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Author: CA renter
Forum Activity by CA renter
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- ltsddd wrote:CA renter
- In response to another poster
- Rich Toscano wrote:As I said
- Is a coup being planned? It
- Did George Soros predict a
- Hobie wrote:Just to bring you
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Thank you, Hobie! :)
- ltsddd wrote:Coronita
- svelte wrote:scaredyclassic
- o/t The Great Reset — COVID-19 and the riots part of a larger plan?
- FlyerInHi
- phaster wrote:gogogosandiego
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- If we didn’t love our house,
- Phaster,
You keep harping on
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- phaster wrote:FlyerInHi
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:This is
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:I have a
- For the record, California’s
- Thanks so much for checking
- And this…
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Thank goodness that
- FlyerInHi wrote:CArenter, can
- Again…stop trying to
- gogogosandiego wrote:Was the
- ucodegen wrote:harvey
- harvey
- As to the story of “Russian
- Here’s some investigative
- Ah, I see that pri’s pocket
- njtosd wrote:Depends on which
- Could not agree more. Great
- gzz wrote:It was a double
- ucodegen wrote:spdrun
- Hatfield wrote:SDG&E was
- You have a great sense of
- flu wrote:SK in CV wrote:flu
- We are always looking for
- Personally, I’m concerned
- You are correct, HLS, of
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, I try
- On that note, I’d like to get
- What’s sad is that people
- IMHO, the stock market has
- I know that this is an
- Very cool story. Thanks for
- scaredyclassic wrote:when we
- spdrun wrote:No point in
- njtosd wrote:moneymaker
- svelte wrote:gun deaths per
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- sdsurfer wrote:Here’s one
- poorgradstudent wrote:In
- FlyerInHi wrote:all
- harvey wrote:Quote:He did not
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:harvey
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:I’m
- This is why I would always
- Brian, you are the oddest
- We’ll have a lot of bad days
- FlyerInHi wrote:But one
- JerseyGrl wrote:a little bit
- Ribbles wrote:I don’t need to
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, yes I
- moneymaker wrote:Here’s
- spdrun wrote:An always-on
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you’re
- gzz wrote:One retro item that
- Brian, I’m sure it will look
- Thank you, Rich. :)
- Rich, did the upgrade affect
- FlyerInHi wrote:White and
- Sorry, svelte. Nobody hates
- gogogosandiego wrote:1. Where
- ZK, you really need to look
- zk wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:Quick, somebody
- 1.) That’s all you could
- zk wrote:zk wrote:
- harvey wrote:flu
- gogogosandiego wrote:1. If
- zk wrote:CA renter
- LOL! :)
- Ask phaster! ;)
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- As for the troll charge, this
- Okay, zk, I was trying to be
- gogogosandiego wrote:You’ve
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- :)
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Yes, your reading
- zk wrote:CA renter
- I’ll bold it for you since
- harvey wrote:Tyler Durden and
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:Just like somehow
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- Some more information from
- zk wrote:CA Renter, this is
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- harvey wrote:I other words,
- Harvey and zk, you’re making
- I need to lose at least 10
- Escoguy wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:I’ve
- Escoguy wrote:Rich
There is
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:This almost
- Rich Toscano wrote:Zero
- o/t “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Thoughts?
- spdrun wrote:I don’t get the
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:Bernie
- ltsdd wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:i wish
- FlyerInHi wrote:Looks like
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Brian, I’ve always cared
- SK in CV wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you,re
- flyer wrote:CAr, as you know
- The-Shoveler wrote:CA renter
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- BTW, good post, NSR.
- This article describes some
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:We should
- You trounced nothing, as
- LOL! I’ll just let your post
- Yep. I’ve been telling
- harvey wrote:Quote:If we were
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Instead of posting pictures
- FlyerInHi wrote:
No political
- You literally made me laugh
- ltsdd wrote:
Voters need to
- For one thing, phaster, while
- Huge bummer! This is one of
- As with all animals, they
- Have the government own the
- flu wrote:In today’s world
- flu-redux wrote:zk
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- More:
“Low-wage Americans are
- Here’s some more for you.
- I’ll give you yet another
- FlyerInHi wrote:BG and
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality
- deadzone wrote:Strawberry
- Thank you, BG. It seems that
- You claim to have a grasp of
- People who were born and
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:Very very
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:Sullivan Solar
- What were your thoughts, flu?
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- In your case, I’d go with a
- The-Shoveler wrote:Nope,
- OCR, very interesting about
- The-Shoveler wrote:You can
- gzz wrote:Buy this on Amazon
- That was a very fascinating
- FlyerInHi wrote:Oh, no.
- spdrun wrote:Better the
- Best basic (flip) phone w/ longest battery life?
- Thank you, flyer. :)
- Thank you for your thoughts
- For some reason, I’ve been
- PSA for wine
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- Thank you, flyer, harvey, and
- ucodegen wrote:Hobie wrote:
- ucodegen wrote:Hobie wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:Looking at
- Did they really include that
- moneymaker wrote:Is it still
- I concur with sdgrrl and
- Parabolica wrote:The problem
- “Standard And Poor’s Gives
- bearishgurl wrote:phaster
- MIT Enterprise Forum for students and parents interested in STEM programs and entrepreneurial opportunities
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- harvey wrote:temeculaguy
- FlyerInHi wrote:paramount
- scaredyclassic wrote:All
- scaredyclassic wrote:This
- outtamojo wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:outtamojo
- Scaredy, when one of your
- livinincali wrote:Bernanke
- For one thing, many of us
- FlyerInHi wrote:Social policy
- Agree, that’s been a big
- LOL! You just keep burying
- Just catching up, but I
- Jazzman wrote:You need to be
- kev374 wrote:decided to skip
- 1. Going through that LA
- I shouldn’t even be
- And these investors may, or
- The-Shoveler wrote:The Crazy
- Jazzman wrote:^^^That misses
- Feel free to double-check
- bearishgurl wrote:FlyerInHi
- Thank you for posting that,
- Agreed, njtosd. We love
- “Fact:
- dup
- And I did answer your
- zk wrote:Well, my rib is
- zk wrote:CA renter
- I didn’t say that you knew
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:
CA renter wrote:
- Here’s yet another sexist
- zk wrote:
CA renter
- zk wrote:
Parents are much
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Now for a couple more details
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:ZK,
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:
Put down your
- FlyerInHi wrote:
True story
- And who said this (bold is
- ZK, the ONLY “point” you’ve
- Not talking about the
- FlyerInHi wrote:So the black
- scaredyclassic wrote:
A young
- This has nothing to do with
- CA renter wrote:
They do not
- Tell me, scaredy, do you
- scaredyclassic wrote:They
- scaredyclassic wrote:a person
- zk wrote:zk wrote:
I notice
- scaredyclassic wrote:male
- scaredyclassic wrote:Feminist
- njtosd wrote:scaredyclassic
- Good poem.
There is
- If we’re talking about value,
- scaredyclassic wrote:Caring
- scaredyclassic wrote:I think
- scaredyclassic
- And you know what happened
- Scaredy, if you think women’s
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:But
- FlyerInHi
- harvey wrote:zk wrote:CA
- scaredyclassic wrote:What
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- …and we’re right back to
- Thanks for sharing this
- Brian and njtosd,
I’ve never
- FlyerInHi wrote:Nice lamp,
- zk wrote:zk wrote:
I notice
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:why does
- ZK, we can go around and
- And you consistently
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- An article about socialism in
- One thing to consider is
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:Certainly the
- FlyerInHi wrote:
Why are yo
- FlyerInHi wrote:You make some
- zk
- ZK, these parental behaviors
- We are in full agreement
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- ZK, the examples I’ve
- harvey wrote:Jazzman
- zk wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:In
- all wrote:A group of 8-11y.o.
- njtosd wrote:
CA Renter –
- Blogstar wrote:You think boys
- Is our society becoming even
- Wish they had a better
- outtamojo wrote:
Maybe its
- doofrat wrote:outtamojo
- Senior Software Engineer
- The drive to emphasize a
- They’re having a great
- no_such_reality
- The-Shoveler wrote:I would
- Stephen Hawking is a
- no_such_reality
- no_such_reality
- ltsdd wrote:FlyerInHi
- We bought the one that can
- scaredyclassic wrote:“The
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- Yes, he was largely right.
- Pure consistency, dedication,
- ltsdd wrote:CA renter
- Do you honestly believe they
- We’ve had many interactions
- Agreed.
- Hobie wrote:Great…. North
- …
- Hobie wrote:NSR: Doesn’t
- spdrun wrote:If our economy
- no_such_reality
- Hobie wrote:Elizabeth Warren
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, CAR, I
- spdrun wrote:That’s good to
- Jazzman wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:Deadzone, we
- BG, we already know that you
- FlyerInHi wrote:Do Bernie
- What’s the city planning
- OCR, congratulations on your
- Congratulations on coming to
- FlyerInHi wrote:Marriage is
- Awesome, paramount. :)
- spdrun wrote:Alternatives?
- Ditto what BG said. Yes, you
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:This is a
- harvey wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CAR, you might not
- bearishgurl wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:I doubt it’s
- njtosd wrote:Just once, I’d
- Spot on.
Good video, Kev.
- Sounds intriguing. Thank you
- spdrun wrote:I think that the
- Jazzman wrote:deadzone
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Jazzman wrote:
- Jazzman wrote:spdrun wrote:CA
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, what I
- spdrun wrote:CAr – outside of
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you
- spdrun wrote:How would a
- spdrun wrote:I have quite a
- spdrun wrote:That’s just the
- Let’s even consider political
- spdrun wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:It also seems to
- spdrun wrote:Question is, if
- spdrun wrote:OK, but do the
- Quote [bold is mine
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:And again, who
- spdrun wrote:And again, who
- spdrun wrote:Nah, if most
- spdrun wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:^^^
This is why
- harvey wrote:deadzone
- Start watching this interview
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:Seems like
- You’re so funny, paramount.
- FlyerInHi wrote:bewildering
- Brian, this is a good article
- barnaby33 wrote:Meh should is
- Just catching up on posts and
- poorgradstudent wrote:flyer
- Thank you for your
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:I know this
- In normal circumstances, I’d
- njtosd wrote:I heard a lot
- bearishgurl
- mixxalot wrote:True and since
- harvey wrote:Shadowstats is a
- no_such_reality wrote:For the
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:Shadowstats is
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR
- jeff303 wrote:Looks like
- If your house isn’t selling
- no_such_reality wrote:BG
- no_such_reality wrote:@xbox I
- moneymaker wrote:It seems to
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:Central banks
- FlyerInHi wrote:Learn what,
- livinincali wrote:I think
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- CA renter wrote:
But now that
- bearishgurl wrote:EconProf
- no_such_reality wrote:That
- scaredyclassic wrote:“The
- Another great video, with
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t
- XBoxBoy wrote:bewildering
- The question is whether it
- Try 21st Century Insurance.
- AN wrote:I’ve been enjoying
- thebazman wrote:I would be
- A bit late to this thread,
- FlyerInHi wrote:I like
- svelte wrote:
Great catch,
- meadandale wrote:They provide
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:Hmmm… we’re 5.6
- FlyerInHi wrote:I would like
- Bumping this thread because
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t think
- paramount wrote:I think in
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t
- svelte wrote:Got 71.1 kwh
- FlyerInHi wrote:I’m liking
- Rich Toscano wrote:In SD
- Glad to hear your feet are
- FWIW, this is an issue that
- Great post, Russ. You’re
- Congratulations, OCR and
- ctr70 wrote:I live in Seattle
- FlyerInHi wrote:I just like
- FlyerInHi wrote:Look at this
- Have you checked with other
- Listen to scaredy. He knows
- The-Shoveler wrote:Most of
- AN wrote:CAR, seriously,
- AN, there is just as much
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:All
- AN wrote:all wrote:AN
- FlyerInHi wrote:all
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Thanks, Russ. I’ve heard
- I think the low labor force
- Hope you didn’t get your new
- [bold is mine – CAR]
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:It’s
- AN wrote:flu wrote:AN
- I think most of us would
- poorgradstudent wrote:Even
- gzz wrote:Berkeley wasted a
- joec wrote:I would guess
- This is one of my favorite
- That makes sense, though it
- He bought a house and got a
- ocrenter wrote:plm wrote:Yes,
- AN wrote:Too bad you can’t
- Here’s an interesting piece
- livinincali wrote:The budgets
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:During the time
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:Sport, revenge,
- harvey wrote:flu wrote:what
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:Why
- no_such_reality wrote:Based
- Totally agree with you,
- Funny, I remember the RE
- bearishgurl wrote:flu
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- flu wrote:Are you planning to
- Is the addition single-story,
- For us, it would be major
- Is your violin teacher an
- bearishgurl wrote:FlyerInHi
- scaredyclassic wrote:i wonder
- flu wrote:Here’s my take on
- zk wrote:All this talk about
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- FlyerInHi wrote:Extremes,
- spdrun wrote:
We just come
- FlyerInHi
- zk
- zk wrote:Blogstar wrote:What
- Daily, I take:
- Blogstar wrote:I eat a fish
- We got additional policies
- scaredyclassic wrote:maybe im
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:scaredyclassic
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- rockingtime wrote:Well said
- applejack wrote:Update: We
- ocrenter
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:i don’t
- scaredyclassic wrote:It’s
- spdrun wrote:
I would hate to
- scaredy, clearly your
- I would hate to live in your
- FlyerInHi wrote:… And when
- spdrun wrote:CA Renter —
- scaredyclassic wrote:”If then
- zk wrote:
Show me where I
- Having said all of that, I
- zk wrote:Blogstar wrote:Go
- SD Realtor wrote:Agreed 100%
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:LIST OF
- scaredyclassic
- Blogstar wrote:Either make
- spdrun wrote:CA Renter –
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr just has
- Agreed, flyer.
- spdrun wrote:Unlike private
- spdrun wrote:
It means that
- spdrun wrote:If police (who
- Blogstar wrote:That’s just
- Essbee wrote:Three years ago
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:flu
- scaredyclassic
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:If
- zk wrote:svelte
- Don’t a lot of golf courses
- If the appraisal came in low,
- scaredyclassic wrote:studies
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- scaredyclassic wrote:a
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- scaredyclassic wrote:Have you
- FlyerInHi wrote:It’s all a
- I’m very sorry to hear about
- spdrun wrote:The same level
- AN wrote:zk wrote:We had “UC
- poorgradstudent wrote:
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:So
- KSMountain wrote:In 4th grade
- AN wrote:To an extent. It
- bearishgurl wrote:deadzone
- Think your eldest could
- flu wrote:
99.5% of the
- scaredyclassic wrote:flyer
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- nla wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Since, Bill Gates,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, when
- AN wrote:Clifford
- SD Squatter wrote:CA renter
- bibsoconner
- I have to agree with Joe.
- That looks nice, LA. Thanks
- Agreed, rockingtime.
- FlyerInHi wrote:We went to
- JohnAlt91941
- skerzz wrote:Sullivan Solar
- In the past, families were
- bearishgurl
- joec wrote:I think using
- svelte, if you want more info
- AN wrote:SD Realtor, I
- Definitely a tough call. No
- SD Squatter wrote:Pretty much
- Thank you, flyer. :)
- spdrun wrote:FlyerInHi:
- bearishgurl wrote:I’m glad
- Jazzman wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- scaredyclassic
- FWIW, I think Pollard is
- wallers wrote:yep. I’m out.
- scaredyclassic wrote:i lived
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:svelte
- I love it! :)
- That’s a beautiful house, but
- Funny about your dream. What
- Wow, I’m impressed that you
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- scaredyclassic wrote:
I think
- Back on topic…
As to
- scaredyclassic wrote:2800 for
- spdrun wrote:Best to hope for
- If your wife has to commute
- AN wrote:flu wrote:
- cvmom wrote:CA renter
- lpjohnso, I think you’ll be
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, what’s
- AN wrote:I wish they teach
- scaredyclassic wrote:Essbee
- spdrun wrote:… and
- flyer wrote:The variables
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun wrote:
- spdrun
- FlyerInHi wrote:A US degree
- We’re more familiar with the
- Lots of good advice from the
- rockingtime wrote:The biggest
- FlyerInHi wrote:Stop watching
- FlyerInHi wrote:I read a
- FlyerInHi wrote:The-Shoveler
- There is no need to taxpayers
- FlyerInHi wrote:I read a lot
- spdrun wrote:Pick the bar and
- scaredyclassic wrote:This
- While I see some problems
- spdrun wrote:Frankly, tough
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun wrote:
- spdrun wrote:Then you have
- gzz wrote:I have never cared
- Yes, we totally agree on
- montana wrote:spdrun wrote:I
- mike92104 wrote:CA renter
- It’s probably better to get
- We know a really good
- spdrun wrote:Arresting people
- spdrun wrote:All of the
- spdrun wrote:No, it shouldn’t
- The-Shoveler wrote:FlyerInHi
- spdrun wrote:
- flu wrote:Hey they wrote
- From flu’s link:
- FlyerInHi wrote:Carli, I
- AN wrote:The-Shoveler
- Not saying he should use it
- doofrat wrote:Thank You
- scaredyclassic
- I would absolutely love to
- scaredyclassic wrote:if
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:1.)
- joec wrote:flyer wrote:Some
- livinincali wrote:harvey
- AN wrote:flyer, I understand
- Doesn’t that seem silly,
- HLS wrote:
Just because
- flyer wrote:Personally, I
- Again, I do not know whether
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:And perhaps your
- harvey wrote:joec wrote:That
- njtosd wrote:
Which reminds
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- harvey wrote:Some people
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:These
- Jumpsuits rock! We wear them
- njtosd wrote:
Wait – you
- Hmmmm, sounds a bit like a
- utcsox wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:Unless you have
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:I was at B&H
- SK in CV
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- scaredyclassic
- The-Shoveler wrote:Like
- I would be very cautious
- scaredyclassic wrote:there
- You might want to consider
- The-Shoveler wrote:TX is
- AN wrote:I actually don’t see
- Rooting for the underdog…I
- flu wrote:Quote:
Yes, you’d
- FlyerInHi wrote:svelte
- scaredyclassic wrote:i
- flu wrote:strong hands won’t
- Good posts, spdrun.
- spdrun wrote:
Lastly, what
- Bummed to hear about your
- Thanks for the kind words,
- svelte wrote:joec wrote:One
- spdrun wrote:Foreclosures and
- livinincali wrote:AN wrote:I
- FWIW, SK knows what he’s
- You’re funny, brian! :)
- SK in CV wrote:flu wrote:
- Agreed, great move on not
- moneymaker wrote:As Suzy
- wallers wrote:I am wondering
- Rich Toscano wrote:Good
- So glad to hear that things
- flu wrote:I wonder why
- kev374 wrote:Rich, my claim
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Is this a precursor
- zk wrote:Exactly
That’s a
- Also agree with your post,
- poorgradstudent wrote:I
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, I’m now
- Full disclosure: I’m a
- FlyerInHi wrote:You didn’t
- No reason for different tax
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, after
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Pri,
Here you go, Mr.
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:NYC is running
- exsdgal wrote:CA renter
- exsdgal wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:harvey wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:Humans
- AN wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:You’re mostly
- Leorocky wrote:overvalued /=
- Leorocky wrote:Again, the
- The-Shoveler wrote:Our house
- Jazzman wrote:bobby
- And this…
- all wrote:Leorocky
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:“many
- exsdgal wrote:CA renter
- And this…
“Recent LBO Loans
- Here are some really great
- Leorocky wrote:livinincali
- Myriad wrote:There’s really
- evolusd wrote:I have a
- You are right about the
- Wow, that’s crazy!!!
- I always enjoy your posts,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr,
- harvey wrote:spdrun wrote:No
- Leorocky wrote:Inflation is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Spd, of
- Leorocky wrote:Inflation is
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:Policy should be
- spdrun wrote:As a
- AN wrote:spdrun
- And for those who say they’d
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, when
- moneymaker wrote:I don’t
- Personally, I would always
- Seriously, you should go for
- flyer wrote:It still amazes
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- Awesome job, flu!
- spdrun wrote:Not doing as
- The-Shoveler wrote:”AND who
- livinincali
- spdrun wrote:It’s not much of
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK sure
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:svelte
- I have, and made some money
- spdrun wrote:It should stay
- I tend to be bearish and spot
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:The Revel
- ljinvestor wrote:If it was
- Definitely a stressful
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- exsdgal wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:
- AN wrote:livinincali wrote:AN
- spdrun wrote:The 8.3% vacancy
- spdrun wrote:A slowdown
- spdrun wrote:Also, a lot of
- The worst part is that the
- People need to understand
- Yes, many REOs have been made
- Yay, flu!!! :)
Kudos to you
- I agree that many buyers are
- FlyerInHi wrote:There’s the
- no_such_reality wrote:I think
- FlyerInHi wrote:What about
- SK in CV wrote:
I guess, if
- Agree with Jazzman. Time
- Funny dream. Have you ever
- Just want to add that you
- njtosd][quote=CA
- SK in CV wrote:harvey
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:Speculate is a
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, there is
- scaredyclassic wrote:i
- spdrun wrote:Why not just a
- FlyerInHi wrote:Another thing
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:Then you
- An interesting discussion
- Just came across this article
- Because those educations cost
- The Federal Reserve is “lots
- Agree with deadzone, while
- FlyerInHi wrote:”Destroyed
- That says nothing at all
- Thanks for doing the research
- Okay, I’m going to retract my
- Thanks, Brian!
Through my
- FlyerInHi wrote:Very few
- The reading comprehension
- no_such_reality wrote:
- Thanks for the info, flu,
- FlyerInHi wrote:In relation
- Just found some more info on
- From what I can tell, that
- You know how I feel about
- FlyerInHi wrote:Are the
- The really wealthy folks
- As for Cuba, I’m totally
- svelte wrote:Sometimes I
- First, try to call the
- spdrun wrote:Maybe, but part
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- That’s a great article. Not
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- poorgradstudent wrote:Capital
- FlyerInHi wrote:If you look
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- There are also
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- We disagree very strongly
- FlyerInHi wrote:Yes, people
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t know
- Yes, all/most stakeholder
- “DETROIT – Workers and
- Agree that debt is a HUGE
- phaster, EconProf has a habit
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- ltsdd wrote:CA renter
- Bummer. It sounds like such
- Great song. The 70s had such
- no_such_reality
- flu wrote:I don’t know things
- scaredyclassic wrote:also,
- spdrun wrote:Depends which
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:Yes I
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Kinda sad that he has no
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- Since you’ve brought this up,
- Even if you transfer it to a
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:
- The-Shoveler wrote:”when the
- FlyerInHi wrote:livinincali
- moneymaker wrote:CAR I think
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- all wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CAR, you sound
- It doesn’t matter whether or
- Here, Krugman notes what Paul
- It didn’t crash because they
- You need to be more
- bobby wrote:spdrun wrote:If
- Hobie wrote:Like I suggested
- scaredyclassic wrote:Hobie
- AN wrote:spdrun wrote:Housing
- FlyerInHi wrote:Just read an
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- I totally agree that the cops
- flyer wrote:It’s definitely
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- moneymaker wrote:Read in the
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- spdrun wrote:I’ve never owned
- spdrun wrote:A nation is just
- FlyerInHi wrote:njtosd
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:Republicans are
- EconProf wrote:livinincali
- spdrun wrote:… or France.
- flu wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Yes, they sure
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:Be like the
- You know you’ve been proven
- scaredyclassic wrote:njtosd
- spdrun wrote:Germany, Czech
- It’s easy to say you’ll throw
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- spdrun wrote:I hope to be out
- FlyerInHi wrote:I’m not
- spdrun wrote:
As far as crash
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- flu wrote:spdrun
- Good post, zk. That’s pretty
- scaredyclassic wrote:Blogstar
- I’ve already shown you
- UCGal wrote:I used to use
- Well said, spdrun.
- In some ways yes, in some
- Have to concur with that,
- Now I’m laughing. :)
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- The worst blowouts are when
- BG, even you said that you
- …
- FWIW, I meant to put this in
- AN wrote:BG, $31k before tax.
- FlyerInHi wrote:Have you ever
- As for ZK’s points, he’s
- harvey wrote:A while back,
- Hatfield wrote:bearishgurl
- svelte wrote:…pleads guilty
- And you didn’t “gain
- bearishgurl wrote:FlyerInHi
- Other than your beliefs about
- FlyerInHi wrote:About people
- FlyerInHi wrote:
Think more
- Not sure where I wasn’t
- Awesome news about your
- That’s because you can
- AN wrote:flu wrote:The first
- Read the topic of the thread
- Would you mind sharing your
- harvey wrote:
Odd … I
- I’ll help run your campaign.
