote:And the total is
- jstoesz wrote:Haha! sdr, you
- jstoesz wrote:Haha! sdr, you
- jstoesz wrote:Haha! sdr, you
- jstoesz wrote:Haha! sdr, you
- jstoesz wrote:Haha! sdr, you
- Gomes v. Countrywide is now
- Gomes v. Countrywide is now
- Gomes v. Countrywide is now
- Gomes v. Countrywide is now
- Gomes v. Countrywide is now
- AN wrote:Here’s where I got
- AN wrote:Here’s where I got
- AN wrote:Here’s where I got
- AN wrote:Here’s where I got
- AN wrote:Here’s where I got
- AN wrote:Doing a quick search
- AN wrote:Doing a quick search
- AN wrote:Doing a quick search
- AN wrote:Doing a quick search
- AN wrote:Doing a quick search
- I do fine with abstinence as
- I do fine with abstinence as
- I do fine with abstinence as
- I do fine with abstinence as
- I do fine with abstinence as
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:shoot man.
- walterwhite wrote:shoot man.
- walterwhite wrote:shoot man.
- walterwhite wrote:shoot man.
- walterwhite wrote:shoot man.
- walterwhite wrote:Oh I’ve
- walterwhite wrote:Oh I’ve
- walterwhite wrote:Oh I’ve
- walterwhite wrote:Oh I’ve
- walterwhite wrote:Oh I’ve
- jpinpb wrote:I almost wasn’t
- jpinpb wrote:I almost wasn’t
- jpinpb wrote:I almost wasn’t
- jpinpb wrote:I almost wasn’t
- jpinpb wrote:I almost wasn’t
- Great advice, UR!
- Great advice, UR!
- Great advice, UR!
- Great advice, UR!
- Great advice, UR!
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement wrote: . . .
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- earlyretirement
- urbanrealtor wrote:Doooh
- urbanrealtor wrote:Doooh
- urbanrealtor wrote:Doooh
- urbanrealtor wrote:Doooh
- urbanrealtor wrote:Doooh
- Doooh wrote:We just bought
- Doooh wrote:We just bought
- Doooh wrote:We just bought
- Doooh wrote:We just bought
- Doooh wrote:We just bought
- jpinpb wrote:Here is another
- jpinpb wrote:Here is another
- jpinpb wrote:Here is another
- jpinpb wrote:Here is another
- jpinpb wrote:Here is another
- ljinvestor wrote:Bear-
- ljinvestor wrote:Bear-
- ljinvestor wrote:Bear-
- ljinvestor wrote:Bear-
- ljinvestor wrote:Bear-
- Just curious sreeb, did your
- Just curious sreeb, did your
- Just curious sreeb, did your
- Just curious sreeb, did your
- Just curious sreeb, did your
- $400K.
- $400K.
- $400K.
- $400K.
- $400K.
- Ya’ll Piggs can lay it on
- Ya’ll Piggs can lay it on
- Ya’ll Piggs can lay it on
- Ya’ll Piggs can lay it on
- Ya’ll Piggs can lay it on
- Doooh wrote:He gave me all
- Doooh wrote:He gave me all
- Doooh wrote:He gave me all
- Doooh wrote:He gave me all
- Doooh wrote:He gave me all
- AN wrote:Why set a arbitrary
- AN wrote:Why set a arbitrary
- AN wrote:Why set a arbitrary
- AN wrote:Why set a arbitrary
- AN wrote:Why set a arbitrary
- Doooh wrote:The 5 yr ARM is a
- Doooh wrote:The 5 yr ARM is a
- Doooh wrote:The 5 yr ARM is a
- Doooh wrote:The 5 yr ARM is a
- Doooh wrote:The 5 yr ARM is a
- I’d also like to see
- I’d also like to see
- I’d also like to see
- I’d also like to see
- I’d also like to see
- davelj wrote:I was looking at
- davelj wrote:I was looking at
- davelj wrote:I was looking at
- davelj wrote:I was looking at
- davelj wrote:I was looking at
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- I’ve been in that property on
- I’ve been in that property on
- I’ve been in that property on
- I’ve been in that property on
- I’ve been in that property on
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . the
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . the
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . the
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . the
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . the
- walterwhite wrote:…What are
- walterwhite wrote:…What are
- walterwhite wrote:…What are
- walterwhite wrote:…What are
- walterwhite wrote:…What are
- Aecetia wrote:”The
- Aecetia wrote:”The
- Aecetia wrote:”The
- Aecetia wrote:”The
- Aecetia wrote:”The
- Scarlett wrote: . . . NOTE:
- Scarlett wrote: . . . NOTE:
- Scarlett wrote: . . . NOTE:
- Scarlett wrote: . . . NOTE:
- Scarlett wrote: . . . NOTE:
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Doooh wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:That’s a very
- Scarlett wrote:That’s a very
- Scarlett wrote:That’s a very
- Scarlett wrote:That’s a very
- Scarlett wrote:That’s a very
- Doooh wrote:…So spill it.
- Doooh wrote:…So spill it.
- Doooh wrote:…So spill it.
- Doooh wrote:…So spill it.
- Doooh wrote:…So spill it.
- paramount wrote:Here’s the
- paramount wrote:Here’s the
- paramount wrote:Here’s the
- paramount wrote:Here’s the
- paramount wrote:Here’s the
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- Doooh wrote:Explain index and
- Doooh wrote:Explain index and
- Doooh wrote:Explain index and
- Doooh wrote:Explain index and
- Doooh wrote:Explain index and
- CA renter wrote:. . .
- CA renter wrote:. . .
- CA renter wrote:. . .
- CA renter wrote:. . .
- CA renter wrote:. . .
