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Author: EconProf
Forum Activity by EconProf
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- Reply To: Goodbye to San Diego
- sdrealtor wrote:That makes
- Economics and investing
- A Landord’s Tale
- Whoops! I meant this to be
- A Landlord’sTale
Here is a
- Phaster and sdr:
Water is
- sdrealtor wrote:Just read an
- To an and others:
I googled
- Some weeks ago I suggested
- Thanks for the data sdr, I
- sdrealtor wrote:EconProf
- sdrealtor wrote:Crested 110
- “…alleged CA
- Some observations from the
- sdr: I accept all your
- sdrealtor wrote:Wonder what’s
- sdrealtor wrote:EconProf has
- Whoops, still trying to
- flyer wrote:EP, so glad to
- Thanks Flyer, and completely
- sdr: Interesting you say
- Good question Coronita, and a
- Yes, sdr, rates will probably
- Many reasons, but here are
- sdr, you are usually pretty
- Now about our RE…hard to
- Thanks sdr for keeping this
- All:
Good point about UCSD
- OK, another factoid that may
- Yep, it’s not for
- sdrealtor wrote:Y’all covered
- Thanks for all the feedback,
- sdrealtor wrote:Excellent the
- Yeah, St. George has such
- Newsflash: they are called
- sdrealtor wrote:8 pm in Saint
- The-Shoveler wrote:SD seems
- CA voters have spoken, so
- Lots of fun anecdotes here
- sdrealtor wrote:EconProf
- sdrealtor wrote:So here is
- XBoxBoy wrote:EconProf
- sdr: I bring facts to the
- Thanks Flyer for the
- sdr, one additional point.
- sdr, thanks for making my
- Allow me to get back to the
- sdrealtor wrote:Of course no
- sdr, I totally agree with
- gzz wrote:Metro Dallas prices
- My detractors here disagree
- Given all the above
- Drought conditions exist all
- sdrealtor wrote:My neighbor
- Whoa, guys, calm down.
- Left San Diego
- Thanks Flyer, and you are
- Some observations from living
- Will do SDR.
Remember St
- Let’s revisit my claim of
- Thanks to all for the
- Barnaby, your math is
- Actually I made quite a lot
- A bit of history about San
- We just got back from our
- Downtown Condos
- spdrun wrote:Isn’t
- ucodegen wrote:EconProf
- Sorry, the above was meant to
- We’ve spent many trips to St.
- scaredyclassic wrote:I
- In case anyone is interested
- gzz wrote:I don’t
- I agree the market here is
- Bingo. sdrealtor also
- So far only one Pigg nailed
- Goodbye to San Diego
- Spdrun: What I take from
- OT: Trump still the liberal
- svelte wrote:EconProf
- I am surprised to see this
- Svelte, you bring up good
- Bzibee: glad to hear you are
- svelte wrote:scaredyclassic
- sdrealtor wrote:Very high
- sdrealtor wrote:EP
To get
- I’d like to bring this forum
- The above comment referring
- I did not know that. Thanks.
- Thanks SDrealtor. I’ve
- Redfin vs. traditional broker
- spdrun: What on earth are
- SD population will decline
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t know,
- Welcome to landlording in
- Thanks Temeculaguy, you are
- I have seldom checked the
- So far, these comments merely
- There is a malady out there
- More good economic news from
- More good news today
- More good economic news
- Liberals, and the vast
- A budget is planned future
- spdrun wrote:Budget signed in
- Here’s another reason
- More good employment news
- Spdrun:
Jan King started out
- Let’s look more closely at
- More good economic news:
- spdrun wrote:Atlanta Fed,
- spdrun wrote:Atlanta Fed also
- spdrun wrote:Most of the drop
- La Jolla Renter wrote:The 2
- svelte wrote:EconProf
- Irony: Trump the liberal
- Phaster: you are correct,
- spdrun wrote:And who says
- Speaking of pension
- The-Shoveler wrote:What
- NeetaT wrote:I think it all
- spdrun wrote:The problem with
- Another reason to leave CA
- Back when I had apartments, I
- Trust Deed Investing
- Speaking as a long-term
- You have just destroyed the
- Lots of posters here are
- Why should you set rents $500
- Take a look at Santaluz, just
- Partnerships seldom work out.
- FlyerInHi wrote:EconProf
- Since the recession of 2008
- For the record, entitlements
- You want to “…ban private
- You misunderstand how charter
- Charter schools and vouchers
- Bearish Girl, your lengthy
- Bearish Girl: you have often
- A lot more people ought to be
- Phaster, you are largely
- The “high school straight to
- CA sends lots of fresh water
- Yes, and that’s just
- harvey wrote:EconProf
- What is the benefit to
- Thanks, FlyerInHi for
- If you look today at the
- FlyerInHi wrote:Econprof, I
- Barnaby: Wow. So many
- barnaby33 wrote:You are
- In this long-running debate
- FLU: you have all the
- Its also worth noting that CA
- BG: Not everyone wants to be
- OK BearishGirl, you can do
- BG: I fully agree that when
- FlyerInHi: Singapore is
- Like so many government
- First, the lease language
- He’s tried vacation rentals
- Interestingly, being a
- Oh, to be a landlord in OB
- Remember McGovern?
- You have so exhaustively
- trust HLS
- I should add that the
- To help tenants, make it easier to evict them
- Unless you already have
- All this may be irrelevant if
- Now that we know you have
- The “transaction costs” of
- We will never run out of oil.
- livinincali wrote:cvmom
- This is going to be a long,
- barnaby33 wrote:EconProf, are
- Apparently the Obama
- The real estate agent is
- Long ago I bought a tiny dump
- spdrun wrote:Interest rates:
- spdrun wrote:Interest rates:
- Whatever happened to rising interest rates?
- Whatever happened to Peak Oil?
- You should raise the rent,
- That’s a good question and
- Try the misnamed chain store
- Home warranties buy you some
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- The Loan Company
- Profits = revenues minus
- It is hard to believe San
- CAR, the (apparent) fact that
- CA renter wrote:EconProf
- Thank you for telling us what
- To answer your question–I
- This thread has had a lot of
- CA renter wrote:Let’s look at
- It appears she was rude and
- I must say I did not expect
- I have had many rentals for
- Pet Policy
- Above all, be realistic about
- pencilneck wrote:Thanks Sk!
- I am not sure from the data
- Another benefit to the 10% or
- Lease-option arrangements are
- Today’s copy of USA Today has
- Exactly right, UCGal
- Let’s step back from the
- This is a very significant
- [quote=joecA lot of economist
- Rich Toscano wrote:Thanks,
- I just now read the article
- If it is 10 years old,
- SK in CV wrote:moneymaker
- FlyerInHi wrote:What about
- XBoxBoy wrote:EconProf
- joec wrote:I’ve said before
- What the bond market is telling us
- Other Bubble Blogs
- Other Bubble Bloggers?
I miss
- SK and CAR:
If you really,
- CA renter wrote:Seriously,
- Sure, CAR.
I have found a lot
- SK in CV wrote:EconProf
- Politicians often pass laws
- Actually, a high minimum wage
- Good point JohnAlt. There
- urbanrealtor wrote:EconProf
- The-Shoveler wrote:Agree
- CA renter wrote:EconProf
- We economists are largely in
- I used to do a lot of trust
- I am in Yuma, AZ, where it is
- Some observations about your
- Decisions of whether to hold
- I guess I didn’t make myself
- My policy is to look at
- The-Shoveler wrote:I could
- Go to a title company to ask
- Toyota has weighed the pros
- I’ll tell you later.
When we
- Let’s drop this silly subject
- I must agree with CAR that
- What’s the latest? Have
- Amen Blogstar. Another
- Chances are, they will be
- Happs, you have just
- UCGal, you bring up another
- In discussing one’s “tax
- Ask your property manager why
- The second YouTube video was
- Real Estate Lessons of Sochi
- dumbrenter wrote:EconProf
- AN wrote:EconProf
- skerzz wrote:The majority of
- Right, Joec. I believe the
- Here is a shameless plug for
- Actually CA property taxes
- spdrun wrote:Oh please — a
- My CPA moved to Texas ten
- henrysd wrote:In southern
- Thanks ER. I called up my
- spdrun wrote:
And I do not
- flu wrote:How the hell do you
- spdrun wrote:Problem with
- Eviction Arizona Style
- I wish the big box were going
- The whole article was scary
- I live nearby and don’t see a
- This dialogue is depressing.
- I wish the poll had been
- I like dogs, but they sure
- Now that the unions have come
- It is well established that
- Great inspirational story
- Don’t do anything.
I promise
- moneymaker wrote:EconProf
- moneymaker wrote:UCGal I did
- Back to the subject of HOAs,
- HOA boards do not have a
- Perhaps a lot of Gate’s and
- OK 6pack, we get it. You
- In the never-ending debate
- Read the whole article and
- Years ago when I had San
- It appears that when he did
- If we held an election today
- This animated video crammed a
- You need to look at the
- $10 per hour minimum
- My son is a single, healthy
- I’m surprised so many people
- I have always found the
- Go ahead and fill out the
- A couple of factors limit how
- For those who do not know the
- Yes, I know. The New York
- Didn’t the New York Opera
- Correct, Leorocky, the stock
- CA renter, we agree on the
- States tend to have four
- We agree on most of this, ER.
- Since early retirement and I
- BG, you are up against many
- After decades of landlording,
- Wanna multitask by exercising
- Much of what we read on
- Lots of problems here with
- My policy has been to require
- The article is hard to plod
- If UCGal’s assumptions are
- Clearly, the landlord cannot
- CAR: you cite many instances
- Everyone has their own
- Don’t obsess over gas
- Wise words from
- We are kind of talking about
- Forget everything you thought
- This video is a pretty good
- Sometimes the best option is
- Listen to the market. It is
- Throw away all old
- CAR: if they were mostly in
- Agree with the previous
- We all agree that wealth
- This is an ingeniously
- BearishGirl: Please reread
- What these comments ignor is
- Correct, Happs.
I could not
- OK, you guys have each had
- When I discovered Piggington
- We are seeing a lot of scary
- Of course immigrants are just
- While it is true that our
- Tony: Yup, I know. Same
- The NET migration out of CA
- And God made a landlord…
- If you were considering
- Flyer, you bring up a good
- This suit has the potential
- I just now viewed that
- LivininCali you are sooo spot
- We economists look at
- SK in CV wrote:EconProf
- Yes, if you could show I am
- As we debate whether high CA
- I have also made some of
- The study you cite came in
- You and a lot of others are
- Sorry to veer way off topic
- Run, don’t walk, away from
- Every branch of Chase that I
- Update: Had a pest control
- I think Blackstone is going
- Here’s a tip: look
- Having read up on bed bugs, I
- This looks like a pretty
- Responsibility for bed bugs
- When the government picks
- This meaty article will
- Scripps Ranch schools used to
- It all boils down to
- There is another way to place
- Historically, rapid increases
- Not mentioned so far is the
- In response to Itsdd:
- Californians are also fleeing
- Amen Ctr70.
Reminds me of one
- Bottom line, Prop 30’s
- UR: Just trying to analyze
- This program is a wonderful
- Reread, not retread.
Too much
- Whoops. Just retread your
- And your point is…
- U haul truck prices are based
- OCrenter is right because he
- I am usually skeptical of
- Rather than reform public
- Prop 30 will bring in way
- Historian Stephen Ambrose had
- spdrun wrote:High earners and
- spdrun wrote:(And 10 people
- To both the above posters, I
- Two observations:
1. This is
- While you may miss taking the
- sdseeker wrote:I am curious
- I just filled up in Yuma for
- San Diego’s weather is now
- Why give everything to your
- Partnerships are a good way
- The same offense will cost
- You have a foolish tenant on
- They offered $100 off on
- CA Renter: I admire your
- CA Renter: Your experience
- Blogstar wrote:Teachers
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:It
- Treehugger: there is another
- paramount wrote:One last
- CA renter wrote:EconProf
- I agree, Paramount,
- The teachers unions say that
- Flu: Interesting. Establish
- I’ve had some interesting
- Both urbanrealtor and SDR
- It appears I am way
- Agreed Enron.
What started
- If they have tons of
- CAR: You posted at 3:29 a.m.
- On a more local level,
- I just saw this movie and
- Once again, SDR has proved to
- ctr70, the original poster of
- I’m keeping an open mind and
- I’ve read elsewhere of how
- Flu, I believe CA now has a
- This will alienate about half
- We put in a whole house fan a
- Pension promises made by
- Yet one more reason to leave
- Gregor is a good economics
- I fail to see where Romney
- Consider the pros and cons of
- Sales taxes exempt a lot of
- In the debate between buying
- Birmingplumb: Is a licensed
- The Huffington Post piece is
- In landlord/tenant disputes
- The main question is whether
- Between $3000 and $15,000,
- Some on this site seem angry
- I do not allow tenants with
- Actually, I think those are
- CA renter is right–in CA one
- This is SD Realtor’s
- One learns to cope with the
- TeacherSD…yes, the on-line
- Prop 13 dictates that
- A few factors explain that
- Life is full of risks, and we
- Perhaps the original poster
- harvey wrote:I made my points
- Your questions touch upon
- A couple of observations:
- SK in CV wrote:Why should
- Great article–I’m glad to
- CDMA ENG wrote:I agree with
- Defense outlays are dwarfed
- mike92104 wrote:Something
- flu, think about what you
- sdrealtor wrote:Just curious
- Although I am retired from
- Long, long ago I taught a
- $800 is what I thought too.
