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Participant[quote=spdrun]Speaking to NYC. Lots of building, but vacancies creepin’ up… nationally…
As far as San Diego, did supply ever have anything to do with it? Last major construction boom was in the mid-90s, but the blessed correction in 2008-11 still happened.[/quote]
on the downslide, rents didn’t play along the story line in San Diego either. Residential rents anyway. We used to have big arguments here from dire rental market bears vs. some on the more optimistic side.
Participant[quote=FlyerInHi]I talked to the inspector. It’s not worth fighting to power that be. I will remove the improvement if necessary.
The inspector will charge for the investigation and a get a warrant, etc will incur more costs.
I hate stupidity and jealous neighbors. I’m with spdrun on this. I hope the stupid b**** gets run over by a Mack truck or her son dies of a drug overdose. Joking but it won’t break my heart is that happens.[/quote]
It will probably work out o.k. B, your inspector will be a liberal, make sure you wear your rainbow gear. If they pull up and look conservative, put a Red white and blue shirt on fast.NotCranky
ParticipantThat’s about it BG. Just what you said. I think there is some jealousy even though most appear to make more /have more than we do. Hopefully , we are through the worst.
April 6, 2016 at 10:08 AM in reply to: HOA emergency special assessment in the amount $4000.00 dollars!! #796482NotCranky
ParticipantSorry, it would be a big disappointment to find that out.
I don’t know the audit rules but something is required as part of an HOA and maybe “special audits” can be demanded too. My MIL has been president of a HOA in a pretty high end detached home community and also on the Architectural review board. She says this stuff can get pretty heated at times. Don’t be shy about making them show you what’s going on , somebody has to do it, or maybe they will go to Brazil with your money.
But really, I’m like the other already pointing out, really laughing at your reaction when the big government dictation you always pander for gets directed your way.[/quote]Gotta agree here. I forget what work/job you do FiH, but in the end, I think everyone is just looking out for their own wallet/skin/life…
Immigration probably isn’t a negative in your life/whatever you do and would probably be a positive for rentals (more demand) so your views probably tilt towards that direction. It’s not really about the issues of what is better/worst for the overall environment/society, but ultimately, what makes it better for us and our family financially.
Just the type of world we live in I think…[/quote]
I guess I have been kind of naive. I will never again underestimate neighborly self interest. It seems the more people think they are the cream of the crop type the worse they are. With this easement I legitimately bought before most of my neighbors lived here at least 5 out of 7 were quite willing to screw us to some degree to keep us from developing it. This is just a fricken driveway! Not saying all of them are complete monsters, but man , it’s ugly. No they don’t hold themselves to the same standard at all! It’s not like we are the bad apples either ,none of these people like each other. Everything for them nothing for the other guy.
April 6, 2016 at 9:45 AM in reply to: HOA emergency special assessment in the amount $4000.00 dollars!! #796478NotCranky
ParticipantHappens all the time. My in-laws just had it for new roofs, another friend a large assessment to redo plumbing in the entire building.
I am sure you will find that it is allowable. 4k isn’t that much towards construction projects per unit.
Did they say what it is for?
Condos are not necessarily for the budget conscious.
Participant[quote=Hobie]BG: There may be problems with the title as you mentioned. But, without pulling a complete title search this attny could not even recommend a quiet title action as he does not yet have the facts. As you know, real estate law is very precise. No RE attny does fix cost cases. There is always unknown variables that take time to sort out.
Blogs issue is not one of the title. He needs a big stick.[/quote]
Title wasn’t a problem. I am not sure if I can fully accuse the attorneys I interviewed of attempting puffing up the scope, but it sure looks that way.
They could probably see that all other issues were easy to settle with the evidence I had and wanted a golden goose in the title work.NotCranky
ParticipantScaredy , everybody has something thats going to come on with old age first, there will be more don’t worry. For me I have psoriasis or whatever it’s called, recurring cradle cap, not severe, but still. Also I am probably going to be one of those guys whose hands shake! Maybe that could be put to good use somehow? Polishing gem stones?
Looks like I’ll die with good teeth and hair though. I’ll look o.k.NotCranky
ParticipantThis weekend I put the road work in and can now pass through the easement.
I also cut down a 8’x16′ foot chain link gate and was in the process of removing the posts when the neighbor and his wife came out and tried to get me to stop, Which I refused. The man ended up getting his backhoe and taking out the last post and promising to remove a section of barbed wire fence I told them I was going to take out.Still a lot of hostility and threats. I am sure they are checking with their lawyer and county to see if they can get revenge. No matter, My wife and I decided we would let them try to sue us if they want to.The only harm he can say I did was take down the gate, which I am almost 100% certain I have a right to do.
I tried not to disclose on this thread that I was pursuing a restraining order for death threats and attacking me and my kids with vehicles, swerving at us , tailgating , getting in front of us and slamming on the breaks and stalking us on a motorcycle and the doing wheelies and stuff around us , with his shirt over his face! I had one police report threat with a deadly weapon not fire arm for charging us with a large tractor while we drove past the easement on a public road. only me and my three boys as witnesses.
The judge kicked the restraining order out of court because the Sheriff could not serve him in about 12 attempts over 3 months because he was hiding behind his security gate. that was sickening that the judge did that , i went to court 3 times for extensions and at the fourth hearing he dumped it saying he couldn’t punish past crimes. So far I can prove that they have never been afraid of me and that’s the most foremost thing on my mind now, keep from messing that up in case they try to make up some lies about me doing the violent things they do. He actually already put in writing that the motorcycle thing was my fault, but that’s super ridiculous since I have the video.
Anyway, the people were pretty concilatory at times, dude alternately wants me to be my friend and sue me or report me to the county. I filmed
the whole discussion. They kind of entrapped themselves admitting that they were doing the obstruction because they were afraid I was going to allow other neighbors to do use the road( instead of because of a wetland). I told them they can’t threatened to kill me , steal my easement ,and attack me and my family ,and lie about wetlands because they are paranoid. I think it is good to have that on tape.NotCranky
Participant[quote=scaredyclassic]Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain[/quote]
He wrote some stories where he led us to be much fonder of the shabby than the fancy. Maybe he messed up my perceptions.NotCranky
ParticipantYou should take huge bites, chew with your mouth open and eat like a pig. I do that and I don’t have gum disease. I think it works your gums harder and keeps them strong. Our food is too soft that’s the problem, eat harder.
ParticipantSorry, spell check strikes again, no hace is what was taught. El habito no hace el monje, or with houses, the house doesn’t make the man.