- Nice chart, AN, but edit it
- Nice chart, AN, but edit it
- Nice chart, AN, but edit it
- Nice chart, AN, but edit it
- Nice chart, AN, but edit it
- Doooh wrote:3 different
- Doooh wrote:3 different
- Doooh wrote:3 different
- Doooh wrote:3 different
- Doooh wrote:3 different
- I’ll make my suggestion
- I’ll make my suggestion
- I’ll make my suggestion
- I’ll make my suggestion
- I’ll make my suggestion
- Since we seem to be in full
- Since we seem to be in full
- Since we seem to be in full
- Since we seem to be in full
- Since we seem to be in full
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I’d
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I’d
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I’d
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I’d
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I’d
- You’re welcome, Scarlett.
- You’re welcome, Scarlett.
- You’re welcome, Scarlett.
- You’re welcome, Scarlett.
- You’re welcome, Scarlett.
- Scarlett, a little OT now,
- Scarlett, a little OT now,
- Scarlett, a little OT now,
- Scarlett, a little OT now,
- Scarlett, a little OT now,
- Scarlett, my post was on
- Scarlett, my post was on
- Scarlett, my post was on
- Scarlett, my post was on
- Scarlett, my post was on
- The way I see it, Scarlett,
- The way I see it, Scarlett,
- The way I see it, Scarlett,
- The way I see it, Scarlett,
- The way I see it, Scarlett,
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I
- eavesdropper wrote:BG, I
- I, too, wish RE lenders of
- I, too, wish RE lenders of
- I, too, wish RE lenders of
- I, too, wish RE lenders of
- I, too, wish RE lenders of
- paramount, if this project
- paramount, if this project
- paramount, if this project
- paramount, if this project
- paramount, if this project
- CA renter wrote:Gotta agree
- CA renter wrote:Gotta agree
- CA renter wrote:Gotta agree
- CA renter wrote:Gotta agree
- CA renter wrote:Gotta agree
- CA renter wrote:We agree
- CA renter wrote:We agree
- CA renter wrote:We agree
- CA renter wrote:We agree
- CA renter wrote:We agree
- jficquette wrote:They will
- jficquette wrote:They will
- jficquette wrote:They will
- jficquette wrote:They will
- jficquette wrote:They will
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- afx114 wrote: . . . Anyone
- afx114 wrote: . . . Anyone
- afx114 wrote: . . . Anyone
- afx114 wrote: . . . Anyone
- afx114 wrote: . . . Anyone
- CONCHO wrote:South
- CONCHO wrote:South
- CONCHO wrote:South
- CONCHO wrote:South
- CONCHO wrote:South
- svelte wrote:Excellent job!
- svelte wrote:Excellent job!
- svelte wrote:Excellent job!
- svelte wrote:Excellent job!
- svelte wrote:Excellent job!
- CONCHO wrote:. . . On landing
- CONCHO wrote:. . . On landing
- CONCHO wrote:. . . On landing
- CONCHO wrote:. . . On landing
- CONCHO wrote:. . . On landing
- CA renter wrote:I see these
- CA renter wrote:I see these
- CA renter wrote:I see these
- CA renter wrote:I see these
- CA renter wrote:I see these
- CDMA ENG wrote: . . . Of
- CDMA ENG wrote: . . . Of
- CDMA ENG wrote: . . . Of
- CDMA ENG wrote: . . . Of
- CDMA ENG wrote: . . . Of
- pemeliza wrote:”An awesome
- pemeliza wrote:”An awesome
- pemeliza wrote:”An awesome
- pemeliza wrote:”An awesome
- pemeliza wrote:”An awesome
- SDisGreat wrote: . . . so do
- SDisGreat wrote: . . . so do
- SDisGreat wrote: . . . so do
- SDisGreat wrote: . . . so do
- SDisGreat wrote: . . . so do
- SK in CV wrote:Oh it was
- SK in CV wrote:Oh it was
- SK in CV wrote:Oh it was
- SK in CV wrote:Oh it was
- SK in CV wrote:Oh it was
- threadkiller
- threadkiller
- threadkiller
- threadkiller
- threadkiller
- I think Michael Landon,
- I think Michael Landon,
- I think Michael Landon,
- I think Michael Landon,
- I think Michael Landon,
- Scarlett wrote:No tsunami,
- Scarlett wrote:No tsunami,
- Scarlett wrote:No tsunami,
- Scarlett wrote:No tsunami,
- Scarlett wrote:No tsunami,
- outtamojo wrote:Seems to me
- outtamojo wrote:Seems to me
- outtamojo wrote:Seems to me
- outtamojo wrote:Seems to me
- outtamojo wrote:Seems to me
- While 2940 Columbia DOES look
- While 2940 Columbia DOES look
- While 2940 Columbia DOES look
- While 2940 Columbia DOES look
- While 2940 Columbia DOES look
- jpinpb wrote:So the ones over
- jpinpb wrote:So the ones over
- jpinpb wrote:So the ones over
- jpinpb wrote:So the ones over
- jpinpb wrote:So the ones over
- You didn’t read the rest of
- You didn’t read the rest of
- You didn’t read the rest of
- You didn’t read the rest of
- You didn’t read the rest of
- jimminycrikut wrote:Thanks
- jimminycrikut wrote:Thanks
- jimminycrikut wrote:Thanks
- jimminycrikut wrote:Thanks
- jimminycrikut wrote:Thanks
- briansd1 wrote:For those
- briansd1 wrote:For those
- briansd1 wrote:For those
- briansd1 wrote:For those
- briansd1 wrote:For those
- beselfish wrote:The sad thing
- beselfish wrote:The sad thing
- beselfish wrote:The sad thing
- beselfish wrote:The sad thing
- beselfish wrote:The sad thing
- Wash the walls in TSP before
- Wash the walls in TSP before
- Wash the walls in TSP before
- Wash the walls in TSP before
- Wash the walls in TSP before
- lol, sdgrrl and GaTech!
- lol, sdgrrl and GaTech!
- lol, sdgrrl and GaTech!
- lol, sdgrrl and GaTech!
