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18 years ago

Great job, Rich! I hope the
Great job, Rich! I hope the AP picks that up.

18 years ago
Reply to  lindismith

It’s about time. When will
It’s about time. When will the U-T finally interview you? When will they lose their caution, and tell the subscribers what is going on, in an analytical way. The LA Times is much more analytical. I hope more media will interview you.

18 years ago

Congrats Rich,
You have done

Congrats Rich,

You have done a wonderful job with this site. I am glad to see you get recognized from the MSM media. That was a very good article in the LA Times.

18 years ago

I think that’s the first
I think that’s the first article on this subject I’ve ever read where the journalist interviews a broker and then compares what they’re saying with what they’re doing. I’m impressed.

18 years ago
Reply to  Bugs

I’m impressed with the
I’m impressed with the converible Miata! Nice ride, Rich.

CA renter
18 years ago

Congratulations, again,
Congratulations, again, Rich! For those of us who’ve been watching this for a long time, there were some priceless quotes there. Sounds like the writer (David Streitfeld) is a long-time bubble blog reader/poster. Loved your quote about granite countertops. Definitely one of the signs of “The Great, Global Housing Bubble”.

Best Regards!