- bearishgurl wrote:
zk, your
- Here is where he wrote about
- bearishgurl wrote:Lol, I just
- bearishgurl wrote:
zk, [1]you
- True. We just call it the
- Late to the thread, but
- We’ve definitely been seeing
- outtamojo wrote:Oh gosh,
- spdrun wrote:Aren’t
- bobby wrote:FlyerInHi
- Listen to UCGal and spdrun.
- spdrun wrote:Disagree about
- Thanks for your response, BG.
- The fracking pollution is
- BG, I’m putting this quote
- FlyerInHi wrote:As poorgrad
- poorgradstudent
- Agree with sdsurfer,
- Sorry to hear about that,
- joec wrote:Generally, I tend
- spdrun wrote:CA-Renter: the
- scaredyclassic wrote:right
- scaredyclassic wrote:making
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun wrote:
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- poorgradstudent
- livinincali wrote:
- bearishgurl wrote:CAR, I’ve
- Feel free to explain if you
- livinincali wrote:spdrun
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Children mark time (and
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- Some of these posts of yours
- pencilneck wrote:Speaking of
- sdsurfer
- Yes, as posted above.
- FlyerInHi wrote:The article
- Maybe that’s it. :)
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:UCGal
- zk wrote:Being of high
- zk wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:
I think that’s
- It would probably work better
- livinincali wrote:I think
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:Most
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- njtosd wrote:flyer wrote:The
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:i must
- njtosd wrote:flyer
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, the
- And since you are paying for
- This is from another thread
- flyer wrote:This is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Kidding, but
- spdrun wrote:How about
- Rich Toscano wrote:zk
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- I’ve always thought it was
- It’s tough because it can be
- Rich Toscano wrote:For me
- scaredyclassic wrote:
I have
- You don’t need to jump back
- Some other links to
- Blogstar wrote:I tried the
- Thank you, UCGal and Russ.
- scaredyclassic wrote:I hate
- Blogstar wrote:
Yes, I blew
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- flyer wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:
Like I said,
- Blogstar wrote:My bad, when
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:Then why not
- Blogstar wrote:O.k. Good
- scaredyclassic
- CA renter wrote:Blogstar
- Just saw your post, scaredy.
- Blogstar wrote:My youngest
- scaredyclassic wrote:UCGal
- flyer wrote:Good
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, like I
- flyer wrote:If either men or
- paulflorez wrote:I would
- FlyerInHi wrote:Inflation?
- Blogstar wrote:CaRenter, You
- CA renter wrote:FlyerInHi
- Blogstar wrote:I am impressed
- mike92104
- Sorry about the dup. Not
- CA renter wrote:Blogstar
- FlyerInHi wrote:Another way
- Oh, yes, other people are
- I had added this:
CA renter
- dup
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:What control
- Blogstar wrote:How does this
- FlyerInHi wrote:If your
- FlyerInHi wrote:The legal
- If you want to claim that a
- We’ll have to agree to
- FlyerInHi wrote:Why bad luck,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, those
- UCGal wrote:scaredyclassic
- scaredyclassic wrote:i like
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:I think
- Blogstar wrote:Warren Farrell
- bearishgurl wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:certain
- CA renter wrote:UCGal
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- scaredyclassic wrote:True
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:im not
- Blogstar wrote:It appears
- Blogstar
- UCGal wrote:
I am an engineer
- njtosd wrote:Blogstar
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- FlyerInHi wrote:njtosd
- UCGal wrote:Ok – I want to
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- Messed up. This is a dup,
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:May
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, one
- Blogstar wrote:FlyerInHi
- Yes, you do. :)
- kev374 wrote:Two interesting
- bearishgurl wrote:kev374
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:
So What if my
- sdsurfer wrote:I wonder about
- joec wrote:I think what this
- scaredyclassic wrote:But what
- bearishgurl wrote:CAR, I’ve
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- scaredyclassic wrote:Kinda
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- BG, you might want to ask
- Imputed income is like
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:not sure
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- Blogstar wrote:
You just said
- scaredyclassic wrote:care and
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- Svelte, I think you’re
- Just realized that those tax
- Blogstar wrote:You didn’t get
- Link for childcare expenses
- And THAT is why the notion
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, it was
- bearishgurl wrote:I want to
- UCGal wrote:CAR –
I still
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- We need viable write-in
- Try using a mattress without
- UCGal wrote:Wow – after
- scaredyclassic wrote:You
- Blogstar wrote:It doesn’t
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:njtosd
- njtosd wrote:I don’t think my
- scaredyclassic wrote:You
- FlyerInHi wrote:I’m going to
- bearishgurl wrote:
- bearishgurl wrote:Good post
- scaredyclassic wrote:How
- scaredyclassic wrote:why
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:
Two thoughts: There
- sdduuuude wrote:
There are
- njtosd wrote:NicMM
- njtosd wrote:NicMM
- Maybe they look unattractive
- Arrrgh!!!!!!
- Have to admit I’m surprised
- scaredyclassic wrote:once
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:i dont
- How about the fine arts or
- For some people, solving
- scaredyclassic wrote:some
- CA renter wrote:
You were
- scaredyclassic wrote:i guess
- Blogstar wrote:Car renter the
- scaredyclassic wrote:mt san
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- Thank you very much for your
- scaredyclassic wrote:Wait i
- scaredyclassic wrote:I know
- Blogstar wrote:I am sorry
- scaredyclassic wrote:It was a
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- kev374 wrote:scaredyclassic
- Thanks for your input, BG.
- spdrun wrote:Lovely. Obama
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you
- Blogstar wrote:Didn’t science
- FlyerInHi wrote:What model
- Blogstar wrote:The making a
- CDMA ENG wrote:Today is my
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- Hate to break it to you,
- spdrun wrote:
Personally, I
- Just for fun, I looked up the
- You’re very good with money,
- njtosd wrote:scaredyclassic
- svelte,
I think you should
- svelte wrote:CAR, I’m gonna
- zk wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:Second case
- FlyerInHi wrote:I have lots
- Blogstar wrote:What is the
- spdrun wrote:
Yes, I think
- zk wrote:Zeitgeist
- It might be “sexist,” but
- spdrun wrote:What if you
- FlyerInHi wrote:I hate top
- OT: washing machines
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- outtamojo wrote:zk
- kev374 wrote:The latest trend
- svelte wrote:flyer wrote:Not
- Blogstar wrote:FlyerInHi
- Blogstar wrote:kev374
- zk wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:
- Blogstar wrote:kev374
- Sure, you can choose to do
- kev374 wrote:My friends are
- Blogstar wrote:Never date
- UCGal wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- zk wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- I have to disagree with a lot
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- Zeitgeist wrote:”So Ebola is
- Just tell her that you’re
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- As for how contagious this
- Here’s more about how the
- outtamojo wrote:Here’s the
- phaster wrote:
FWIW just
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- You’re welcome (for the
- harvey wrote:Thanks for the
- phaster wrote:
Getting back
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- EconProf wrote:CAR, the
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Let’s say the man was
- That would be globalization.
- Why not buy
- harvey wrote:Quote:Yes, I’ve
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:The-Shoveler
- EconProf wrote:Thank you for
- EconProf wrote:To answer your
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- It always starts with one
- EconProf wrote:This thread
- njtosd wrote:Speaking of
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:Quote: Public
- harvey wrote:Quote: Public
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, what you
- FlyerInHi wrote:
Problem is
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- So happy for you, desmond! I
- Well, since the same subject
- There’s this, too. I think
- Here’s another post about
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- phaster wrote:
You most
- Sorry, phaster. As I had
- Both flyer and spdrun are
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:…and…heres
- harvey wrote:Bottom line:
- Livinincali,
Yes, I
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- harvey wrote:Good research
- Wall Street was behind those
- livinincali wrote:
Just like
- moneymaker wrote:I am alright
- scaredyclassic wrote:It is so
- FlyerInHi wrote:I do eat lots
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Thought this was
- A good article about the
- FlyerInHi wrote:Blogstar
- FlyerInHi wrote:I eat at
- Blogstar wrote:Cooking was
- As for globalization? Yes,
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:We eat
- scaredyclassic wrote:What if
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:Wow. Not a hint
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- FlyerInHi wrote:simple
- So, why are these stories —
- Local and state governments
- harvey wrote:Tony “Mack”
- Blah, blah, blah…
Nice try,
- 1) Unkind and/or
- Awesome post, moneymaker!
- harvey wrote:Right, organized
- FlyerInHi wrote:Why not pay
- livinincali wrote:
But your
- desmond wrote:The-Shoveler
- And in case you’ve missed
- FlyerInHi wrote:EconProf
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Let’s look at where the real
- harvey wrote:
The public
- Yes, Wall Street has
- harvey wrote:”Wall Street” is
- phaster wrote:CA renter
- All I can say is that if we
- Yes, the pension funds were
- Just checked our local areas
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- I’d love to hear a realtor’s
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, even
- FlyerInHi wrote:Basically if
- spdrun wrote:Regarding cars,
- Some think there is a genetic
- Blogstar wrote:Obama could
- Just a clip to show the type
- Congrats, UCGal! :)
- General Requirements
Age: You
- Good post, Russ.
- Thanks for your insightful
- Brian, you clearly don’t
- Great to hear it’s not cancer
- It’s easy to say all of that
- Just checking in to see how
- flu wrote:I’m sorry I
- scaredyclassic wrote:Article
- zk wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:zk wrote:This
- FlyerInHi wrote:zk wrote:This
- exsdgal wrote:
As a final
- zk wrote:This is more like
- exsdgal wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:I have
- deadzone wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:I don’t
- Scaredy, how do you see the
- Thank you for sharing this,
- Exactly, deadzone.
- I’m with livin’ on this.
- Just came across this and
- UCGal wrote:LMAO – I have a
- If you can honestly earn
- spdrun wrote:I’ve had good
- TeCKis300 wrote:The OP didn’t
- Blogstar wrote:I used
- Awesome. :)
All the best
- Hatfield wrote:Hmm, somehow I
- Great to see you here,
- Sorry Duuuude… had to raze
- caznable55 wrote:
From my
- I’m surprised nobody’s
- Tough situation for everyone
- sdduuuude wrote:Rich Toscano
- spdrun wrote:
While your at
- FlyerInHi wrote:Can someone
- svelte wrote:Speaking of
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:Has
- We have a portable A/C unit
- FlyerInHi wrote:I recommend
- That’s what I thought. :)
- Amen to that, spdrun!
- Good for you, MM!
- scaredyclassic wrote:It
- Great post, zk. Nailed it.
- Blogstar wrote:krowe wrote:We
- Yes, it’s always existed to
- Once again, we can point the
- LOL! :)
- BTW, it would be great if you
- Thank you so much, Rich, for
- joec wrote:Article in UT
- Agree with you on that,
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- The Gambler
“Every gambler
- FlyerInHi
- Great video, and very sad,
- Not the pistol plan. It’s
- Yes, very common.
- scaredyclassic wrote:Why are
- FlyerInHi wrote:Tree are
- FlyerInHi wrote:I agree that
- barnaby33 wrote:
And before
- Rhett wrote:
I’m not a
- NYMom wrote:
Rest assured,
- BG, if the CSU isn’t honoring
- Njtosd, it’s not that the
- scaredyclassic wrote:i dont
- scaredyclassic wrote:heres a
- Blogstar wrote:Actually, I
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- Agree with Brian and zk.
- flyer wrote:Concerning the
- FlyerInHi wrote:
I agree.
- bearishgurl wrote:…In your
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:NYMom
- NYMom wrote:Thanks for
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, those
- NYMom,
I strongly second
- scaredyclassic
- SK in CV wrote:
They get a
- UCGal wrote:I have a friend
- Rich Toscano wrote:zk
- SK in CV wrote:you didn’t
- SD Squatter wrote:If history
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- carlsbadworker wrote:This
- bearishgurl wrote:
San Diego
- UCGal wrote:UCGal wrote:We
- BG, I hope that you have good
- FlyerInHi wrote:
CA renter
- What, exactly, would be the
- bearishgurl wrote:
MR bonds
- mike92104 wrote:Here’s my
- Hobie wrote:How come no one
- FlyerInHi wrote:moneymaker
- njtosd wrote:
There is
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:Doctor thinks
- The coastal counties also
- SK in CV wrote:njtosd
- I’m sorry about your father,
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- deadzone wrote:
But the more
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you’re
- scaredyclassic wrote:I was
- doofrat wrote:
Does anybody
- The vast majority of
- I would never tell you what
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- deadzone wrote:No,
- njtosd wrote:I can’t tell
- deadzone wrote:I’m sure there
- FWIW, dermatologists are
- Good luck with your
- Hobie wrote:Didn’t know we
- That is awesome news about
- scaredyclassic wrote:number
- paramount wrote:scaredy you
- desmond wrote:No Response?
- mike92104
- kev374 wrote:No way tjete is
- flu wrote:You underestimate
- If I lived in the Bay Area,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- scaredy, we’ve known a few
- sdsurfer, I wish more
- Been entering more short
- FlyerInHi wrote:Obviously I
- BG, you can build a granny
- scaredyclassic wrote:Consider
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- BG, there are a few very nice
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, I’m
- njtosd wrote:
No question
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:CA-Renter —
- spdrun wrote:
Like it or
- Too true, scaredy.
- Owning a home has long been
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- And a possible canary in the
- livinincali wrote:HLS
- scaredyclassic wrote:2 hours
- I used to be able to eat tons
- I’ve seen it with my own eyes
- FlyerInHi wrote:
I’m with
- People have already done that
- FlyerInHi wrote:njtosd
- Accidentally posted the wrong
- And one more thing,
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:We’re really
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:the argument
- Capitalism is all about
- Allan from Fallbrook
- scaredyclassic wrote:it does
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- CA renter wrote:
As for the
- njtosd wrote:
TemkuT – you
- CE, do you think it’s because
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:What worries me
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Found this:
“Single lodger in
- Yikes! This is unbelievable.
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- Thanks,
- joec wrote:I don’t think all
- sdsurfer wrote:I wanted to
- carlsbadworker wrote:
- It’s easy to fall out of it
- Yes, excellent news.
- That makes sense. I hope the
- Nope. Our kids have been in
- Ain’t gonna happen (the
- We do that whenever we can,
- SK in CV wrote:FlyerInHi
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:sdsurfer
- Definitely agree with you
- What makes this such a
- She was an arrogant,
- The people who listed for
- Sounds like you’re going to
- We have tons of brown widows
- No telenovelas for our kids.
- Thought about this earlier
- Good for you, Russ! Thanks
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:
Thanks CAR.
- I love this blog!
- Awwww, how sweet, zk.
- No, not in doo-doo for that,
- It’s the hypocrisy that I
- zk wrote:paramount wrote:The
- UCGal wrote:
I’ll be a taboo
- UCGal wrote:I’m going to
- flu wrote:If you have money
- Yes, scaredy, I’m just making
- Good for you, scaredy.
- flu wrote:If you have money
- scaredyclassic wrote:Death.
- BG, you’re still assuming
- Americans don’t get to do
- Going to echo what SK said
- This has been studied for
- Money is still taboo if
- Questioning the “Pledge of
- Congratulations, CE!!! I
- scaredyclassic wrote:toss
- Uh-oh, I’ve been thinking
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- joec wrote:
I think the new
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- joec wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- bearishgurl wrote:spdrun
- CA renter wrote:EconProf
- I’ve always figured the MSM
- You’re not retired now, are
- scaredyclassic
- HLS wrote:ltsdd wrote:
- Why should anyone have
- scaredyclassic wrote:Soon
- joec wrote:
Wow, a post I
- Here’s the script for Inside
- And did you see anything
- When you protest in an
- Not only Iceland, but the MSM
- livinincali wrote:
But if
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:
I agree that
- EconProf wrote:Today’s copy
- livinincali wrote:
But if
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Over-leveraging and
- Wow, what prompted you to
- scaredyclassic wrote:frog and
- SK in CV wrote:moneymaker
- paramount wrote:
1st of all
- livinincali wrote:
I agree
- Leorocky wrote:The primary
- SK in CV wrote:joec
- UCGal wrote:I think we can
- That’s very impressive for
- FlyerInHi wrote:it’s not even
- scaredyclassic wrote:A
- scaredyclassic wrote:I would
- Happy Father’s Day to all the
- Paramount’s post is right on.
- CA renter wrote:EconProf
- livinincali wrote:
As for why
- Blogstar
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- EconProf wrote:Let’s step
- joec wrote:
And who’s fault
- Very interesting. Thanks for
- scaredyclassic wrote:He seems
- spdrun wrote:
Solution is for
- no_such_reality wrote:Did you
- svelte wrote:How can this not
- no_such_reality wrote:LOL,
- scaredyclassic wrote:Blogstar
- bearishgurl wrote:
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Good post, BG.
- Again, BG is absolutely
- You must read this goofy
- joec wrote:
The problem and
- The goal of this change is to
- EconProf wrote:This is a very
- UCGal wrote:FWIW – I’ve never
- joec wrote:I’ve also read in
- spdrun wrote:
You’ve nailed
- You’ve nailed it, Joe.
- afx114 wrote:CA renter
- mike92104 wrote:barnaby33
- spdrun wrote:
If you have the
- Wow, that was fast. Why were
- joec wrote:
Another thing to
- spdrun wrote:Where are people
- They’ve been broadening the
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Joe,
- Very cool article, Rich! You
- Joe, I agree with you that
- ocrenter wrote:ca renter
- No, the mid-late 90s had a
- CA renter wrote:SK in CV
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- The 70s and 80s were an
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- Cube, just a thought… I,
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:
Yes, you are
- joec wrote:CA renter
- Great that your son found a
- EconProf wrote:FlyerInHi
- But this is only true if the
- svelte wrote:CA renter wrote:
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:
If you
- scaredyclassic wrote:i am
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:i am
- ocrenter wrote:
Point is
- Jazzman wrote:I don’t think
- Dukehorn wrote:CA renter
- Sorry to hear about this,
- scaredyclassic wrote:These
- ocrenter wrote:livinincali
- Where was this, MM? That
- And there’s this:
- For the gun ban proponents,
- Jazzman wrote:I don’t think
- Blogstar wrote:Kind of
- flu wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:I
- SD Transplant wrote:I just
- scaredyclassic
- OR…you’d have more gun
- If you believe that, Brian,
- FlyerInHi wrote:Without guns
- Doesn’t matter where they
- FlyerInHi wrote:Jazzman
- ltsdd wrote:AN wrote:But
- flu wrote:Another day another
- We’ll just have to agree to
- Ah, perhaps you don’t
- Please read the above
- spdrun wrote:
No need to go
- No need to go through the
- zk wrote:CA renter
- But some people really do
- You forgot about the down
- flu wrote:War of have versus
- IMO, the ideal situation is a
- Very happy if they eliminate
- Thanks so much, Rich! I’m a
- I’ve seen kids who were born
- Yes, that was a handy
- Up just 1.7% because I’ve
- I rented a 3/2 apartment in
- Spot on, spdrun. I’ve known
- joec wrote:Does anyone else
- EconProf wrote:
Thank you SK
- BTW, I think that the
- US Senator wrote:EconProf
- Pretty amazing that they are
- spdrun wrote:Generally, short
- Seriously, reading James
- EconProf wrote:Sure, CAR.
- EconProf,
I’ve read a number
- spdrun wrote:I’ve seen short
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:spdrun
- Have him go to CSUSM and
- Spend a few days in the
- JohnAlt91941][quote=CA
- The-Shoveler wrote:The
- EconProf wrote:The-Shoveler
- EconProf wrote:We economists
- While I generally agree that
- FlyerInHi wrote:spdrun
- FlyerInHi wrote:
We have too
- UCGal wrote:I would make sure
- .
- ocrenter wrote:
We are very
- Sounds like fun, Navydoc! I
- Speaking of immigrants and
- Yes, I think those of us who
- treehugger wrote:Water
- equalizer wrote:I heard on TV
- FlyerInHi wrote:Good god…
- Navydoc wrote:
The system is
- If you’re not comfortable
- I’d bet money it’s an
- Thanks for the update, BG.
- Hope everyone stays safe!
- scaredyclassic wrote:is it
- Very true, Russ.
- Jazzman wrote:Absolutely! All
- AN wrote:You can mocked the
- FlyerInHi wrote:
- Paramount, in the case of the
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:the 5th
- Totally right, UCGal. I use
- Great post, Russ.
- flu wrote:paramount
- SK, let me put it this way: I
- If you are indeed Kathy Rowe,
- Nothing to add because we’re
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Totally see how that can
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- I don’t think most of us are
- kev374 wrote:what is
- All gains are good gains. :)
- Good to hear you had an
- How old are your kids? Plan
- no_such_reality wrote:
- The-Shoveler wrote:There are
- Blogstar wrote:The people who
- scaredyclassic wrote:svelte
- flu
- UCGal wrote:Doesn’t inventory
- zk wrote:flu wrote:disgusting
- scaredyclassic wrote:svelte
- Sounds like you have a real
- Blogstar wrote:One day when
- That’s a good rate. Like the
- Totally hear you on that,
- flu wrote:The-Shoveler
- kev374 wrote:yeah, definitely
- svelte wrote:
I think the
- HenryPP, I would agree with
- Blogstar wrote:Follow , or at
- FlyerInHi
- Seems reasonable to not shoot
- Did it seem like they were
- tc wrote:I just paid down my
- TeCKis300 wrote:I’ve had my
- UCGal wrote:
On the topic of
- Blogstar wrote:Lately when I
- Thanks, AN. :)
- AN wrote:You don’t have to
- scaredy, what makes you so
- scaredyclassic
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:zk
- Thanks for sharing your
- Thibault wrote:Great post
- Good to hear that you don’t
- svelte wrote:
I did a deep
- Blogstar wrote:Mental
- Harry Bradley was one of the
- Have you talked with an
- scaredyclassic wrote:Just
- UCGal, good for you for
- Since UCGal and CE have
- And private hospitals often
- That being said, there is no
- no_such_reality
- joec wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- Most importantly, NOBODY is
- Really, paramount? You want
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr and
- I want to make it clear that
- Blogstar wrote:scaredyclassic
- I know very little about RE
- And a case study about one of
- joec wrote:
Not this public
- Haven’t reached 50 yet, but
- scaredyclassic
- Yay! Congratulations to your
- Yes, AN, we’ll have to agree
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:no_such_reality
- Italics didn’t make it on my
- The Waltons have long
- paramount wrote:Prop 30
- njtosd wrote:FlyerInHi
- paramount wrote:Innocent
- AN, since you seem to think
- AN wrote:paramount wrote:May
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- In systems where the put
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- So far, the only other person
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, being
- Gunslinger wrote:Like it or
- AN wrote:joec wrote:Maybe we
- joec wrote:
Here’s the court
- bearishgurl wrote:Lurking on
- scaredyclassic wrote:
im not
- This is incredibly
- AN wrote:Guess what, I went
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:One
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- And why do they need bus
- One more thing about “calling
- AN, in many of these schools
- scaredyclassic wrote:the
- Congrats on your son’s win,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I’m
- all wrote:Anyone tried
- flu wrote:
I didn’t even
- I have a problem with people
- FlyerInHi wrote:Not playing
- I vote for keeping it and
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:In
- flu wrote:AN
- Would you be interested in an
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN,
- AN, flu was directing that
- livinincali wrote:Here is the
- AN wrote:CAR, I find it a
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:When I say status
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CAR, if I understand
- And another hedge fund backer
- In addition to the Arnolds,
- joec wrote:Am I one of the
- Just a little blurb about one
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- And please tell us if this is
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:BTW,
- AN wrote:ocrenter wrote:
- ltsdd wrote:CA renter
- lookingagain wrote:AN
- flyer wrote:doofrat wrote:Hi
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:IMHO,
- livinincali wrote:The problem
- AN wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, I’m sure
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:
CA renter wrote:And
- From the other thread:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:No,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:SES
- AN wrote:
CA renter
- No, the parents are NOT the
- AN wrote:
FYI, all you said
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I’ve
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Read
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Your
- And this one’s for paramount
- Read the links from the above
- I know about the bell curve,
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:My cousin who had a
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:If
- AN wrote:
I thought the
- Here’s the salary table for
- But let’s get back to the
- And “Mr. Anti-Tax” has no
- When they say money should go
- jeff303 wrote:CA renter
- Jazzman wrote:I think it’s
- We have a wonderful purebred
- Right. Though it’s not
- I’ll never understand why
- moneymaker wrote:Renting to
- An excellent write-up on John
- If you can manage it, try
- After reading that news
- We have white appliances,
- spdrun wrote:My family rented
- paramount wrote:
Congrats on
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:flu
- That’s why we try to keep the
- flu wrote:
For rental
- Funny that flu just revived
- AN wrote:Yep, I posted it
- skerzz][quote=CA
- flu wrote:
1. First of
- flu wrote:
????? This doesn’t
- I need to clarify that I
- True, in general,
- Are you thinking drugs, or
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:
So we end up
- Don’t worry about it unless
- flu wrote:So, for folks that
- Agree that ALL income should
- all wrote:Paying taxes on any
- AN wrote:I don’t mind
- Yes, they would definitely
- scaredyclassic wrote:That is
- I know that I’m probably not
- That would be a huge bummer!