- lol, sdgrrl and GaTech!
- sdrealtor wrote:Not quite
- sdrealtor wrote:Not quite
- sdrealtor wrote:Not quite
- sdrealtor wrote:Not quite
- sdrealtor wrote:Not quite
- SkyRanchOwner wrote:Video of
- SkyRanchOwner wrote:Video of
- SkyRanchOwner wrote:Video of
- SkyRanchOwner wrote:Video of
- SkyRanchOwner wrote:Video of
- SDisGreat wrote:…i rather
- SDisGreat wrote:…i rather
- SDisGreat wrote:…i rather
- SDisGreat wrote:…i rather
- SDisGreat wrote:…i rather
- sdgrrl, Mission Hills and
- sdgrrl, Mission Hills and
- sdgrrl, Mission Hills and
- sdgrrl, Mission Hills and
- sdgrrl, Mission Hills and
- Just saw this this morning.
- Just saw this this morning.
- Just saw this this morning.
- Just saw this this morning.
- Just saw this this morning.
- EmilyHicks, the newer “Low-E”
- EmilyHicks, the newer “Low-E”
- EmilyHicks, the newer “Low-E”
- EmilyHicks, the newer “Low-E”
- EmilyHicks, the newer “Low-E”
- briansd1 wrote:. . . I think
- briansd1 wrote:. . . I think
- briansd1 wrote:. . . I think
- briansd1 wrote:. . . I think
- briansd1 wrote:. . . I think
- ocrenter wrote:. . . so you
- ocrenter wrote:. . . so you
- ocrenter wrote:. . . so you
- ocrenter wrote:. . . so you
- ocrenter wrote:. . . so you
- Rustico wrote:Yes he has a
- Rustico wrote:Yes he has a
- Rustico wrote:Yes he has a
- Rustico wrote:Yes he has a
- Rustico wrote:Yes he has a
- paramount wrote:. . . Yes,
- paramount wrote:. . . Yes,
- paramount wrote:. . . Yes,
- paramount wrote:. . . Yes,
- paramount wrote:. . . Yes,
- This subject was addressed on
- This subject was addressed on
- This subject was addressed on
- This subject was addressed on
- This subject was addressed on
- If there is no genetic
- If there is no genetic
- If there is no genetic
- If there is no genetic
- If there is no genetic
- urbanrealtor wrote:. . . I am
- urbanrealtor wrote:. . . I am
- urbanrealtor wrote:. . . I am
- urbanrealtor wrote:. . . I am
- urbanrealtor wrote:. . . I am
- briansd1 wrote:The over
- briansd1 wrote:The over
- briansd1 wrote:The over
- briansd1 wrote:The over
- briansd1 wrote:The over
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:bearishgurl
- briansd1 wrote:BG, even if
- briansd1 wrote:BG, even if
- briansd1 wrote:BG, even if
- briansd1 wrote:BG, even if
- briansd1 wrote:BG, even if
- briansd1 wrote:Bearishgurl,
- briansd1 wrote:Bearishgurl,
- briansd1 wrote:Bearishgurl,
- briansd1 wrote:Bearishgurl,
- briansd1 wrote:Bearishgurl,
- My own experience bears
- My own experience bears
- My own experience bears
- My own experience bears
- My own experience bears
- Great and “enlightening” map
- Great and “enlightening” map
- Great and “enlightening” map
- Great and “enlightening” map
- Great and “enlightening” map
- brian, I too, have had a
- brian, I too, have had a
- brian, I too, have had a
- brian, I too, have had a
- brian, I too, have had a
- walterwhite wrote:. . . I’m
- walterwhite wrote:. . . I’m
- walterwhite wrote:. . . I’m
- walterwhite wrote:. . . I’m
- walterwhite wrote:. . . I’m
- eavesdropper wrote:…There
- eavesdropper wrote:…There
- eavesdropper wrote:…There
- eavesdropper wrote:…There
- eavesdropper wrote:…There
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- Oh, and btw, it’s not
- Oh, and btw, it’s not
- Oh, and btw, it’s not
- Oh, and btw, it’s not
- Oh, and btw, it’s not
- svelte, tell your son he can
- svelte, tell your son he can
- svelte, tell your son he can
- svelte, tell your son he can
- svelte, tell your son he can
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:bearishgurl
- I was comparing the specs of
- I was comparing the specs of
- I was comparing the specs of
- I was comparing the specs of
- I was comparing the specs of
- HiggyBaby wrote:We bought a
- HiggyBaby wrote:We bought a
- HiggyBaby wrote:We bought a
- HiggyBaby wrote:We bought a
- HiggyBaby wrote:We bought a
- I’ve seen .09% (new hybrids),
- I’ve seen .09% (new hybrids),
- I’ve seen .09% (new hybrids),
- I’ve seen .09% (new hybrids),
- I’ve seen .09% (new hybrids),
- There are plenty of
- There are plenty of
- There are plenty of
- There are plenty of
- There are plenty of
- AN, don’t want to get too far
- AN, don’t want to get too far
- AN, don’t want to get too far
- AN, don’t want to get too far
- AN, don’t want to get too far
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- Quote:. . . In San Diego, she
- Quote:. . . In San Diego, she
- Quote:. . . In San Diego, she
- Quote:. . . In San Diego, she
- Quote:. . . In San Diego, she
- I agree with brian here that
- I agree with brian here that
- I agree with brian here that
- I agree with brian here that
- I agree with brian here that
- CA renter wrote:Just wish we
- CA renter wrote:Just wish we
- CA renter wrote:Just wish we
- CA renter wrote:Just wish we
- CA renter wrote:Just wish we
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- ctr70 wrote:. . .
- ctr70 wrote:. . .
- ctr70 wrote:. . .
- ctr70 wrote:. . .
- ctr70 wrote:. . .