- #48 being the predicted 48th
- Isn’t there an annual cost to
- Police and firefighters do
- Interesting and thorough
- Good point HLS: The big
- Brian, you completely miss
- I love the sense of
- barnaby33 wrote:Too many
- Klotkin is a highly respected
- Ice blockage? Are you close
- Correct, and the price of
- You also can’t use the
- Ignor anyone who discusses
- Condo developments can fall
- Back to the subject:
- Sounds like you have made a
- I read that article before
- BG, you have lots of tips
- Actually, BG, I think his
- UCGal, that is a good blog
- Way OT: Living on $7,000 per year
- Way OT: Living on $7,000 per year
- One last item: Why do you
- You’ve posted a lot of good
- There are three tax raises on
- That this commentator and
- I drove a Prius for about a
- Glad you like Santaluz Early
- There are maybe 70 “casitas”
- Good, leased farmland in the
- This would be an interesting
- stockstradr wrote:Gold on
- Exactly right Allan. Keynes
- The housing bubble inflated
- Hobie gave good advice above.
- Glad to hear the good
- In response to your basic
- Teaboy, looks like you (and
- You’ve been able to do it
- I believe you are taking
- We now know why the big banks
- Pri-dk:
Wow, did you ever get
- pri_dk wrote:EconProf
- CAR is right about the
- Billfan, you are doing all
- The noninterventionist
- Agreed, the article really is
- Good points Enron, but I
- These megaprojects seldom
- The rate of return for buying
- Svelte: Not sure of your
- Congrats to Ford for trumping
- svelte wrote:HenryPP
- Regarding fire losses, keep
- The price reflects the value
- patb wrote:Budget
- I read this book waaaay back
- Markmax33, I’m afraid that,
- Arraya wrote:There is no
- AN wrote:pri_dk wrote:You
- tugg49 wrote:.
What you
- Phew, lots of issues here,
- I taught for 23 years, mostly
- urbanrealtor: to what would
- If we just had High-Speed
- Let’s keep in mind in this
- Agreed BG, and in the same
- This is a one-sided
- Walter: I’ve done weights
- DM: Please share with us
- This is exactly the kind of
- Upon more examination, this
- Long ago a French economist
- First, I did not know
- Pri-dk, you are highlighting
- Bearishgirl, all the papers
- Gov. Brown has pretty much
- The rationale for dropping
- The bigger question is
- This shows the value of going
- The consensus here seems to
- The occupy wall street
- Closer to home, it appears
- Back in the day when I
- Lots of Californians have
- I agree hyperinflation is
- A few observations:
1. CA’s
- Wow–really good stuff
- 30 showings and not one
- In another life I was a
- We are likely to see a lot
- Ask him if he would rather
- I’d agree with the hard money
- OnPoint wrote:Interesting
- DomoArigato wrote:For those
- So the taxpayers will pay for
- I second your comment about
- SK in CV wrote:[In the last 2
- You are making this much more
- Actually you are right, SK,
- CAR: I agree with you about
- temeculaguy wrote:Macro
- CA renter wrote:The financial
- Good farmland in Iowa is
- Good farmland in Iowa is
- Good farmland in Iowa is
- Good farmland in Iowa is
- Good farmland in Iowa is
- As big coupon-clipping
- As big coupon-clipping
- As big coupon-clipping
- As big coupon-clipping
- As big coupon-clipping
- I just stopped in at the
- I just stopped in at the
- I just stopped in at the
- I just stopped in at the
- I just stopped in at the
- I know someone who worked at
- I know someone who worked at
- I know someone who worked at
- I know someone who worked at
- I know someone who worked at
- I submit that the grocery
- I submit that the grocery
- I submit that the grocery
- I submit that the grocery
- I submit that the grocery
- Several years ago Jesse
- Several years ago Jesse
- Several years ago Jesse
- Several years ago Jesse
- Several years ago Jesse
- Briansd1: Thank you for
- Briansd1: Thank you for
- Briansd1: Thank you for
- Briansd1: Thank you for
- Briansd1: Thank you for
- Wish we could borrow their
- Wish we could borrow their
- Wish we could borrow their
- Wish we could borrow their
- Wish we could borrow their
- The bill that was passed had
- The bill that was passed had
- The bill that was passed had
- The bill that was passed had
- The bill that was passed had
- The layoffs and the GDP
- The layoffs and the GDP
- The layoffs and the GDP
- The layoffs and the GDP
- The layoffs and the GDP
- A great article that should
- A great article that should
- A great article that should
- A great article that should
- A great article that should
- It is almost impossible to
- It is almost impossible to
- It is almost impossible to
- It is almost impossible to
- It is almost impossible to
- I hope you are not taking
- I hope you are not taking
- I hope you are not taking
- I hope you are not taking
- I hope you are not taking
- We have a GE oven in our
- We have a GE oven in our
- We have a GE oven in our
- We have a GE oven in our
- We have a GE oven in our
- The future deficits are far
- The future deficits are far
- The future deficits are far
- The future deficits are far
- The future deficits are far
- OK, I’ll bite.
She is a bad
- OK, I’ll bite.
She is a bad
- OK, I’ll bite.
She is a bad
- OK, I’ll bite.
She is a bad
- OK, I’ll bite.
She is a bad
- This is a big deal.
S & P is
- This is a big deal.
S & P is
- This is a big deal.
S & P is
- This is a big deal.
S & P is
- This is a big deal.
S & P is
- CArenter: Are you sure about
- CArenter: Are you sure about
- CArenter: Are you sure about
- CArenter: Are you sure about
- CArenter: Are you sure about
- Permeliza, we are largely in
- Permeliza, we are largely in
- Permeliza, we are largely in
- Permeliza, we are largely in
- Permeliza, we are largely in
- Pemeliza, 60 hours a week for
- Pemeliza, 60 hours a week for
- Pemeliza, 60 hours a week for
- Pemeliza, 60 hours a week for
- Pemeliza, 60 hours a week for
- I think there is a good
- I think there is a good
- I think there is a good
- I think there is a good
- I think there is a good
- Let’s not resort to
- Let’s not resort to
- Let’s not resort to
- Let’s not resort to
- Let’s not resort to
- You underestimate the dynamic
- You underestimate the dynamic
- You underestimate the dynamic
- You underestimate the dynamic
- You underestimate the dynamic
- Amen to that 70degrees.
- Amen to that 70degrees.
- Amen to that 70degrees.
- Amen to that 70degrees.
- Amen to that 70degrees.
- Back to the High Speed Rail
- Back to the High Speed Rail
- Back to the High Speed Rail
- Back to the High Speed Rail
- Back to the High Speed Rail
- The fatal flaw in high speed
- The fatal flaw in high speed
- The fatal flaw in high speed
- The fatal flaw in high speed
- The fatal flaw in high speed
- We really need a lot more
- We really need a lot more
- We really need a lot more
- We really need a lot more
- We really need a lot more
- Briansd1: if you think the
- Briansd1: if you think the
- Briansd1: if you think the
- Briansd1: if you think the
- Briansd1: if you think the
- It is their job to get it to
- It is their job to get it to
- It is their job to get it to
- It is their job to get it to
- It is their job to get it to
- Brian: Your past posts show
- Brian: Your past posts show
- Brian: Your past posts show
- Brian: Your past posts show
- Brian: Your past posts show
- Would like you to elaborate
- Would like you to elaborate
- Would like you to elaborate
- Would like you to elaborate
- Would like you to elaborate
- ocrenter and clearfund raise
- ocrenter and clearfund raise
- ocrenter and clearfund raise
- ocrenter and clearfund raise
- ocrenter and clearfund raise
- Earlyretirement, you’ve
- Earlyretirement, you’ve
- Earlyretirement, you’ve
- Earlyretirement, you’ve
- Earlyretirement, you’ve
- A couple of Santaluz
- A couple of Santaluz
- A couple of Santaluz
- A couple of Santaluz
- A couple of Santaluz
- earlyretirement, it sounds
- earlyretirement, it sounds
- earlyretirement, it sounds
- earlyretirement, it sounds
- earlyretirement, it sounds
- True, sdr, but it
- True, sdr, but it
- True, sdr, but it
- True, sdr, but it
- True, sdr, but it
- Newly unemployed workers do
- Newly unemployed workers do
- Newly unemployed workers do
- Newly unemployed workers do
- Newly unemployed workers do
- Not sure what you mean by
- Not sure what you mean by
- Not sure what you mean by
- Not sure what you mean by
- Not sure what you mean by
- The latter stages of a
- The latter stages of a
- The latter stages of a
- The latter stages of a
- The latter stages of a
- davelj: That WSJ article by
- davelj: That WSJ article by
- davelj: That WSJ article by
- davelj: That WSJ article by
- davelj: That WSJ article by
- Great article in Slate.
- Great article in Slate.
- Great article in Slate.
- Great article in Slate.
- Great article in Slate.
- Great video of rapper Keynes
- Great video of rapper Keynes
- Great video of rapper Keynes
- Great video of rapper Keynes
- Great video of rapper Keynes
- There are some erie parallels
- There are some erie parallels
- There are some erie parallels
- There are some erie parallels
- There are some erie parallels
- That’s correct. The lender
- That’s correct. The lender
- That’s correct. The lender
- That’s correct. The lender
- That’s correct. The lender
- It is hard to get in and a
- It is hard to get in and a
- It is hard to get in and a
- It is hard to get in and a
- It is hard to get in and a
- This is the kind of amateur,
- This is the kind of amateur,
- This is the kind of amateur,
- This is the kind of amateur,
- This is the kind of amateur,
- Sounds like you are falling
- Sounds like you are falling
- Sounds like you are falling
- Sounds like you are falling
- Sounds like you are falling
- Just wondering, what if all
- Just wondering, what if all
- Just wondering, what if all
- Just wondering, what if all
- Just wondering, what if all
- A little too harsh here on
- A little too harsh here on
- A little too harsh here on
- A little too harsh here on
- A little too harsh here on
- Depends on the circumstances.
- Depends on the circumstances.
- Depends on the circumstances.
- Depends on the circumstances.
- Depends on the circumstances.
- Assuming the rent increase
- Assuming the rent increase
- Assuming the rent increase
- Assuming the rent increase
- Assuming the rent increase
- Throw a bike into your
- Throw a bike into your
- Throw a bike into your
- Throw a bike into your
- Throw a bike into your
- You will undoubtedly get
- You will undoubtedly get
- You will undoubtedly get
- You will undoubtedly get
- You will undoubtedly get
- Some trivia about Frank Lloyd
- Some trivia about Frank Lloyd
- Some trivia about Frank Lloyd
- Some trivia about Frank Lloyd
- Some trivia about Frank Lloyd
- We put two kids through
- We put two kids through
- We put two kids through
- We put two kids through
- We put two kids through
- Actually, car parts and new
- Actually, car parts and new
- Actually, car parts and new
- Actually, car parts and new
- Actually, car parts and new
- I believe NPR tries to be
- I believe NPR tries to be
- I believe NPR tries to be
- I believe NPR tries to be
- I believe NPR tries to be
- I’d put my faith in the guy
- I’d put my faith in the guy
- I’d put my faith in the guy
- I’d put my faith in the guy
- I’d put my faith in the guy
- You have a crappy landlord
- You have a crappy landlord
- You have a crappy landlord
- You have a crappy landlord
- You have a crappy landlord
- Seldom have I seen such
- Seldom have I seen such
- Seldom have I seen such
- Seldom have I seen such
- Seldom have I seen such
- Submitted by Aecetia on
- Submitted by Aecetia on
- Submitted by Aecetia on
- Submitted by Aecetia on
- Submitted by Aecetia on
- The difficulty with barter is
- The difficulty with barter is
- The difficulty with barter is
- The difficulty with barter is
- The difficulty with barter is
- This is an interesting
- This is an interesting
- This is an interesting
- This is an interesting
- This is an interesting
- Good points The End, and
- Good points The End, and
- Good points The End, and
- Good points The End, and
- Good points The End, and
- Renters saving up to buy a
- Renters saving up to buy a
- Renters saving up to buy a
- Renters saving up to buy a
- Renters saving up to buy a
- Brutus, I’m with you on most
- Brutus, I’m with you on most
- Brutus, I’m with you on most
- Brutus, I’m with you on most
- Brutus, I’m with you on most
- While its great sport to
- While its great sport to
- While its great sport to
- While its great sport to
- While its great sport to
- The requirements are really
- The requirements are really
- The requirements are really
- The requirements are really
- The requirements are really
- Good points Allan, and I’d
- Good points Allan, and I’d
- Good points Allan, and I’d
- Good points Allan, and I’d
- Good points Allan, and I’d
- As zk’s link showed, CA
- As zk’s link showed, CA
- As zk’s link showed, CA
- As zk’s link showed, CA
- As zk’s link showed, CA
- A few years ago when I bought
- A few years ago when I bought
- A few years ago when I bought
- A few years ago when I bought
- A few years ago when I bought
- Lots of lessons to be learned
- Lots of lessons to be learned
- Lots of lessons to be learned
- Lots of lessons to be learned
- Lots of lessons to be learned
- I used to ask my students in
- I used to ask my students in
- I used to ask my students in
- I used to ask my students in
- I used to ask my students in
- For those few with the
- For those few with the
- For those few with the
- For those few with the
- For those few with the
- That house is a charmer. I
- That house is a charmer. I
- That house is a charmer. I
- That house is a charmer. I
- That house is a charmer. I
- All this is a reminder to
- All this is a reminder to
- All this is a reminder to
- All this is a reminder to
- All this is a reminder to
- bg: I believe the OP is
- bg: I believe the OP is
- bg: I believe the OP is
- bg: I believe the OP is
- bg: I believe the OP is
- A lease is for a fixed period
- A lease is for a fixed period
- A lease is for a fixed period
- A lease is for a fixed period
- A lease is for a fixed period
- Eugene and Bearishgirl: In
- Eugene and Bearishgirl: In
- Eugene and Bearishgirl: In
- Eugene and Bearishgirl: In
- Eugene and Bearishgirl: In
- Read your lease very
- Read your lease very
- Read your lease very
- Read your lease very
- Read your lease very
- A lot of the ethnic
- A lot of the ethnic
- A lot of the ethnic
- A lot of the ethnic
- A lot of the ethnic
- This house and its carrying
- This house and its carrying
- This house and its carrying
- This house and its carrying
- This house and its carrying
- You are in a bind because you
- You are in a bind because you
- You are in a bind because you
- You are in a bind because you
- You are in a bind because you
- I could not get this article
- I could not get this article
- I could not get this article
- I could not get this article
- I could not get this article
- Good points about how South
- Good points about how South
- Good points about how South
- Good points about how South
- Good points about how South
- Our real estate bubble was
- Our real estate bubble was
- Our real estate bubble was
- Our real estate bubble was
- Our real estate bubble was
- This Sidney newspaper article
- This Sidney newspaper article
- This Sidney newspaper article
- This Sidney newspaper article
- This Sidney newspaper article
- You must have nailed down
- You must have nailed down
- You must have nailed down
- You must have nailed down
- You must have nailed down
- Five weeks ago the exact same
- Five weeks ago the exact same
- Five weeks ago the exact same
- Five weeks ago the exact same
- Five weeks ago the exact same
- Deadzone, you are reading
- Deadzone, you are reading
- Deadzone, you are reading
- Deadzone, you are reading
- Deadzone, you are reading
- The question of whether
- The question of whether
- The question of whether
- The question of whether
- The question of whether
- Your basic thesis is that all
- Your basic thesis is that all
- Your basic thesis is that all
- Your basic thesis is that all
- Your basic thesis is that all
- Way OT here, but yeah, WY is
- Way OT here, but yeah, WY is
- Way OT here, but yeah, WY is
- Way OT here, but yeah, WY is
- Way OT here, but yeah, WY is
- If you have not built before,
- If you have not built before,
- If you have not built before,
- If you have not built before,
- If you have not built before,
- Zeigeist: Where would I go?