- scaredyclassic wrote:
- scaredyclassic wrote:i now
- They pay the lowest taxes
- Absolutely, the companies
- As you can see, there are
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Okay, I figured I just wasn’t
- joec wrote:Another thing to
- FlyerInHi wrote:SK in CV
- scaredyclassic wrote:perhaps
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Many
- UCGal wrote:I don’t think it
- earlyretirement wrote:
- Scaredy,
As a homeschooling
- CDMA ENG wrote:The college
- What a beautiful proud papa
- UCGal wrote:Turbo tax says my
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- Totally agree with you,
- scaredyclassic wrote:Bares
- Thanks to Hatfield and
- As someone who has been short
- Agree very much with flyer
- Wow, what has your neighbors
- Thanks for posting this,
- patb wrote:saves a ton to
- scaredyclassic wrote:Just a
- Good news for taxpayers. I
- joec wrote:
I think the
- no_such_reality wrote:spdrun
- XBoxBoy wrote:flyer wrote:No
- What kind of house and
- ocrenter wrote:
But why would
- ocrenter wrote:
- ucodegen wrote:ocrenter
- I’ve probably over-thinking
- ocrenter wrote:AN wrote:I
- They end up with lower
- scaredyclassic wrote:If you
- dumbrenter wrote:Why don’t
- sjglaze3 wrote:Umm, what
- FlyerInHi wrote:
Like I said
- Pools are expensive. We’re
- AN, you could do most of
- You’ll probably do better
- sdduuuude wrote:SDR has been
- flu wrote:Bump… How the
- So, how are we supposed to
- But there’s at least one
- And I believe that there are
- Here’s an article about the
- AN wrote:CA renter
- Still wish I could get over
- flu wrote:scaredyclassic
- This is a very scary time to
- flyer wrote:
Yes, CAR, we too
- flyer wrote:
Yes, CAR, we too
- flyer wrote:Extremely
- Excellent question, flyer
- kev374 wrote:You do get
- mike92104 wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter
- Discrimination exists, no
- Yes, it is.
- Hiring your relatives can
- livinincali wrote:If the fed
- UCGal wrote:Why do all these
- Once again:
“Are you
- Another exceptional article
- I’ve been a teetotaler for
- Way above 2008 price, so not
- spdrun wrote:I’m not so sure
- flyer wrote:I agree that debt
- spdrun wrote:^^^
You have to
- livinincali wrote:Boomers are
- paramount wrote:scaredy: from
- Have to agree with you, zk.
- Yes, it’s that bad in a lot
- svelte
- scaredyclassic wrote:I have a
- sdgrrl wrote:moneymaker
- zk wrote:paramount wrote:
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- FlyerInHi wrote:You have not
- I posted some links to charts
- SD Realtor wrote:Definitely
- spdrun wrote:In the ones I’ve
- While I have long advocated
- SD Realtor wrote:It was
- The-Shoveler wrote:I see
- The-Shoveler wrote:My Father
- spdrun wrote:CBO report —
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, many of
- Interesting. I’ve never
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, ignore
- That does seem pretty steep.
- UCGal wrote:Solar is on our
- UCGal wrote:I guess my
- flyer wrote:I believe in
- dumbrenter wrote:what use is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Spd, good
- zk wrote:I believe in
- FlyerInHi wrote:Spd, what
- Because you don’t want to
- scaredyclassic wrote:CA
- spdrun wrote:Difference being
- But you have to look at the
- Goes with #3, but staying out
- livinincali wrote:The trick
- spdrun wrote:Large amounts of
- paramount wrote:Harvard
- spdrun wrote:Dow was already
- The-Shoveler wrote:The fed is
- The-Shoveler wrote:I really
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Excellent, as always, sjk.
- This is a good post about how
- livinincali wrote:SK in CV
- Agreed, most people do this
- ucodegen wrote:
As for why
- localguy wrote:I have been
- paramount wrote:If money is
- CVnewbie wrote:Our neighbor
- Agreed.
- scaredyclassic wrote:i
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- scaredyclassic wrote:nothing
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:Don’t run the
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Are there
- The-Shoveler wrote:
“If we
- UCGal, you are definitely one
- livinincali
- FlyerInHi wrote:The concept
- Blogstar wrote:Women can get
- Thanks for sharing that, Joe.
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:Repeat of the
- Blogstar wrote:I don’t think
- Blogstar wrote:BTW, CAR,
- FlyerInHi wrote:I think in
- AN wrote:DOW to 5K will mean
- At least you get some land
- Blogstar wrote:No one legit
- scaredyclassic wrote:I have a
- Too funny. Just saw
- FlyerInHi wrote:What happens
- :)
- Blogstar wrote:Better half is
- scaredyclassic wrote:My level
- Yep, a lot of whining and
- FlyerInHi wrote:On the
- scaredyclassic wrote:To me,
- Blogstar wrote:scaredyclassic
- FlyerInHi wrote:
The context
- Blogstar wrote:
My decision
- FlyerInHi wrote:
At least
- FlyerInHi wrote:6packscaredy
- Whew! :)
- CDMA ENG wrote:UCgal,
I don’t
- Blogstar wrote:CaRenter, I
- 6packscaredy wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:Blog star,
- Blogstar wrote:My wife told
- 6packscaredy wrote:CA renter
- kev374 wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:Based on
- joec wrote:kev, how old are
- 6packscaredy wrote:
in my own
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- 6packscaredy wrote:Paper.
- kev374 wrote:missing a lot of
- 6packscaredy wrote:2 gay guys
- You’ve got to be kidding,
- Looks interesting, scaredy.
- njtosd wrote:flyer wrote:
- 6packscaredy wrote:I’m glad I
- 6packscaredy wrote:The
- SK in CV wrote:6packscaredy
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, whatever
- Which brings me to my next
- 6packscaredy
- 6packscaredy wrote:Just cause
- 6packscaredy wrote:CA renter
- Blogstar wrote:6packscaredy
- joec wrote:I think one point
- FlyerInHi wrote:6packscaredy
- 6packscaredy wrote:Short term
- 6packscaredy wrote:The
- EconProf wrote:The whole
- 6packscaredy wrote:No one
- 6packscaredy wrote:Stay at
- 6packscaredy wrote:Is it
- Blogstar wrote:Anyone who is
- We’ve never had an
- Have you thought about having
- spdrun wrote:^^^
If it
- Thanks for your response, SK.
- kev374 wrote:FlyerInHi
- kev374 wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter wrote:
- SK in CV wrote:FlyerInHi
- FlyerInHi wrote:I don’t find
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- 6packscaredy wrote:Family
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, your
- Brian, you’ll never get the
- The divorce industry has
- spdrun wrote:Even if you did
- The blogs have always seemed
- Blogstar wrote:So, when
- Yellen wants to “fix
- Houses are incredibly
- So your wife is driving
- The president does not work
- Paramount,
Thought I’d share
- 6packscaredy wrote:I have a
- XBoxBoy wrote:CA renter
- She is awesome.
I like the
- They’re called “assumable
- The electrician I recommended
- As much as I agree that dogs
- .
- paramount wrote:106 NYPD/FDNY
- zk wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:I’d
- joec wrote:This is one of the
- Not surprising.
- 6packscaredy wrote:When I was
- 6packscaredy wrote:
On the ot
- EconProf wrote:Now that the
- EconProf wrote:Now that the
- EconProf wrote:It is well
- 6packscaredy wrote:
- I worked in LA, not San
- [Sorry for the formatting on
- As for pricey private schools
- AN wrote:We’re paying on par
- livinincali wrote:This
- Tax expenditures still cost
- It happens all day long,
- And, for the record, I
- AN wrote:CA renter
- jeff303 wrote:paramount
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Do realize that the bulk of
- Once again:
Your taxes
- It’s like any other
- AN,
No, we do have the
- paramount wrote:Biggest
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:You
- Unions DO want well-funded
- Really? That’s pretty cool.
- Hope you all have a happy,
- livinincali wrote:flu wrote:I
- Merry Christmas, everyone!
- AN wrote:njtosd wrote:Why
- paramount wrote:Interesting:
- My apologies, Joe, but many
- Parents do have real choice,
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- …
- joec wrote:This whole
- Was she doing this prior to
- :)
- Good video. Thanks for
- 6packscaredy wrote:I haven’t
- spdrun wrote:Except that the
- booter1 wrote:As a former law
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- Gunslinger wrote:CA renter
- Yep, a relatively new
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:Quote:
- joec wrote:I don’t have a
- njtosd wrote:
I don’t think
- jstoesz wrote:If people got
- spdrun wrote:Plenty of
- jstoesz wrote:If there was
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- Yes, it would make them a bad
- njtosd wrote:I believe the
- flu wrote:Ok… So regarding
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- 6packscaredy wrote:We always
- Two children are drowning and
- Kind of a toss-up between
- Blogstar wrote:They just show
- 6packscaredy wrote:What is
- 6packscaredy wrote:i finished
- 6packscaredy wrote:Ok. I was
- Sounds like they are giving
- FB is totally different from
- Jazzman wrote:Kev, if you
- paramount wrote:My apologies,
- Blogstar wrote:I did not
- I feel so badly for renters
- njtosd wrote:UCGal
- Hobie wrote:CAR: The
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter
- One more thing about solar
- Blogstar wrote:CA renter,
- Thanks for the heads-up on
- Hobie wrote:CAR: Can’t speak
- Hobie wrote:You need a larger
- UCGal wrote:I would expect
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- Let’s make damn sure we cap
- They can’t give you medical
- no_such_reality wrote:It’s
- AN
- Nobody knows when things will
- He has customers and
- flu wrote:spdrun wrote:Think
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- AN wrote:There are way too
- no_such_reality wrote:Los
- EconProf wrote:Perhaps a lot
- spdrun wrote:Boat == “a hole
- Thank you for posting this,
- Since the point of this
- AN wrote:
I actually did a
- CDMA ENG wrote:EconProf
- Does you wife do this stuff,
- 6packscaredy wrote:
i feel
- 6packscaredy wrote:Pope
- 6packscaredy wrote:Anyone out
- Very impressive, scaredy!
- Happy Thanksgiving, CE, and
- There are an awful lot of
- FlyerInHi wrote:Not convinced
- The Exorcist has got to be up
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, how does
- The-Shoveler wrote:patience,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:Actually
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- One more thing…
Spending is
- njtosd wrote:6packscaredy
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, I’m
- I’m not sure if he deals with
- 6packscaredy
- FlyerInHi wrote:Like crimes,
- FlyerInHi wrote:Ok. Let’s
- jstoesz wrote:Laws are laws.
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, you make
- It was a “beautiful” recovery
- 6packscaredy wrote:spdrun
- spdrun wrote:”Felony” doesn’t
- I think we’re talking past
- I agree that we have
- 6packscaredy wrote:not really
- Agree that there should be
- I agree that there are some
- FlyerInHi wrote:Let’s look at
- spdrun wrote:Who knows? One
- California Crimes,
- IMO, Three Strikes is one of
- Bubbles can cause recessions.
- Do you honestly think that
- I really do understand your
- FlyerInHi wrote:Another
- 6packscaredy wrote:paramount
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- “Definition of
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m all for
- For one thing, this
- So now, we can pull people
- From paramount’s link:
- no_such_reality wrote:The PD
- Social Security is a defined
- Thanks for posting that
- The only thing I can glean
- Some priceless posts on this
- And Pink Floyd does not suck.
- Enjoy the guitar playing,
- spdrun wrote:I’m saying that
- urbanrealtor wrote:
- Just watched half of it and
- Looks like a bubble to me,
- Blogstar wrote:CaRenter,
- ctr70 wrote:I totally agree
- No, I specifically said that
- Blogstar wrote:This is really
- Rich Toscano wrote:K, never
- 6packscaredy wrote:i did try
- One more thing to think
- Great video, davelj. Many
- Interesting speech and
- I think that would depend on
- I got the Nigerian scam PM,
- 6packscaredy wrote:yeeesh. i
- Well, at least she said
- 6packscaredy wrote:the stuff
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Contentment is the key to
- livinincali wrote:I think the
- Personally, I’m very liberal.
- dark :(
I’d rather think of
- bababooey wrote:CA renter
- temeculaguy wrote:CA renter
- Darius Rucker rocks. I once
- Gunslinger wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:Is what’s true
- 6packscaredy wrote:I just
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- 6packscaredy wrote:re;
- Gunslinger wrote:As a
- Please read again: “…hire
- Of course, they always try to
- paramount wrote:You would
- joec wrote:
In the end, I
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- paramount wrote:Re:
- spdrun wrote:Why not compare
- Jazzman wrote:^^^The
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- So…you’d finally agree with
- CE,
I want to address your
- CE, you seem to think that
- Those guys from Mexico also
- This is an excellent piece
- I never said he had to try to
- As for the personality
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- I cannot speak for all — or
- Wrong. You’re still not
- Right, you don’t state it,
- Did you even read the LAPD
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- I have a few friends in the
- 6packscaredy
- Because government agencies
- Absolutely. Not sure how to
- paramount wrote:Late Breaking
- 6packscaredy wrote:FlyerInHi
- Paramount,
You should know
- More interesting developments
- no_such_reality wrote:So
- So glad to hear life has been
- Right, most smaller
- Here’s the 27-page Personal
- spdrun wrote:I’m not sure if
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:Good. One small
- jeff303 wrote:Anyone else
- Got it. We’ve been keeping
- joec wrote:I think for what
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, If we
- Both men and women can be
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- Another thing that I find
- EconProf wrote:My son is a
- Funny, I was just thinking
- sdduuuude wrote:zk wrote:Why
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- You children are lucky (as
- LOL! I was reading the
- Agree with you, flyer. I’ve
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:Not just
- flu wrote:flyer wrote:Good
- zk wrote:flu wrote:My kid got
- North County area?
- spdrun wrote:
What is roughly
- The problem with Janet Yellen
- spdrun wrote:Hope it does
- General location where one
- Happs wrote:Good point, but
- Good point on the PPSF being
- Call the assessor’s office
- Right. I know it’s not the
- SD Realtor
- Jazzman wrote:Good on Russell
- paramount wrote:What Russel
- livinincali
- If we had politicians who
- You mean his thoughts on why
- paramount wrote:This case
- Wow, I’m impressed! Who
- Agree with Jazzman, but think
- spdrun wrote:FlyerInHI: Did I
- flu wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:One
- Or get a hard money loan from
- Don’t forget Kern County.
- :)
- Wow, thanks for that post,
- 6packscaredy
- UCGal wrote:
I had a similar
- Agree with scaredy. Just
- CDMA ENG wrote:I never
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:And it was up
- Leorocky wrote:Why would you
- SK in CV wrote:
It would be
- No way that’s true. There is
- They can’t “bargain” their
- SK in CV wrote:livinincali
- Leorocky wrote:I’m not
- Leorocky wrote:The balance of
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:By starting a
- FlyerInHi wrote:SUV runs over
- Blogstar wrote:I’d take that
- 6packscaredy wrote:Decoupling
- What you pay into the system
- I have a more traditional
- Leorocky wrote:Yep.
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Scary stuff. I think a lot
- ocrenter
- Lucky you, Jazzman! :)
- CDMA ENG wrote:On a seperate
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- One more thing that has to be
- CE,
You’re familiar with how
- no_such_reality wrote:Reports
- Clueless wrote:I would
- CDMA ENG wrote:You had it
- Ties in a bit with what
- Thank you very much for
- No need to bring up being
- flyer wrote:Since CAR
- 6packscaredy
- FlyerInHi wrote:I agree with
- Bestor saw an environment
- Flyer,
You’re waaaay out of
- no_such_reality wrote:The
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- AN wrote:CAR, sorry but your
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, women
- 6packscaredy wrote:Woman is
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, women
- 6packscaredy wrote:when
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry but
- AN,
Renters are not
- Livin’,
I’ve already
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:There may
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Yes,
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Any pigg
- no_such_reality
- 6packscaredy wrote:Who is
- AN wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:pension issues
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK We can
- AN wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:To be
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Leorocky wrote:Several things
- AN,
It would also push out
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr is kinda
- EconProf wrote:
Now back to
- AN wrote:CA renter
- EconProf wrote:Correct,
- Leorocky wrote:You realize
- EconProf wrote:States tend to
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- You mean they are trying to
- ucodegen wrote:
CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:What I find
- 6packscaredy wrote:Don’t
- This is totally typical at
- Blogstar wrote:THe second
- all wrote:6packscaredy
- That’s just sad (because it’s
- earlyretirement wrote:CA
- earlyretirement wrote:Also, I
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Yes, I’m referring to the
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- New post, because that last
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- And this, from Greenspan in
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Again, the public unions, for
- Mayze wrote:CA renter,
I have
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- It wasn’t the availability of
- FlyerInHi wrote:If you are
- SK in CV wrote:livinincali
- ER,
Were you planning on
- From ER’s inewsource
- UCGal wrote:KPBS had a radio
- NicMM,
You have to do what
- So glad to hear everything is
- Yay!
I’m not a fan of Yellen,
- njtosd wrote:Here’s my
- SK in CV wrote:FlyerInHi
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Wow, a Putin
- Copying this over from the
- SD Transplant
- livinincali wrote:
- no_such_reality
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR, if
- I’m sure a lot of the techie
- Still waiting for some
- zzz wrote:CAr, who is your
- SK,
We’re in agreement about
- 6packscaredy wrote:At least
- Copying over a comment (by
- njtosd wrote:One more
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Can you mount the TV above
- Thanks for sharing that
- I must be getting really old.
- ER,
Thanks for following up
- 6packscaredy wrote:Seriously.
- livin,
That’s what it looks
- SD Realtor wrote:Just another
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Well done, OCR!!! :)
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- 6packscaredy wrote:Work as
- ocrenter wrote: By lobbying
- 6packscaredy wrote:i suppose.
- Could not agree more about
- CDMA ENG wrote:
You missed it
- all wrote:CA renter
- Rich Toscano
- Just a sidenote, but in case
- That is seriously impressive,
- SK in CV
- bearishgurl wrote:
I believe
- BG,
SK’s story is very
- CDMA ENG wrote:
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- It’s so bad, it sounds like
- Also want to add that the
- SD Realtor wrote:No way I am
- SD Realtor wrote:Throwing
- Yes, I think we’ll see
- bearishgurl wrote:Jazzman
- I’m going to go waaaay out on
- bearishgurl wrote:
CA renter,
- bearishgurl wrote:In order
- livinincali
- The-Shoveler wrote:I don’t
- livinincali wrote:The
- FlyerInHi wrote:livinincali
- Thoughts on Bradley Manning’s
- Those are beautiful posts,
- 6packscaredy wrote:Spdrun,
- Fair enough. But can we
- bearishgurl wrote:
Piggs, we
- spdrun wrote:Why is that
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:^^^
- Much like how “racism” is
- 6packscaredy wrote:Temecula
- ucodegen wrote:The banks
- Take pictures of everything,
- More:
“Organized “bash mob”
- Another series of events that
- paramount wrote:Schiller: No
- SK in CV wrote:
But overall,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, right
- moneymaker wrote:Perhaps, I
- NicMM wrote:The landlord
- Totally agree with paramount
- FlyerInHi wrote:How are the
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, the
- The-Shoveler wrote:Just my
- SK in CV wrote:njtosd
- livinincali wrote:
- harvey wrote:SK in CV
- njtosd wrote:Received from a
- SD Realtor wrote:Perhaps I
- CDMA ENG wrote:
Nope… Not
- SK in CV wrote:As you know
- paramount wrote:If you owned
- CE,
Believe it or not, my
- CE,
Opinions are fine, but
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Yet another good article
- I was wondering where she’s
- The-Shoveler wrote:
Thing is
- spdrun wrote:If one bribes
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- And let’s see what’s been
- Here’s a write-up that spells
- More on privatization from
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:It’s a little
- livinincali
- Gorgeous, Jazzman! Hope you
- The-Shoveler wrote:It’s very
- SD Realtor wrote:Also still
- flyer wrote:I wonder if it’s
- no_such_reality wrote:SD R,
- paramount wrote:CAR,
- birmingplumb wrote:Henry Ford
- But taxes are also raised for
- That’s certainly inexcusable,
- SK in CV wrote:Interesting
- Agreed.
- Bradleybrown wrote:Apart from
- livinincali wrote:FlyerInHi
- FIH, “printed money” does
- no_such_reality wrote:
- Sorry, FIH, but it’s rather
- “WASHINGTON — The House of
- FlyerInHi wrote:
We don’t
- squat300 wrote:Allan from
- Great article, ctr.
- SD Realtor wrote:It is hard
- no_such_reality wrote:What
- ctr70 wrote:I’m not sure what
- +1, spdrun
- paramount wrote:Another
- FlyerInHi wrote:Squat’s point
- I can’t comment on Florida
- squat300 wrote:
I’m willing
- squat300 wrote:A black man
- livinincali wrote:This is in
- SD Realtor wrote:I can cherry
- SD Realtor wrote:Well wage
- SK in CV wrote:
Investors in
- SK,
First, I want to make
- SK,
See here for off-market
- SK,
Delinquencies are down
- Former,
Do you have any
- Jumping in here…
- Scarlett wrote:The low number
- Great posts, HLS.
- Thanks for digging up that
- Go wine tasting. Doesn’t
- paramount wrote:Any
- From what I’ve seen, kids
- moneymaker wrote:I’m no
- Absolutely, Cardiff. We’ve
- Cardiff,
I am so sorry to
- FWIW, our neighbor used
- Just received notice the
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAr, problem
- “e” You are correct.
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:ocrenter
- GotFear wrote:Wow, some of
- FlyerInHi wrote:It doesn’t
- Yes, dave, I understand how
- EconProf wrote:CAR: you cite
- FlyerInHi wrote:Who’s talking
- livinincali wrote:They say a
- SK in CV wrote:FlyerInHi
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- FlyerInHi wrote:
Maybe I
- No, we do not get to just
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAR, prop 13
- SD Realtor wrote:by raising
- no_such_reality wrote:Opague?
- Flyer, it IS a subsidy. The
- No, you don’t know how these
- FlyerInHi wrote:Mello Roos is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Prop 13 is
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:
In other
- FlyerInHi wrote:So far, it’s
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- No, increases in California’s
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAR, for
- Yes, I’ve been watching it
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAR,
- livinincali
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- The-Shoveler wrote:Well with
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter
- earlyretirement
- I see your point about LLs
- SD Realtor wrote:Now I would
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- Thanks for all the help and
- It would certainly bring us
- Thank you very much for
- SK in CV wrote:SD Realtor
- no_such_reality wrote:IMHO,
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK so you
- SK in CV wrote:
I’m not
- ctr70
- I had posted a response, and
- Hatfield wrote:If you’re not
- no_such_reality wrote:Would
- Thanks for highlighting these
- spdrun wrote:No thanks to
- Yes, I’ve heard the lectures
- FlyerInHi wrote:CAR. In my
- dumbrenter wrote:
No, we
- earlyretirement wrote:
- no_such_reality wrote:I’ve
- They are pathetic. This
- Allan from Fallbrook
- no_such_reality wrote:SK in
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Jazzman wrote: Maybe this
- jimmy,
Just my 2 cents, but
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Wow, watching that is
- According to this, 23% of
- FlyerInHi wrote:Ocrenter
- SK in CV wrote:
And back to
- Allan from Fallbrook
- SK in CV wrote:I get that
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Oh, and just to silence the
- Story from one of the
- In addition to what Allan has
- ER,
Good to hear that more
- Citizens need the means to
- earlyretirement wrote:
- I think too many people
- One must wonder how
- SD Realtor wrote:The other
- kev374 wrote:The median home
- And private contractors with
- It’s NOT just a state of
- That’s entirely possible, TS.
- earlyretirement wrote:See
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:
So who
- FlyerInHi wrote:Integration
- bearishgurl wrote:Rhett
- FlyerInHi wrote:Closer on
- KIBU wrote:This is
- FlyerInHi wrote:Ca renter.,
- FlyerInHi wrote:Ca renter,
- FlyerInHi wrote:CA renter,
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Let’s hope so, Allan.
I was
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Looked around a bit more for
- SK in CV wrote:
That makes
- desmond wrote:patb wrote:If
- Agree, ER, it’s not as bad as
- Does this mean s/he lost the
- You might want to pm
- SDR,
I totally agree with you
- Just in the past 2-3 weeks,
- Another experiment which
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Listen to UCGal’s advice. I
- SK,
That’s not how I
- This is all just crazy
- The govt doesn’t need
- earlyretirement wrote:I
- sbridge2013 wrote:Right now
- matt wrote:I am 36 (i
- Well said, Allan. Thank you.