- UCGal wrote:My house in PA
- UCGal wrote:My house in PA
- UCGal wrote:My house in PA
- UCGal wrote:My house in PA
- UCGal wrote:My house in PA
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- Eugene wrote:San Diego County
- Eugene wrote:San Diego County
- Eugene wrote:San Diego County
- Eugene wrote:San Diego County
- Eugene wrote:San Diego County
- UCGal wrote: . . . The
- UCGal wrote: . . . The
- UCGal wrote: . . . The
- UCGal wrote: . . . The
- UCGal wrote: . . . The
- I’ve been there a couple of
- I’ve been there a couple of
- I’ve been there a couple of
- I’ve been there a couple of
- I’ve been there a couple of
- davelj wrote:sdrealtor
- davelj wrote:sdrealtor
- davelj wrote:sdrealtor
- davelj wrote:sdrealtor
- davelj wrote:sdrealtor
- UCGal wrote:From what the
- UCGal wrote:From what the
- UCGal wrote:From what the
- UCGal wrote:From what the
- UCGal wrote:From what the
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- paramount wrote: . . . By the
- paramount wrote: . . . By the
- paramount wrote: . . . By the
- paramount wrote: . . . By the
- paramount wrote: . . . By the
- briansd1 wrote:I live it
- briansd1 wrote:I live it
- briansd1 wrote:I live it
- briansd1 wrote:I live it
- briansd1 wrote:I live it
- CA renter wrote:. . . The
- CA renter wrote:. . . The
- CA renter wrote:. . . The
- CA renter wrote:. . . The
- CA renter wrote:. . . The
- walterwhite wrote:Part of why
- walterwhite wrote:Part of why
- walterwhite wrote:Part of why
- walterwhite wrote:Part of why
- walterwhite wrote:Part of why
- CA-dreamin wrote:Well said
- CA-dreamin wrote:Well said
- CA-dreamin wrote:Well said
- CA-dreamin wrote:Well said
- CA-dreamin wrote:Well said
- jstoesz wrote:walterwhite
- jstoesz wrote:walterwhite
- jstoesz wrote:walterwhite
- jstoesz wrote:walterwhite
- jstoesz wrote:walterwhite
- flu wrote:Step 1: Get a bunch
- flu wrote:Step 1: Get a bunch
- flu wrote:Step 1: Get a bunch
- flu wrote:Step 1: Get a bunch
- flu wrote:Step 1: Get a bunch
- walterwhite wrote:Med
- walterwhite wrote:Med
- walterwhite wrote:Med
- walterwhite wrote:Med
- walterwhite wrote:Med
- zzz wrote:…What we need is
- zzz wrote:…What we need is
- zzz wrote:…What we need is
- zzz wrote:…What we need is
- zzz wrote:…What we need is
- briansd1 wrote:We need family
- briansd1 wrote:We need family
- briansd1 wrote:We need family
- briansd1 wrote:We need family
- briansd1 wrote:We need family
- CONCHO wrote:. . . If they
- CONCHO wrote:. . . If they
- CONCHO wrote:. . . If they
- CONCHO wrote:. . . If they
- CONCHO wrote:. . . If they
- Folks, I’ve already finished
- Folks, I’ve already finished
- Folks, I’ve already finished
- Folks, I’ve already finished
- Folks, I’ve already finished
- afx114 wrote: -snip-
I wonder
- afx114 wrote: -snip-
I wonder
- afx114 wrote: -snip-
I wonder
- afx114 wrote: -snip-
I wonder
- afx114 wrote: -snip-
I wonder
- SD Realtor wrote:Scaredy why
- SD Realtor wrote:Scaredy why
- SD Realtor wrote:Scaredy why
- SD Realtor wrote:Scaredy why
- SD Realtor wrote:Scaredy why
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . I
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . I
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . I
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . I
- SD Realtor wrote: . . . I
- walterwhite wrote:What if 3
- walterwhite wrote:What if 3
- walterwhite wrote:What if 3
- walterwhite wrote:What if 3
- walterwhite wrote:What if 3
- walterwhite wrote:Ok You win.
- walterwhite wrote:Ok You win.
- walterwhite wrote:Ok You win.
- walterwhite wrote:Ok You win.
- walterwhite wrote:Ok You win.
- SD Realtor wrote:BG believe
- SD Realtor wrote:BG believe
- SD Realtor wrote:BG believe
- SD Realtor wrote:BG believe
- SD Realtor wrote:BG believe
- SDR, I don’t know why all the
- SDR, I don’t know why all the
- SDR, I don’t know why all the
- SDR, I don’t know why all the
- SDR, I don’t know why all the
- SDR, I STILL maintain that
- SDR, I STILL maintain that
- SDR, I STILL maintain that
- SDR, I STILL maintain that
- SDR, I STILL maintain that
- jpinpb wrote: . . . Just
- jpinpb wrote: . . . Just
- jpinpb wrote: . . . Just
- jpinpb wrote: . . . Just
- jpinpb wrote: . . . Just
- jpinpb wrote:3122 Russell
- jpinpb wrote:3122 Russell
- jpinpb wrote:3122 Russell
- jpinpb wrote:3122 Russell
- jpinpb wrote:3122 Russell
- I’m not whining about my own
- I’m not whining about my own
- I’m not whining about my own
- I’m not whining about my own
- I’m not whining about my own
- I agree that fresh fruit and
- I agree that fresh fruit and
- I agree that fresh fruit and
- I agree that fresh fruit and
- I agree that fresh fruit and
- SDR, your spouse might
- SDR, your spouse might
- SDR, your spouse might
- SDR, your spouse might
- SDR, your spouse might
- sdrealtor wrote:Had he paid
- sdrealtor wrote:Had he paid
- sdrealtor wrote:Had he paid
- sdrealtor wrote:Had he paid
- sdrealtor wrote:Had he paid
- sdrealtor wrote:Exactly and
- sdrealtor wrote:Exactly and
- sdrealtor wrote:Exactly and
- sdrealtor wrote:Exactly and
- sdrealtor wrote:Exactly and
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Just one
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Just one
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Just one
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Just one
- sdrealtor wrote:BG
Just one
- threadkiller wrote:Wow! What
- threadkiller wrote:Wow! What
- threadkiller wrote:Wow! What
- threadkiller wrote:Wow! What
- threadkiller wrote:Wow! What
- Thank you for your help,
- Thank you for your help,
- Thank you for your help,
- Thank you for your help,
- Thank you for your help,
- sdr,
re: your doctor friend.