- Zeigeist: Where would I go?
- Zeigeist: Where would I go?
- Zeigeist: Where would I go?
- Zeigeist: Where would I go?
- Good points davelj. When you
- Good points davelj. When you
- Good points davelj. When you
- Good points davelj. When you
- Good points davelj. When you
- CA renter, there is a lot in
- CA renter, there is a lot in
- CA renter, there is a lot in
- CA renter, there is a lot in
- CA renter, there is a lot in
- CA renter, there is plenty of
- CA renter, there is plenty of
- CA renter, there is plenty of
- CA renter, there is plenty of
- CA renter, there is plenty of
- Brian, that is up to you. If
- Brian, that is up to you. If
- Brian, that is up to you. If
- Brian, that is up to you. If
- Brian, that is up to you. If
- Schwarzenegger may have been
- Schwarzenegger may have been
- Schwarzenegger may have been
- Schwarzenegger may have been
- Schwarzenegger may have been
- My point was that while the
- My point was that while the
- My point was that while the
- My point was that while the
- My point was that while the
- We in California have done
- We in California have done
- We in California have done
- We in California have done
- We in California have done
- Having grown up in St. Paul,
- Having grown up in St. Paul,
- Having grown up in St. Paul,
- Having grown up in St. Paul,
- Having grown up in St. Paul,
- Barnaby, an increase in
- Barnaby, an increase in
- Barnaby, an increase in
- Barnaby, an increase in
- Barnaby, an increase in
- To those who think the
- To those who think the
- To those who think the
- To those who think the
- To those who think the
- I believe the improvement in
- I believe the improvement in
- I believe the improvement in
- I believe the improvement in
- I believe the improvement in
- The gap between public
- The gap between public
- The gap between public
- The gap between public
- The gap between public
- Lose the tenants.
Then make
- Lose the tenants.
Then make
- Lose the tenants.
Then make
- Lose the tenants.
Then make
- Lose the tenants.
Then make
- Flu, you should get a 30-year
- Flu, you should get a 30-year
- Flu, you should get a 30-year
- Flu, you should get a 30-year
- Flu, you should get a 30-year
- Bump.
OK, we’ve talked this
- Bump.
OK, we’ve talked this
- Bump.
OK, we’ve talked this
- Bump.
OK, we’ve talked this
- Bump.
OK, we’ve talked this
- I’ve read elsewhere that
- I’ve read elsewhere that
- I’ve read elsewhere that
- I’ve read elsewhere that
- I’ve read elsewhere that
- Not sure what you mean here
- Not sure what you mean here
- Not sure what you mean here
- Not sure what you mean here
- Not sure what you mean here
- What is amazing is that this
- What is amazing is that this
- What is amazing is that this
- What is amazing is that this
- What is amazing is that this
- I’ve been through this
- I’ve been through this
- I’ve been through this
- I’ve been through this
- I’ve been through this
- Cricket: You are correct
- Cricket: You are correct
- Cricket: You are correct
- Cricket: You are correct
- Cricket: You are correct
- jstoesz: well put.
You are
- jstoesz: well put.
You are
- jstoesz: well put.
You are
- jstoesz: well put.
You are
- jstoesz: well put.
You are
- I have seen that study of the
- I have seen that study of the
- I have seen that study of the
- I have seen that study of the
- I have seen that study of the
- Prop 23 clearly seeks to
- Prop 23 clearly seeks to
- Prop 23 clearly seeks to
- Prop 23 clearly seeks to
- Prop 23 clearly seeks to
- Folks, we gotta stop relying
- Folks, we gotta stop relying
- Folks, we gotta stop relying
- Folks, we gotta stop relying
- Folks, we gotta stop relying
- Whoa. “You get what you pay
- Whoa. “You get what you pay
- Whoa. “You get what you pay
- Whoa. “You get what you pay
- Whoa. “You get what you pay
- Funny video!
Too bad its true
- Funny video!
Too bad its true
- Funny video!
Too bad its true
- Funny video!
Too bad its true
- Funny video!
Too bad its true
- 2 1/2% cash back? WOW!
- 2 1/2% cash back? WOW!
- 2 1/2% cash back? WOW!
- 2 1/2% cash back? WOW!
- 2 1/2% cash back? WOW!
- Thinking outside the box, you
- Thinking outside the box, you
- Thinking outside the box, you
- Thinking outside the box, you
- Thinking outside the box, you
- For all our complaining of
- For all our complaining of
- For all our complaining of
- For all our complaining of
- For all our complaining of
- Hey guys, it is now 6:00 a.m.
- Hey guys, it is now 6:00 a.m.
- Hey guys, it is now 6:00 a.m.
- Hey guys, it is now 6:00 a.m.
- Hey guys, it is now 6:00 a.m.
- I hate Chase, for a long list
- I hate Chase, for a long list
- I hate Chase, for a long list
- I hate Chase, for a long list
- I hate Chase, for a long list
- Sunny88: I agree. Santaluz
- Sunny88: I agree. Santaluz
- Sunny88: I agree. Santaluz
- Sunny88: I agree. Santaluz
- Sunny88: I agree. Santaluz
- If preservation of capital is
- If preservation of capital is
- If preservation of capital is
- If preservation of capital is
- If preservation of capital is
- I sometimes bicycle around
- I sometimes bicycle around
- I sometimes bicycle around
- I sometimes bicycle around
- I sometimes bicycle around
- Bill Gross and Pimco have a
- Bill Gross and Pimco have a
- Bill Gross and Pimco have a
- Bill Gross and Pimco have a
- Bill Gross and Pimco have a
- Back in the pre-energy crisis
- Back in the pre-energy crisis
- Back in the pre-energy crisis
- Back in the pre-energy crisis
- Back in the pre-energy crisis
- Pimco’s El-Erian has an
- Pimco’s El-Erian has an
- Pimco’s El-Erian has an
- Pimco’s El-Erian has an
- Pimco’s El-Erian has an
- This thread promises to be
- This thread promises to be
- This thread promises to be
- This thread promises to be
- This thread promises to be
- Yep, “velocity” of the money
- Yep, “velocity” of the money
- Yep, “velocity” of the money
- Yep, “velocity” of the money
- Yep, “velocity” of the money
- There are some good points in
- There are some good points in
- There are some good points in
- There are some good points in
- There are some good points in
- The comments about low
- The comments about low
- The comments about low
- The comments about low
- The comments about low
- Good point–I think most
- Good point–I think most
- Good point–I think most
- Good point–I think most
- Good point–I think most
- Take the adress to the county
- Take the adress to the county
- Take the adress to the county
- Take the adress to the county
- Take the adress to the county
- Arraya: you dodged Davelj’s
- Arraya: you dodged Davelj’s
- Arraya: you dodged Davelj’s
- Arraya: you dodged Davelj’s
- Arraya: you dodged Davelj’s
- That’s a great piece by Ruben
- That’s a great piece by Ruben
- That’s a great piece by Ruben
- That’s a great piece by Ruben
- That’s a great piece by Ruben
- Debate about the
- Debate about the
- Debate about the
- Debate about the
- Debate about the
- Here is a cheap solution. Do
- Here is a cheap solution. Do
- Here is a cheap solution. Do
- Here is a cheap solution. Do
- Here is a cheap solution. Do
- Robert Prechter is
- Robert Prechter is
- Robert Prechter is
- Robert Prechter is
- Robert Prechter is
- In many ways the dynamics of
- In many ways the dynamics of
- In many ways the dynamics of
- In many ways the dynamics of
- In many ways the dynamics of
- Could you tell us where they
- Could you tell us where they
- Could you tell us where they
- Could you tell us where they
- Could you tell us where they
- My kids went to Jerabek long
- My kids went to Jerabek long
- My kids went to Jerabek long
- My kids went to Jerabek long
- My kids went to Jerabek long
- We are all unduly afraid of
- We are all unduly afraid of
- We are all unduly afraid of
- We are all unduly afraid of
- We are all unduly afraid of
- I’ve appealed several times
- I’ve appealed several times
- I’ve appealed several times
- I’ve appealed several times
- I’ve appealed several times
- briansd1, what on earth are
- briansd1, what on earth are
- briansd1, what on earth are
- briansd1, what on earth are
- briansd1, what on earth are
- Let’s also recognize that
- Let’s also recognize that
- Let’s also recognize that
- Let’s also recognize that
- Let’s also recognize that
- I saw the whole Meredith
- I saw the whole Meredith
- I saw the whole Meredith
- I saw the whole Meredith
- I saw the whole Meredith
- Briansd1: You have an
- Briansd1: You have an
- Briansd1: You have an
- Briansd1: You have an
- Briansd1: You have an
- Sorry, CA Renter, but I don’t
- Sorry, CA Renter, but I don’t
- Sorry, CA Renter, but I don’t
- Sorry, CA Renter, but I don’t
- Sorry, CA Renter, but I don’t
- Those numbers look a little
- Those numbers look a little
- Those numbers look a little
- Those numbers look a little
- Those numbers look a little
- Bearishgurl gives some, but
- Bearishgurl gives some, but
- Bearishgurl gives some, but
- Bearishgurl gives some, but
- Bearishgurl gives some, but
- The author, Art Laffer, of
- The author, Art Laffer, of
- The author, Art Laffer, of
- The author, Art Laffer, of
- The author, Art Laffer, of
- I’ve made lots of money on
- I’ve made lots of money on
- I’ve made lots of money on
- I’ve made lots of money on
- I’ve made lots of money on
- Property tax rates are
- Property tax rates are
- Property tax rates are
- Property tax rates are
- Property tax rates are
- We’ve just seen the value of
- We’ve just seen the value of
- We’ve just seen the value of
- We’ve just seen the value of
- We’ve just seen the value of
- HOA looks steep for that
- HOA looks steep for that
- HOA looks steep for that
- HOA looks steep for that
- HOA looks steep for that
- Shiela Jackson has been
- Shiela Jackson has been
- Shiela Jackson has been
- Shiela Jackson has been
- Shiela Jackson has been
- Do not assume the county
- Do not assume the county
- Do not assume the county
- Do not assume the county
- Do not assume the county
- On the other hand….
In some
- On the other hand….
In some
- On the other hand….
In some
- On the other hand….
In some
- On the other hand….
In some
- An interesting thread is
- An interesting thread is
- An interesting thread is
- An interesting thread is
- An interesting thread is
- Mello Roos, right, not a good
- Mello Roos, right, not a good
- Mello Roos, right, not a good
- Mello Roos, right, not a good
- Mello Roos, right, not a good
- Other articles have
- Other articles have
- Other articles have
- Other articles have
- Other articles have
- I suspect a lot of these 5+
- I suspect a lot of these 5+
- I suspect a lot of these 5+
- I suspect a lot of these 5+
- I suspect a lot of these 5+
- Since we are talking about
- Since we are talking about
- Since we are talking about
- Since we are talking about
- Since we are talking about
- Yep, timing is
- Yep, timing is
- Yep, timing is
- Yep, timing is
- Yep, timing is
- TIC’s are a unique way of
- TIC’s are a unique way of
- TIC’s are a unique way of
- TIC’s are a unique way of
- TIC’s are a unique way of
- The first article is
- The first article is
- The first article is
- The first article is
- The first article is
- Long-time landlord here.
- Long-time landlord here.
- Long-time landlord here.
- Long-time landlord here.
- Long-time landlord here.
- One observation:
If possible,
- One observation:
If possible,
- One observation:
If possible,
- One observation:
If possible,
- One observation:
If possible,
- You and the neighbors can sue
- You and the neighbors can sue
- You and the neighbors can sue
- You and the neighbors can sue
- You and the neighbors can sue
- There may be no more
- There may be no more
- There may be no more
- There may be no more
- There may be no more
- Don Bauder has responded and
- Don Bauder has responded and
- Don Bauder has responded and
- Don Bauder has responded and
- Don Bauder has responded and
- 4given: Congratulations on
- 4given: Congratulations on
- 4given: Congratulations on
- 4given: Congratulations on
- 4given: Congratulations on
- bearishgurl: You raise good
- bearishgurl: You raise good
- bearishgurl: You raise good
- bearishgurl: You raise good
- bearishgurl: You raise good
- Treehugger, your last
- Treehugger, your last
- Treehugger, your last
- Treehugger, your last
- Treehugger, your last
- Once you file an appeal, you
- Once you file an appeal, you
- Once you file an appeal, you
- Once you file an appeal, you
- Once you file an appeal, you
- Land and lots have fallen by
- Land and lots have fallen by
- Land and lots have fallen by
- Land and lots have fallen by
- Land and lots have fallen by
- OT: Time to appeal your tax assessment
- You are so right. The Home
- You are so right. The Home
- You are so right. The Home
- You are so right. The Home
- You are so right. The Home
- Good luck in FL.