- Jazzman,
Yes, I would argue
- Congratulations, spdrun!
- SD Realtor wrote:I see more
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK,
I’ve never said that
- Jazzman wrote:
So what is the
- SK in CV wrote:Other than a
- Sorry, BG, but I have to
- Call my cynical, but I highly
- Congratulations,
- BG,
Interest rates affect how
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:When a
- kev374 wrote:You should
- Could not agree more, Kev.
- spdrun wrote:No guarantee
- kev374 wrote:desmond
- Very rarely, maybe once or
- spdrun wrote:Horseshit.
- all wrote:Allan from
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:Allen, I
- urbanrealtor wrote:
Most (not
- Jazzman wrote:
I care neither
- Jazzman wrote:The whole
- There is a much greater
- Yep, the crazies are back in
- In most cases that I’m aware
- Keeping my fingers crossed
- bearishgurl wrote:
If you
- That sounds about right to
- I’m sorry to hear that you’re
- The-Shoveler wrote:Yep that
- ER,
I spent some time reading
- Good advice from SDR and FSD.
- So true, ER! I’m one of
- Great post, ER.
Could not
- paramount
- no_such_reality
- blake wrote:…
- earlyretirement
- This was covered rather
- livinincali
- Yep, what SDR said.
- We’re dealing with the same
- all wrote:Happs wrote:
- jstoesz wrote:Buy the least
- SD Squatter
- Yep, pro-birth and
- spdrun wrote:Then again, he
- jpinpb wrote:I was so
- OTOH, if they don’t work
- sdduuuude wrote:all
- As much as I hate to admit
- SD Transplant wrote:Another
- EconProf wrote:CAR: if they
- SK in CV wrote:Exactly the
- spdrun wrote:All I can say is
- BANGKOK (AP) — Asian stock
- You’re so lucky to still have
- Parabolica wrote:Yes, no
- Parabolica wrote:Jazzman-
- recordsclerk wrote:If you
- Beautiful! You’re lucky to
- Agree with what paramount
- It’s a **service** industry.
- paramount wrote:bearishgurl
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- earlyretirement
- Agree that Rand Paul is doing
- Congratulations on finding a
- paramount wrote:Makes one
- BG,
I think the responses to
- Your repeating that same old
- carlsbadworker
- spdrun wrote:I’m not sure if
- Vod-Vil wrote:”Just so
- EconProf wrote:We all agree
- SK in CV wrote:livinincali
- And do these customers get
- Doesn’t matter how “direct”
- zk wrote:CA renter
- edna_mode wrote:yep, large
- This comment from a young
- sdduuuude wrote:paramount
- Paramount,
As a government
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- Nice analogy, sduuuude.
- That’s true 99% of the time,
- ctr70
- + 1,000,000,000,000 (since
- ctr70 wrote:Have not heard a
- livinincali wrote:It
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- The entitlement culture of
- Ren
- EconProf,
I’ve long said that
- Just so everybody
- Good stuff, as always,
- Very true, FSD.
- Just saw this
- zzz wrote:Anyone know who the
- I have no idea what happened
- CDMA ENG wrote:Rich Toscano
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SD Realtor wrote:SK as you
- Agree with you about the
- no_such_reality wrote:I
- Rich Toscano wrote:Great post
- spdrun wrote:Yet the renters
- bearishgurl wrote:
I bought
- UCGal wrote:paramount
- spdrun wrote:A rental
- no_such_reality wrote: Banks
- patb wrote:
seems like time
- Sorry, nsr, but you’re
- We used Home Depot and got
- That “free” house may well
- My reading comprehension
- Correct, paramount. All the
- That sounds pretty high to
- Ha! You too, Josh?
- bearishgurl wrote:ltsdd, it
- deadzone wrote:Again, I think
- deadzone wrote:There are
- Jazzman wrote:ER I think this
- no_such_reality wrote:Yes you
- The part about parents
- earlyretirement wrote:I think
- Enjoy your time off, AN!
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- spdrun wrote:
I’m sure most
- AN wrote:flu wrote:Your
- As much as you and I often
- Now, if only the Fed would
- From the LA Times article
- +1, SK.
They aren’t saying
- spdrun wrote:
All too often,
- AN wrote:UCGal wrote:
- spdrun wrote:Why? The
- BG,
I don’t have nearly as
- The “owners” of the past ten
- spdrun wrote:Higher property
- bearishgurl
- Noise would be an issue, if
- Thanks for sharing that
- flu
- flu wrote:
I don’t need no
- flu wrote:So again, I ask…
- Blogstar wrote:I am a self
- carlsbadworker wrote:desmond
- spdrun wrote:Bikes are
- And that ties in very nicely
- KSMountain wrote:Omg, three
- AN wrote:CAR, where did I
- AN wrote:Another medical
- AN, in a cost/benefit
- Totally agree about your
- AN, that’s not what I mean at
- flu wrote:
Well let’s see
- Those are gorgeous pics,
- flu,
Who, exactly, is
- Former SD resident
- ER,
Exactly! Over the years,
- spdrun wrote:Again: why is
- earlyretirement wrote:I said
- paulflorez wrote:There should
- Good article, overall, but a
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:
- Flu,
He may be fairly
- ucodegen wrote:The angle of
- cvmom wrote:Blogstar
- I wonder how many Piggs are
- earlyretirement
- KIBU wrote:The line is pretty
- livinincali wrote:AN wrote:
- flu wrote:Then again there’s
- SD Realtor wrote:Disagree
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR, if
- deadzone wrote:It’s not going
- sdduuuude wrote:Please list 3
- Honestly, I think that these
- BG,
Not sure if the article
- no_such_reality wrote:LA
- The poor folk are the ones
- Diego Mamani wrote:CA renter
- More “entitlement
- flu wrote:The-Shoveler
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- carlsbadworker wrote:flu,
- C’mon, flu. Share your
- carlsbadworker wrote:CAR,
- If you look at the poll
- Good points, carlsbadworker.
- carlsbadworker
- That would explain the
- Totally lame. California’s
- Definitely weird. Looks like
- This was one of my husband’s
- Because of the low interest
- But I could not replicate
- That article looks more like
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:I don’t
- bearishgurl wrote:I’m rather
- flu wrote:I wasn’t suggesting
- Congratulations on the squat,
- AN wrote:no_such_reality
- flu wrote:Side jobs are
- Anyone want to bet that he’s
- flu wrote:SmellsFeeshy
- no_such_reality
- We’re 100% in agreement on
- The-Shoveler wrote:flu
- SD Realtor wrote:In 2008 we
- AN wrote:CAR,no, taking 80%
- Good post, UCGal. You’re
- AN,
Buying a less expensive
- The student loan
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- UCGal wrote:We did a few
- SK in CV
- I’m with you, ER. The one
- AN wrote:
However, for most
- All too often, those who are
- squat300 wrote:i would like
- Blogstar wrote:Excessive
- Yep, another gem. Thank you,
- flu wrote:But
- The look of the built-in cook
- Wouldn’t it be wonderful if
- Exactly what “sense” are you
- Nicely done, Russ! :)
- Agree with you, scaredy, this
- UCGal wrote:CAR – my family
- UCGal wrote:
- Blogstar wrote:It could get
- Could not agree more, flyer.
- earlyretirement wrote:SK in
- bearishgurl
- squat300 wrote:
I’d rather
- bearishgurl wrote:
We weren’t
- SDR,
What jpinpb says is true
- Thanks for the suggestions,
- They need those for women,
- Many good comments here, and
- AN wrote:SK in CV wrote:Do
- This about the allocation of
- No, the privatization of
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Some
- The “privatization movement”
- Some security clearances can
- In most of the cases I’m
- Totally agree with EconProf
- Thought this was interesting,
- FWIW, the link I’ve posted
- It should also be noted that
- AN wrote:SK in CV wrote:AN
- delete
- bearishgurl wrote:AN
- SD Realtor wrote:Spend less
- Well done, scaredy.
- The-Shoveler
- SD Realtor wrote:SK the point
- flu wrote:don’t worry. they
- Call their bluff immediately.
- paramount wrote:EconProf
- Can you imagine the
- So sorry, flu. :(
Is it the
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:Do you
- Very true, scaredy.
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:jpinpb
- Thanks for your further
- dumbrenter wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:
I didn’t indict
- zk wrote:CA renter wrote:zk
- dumbrenter wrote:CA renter
- dumbrenter wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:
So governments have
- Nobody is trying to make the
- Be sure not to do anything
- And, no doubt, this is “for
- Not to mention the fact that
- EconProf wrote:Having read up
- squat300 wrote:We
- squat300 wrote:if cocaine was
- zk wrote:squat300 wrote:It
- AN,
For a long time, it was
- zk wrote:A video that would
- Maybe we should have our own
- flyer wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- flyer
- Blogstar wrote:I don’t have a
- We’ve discussed this on one
- carlsbadworker wrote:NeetaT
- Blogstar wrote:I’d like to
- Thanks for the update,
- SK in CV wrote:livinincali
- SD Realtor wrote:Funny
- Just a casual glance at a
- You keep mentioning “gun
- squat300 wrote:ucodegen
- zk wrote:CA renter
- How did the Americans save
- bump
Second this request.
- spdrun wrote:I dated someone
- squat300 wrote:I really don’t
- squat300 wrote:QUESTION:
- More good stuff, sjk. Thank
- ctr70 wrote:It’s amazing to
- More on the U.K. — all of
- zk wrote:ucodegen wrote:zk
- squat300 wrote:CA renter
- Let’s look at this another
- No, I favor the “sense of
- But will the recovery
- More on the
- One look at how the Japanese
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- Way better than a gym
- While I admire your superior
- How much of the $1.25
- 1. Historically low,
- Again, if the shortfalls are
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CBO
- And, since we’re on the topic
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- doofrat wrote:I was a witness
- Awesome, flu!!! :)
- Jazzman,
Not sure what your
- FormerSanDiegan
- UCGal has recommended this
- Just thought about a
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- Funny. That’s exactly what
- davelj wrote:livinincali
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- Definitely, gzz. We passed
- desmond wrote:CA renter
- enron_by_the_sea
- Nor could we. I’m so glad we
- She probably laughed because
- Wow…he really said that
- Blogstar wrote:The argument
- ucodegen wrote:craptcha
- Good posts, ucodegen.
- squat300 wrote:A man will be
- zzz wrote:Thanks.
I just had
- Your worrisome nature is what
- Keep up the good work, and
- For windows, try Pelican
- Mass default.
In my
- SK in CV wrote:SD Realtor
- Flu,
I have said on multiple
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:flu
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:So,
- Sorry, I must have missed the
- So, you’re saying that a
- You had one experience with a
- Lacking knowledge about a
- The tech industry has a
- ctr70 wrote:Much of the roots
- SK in CV wrote:Allan from
- Interesting article about
- paramount wrote:From Morgan
- njtosd wrote:tc wrote:If more
- Back to the employees taking
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- barnaby33 wrote:
Why should
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- So, what can we do about it?
- That’s hilarious! :)
- Again, I agree with you about
- Can’t blame you on that one,
- KSMountain wrote:flu
- paramount wrote:SK in CV
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- I would also add that there
- davelj wrote:A side thought
- Ditto what BG said about
- Just one comment about the
- Yep, one of the other reasons
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:A
- no_such_reality wrote:The
- ctr70 wrote:25% of the top
- AN wrote:
WRT OP, I think it
- It’s so fun to read about
- ctr70 wrote:I’m fine with
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- In bankruptcy, employee
- Fantastic job, Scaredy!!!
You should soon be
- AN,
You’re right that timing
- Something else to
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:
- Which is why we need to
- flu wrote:SD Realtor
- The Truth wrote:CA renter
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:flu wrote:AN
- ocrenter wrote:
personally I
- But we did not start with a
- livinincali wrote:flu wrote:I
- Thanks, UCGal. We’ve been
- We desperately want to get
- I am totally tech ignorant,
- Well said, Daniel.
As you’ve
- SD Realtor wrote:No I don’t
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- The Truth wrote:CA renter
- EconProf wrote:Amen
- ctr70 wrote:I got my numbers
- paramount wrote:George
- Good post, Carlsbadworker.
- flu wrote:carlsbadworker
- That’s 30,000 drones…in
- flu wrote:AN wrote:@flu,
- Allan,
It’s frightening to
- The Truth
- I also think that while many
- This paragraph really brings
- ctr70 wrote:I just went on a
- (Unfortunately) I could not
- Allan,
We’re in total
- jstoez,
Regarding your
- paramount][quote=citydweller
- citydweller wrote:Imagine an
- ctr,
If “the rich” actually
- paramount wrote:Yet another
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- Thanks, SK.
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- So sorry to hear about your
- Another great example of
- Yes. And I’m sure Mrs.
- Bummer. :(
That’s a long way
- SK in CV wrote:flu
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- spdrun wrote:Frankly, in an
- Texas:
“The truth behind the
- BG, I don’t even think we
- paramount wrote:In California
- Exactly right, gzz. Thank
- Rich Toscano wrote:As far as
- BG,
Haven’t you noticed that
- Exactly right, Russ. Our
- Once again, Paramount, do
- Happy Thanksgiving, flu!
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:Lol…
- Yet, some have argued that
- Sorry to hear about your
- Paramount,
The primary
- Cardiff,
No, I’m not
- spdrun wrote:Sorry, but
- AN wrote:UCGal wrote:The
- FWIW, I called the FBI quite
- paramount wrote:It’s not
- UCGal wrote:Ren
- squat250 wrote:this does
- That looks like a pretty
- UCGal wrote:I haven’t ruled
- Congratulations, paramount!
- Ugly. :(
Is this a rental or
- dumbrenter wrote:
I fail
- no_such_reality wrote:Got
- Paramount,
This shouldn’t be
- ocrenter wrote:the typical
- While I agree that the
- Congratulations,
- Tell me about it, BG. The
- dumbrenter wrote:livinincali
- no_such_reality wrote:Yea,
- livinincali wrote:
From a
- livinincali
- flu][quote=CA renter wrote:
- In other words, it will be
- squat250 wrote:
I know I’m
- Huckleberry wrote:SD Realtor
- Funny. Most of those states
- flu wrote:
Our politicians
- UCGal wrote:We are told how
- More:
“Taxing Wages 2011
- ctr (or is it “Almighty
- Jazzman wrote:Last time I
- ctr70 wrote:Come on CA
- Gee, the U.S. involved in
- It’s odd that the family
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR I would
- paramount wrote:The so-called
- I think the “punishing the
- Of course you shouldn’t feel
- flyer wrote:I’m not sure why
- Is Mr. Steyn trying to imply
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:
Regarding unions.
- flu wrote:CA renter
- Whine, whine, whine.
You do
- flu wrote:citydweller wrote:I
- spdrun wrote:Meh. It’s
- flyer wrote:Hey, flu, I think
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- Just for fun…this chart
- flu wrote:no_such_reality
- Allan from Fallbrook
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:CA
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- One more…many W-2 wage
- ctr70 wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:ocrenter wrote:at
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- It’s important to understand
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ctr70 wrote:The Dem’s
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- Yes, I understand that;
- citydweller,
How about wars
- Zeitgeist wrote:”The latest
- Wish I could be as optimistic
- Obama, by a very narrow
- Bingo, OCR.
- AN wrote:Any in areas
- True, rbjack.
There is no
- Also, if you’re thinking
- ctr70 wrote:Voting for
- svelte,
True, some HOAs allow
- Though he tried to hide it,
- There are plenty of kids in
- AFAIK, they withhold
- no_such_reality wrote:Nothing
- livinincali wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- The-Shoveler wrote:Call me a
- True. :(
- Sorry, flu, but you’re wrong
- SK in CV wrote:Might try Del
- Sorry to hear about that,
- poorgradstudent
- I’m not a lawyer, and have
- UCGal,
Sorry to hear about
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- squat250 wrote:in general in
- UCGal,
When you say,
- Congratulations, F430!
- We haven’t used them yet, but
- squat250 wrote:honors
- livinincali wrote:This seems
- I would definitely kill a
- Hobie wrote:I would like to
- Okay, tried to confirm, and
- flu wrote:bearishgurl
- flu wrote:Which “immigrants”
- Here’s another interesting
- dumbrenter wrote:CA renter
- This person clearly doesn’t
- SD Realtor wrote:I like Elfin
- no_such_reality wrote:A
- Needless to say, we’re
- flu wrote:enron_by_the_sea
- More excellent advice, UCGal.
- BG,
What we’re seeing with
- EconProf wrote:To both the
- delete
- Former SD resident
- jstoesz,
You’ve been debating
- AN,
This is what we subject
- no_such_reality wrote:This is
- F SD,
I think you could
- Agree with the others; it
- FSD, Eagle Rock is supposed
- The-Shoveler wrote:There are
- FSD,
Congratulations on your
- flu,
I’ve often wondered what
- zk wrote:Blogstar wrote:
- AN,
Let’s assume the siblings
- Some reasonable changes
- Cube wrote:+1 to what FLU
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:We
- Good post, Blogstar/Russ.
- ocrenter wrote:AN
- delete
- earlyretirement
- delete
- delete
- delete
- delete
- delete
- UCGal wrote:Brutus
- jstoesz wrote:By the way, I
- And no, privatization does
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:For once I
- UCGal wrote:Brutus wrote:zk
- jstoesz wrote:You guys are
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:birmingplumb
- SD Realtor wrote:im wondering
- That was an excellent
- Whoops! Forget what was said
- Call me crazy, but this is
- They picked the wrong person
- Absolutely right, scaredy.
- UCGal wrote:treehugger
- urbanrealtor wrote:In
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- No, it would go to other
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:You could
- Thanks for the clarification,
- The fairest tax of all is one
- While an I.Q. of 120 is
- By all means, EconProf, feel
- paramount wrote:Continuing on
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- squat250 wrote:if romney had
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- Just want to point out that I
- Charter vs. traditional
- We already do. Most charter
- Some data:
Reading, 4th grade
- EconProf wrote:CA renter
- Good question, and I’ve often
- paramount wrote:sdduuuude
- AN and NSR,
Thanks for your
- As for the Chicago Teacher’s
- EconProf wrote:I agree,
- AN,
Did you already get the
- paramount wrote:One last
- squat250 wrote:i dissent. I
- Agree on the rice — it’s
- AN wrote:I think the type of
- It’s awesome that this was
- AN wrote:craptcha
- Scaredy, how much do you guys
- AN,
Don’t have time to
- BTW, the above is exactly
- Okay, let’s say we have 100%
- I think livinincali made the
- paramount wrote:Does anyone
- spdrun wrote:CA Renter: I’ll
- spdrun wrote:I don’t see that
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, CAR, I
- Bernanke is trying to
- Full transcript
- BG,
Why not rent in one of
- OT: Bernie Sanders interview…thoughts?
- bearishgurl wrote:flu
- barnaby33 wrote:Stuck in
- True, but even though I would
- Congratulations on your new
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- Maybe Bryan is a SAHP these
- [Edited to delete political
- Congrats on getting your home
- Shaking hands is for
- paramount wrote:Car, I
- A great op-ed piece written
- EconProf wrote:CAR: You
- Agreed, davelj. There is
- squat250 wrote:women;s shoes
- paramount wrote:6 Figure
- As for your ignorant
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- More about the
- paramount wrote:No on Prop
- The war against workers has
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- Fearful wrote:CA renter
- According to flu, we are not
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- squat250 wrote:how many
- sdduuuude wrote:I have a
- Another excellent
- briansd1 wrote:flu
- bearishgurl wrote:Question
- Fact-based stuff, like
- no_such_reality wrote:Except
- no_such_reality
- Economics (including real
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR once
- deadzone wrote:I find I am
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR that is
- Thank you very much for
- SD Realtor wrote:I thought
- Just my opinion, but if the
- That is a seriously messed-up
- Willard wrote:I once drove
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- Exactly right, brian.
- AN wrote:SK in CV wrote:AN
- AN][quote=CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:AN
- That’s exactly it,
- Then you would agree that we
- AN,
Think of it this
- sdduuuude wrote:Just because
- CA renter][quote=moneymaker
- moneymaker][quote wrote:
- paramount wrote:sdduuuude
- ctr70 wrote:1. Public pension
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- EconProf wrote:Pension
- AN wrote:SK in CV wrote:But I
- We’ve already done that one,
- Desmond,
Congratulations on
- moneymaker wrote:Anyone know
- Very well said, BG.
- mike92104 wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:Yes, today’s
- Mike, much of that extra
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- Good for you, scaredy.
- jstoesz wrote:Am I a freak of
- jstoesz wrote:Case and
- squat250 wrote:which reminds
- Perhaps I’m missing
- westwood wrote:If I were an
- Right on, Scaredy.
- jstoesz wrote:Doesn’t it seem
- briansd1 wrote:The County is
- bearishgurl wrote:Brutus
- UCGal wrote:I went over a
- AN wrote:SK in CV wrote:AN
- harvey wrote:desmond
- Wow, I never would have
- That was excellent,
- Since we’re talking about
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:flu
- flu wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote: Attempting to
- flu,
You’re hyper-focused on
- Allan from Fallbrook
- [As the] nation’s richest
- So many juicy tidbits here.
- Congratulations, scaredy!
- sdrealtor wrote:The post was
- Good posts, Bubblesitter. It
- bearishgurl wrote:. . . or
- sdrealtor wrote:Shower
- sdrealtor wrote:A couple
- sdr,
I’ve always said that
- sdrealtor wrote:Five years
- spdrun wrote:
Meh… OWS my
- briansd1 wrote:EconProf
- sdrealtor wrote:The point is
- What am I making up? Never
- ???
Put down the wine, sdr.
- sdrealtor wrote:And prior to
- An awful lot of people are
- sdrealtor wrote:Also at some
- Another link to a brilliant
- Very good posts, davelj.
- sdrealtor wrote:Nice
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:Low
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Congratulations, sdmatt!!!
- flu wrote:Well, Moen just
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- I won’t disagree with that,
- briansd1 wrote:In the end,
- briansd1
- Allan, you’re making the
- sdrealtor wrote:”Many cities
- no_such_reality wrote:It’s
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- And finally…a level-headed
- Once again, I’ve repeatedly
- Okay, I was going to be a
- Amen.
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- sdr,
I’m not the one who
- sdrealtor wrote:Finally? I
- So, you finally admit that
- sdrealtor wrote:Just to be
- harvey wrote:Economists have
- no_such_reality wrote:Then
- More about the myths
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:no_such_reality
- sdrealtor wrote:CE
That fire
- desmond wrote:desmond
- Allan from Fallbrook
- flu wrote:squat250
- Allan,
If the government uses
- Need to add that your group
- sdrealtor wrote:This is
- cantab wrote:Is this an
- svelte wrote:270 days in
- dumbrenter wrote:when 90% of
- AN wrote:davelj wrote:I
- ocrenter wrote:briansd1
- sdr,
You can take your
- flu wrote:Hobie
- Agree with NSR and spdrun.
- That’s awesome, JC.
- sdr,
Not talking about
- sdrealtor wrote:Well there we
- zk,
This was from someone who
- squat250 wrote:All the
- FWIW, not related to CV
- flu wrote:Well, so I was at
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CAR, I know
- One should care about the
- Maybe ~10% more than what we
- matt-waiting wrote:CA Renter,
- That’s fine, spdrun. Most of
- Allan from Fallbrook
- spdrun wrote:
As for dirty
- Maverick,
I would report them
- sdduuuude wrote:CDMA ENG
- sdrealtor wrote:sdduuuude
- Excellent post, Ren. You’re
- Agree with you, sdduuuude,
- Where in the heck did this
- matt-waiting wrote:You really
- Allan from Fallbrook
- CDMA ENG wrote:I never liked
- flu wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- EconProf wrote:Actually, I
- Totally agree with you, BG.
- carlsbadworker
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- SK in CV wrote:KSMountain
- KSMountain wrote:ocrenter
- deadzone wrote:Illegals can’t
- The-Shoveler wrote:In short
- flu wrote:Side note… I
- njtosd wrote:Here’s a good
- deadzone wrote:squat250
- svelte wrote:harvey
- Allan from Fallbrook
- spdrun wrote:You may still
- cabal wrote:I will respond to
- flu wrote:squat250
- briansd1 wrote:Would you
- Thank you very much for
- Lots of good information
- harvey wrote:no_such_reality
- sdrealtor wrote:If you have
- KSMountain wrote:ocrenter
- Brian,
spdrun and NSR nail it
- ocrenter wrote:
As for CAR’s
- sdrealtor wrote:Banks should
- barnaby33 wrote:Hopefully CA
- Great video, flu! Those
- briansd1 wrote:Think of it
- Wow, I’m surprised they’re
- AN wrote:ocrenter wrote:Of
- paramount wrote:While I don’t
- flu
- BG,
Your bolded comment is
- sdrealtor wrote:How Ironic
- CONCHO wrote:Technology is
- LaPasta wrote:1. iPads will
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- :)
- spdrun wrote:If you’re
- flu wrote:
But oh no. that
- SD Realtor wrote:FLU solved
- jpinpb wrote:Hey, CAR, I like
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:
I disagree with CAR
- Scaredy,
We looked at lots of
- jpinpb wrote:Well, if you
- It’s subjective, of course,
- no_such_reality
- Third the movie
- Thank you, Pri.
