Forum Replies Created
October 1, 2016 at 10:42 AM in reply to: OT: Battle Ground Zero: Murrieta: Invasion of America #801720
Participant[quote=zk][quote=FlyerInHi]When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34[/quote]
Hilarious, Brian. As if religious people are going to look at a sacred text and suddenly agree with something they’d previously disagreed with. As if they actually follow the word of their god without twisting it around to meet their own desires. Please.[/quote]
I find the irony between those that support Trump and those claiming to be Christian.
October 1, 2016 at 10:39 AM in reply to: Potential pitfalls of going into Escrow with Investors/Cash Buyers #801719flu
ParticipantIf I were to downsize, I could probably find 3/3 condo that would cost almost the same as how much I originally paid for my SFH, if I were to factor on the additional $200-300/month extra I would need to pay for HOA on the condo.
So there is no point in me downsizing. Folks that bought much earlier and already paid off their home, it would make even less sense probably.
Participant[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]
Machado is far from being a “victim.” She wasn’t a victim in 1997 and she isn’t one now. She is an opportunist. She does whatever she gets paid for . . . including posing nude for (at least) Playboy, allegedly making porn films (I haven’t personally investigated this) and attempting to smear DJT’s character after being paid handsomely by HRC’s campaign. She’s even been working for the campaign![/quote]Fox morning show, the morning after the debate, he said she was “a real problem” and “had gained an enormous amount of weight”. The three stooges hosts all cringed.
I don’t know that she was paid by the Clinton campaign. And neither do you. She has claimed that Trump never paid her what she earned as Miss Universe. There is no porn film. Nor any crime she’s been convicted of in Mexico that I can find. And what do those things have to do with blaming the victim? He called her Miss Piggy. He called her Miss Housekeeping. You think those are ok? Are there really mitigating circumstances that happen 20 years later? You’re really ok with Trump smearing her for being his victim of abuse? I guess you are, you don’t have any problem smearing her for being a victim. Or Hillary Clinton for having a cheating husband. Or probably rape victims.[/quote]
I am.trying to understand BGs logic that even if Machado did pose nude or was a prostitute (which there has been no proof of, similar to there was no proof that Trump’s wife was a prostitute as some had claimed), how that would change anything about her being a victim. Are you saying it’s ok to victimize people who pose nude or prostitutes?
Its a sad state of affairs when people get wrapped up into trying to discredit a woman end up using vile things like accusing the woman of being a slut or hooker.
It’s even more appalling when women do this to other women
I think things have sunk to a new low, which I didn’t think was possible.flu
He missed a golden opportunity to negate the racist, anti-woman image he has…all he needed to do was nominate a woman or minority as VP. I’ll never understand why he didn’t do that. It would have taken that bullet away from the Dems.[/quote]
That wouldn’t have satisfied the far right wing bible humpers.
Well, unless he nominated Sarah Palin, lol.I don’t know why people didn’t like Mitt Romney.[/quote]
Female/minority VP pick was a no-brainier for Trump. It shows just how much these guys don’t get it, and how much they genuinely don’t care about certain demographics.
I did like Mitt. I wish here were running this time around.[/quote]
Well Romney was demonized for being rich.
And now we get Trump. Go figure.
September 30, 2016 at 7:46 AM in reply to: OT: Battle Ground Zero: Murrieta: Invasion of America #801659flu
Participant[quote=no_such_reality]You just said it. Ten years. Maybe more. There aren’t a 158 million r&d jobs
If that change happens in ten years are we anywhere near ready for it?
Your article said the economy is bifurcating, it’s not 50/50. 95/5 maybe 99/1. That’s not sustainable.
H1bs. Offshore sourcing, they’re all just intermediary steps. They’ll all be replaced.[/quote]
I don’t know. I can’t predict the future. 🙂 humans will probably have to evolve to solve new problems..
If you think about it, humans get smarter with each generation. kids can program these days…. so there will probably be something new that comes along. then again…We could all be dead in 10 years because a big meteor crashes into the earth.I was thinking we would all be in space by now.
I am merely pointing out that when jobs disappear for advancement/ technological reasons, no politician is going to be able to fix that. And barking at h1b really isn’t really the right thing.
September 29, 2016 at 8:10 AM in reply to: OT: Battle Ground Zero: Murrieta: Invasion of America #801594flu
Participant[quote=no_such_reality][quote=flu][quote=no_such_reality]Silly, labor is a small part of the supermarket cost of food.
What’s really driving increases? Consolidation of the intermediaries and major players. i.e. Bayer & Monsanto merging.
Of course, raise prices enough and the average American might actually end up spending more on fresh fruits & vegetables than booze. Today, the average is more is spent on booze than fruits & veggies.
[/quote]There’s that too. And there’s cost of paying the CEO and the labor unions…. But someone needs to pick the fruit.. Just saying…
Anyway, folks on fixed income who previously said that companies should pay higher wages…Well, you got and will get what you wanted… (Not saying it’s a bad thing for those farm workers)..But for some of you on fixed income, well that remains to be determined..Lol…[/quote]I agree someone has to pick the food. And just like software engineers, when you can’t find them to hire, you raise your wages.
All the complaining about no workers, yet average wages are $12/hour… to work in a field when it’s 102F, in blazing sun doing hard physical labor that would just about kill the typical suburban office worker that thinks they’re in shape.