Allow me to
- Good luck in FL.
Allow me to
- Good luck in FL.
Allow me to
- Good luck in FL.
Allow me to
- Good luck in FL.
Allow me to
- Not sure this indicator means
- Not sure this indicator means
- Not sure this indicator means
- Not sure this indicator means
- Not sure this indicator means
- As usual when discussing
- As usual when discussing
- As usual when discussing
- As usual when discussing
- As usual when discussing
- urbanrealtor:
- urbanrealtor:
- urbanrealtor:
- urbanrealtor:
- urbanrealtor:
- Hibiscus: It is most
- Hibiscus: It is most
- Hibiscus: It is most
- Hibiscus: It is most
- Hibiscus: It is most
- Not sure what you are
- Not sure what you are
- Not sure what you are
- Not sure what you are
- Not sure what you are
- I also used to contribute to
- I also used to contribute to
- I also used to contribute to
- I also used to contribute to
- I also used to contribute to
- CA taxes in all categories
- CA taxes in all categories
- CA taxes in all categories
- CA taxes in all categories
- CA taxes in all categories
- How important is it to you to
- How important is it to you to
- How important is it to you to
- How important is it to you to
- How important is it to you to
- The government is in a
- The government is in a
- The government is in a
- The government is in a
- The government is in a
- I sense much of our trouble
- I sense much of our trouble
- I sense much of our trouble
- I sense much of our trouble
- I sense much of our trouble
- Drunk guy gets stopped by
- Drunk guy gets stopped by
- Drunk guy gets stopped by
- Drunk guy gets stopped by
- Drunk guy gets stopped by
- CRE is much more prone to
- CRE is much more prone to
- CRE is much more prone to
- CRE is much more prone to
- CRE is much more prone to
- Your history is right but
- Your history is right but
- Your history is right but
- Your history is right but
- Your history is right but
- A state tax credit for buying
- A state tax credit for buying
- A state tax credit for buying
- A state tax credit for buying
- A state tax credit for buying
- davejl: Please be specific.
- davejl: Please be specific.
- davejl: Please be specific.
- davejl: Please be specific.
- davejl: Please be specific.
- The prospective tenants sound
- The prospective tenants sound
- The prospective tenants sound
- The prospective tenants sound
- The prospective tenants sound
- Try near downtown La Mesa, a
- Try near downtown La Mesa, a
- Try near downtown La Mesa, a
- Try near downtown La Mesa, a
- Try near downtown La Mesa, a
- For many, many years, B of A
- For many, many years, B of A
- For many, many years, B of A
- For many, many years, B of A
- For many, many years, B of A
- I’ll likely be there but will
- I’ll likely be there but will
- I’ll likely be there but will
- I’ll likely be there but will
- I’ll likely be there but will
- Concho raises good points
- Concho raises good points
- Concho raises good points
- Concho raises good points
- Concho raises good points
- Mercedes7 you say you can put
- Mercedes7 you say you can put
- Mercedes7 you say you can put
- Mercedes7 you say you can put
- Mercedes7 you say you can put
- Thanks for all the
- Thanks for all the
- Thanks for all the
- Thanks for all the
- Thanks for all the
- Water and its cost is a
- Water and its cost is a
- Water and its cost is a
- Water and its cost is a
- Water and its cost is a
- Interesting you should
- Interesting you should
- Interesting you should
- Interesting you should
- Interesting you should
- Just sold my last CA property
- You actually pay state and
- You actually pay state and
- You actually pay state and
- You actually pay state and
- You actually pay state and
- You are behind.
You are
- You are behind.
You are
- You are behind.
You are
- You are behind.
You are
- You are behind.
You are
- How does your raised rent
- How does your raised rent
- How does your raised rent
- How does your raised rent
- How does your raised rent
- Russell is on to something.
- Russell is on to something.
- Russell is on to something.
- Russell is on to something.
- Russell is on to something.
- The mayor is yet another
- The mayor is yet another
- The mayor is yet another
- The mayor is yet another
- The mayor is yet another
- One of the benefits of the
- One of the benefits of the
- One of the benefits of the
- One of the benefits of the
- One of the benefits of the
- Renting out and managing a
- Renting out and managing a
- Renting out and managing a
- Renting out and managing a
- Renting out and managing a
- Now or in the near future is
- Now or in the near future is
- Now or in the near future is
- Now or in the near future is
- Now or in the near future is
- Jeremy Grantham is one of
- Jeremy Grantham is one of
- Jeremy Grantham is one of
- Jeremy Grantham is one of
- Jeremy Grantham is one of
- Unemployed lawyers
- Unemployed lawyers
- Unemployed lawyers
- Unemployed lawyers
- Unemployed lawyers
- One little-remarked indicator
- One little-remarked indicator
- One little-remarked indicator
- One little-remarked indicator
- One little-remarked indicator
- SS and Medicare were Ponzi
- SS and Medicare were Ponzi
- SS and Medicare were Ponzi
- SS and Medicare were Ponzi
- SS and Medicare were Ponzi
- Couple of suggestions:
- Couple of suggestions:
- Couple of suggestions:
- Couple of suggestions:
- Couple of suggestions:
- SDR: All true. It boils
- SDR: All true. It boils
- SDR: All true. It boils
- SDR: All true. It boils
- SDR: All true. It boils
- Your P & I is about 1250/mo.,
- Your P & I is about 1250/mo.,
- Your P & I is about 1250/mo.,
- Your P & I is about 1250/mo.,
- Your P & I is about 1250/mo.,
- I really don’t see your
- I really don’t see your
- I really don’t see your
- I really don’t see your
- I really don’t see your
- I am about to sell a 5-year
- I am about to sell a 5-year
- I am about to sell a 5-year
- I am about to sell a 5-year
- I am about to sell a 5-year
- There will be increasing
- There will be increasing
- There will be increasing
- There will be increasing
- There will be increasing
- Arraya: Would like to know
- Arraya: Would like to know
- Arraya: Would like to know
- Arraya: Would like to know
- Arraya: Would like to know
- At the height of the mania
- At the height of the mania
- At the height of the mania
- At the height of the mania
- At the height of the mania
- In weighing the merits of
- In weighing the merits of
- In weighing the merits of
- In weighing the merits of
- In weighing the merits of
- Strangely enough, banks will
- Strangely enough, banks will
- Strangely enough, banks will
- Strangely enough, banks will
- Strangely enough, banks will
- If we can step down from the
- If we can step down from the
- If we can step down from the
- If we can step down from the
- If we can step down from the
- This is why it is ALWAYS
- This is why it is ALWAYS
- This is why it is ALWAYS
- This is why it is ALWAYS
- This is why it is ALWAYS
- Larry Summers is one of too
- Larry Summers is one of too
- Larry Summers is one of too
- Larry Summers is one of too
- Larry Summers is one of too
- Government subsidies for
- Government subsidies for
- Government subsidies for
- Government subsidies for
- Government subsidies for
- The government definition of
- The government definition of
- The government definition of
- The government definition of
- The government definition of
- CA renter: You are quite
- CA renter: You are quite
- CA renter: You are quite
- CA renter: You are quite
- CA renter: You are quite
- wfb and flu:
- wfb and flu:
- wfb and flu:
- wfb and flu:
- wfb and flu:
- College degrees are hugely
- College degrees are hugely
- College degrees are hugely
- College degrees are hugely
- College degrees are hugely
- To go long on gold is to go
- To go long on gold is to go
- To go long on gold is to go
- To go long on gold is to go
- To go long on gold is to go
- This spoof from Saturday
- This spoof from Saturday
- This spoof from Saturday
- This spoof from Saturday
- This spoof from Saturday
- Last I checked, the tuition
- Last I checked, the tuition
- Last I checked, the tuition
- Last I checked, the tuition
- Last I checked, the tuition
- OT: Appeal your property tax assessment by Nov. 30
- patb: please cite your
- patb: please cite your
- patb: please cite your
- patb: please cite your
- patb: please cite your
- Gotta weigh in on the old
- Gotta weigh in on the old
- Gotta weigh in on the old
- Gotta weigh in on the old
- Gotta weigh in on the old
- This is one of the many
- This is one of the many
- This is one of the many
- This is one of the many
- This is one of the many
- Wal-Mart has lower prices by
- Wal-Mart has lower prices by
- Wal-Mart has lower prices by
- Wal-Mart has lower prices by
- Wal-Mart has lower prices by
- Let’s look even further, at
- Let’s look even further, at
- Let’s look even further, at
- Let’s look even further, at
- Let’s look even further, at
- Couple of questions:
What is
- Couple of questions:
What is
- Couple of questions:
What is
- Couple of questions:
What is
- Couple of questions:
What is
- I’m guessing we’ll get the
- I’m guessing we’ll get the
- I’m guessing we’ll get the
- I’m guessing we’ll get the
- I’m guessing we’ll get the
- 4 bedrooms and 2 baths
- 4 bedrooms and 2 baths
- 4 bedrooms and 2 baths
- 4 bedrooms and 2 baths
- 4 bedrooms and 2 baths
- Good post TG. Real numbers
- Good post TG. Real numbers
- Good post TG. Real numbers
- Good post TG. Real numbers
- Good post TG. Real numbers
- The main driver of our
- The main driver of our
- The main driver of our
- The main driver of our
- The main driver of our
- Permit me to elaborate. A
- Permit me to elaborate. A
- Permit me to elaborate. A
- Permit me to elaborate. A
- Permit me to elaborate. A
- I’ve never understood why
- I’ve never understood why
- I’ve never understood why
- I’ve never understood why
- I’ve never understood why
- A growing cohort of
- A growing cohort of
- A growing cohort of
- A growing cohort of
- A growing cohort of
- Good overview of California’s
- Good overview of California’s
- Good overview of California’s
- Good overview of California’s
- Good overview of California’s
- If you believe, as I do, that
- If you believe, as I do, that
- If you believe, as I do, that
- If you believe, as I do, that
- If you believe, as I do, that
- This has to be the ticking
- This has to be the ticking
- This has to be the ticking
- This has to be the ticking
- This has to be the ticking
- The trailer park that juts
- The trailer park that juts
- The trailer park that juts
- The trailer park that juts
- The trailer park that juts
- Ricechex: there is a lot
- Ricechex: there is a lot
- Ricechex: there is a lot
- Ricechex: there is a lot
- Ricechex: there is a lot
- Businesses and heavily-taxed
- Businesses and heavily-taxed
- Businesses and heavily-taxed
- Businesses and heavily-taxed
- Businesses and heavily-taxed
- Jim Grant has a long and
- Jim Grant has a long and
- Jim Grant has a long and
- Jim Grant has a long and
- Jim Grant has a long and
- If true, this will be a very
- If true, this will be a very
- If true, this will be a very
- If true, this will be a very
- If true, this will be a very
- Michael Moore has been caught
- Michael Moore has been caught
- Michael Moore has been caught
- Michael Moore has been caught
- Michael Moore has been caught
- Davelj: Great insight; you
- Davelj: Great insight; you
- Davelj: Great insight; you
- Davelj: Great insight; you
- Davelj: Great insight; you
- PatientRenter: That is a
- PatientRenter: That is a
- PatientRenter: That is a
- PatientRenter: That is a
- PatientRenter: That is a
- XBoxBoy: They are required
- XBoxBoy: They are required
- XBoxBoy: They are required
- XBoxBoy: They are required
- XBoxBoy: They are required
- Bump.
- Bump.
- Bump.
- Bump.
- Bump.
- Appeal your tax assessment
- Eugene: You are so
- Eugene: You are so
- Eugene: You are so
- Eugene: You are so
- Eugene: You are so
- Thanks SK.
More background as
- Thanks SK.
More background as
- Thanks SK.
More background as
- Thanks SK.
More background as
- Thanks SK.
More background as
- Can I assume 1st TD in a foreclosure
- I am somewhat familiar with
- I am somewhat familiar with
- I am somewhat familiar with
- I am somewhat familiar with
- I am somewhat familiar with
- To crush perfectly good, 18
- To crush perfectly good, 18
- To crush perfectly good, 18
- To crush perfectly good, 18
- To crush perfectly good, 18
- astephen2: Assuming you are
- astephen2: Assuming you are
- astephen2: Assuming you are
- astephen2: Assuming you are
- astephen2: Assuming you are
- Deed in Lieu of foreclosure
- Deed in Lieu of foreclosure
- Deed in Lieu of foreclosure
- Deed in Lieu of foreclosure
- Deed in Lieu of foreclosure
- You are correct that a lot of
- You are correct that a lot of
- You are correct that a lot of
- You are correct that a lot of
- You are correct that a lot of
- SK: When tax rates change it
- SK: When tax rates change it
- SK: When tax rates change it
- SK: When tax rates change it
- SK: When tax rates change it
- The record on tax cuts and
- The record on tax cuts and
- The record on tax cuts and
- The record on tax cuts and
- The record on tax cuts and
- Back to the original subject
- Back to the original subject
- Back to the original subject
- Back to the original subject
- Back to the original subject
- Ren, you are quite right to
- Ren, you are quite right to
- Ren, you are quite right to
- Ren, you are quite right to
- Ren, you are quite right to
- I have two appeals
- I have two appeals
- I have two appeals
- I have two appeals
- I have two appeals
- Two possibilities:
1. North
- Two possibilities:
1. North
- Two possibilities:
1. North
- Two possibilities:
1. North
- Two possibilities:
1. North
- Pardon the jargon.
TD stands
- Pardon the jargon.
TD stands
- Pardon the jargon.