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Not just the possibility of
- SK in CV wrote:harvey
- no_such_reality wrote:Is Mary
- flu wrote:My goodness,
- Pri,
This isn’t about public
- Allan,
Believe it or not, I
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- pboiler wrote:I have been
- bearishgurl
- +1 on both Arraya’s and
- Dazed and Confused
- CDMA ENG wrote:harvey
- Aecetia wrote:Made In
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR,
- I second what flu said.
- Pri,
A while back, I asked
- harvey wrote:sdr is spot on:
- harvey wrote:SK in CV
- “We know you are a CASH buyer
- SK in CV wrote:harvey
- It’s called a land or ground
- davelj wrote:davelj
- Veritas wrote:Between the
- For the
- Yes, very good point, CE.
- UCGal wrote:harvey
- ctr70 wrote:Military pensions
- Diego Mamani wrote:You could
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- Scaredy,
Do you think this
- As for the “deep cleaning,”
- LesBaer45 wrote:My oldest is
- sdrealtor wrote:bump.
- Regarding employees who can
- Nice summary, Bitter Renter.
- harvey wrote:SK in CV wrote:
- svelte wrote:Has it really
- harvey wrote:SK in CV
- SK in CV wrote:harvey
- AN wrote:
However, private
- Diego Mamani wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:The
- We were blown away by the
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Ex Vernon
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- flu wrote:
another reason to
- no_such_reality wrote:We’re
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- CDMA ENG wrote:flu wrote:CA
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- EconProf wrote:A couple of
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- AN wrote:CAR, you fail to see
- We also have a loquat tree in
- harvey wrote:SK in CV
- AN wrote:ltsdd wrote:You’re
- briansd1 wrote:From a local
- briansd1 wrote:5% of
- AN wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:These
- AN wrote:Totally agree with
- Had to look up “Alden Shell
- Scaredy,
Could not agree more
- briansd1 wrote:
Walk in a
- Jazzman wrote:sdrealtor
- That’s funny. Just took our
- +1, scaredy
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- harvey wrote:Not a single
- SD Realtor wrote:”When you
- With larger class sizes, you
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR.
- Good posts, Concho.
- More:
« CalPERS boosts cost
- harvey wrote:CA renter
- Reposting what I’ve already
- sdsurfer wrote:profhoff
- SD Realtor wrote:Could not
- no_such_reality wrote:LOL,
- surveyor wrote:No, you’re
- You’re missing the entire
- flu wrote:Perhaps the more
- I see it a bit differently
- Here’s my take on Eduardo
- flu wrote:briansd1 wrote:flu
- AN wrote:markmax33® wrote:I
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- Life would be boring if we
- no_such_reality wrote:Just
- jstoesz wrote:anvil
- CDMA ENG wrote:bearishgurl
- fat_lazy_union][quote=CDMA
- fat_lazy_union wrote:Ok BG
- Note to Pri:
I’m not ignoring
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:Really “boots
- sdrealtor wrote:sorry but no
- SD Realtor wrote:It is
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- harvey
- Buy now, or you’ll be priced
- That’s a cop-out, CE, and you
- briansd1 wrote:harvey
- SD Realtor wrote:Trying to
- SD Realtor wrote:”The
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- Yes!
Awesome job done by
- harvey wrote:Let’s take a
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- profhoff wrote:I think
- sdrealtor wrote:But
- For more information and
- SD Realtor wrote:Why don’t we
- markmax33® wrote:Airplane
- SD Realtor wrote:Or all of us
- EconProf wrote:Police and
- Good idea, KSMountain.
- I still miss “fat lazy union”
- FLU,
I agree with you about
- ucodegen wrote:sdrealtor
- More statistics regarding
- davelj wrote:harvey
- squat250 wrote:Squat n shower
- It’s sick to see how many
- squat250 wrote:my kid did an
- The-Shoveler wrote:Get a
- Wow, you SD City folks have
- No, facts are facts when they
- flu wrote:
Rule #1: Stupid
- The FACTS speak for
- Yep, you’ve got to make it
- NeetaT wrote:I prefer to just
- CA renter wrote:sdr,
- sdr,
Don’t let facts get in
- Nope. Once again, I’m not
- The most notorious gangs in
- sdrealtor wrote:Much higher
- UCGal wrote:flu wrote:pri_dk
- sdrealtor wrote:I was
- sdrealtor wrote:The Ranch in
- Thank you, davelj, for
- sdduuuude wrote:Not with tax
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:flu wrote:…And
- pri_dk wrote:Personal
- bearishgurl wrote:Throughout
- Good post, flu.
While it’s
- It is rather creepy, isn’t
- For those who haven’t heard
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:To add on top of
- Who signed the Patriot
- Diego Mamani wrote:CA Renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:sdrealtor
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Pri,
Take it to the other
- From November 2008:
“As if
- sdrealtor wrote:Synopsis: It
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:If
- sdrealtor wrote:Finding
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont think
- SD Realtor wrote:It is really
- Looking forward to seeing
- Corky’s has been advertising
- desmond wrote:There’s nothing
- ocrenter wrote:Thanks for
- Great post, sdr. Sounds like
- What “public employee union
- Wonderful write-up by Sheila
- As much as I hate to admit
- +1, scaredy
Sounds like you
- Father Joe’s also takes
- Awesome news, profhoff!
- Agreed, SDR.
- 5yes wrote:This year as a
- flu wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- There are a number of homes
- pri_dk wrote:Quick, call CA
- Awesome, flu!
Yes, more and
- carlsbadworker wrote:CA
- Ditto that.
Being a
- Once again, since you still
- You’ve already lost your ass
- You missed the entire point
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Unlike
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:zk wrote:A
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:Ca renter has
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- KSMountain wrote:svelte
- zk wrote:svelte wrote:This is
- Agree very much with your
- desmond wrote:Not to pile on,
- sdrealtor wrote:Two thoughts
- sdrealtor wrote:Just ran some
- lpjohnso wrote:svelte, the
- Congratulations on your new
- That’s a very cool basement,
- sdrealtor wrote:My
- Timing is everything…
- CA renter wrote:davelj
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:There are some
- bobby wrote:Bearishgirl,
- pri_dk wrote:”Retirement
- 5yes,
What a wonderful thing
- Yes, the changes will have to
- We never did get a smart
- Yes!!!!!! Awesome news,
- Sounds like a fun project.
- pri_dk wrote:SDR,
I get your
- sdrealtor wrote:I was hoping
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- bearishgurl wrote:
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Pri,
The post and citation
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- CA renter
- flu,
You can get custom
- Just FYI…
- svelte wrote:Agree CAR but
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:I would
- Kingside wrote:[quote=CA
- sdrealtor wrote:And I have to
- Ren wrote:CAR, any chance of
- pri_dk wrote:Now she’s
- And they couldn’t have
- briansd1 wrote:You can’t
- Bravo, flu! :)
- temeculaguy wrote:sdrealtor
- Thank you very much, TG!
- Thank you, flu. :)
- Rental available in “Nirvana”
- sdrealtor wrote:I believe it
- paramount wrote:Update from
- paramount wrote:yoyoyah1
- sdrealtor wrote:Its good they
- That’s a very cute house,
- sdrealtor wrote:Not to
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR you stand
- sdrealtor wrote:As if on cue
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- CA renter wrote:I’ve
- Here are the top *individual*
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR,
- From the original
- “Public pension reform, not
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- sdrealtor wrote:Just a few
- One could argue that they
- Of course, I personally would
- pri_dk wrote:UCGal wrote:How
- sdrealtor wrote:UCG,
This is
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Fantastic article explaining what’s REALLY happening:
- Rich Toscano wrote:
- sdrealtor wrote:Huh? Choosing
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR,
- sdrealtor wrote:
As for the
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:As far as the
- pri_dk wrote:Why are we even
- BTW, this comment of yours
- no_such_reality wrote:Okay
- As far as the fire station is
- sdrealtor wrote:Car you are
- Right, sdr. Let’s not forget
- Agree with you, Brian, people
- AN wrote:They’re too busy
- no_such_reality
- sdrealtor wrote:I’m with you
- Thanks for sharing the
- sdr,
You’re preaching to the
- Once again, include the
- Just got their designer’s
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes it is the
- svelte wrote:What in the
- That’s communism, not
- Love it! :)
Thanks for the
- A rehab center?
Did that lady
- Navydoc wrote:briansd1
- Not familiar enough with PB
- Are you talking about the new
- “Hasn’t socialism been
- Pri,
Which “capitalist”
- BTW, meant to include this in
- Basic research is where the
- The REAL risks were taken by
- What PMs have I sent, pri?
- pri_dk wrote:CA Renter
- I apologize to the other
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- latenightsd wrote:@CA Renter:
- Is there a correlation
- sdrealtor wrote:
I beleive in
- If you’re right, then where
- Just e-mailed this thread to
- delete
- Quite frankly, I think you’re
- sdr,
We’ve rehashed this
- Not sure how much a landscape
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- Electricians, plumbers,
- Here’s the first problem with
- Most of those low-rate loans
- Svelte,
That depends on
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- Pri,
Re-read the posts.
- CA renter wrote:ocrenter
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- Congratulations, paramount!
- GH wrote:From the perspective
- Yes, inflation benefits
- briansd1 wrote:sdrealtor, my
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Funny how
- Funny how people/central
- desmond wrote:pri_dk wrote:If
- no_such_reality wrote:CAR, It
- no_such_reality
- Not sure how or where your
- Cheers to that, Allan! :)
- +1, Arraya.
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- briansd1 wrote:Brutus
- no_such_reality
- You should definitely
- no_such_reality wrote:BS.
- More weights, scaredy. And
- Brutus wrote:Obese people
- It’s comments like this that
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Good post, scaredy.
- sreeb wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CAR,
I was
- pri_dk][quote=CArenter
- FWIW, I’ve lived in and spent
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:Looking
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:I can
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- Yay! Good for you, cvmom.
- Thank you, bubba.
Let’s also
- jstoesz wrote:I am not sure
- That’s fantastic news,
- no_such_reality wrote:”Work
- flu wrote:offshoring isn’t
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:
- LOL! :)
- Arraya wrote:Money supply HAS
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Agree 100% with your
- I have two
- Sounds like things are moving
- walterwhite wrote:I can tell
- walterwhite wrote:But
- Yes, VERY low inventory in
- walterwhite wrote:The secret
- walterwhite wrote:my kid’s
- This move doesn’t benefit
- Very nice job, treehugger!
- UCGal wrote:Did you ever get
- Well said, PR.
In many ways,
- Jacarandoso wrote:
BTW, when
- Had an unpleasant experience
- kcal09 wrote:He was caught in
- Bubblesitter wrote:Some good
- Not sure if it’s a “private”
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
You just
- Anecdote time:
I knew three
- pri_dk wrote:Car, those
- pri_dk wrote:Car, those
- Aecetia wrote:sdrealtor
- “Basic Research: A Declining
- More, from 2007. Again, this
- kcal09 wrote:The burglar has
- pri_dk wrote:”Do some
- pri_dk wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:They
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- CDMA ENG wrote:And a couple
- briansd1 wrote:
I heard the
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:One recurring
- AN wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:Of course we
- jstoesz wrote:I have asked
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:When I
- sdrealtor wrote:While you are
- briansd1 wrote:pri_dk
- sdrealtor wrote:A line worker
- sdrealtor wrote:Sorry was
- UCGal wrote:temeculaguy
- AN wrote:CA renter
- xiv014 wrote:Why is it that
- AN wrote:xiv014 wrote:Why is
- AN wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:flu
- flu wrote:You know what? As
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- By the way, you DO have a
- Just posted a number of posts
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes real
- We almost forgot the largest
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- “The mortgage interest
- “But imagine for a moment
- pri_dk wrote:urbanrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:Arraya
- “But Goldman’s not the only
- sdrealtor wrote:Cmon UR you
- God bless you, scaredy. :)
- What productivity?
Name a
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Okay, I’m sorry for going off
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:bg,
Here’s a
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- Already answered it
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:Ummm…SS is
- pri_dk wrote:CAR,
You really
- Let’s point the accusatory
- More, but not sure whether or
- “The government’s $182
- dup
- pri_dk wrote:CAR,
- pri_dk wrote:Yes, start by
- briansd1 wrote:pri_dk wrote:
- SD Realtor wrote:So lets take
- SD Realtor wrote:You mean I
- sdrealtor][quote=CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- NicMM wrote:Flu,
My family
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- Though things on the ground
- Good info, flu. Thanks for
- sdduuuude wrote:Also consider
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- Bet it feels good to finally
- 2012 turns around wrote:Can’t
- urbanrealtor wrote:jimklinge
- Flu,
May 2012 bring you
- UCGal wrote:Brian – I agree
- Another good video about
- walterwhite wrote:I weigh
- zk wrote:An excellent article
- Fearful wrote:
Really, it’s
- Beautiful and wonderfully
- SK in CV wrote:Allan from
- Happy Holidays, Merry
- Good stuff.
But I’m sure
- p-dude wrote:JP, Thanks for
- Arraya wrote:Well, this has
- sdrealtor wrote:My money is
- sdduuuude wrote:Uh
- Bet it feels so good to be
- briansd1 wrote:What is an
- walterwhite wrote:Which leads
- Allan from Fallbrook
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:On the subject
- walterwhite wrote:I’m pretty
- Awesome news, evolusd!
- flu wrote:Just curious.
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- bearishgurl wrote:UCGal and
- UCGal wrote:bearishgurl
- SDR (with capital letters)
- Ren wrote:I agree that the
- aldante wrote:I noticed in
- I wouldn’t characterize Hank
- Arraya wrote:This should make
- bearishgurl wrote:treehugger
- CA renter wrote:Thanks for
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- It seems to me that
- Congratulations, CafeMoto!
- bearishgurl wrote:I want to
- SK in CV wrote:Arraya
- sdduuuude wrote:SK in CV
- Congratulations, tugg!
- SK in CV wrote:wow eaves,
- Some facts:
FACT: The average
- pri_dk wrote:bearishgurl
- One more thing I’d like to
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:No
- sdduuuude wrote:SK in CV
- sdduuuude wrote:gandalf
- sdduuuude wrote:gandalf
- poorgradstudent wrote:Econ
- briansd1 wrote:gandalf
- briansd1 wrote:The fraud on
- Shadowfax wrote:Allan from
- pri_dk wrote:The question
- gandalf wrote:That doesn’t
- sdrealtor wrote:The house was
- sdrealtor wrote:Because it
- patientrenter wrote:briansd1
- patientrenter wrote:Diego
- jpinpb wrote:898 Loma Valley
- aldante wrote:SK in CV
- ctr70 wrote:I have no problem
- paramount wrote:Let’s not be
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW I was in
- svelte wrote:Yes, that was
- Sounds perfect!
Glad to
- Arraya
- clearfund wrote:After 42
- EconProf wrote:Long ago a
- This article explains well
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- Akula1992 wrote:Patb,
Glad to
- UCGal wrote:I guess since
- sdrealtor wrote:Let me get
- Privatization of Social
- More…
Privatizing military
- THIS is WHY you are being fed
- WHO is behind the anti-union
- eyePod wrote:I for one don’t
- SD Realtor wrote:Yes CAR
- Awesome news, patb!!!
- More info about the state
- SD Realtor wrote:Confusing
- eyePod wrote:I’m calling
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:UCGal wrote:I’ve got
- jstoesz wrote:arguing with
- UCGal wrote:I’ve got the book
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:CA
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Just
- paramount wrote:No worries
- sdrealtor wrote:Just got back
- patientrenter wrote:patb
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:What OWS
- KSMountain wrote:jpinpb
- 70Degrees wrote:SK in CV
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:To rely
- GH wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:I’m not
- sdduuuude wrote:Related to
- sdduuuude wrote:Related to
- Next, we’ll off-shore all the
- pri_dk wrote:So what is a
- Huckleberry wrote:I
- Just ran across this. Just
- SD Realtor wrote:I am sorry I
- Nice job on negotiating such
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR the
- pri_dk wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:I think we all
- Much to our surprise, a lot
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- KSMountain wrote:briansd1
- sdduuuude wrote:Thank you for
- sdduuuude wrote:You have
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- We know someone who moved to
- UCGal wrote:I admit I watch
- sdduuuude wrote:CA renter
- We’re right in the middle of
- jpinpb wrote:I am linking the
- bearishgurl wrote:I second UR
- AN wrote:sdduuuude
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:And as I said, how
- UCGal wrote:pri_dk wrote:CA
- jstoesz wrote:It would be
- sdduuuude wrote:jpinpb
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pemeliza wrote:When I see
- CDMA ENG wrote:UCGal
- walterwhite wrote:No in this
- Rich Toscano wrote:As for him
- walterwhite wrote:Thanks. But
- pri_dk wrote:jpinpb
- walterwhite wrote:The
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- ctr70 wrote:Instead they
- Very nice house!
- No, the protestors are some
- Thanks for the reminder in
- Another great post, PR. The
- bearishgurl
- patientrenter wrote:LuckyInOC
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:I agree it is
- evolusd wrote:earlyretirement
- pri_dk wrote:earlyretirement
- bearishgurl wrote:AN wrote:I
- AN wrote:jpinpb wrote:BG –
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- patientrenter
- No, patientrenter, you are
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Ohh yea,
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Why it
- Bubblesitter wrote:Here come
- patientrenter
- Jazzman wrote:Good time to
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Speaking
- davelj,
I think there were
- jpinpb wrote:earlyretirement
- Wow, that’s a very
- Arraya wrote:The moral
- AN wrote:profhoff wrote:I’m
- Thank you so much, BG and
- Spam…try it fried, with
- UCGal wrote:I think everyone
- Elizabeth Warren has more
- briansd1 wrote:walterwhite
- Awesome! :)
Did you notice
- DomoArigato wrote:More good
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- Paramount,
What if you were
- sdrealtor wrote:Mr Mortgage
- flu wrote:KIBU wrote:The guy
- flu wrote:CA renter
- Glad to hear you had such a
- ctr70 wrote:I just got back
- KIBU wrote:The guy is trying
- njtosd wrote:I know nothing
- Wow, flu. Bullet-proof
- sdrealtor wrote:Mr Mortgage
- SK in CV wrote:Veritas
- dd123 wrote:I am still on H1B
- The scariest part is that
- Here’s some info about what’s
- I think you’re right, KIBU.
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:
MOst of the
- UCGal wrote:I had roommates
- EconProf wrote:We are likely
- njtosd wrote:briansd1
- briansd1 wrote:I agree,
- jpinpb wrote:UCGal wrote:I
- briansd1 wrote:Does happiness
- Jacarandoso wrote:walterwhite
- temeculaguy wrote:The best
- svelte wrote:pri_dk
- sdrealtor wrote:power on in
- Kev,
Sorry to hear about your
- sdrealtor wrote:I just saw
- Arraya wrote:The dollar will
- Jazzman wrote:Well, I’m glad
- dd123 wrote:Didn’t get time
- Agree with njtosd; it depends
- Thank you for being such a
- zk wrote:walterwhite wrote:
- EconProf wrote:I second your
- EconProf wrote:CAR: I agree
- sdrealtor wrote:The low end
- Veritas wrote:Probably not
- sdrealtor wrote:Pretty much
- EconProf wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:UCGal
- temeculaguy wrote:Macro
- paramount wrote:Great post
- While Roubini certainly
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, sorry to
- We walk 3-5 miles 2-4
- We walk 3-5 miles 2-4
- Jacarandoso wrote:I don’t
- Jacarandoso wrote:I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:nla wrote:TemekuT
- flu wrote:nla wrote:TemekuT
- flu wrote:nla wrote:TemekuT
- walterwhite wrote:It gets
- walterwhite wrote:It gets
- walterwhite wrote:It gets
- walterwhite wrote:It gets
- BTW, congratulations,
- BTW, congratulations,
- BTW, congratulations,
- BTW, congratulations,
- temeculaguy wrote:If you
- temeculaguy wrote:If you
- temeculaguy wrote:If you
- temeculaguy wrote:If you
- walterwhite wrote:they’re
- walterwhite wrote:they’re
- walterwhite wrote:they’re
- walterwhite wrote:they’re
- kev374
- kev374
- kev374
- kev374
- earlyretirement wrote:CA
- earlyretirement wrote:CA
- earlyretirement wrote:CA
- earlyretirement wrote:CA
- briansd1 wrote:This obesity
- briansd1 wrote:This obesity
- briansd1 wrote:This obesity
- briansd1 wrote:This obesity
- briansd1 wrote:This obesity
- disimilar1 wrote:I retired at
- disimilar1 wrote:I retired at
- disimilar1 wrote:I retired at
- disimilar1 wrote:I retired at
- disimilar1 wrote:I retired at
- Not sure what your schedule
- Not sure what your schedule
- Not sure what your schedule
- Not sure what your schedule
- Not sure what your schedule
- Yes, everyone was going into
- Yes, everyone was going into
- Yes, everyone was going into
- Yes, everyone was going into
- Yes, everyone was going into
- You do realize that a kid can
- You do realize that a kid can
- You do realize that a kid can
- You do realize that a kid can
- You do realize that a kid can
- sdrealtor wrote:sdduuuude
- sdrealtor wrote:sdduuuude
- sdrealtor wrote:sdduuuude
- sdrealtor wrote:sdduuuude
- sdrealtor wrote:sdduuuude
- Josh wrote:I think I will try
- Josh wrote:I think I will try
- Josh wrote:I think I will try
- Josh wrote:I think I will try
- Josh wrote:I think I will try
- poorgradstudent wrote:Veritas
- poorgradstudent wrote:Veritas
- poorgradstudent wrote:Veritas
- poorgradstudent wrote:Veritas
- poorgradstudent wrote:Veritas
- outtamojo wrote:Jacarandoso
- outtamojo wrote:Jacarandoso
- outtamojo wrote:Jacarandoso
- outtamojo wrote:Jacarandoso
- outtamojo wrote:Jacarandoso
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- Have you tried accupuncture
- Have you tried accupuncture
- Have you tried accupuncture
- Have you tried accupuncture
- Have you tried accupuncture
- briansd1 wrote:But if people
- briansd1 wrote:But if people
- briansd1 wrote:But if people
- briansd1 wrote:But if people
- briansd1 wrote:But if people
- Jacarandoso wrote:I have
- Jacarandoso wrote:I have
- Jacarandoso wrote:I have
- Jacarandoso wrote:I have
- Jacarandoso wrote:I have
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- jpinpb wrote:Jacarandoso
- jpinpb wrote:Jacarandoso
- jpinpb wrote:Jacarandoso
- jpinpb wrote:Jacarandoso
- jpinpb wrote:Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Jacarandoso
- Navydoc wrote:There is an
- Navydoc wrote:There is an
- Navydoc wrote:There is an
- Navydoc wrote:There is an
- Navydoc wrote:There is an
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Good question, bubblesitter.
- Good question, bubblesitter.
- Good question, bubblesitter.
- Good question, bubblesitter.
- Good question, bubblesitter.
- I think “working out some”
- I think “working out some”
- I think “working out some”
- I think “working out some”
- I think “working out some”
- Fair enough, AN. As
- Fair enough, AN. As
- Fair enough, AN. As
- Fair enough, AN. As
- Fair enough, AN. As
- AN wrote:CONCHO wrote:People
- AN wrote:CONCHO wrote:People
- AN wrote:CONCHO wrote:People
- AN wrote:CONCHO wrote:People
- AN wrote:CONCHO wrote:People
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:sdrealtor
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:sdrealtor
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:sdrealtor
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:sdrealtor
- JohnAlt91941 wrote:sdrealtor
- GH wrote:carlsbadworker
- GH wrote:carlsbadworker
- GH wrote:carlsbadworker
- GH wrote:carlsbadworker
- GH wrote:carlsbadworker
- sdrealtor wrote:briansd1
- sdrealtor wrote:briansd1
- sdrealtor wrote:briansd1
- sdrealtor wrote:briansd1
- sdrealtor wrote:briansd1
- CONCHO wrote:jpinpb
- CONCHO wrote:jpinpb
- CONCHO wrote:jpinpb
- CONCHO wrote:jpinpb
- CONCHO wrote:jpinpb
- Arraya wrote:From mish. This
- Arraya wrote:From mish. This
- Arraya wrote:From mish. This
- Arraya wrote:From mish. This
- Arraya wrote:From mish. This
- temeculaguy wrote:Car and jp,
- temeculaguy wrote:Car and jp,
- temeculaguy wrote:Car and jp,
- temeculaguy wrote:Car and jp,
- temeculaguy wrote:Car and jp,
- pemeliza wrote:Although I am
- pemeliza wrote:Although I am
- pemeliza wrote:Although I am
- pemeliza wrote:Although I am
- pemeliza wrote:Although I am
- sdrealtor wrote:jpinpb
- sdrealtor wrote:jpinpb
- sdrealtor wrote:jpinpb
- sdrealtor wrote:jpinpb
- sdrealtor wrote:jpinpb
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:I don’t
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- Excellent news, aldante!