- sdr,
re: your doctor friend.
- sdr,
re: your doctor friend.
- sdr,
re: your doctor friend.
- sdr,
re: your doctor friend.
- AN wrote:Totally agree with
- AN wrote:Totally agree with
- AN wrote:Totally agree with
- AN wrote:Totally agree with
- AN wrote:Totally agree with
- flu wrote:Translation: most
- flu wrote:Translation: most
- flu wrote:Translation: most
- flu wrote:Translation: most
- flu wrote:Translation: most
- flu wrote:But you just proved
- flu wrote:But you just proved
- flu wrote:But you just proved
- flu wrote:But you just proved
- flu wrote:But you just proved
- I just took a closer look at
- I just took a closer look at
- I just took a closer look at
- I just took a closer look at
- I just took a closer look at
- flu wrote:I think it’s pretty
- flu wrote:I think it’s pretty
- flu wrote:I think it’s pretty
- flu wrote:I think it’s pretty
- flu wrote:I think it’s pretty
- Scarlett wrote:…The MLS
- Scarlett wrote:…The MLS
- Scarlett wrote:…The MLS
- Scarlett wrote:…The MLS
- Scarlett wrote:…The MLS
- Records 1 – 3 of 3
Select Doc
- Records 1 – 3 of 3
Select Doc
- Records 1 – 3 of 3
Select Doc
- Records 1 – 3 of 3
Select Doc
- Records 1 – 3 of 3
Select Doc
- Scarlett wrote:Sorry for
- Scarlett wrote:Sorry for
- Scarlett wrote:Sorry for
- Scarlett wrote:Sorry for
- Scarlett wrote:Sorry for
- Scarlett wrote:The cost of
- Scarlett wrote:The cost of
- Scarlett wrote:The cost of
- Scarlett wrote:The cost of
- Scarlett wrote:The cost of
- Scarlett wrote:There was some
- Scarlett wrote:There was some
- Scarlett wrote:There was some
- Scarlett wrote:There was some
- Scarlett wrote:There was some
- Regardless, Scarlett, are you
- Regardless, Scarlett, are you
- Regardless, Scarlett, are you
- Regardless, Scarlett, are you
- Regardless, Scarlett, are you
- Scarlett wrote:Isn’t this
- Scarlett wrote:Isn’t this
- Scarlett wrote:Isn’t this
- Scarlett wrote:Isn’t this
- Scarlett wrote:Isn’t this
- I think a lot of this
- I think a lot of this
- I think a lot of this
- I think a lot of this
- I think a lot of this
- Current listings that caught
- Current listings that caught
- Current listings that caught
- Current listings that caught
- Current listings that caught
- TexasLine wrote:I have
- TexasLine wrote:I have
- TexasLine wrote:I have
- TexasLine wrote:I have
- TexasLine wrote:I have
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . BG the
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . BG the
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . BG the
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . BG the
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . BG the
- jstoesz wrote:The wooded
- jstoesz wrote:The wooded
- jstoesz wrote:The wooded
- jstoesz wrote:The wooded
- jstoesz wrote:The wooded
- I’d try to find a property in
- I’d try to find a property in
- I’d try to find a property in
- I’d try to find a property in
- I’d try to find a property in
- sdrealtor wrote:Does rising
- sdrealtor wrote:Does rising
- sdrealtor wrote:Does rising
- sdrealtor wrote:Does rising
- sdrealtor wrote:Does rising
- sdrealtor wrote:While their
- sdrealtor wrote:While their
- sdrealtor wrote:While their
- sdrealtor wrote:While their
- sdrealtor wrote:While their
- briansd1 wrote:. . . IMHO,
- briansd1 wrote:. . . IMHO,
- briansd1 wrote:. . . IMHO,
- briansd1 wrote:. . . IMHO,
- briansd1 wrote:. . . IMHO,
- GH wrote:FICO Scores only
- GH wrote:FICO Scores only
- GH wrote:FICO Scores only
- GH wrote:FICO Scores only
- GH wrote:FICO Scores only
- GH wrote:…A lot of it is
- GH wrote:…A lot of it is
- GH wrote:…A lot of it is
- GH wrote:…A lot of it is
- GH wrote:…A lot of it is
- sdrealtor wrote:Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:A highly
- sdrealtor wrote:A highly
- sdrealtor wrote:A highly
- sdrealtor wrote:A highly
- sdrealtor wrote:A highly
- paramount wrote:Fortunately
- paramount wrote:Fortunately
- paramount wrote:Fortunately
- paramount wrote:Fortunately
- paramount wrote:Fortunately
- sdrealtor wrote:…Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:…Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:…Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:…Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:…Under your
- sdrealtor wrote:There are
- sdrealtor wrote:There are
- sdrealtor wrote:There are
- sdrealtor wrote:There are
- sdrealtor wrote:There are
- ctr70 wrote:…FHA and VA
- ctr70 wrote:…FHA and VA
- ctr70 wrote:…FHA and VA
- ctr70 wrote:…FHA and VA
- ctr70 wrote:…FHA and VA
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- davelj wrote: . . . OK, let’s
- davelj wrote: . . . OK, let’s
- davelj wrote: . . . OK, let’s
- davelj wrote: . . . OK, let’s
- davelj wrote: . . . OK, let’s
- sdrealtor wrote:Funny how PL
- sdrealtor wrote:Funny how PL
- sdrealtor wrote:Funny how PL
- sdrealtor wrote:Funny how PL
- sdrealtor wrote:Funny how PL
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Lets
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Lets
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Lets
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Lets
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . Lets
- Actually, CA-dreamin, Pt Loma
- Actually, CA-dreamin, Pt Loma
- Actually, CA-dreamin, Pt Loma
- Actually, CA-dreamin, Pt Loma
- Actually, CA-dreamin, Pt Loma
- recordsclerk wrote:Regarding
- recordsclerk wrote:Regarding
- recordsclerk wrote:Regarding
- recordsclerk wrote:Regarding
- recordsclerk wrote:Regarding
- wanttobuy wrote:This is an
- wanttobuy wrote:This is an
- wanttobuy wrote:This is an
- wanttobuy wrote:This is an
- wanttobuy wrote:This is an
- CA-dreamin wrote:. . . Would
- CA-dreamin wrote:. . . Would
- CA-dreamin wrote:. . . Would
- CA-dreamin wrote:. . . Would
- CA-dreamin wrote:. . . Would
- Sifi wrote:If the information
- Sifi wrote:If the information
- Sifi wrote:If the information
- Sifi wrote:If the information
- Sifi wrote:If the information
- CA renter wrote:That’s
- CA renter wrote:That’s
- CA renter wrote:That’s
- CA renter wrote:That’s
- CA renter wrote:That’s
- SD Transplant wrote: . . . I
- SD Transplant wrote: . . . I
- SD Transplant wrote: . . . I
- SD Transplant wrote: . . . I
- SD Transplant wrote: . . . I
- carlsbadworker wrote:. . .