TD stands
- Pardon the jargon.
TD stands
- Pardon the jargon.
TD stands
- Thanks guys.
I should have
- Thanks guys.
I should have
- Thanks guys.
I should have
- Thanks guys.
I should have
- Thanks guys.
I should have
- Does foreclosure void existing rental contracts?
- Drboom:
You did not vote for
- Drboom:
You did not vote for
- Drboom:
You did not vote for
- Drboom:
You did not vote for
- Drboom:
You did not vote for
- drboom wrote:EconProf
- drboom wrote:EconProf
- drboom wrote:EconProf
- drboom wrote:EconProf
- drboom wrote:EconProf
- Here are a couple of facts
- Here are a couple of facts
- Here are a couple of facts
- Here are a couple of facts
- Here are a couple of facts
- drboom wrote:
I can’t point
- drboom wrote:
I can’t point
- drboom wrote:
I can’t point
- drboom wrote:
I can’t point
- drboom wrote:
I can’t point
- Plenty of evidence can be
- Plenty of evidence can be
- Plenty of evidence can be
- Plenty of evidence can be
- Plenty of evidence can be
- OK guys, we’ve pretty much
- OK guys, we’ve pretty much
- OK guys, we’ve pretty much
- OK guys, we’ve pretty much
- OK guys, we’ve pretty much
- Nasty landlords give all us
- Nasty landlords give all us
- Nasty landlords give all us
- Nasty landlords give all us
- Nasty landlords give all us
- Looks like a propaganda piece
- Looks like a propaganda piece
- Looks like a propaganda piece
- Looks like a propaganda piece
- Looks like a propaganda piece
- Santaluz is all about low
- Santaluz is all about low
- Santaluz is all about low
- Santaluz is all about low
- Santaluz is all about low
- Lots of pitfalls in doing it
- Lots of pitfalls in doing it
- Lots of pitfalls in doing it
- Lots of pitfalls in doing it
- Lots of pitfalls in doing it
- Barnaby: CA’s problems are
- Barnaby: CA’s problems are
- Barnaby: CA’s problems are
- Barnaby: CA’s problems are
- Barnaby: CA’s problems are
- Bob, your scenario is both
- Bob, your scenario is both
- Bob, your scenario is both
- Bob, your scenario is both
- Bob, your scenario is both
- It is hellishly difficult to
- It is hellishly difficult to
- It is hellishly difficult to
- It is hellishly difficult to
- It is hellishly difficult to
- DWCAP: That post really hit
- DWCAP: That post really hit
- DWCAP: That post really hit
- DWCAP: That post really hit
- DWCAP: That post really hit
- It is important to point out,
- It is important to point out,
- It is important to point out,
- It is important to point out,
- It is important to point out,
- In the contest between buying
- In the contest between buying
- In the contest between buying
- In the contest between buying
- In the contest between buying
- Back to the original LA Times
- Back to the original LA Times
- Back to the original LA Times
- Back to the original LA Times
- Back to the original LA Times
- I did read the whole article
- I did read the whole article
- I did read the whole article
- I did read the whole article
- I did read the whole article
- Some sweeping generalizations
- Some sweeping generalizations
- Some sweeping generalizations
- Some sweeping generalizations
- Some sweeping generalizations
- Long time landlord here.
- Long time landlord here.
- Long time landlord here.
- Long time landlord here.
- Long time landlord here.
- I’ve had them for years for
- I’ve had them for years for
- I’ve had them for years for
- I’ve had them for years for
- I’ve had them for years for
- Good point Ucodegen.
- Good point Ucodegen.
- Good point Ucodegen.
- Good point Ucodegen.
- Good point Ucodegen.
- This is a huge move in one
- This is a huge move in one
- This is a huge move in one
- This is a huge move in one
- This is a huge move in one
- Hmmm…I wonder how much
- Hmmm…I wonder how much
- Hmmm…I wonder how much
- Hmmm…I wonder how much
- Hmmm…I wonder how much
- Wage deflation is only just
- Wage deflation is only just
- Wage deflation is only just
- Wage deflation is only just
- Wage deflation is only just
- My biggest worry is the
- My biggest worry is the
- My biggest worry is the
- My biggest worry is the
- My biggest worry is the
- Bubba: You are correct that
- Bubba: You are correct that
- Bubba: You are correct that
- Bubba: You are correct that
- Bubba: You are correct that
- That is a good, even-handed
- That is a good, even-handed
- That is a good, even-handed
- That is a good, even-handed
- That is a good, even-handed
- Congratulations, you are
- Congratulations, you are
- Congratulations, you are
- Congratulations, you are
- Congratulations, you are
- I appealed my assessment on
- I appealed my assessment on
- I appealed my assessment on
- I appealed my assessment on
- I appealed my assessment on
- It is possible, but not easy,
- It is possible, but not easy,
- It is possible, but not easy,
- It is possible, but not easy,
- It is possible, but not easy,
- You are right mixalot. And
- You are right mixalot. And
- You are right mixalot. And
- You are right mixalot. And
- You are right mixalot. And
- What’s going on here is that
- What’s going on here is that
- What’s going on here is that
- What’s going on here is that
- What’s going on here is that
- This is really shabby
- This is really shabby
- This is really shabby
- This is really shabby
- This is really shabby
- I really just don’t get your
- I really just don’t get your
- I really just don’t get your
- I really just don’t get your
- I really just don’t get your
- Not mentioned in the comments
- Not mentioned in the comments
- Not mentioned in the comments
- Not mentioned in the comments
- Not mentioned in the comments
- Good points, patientrenter.
- Good points, patientrenter.
- Good points, patientrenter.
- Good points, patientrenter.
- Good points, patientrenter.
- Luxuryglow: Tell us how it
- Luxuryglow: Tell us how it
- Luxuryglow: Tell us how it
- Luxuryglow: Tell us how it
- Luxuryglow: Tell us how it
- If I remember correctly from
- If I remember correctly from
- If I remember correctly from
- If I remember correctly from
- If I remember correctly from
- Let’s remember that CA’s
- Let’s remember that CA’s
- Let’s remember that CA’s
- Let’s remember that CA’s
- Let’s remember that CA’s
- TG: I follow economic and
- TG: I follow economic and
- TG: I follow economic and
- TG: I follow economic and
- TG: I follow economic and
- You are very good at
- You are very good at
- You are very good at
- You are very good at
- You are very good at
- SDR raises a good point. It
- SDR raises a good point. It
- SDR raises a good point. It
- SDR raises a good point. It
- SDR raises a good point. It
- As your situation evolves,
- As your situation evolves,
- As your situation evolves,
- As your situation evolves,
- As your situation evolves,
- We are witnessing patterns in
- We are witnessing patterns in
- We are witnessing patterns in
- We are witnessing patterns in
- We are witnessing patterns in
- As usual, Temeculaguy cuts
- As usual, Temeculaguy cuts
- As usual, Temeculaguy cuts
- As usual, Temeculaguy cuts
- As usual, Temeculaguy cuts
- Congrats for baring your soul
- Congrats for baring your soul
- Congrats for baring your soul
- Congrats for baring your soul
- Congrats for baring your soul
- Our family is doing this, on
- Our family is doing this, on
- Our family is doing this, on
- Our family is doing this, on
- Our family is doing this, on
- The original subject
- The original subject
- The original subject
- The original subject
- The original subject
- It always was the most
- It always was the most
- It always was the most
- It always was the most
- It always was the most
- I spent a month in Australia
- I spent a month in Australia
- I spent a month in Australia
- I spent a month in Australia
- I spent a month in Australia
- What jumps out from the data
- What jumps out from the data
- What jumps out from the data
- What jumps out from the data
- What jumps out from the data
- Anecdotal evidence is not
- Anecdotal evidence is not
- Anecdotal evidence is not
- Anecdotal evidence is not
- Anecdotal evidence is not
- I’d guess $2000 – 2500.
- I’d guess $2000 – 2500.
- I’d guess $2000 – 2500.
- I’d guess $2000 – 2500.
- I’d guess $2000 – 2500.
- A few tips about
- A few tips about
- A few tips about
- A few tips about
- A few tips about
- Kudos to Poway_Seller for
- Kudos to Poway_Seller for
- Kudos to Poway_Seller for
- Kudos to Poway_Seller for
- Kudos to Poway_Seller for
- Good ideas all.
I’d seriously
- Good ideas all.
I’d seriously
- Good ideas all.
I’d seriously
- Good ideas all.
I’d seriously
- Good ideas all.
I’d seriously
- The last few comments strike
- The last few comments strike
- The last few comments strike
- The last few comments strike
- The last few comments strike
- Any university town in MT,
- Any university town in MT,
- Any university town in MT,
- Any university town in MT,
- Any university town in MT,
- A jump of one full percentage
- A jump of one full percentage
- A jump of one full percentage
- A jump of one full percentage
- A jump of one full percentage
- Amen, Davejl. Furthermore,
- Amen, Davejl. Furthermore,
- Amen, Davejl. Furthermore,
- Amen, Davejl. Furthermore,
- Amen, Davejl. Furthermore,
- I split my time between CA &
- I split my time between CA &
- I split my time between CA &
- I split my time between CA &
- I split my time between CA &
- Or, just switch states.
- Or, just switch states.
- Or, just switch states.
- Or, just switch states.
- Or, just switch states.
- It is pretty well documented
- It is pretty well documented
- It is pretty well documented
- It is pretty well documented
- It is pretty well documented
- A few comments to add to the
- A few comments to add to the
- A few comments to add to the
- A few comments to add to the
- A few comments to add to the
- Another downward push to
- Another downward push to
- Another downward push to
- Another downward push to
- Another downward push to
- Roadway noise may be a big
- Roadway noise may be a big
- Roadway noise may be a big
- Roadway noise may be a big
- Roadway noise may be a big
- Great letter.
Now let’s see
- Great letter.
Now let’s see
- Great letter.
Now let’s see
- Great letter.
Now let’s see
- Great letter.
Now let’s see
- Whatever the economics of
- Whatever the economics of
- Whatever the economics of
- Whatever the economics of
- Whatever the economics of
- Some background to understand
- Some background to understand
- Some background to understand
- Some background to understand
- Some background to understand
- I’d bet on steadily lower
- I’d bet on steadily lower
- I’d bet on steadily lower
- I’d bet on steadily lower
- I’d bet on steadily lower
- Santaluz offers great
- Santaluz offers great
- Santaluz offers great
- Santaluz offers great
- Santaluz offers great
- Concho, you have voiced a
- Concho, you have voiced a
- Concho, you have voiced a
- Concho, you have voiced a
- Concho, you have voiced a
- Imagine it. Actually the
- Imagine it. Actually the
- Imagine it. Actually the
- Imagine it. Actually the
- Imagine it. Actually the
- Socratt, good question. If
- Socratt, good question. If
- Socratt, good question. If
- Socratt, good question. If
- Socratt, good question. If
- Here are some basic facts
- Here are some basic facts
- Here are some basic facts
- Here are some basic facts
- Here are some basic facts
- Rustico, my point was that
- Rustico, my point was that
- Rustico, my point was that
- Rustico, my point was that
- Rustico, my point was that
- Whatever Mike92104 does with
- Whatever Mike92104 does with
- Whatever Mike92104 does with
- Whatever Mike92104 does with
- Whatever Mike92104 does with
- I don’t buy your
- I don’t buy your
- I don’t buy your
- I don’t buy your
- I don’t buy your
- Stocktradr, what do you think
- Stocktradr, what do you think
- Stocktradr, what do you think
- Stocktradr, what do you think
- Stocktradr, what do you think
- I too long bought into the
- I too long bought into the
- I too long bought into the
- I too long bought into the
- I too long bought into the
- Congrats to the duuude on a
- Congrats to the duuude on a
- Congrats to the duuude on a
- Congrats to the duuude on a
- Congrats to the duuude on a
- I live in Santaluz and
- I live in Santaluz and
- I live in Santaluz and
- I live in Santaluz and
- I live in Santaluz and
- Bump
- Bump
- Bump
- Bump
- Bump
- Reminder: Property Tax Assessment Appeals deadline 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 1
- If you bought your property
- If you bought your property
- If you bought your property
- If you bought your property
- If you bought your property
- Good point about the
- Good point about the
- Good point about the
- Good point about the
- Good point about the
- San Diego city finances are
- San Diego city finances are
- San Diego city finances are
- San Diego city finances are
- San Diego city finances are
- Bobby: That Detroit News
- Bobby: That Detroit News
- Bobby: That Detroit News
- Bobby: That Detroit News
- Bobby: That Detroit News
- sduuuuude: It is actually
- sduuuuude: It is actually
- sduuuuude: It is actually
- sduuuuude: It is actually
- sduuuuude: It is actually
- Back when prices were rising
- Back when prices were rising
- Back when prices were rising
- Back when prices were rising
- Back when prices were rising
- UAW members average $73 per
- UAW members average $73 per
- UAW members average $73 per
- UAW members average $73 per
- UAW members average $73 per
- The beautiful thing about the
- The beautiful thing about the
- The beautiful thing about the
- The beautiful thing about the
- The beautiful thing about the
- One would think the
- One would think the
- One would think the
- One would think the
- One would think the
- Vindication is sweet. Keep
- Vindication is sweet. Keep
- Vindication is sweet. Keep
- Vindication is sweet. Keep
- Vindication is sweet. Keep
- The safe jobs are, generally
- The safe jobs are, generally
- The safe jobs are, generally
- The safe jobs are, generally
- The safe jobs are, generally
- Sduuuuude: Well put
- Sduuuuude: Well put
- Sduuuuude: Well put
- Sduuuuude: Well put
- Sduuuuude: Well put
- esmith: You are correct.
- esmith: You are correct.
- esmith: You are correct.
- esmith: You are correct.
- esmith: You are correct.