This isn’t meant as an insult, I don’t think any of us semi-urban workers have delusions that we could play in the NFL, NBA or MLB although many of us all have the basic skills to “get the job done”.
Today’s farm field work, is the same way. You may have the basic understanding of the skill and capability, but you really don’t have the physical skill and conditioning to survive in the field without being carried by your coworkers for the first month or more. IMHO. Yet as a society we down rationalize paying them because “anybody” can do it.[/quote]
My argument isn’t against paying farm workers more. My argument is about people making the claim the immigrants and migrants are stealing “their jobs”. Looks to me that those jobs are not good enough for people, because they don’t appear to be filled by the people that complain.
Just like all the whiners that complain about H1B without having the education or experience in ever writing a usable like a code.
People just complain way too much. That’s why the often let opportunity slip right by them, and someone else ends up seizing those opportunities. I hardly feel sorry for anyone who does.
September 25, 2016 at 2:12 PM in reply to: Desperately Seeking info and advice on Rental Property Sale/1031? #801528flu
Participant[quote=SK in CV][quote=flu][quote]
First, Investors must realize that the Deferred Sales Trust is a relatively new tax-deferral strategy. It should only be used by sophisticated investors who can understand and accept the risk of using a new and untested tax-deferred strategy.Generally, the 1031 Exchange is a better tax deferred strategy for most investors. However, the Deferred Sales Trust may be an alternative tax-deferred strategy when you do not wish to, or can not, acquire like-kind replacement property through a 1031 Exchange.
[/quote]That’s what got my attention and curiosity[/quote]
That is something different. The name seemed to perfectly fit the 1031 accommodator trust. I’m not sure what the upside to it is other than deferring tax and deferring cash. If appreciation remains in the hands of the seller, no way it can pass muster. Sounds like a way for someone else to get a piece of your money. Kind of like paying a third party to help you save money with weekly mortgage payments instead of monthly.[/quote]
I guess the potential benefits is rather than taking a huge tax hit on a lump sum, you could spread it out over years where presumably your AGI might be otherwise lower.
It sounds though you need a third party entity. And that if you are the trustee or even someone related to you, the IRS could rule that the trust is a sham trust and you still get hit with the full tax bill. I was just curious if anyone actually seen these or know in practice how they work.
Participant[quote=moneymaker]Nice chart svelte!
Great one more thing to worry about
evidently there is a link between obesity and cancer[/quote]And joint problems and back problems…on and on….
September 22, 2016 at 10:32 AM in reply to: Looks like another Housing Bubble is about to burst #801442flu
Carlsbad now.[/quote]
Wow, close to my end of town.Living or just working?
Carlsbad has grownup a lot in the last 10 years, kind of spilling over into the surrounds as well.[/quote]
Working, though the thought of getting a second home has crossed my mind.
ParticipantAgain kev… I said it before I’ll say it again. If your heart isn’t in it other than for the money, in all likelihood, you aren’t going to be very successful in what you do.
Lastly, your best investment is to invest in yourself and your own home first. It makes no sense to be thinking about investing in rentals and at the same time bending over paying a landlord in rent, especially when rates are so ridiculously low and rent prices are ridiculously increasing. And when things really can’t cashflow that well in CA as a rental…and it would be even more absurd to try to juggle an out of state rental, especially if you are still tied to a 9-5 desk job, especially.if you have no prior experience even locally. Not saying you couldn’t do it, but your probability of success? Every year you wait and continue to wait taking care of yourself is one more year you aren’t moving ahead.
Participant[quote=spdrun]What a piece of spyware.
It should sync directly to your computer or phone, not mandate that you put your personal medical data (heart rate vs exertion, etc) on Someone Else’s Computer.
Fitbit should be slapped in the nuts with a HIPAA lawsuit to force compliance or allow local usage.[/quote]
If you say so.
Moneymaker. Thought I’d share this with you
Over last weekend, my kid used her own allowance money she’s been saving the year and bought me a fitbit charge HR for my birthday.
I never would have bought one myself because I didn’t think I needed any gimmicks to track my fitness. But after a week having one, I can see how addicting it could be to have one. This thing basically tracks my BPM, # steps,duration of cardio, and a bunch of other things, and give me an instaneous status of how I am doing today versus other days. I thought jogging 3 miles a day would be enough, but clearly there are other things that I could do better as well.
I consider this thing as a tool health shame me each day to keep to a plan.
Of course folks that have discipline probably don’t need something like this, but for me that is wonderful the borderline that occasionally lets myself slip into laziness, I thought it was a neat tool to try to keep me on track.
There are probably a lot of cheaper alternativez. My kid bought one when Verizon was having a half off sale with no sales tax…
Participant[quote=mixxalot]Correct, wages at least in STEM have been flat for decades. I remember salaries in tech in 2006 are same as now.[/quote]
Uh, no.
ParticipantWell, if it makes you feel better, it took 4months for me to rent out an 1800 sqft home in the bay area for $3900 in july.
I was being extremely picky. In hindsight, if I lowered it by $200 for the first six month, it probably wouldn’t have taken 4months, maybe two instead. So in the long run, it would have been better to do that than to kept things vacant for 4 months.
If you lower it too much below market, you end up getting a lot of shady characters.
I had one that tried to air bnb my house. Lol