- carlsbadworker wrote:. . .
- carlsbadworker wrote:. . .
- carlsbadworker wrote:. . .
- carlsbadworker wrote:. . .
- Jazzman wrote: . . . Your
- Jazzman wrote: . . . Your
- Jazzman wrote: . . . Your
- Jazzman wrote: . . . Your
- Jazzman wrote: . . . Your
- Congratulations, JC!! A
- Congratulations, JC!! A
- Congratulations, JC!! A
- Congratulations, JC!! A
- Congratulations, JC!! A
- delete
- delete
- delete
- delete
- delete
- I won’t bore Piggs by arguing
- I won’t bore Piggs by arguing
- I won’t bore Piggs by arguing
- I won’t bore Piggs by arguing
- I won’t bore Piggs by arguing
- sdrealtor wrote:Lets just
- sdrealtor wrote:Lets just
- sdrealtor wrote:Lets just
- sdrealtor wrote:Lets just
- sdrealtor wrote:Lets just
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . As for
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . As for
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . As for
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . As for
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . As for
- ctr70 wrote: . . . Also to
- ctr70 wrote: . . . Also to
- ctr70 wrote: . . . Also to
- ctr70 wrote: . . . Also to
- ctr70 wrote: . . . Also to
- jstoesz wrote:S. Lake would
- jstoesz wrote:S. Lake would
- jstoesz wrote:S. Lake would
- jstoesz wrote:S. Lake would
- jstoesz wrote:S. Lake would
- jstoesz wrote:oh, and just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh, and just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh, and just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh, and just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh, and just to
- I couldn’t live with this
- I couldn’t live with this
- I couldn’t live with this
- I couldn’t live with this
- I couldn’t live with this
- jpinpb wrote:Although this
- jpinpb wrote:Although this
- jpinpb wrote:Although this
- jpinpb wrote:Although this
- jpinpb wrote:Although this
- I’ll be looking for the +/-
- I’ll be looking for the +/-
- I’ll be looking for the +/-
- I’ll be looking for the +/-
- I’ll be looking for the +/-
- I read the article and I’d
- I read the article and I’d
- I read the article and I’d
- I read the article and I’d
- I read the article and I’d
- sdrealtor wrote:…$220K for
- sdrealtor wrote:…$220K for
- sdrealtor wrote:…$220K for
- sdrealtor wrote:…$220K for
- sdrealtor wrote:…$220K for
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:With a
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:With a
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:With a
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:With a
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:With a
- CAR, your posts of today are
- CAR, your posts of today are
- CAR, your posts of today are
- CAR, your posts of today are
- CAR, your posts of today are
- The poster who has been “way
- The poster who has been “way
- The poster who has been “way
- The poster who has been “way
- The poster who has been “way
- Wujohn wrote:…2) Do you
- Wujohn wrote:…2) Do you
- Wujohn wrote:…2) Do you
- Wujohn wrote:…2) Do you
- Wujohn wrote:…2) Do you
- Wujohn, may I suggest
- Wujohn, may I suggest
- Wujohn, may I suggest
- Wujohn, may I suggest
- Wujohn, may I suggest
- Scarlett, Rhett, you both
- Scarlett, Rhett, you both
- Scarlett, Rhett, you both
- Scarlett, Rhett, you both
- Scarlett, Rhett, you both
- zk wrote:Well, I don’t like
- zk wrote:Well, I don’t like
- zk wrote:Well, I don’t like
- zk wrote:Well, I don’t like
- zk wrote:Well, I don’t like
- Scarlett wrote:What exactly
- Scarlett wrote:What exactly
- Scarlett wrote:What exactly
- Scarlett wrote:What exactly
- Scarlett wrote:What exactly
- Scarlett wrote:There are no
- Scarlett wrote:There are no
- Scarlett wrote:There are no
- Scarlett wrote:There are no
- Scarlett wrote:There are no
- sdr, put down your bong and
- sdr, put down your bong and
- sdr, put down your bong and
- sdr, put down your bong and
- sdr, put down your bong and
- Scarlett (or any Pigg), do
- Scarlett (or any Pigg), do
- Scarlett (or any Pigg), do
- Scarlett (or any Pigg), do
- Scarlett (or any Pigg), do
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I don’t
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I don’t
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I don’t
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I don’t
- Scarlett wrote: . . . I don’t
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- Scarlett wrote:bearishgurl
- sdmove wrote:Thanks
- sdmove wrote:Thanks
- sdmove wrote:Thanks
- sdmove wrote:Thanks
- sdmove wrote:Thanks
- SDR, I’m just trying to help
- SDR, I’m just trying to help
- SDR, I’m just trying to help
- SDR, I’m just trying to help
- SDR, I’m just trying to help
- Thank you, Scarlett. Yes, I
- Thank you, Scarlett. Yes, I
- Thank you, Scarlett. Yes, I
- Thank you, Scarlett. Yes, I
- Thank you, Scarlett. Yes, I
- jeeman wrote:I forget who it
- jeeman wrote:I forget who it
- jeeman wrote:I forget who it
- jeeman wrote:I forget who it
- jeeman wrote:I forget who it
- sdmove wrote:bearishgurl