- A great in-depth description
- A great in-depth description
- A great in-depth description
- A great in-depth description
- A great in-depth description
- TG: My only regret is that
- TG: My only regret is that
- TG: My only regret is that
- TG: My only regret is that
- TG: My only regret is that
- Tax burden is best measured
- Tax burden is best measured
- Tax burden is best measured
- Tax burden is best measured
- Tax burden is best measured
- The Dow closed down
- The Dow closed down
- The Dow closed down
- The Dow closed down
- The Dow closed down
- According to the folks at the
- According to the folks at the
- According to the folks at the
- According to the folks at the
- According to the folks at the
- The land portion of your
- The land portion of your
- The land portion of your
- The land portion of your
- The land portion of your
- Rental markets are dependent
- Rental markets are dependent
- Rental markets are dependent
- Rental markets are dependent
- Rental markets are dependent
- Banks’ cost of funds have
- Banks’ cost of funds have
- Banks’ cost of funds have
- Banks’ cost of funds have
- Banks’ cost of funds have
- If we all agree on a few
- If we all agree on a few
- If we all agree on a few
- If we all agree on a few
- If we all agree on a few
- This plan may be the best of
- This plan may be the best of
- This plan may be the best of
- This plan may be the best of
- This plan may be the best of
- Thanks SDR and urbanrealtor
- Thanks SDR and urbanrealtor
- Thanks SDR and urbanrealtor
- Thanks SDR and urbanrealtor
- Thanks SDR and urbanrealtor
- Urbanrealtor: Several houses
- Urbanrealtor: Several houses
- Urbanrealtor: Several houses
- Urbanrealtor: Several houses
- Urbanrealtor: Several houses
- Look for one local tax to go
- Look for one local tax to go
- Look for one local tax to go
- Look for one local tax to go
- Look for one local tax to go
- I did not fully realize how
- I did not fully realize how
- I did not fully realize how
- I did not fully realize how
- I did not fully realize how
- With prices of condos and
- With prices of condos and
- With prices of condos and
- With prices of condos and
- With prices of condos and
- I’ve done it and posted here
- I’ve done it and posted here
- I’ve done it and posted here
- I’ve done it and posted here
- I’ve done it and posted here
- As a former Mayor of San
- As a former Mayor of San
- As a former Mayor of San
- As a former Mayor of San
- As a former Mayor of San
- OC Scam, at @2 a square foot,
- OC Scam, at @2 a square foot,
- OC Scam, at @2 a square foot,
- OC Scam, at @2 a square foot,
- OC Scam, at @2 a square foot,
- The first year or two of the
- The first year or two of the
- The first year or two of the
- The first year or two of the
- The first year or two of the
- Landlords: What are house rents doing?
- A superficial take on both
- A superficial take on both
- A superficial take on both
- A superficial take on both
- A superficial take on both
- Let me paint a picture of our
- Let me paint a picture of our
- Let me paint a picture of our
- Let me paint a picture of our
- Let me paint a picture of our
- Gotta love that Law of
- Gotta love that Law of
- Gotta love that Law of
- Gotta love that Law of
- Gotta love that Law of
- I wired domestically
- I wired domestically
- I wired domestically
- I wired domestically
- I wired domestically
- A statistical quirk gives all
- A statistical quirk gives all
- A statistical quirk gives all
- A statistical quirk gives all
- A statistical quirk gives all
- While we certainly need
- While we certainly need
- While we certainly need
- While we certainly need
- While we certainly need
- Fair comparisons would not
- Fair comparisons would not
- Fair comparisons would not
- Fair comparisons would not
- Fair comparisons would not
- PatientRenter: Yes, there
- PatientRenter: Yes, there
- PatientRenter: Yes, there
- PatientRenter: Yes, there
- PatientRenter: Yes, there
- The hoarding of currency is a
- The hoarding of currency is a
- The hoarding of currency is a
- The hoarding of currency is a
- The hoarding of currency is a
- Syndey RE prices are
- Syndey RE prices are
- Syndey RE prices are
- Syndey RE prices are
- Syndey RE prices are
- It is my guess that today
- It is my guess that today
- It is my guess that today
- It is my guess that today
- It is my guess that today
- Mark Twain had the best
- Mark Twain had the best
- Mark Twain had the best
- Mark Twain had the best
- Mark Twain had the best
- Greekfire: your are sooo
- Greekfire: your are sooo
- Greekfire: your are sooo
- Greekfire: your are sooo
- Greekfire: your are sooo
- I was in NZ and Australia all
- I was in NZ and Australia all
- I was in NZ and Australia all
- I was in NZ and Australia all
- I was in NZ and Australia all
- From what you have revealed,
- From what you have revealed,
- From what you have revealed,
- From what you have revealed,
- From what you have revealed,
- Depression is the usual cause
- Depression is the usual cause
- Depression is the usual cause
- Depression is the usual cause
- Depression is the usual cause
- One factor that will make
- One factor that will make
- One factor that will make
- One factor that will make
- One factor that will make
- I think you can freely chose,
- I think you can freely chose,
- I think you can freely chose,
- I think you can freely chose,
- I think you can freely chose,
- As a landlord for many years,
- As a landlord for many years,
- As a landlord for many years,
- As a landlord for many years,
- As a landlord for many years,
- Rents are a supply/demand
- Rents are a supply/demand
- Rents are a supply/demand
- Rents are a supply/demand
- Rents are a supply/demand
- Let’s remember that
- Let’s remember that
- Let’s remember that
- Let’s remember that
- Let’s remember that
- Another factor about the
- Another factor about the
- Another factor about the
- Another factor about the
- Another factor about the
- Above all, have her
- Above all, have her
- Above all, have her
- Above all, have her
- Above all, have her
- 1. Acknowledge that they
- 1. Acknowledge that they
- 1. Acknowledge that they
- 1. Acknowledge that they
- 1. Acknowledge that they
- When the government
- When the government
- When the government
- When the government
- When the government
- If your units are mediocre,
- If your units are mediocre,
- If your units are mediocre,
- If your units are mediocre,
- If your units are mediocre,
- qwerty007:
I converted my
- qwerty007:
I converted my
- qwerty007:
I converted my
- qwerty007:
I converted my
- qwerty007:
I converted my
- Occams Realtor,
You have a
- Occams Realtor,
You have a
- Occams Realtor,
You have a
- Occams Realtor,
You have a
- Occams Realtor,
You have a
- The Great Depression was
- The Great Depression was
- The Great Depression was
- The Great Depression was
- The Great Depression was
- For sure we are in uncharted
- For sure we are in uncharted
- For sure we are in uncharted
- For sure we are in uncharted
- For sure we are in uncharted
- Both Obama and McCain are in
- Both Obama and McCain are in
- Both Obama and McCain are in
- Both Obama and McCain are in
- Both Obama and McCain are in
- The parallels with today are
- The parallels with today are
- The parallels with today are
- The parallels with today are
- The parallels with today are
- The analyst quoted, Meredith
- The analyst quoted, Meredith
- The analyst quoted, Meredith
- The analyst quoted, Meredith
- The analyst quoted, Meredith
- TuVu: your friend’s
- TuVu: your friend’s
- TuVu: your friend’s
- TuVu: your friend’s
- TuVu: your friend’s
- One more reason to file an
- One more reason to file an
- One more reason to file an
- One more reason to file an
- One more reason to file an
- If you bought in ’04, ’05, or ’06…
- SDR makes some good points.
- SDR makes some good points.
- SDR makes some good points.
- SDR makes some good points.
- SDR makes some good points.
- Last November a newlywed
- Last November a newlywed
- Last November a newlywed
- Last November a newlywed
- Last November a newlywed
- Looking through all the data,
- Looking through all the data,
- Looking through all the data,
- Looking through all the data,
- Looking through all the data,
- Let’s also remember that in
- Let’s also remember that in
- Let’s also remember that in
- Let’s also remember that in
- Let’s also remember that in
- From what I’ve read in the
- From what I’ve read in the
- From what I’ve read in the
- From what I’ve read in the
- From what I’ve read in the
- Anyone here bothered by the
- Anyone here bothered by the
- Anyone here bothered by the
- Anyone here bothered by the
- Anyone here bothered by the
- One factor you cite as reason
- One factor you cite as reason
- One factor you cite as reason
- One factor you cite as reason
- One factor you cite as reason
- College teachers can be the
- College teachers can be the
- College teachers can be the
- College teachers can be the
- College teachers can be the
- Apologies for going somewhat
- Apologies for going somewhat
- Apologies for going somewhat
- Apologies for going somewhat
- Apologies for going somewhat
- Interesting insights,
- Interesting insights,
- Interesting insights,
- Interesting insights,
- Interesting insights,
- While this article describes
- While this article describes
- While this article describes
- While this article describes
- While this article describes
- Sounds like you buy into the
- Sounds like you buy into the
- Sounds like you buy into the
- Sounds like you buy into the
- Sounds like you buy into the
- The seeds of today’s problems
- The seeds of today’s problems
- The seeds of today’s problems
- The seeds of today’s problems
- The seeds of today’s problems
- Regarding the post about
- Regarding the post about
- Regarding the post about
- Regarding the post about
- Regarding the post about
- That was a smart move from
- That was a smart move from
- That was a smart move from
- That was a smart move from
- That was a smart move from
- This is just more evidence
- This is just more evidence
- This is just more evidence
- This is just more evidence
- This is just more evidence
- You could buy raw land or
- You could buy raw land or
- You could buy raw land or
- You could buy raw land or
- You could buy raw land or
- That’s a great article.
- That’s a great article.
- That’s a great article.
- That’s a great article.
- That’s a great article.
- I guess the investment
- I guess the investment
- I guess the investment
- I guess the investment
- I guess the investment
- For the record, Cramer has a
- For the record, Cramer has a
- For the record, Cramer has a
- For the record, Cramer has a
- For the record, Cramer has a
- A condo complex that would
- A condo complex that would
- A condo complex that would
- A condo complex that would
- A condo complex that would
- Unclear question. Please
- Unclear question. Please
- Unclear question. Please
- Unclear question. Please
- Unclear question. Please
- I have an entirely different
- I have an entirely different
- I have an entirely different
- I have an entirely different
- I have an entirely different
- Do whatever it takes to sell
- Do whatever it takes to sell
- Do whatever it takes to sell
- Do whatever it takes to sell
- Do whatever it takes to sell
- Notice that the property
- Notice that the property
- Notice that the property
- Notice that the property
- Notice that the property
- All of us are bemoaning the
- All of us are bemoaning the
- All of us are bemoaning the
- All of us are bemoaning the
- All of us are bemoaning the
- This happens a lot, which is
- This happens a lot, which is
- This happens a lot, which is
- This happens a lot, which is
- This happens a lot, which is
- My condolences on your market
- My condolences on your market
- My condolences on your market
- My condolences on your market
- My condolences on your market
- My condolences on your market
- You seem to have all the
- You seem to have all the
- You seem to have all the
- You seem to have all the
- You seem to have all the
- DWCAP, your last sentence
- DWCAP, your last sentence
- DWCAP, your last sentence
- DWCAP, your last sentence
- DWCAP, your last sentence
- As a free-market economist, I
- As a free-market economist, I
- As a free-market economist, I
- As a free-market economist, I
- As a free-market economist, I
- This is a really
- This is a really
- This is a really
- This is a really
- This is a really
- I tend to trust the free
- I tend to trust the free
- I tend to trust the free
- I tend to trust the free
- I tend to trust the free
- Yep, OK is an energy-rich
- Yep, OK is an energy-rich
- Yep, OK is an energy-rich
- Yep, OK is an energy-rich
- Yep, OK is an energy-rich
- Conjectures about foreign
- Conjectures about foreign
- Conjectures about foreign
- Conjectures about foreign
- Conjectures about foreign
- Barnaby: Yes, been to MT,
- Barnaby: Yes, been to MT,
- Barnaby: Yes, been to MT,
- Barnaby: Yes, been to MT,
- Barnaby: Yes, been to MT,
- Individuals have different
- Individuals have different
- Individuals have different
- Individuals have different
- Individuals have different
- Enorah: the 1% figure is the
- Enorah: the 1% figure is the
- Enorah: the 1% figure is the
- Enorah: the 1% figure is the
- Enorah: the 1% figure is the
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Go house-hunting and find a
- Time lags largely explain why
- Time lags largely explain why
- Time lags largely explain why
- Time lags largely explain why
- Time lags largely explain why
- MT & WY have: lower taxes,
- MT & WY have: lower taxes,
- MT & WY have: lower taxes,
- MT & WY have: lower taxes,
- MT & WY have: lower taxes,
- Absent a big recession, rents
- Absent a big recession, rents
- Absent a big recession, rents
- Absent a big recession, rents
- Absent a big recession, rents
- Everyone’s comments and
- Everyone’s comments and
- Everyone’s comments and
- Everyone’s comments and
- Everyone’s comments and
- Let’s keep our perspective
- Let’s keep our perspective
- Let’s keep our perspective
- Let’s keep our perspective
- Let’s keep our perspective
- Very few newscasts and print