- Excellent news, aldante!
- Excellent news, aldante!
- Excellent news, aldante!
- Excellent news, aldante!
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:This
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:This
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:This
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:This
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:This
- flu wrote:This must suck
- flu wrote:This must suck
- flu wrote:This must suck
- flu wrote:This must suck
- flu wrote:This must suck
- EconProf wrote:As big
- EconProf wrote:As big
- EconProf wrote:As big
- EconProf wrote:As big
- EconProf wrote:As big
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- Just checked the history on
- Just checked the history on
- Just checked the history on
- Just checked the history on
- Just checked the history on
- We do shop at union stores,
- We do shop at union stores,
- We do shop at union stores,
- We do shop at union stores,
- We do shop at union stores,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- What’s funny is that he talks
- What’s funny is that he talks
- What’s funny is that he talks
- What’s funny is that he talks
- What’s funny is that he talks
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- meadandale
- meadandale
- meadandale
- meadandale
- meadandale
- Clifford wrote:recordsclerk
- Clifford wrote:recordsclerk
- Clifford wrote:recordsclerk
- Clifford wrote:recordsclerk
- Clifford wrote:recordsclerk
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- We went to Stater Bros.
- We went to Stater Bros.
- We went to Stater Bros.
- We went to Stater Bros.
- We went to Stater Bros.
- jpinpb wrote:I think they got
- jpinpb wrote:I think they got
- jpinpb wrote:I think they got
- jpinpb wrote:I think they got
- jpinpb wrote:I think they got
- svelte wrote:Does anybody
- svelte wrote:Does anybody
- svelte wrote:Does anybody
- svelte wrote:Does anybody
- svelte wrote:Does anybody
- BTW, I fully understand what
- BTW, I fully understand what
- BTW, I fully understand what
- BTW, I fully understand what
- BTW, I fully understand what
- urbanrealtor wrote:CAR:
- urbanrealtor wrote:CAR:
- urbanrealtor wrote:CAR:
- urbanrealtor wrote:CAR:
- urbanrealtor wrote:CAR:
- urbanrealtor wrote:pri_dk
- urbanrealtor wrote:pri_dk
- urbanrealtor wrote:pri_dk
- urbanrealtor wrote:pri_dk
- urbanrealtor wrote:pri_dk
- bearishgurl wrote:Arraya
- bearishgurl wrote:Arraya
- bearishgurl wrote:Arraya
- bearishgurl wrote:Arraya
- bearishgurl wrote:Arraya
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- SK in CV wrote:bearishgurl
- urbanrealtor wrote:UCGal
- urbanrealtor wrote:UCGal
- urbanrealtor wrote:UCGal
- urbanrealtor wrote:UCGal
- urbanrealtor wrote:UCGal
- December 2012…here we come!
- December 2012…here we come!
- December 2012…here we come!
- December 2012…here we come!
- December 2012…here we come!
- dwh92563 wrote:Interesting
- dwh92563 wrote:Interesting
- dwh92563 wrote:Interesting
- dwh92563 wrote:Interesting
- dwh92563 wrote:Interesting
- Jacarandoso wrote:CA renter
- Jacarandoso wrote:CA renter
- Jacarandoso wrote:CA renter
- Jacarandoso wrote:CA renter
- Jacarandoso wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Brian,
Arraya’s post pretty
- Brian,
Arraya’s post pretty
- Brian,
Arraya’s post pretty
- Brian,
Arraya’s post pretty
- Brian,
Arraya’s post pretty
- sdrealtor wrote:To have taxes
- sdrealtor wrote:To have taxes
- sdrealtor wrote:To have taxes
- sdrealtor wrote:To have taxes
- sdrealtor wrote:To have taxes
- svelte wrote:Allan from
- svelte wrote:Allan from
- svelte wrote:Allan from
- svelte wrote:Allan from
- svelte wrote:Allan from
- Okay, this is too
- Okay, this is too
- Okay, this is too
- Okay, this is too
- Okay, this is too
- masayako wrote:”No L.A? That
- masayako wrote:”No L.A? That
- masayako wrote:”No L.A? That
- masayako wrote:”No L.A? That
- masayako wrote:”No L.A? That
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- walterwhite wrote:Davelj
- walterwhite wrote:Davelj
- walterwhite wrote:Davelj
- walterwhite wrote:Davelj
- walterwhite wrote:Davelj
- davelj wrote:You’re probably
- davelj wrote:You’re probably
- davelj wrote:You’re probably
- davelj wrote:You’re probably
- davelj wrote:You’re probably
- briansd1 wrote:Is a candidate
- briansd1 wrote:Is a candidate
- briansd1 wrote:Is a candidate
- briansd1 wrote:Is a candidate
- briansd1 wrote:Is a candidate
- DataAgent wrote:I like Gary
- DataAgent wrote:I like Gary
- DataAgent wrote:I like Gary
- DataAgent wrote:I like Gary
- DataAgent wrote:I like Gary
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Even
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Yes,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Yes,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Yes,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Yes,
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Yes,
- Arraya wrote:If we did not
- Arraya wrote:If we did not
- Arraya wrote:If we did not
- Arraya wrote:If we did not
- Arraya wrote:If we did not
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont get
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont get
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont get
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont get
- sdrealtor wrote:I dont get
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, from the
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, from the
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, from the
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, from the
- ocrenter wrote:CAR, from the
- AN wrote:CAR, according to
- AN wrote:CAR, according to
- AN wrote:CAR, according to
- AN wrote:CAR, according to
- AN wrote:CAR, according to
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- ocrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- svelte wrote:By sheer
- svelte wrote:By sheer
- svelte wrote:By sheer
- svelte wrote:By sheer
- svelte wrote:By sheer
- AN wrote:Arraya wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Arraya wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Arraya wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Arraya wrote:AN
- AN wrote:Arraya wrote:AN
- zzz wrote:i think most of us
- zzz wrote:i think most of us
- zzz wrote:i think most of us
- zzz wrote:i think most of us
- zzz wrote:i think most of us
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- captcha wrote:briansd1
- captcha wrote:briansd1
- captcha wrote:briansd1
- captcha wrote:briansd1
- captcha wrote:briansd1
- sdcellar wrote:My contention
- sdcellar wrote:My contention
- sdcellar wrote:My contention
- sdcellar wrote:My contention
- sdcellar wrote:My contention
- jpinpb wrote:AN wrote:Also,
- jpinpb wrote:AN wrote:Also,
- jpinpb wrote:AN wrote:Also,
- jpinpb wrote:AN wrote:Also,
- jpinpb wrote:AN wrote:Also,
- jpinpb wrote:Again, none of
- jpinpb wrote:Again, none of
- jpinpb wrote:Again, none of
- jpinpb wrote:Again, none of
- jpinpb wrote:Again, none of
- briansd1 wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:sdrealtor
- briansd1 wrote:UCGal wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:UCGal wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:UCGal wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:UCGal wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:UCGal wrote:
- Holy cow…almost $6,000/yr
- Holy cow…almost $6,000/yr
- Holy cow…almost $6,000/yr
- Holy cow…almost $6,000/yr
- Holy cow…almost $6,000/yr
- curiousmind wrote:SK in CV
- curiousmind wrote:SK in CV
- curiousmind wrote:SK in CV
- curiousmind wrote:SK in CV
- curiousmind wrote:SK in CV
- SK in CV wrote:aldante
- SK in CV wrote:aldante
- SK in CV wrote:aldante
- SK in CV wrote:aldante
- SK in CV wrote:aldante
- Arraya wrote:eavesdropper
- Arraya wrote:eavesdropper
- Arraya wrote:eavesdropper
- Arraya wrote:eavesdropper
- Arraya wrote:eavesdropper
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- captcha wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:Renters don’t
- outtamojo wrote:Renters don’t
- outtamojo wrote:Renters don’t
- outtamojo wrote:Renters don’t
- outtamojo wrote:Renters don’t
- AN wrote:jpinpb wrote:Agreed.
- AN wrote:jpinpb wrote:Agreed.
- AN wrote:jpinpb wrote:Agreed.
- AN wrote:jpinpb wrote:Agreed.
- AN wrote:jpinpb wrote:Agreed.
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:ucodegen
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:ucodegen
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:ucodegen
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:ucodegen
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:ucodegen
- ucodegen wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- ucodegen wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- ucodegen wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- ucodegen wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- ucodegen wrote:Nor-LA-SD-GUY2
- Arraya wrote:He was ignored
- Arraya wrote:He was ignored
- Arraya wrote:He was ignored
- Arraya wrote:He was ignored
- Arraya wrote:He was ignored
- jpinpb wrote:I just have such
- jpinpb wrote:I just have such
- jpinpb wrote:I just have such
- jpinpb wrote:I just have such
- jpinpb wrote:I just have such
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Yea, BUT
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Yea, BUT
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Yea, BUT
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Yea, BUT
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Yea, BUT
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:So this
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:So this
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:So this
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:So this
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:So this
- Good for your dad, and good
- Good for your dad, and good
- Good for your dad, and good
- Good for your dad, and good
- Good for your dad, and good
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:AN
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:As
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- $5,000/year…yes, it’s worth
- $5,000/year…yes, it’s worth
- $5,000/year…yes, it’s worth
- $5,000/year…yes, it’s worth
- $5,000/year…yes, it’s worth
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Not
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Not
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Not
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Not
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Not
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- sdrealtor
- jstoesz wrote:Can I just
- jstoesz wrote:Can I just
- jstoesz wrote:Can I just
- jstoesz wrote:Can I just
- jstoesz wrote:Can I just
- You can’t possibly be
- You can’t possibly be
- You can’t possibly be
- You can’t possibly be
- You can’t possibly be
- AN wrote:You’re assuming
- AN wrote:You’re assuming
- AN wrote:You’re assuming
- AN wrote:You’re assuming
- AN wrote:You’re assuming
- AN wrote:How much can you
- AN wrote:How much can you
- AN wrote:How much can you
- AN wrote:How much can you
- AN wrote:How much can you
- sdrealtor wrote:TV’s was just
- sdrealtor wrote:TV’s was just
- sdrealtor wrote:TV’s was just
- sdrealtor wrote:TV’s was just
- sdrealtor wrote:TV’s was just
- davelj wrote:Arraya
- davelj wrote:Arraya
- davelj wrote:Arraya
- davelj wrote:Arraya
- davelj wrote:Arraya
- briansd1 wrote:We have 14
- briansd1 wrote:We have 14
- briansd1 wrote:We have 14
- briansd1 wrote:We have 14
- briansd1 wrote:We have 14
- faterikcartman wrote:Another
- faterikcartman wrote:Another
- faterikcartman wrote:Another
- faterikcartman wrote:Another
- faterikcartman wrote:Another
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- sdsurfer wrote:Much
- sdsurfer wrote:Much
- sdsurfer wrote:Much
- sdsurfer wrote:Much
- sdsurfer wrote:Much
- LOL!!! Loved your last
- LOL!!! Loved your last
- LOL!!! Loved your last
- LOL!!! Loved your last
- LOL!!! Loved your last
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- walterwhite wrote:Assuming
- walterwhite wrote:Assuming
- walterwhite wrote:Assuming
- walterwhite wrote:Assuming
- walterwhite wrote:Assuming
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:I will watch
- sdrealtor wrote:I will watch
- sdrealtor wrote:I will watch
- sdrealtor wrote:I will watch
- sdrealtor wrote:I will watch
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdrealtor wrote:get off it
- sdr,
You clearly did not
- sdr,
You clearly did not
- sdr,
You clearly did not
- sdr,
You clearly did not
- sdr,
You clearly did not
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:We had a very
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- sdrealtor wrote:I think most
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- ocrenter wrote:CA renter
- Very true, poorgradstudent.
- Very true, poorgradstudent.
- Very true, poorgradstudent.
- Very true, poorgradstudent.
- Very true, poorgradstudent.
- bearishgurl wrote:sdrealtor
- bearishgurl wrote:sdrealtor
- bearishgurl wrote:sdrealtor
- bearishgurl wrote:sdrealtor
- bearishgurl wrote:sdrealtor
- CONCHO wrote:They’re just
- CONCHO wrote:They’re just
- CONCHO wrote:They’re just
- CONCHO wrote:They’re just
- CONCHO wrote:They’re just
- Nice job on the refi,
- Nice job on the refi,
- Nice job on the refi,
- Nice job on the refi,
- Nice job on the refi,
- ocrenter wrote:Combining data
- ocrenter wrote:Combining data
- ocrenter wrote:Combining data
- ocrenter wrote:Combining data
- ocrenter wrote:Combining data
- Paul0373 wrote:First of all,
- Paul0373 wrote:First of all,
- Paul0373 wrote:First of all,
- Paul0373 wrote:First of all,
- Paul0373 wrote:First of all,
- Absolutely, I would gladly
- Absolutely, I would gladly
- Absolutely, I would gladly
- Absolutely, I would gladly
- Absolutely, I would gladly
- pri_dk wrote:ucodegen
- pri_dk wrote:ucodegen
- pri_dk wrote:ucodegen
- pri_dk wrote:ucodegen
- pri_dk wrote:ucodegen
- zzz wrote:i think there’s
- zzz wrote:i think there’s
- zzz wrote:i think there’s
- zzz wrote:i think there’s
- zzz wrote:i think there’s
- briansd1 wrote:pemeliza
- briansd1 wrote:pemeliza
- briansd1 wrote:pemeliza
- briansd1 wrote:pemeliza
- briansd1 wrote:pemeliza
- sdrealtor wrote:Well I guess
- sdrealtor wrote:Well I guess
- sdrealtor wrote:Well I guess
- sdrealtor wrote:Well I guess
- sdrealtor wrote:Well I guess
- Eugene wrote:Quote:Brian: You
- Eugene wrote:Quote:Brian: You
- Eugene wrote:Quote:Brian: You
- Eugene wrote:Quote:Brian: You
- Eugene wrote:Quote:Brian: You
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- afx114 wrote:I’m not an
- afx114 wrote:I’m not an
- afx114 wrote:I’m not an
- afx114 wrote:I’m not an
- afx114 wrote:I’m not an
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:Sadly, I don’t
- Arraya wrote:Sadly, I don’t
- Arraya wrote:Sadly, I don’t
- Arraya wrote:Sadly, I don’t
- Arraya wrote:Sadly, I don’t
- Arraya wrote:Well, futures
- Arraya wrote:Well, futures
- Arraya wrote:Well, futures
- Arraya wrote:Well, futures
- Arraya wrote:Well, futures
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- HiggyBaby wrote:My gut says
- HiggyBaby wrote:My gut says
- HiggyBaby wrote:My gut says
- HiggyBaby wrote:My gut says
- HiggyBaby wrote:My gut says
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, a
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, a
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, a
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, a
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, a
- pemeliza wrote:”People are
- pemeliza wrote:”People are
- pemeliza wrote:”People are
- pemeliza wrote:”People are
- pemeliza wrote:”People are
- Okay, I was guessing the
- Okay, I was guessing the
- Okay, I was guessing the
- Okay, I was guessing the
- Okay, I was guessing the
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- pemeliza wrote:I’m sorry to
- pemeliza wrote:I’m sorry to
- pemeliza wrote:I’m sorry to
- pemeliza wrote:I’m sorry to
- pemeliza wrote:I’m sorry to
- EconProf wrote:OK, I’ll
- EconProf wrote:OK, I’ll
- EconProf wrote:OK, I’ll
- EconProf wrote:OK, I’ll
- EconProf wrote:OK, I’ll
- Jacarandoso wrote:I didn’t
- Jacarandoso wrote:I didn’t
- Jacarandoso wrote:I didn’t
- Jacarandoso wrote:I didn’t
- Jacarandoso wrote:I didn’t
- paramount wrote:This is all
- paramount wrote:This is all
- paramount wrote:This is all
- paramount wrote:This is all
- paramount wrote:This is all
- aldante wrote:The house
- aldante wrote:The house
- aldante wrote:The house
- aldante wrote:The house
- aldante wrote:The house
- briansd1 wrote:AN
- briansd1 wrote:AN
- briansd1 wrote:AN
- briansd1 wrote:AN
- briansd1 wrote:AN
- DomoArigato wrote:briansd1
- DomoArigato wrote:briansd1
- DomoArigato wrote:briansd1
- DomoArigato wrote:briansd1
- DomoArigato wrote:briansd1
- recordsclerk wrote:It’s not
- recordsclerk wrote:It’s not
- recordsclerk wrote:It’s not
- recordsclerk wrote:It’s not
- recordsclerk wrote:It’s not
- Arraya wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- Arraya wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- Arraya wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- Arraya wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- Arraya wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- afx114 wrote:Wait, is this
- afx114 wrote:Wait, is this
- afx114 wrote:Wait, is this
- afx114 wrote:Wait, is this
- afx114 wrote:Wait, is this
- briansd1 wrote:Arraya
- briansd1 wrote:Arraya
- briansd1 wrote:Arraya
- briansd1 wrote:Arraya
- briansd1 wrote:Arraya
- briansd1 wrote:I’m with
- briansd1 wrote:I’m with
- briansd1 wrote:I’m with
- briansd1 wrote:I’m with
- briansd1 wrote:I’m with
- AK wrote:My tinfoil hat
- AK wrote:My tinfoil hat
- AK wrote:My tinfoil hat
- AK wrote:My tinfoil hat
- AK wrote:My tinfoil hat
- Tin foil hat moment…
It is
- Tin foil hat moment…
It is
- Tin foil hat moment…
It is
- Tin foil hat moment…
It is
- Tin foil hat moment…
It is
- SD Realtor wrote:I agree with
- SD Realtor wrote:I agree with
- SD Realtor wrote:I agree with
- SD Realtor wrote:I agree with
- SD Realtor wrote:I agree with
- Brian,
Do you honestly not
- Brian,
Do you honestly not
- Brian,
Do you honestly not
- Brian,
Do you honestly not
- Brian,
Do you honestly not
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- briansd1 wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:Arraya
- sdduuuude wrote:Arraya
- sdduuuude wrote:Arraya
- sdduuuude wrote:Arraya
- sdduuuude wrote:Arraya
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- DomoArigato wrote:AN
- DomoArigato wrote:AN
- DomoArigato wrote:AN
- DomoArigato wrote:AN
- DomoArigato wrote:AN
- sdduuuude wrote:Interesting
- sdduuuude wrote:Interesting
- sdduuuude wrote:Interesting
- sdduuuude wrote:Interesting
- sdduuuude wrote:Interesting
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Just
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Just
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Just
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Just
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Just
- Just reposting this info
- Just reposting this info
- Just reposting this info
- Just reposting this info
- Just reposting this info
- faterikcartman wrote:I burned
- faterikcartman wrote:I burned
- faterikcartman wrote:I burned
- faterikcartman wrote:I burned
- faterikcartman wrote:I burned
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- sdduuuude wrote:urbanrealtor
- sdduuuude wrote:urbanrealtor
- sdduuuude wrote:urbanrealtor
- sdduuuude wrote:urbanrealtor
- sdduuuude wrote:urbanrealtor
- faterikcartman wrote:How
- faterikcartman wrote:How
- faterikcartman wrote:How
- faterikcartman wrote:How
- faterikcartman wrote:How
- walterwhite wrote:to be more
- walterwhite wrote:to be more
- walterwhite wrote:to be more
- walterwhite wrote:to be more
- walterwhite wrote:to be more
- urbanrealtor wrote:Rich
- urbanrealtor wrote:Rich
- urbanrealtor wrote:Rich
- urbanrealtor wrote:Rich
- urbanrealtor wrote:Rich
- saiine wrote:sdduuuude
- saiine wrote:sdduuuude
- saiine wrote:sdduuuude
- saiine wrote:sdduuuude
- saiine wrote:sdduuuude
- bob2007 wrote:I would agree
- bob2007 wrote:I would agree
- bob2007 wrote:I would agree
- bob2007 wrote:I would agree
- bob2007 wrote:I would agree
- faterikcartman,
JBurkett laid
- faterikcartman,
JBurkett laid
- faterikcartman,
JBurkett laid
- faterikcartman,
JBurkett laid
- faterikcartman,
JBurkett laid
- faterikcartman wrote:briansd1
- faterikcartman wrote:briansd1
- faterikcartman wrote:briansd1
- faterikcartman wrote:briansd1
- faterikcartman wrote:briansd1
- jstoesz wrote:The move up
- jstoesz wrote:The move up
- jstoesz wrote:The move up
- jstoesz wrote:The move up
- jstoesz wrote:The move up
- UCGal wrote:I was a student
- UCGal wrote:I was a student
- UCGal wrote:I was a student
- UCGal wrote:I was a student
- UCGal wrote:I was a student
- AN wrote:CAR, did you skip
- AN wrote:CAR, did you skip
- AN wrote:CAR, did you skip
- AN wrote:CAR, did you skip
- AN wrote:CAR, did you skip
- AN wrote:You’re right, public
- AN wrote:You’re right, public
- AN wrote:You’re right, public
- AN wrote:You’re right, public
- AN wrote:You’re right, public
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- EconProf wrote:CArenter: Are
- EconProf wrote:CArenter: Are
- EconProf wrote:CArenter: Are
- EconProf wrote:CArenter: Are
- EconProf wrote:CArenter: Are
- eavesdropper wrote:captcha
- eavesdropper wrote:captcha
- eavesdropper wrote:captcha
- eavesdropper wrote:captcha
- eavesdropper wrote:captcha
- flu wrote:walterwhite
- flu wrote:walterwhite
- flu wrote:walterwhite
- flu wrote:walterwhite
- flu wrote:walterwhite
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- Don’t know the development
- Don’t know the development
- Don’t know the development
- Don’t know the development
- Don’t know the development
- threadkiller wrote:It’s all
- threadkiller wrote:It’s all
- threadkiller wrote:It’s all
- threadkiller wrote:It’s all
- threadkiller wrote:It’s all
- Bubblesitter wrote:Well
- Bubblesitter wrote:Well
- Bubblesitter wrote:Well
- Bubblesitter wrote:Well
- Bubblesitter wrote:Well
- That was something we were
- That was something we were
- That was something we were
- That was something we were
- That was something we were
- bearishgurl wrote:jp, you
- bearishgurl wrote:jp, you
- bearishgurl wrote:jp, you
- bearishgurl wrote:jp, you
- bearishgurl wrote:jp, you
- sdrealtor wrote:Actually it
- sdrealtor wrote:Actually it
- sdrealtor wrote:Actually it
- sdrealtor wrote:Actually it
- sdrealtor wrote:Actually it
- pemeliza wrote:sdr, thanks
- pemeliza wrote:sdr, thanks
- pemeliza wrote:sdr, thanks
- pemeliza wrote:sdr, thanks
- pemeliza wrote:sdr, thanks
- Nope, not immune.
- Nope, not immune.
- Nope, not immune.
- Nope, not immune.
- Nope, not immune.