- sdmove wrote:bearishgurl
- sdmove wrote:bearishgurl
- sdmove wrote:bearishgurl
- sdmove wrote:bearishgurl
- sdmove wrote: . . . I’m
- sdmove wrote: . . . I’m
- sdmove wrote: . . . I’m
- sdmove wrote: . . . I’m
- sdmove wrote: . . . I’m
- I read the opinion. I’m glad
- I read the opinion. I’m glad
- I read the opinion. I’m glad
- I read the opinion. I’m glad
- I read the opinion. I’m glad
- captcha wrote: . . . The
- captcha wrote: . . . The
- captcha wrote: . . . The
- captcha wrote: . . . The
- captcha wrote: . . . The
- ctr70 wrote:I’m in agreement
- ctr70 wrote:I’m in agreement
- ctr70 wrote:I’m in agreement
- ctr70 wrote:I’m in agreement
- ctr70 wrote:I’m in agreement
- CA renter wrote:Those
- CA renter wrote:Those
- CA renter wrote:Those
- CA renter wrote:Those
- CA renter wrote:Those
- CA renter wrote:Land prices
- CA renter wrote:Land prices
- CA renter wrote:Land prices
- CA renter wrote:Land prices
- CA renter wrote:Land prices
- CA renter wrote:threadkiller
- CA renter wrote:threadkiller
- CA renter wrote:threadkiller
- CA renter wrote:threadkiller
- CA renter wrote:threadkiller
- CA renter wrote:Absolutely,
- CA renter wrote:Absolutely,
- CA renter wrote:Absolutely,
- CA renter wrote:Absolutely,
- CA renter wrote:Absolutely,
- I read the article. It seems
- I read the article. It seems
- I read the article. It seems
- I read the article. It seems
- I read the article. It seems
- Try:
- Try:
- Try:
- Try:
- Try:
- outtamojo wrote: . . .
- outtamojo wrote: . . .
- outtamojo wrote: . . .
- outtamojo wrote: . . .
- outtamojo wrote: . . .
- davelj wrote:I have no
- davelj wrote:I have no
- davelj wrote:I have no
- davelj wrote:I have no
- davelj wrote:I have no
- davelj wrote: . . . I just
- davelj wrote: . . . I just
- davelj wrote: . . . I just
- davelj wrote: . . . I just
- davelj wrote: . . . I just
- Thanks. I understand now.
- Thanks. I understand now.
- Thanks. I understand now.
- Thanks. I understand now.
- Thanks. I understand now.
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . I
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . I
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . I
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . I
- sdrealtor wrote: . . . I
- sdrealtor wrote:bg
- sdrealtor wrote:bg
- sdrealtor wrote:bg
- sdrealtor wrote:bg
- sdrealtor wrote:bg
- temeculaguy wrote:Sometimes
- temeculaguy wrote:Sometimes
- temeculaguy wrote:Sometimes
- temeculaguy wrote:Sometimes
- temeculaguy wrote:Sometimes
- sdr, what is the average
- sdr, what is the average
- sdr, what is the average
- sdr, what is the average
- sdr, what is the average
- sdrealtor wrote:Your post
- sdrealtor wrote:Your post
- sdrealtor wrote:Your post
- sdrealtor wrote:Your post
- sdrealtor wrote:Your post
- researcher9 wrote:. . . At
- researcher9 wrote:. . . At
- researcher9 wrote:. . . At
- researcher9 wrote:. . . At
- researcher9 wrote:. . . At
- I was really surprised when I
- I was really surprised when I
- I was really surprised when I
- I was really surprised when I
- I was really surprised when I
- sreeb wrote:You don’t have to
- sreeb wrote:You don’t have to
- sreeb wrote:You don’t have to
- sreeb wrote:You don’t have to
- sreeb wrote:You don’t have to
- CA renter wrote: . . . Yes,
- CA renter wrote: . . . Yes,
- CA renter wrote: . . . Yes,
- CA renter wrote: . . . Yes,
- CA renter wrote: . . . Yes,
- sdrealtor wrote:BTW, I think
- sdrealtor wrote:BTW, I think
- sdrealtor wrote:BTW, I think
- sdrealtor wrote:BTW, I think
- sdrealtor wrote:BTW, I think
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . One of
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . One of
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . One of
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . One of
- sdrealtor wrote:. . . One of
- ssr123 wrote:Wow..thank you
- ssr123 wrote:Wow..thank you
- ssr123 wrote:Wow..thank you
- ssr123 wrote:Wow..thank you
- ssr123 wrote:Wow..thank you
- deadzone wrote: . . . I agree
- deadzone wrote: . . . I agree
- deadzone wrote: . . . I agree
- deadzone wrote: . . . I agree
- deadzone wrote: . . . I agree
- jpinpb wrote:edna_mode, sent
- jpinpb wrote:edna_mode, sent
- jpinpb wrote:edna_mode, sent
- jpinpb wrote:edna_mode, sent
- jpinpb wrote:edna_mode, sent
- deadzone wrote:Although I
- deadzone wrote:Although I
- deadzone wrote:Although I
- deadzone wrote:Although I
- deadzone wrote:Although I
- As an aside, I believe those
- As an aside, I believe those
- As an aside, I believe those
- As an aside, I believe those
- As an aside, I believe those
- jp, I wanted to add that I
- jp, I wanted to add that I
- jp, I wanted to add that I
- jp, I wanted to add that I
- jp, I wanted to add that I
- jpinpb wrote:I was all
- jpinpb wrote:I was all
- jpinpb wrote:I was all
- jpinpb wrote:I was all
- jpinpb wrote:I was all
- jpinpb wrote:I am in favor of
- jpinpb wrote:I am in favor of
- jpinpb wrote:I am in favor of
- jpinpb wrote:I am in favor of
- jpinpb wrote:I am in favor of
- I just did some research and
- I just did some research and