- Very few newscasts and print
- Very few newscasts and print
- Very few newscasts and print
- Very few newscasts and print
- You’ve done a good job of
- You’ve done a good job of
- You’ve done a good job of
- You’ve done a good job of
- You’ve done a good job of
- OK is one of the few
- OK is one of the few
- OK is one of the few
- OK is one of the few
- OK is one of the few
- If B of A were smart, they
- If B of A were smart, they
- If B of A were smart, they
- If B of A were smart, they
- If B of A were smart, they
- CA state revenues have
- CA state revenues have
- CA state revenues have
- CA state revenues have
- CA state revenues have
- A thorough and exhaustive
- A thorough and exhaustive
- A thorough and exhaustive
- A thorough and exhaustive
- A thorough and exhaustive
- The differences are so
- The differences are so
- The differences are so
- The differences are so
- The differences are so
- A contract is a contract is a
- A contract is a contract is a
- A contract is a contract is a
- A contract is a contract is a
- A contract is a contract is a
- Greekfire described the free
- Greekfire described the free
- Greekfire described the free
- Greekfire described the free
- Greekfire described the free
- Letters to politicians do
- Letters to politicians do
- Letters to politicians do
- Letters to politicians do
- Letters to politicians do
- DWCAP: Share with us what
- DWCAP: Share with us what
- DWCAP: Share with us what
- DWCAP: Share with us what
- DWCAP: Share with us what
- SDRealtor: Fitch has
- SDRealtor: Fitch has
- SDRealtor: Fitch has
- SDRealtor: Fitch has
- SDRealtor: Fitch has
- The price drop per average
- The price drop per average
- The price drop per average
- The price drop per average
- The price drop per average
- Fitch, along with Moody’s and
- Fitch, along with Moody’s and
- Fitch, along with Moody’s and
- Fitch, along with Moody’s and
- Fitch, along with Moody’s and
- So let’s see. You’ve got
- So let’s see. You’ve got
- So let’s see. You’ve got
- So let’s see. You’ve got
- So let’s see. You’ve got
- For every speculator who
- For every speculator who
- For every speculator who
- For every speculator who
- For every speculator who
- This provision, and several
- This provision, and several
- This provision, and several
- This provision, and several
- This provision, and several
- They can legally require a
- They can legally require a
- They can legally require a
- They can legally require a
- They can legally require a
- There is a reason tax hikes
- There is a reason tax hikes
- There is a reason tax hikes
- There is a reason tax hikes
- There is a reason tax hikes
- Pizzaman: The old 1% rule
- Pizzaman: The old 1% rule
- Pizzaman: The old 1% rule
- Pizzaman: The old 1% rule
- Pizzaman: The old 1% rule
- Many observers see Barak
- Many observers see Barak
- Many observers see Barak
- Many observers see Barak
- Many observers see Barak
- CA now has the third-highest
- CA now has the third-highest
- CA now has the third-highest
- CA now has the third-highest
- CA now has the third-highest
- Here is the brutal
- Here is the brutal
- Here is the brutal
- Here is the brutal
- Here is the brutal
- WSJ says 10.3% is the top
- WSJ says 10.3% is the top
- WSJ says 10.3% is the top
- WSJ says 10.3% is the top
- WSJ says 10.3% is the top
- CA real estate
- I was in your position a
- I was in your position a
- I was in your position a
- I was in your position a
- I was in your position a
- I’m sorry Marion, but you are
- I’m sorry Marion, but you are
- I’m sorry Marion, but you are
- I’m sorry Marion, but you are
- I’m sorry Marion, but you are
- I second everything Surveyer
- I second everything Surveyer
- I second everything Surveyer
- I second everything Surveyer
- I second everything Surveyer
- I’m seeing a lot of theories
- I’m seeing a lot of theories
- I’m seeing a lot of theories
- I’m seeing a lot of theories
- I’m seeing a lot of theories
- Have him list and total the
- Have him list and total the
- Have him list and total the
- Have him list and total the
- Have him list and total the
- I was really surprised to see
- I was really surprised to see
- I was really surprised to see
- I was really surprised to see
- I was really surprised to see
- Don’t know about Texas
- Don’t know about Texas
- Don’t know about Texas
- Don’t know about Texas
- Don’t know about Texas
- Gandalf, you are quite right
- Gandalf, you are quite right
- Gandalf, you are quite right
- Gandalf, you are quite right
- Gandalf, you are quite right
- Glad to hear Senator Chris
- Glad to hear Senator Chris
- Glad to hear Senator Chris
- Glad to hear Senator Chris
- Glad to hear Senator Chris
- Bubblesitter: Center for
- Bubblesitter: Center for
- Bubblesitter: Center for
- Bubblesitter: Center for
- Bubblesitter: Center for
- I used to teach Money and
- I used to teach Money and
- I used to teach Money and
- I used to teach Money and
- I used to teach Money and
- TemekuT: It sounds like you
- TemekuT: It sounds like you
- TemekuT: It sounds like you
- TemekuT: It sounds like you
- TemekuT: It sounds like you
- Here’s a doomsday scenario
- Here’s a doomsday scenario
- Here’s a doomsday scenario
- Here’s a doomsday scenario
- Here’s a doomsday scenario
- Jennyo: Tell the executor to
- Jennyo: Tell the executor to
- Jennyo: Tell the executor to
- Jennyo: Tell the executor to
- Jennyo: Tell the executor to
- The Wall Street Journal,
- The Wall Street Journal,
- The Wall Street Journal,
- The Wall Street Journal,
- The Wall Street Journal,
- The downside to this (and
- The downside to this (and
- The downside to this (and
- The downside to this (and
- The downside to this (and
- gdcox: I agree with your
- gdcox: I agree with your
- gdcox: I agree with your
- gdcox: I agree with your
- gdcox: I agree with your
- Good gosh, how can people be
- Good gosh, how can people be
- Good gosh, how can people be
- Good gosh, how can people be
- Good gosh, how can people be
- You are quite right Noob. #
- You are quite right Noob. #
- You are quite right Noob. #
- You are quite right Noob. #
- You are quite right Noob. #
- Good point Fearful. Hiring a
- Good point Fearful. Hiring a
- Good point Fearful. Hiring a
- Good point Fearful. Hiring a
- Good point Fearful. Hiring a
- The City has used a lot of
- The City has used a lot of
- The City has used a lot of
- The City has used a lot of
- The City has used a lot of
- Purchasing in Mira Mesa vs.
- Purchasing in Mira Mesa vs.
- Purchasing in Mira Mesa vs.
- Purchasing in Mira Mesa vs.
- Purchasing in Mira Mesa vs.
- You guys are way
- You guys are way
- You guys are way
- You guys are way
- You guys are way
- Thanks DaCounselor for the
- Thanks DaCounselor for the
- Thanks DaCounselor for the
- Thanks DaCounselor for the
- Thanks DaCounselor for the
That is a healthy 24%
That is a healthy 24%
That is a healthy 24%
That is a healthy 24%
That is a healthy 24%
- Glad to see that both sides
- Glad to see that both sides
- Glad to see that both sides
- Glad to see that both sides
- Glad to see that both sides
- Let’s remember the Prop 13
- Let’s remember the Prop 13
- Let’s remember the Prop 13
- Let’s remember the Prop 13
- Let’s remember the Prop 13
- The Tax Assessor Reduced My Assessed Value
- Amen DWCAP. Let’s examine
- Amen DWCAP. Let’s examine
- Amen DWCAP. Let’s examine
- Amen DWCAP. Let’s examine
- Amen DWCAP. Let’s examine
- You’re screwed.
If Florida
- You’re screwed.
If Florida
- You’re screwed.
If Florida
- You’re screwed.
If Florida
- You’re screwed.
If Florida
- nybuyer: You might get a
- nybuyer: You might get a
- nybuyer: You might get a
- nybuyer: You might get a
- nybuyer: You might get a
- Unquestionably, an all cash
- Unquestionably, an all cash
- Unquestionably, an all cash
- Unquestionably, an all cash
- Unquestionably, an all cash
- With prices now falling at
- With prices now falling at
- With prices now falling at
- With prices now falling at
- With prices now falling at
- There are big property tax
- There are big property tax
- There are big property tax
- There are big property tax
- There are big property tax
- Lets remember that the CA
- Lets remember that the CA
- Lets remember that the CA
- Lets remember that the CA
- Lets remember that the CA
- DrChaos: You are right, the
- DrChaos: You are right, the
- DrChaos: You are right, the
- DrChaos: You are right, the
- DrChaos: You are right, the
- If Barak and McCain are
- If Barak and McCain are
- If Barak and McCain are
- If Barak and McCain are
- If Barak and McCain are
- It is great sport to bash the
- It is great sport to bash the
- It is great sport to bash the
- It is great sport to bash the
- It is great sport to bash the
- Wattuppp, thanks for the
- Wattuppp, thanks for the
- Wattuppp, thanks for the
- Wattuppp, thanks for the
- Wattuppp, thanks for the
- Having bought and sold dozens
- Having bought and sold dozens
- Having bought and sold dozens
- Having bought and sold dozens
- Having bought and sold dozens
- The Pros you mention should
- The Pros you mention should
- The Pros you mention should
- The Pros you mention should
- The Pros you mention should
- This You Tube site for Mr.
- This You Tube site for Mr.
- This You Tube site for Mr.
- This You Tube site for Mr.
- This You Tube site for Mr.
- I generally suggest using a
- I generally suggest using a
- I generally suggest using a
- I generally suggest using a
- I generally suggest using a
- Consider renting out 2 of
- Consider renting out 2 of
- Consider renting out 2 of
- Consider renting out 2 of
- Consider renting out 2 of
- When a condo complex falls
- When a condo complex falls
- When a condo complex falls
- When a condo complex falls
- When a condo complex falls
- Recordsclerk, from what you
- Recordsclerk, from what you
- Recordsclerk, from what you
- Recordsclerk, from what you
- Recordsclerk, from what you
- Fresh & Easy is a new chain,
- Fresh & Easy is a new chain,
- Fresh & Easy is a new chain,
- Fresh & Easy is a new chain,
- Fresh & Easy is a new chain,
- There are pros and cons to
- There are pros and cons to
- There are pros and cons to
- There are pros and cons to
- There are pros and cons to
- Nostradamus: You were wise
- Nostradamus: You were wise
- Nostradamus: You were wise
- Nostradamus: You were wise
- Nostradamus: You were wise
- I’m seeing a lot of familiar
- I’m seeing a lot of familiar
- I’m seeing a lot of familiar
- I’m seeing a lot of familiar
- I’m seeing a lot of familiar
- Yanking cabinets in foreclosures
- BobS
Poway-seller may have
- BobS
Poway-seller may have
- BobS
Poway-seller may have
- BobS
Poway-seller may have
- BobS
Poway-seller may have
- BobS
Historically, V-shaped
- BobS
Historically, V-shaped
- BobS
Historically, V-shaped
- BobS
Historically, V-shaped
- BobS
Historically, V-shaped
- BobS
Time lags explain this.
- BobS
Time lags explain this.
- BobS
Time lags explain this.
- BobS
Time lags explain this.
- BobS
Time lags explain this.
- BobS
We often hear the
- BobS
We often hear the
- BobS
We often hear the
- BobS
We often hear the
- BobS
We often hear the
- BobS
Welcome to the Piggs,
- BobS
Welcome to the Piggs,
- BobS
Welcome to the Piggs,
- BobS
Welcome to the Piggs,
- BobS
Welcome to the Piggs,
- BobS
This is a really good
- BobS
This is a really good
- BobS
This is a really good
- BobS
This is a really good
- BobS
This is a really good
- BobS
To avoid being tripped
- BobS
To avoid being tripped
- BobS
To avoid being tripped
- BobS
To avoid being tripped
- BobS
To avoid being tripped
- BobS
Those of us landlords
- BobS
Those of us landlords
- BobS
Those of us landlords
- BobS
Those of us landlords
- BobS
Those of us landlords
- BobS
meadandale: I see your
- BobS
meadandale: I see your
- BobS
meadandale: I see your
- BobS
meadandale: I see your
- BobS
meadandale: I see your
- BobS
FormerSanDiegan and
- BobS
FormerSanDiegan and
- BobS
FormerSanDiegan and
- BobS
FormerSanDiegan and
- BobS
FormerSanDiegan and
- BobS
Bjensen, the difficult
- BobS
Bjensen, the difficult
- BobS
Bjensen, the difficult
- BobS
Bjensen, the difficult
- BobS
Bjensen, the difficult
- BobS
There is no chance this
- BobS
There is no chance this
- BobS
There is no chance this
- BobS
There is no chance this
- BobS
There is no chance this
- BobS
Uh, actually no,
- BobS
Uh, actually no,
- BobS
Uh, actually no,
- BobS
Uh, actually no,
- BobS
Uh, actually no,
- BobS
Undoubtedly your line
- BobS
Undoubtedly your line
- BobS
Undoubtedly your line
- BobS
Undoubtedly your line
- BobS
Undoubtedly your line
- BobS
Rents are a market
- BobS
Rents are a market
- BobS
Rents are a market
- BobS
Rents are a market
- BobS
Rents are a market
- BobS
Bugs please give us
- BobS
Bugs please give us
- BobS
Bugs please give us
- BobS
Bugs please give us
- BobS
Bugs please give us
- BobS
Sorry, peterb, you are
- BobS
Sorry, peterb, you are
- BobS
Sorry, peterb, you are
- BobS
Sorry, peterb, you are
- BobS
Sorry, peterb, you are
- BobS
Some great insights
- BobS
Some great insights
- BobS
Some great insights
- BobS
Some great insights
- BobS
Some great insights
- BobS
Good points gdcox.
- BobS
Good points gdcox.
- BobS
Good points gdcox.
- BobS
Good points gdcox.
- BobS
Good points gdcox.
- BobS
Your post is confusing.
- BobS
Your post is confusing.
- BobS
Your post is confusing.
- BobS
Your post is confusing.
- BobS
Your post is confusing.
- BobS
It is pretty widely
- BobS
It is pretty widely
- BobS
It is pretty widely
- BobS
It is pretty widely
- BobS
It is pretty widely
- BobS
Ironman, all of us
- BobS
Ironman, all of us
- BobS
Ironman, all of us
- BobS
Ironman, all of us
- BobS
Ironman, all of us
- BobS
The State of California
- BobS
The State of California
- BobS
The State of California
- BobS
The State of California
- BobS
The State of California
- BobSUh…yeah.
- BobSUh…yeah.
- BobSUh…yeah.
- BobSUh…yeah.
- BobSUh…yeah.
- BobS
State and local
- BobS
State and local
- BobS
State and local
- BobS
State and local
- BobS
State and local
- BobS
Speaking of choices,
- BobS
Speaking of choices,
- BobS
Speaking of choices,
- BobS
Speaking of choices,
- BobS
Speaking of choices,
- BobS
Congrats, Raptor.
- BobS
Congrats, Raptor.