- jpinpb wrote:3368 Trumbull
- jpinpb wrote:3368 Trumbull
- jpinpb wrote:3368 Trumbull
- jpinpb wrote:3368 Trumbull
- jpinpb wrote:3368 Trumbull
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- njtosd wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CAR – maybe
- jpinpb wrote:CAR – maybe
- jpinpb wrote:CAR – maybe
- jpinpb wrote:CAR – maybe
- jpinpb wrote:CAR – maybe
- flu wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- eavesdropper wrote:jpinpb
- jpinpb wrote:outtamojo
- jpinpb wrote:outtamojo
- jpinpb wrote:outtamojo
- jpinpb wrote:outtamojo
- jpinpb wrote:outtamojo
- temeculaguy wrote:Before
- temeculaguy wrote:Before
- temeculaguy wrote:Before
- temeculaguy wrote:Before
- temeculaguy wrote:Before
- jpinpb wrote:eavesdropper –
- jpinpb wrote:eavesdropper –
- jpinpb wrote:eavesdropper –
- jpinpb wrote:eavesdropper –
- jpinpb wrote:eavesdropper –
- outtamojo wrote:AN wrote:Jp
- outtamojo wrote:AN wrote:Jp
- outtamojo wrote:AN wrote:Jp
- outtamojo wrote:AN wrote:Jp
- outtamojo wrote:AN wrote:Jp
- SD Realtor wrote:Cannot say I
- SD Realtor wrote:Cannot say I
- SD Realtor wrote:Cannot say I
- SD Realtor wrote:Cannot say I
- SD Realtor wrote:Cannot say I
- carlsbadworker wrote:CA
- carlsbadworker wrote:CA
- carlsbadworker wrote:CA
- carlsbadworker wrote:CA
- carlsbadworker wrote:CA
- carlsbadworker wrote:I will
- carlsbadworker wrote:I will
- carlsbadworker wrote:I will
- carlsbadworker wrote:I will
- carlsbadworker wrote:I will
- Multinationals (and China,
- Multinationals (and China,
- Multinationals (and China,
- Multinationals (and China,
- Multinationals (and China,
- SD Realtor wrote:AN it is not
- SD Realtor wrote:AN it is not
- SD Realtor wrote:AN it is not
- SD Realtor wrote:AN it is not
- SD Realtor wrote:AN it is not
- TemekuT wrote:The yardstick
- TemekuT wrote:The yardstick
- TemekuT wrote:The yardstick
- TemekuT wrote:The yardstick
- TemekuT wrote:The yardstick
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- One more thing…
I wonder if
- One more thing…
I wonder if
- One more thing…
I wonder if
- One more thing…
I wonder if
- One more thing…
I wonder if
- Ren wrote:I’m a fitness
- Ren wrote:I’m a fitness
- Ren wrote:I’m a fitness
- Ren wrote:I’m a fitness
- Ren wrote:I’m a fitness
- It’s still higher than its
- It’s still higher than its
- It’s still higher than its
- It’s still higher than its
- It’s still higher than its
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- svelte wrote:
And Hobie…if
- svelte wrote:
And Hobie…if
- svelte wrote:
And Hobie…if
- svelte wrote:
And Hobie…if
- svelte wrote:
And Hobie…if
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:Again I
- SD Realtor wrote:Again I
- SD Realtor wrote:Again I
- SD Realtor wrote:Again I
- SD Realtor wrote:Again I
- SD Realtor wrote:Owning a
- SD Realtor wrote:Owning a
- SD Realtor wrote:Owning a
- SD Realtor wrote:Owning a
- SD Realtor wrote:Owning a
- EconProf wrote:You
- EconProf wrote:You
- EconProf wrote:You
- EconProf wrote:You
- EconProf wrote:You
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:And
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:In
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:In
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:In
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:In
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:In
- SD Realtor wrote:Why just
- SD Realtor wrote:Why just
- SD Realtor wrote:Why just
- SD Realtor wrote:Why just
- SD Realtor wrote:Why just
- masayako wrote:When a state
- masayako wrote:When a state
- masayako wrote:When a state
- masayako wrote:When a state
- masayako wrote:When a state
- jstoesz wrote:CAR, define a
- jstoesz wrote:CAR, define a
- jstoesz wrote:CAR, define a
- jstoesz wrote:CAR, define a
- jstoesz wrote:CAR, define a
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:ucodegen wrote:
- AN wrote:ucodegen wrote:
- AN wrote:ucodegen wrote:
- AN wrote:ucodegen wrote:
- AN wrote:ucodegen wrote:
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- outtamojo wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:Oh those
- SD Realtor wrote:Oh those
- SD Realtor wrote:Oh those
- SD Realtor wrote:Oh those
- SD Realtor wrote:Oh those
- masayako wrote:Thanks to our
- masayako wrote:Thanks to our
- masayako wrote:Thanks to our
- masayako wrote:Thanks to our
- masayako wrote:Thanks to our
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- flu wrote:CA renter wrote:I
- briansd1 wrote:KSMountain
- briansd1 wrote:KSMountain
- briansd1 wrote:KSMountain
- briansd1 wrote:KSMountain
- briansd1 wrote:KSMountain
- Aecetia wrote:Priceless or
- Aecetia wrote:Priceless or
- Aecetia wrote:Priceless or
- Aecetia wrote:Priceless or
- Aecetia wrote:Priceless or
- I wonder if the companies who
- I wonder if the companies who
- I wonder if the companies who
- I wonder if the companies who
- I wonder if the companies who
- briansd1 wrote:The
- briansd1 wrote:The
- briansd1 wrote:The
- briansd1 wrote:The
- briansd1 wrote:The
- sdduuuude wrote:I look at it
- sdduuuude wrote:I look at it
- sdduuuude wrote:I look at it
- sdduuuude wrote:I look at it
- sdduuuude wrote:I look at it
- When we sold our personal
- When we sold our personal
- When we sold our personal
- When we sold our personal
- When we sold our personal
- All good advice,
- All good advice,
- All good advice,
- All good advice,
- All good advice,
- sdrealtor wrote:I kinda
- sdrealtor wrote:I kinda
- sdrealtor wrote:I kinda
- sdrealtor wrote:I kinda
- sdrealtor wrote:I kinda
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes that is
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes that is
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes that is
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes that is
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes that is
- sdrealtor wrote:If it was me,
- sdrealtor wrote:If it was me,
- sdrealtor wrote:If it was me,
- sdrealtor wrote:If it was me,
- sdrealtor wrote:If it was me,
- Thanks, jp!
- Thanks, jp!
- Thanks, jp!
- Thanks, jp!
- Thanks, jp!
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- AN wrote:bearishgurl
- bearishgurl wrote:AN wrote: .
- bearishgurl wrote:AN wrote: .
- bearishgurl wrote:AN wrote: .
- bearishgurl wrote:AN wrote: .
- bearishgurl wrote:AN wrote: .
- AN wrote:Some went up and
- AN wrote:Some went up and
- AN wrote:Some went up and
- AN wrote:Some went up and
- AN wrote:Some went up and
- Bubblesitter wrote:Here we go
- Bubblesitter wrote:Here we go
- Bubblesitter wrote:Here we go
- Bubblesitter wrote:Here we go
- Bubblesitter wrote:Here we go
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- svelte wrote:walterwhite
- walterwhite wrote:i did
- walterwhite wrote:i did
- walterwhite wrote:i did
- walterwhite wrote:i did
- walterwhite wrote:i did
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:One of my
- UCGal wrote:One of my
- UCGal wrote:One of my
- UCGal wrote:One of my
- UCGal wrote:One of my
- Thanks for posting these,
- Thanks for posting these,
- Thanks for posting these,
- Thanks for posting these,
- Thanks for posting these,
- sdrealtor wrote:I know plenty
- sdrealtor wrote:I know plenty
- sdrealtor wrote:I know plenty
- sdrealtor wrote:I know plenty
- sdrealtor wrote:I know plenty
- Rhett wrote:I find all of
- Rhett wrote:I find all of
- Rhett wrote:I find all of
- Rhett wrote:I find all of
- Rhett wrote:I find all of
- GH wrote:The problem with
- GH wrote:The problem with
- GH wrote:The problem with
- GH wrote:The problem with
- GH wrote:The problem with
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- walterwhite wrote:still, with
- walterwhite wrote:still, with
- walterwhite wrote:still, with
- walterwhite wrote:still, with
- walterwhite wrote:still, with
- gandalf wrote:Question for
- gandalf wrote:Question for
- gandalf wrote:Question for
- gandalf wrote:Question for
- gandalf wrote:Question for
- When there’s a fraudulent
- When there’s a fraudulent
- When there’s a fraudulent
- When there’s a fraudulent
- When there’s a fraudulent
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- CognitiveDissonance
- jstoesz wrote:I would like to
- jstoesz wrote:I would like to
- jstoesz wrote:I would like to
- jstoesz wrote:I would like to
- jstoesz wrote:I would like to
- njtosd wrote:We’ve seen this
- njtosd wrote:We’ve seen this
- njtosd wrote:We’ve seen this
- njtosd wrote:We’ve seen this
- njtosd wrote:We’ve seen this
- CardiffBaseball wrote:The
- CardiffBaseball wrote:The
- CardiffBaseball wrote:The
- CardiffBaseball wrote:The
- CardiffBaseball wrote:The
- Ultimately, still a
- Ultimately, still a
- Ultimately, still a
- Ultimately, still a
- Ultimately, still a
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Right, I
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Right, I
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Right, I
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Right, I
- pri_dk wrote:Quote:Right, I
- GH wrote:CA renter wrote:Of
- GH wrote:CA renter wrote:Of
- GH wrote:CA renter wrote:Of
- GH wrote:CA renter wrote:Of
- GH wrote:CA renter wrote:Of
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:
Your comments
- pri_dk wrote:
Your comments
- pri_dk wrote:
Your comments
- pri_dk wrote:
Your comments
- pri_dk wrote:
Your comments
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:The
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:So, in essence, you
- AN wrote:So, in essence, you
- AN wrote:So, in essence, you
- AN wrote:So, in essence, you
- AN wrote:So, in essence, you
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Let
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Let
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Let
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Let
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:Let
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- Eugene wrote:Quote:IMHO, we
- Eugene wrote:Quote:IMHO, we
- Eugene wrote:Quote:IMHO, we
- Eugene wrote:Quote:IMHO, we
- Eugene wrote:Quote:IMHO, we
- SK in CV wrote:AN wrote:SK in
- SK in CV wrote:AN wrote:SK in
- SK in CV wrote:AN wrote:SK in
- SK in CV wrote:AN wrote:SK in
- SK in CV wrote:AN wrote:SK in
- bubba99 wrote:IMPORT Tax, or
- bubba99 wrote:IMPORT Tax, or
- bubba99 wrote:IMPORT Tax, or
- bubba99 wrote:IMPORT Tax, or
- bubba99 wrote:IMPORT Tax, or
- We should not discourage work
- We should not discourage work
- We should not discourage work
- We should not discourage work
- We should not discourage work
- eyePod wrote:Cogno wrote
- eyePod wrote:Cogno wrote
- eyePod wrote:Cogno wrote
- eyePod wrote:Cogno wrote
- eyePod wrote:Cogno wrote
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil wrote:CA renter
- Vod-Vil
- Vod-Vil
- Vod-Vil
- Vod-Vil
- Vod-Vil
- paramount wrote:Unorganized
- paramount wrote:Unorganized
- paramount wrote:Unorganized
- paramount wrote:Unorganized
- paramount wrote:Unorganized
- socrattt wrote:Eugene
- socrattt wrote:Eugene
- socrattt wrote:Eugene
- socrattt wrote:Eugene
- socrattt wrote:Eugene
- jstoesz wrote:Another shining
- jstoesz wrote:Another shining
- jstoesz wrote:Another shining
- jstoesz wrote:Another shining
- jstoesz wrote:Another shining
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I stand
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I stand
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I stand
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I stand
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I stand
- Right, paramount.
Are we
- Right, paramount.
Are we
- Right, paramount.
Are we
- Right, paramount.
Are we
- Right, paramount.
Are we
- Enjoy your trip, KSMountain!
- Enjoy your trip, KSMountain!
- Enjoy your trip, KSMountain!
- Enjoy your trip, KSMountain!
- Enjoy your trip, KSMountain!
- This one, from June of
- This one, from June of
- This one, from June of
- This one, from June of
- This one, from June of
- Here, from 2008:
Comment by
- Here, from 2008:
Comment by
- Here, from 2008:
Comment by
- Here, from 2008:
Comment by
- Here, from 2008:
Comment by
- Where did I ever say that
- Where did I ever say that
- Where did I ever say that
- Where did I ever say that
- Where did I ever say that
- sdrealtor wrote:Would have
- sdrealtor wrote:Would have
- sdrealtor wrote:Would have
- sdrealtor wrote:Would have
- sdrealtor wrote:Would have
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:
- bubba99 wrote:walterwhite
- bubba99 wrote:walterwhite
- bubba99 wrote:walterwhite
- bubba99 wrote:walterwhite
- bubba99 wrote:walterwhite
- briansd1 wrote:In economic
- briansd1 wrote:In economic
- briansd1 wrote:In economic
- briansd1 wrote:In economic
- briansd1 wrote:In economic
- sdrealtor wrote:Ok just back
- sdrealtor wrote:Ok just back
- sdrealtor wrote:Ok just back
- sdrealtor wrote:Ok just back
- sdrealtor wrote:Ok just back
- I have to agree with you on
- I have to agree with you on
- I have to agree with you on
- I have to agree with you on
- I have to agree with you on
- eavesdropper wrote:
- eavesdropper wrote:
- eavesdropper wrote:
- eavesdropper wrote:
- eavesdropper wrote:
- Excellent posts, Gandalf and
- Excellent posts, Gandalf and
- Excellent posts, Gandalf and
- Excellent posts, Gandalf and
- Excellent posts, Gandalf and
- eavesdropper wrote:briansd1
- eavesdropper wrote:briansd1
- eavesdropper wrote:briansd1
- eavesdropper wrote:briansd1
- eavesdropper wrote:briansd1
- Jacarandoso wrote:On the flip
- Jacarandoso wrote:On the flip
- Jacarandoso wrote:On the flip
- Jacarandoso wrote:On the flip
- Jacarandoso wrote:On the flip
- eavesdropper wrote:CAR, many
- eavesdropper wrote:CAR, many
- eavesdropper wrote:CAR, many
- eavesdropper wrote:CAR, many
- eavesdropper wrote:CAR, many
- IMHO, there is a very simple
- IMHO, there is a very simple
- IMHO, there is a very simple
- IMHO, there is a very simple
- IMHO, there is a very simple
- Personally, I’m rather fond
- Personally, I’m rather fond
- Personally, I’m rather fond
- Personally, I’m rather fond
- Personally, I’m rather fond
- I love hearing about your
- I love hearing about your
- I love hearing about your
- I love hearing about your
- I love hearing about your
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- AN wrote:CA renter wrote:
- The GSEs had very little to
- The GSEs had very little to
- The GSEs had very little to
- The GSEs had very little to
- The GSEs had very little to
- That’s messed up. :(
- That’s messed up. :(
- That’s messed up. :(
- That’s messed up. :(
- That’s messed up. :(
- Yes, my kids and I have
- Yes, my kids and I have
- Yes, my kids and I have
- Yes, my kids and I have
- Yes, my kids and I have
- briansd1 wrote:I think that
- briansd1 wrote:I think that
- briansd1 wrote:I think that
- briansd1 wrote:I think that
- briansd1 wrote:I think that
- Imagine how much better off
- Imagine how much better off
- Imagine how much better off
- Imagine how much better off
- Imagine how much better off
- Rich Toscano
- Rich Toscano
- Rich Toscano
- Rich Toscano
- Rich Toscano
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- CONCHO wrote:bearishgurl
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- afx114 wrote:WikiLeaks cables
- Yes, I know you in person,
- Yes, I know you in person,
- Yes, I know you in person,
- Yes, I know you in person,
- Yes, I know you in person,
- sdrealtor wrote:Hardly, I am
- sdrealtor wrote:Hardly, I am
- sdrealtor wrote:Hardly, I am
- sdrealtor wrote:Hardly, I am
- sdrealtor wrote:Hardly, I am
- flu wrote:Face it… In
- flu wrote:Face it… In
- flu wrote:Face it… In
- flu wrote:Face it… In
- flu wrote:Face it… In
- UCGal wrote:KSMountain
- UCGal wrote:KSMountain
- UCGal wrote:KSMountain
- UCGal wrote:KSMountain
- UCGal wrote:KSMountain
- UCGal wrote:I’ve seen a
- UCGal wrote:I’ve seen a
- UCGal wrote:I’ve seen a
- UCGal wrote:I’ve seen a
- UCGal wrote:I’ve seen a
- flu wrote:paramount
- flu wrote:paramount
- flu wrote:paramount
- flu wrote:paramount
- flu wrote:paramount
- sdrealtor wrote:I think the
- sdrealtor wrote:I think the
- sdrealtor wrote:I think the
- sdrealtor wrote:I think the
- sdrealtor wrote:I think the
- Yes, the slowdown is due to
- Yes, the slowdown is due to
- Yes, the slowdown is due to
- Yes, the slowdown is due to
- Yes, the slowdown is due to
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m going
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m going
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m going
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m going
- temeculaguy wrote:I’m going
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I just
- Note the comments following
- Note the comments following
- Note the comments following
- Note the comments following
- Note the comments following
- walterwhite wrote:Ok I
- walterwhite wrote:Ok I
- walterwhite wrote:Ok I
- walterwhite wrote:Ok I
- walterwhite wrote:Ok I
- Tell your friend to start
- Tell your friend to start
- Tell your friend to start
- Tell your friend to start
- Tell your friend to start
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I love
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I love
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I love
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I love
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I love
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I am
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I am
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I am
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I am
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I am
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
There are
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
There are
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
There are
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
There are
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
There are
- Of course the distressed
- Of course the distressed
- Of course the distressed
- Of course the distressed
- Of course the distressed
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CA
- What’s funny, paramount, is
- What’s funny, paramount, is
- What’s funny, paramount, is
- What’s funny, paramount, is
- What’s funny, paramount, is
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- sdrealtor wrote:Ren
To echo
- sdrealtor wrote:Ren
To echo
- sdrealtor wrote:Ren
To echo
- sdrealtor wrote:Ren
To echo
- sdrealtor wrote:Ren
To echo
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- Ren wrote:bearishgurl
- earlyretirement wrote:Rich
- earlyretirement wrote:Rich
- earlyretirement wrote:Rich
- earlyretirement wrote:Rich
- earlyretirement wrote:Rich
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- bearishgurl wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:eavesdropper
- briansd1 wrote:eavesdropper
- briansd1 wrote:eavesdropper
- briansd1 wrote:eavesdropper
- briansd1 wrote:eavesdropper
- captcha wrote:CAR, the
- captcha wrote:CAR, the
- captcha wrote:CAR, the
- captcha wrote:CAR, the
- captcha wrote:CAR, the
- Agreed. It’s just funny how
- Agreed. It’s just funny how
- Agreed. It’s just funny how
- Agreed. It’s just funny how
- Agreed. It’s just funny how
- jstoesz wrote:paramount,
I am
- jstoesz wrote:paramount,
I am
- jstoesz wrote:paramount,
I am
- jstoesz wrote:paramount,
I am
- jstoesz wrote:paramount,
I am
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- Rich Toscano wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- As usual, it’s a
- As usual, it’s a
- As usual, it’s a
- As usual, it’s a
- As usual, it’s a
- briansd1 wrote:Rich Toscano
- briansd1 wrote:Rich Toscano
- briansd1 wrote:Rich Toscano
- briansd1 wrote:Rich Toscano
- briansd1 wrote:Rich Toscano
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Good point, UCGal.
- Good point, UCGal.
- Good point, UCGal.
- Good point, UCGal.
- Good point, UCGal.
- I have no problem cuttting
- I have no problem cuttting
- I have no problem cuttting
- I have no problem cuttting
- I have no problem cuttting
- Another “not fraudulent” short sale listing?
- briansd1 wrote:SK in CV
- briansd1 wrote:SK in CV
- briansd1 wrote:SK in CV
- briansd1 wrote:SK in CV
- briansd1 wrote:SK in CV
- What awesome news, afx!
- What awesome news, afx!
- What awesome news, afx!
- What awesome news, afx!
- What awesome news, afx!
- Could not agree more!
- Could not agree more!
- Could not agree more!
- Could not agree more!
- Could not agree more!
- Dang. Wish I had seen this
- Dang. Wish I had seen this
- Dang. Wish I had seen this
- Dang. Wish I had seen this
- Dang. Wish I had seen this
- UCGal wrote:flu wrote:I don’t
- UCGal wrote:flu wrote:I don’t
- UCGal wrote:flu wrote:I don’t
- UCGal wrote:flu wrote:I don’t
- UCGal wrote:flu wrote:I don’t
- GH wrote:CA renter
- GH wrote:CA renter
- GH wrote:CA renter
- GH wrote:CA renter
- GH wrote:CA renter
- Wages are stickier than
- Wages are stickier than
- Wages are stickier than
- Wages are stickier than
- Wages are stickier than
- briansd1 wrote:Safety workers
- briansd1 wrote:Safety workers
- briansd1 wrote:Safety workers
- briansd1 wrote:Safety workers
- briansd1 wrote:Safety workers
- Some additional facts about
- Some additional facts about
- Some additional facts about
- Some additional facts about
- Some additional facts about
- I’m not a pension expert, but
- I’m not a pension expert, but
- I’m not a pension expert, but
- I’m not a pension expert, but
- I’m not a pension expert, but
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:pri_dk
- bearishgurl wrote:pri_dk
- bearishgurl wrote:pri_dk
- bearishgurl wrote:pri_dk
- bearishgurl wrote:pri_dk
- From the report:
The analysis
- From the report:
The analysis
- From the report:
The analysis
- From the report:
The analysis
- From the report:
The analysis
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:All I know is
- paramount wrote:All I know is
- paramount wrote:All I know is
- paramount wrote:All I know is
- paramount wrote:All I know is
- paramount wrote:This just
- paramount wrote:This just
- paramount wrote:This just
- paramount wrote:This just
- paramount wrote:This just
- Good luck, Cardiff!
- Good luck, Cardiff!
- Good luck, Cardiff!
- Good luck, Cardiff!
- Good luck, Cardiff!
- flu wrote:Wow…. I have now
- flu wrote:Wow…. I have now
- flu wrote:Wow…. I have now
- flu wrote:Wow…. I have now
- flu wrote:Wow…. I have now
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- We see things in very much
- We see things in very much
- We see things in very much
- We see things in very much
- We see things in very much
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- flu wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- flu wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- flu wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- flu wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- flu wrote:Arraya wrote:CA
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Not sure
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Not sure
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Not sure
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Not sure
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Not sure
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- Arraya wrote:CA renter
- I think the bond market is
- I think the bond market is
- I think the bond market is
- I think the bond market is
- I think the bond market is
- bubba99 wrote:I am told that
- bubba99 wrote:I am told that
- bubba99 wrote:I am told that
- bubba99 wrote:I am told that
- bubba99 wrote:I am told that
- Yes, totally different jobs,
- Yes, totally different jobs,
- Yes, totally different jobs,
- Yes, totally different jobs,
- Yes, totally different jobs,
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- pabloesqobar wrote:CA renter
- Shadowfax wrote:CA renter
- Shadowfax wrote:CA renter
- Shadowfax wrote:CA renter
- Shadowfax wrote:CA renter
- Shadowfax wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:Personally –
- UCGal wrote:Personally –
- UCGal wrote:Personally –
- UCGal wrote:Personally –
- UCGal wrote:Personally –
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- pri_dk wrote:CA renter
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- CDMA ENG wrote:CA renter
- Hatfield wrote:flu
- Hatfield wrote:flu
- Hatfield wrote:flu
- Hatfield wrote:flu
- Hatfield wrote:flu
- Shadowfax wrote:I am not
- Shadowfax wrote:I am not
- Shadowfax wrote:I am not
- Shadowfax wrote:I am not
- Shadowfax wrote:I am not
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:flu wrote:
- I would definitely agree that
- I would definitely agree that
- I would definitely agree that
- I would definitely agree that
- I would definitely agree that
- jimmyle wrote:My wife works
- jimmyle wrote:My wife works
- jimmyle wrote:My wife works
- jimmyle wrote:My wife works
- jimmyle wrote:My wife works
- Wrong, sdr. If someone
- Wrong, sdr. If someone
- Wrong, sdr. If someone
- Wrong, sdr. If someone
- Wrong, sdr. If someone
- jimmyle wrote:That’s a lot
- jimmyle wrote:That’s a lot
- jimmyle wrote:That’s a lot
- jimmyle wrote:That’s a lot
- jimmyle wrote:That’s a lot
- Wow, I can’t believe someone
- Wow, I can’t believe someone
- Wow, I can’t believe someone
- Wow, I can’t believe someone
- Wow, I can’t believe someone
- John,
I think you’re missing
- John,
I think you’re missing
- John,
I think you’re missing
- John,
I think you’re missing
- John,
I think you’re missing
- gandalf wrote:UCGal wrote:I
- gandalf wrote:UCGal wrote:I
- gandalf wrote:UCGal wrote:I
- gandalf wrote:UCGal wrote:I
- gandalf wrote:UCGal wrote:I
- Awesome, gandalf! :)
- Awesome, gandalf! :)
- Awesome, gandalf! :)
- Awesome, gandalf! :)
- Awesome, gandalf! :)
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- How many people who work in
- How many people who work in
- How many people who work in
- How many people who work in
- How many people who work in
- Sounds like he is going to
- Sounds like he is going to
- Sounds like he is going to
- Sounds like he is going to
- Sounds like he is going to
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:
Today, less
- briansd1 wrote:
Today, less
- briansd1 wrote:
Today, less
- briansd1 wrote:
Today, less
- briansd1 wrote:
Today, less
- Yikes! That’s a horrible
- Yikes! That’s a horrible
- Yikes! That’s a horrible
- Yikes! That’s a horrible
- Yikes! That’s a horrible
- Sounds like you’ve found a
- Sounds like you’ve found a
- Sounds like you’ve found a
- Sounds like you’ve found a
- Sounds like you’ve found a
- It might not hurt to hold
- It might not hurt to hold
- It might not hurt to hold
- It might not hurt to hold
- It might not hurt to hold
- davelj wrote:davelj
- davelj wrote:davelj
- davelj wrote:davelj
- davelj wrote:davelj
- davelj wrote:davelj
- Veritas wrote:”Moody’s cut
- Veritas wrote:”Moody’s cut
- Veritas wrote:”Moody’s cut
- Veritas wrote:”Moody’s cut
- Veritas wrote:”Moody’s cut
- AN wrote:It’s all shades of
- AN wrote:It’s all shades of
- AN wrote:It’s all shades of
- AN wrote:It’s all shades of
- AN wrote:It’s all shades of
- Sometimes, the sellers might
- Sometimes, the sellers might
- Sometimes, the sellers might
- Sometimes, the sellers might
- Sometimes, the sellers might
- I find it hard to believe
- I find it hard to believe
- I find it hard to believe
- I find it hard to believe
- I find it hard to believe
- Scarlett wrote:Unless the OP
- Scarlett wrote:Unless the OP
- Scarlett wrote:Unless the OP
- Scarlett wrote:Unless the OP
- Scarlett wrote:Unless the OP
- If the house goes on the
- If the house goes on the
- If the house goes on the
- If the house goes on the
- If the house goes on the
- Thanks for the response, SK.