- I just did some research and
- I just did some research and
- I just did some research and
- I just looked at the photos
- I just looked at the photos
- I just looked at the photos
- I just looked at the photos
- I just looked at the photos
- sdrealtor wrote:4S Ranch
- sdrealtor wrote:4S Ranch
- sdrealtor wrote:4S Ranch
- sdrealtor wrote:4S Ranch
- sdrealtor wrote:4S Ranch
- jpinpb wrote:BG – You just
- jpinpb wrote:BG – You just
- jpinpb wrote:BG – You just
- jpinpb wrote:BG – You just
- jpinpb wrote:BG – You just
- sdrealtor wrote:…Lastly
- sdrealtor wrote:…Lastly
- sdrealtor wrote:…Lastly
- sdrealtor wrote:…Lastly
- sdrealtor wrote:…Lastly
- briansd1 wrote:I absolutely
- briansd1 wrote:I absolutely
- briansd1 wrote:I absolutely
- briansd1 wrote:I absolutely
- briansd1 wrote:I absolutely
- jpinpb wrote:I think some of
- jpinpb wrote:I think some of
- jpinpb wrote:I think some of
- jpinpb wrote:I think some of
- jpinpb wrote:I think some of
- deadzone wrote:Wow, $114 per
- deadzone wrote:Wow, $114 per
- deadzone wrote:Wow, $114 per
- deadzone wrote:Wow, $114 per
- deadzone wrote:Wow, $114 per
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- FormerSanDiegan wrote: . . .
- carli wrote: . . . I don’t
- carli wrote: . . . I don’t
- carli wrote: . . . I don’t
- carli wrote: . . . I don’t
- carli wrote: . . . I don’t
- carli wrote:…SDUHSD does
- carli wrote:…SDUHSD does
- carli wrote:…SDUHSD does
- carli wrote:…SDUHSD does
- carli wrote:…SDUHSD does
- carli wrote:Wow, since I left
- carli wrote:Wow, since I left
- carli wrote:Wow, since I left
- carli wrote:Wow, since I left
- carli wrote:Wow, since I left
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:For all
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:For all
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:For all
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:For all
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:For all
- I agree with xtina and want
- I agree with xtina and want
- I agree with xtina and want
- I agree with xtina and want
- I agree with xtina and want
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Ignore the
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Ignore the
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Ignore the
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Ignore the
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Ignore the
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Sure,
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Sure,
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Sure,
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Sure,
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Sure,
- pemeliza wrote: . . . Here
- pemeliza wrote: . . . Here
- pemeliza wrote: . . . Here
- pemeliza wrote: . . . Here
- pemeliza wrote: . . . Here
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- Could you build the cabinet
- Could you build the cabinet
- Could you build the cabinet
- Could you build the cabinet
- Could you build the cabinet
- jpinpb wrote:. . . The area
- jpinpb wrote:. . . The area
- jpinpb wrote:. . . The area
- jpinpb wrote:. . . The area
- jpinpb wrote:. . . The area
- mycroft wrote:As far as I
- mycroft wrote:As far as I
- mycroft wrote:As far as I
- mycroft wrote:As far as I
- mycroft wrote:As far as I
- urbanrealtor wrote:SD Realtor
- urbanrealtor wrote:SD Realtor
- urbanrealtor wrote:SD Realtor
- urbanrealtor wrote:SD Realtor
- urbanrealtor wrote:SD Realtor
- Djshakes wrote:Weekend days
- Djshakes wrote:Weekend days
- Djshakes wrote:Weekend days
- Djshakes wrote:Weekend days
- Djshakes wrote:Weekend days
- Djshakes wrote:Significantly
- Djshakes wrote:Significantly
- Djshakes wrote:Significantly
- Djshakes wrote:Significantly
- Djshakes wrote:Significantly
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Are you
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Are you
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Are you
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Are you
- briansd1 wrote:. . . Are you
- Djshakes, you got one thing
- Djshakes, you got one thing
- Djshakes, you got one thing
- Djshakes, you got one thing
- Djshakes, you got one thing
- Djshakes wrote:bearishgurl
- Djshakes wrote:bearishgurl
- Djshakes wrote:bearishgurl
- Djshakes wrote:bearishgurl
- Djshakes wrote:bearishgurl
- Djshakes wrote: . . . You
- Djshakes wrote: . . . You
- Djshakes wrote: . . . You
- Djshakes wrote: . . . You
- Djshakes wrote: . . . You
- I agree in principle with the
- I agree in principle with the
- I agree in principle with the
- I agree in principle with the
- I agree in principle with the
- ucodegen wrote:USMCBunny
- ucodegen wrote:USMCBunny
- ucodegen wrote:USMCBunny
- ucodegen wrote:USMCBunny
- ucodegen wrote:USMCBunny
- AN wrote:. . . To bring in
- AN wrote:. . . To bring in
- AN wrote:. . . To bring in
- AN wrote:. . . To bring in
- AN wrote:. . . To bring in
- AN wrote:How much of a house
- AN wrote:How much of a house
- AN wrote:How much of a house