- BobS
Congrats, Raptor.
- BobS
Congrats, Raptor.
- BobS
Congrats, Raptor.
- BobS
They must mean Reo
- BobS
They must mean Reo
- BobS
They must mean Reo
- BobS
They must mean Reo
- BobS
They must mean Reo
- BobS
I’d fully advise them
- BobS
I’d fully advise them
- BobS
I’d fully advise them
- BobS
I’d fully advise them
- BobS
I’d fully advise them
- BobS
I bicycle around this
- BobS
I bicycle around this
- BobS
I bicycle around this
- BobS
I bicycle around this
- BobS
I bicycle around this
- BobS
This guy is performing
- BobS
This guy is performing
- BobS
This guy is performing
- BobS
This guy is performing
- BobS
This guy is performing
- BobS
In the rapidly
- BobS
In the rapidly
- BobS
In the rapidly
- BobS
In the rapidly
- BobS
In the rapidly
- BobS
I cannot speak to the
- BobS
I cannot speak to the
- BobS
I cannot speak to the
- BobS
I cannot speak to the
- BobS
I cannot speak to the
- BobS
Carli raises valid
- BobS
Carli raises valid
- BobS
Carli raises valid
- BobS
Carli raises valid
- BobS
Carli raises valid
- BobS
Here’s a thought: Rent
- BobS
Here’s a thought: Rent
- BobS
Here’s a thought: Rent
- BobS
Here’s a thought: Rent
- BobS
Here’s a thought: Rent
- BobS
This info is a real
- BobS
This info is a real
- BobS
This info is a real
- BobS
This info is a real
- BobS
This info is a real
- BobS
In years past I’ve
- BobS
In years past I’ve
- BobS
In years past I’ve
- BobS
In years past I’ve
- BobS
In years past I’ve
- BobS
TemekuT is correct, but
- BobS
TemekuT is correct, but
- BobS
TemekuT is correct, but
- BobS
TemekuT is correct, but
- BobS
TemekuT is correct, but
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
To the best of my
- BobS
To the best of my
- BobS
To the best of my
- BobS
To the best of my
- BobS
To the best of my
- BobS
Hmm…I thought this
- BobS
Hmm…I thought this
- BobS
Hmm…I thought this
- BobS
Hmm…I thought this
- BobS
Hmm…I thought this
- BobS
This is a tough
- BobS
This is a tough
- BobS
This is a tough
- BobS
This is a tough
- BobS
This is a tough
- BobS
This news adds up to
- BobS
This news adds up to
- BobS
This news adds up to
- BobS
This news adds up to
- BobS
This news adds up to
- BobS
Sounds like I agree
- BobS
Sounds like I agree
- BobS
Sounds like I agree
- BobS
Sounds like I agree
- BobS
Sounds like I agree
- BobS
Unless there are some
- BobS
Unless there are some
- BobS
Unless there are some
- BobS
Unless there are some
- BobS
Unless there are some
- BobS
Anybody notice in the
- BobS
Anybody notice in the
- BobS
Anybody notice in the
- BobS
Anybody notice in the
- BobS
Anybody notice in the
- BobS
Lots of good shopping
- BobS
Lots of good shopping
- BobS
Lots of good shopping
- BobS
Lots of good shopping
- BobS
Lots of good shopping
- BobS
I’d like to propose a
- BobS
I’d like to propose a
- BobS
I’d like to propose a
- BobS
I’d like to propose a
- BobS
I’d like to propose a
- BobS
Capital gains tax will
- BobS
Capital gains tax will
- BobS
Capital gains tax will
- BobS
Capital gains tax will
- BobS
Capital gains tax will
- BobS
On the other hand, if
- BobS
On the other hand, if
- BobS
On the other hand, if
- BobS
On the other hand, if
- BobS
On the other hand, if
- BobS
This device is actually
- BobS
This device is actually
- BobS
This device is actually
- BobS
This device is actually
- BobS
This device is actually
- BobS
Wow, looks like
- BobS
Wow, looks like
- BobS
Wow, looks like
- BobS
Wow, looks like
- BobS
Wow, looks like
- BobS
Inflation rose
- BobS
Inflation rose
- BobS
Inflation rose
- BobS
Inflation rose
- BobS
Inflation rose
- BobS
I just made an on-line
- BobS
I just made an on-line
- BobS
I just made an on-line
- BobS
I just made an on-line
- BobS
I just made an on-line
- BobS
Querty007: You are
- BobS
Querty007: You are
- BobS
Querty007: You are
- BobS
Querty007: You are
- BobS
Querty007: You are
- BobS
I suggest that for the
- BobS
I suggest that for the
- BobS
I suggest that for the
- BobS
I suggest that for the
- BobS
I suggest that for the
- BobS
Rustico: Do you know
- BobS
Rustico: Do you know
- BobS
Rustico: Do you know
- BobS
Rustico: Do you know
- BobS
Rustico: Do you know
- BobS
Contraman has it right.
- BobS
Contraman has it right.
- BobS
Contraman has it right.
- BobS
Contraman has it right.
- BobS
Contraman has it right.
- BobS
Raptor: The upside of
- BobS
Raptor: The upside of
- BobS
Raptor: The upside of
- BobS
Raptor: The upside of
- BobS
Raptor: The upside of
- BobS
5YearWaiter: Sorry,
- BobS
5YearWaiter: Sorry,
- BobS
5YearWaiter: Sorry,
- BobS
5YearWaiter: Sorry,
- BobS
5YearWaiter: Sorry,
- BobS
Sorry Raptor, but the
- BobS
Sorry Raptor, but the
- BobS
Sorry Raptor, but the
- BobS
Sorry Raptor, but the
- BobS
Sorry Raptor, but the
- BobS
Sorry to hear about
- BobS
Sorry to hear about
- BobS
Sorry to hear about
- BobS
Sorry to hear about
- BobS
Sorry to hear about
- BobS
Bubba99: You nailed
- BobS
Bubba99: You nailed
- BobS
Bubba99: You nailed
- BobS
Bubba99: You nailed
- BobS
Bubba99: You nailed
- BobS
This article is a great
- BobS
This article is a great
- BobS
This article is a great
- BobS
This article is a great
- BobS
This article is a great
- BobS
This is insane.
- BobS
This is insane.
- BobS
This is insane.
- BobS
This is insane.
- BobS
This is insane.
- BobS
I owned units in OB in
- BobS
I owned units in OB in
- BobS
I owned units in OB in
- BobS
I owned units in OB in
- BobS
I owned units in OB in
- BobS
Ah, OB. Yes, it is
- BobS
Ah, OB. Yes, it is
- BobS
Ah, OB. Yes, it is
- BobS
Ah, OB. Yes, it is
- BobS
Ah, OB. Yes, it is
- BobS
I have been investing
- BobS
I have been investing
- BobS
I have been investing
- BobS
I have been investing
- BobS
I have been investing
- BobS
Look closely at some of
- BobS
Look closely at some of
- BobS
Look closely at some of
- BobS
Look closely at some of
- BobS
Look closely at some of
- BobS
Great posts Raptor, and
- BobS
Great posts Raptor, and
- BobS
Great posts Raptor, and
- BobS
Great posts Raptor, and
- BobS
Great posts Raptor, and
- BobS
I noticed the web site
- BobS
I noticed the web site
- BobS
I noticed the web site
- BobS
I noticed the web site
- BobS
I noticed the web site
- BobS
Cashflow: That seems
- BobS
Cashflow: That seems
- BobS
Cashflow: That seems
- BobS
Cashflow: That seems
- BobS
Cashflow: That seems
- BobS
There are actually
- BobS
There are actually
- BobS
There are actually
- BobS
There are actually
- BobS
There are actually
- BobS
Not only will all-cash
- BobS
Not only will all-cash
- BobS
Not only will all-cash
- BobS
Not only will all-cash
- BobS
Not only will all-cash
- BobS
Now is the time to
- BobS
Now is the time to
- BobS
Now is the time to
- BobS
Now is the time to
- BobS
Now is the time to
- BobS
Sorry to double post.
- BobS
Sorry to double post.
- BobS
Sorry to double post.
- BobS
Sorry to double post.
- BobS
Sorry to double post.
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
The author of this
- BobS
RUN, don’t walk, away
- BobS
RUN, don’t walk, away
- BobS
RUN, don’t walk, away
- BobS
RUN, don’t walk, away
- BobS
RUN, don’t walk, away
- BobS
This is a significant
- BobS
This is a significant
- BobS
This is a significant
- BobS
This is a significant
- BobS
This is a significant
- BobS
DH: Don’t be sad. She
- BobS
DH: Don’t be sad. She
- BobS
DH: Don’t be sad. She
- BobS
DH: Don’t be sad. She
- BobS
DH: Don’t be sad. She
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- Bob
As has been pointed out
- BobS
I bicycle through that
- BobS
I bicycle through that
- BobS
I bicycle through that
- BobS
I bicycle through that
- BobS
I bicycle through that
- BobS
Great point,
- BobS
Great point,
- BobS
Great point,
- BobS
Great point,
- BobS
Great point,
- BobS
Contraman: Sure, have
- BobS
Contraman: Sure, have
- BobS
Contraman: Sure, have
- BobS
Contraman: Sure, have
- BobS
Contraman: Sure, have
- BobS
The HELOC was a 90% LTV
- BobS
The HELOC was a 90% LTV
- BobS
The HELOC was a 90% LTV
- BobS
The HELOC was a 90% LTV
- BobS
The HELOC was a 90% LTV
- My HELOC was just yanked.
- BobS
This is NOT in
- BobS
This is NOT in
- BobS
This is NOT in
- BobS
This is NOT in
- BobS
This is NOT in
- BobS
Let’s remember that the
- BobS
Let’s remember that the
- BobS
Let’s remember that the
- BobS
Let’s remember that the
- BobS
Let’s remember that the
- BobS
Raptor: Man, you sure
- BobS
Raptor: Man, you sure
- BobS
Raptor: Man, you sure
- BobS
Raptor: Man, you sure
- BobS
Raptor: Man, you sure
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
Permit me to interject
- BobS
gdcox makes a valid
- BobS
gdcox makes a valid
- BobS
gdcox makes a valid
- BobS
gdcox makes a valid
- BobS
gdcox makes a valid
- BobS
JL’s comments remind us
- BobS
JL’s comments remind us
- BobS
JL’s comments remind us
- BobS
JL’s comments remind us
- BobS
JL’s comments remind us
- BobS
C’mon Raptor, admit it.
- BobS
C’mon Raptor, admit it.
- BobS
C’mon Raptor, admit it.
- BobS
C’mon Raptor, admit it.
- BobS
C’mon Raptor, admit it.
- BobS
Wow…knife catchers
- BobS
Wow…knife catchers
- BobS
Wow…knife catchers
- BobS
Wow…knife catchers
- BobS
Wow…knife catchers
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
Something should be
- BobS
Something should be
- BobS
Something should be
- BobS
Something should be
- BobS
Something should be
- BobS
Dump this “friend”.
- BobS
Dump this “friend”.
- BobS
Dump this “friend”.
- BobS
Dump this “friend”.
- BobS
Dump this “friend”.
- BobSPBNative: Sounds like
- BobSPBNative: Sounds like
- BobSPBNative: Sounds like
- BobSPBNative: Sounds like
- BobSPBNative: Sounds like
- Bruce Norris’ predictions
- BobS
Somehow I doubt many
- BobS
Somehow I doubt many
- BobS
Somehow I doubt many
- BobS
Somehow I doubt many
- BobS
Somehow I doubt many
- BobS
About two months ago
- BobS
About two months ago
- BobS
About two months ago
- BobS
About two months ago
- BobS
About two months ago
- BobS
Congratulations on
- BobS
Congratulations on
- BobS
Congratulations on
- BobS
Congratulations on
- BobS
Congratulations on
- Bruce Norris Speaking Dec. 19
- BobS
Back to topic, there
- BobS
Back to topic, there
- BobS
Back to topic, there
- BobS
Back to topic, there
- BobS
Back to topic, there
- BobS
Coop, that’s all good
- BobS
Coop, that’s all good
- BobS
Coop, that’s all good
- BobS
Coop, that’s all good
- BobS
Coop, that’s all good
- BobS
It was up for the day,
- BobS
It was up for the day,
- BobS
It was up for the day,
- BobS
It was up for the day,
- BobS
It was up for the day,
- BobS
To Rather
- BobS
To Rather
- BobS
To Rather
- BobS
To Rather
- BobS
To Rather
- BobS
Thanks for the info
- BobS
Thanks for the info
- BobS
Thanks for the info
- BobS
Thanks for the info
- BobS
Thanks for the info
- BobS
There will not be a
- BobS
There will not be a
- BobS
There will not be a
- BobS
There will not be a
- BobS
There will not be a
- BobS
Drunkle: Don’t make it
- BobS
Drunkle: Don’t make it
- BobS
Drunkle: Don’t make it
- BobS
Drunkle: Don’t make it
- BobS
Drunkle: Don’t make it
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
Just checked, now that
- BobS
Just checked, now that
- BobS
Just checked, now that
- BobS
Just checked, now that
- BobS
Just checked, now that
- BobS
Rustico: Am very
- BobS
Rustico: Am very
- BobS
Rustico: Am very
- BobS
Rustico: Am very
- BobS
Rustico: Am very
- BobS
Amen to all that.
- BobS
Amen to all that.
- BobS
Amen to all that.
- BobS
Amen to all that.
- BobS
Amen to all that.
- Economics and Investing
- BobS
This subject need not
- BobS
This subject need not
- BobS
This subject need not
- BobS
This subject need not
- BobS
This subject need not
- BobS I live in Santaluz,
- BobS I live in Santaluz,
- BobS I live in Santaluz,
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
- BobS
Raptorduck: Have
- BobS
Raptorduck: Have
- BobS
Raptorduck, regarding
- BobS
Raptorduck, regarding
- BobS
I live in Santaluz.