- Thanks for the response, SK.
- Thanks for the response, SK.
- Thanks for the response, SK.
- Thanks for the response, SK.
- jpinpb wrote:I abhore when
- jpinpb wrote:I abhore when
- jpinpb wrote:I abhore when
- jpinpb wrote:I abhore when
- jpinpb wrote:I abhore when
- That’s exactly how I see it,
- That’s exactly how I see it,
- That’s exactly how I see it,
- That’s exactly how I see it,
- That’s exactly how I see it,
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- This is very good news for
- This is very good news for
- This is very good news for
- This is very good news for
- This is very good news for
- davelj wrote:UCGal
- davelj wrote:UCGal
- davelj wrote:UCGal
- davelj wrote:UCGal
- davelj wrote:UCGal
- Okay…you guys are freaking
- Okay…you guys are freaking
- Okay…you guys are freaking
- Okay…you guys are freaking
- Okay…you guys are freaking
- LOL! :)
- LOL! :)
- LOL! :)
- LOL! :)
- LOL! :)
- No, that’s the problem with
- No, that’s the problem with
- No, that’s the problem with
- No, that’s the problem with
- No, that’s the problem with
- We never indicated that we’d
- We never indicated that we’d
- We never indicated that we’d
- We never indicated that we’d
- We never indicated that we’d
- I second (third) that,
- I second (third) that,
- I second (third) that,
- I second (third) that,
- I second (third) that,
- walterwhite wrote:My wife
- walterwhite wrote:My wife
- walterwhite wrote:My wife
- walterwhite wrote:My wife
- walterwhite wrote:My wife
- ILoveRegulation wrote:Japan
- ILoveRegulation wrote:Japan
- ILoveRegulation wrote:Japan
- ILoveRegulation wrote:Japan
- ILoveRegulation wrote:Japan
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- walterwhite wrote:Wow. Almost
- CricketOnTheHearth wrote:Hi,
- CricketOnTheHearth wrote:Hi,
- CricketOnTheHearth wrote:Hi,
- CricketOnTheHearth wrote:Hi,
- CricketOnTheHearth wrote:Hi,
- Congratulations,
- Congratulations,
- Congratulations,
- Congratulations,
- Congratulations,
- In the previous listing,
- In the previous listing,
- In the previous listing,
- In the previous listing,
- In the previous listing,
- I’m seriously kicking myself
- I’m seriously kicking myself
- I’m seriously kicking myself
- I’m seriously kicking myself
- I’m seriously kicking myself
- davelj wrote:I was unaware
- davelj wrote:I was unaware
- davelj wrote:I was unaware
- davelj wrote:I was unaware
- davelj wrote:I was unaware
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
While it
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
While it
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
While it
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
While it
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
While it
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
No snark
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
No snark
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
No snark
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
No snark
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
No snark
- AN wrote:Here are the data
- AN wrote:Here are the data
- AN wrote:Here are the data
- AN wrote:Here are the data
- AN wrote:Here are the data
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- davelj wrote:Scarlett
- Great post,
- Great post,
- Great post,
- Great post,
- Great post,
- Good post,
- Good post,
- Good post,
- Good post,
- Good post,
- bearishgurl wrote:The way I
- bearishgurl wrote:The way I
- bearishgurl wrote:The way I
- bearishgurl wrote:The way I
- bearishgurl wrote:The way I
- I’ve seen the same thing,
- I’ve seen the same thing,
- I’ve seen the same thing,
- I’ve seen the same thing,
- I’ve seen the same thing,
- Scarlett wrote:
The prices
- Scarlett wrote:
The prices
- Scarlett wrote:
The prices
- Scarlett wrote:
The prices
- Scarlett wrote:
The prices
- scaredy,
It sounds like not
- scaredy,
It sounds like not
- scaredy,
It sounds like not
- scaredy,
It sounds like not
- scaredy,
It sounds like not
- eavesdropper,
I always enjoy
- eavesdropper,
I always enjoy
- eavesdropper,
I always enjoy
- eavesdropper,
I always enjoy
- eavesdropper,
I always enjoy
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, it
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, it
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, it
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, it
- bearishgurl wrote:
CAR, it
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
Sorry but
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
If I was
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
If I was
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
If I was
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
If I was
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
If I was
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont know but
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont know but
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont know but
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont know but
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont know but
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, I
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, I
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, I
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, I
- bearishgurl wrote:Yes, I
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- walterwhite wrote:Oxycontin
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- jpinpb wrote:As pemeliza
- jpinpb wrote:As pemeliza
- jpinpb wrote:As pemeliza
- jpinpb wrote:As pemeliza
- jpinpb wrote:As pemeliza
- I’ve never seen a downturn
- I’ve never seen a downturn
- I’ve never seen a downturn
- I’ve never seen a downturn
- I’ve never seen a downturn
- It always starts with the
- It always starts with the
- It always starts with the
- It always starts with the
- It always starts with the
- Thank you, Arraya.
- Thank you, Arraya.
- Thank you, Arraya.
- Thank you, Arraya.
- Thank you, Arraya.
- walterwhite wrote:I haven’t
- walterwhite wrote:I haven’t
- walterwhite wrote:I haven’t
- walterwhite wrote:I haven’t
- walterwhite wrote:I haven’t
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- svelte wrote:CA renter
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- Thanks for posting that,
- mp7444 wrote:[edit]
I removed
- mp7444 wrote:[edit]
I removed
- mp7444 wrote:[edit]
I removed
- mp7444 wrote:[edit]
I removed
- mp7444 wrote:[edit]
I removed
- LOL! You just had to get
- LOL! You just had to get
- LOL! You just had to get
- LOL! You just had to get
- LOL! You just had to get
- sdrealtor wrote:The trend
- sdrealtor wrote:The trend
- sdrealtor wrote:The trend
- sdrealtor wrote:The trend
- sdrealtor wrote:The trend
- From the link:
“In December,
- From the link:
“In December,
- From the link:
“In December,
- From the link:
“In December,
- From the link:
“In December,
- Rustico wrote:Rustico
- Rustico wrote:Rustico
- Rustico wrote:Rustico
- Rustico wrote:Rustico
- Rustico wrote:Rustico
- DWCAP wrote:(Brian, you’re
- DWCAP wrote:(Brian, you’re
- DWCAP wrote:(Brian, you’re
- DWCAP wrote:(Brian, you’re
- DWCAP wrote:(Brian, you’re
- Rustico wrote:Thanks for
- Rustico wrote:Thanks for
- Rustico wrote:Thanks for
- Rustico wrote:Thanks for
- Rustico wrote:Thanks for
- In the spirit of trying to
- In the spirit of trying to
- In the spirit of trying to
- In the spirit of trying to
- In the spirit of trying to
- briansd1 wrote:gandalf
- briansd1 wrote:gandalf
- briansd1 wrote:gandalf
- briansd1 wrote:gandalf
- briansd1 wrote:gandalf
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Vod-Vil wrote:The Democratic
- Vod-Vil wrote:The Democratic
- Vod-Vil wrote:The Democratic
- Vod-Vil wrote:The Democratic
- Vod-Vil wrote:The Democratic
- Aecetia wrote:”Former SEIU
- Aecetia wrote:”Former SEIU
- Aecetia wrote:”Former SEIU
- Aecetia wrote:”Former SEIU
- Aecetia wrote:”Former SEIU
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- paramount wrote:UCGal
- Having seen alcoholism up
- Having seen alcoholism up
- Having seen alcoholism up
- Having seen alcoholism up
- Having seen alcoholism up
- njtosd,
IIRC, you were/are a
- njtosd,
IIRC, you were/are a
- njtosd,
IIRC, you were/are a
- njtosd,
IIRC, you were/are a
- njtosd,
IIRC, you were/are a
- paramount wrote:permabear
- paramount wrote:permabear
- paramount wrote:permabear
- paramount wrote:permabear
- paramount wrote:permabear
- CONCHO wrote:Taking away the
- CONCHO wrote:Taking away the
- CONCHO wrote:Taking away the
- CONCHO wrote:Taking away the
- CONCHO wrote:Taking away the
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- Great to see you back, Eaves!
- Great to see you back, Eaves!
- Great to see you back, Eaves!
- Great to see you back, Eaves!
- Great to see you back, Eaves!
- Thank you for pointing out
- Thank you for pointing out
- Thank you for pointing out
- Thank you for pointing out
- Thank you for pointing out
- UCGal wrote:I have issues
- UCGal wrote:I have issues
- UCGal wrote:I have issues
- UCGal wrote:I have issues
- UCGal wrote:I have issues
- One more expense I forgot to
- One more expense I forgot to
- One more expense I forgot to
- One more expense I forgot to
- One more expense I forgot to
- gandalf wrote:paramount
- gandalf wrote:paramount
- gandalf wrote:paramount
- gandalf wrote:paramount
- gandalf wrote:paramount
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- BTW, can someone tells us
- BTW, can someone tells us
- BTW, can someone tells us
- BTW, can someone tells us
- BTW, can someone tells us
- From gandalf’s link:
On the
- From gandalf’s link:
On the
- From gandalf’s link:
On the
- From gandalf’s link:
On the
- From gandalf’s link:
On the
- zk wrote:Allan from Fallbrook
- zk wrote:Allan from Fallbrook
- zk wrote:Allan from Fallbrook
- zk wrote:Allan from Fallbrook
- zk wrote:Allan from Fallbrook
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, we had
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, we had
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, we had
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, we had
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, we had
- KSMountain
- KSMountain
- KSMountain
- KSMountain
- KSMountain
- briansd1 wrote:That’s pretty
- briansd1 wrote:That’s pretty
- briansd1 wrote:That’s pretty
- briansd1 wrote:That’s pretty
- briansd1 wrote:That’s pretty
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Another
- paramount wrote:Another
- paramount wrote:Another
- paramount wrote:Another
- paramount wrote:Another
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- zk wrote:CA renter
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Arraya
- Like I’ve suggested
- Like I’ve suggested
- Like I’ve suggested
- Like I’ve suggested
- Like I’ve suggested
- Just wish we had more
- Just wish we had more
- Just wish we had more
- Just wish we had more
- Just wish we had more
- equalizer wrote:So I open the
- equalizer wrote:So I open the
- equalizer wrote:So I open the
- equalizer wrote:So I open the
- equalizer wrote:So I open the
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- BTW, “pension spiking” is a
- BTW, “pension spiking” is a
- BTW, “pension spiking” is a
- BTW, “pension spiking” is a
- BTW, “pension spiking” is a
- Re-posting this for Allan.
- Re-posting this for Allan.
- Re-posting this for Allan.
- Re-posting this for Allan.
- Re-posting this for Allan.
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- equalizer wrote:This may have
- equalizer wrote:This may have
- equalizer wrote:This may have
- equalizer wrote:This may have
- equalizer wrote:This may have
- Yes, they have been making
- Yes, they have been making
- Yes, they have been making
- Yes, they have been making
- Yes, they have been making
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- Anyone here considered
- Anyone here considered
- Anyone here considered
- Anyone here considered
- Anyone here considered
- Good one, afx. :)
- Good one, afx. :)
- Good one, afx. :)
- Good one, afx. :)
- Good one, afx. :)
- UCGal wrote:I loved that
- UCGal wrote:I loved that
- UCGal wrote:I loved that
- UCGal wrote:I loved that
- UCGal wrote:I loved that
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- UCGal wrote:sdduuuude
- A pig just flew past my
- A pig just flew past my
- A pig just flew past my
- A pig just flew past my
- A pig just flew past my
- Thanks for your insights, Ren
- Thanks for your insights, Ren
- Thanks for your insights, Ren
- Thanks for your insights, Ren
- Thanks for your insights, Ren
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:I have one!
- jstoesz wrote:I have one!
- jstoesz wrote:I have one!
- jstoesz wrote:I have one!
- jstoesz wrote:I have one!
- BTW, you might enjoy this,
- BTW, you might enjoy this,
- BTW, you might enjoy this,
- BTW, you might enjoy this,
- BTW, you might enjoy this,
- jstoesz wrote:Come on
- jstoesz wrote:Come on
- jstoesz wrote:Come on
- jstoesz wrote:Come on
- jstoesz wrote:Come on
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- Thanks, jp.
I’m working on
- Thanks, jp.
I’m working on
- Thanks, jp.
I’m working on
- Thanks, jp.
I’m working on
- Thanks, jp.
I’m working on
- Eugene wrote:Quote:No, I am
- Eugene wrote:Quote:No, I am
- Eugene wrote:Quote:No, I am
- Eugene wrote:Quote:No, I am
- Eugene wrote:Quote:No, I am
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter,
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb
- davelj wrote:Allan from
- davelj wrote:Allan from
- davelj wrote:Allan from
- davelj wrote:Allan from
- davelj wrote:Allan from
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jstoesz wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:briansd1
- jpinpb wrote:briansd1
- jpinpb wrote:briansd1
- jpinpb wrote:briansd1
- jpinpb wrote:briansd1
- saiine wrote:
Facebook? Why
- saiine wrote:
Facebook? Why
- saiine wrote:
Facebook? Why
- saiine wrote:
Facebook? Why
- saiine wrote:
Facebook? Why
- jstoesz wrote:your goals are
- jstoesz wrote:your goals are
- jstoesz wrote:your goals are
- jstoesz wrote:your goals are
- jstoesz wrote:your goals are
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- bearishgurl wrote:briansd1
- FWIW, here’s what I proposed,
- FWIW, here’s what I proposed,
- FWIW, here’s what I proposed,
- FWIW, here’s what I proposed,
- FWIW, here’s what I proposed,
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter, I
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:My
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:My
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:My
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:My
- svelte wrote:flu wrote:My
- Yes, but I sure don’t want to
- Yes, but I sure don’t want to
- Yes, but I sure don’t want to
- Yes, but I sure don’t want to
- Yes, but I sure don’t want to
- flu wrote:Oh folks, don’t let
- flu wrote:Oh folks, don’t let
- flu wrote:Oh folks, don’t let
- flu wrote:Oh folks, don’t let
- flu wrote:Oh folks, don’t let
- AN wrote:I hate those type of
- AN wrote:I hate those type of
- AN wrote:I hate those type of
- AN wrote:I hate those type of
- AN wrote:I hate those type of
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- Allan from Fallbrook wrote:CA
- saiine wrote:CA renter
- saiine wrote:CA renter
- saiine wrote:CA renter
- saiine wrote:CA renter
- saiine wrote:CA renter
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Definitely worth seeing, even
- Definitely worth seeing, even
- Definitely worth seeing, even
- Definitely worth seeing, even
- Definitely worth seeing, even
- jstoesz wrote:The reason is
- jstoesz wrote:The reason is
- jstoesz wrote:The reason is
- jstoesz wrote:The reason is
- jstoesz wrote:The reason is
- What are some of your
- What are some of your
- What are some of your
- What are some of your
- What are some of your
- Yes. While I really enjoy
- Yes. While I really enjoy
- Yes. While I really enjoy
- Yes. While I really enjoy
- Yes. While I really enjoy
- Totally agree with both of
- Totally agree with both of
- Totally agree with both of
- Totally agree with both of
- Totally agree with both of
- ucodegen wrote:ETFs are not a
- ucodegen wrote:ETFs are not a
- ucodegen wrote:ETFs are not a
- ucodegen wrote:ETFs are not a
- ucodegen wrote:ETFs are not a
- enron_by_the_sea
- enron_by_the_sea
- enron_by_the_sea
- enron_by_the_sea
- enron_by_the_sea
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- Oh, okay…now I see it.
- Oh, okay…now I see it.
- Oh, okay…now I see it.
- Oh, okay…now I see it.
- Oh, okay…now I see it.
- pemeliza wrote:CAR, I have
- pemeliza wrote:CAR, I have
- pemeliza wrote:CAR, I have
- pemeliza wrote:CAR, I have
- pemeliza wrote:CAR, I have
- Right, sdcellar.
Remember the
- Right, sdcellar.
Remember the
- Right, sdcellar.
Remember the
- Right, sdcellar.
Remember the
- Right, sdcellar.
Remember the
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont foget
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont foget
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont foget
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont foget
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont foget
- xtina wrote:and another that
- xtina wrote:and another that
- xtina wrote:and another that
- xtina wrote:and another that
- xtina wrote:and another that
- walterwhite wrote:If
- walterwhite wrote:If
- walterwhite wrote:If
- walterwhite wrote:If
- walterwhite wrote:If
- ocr,
I’ve seen years where
- ocr,
I’ve seen years where
- ocr,
I’ve seen years where
- ocr,
I’ve seen years where
- ocr,
I’ve seen years where
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- sdrealtor wrote:My kids eat
- sdrealtor wrote:My kids eat
- sdrealtor wrote:My kids eat
- sdrealtor wrote:My kids eat
- sdrealtor wrote:My kids eat
- SD Realtor wrote:Sure it
- SD Realtor wrote:Sure it
- SD Realtor wrote:Sure it
- SD Realtor wrote:Sure it
- SD Realtor wrote:Sure it
- ocrenter wrote:Eugene
- ocrenter wrote:Eugene
- ocrenter wrote:Eugene
- ocrenter wrote:Eugene
- ocrenter wrote:Eugene
- La Jolla, but not sure if we
- La Jolla, but not sure if we
- La Jolla, but not sure if we
- La Jolla, but not sure if we
- La Jolla, but not sure if we
- Yeah, the Daily Reckoning has
- Yeah, the Daily Reckoning has
- Yeah, the Daily Reckoning has
- Yeah, the Daily Reckoning has
- Yeah, the Daily Reckoning has
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- walterwhite
- Thanks, enron.
Of course,
- Thanks, enron.
Of course,
- Thanks, enron.
Of course,
- Thanks, enron.
Of course,
- Thanks, enron.
Of course,
- Scarlett,
Like sdr said, it
- Scarlett,
Like sdr said, it
- Scarlett,
Like sdr said, it
- Scarlett,
Like sdr said, it
- Scarlett,
Like sdr said, it
- OnPoint wrote:sdrealtor
- OnPoint wrote:sdrealtor
- OnPoint wrote:sdrealtor
- OnPoint wrote:sdrealtor
- OnPoint wrote:sdrealtor
- You know, if I were more
- You know, if I were more
- You know, if I were more
- You know, if I were more
- You know, if I were more
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- meadandale wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- UCGal wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:All I can say is
- jpinpb wrote:All I can say is
- jpinpb wrote:All I can say is
- jpinpb wrote:All I can say is
- jpinpb wrote:All I can say is
- socrattt wrote:briansd1
- socrattt wrote:briansd1
- socrattt wrote:briansd1
- socrattt wrote:briansd1
- socrattt wrote:briansd1
- from meadandale’s
- from meadandale’s
- from meadandale’s
- from meadandale’s
- from meadandale’s
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry but I
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry but I
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry but I
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry but I
- SD Realtor wrote:Sorry but I
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- briansd1 wrote:CA renter
- SD Realtor wrote:Hmmm sounds
- SD Realtor wrote:Hmmm sounds
- SD Realtor wrote:Hmmm sounds
- SD Realtor wrote:Hmmm sounds
- SD Realtor wrote:Hmmm sounds
- One way or another, I’m sure
- One way or another, I’m sure
- One way or another, I’m sure
- One way or another, I’m sure
- One way or another, I’m sure
- Exactly. The end game.
- Exactly. The end game.
- Exactly. The end game.
- Exactly. The end game.
- Exactly. The end game.
- Zeitgeist wrote:”As food and
- Zeitgeist wrote:”As food and
- Zeitgeist wrote:”As food and
- Zeitgeist wrote:”As food and
- Zeitgeist wrote:”As food and
- They suffered during the
- They suffered during the
- They suffered during the
- They suffered during the
- They suffered during the
- Arraya wrote:Rich Toscano
- Arraya wrote:Rich Toscano
- Arraya wrote:Rich Toscano
- Arraya wrote:Rich Toscano
- Arraya wrote:Rich Toscano
- jpinpb wrote:Looks like I’ll
- jpinpb wrote:Looks like I’ll
- jpinpb wrote:Looks like I’ll
- jpinpb wrote:Looks like I’ll
- jpinpb wrote:Looks like I’ll
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb wrote:I
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb wrote:I
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb wrote:I
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb wrote:I
- briansd1 wrote:jpinpb wrote:I
- paramount wrote:So in
- paramount wrote:So in
- paramount wrote:So in
- paramount wrote:So in
- paramount wrote:So in
- More on CalSTRS:
- More on CalSTRS:
- More on CalSTRS:
- More on CalSTRS:
- More on CalSTRS:
- BTW, please check out the
- BTW, please check out the
- BTW, please check out the
- BTW, please check out the
- BTW, please check out the
- jeeman wrote:”BTW, our states
- jeeman wrote:”BTW, our states
- jeeman wrote:”BTW, our states
- jeeman wrote:”BTW, our states
- jeeman wrote:”BTW, our states
- sdrealtor wrote:Said the
- sdrealtor wrote:Said the
- sdrealtor wrote:Said the
- sdrealtor wrote:Said the
- sdrealtor wrote:Said the
- socrattt wrote:Sometimes it’s
- socrattt wrote:Sometimes it’s
- socrattt wrote:Sometimes it’s
- socrattt wrote:Sometimes it’s
- socrattt wrote:Sometimes it’s
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- Just wanted to point out that
- Just wanted to point out that
- Just wanted to point out that
- Just wanted to point out that
- Just wanted to point out that
- Yes, we definitely disagree
- Yes, we definitely disagree
- Yes, we definitely disagree
- Yes, we definitely disagree
- Yes, we definitely disagree
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR the
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR the
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR the
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR the
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR the
- Rustico wrote:CAR, When I am
- Rustico wrote:CAR, When I am
- Rustico wrote:CAR, When I am
- Rustico wrote:CAR, When I am
- Rustico wrote:CAR, When I am
- briansd1 wrote:davelj, I
- briansd1 wrote:davelj, I
- briansd1 wrote:davelj, I
- briansd1 wrote:davelj, I
- briansd1 wrote:davelj, I
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- Rustico wrote:CA renter
- Rustico wrote:CA renter
- Rustico wrote:CA renter
- Rustico wrote:CA renter
- Rustico wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t see
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t see
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t see
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t see
- bearishgurl wrote:I don’t see
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- bearishgurl wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Change is
- paramount wrote:Change is
- paramount wrote:Change is
- paramount wrote:Change is
- paramount wrote:Change is
- threadkiller wrote:Seems to
- threadkiller wrote:Seems to
- threadkiller wrote:Seems to
- threadkiller wrote:Seems to
- threadkiller wrote:Seems to
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR you and
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR you and
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR you and
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR you and
- SD Realtor wrote:CAR you and
- Dave,
We had women entering
- Dave,
We had women entering
- Dave,
We had women entering
- Dave,
We had women entering
- Dave,
We had women entering
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- no_such_reality wrote:There
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I agree,
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I agree,
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I agree,
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I agree,
- sdrealtor wrote:CAR
I agree,
- SD Realtor wrote:I cannot
- SD Realtor wrote:I cannot
- SD Realtor wrote:I cannot
- SD Realtor wrote:I cannot
- SD Realtor wrote:I cannot
- ctr70
- ctr70
- ctr70
- ctr70
- ctr70
- davelj wrote:One could argue
- davelj wrote:One could argue
- davelj wrote:One could argue
- davelj wrote:One could argue
- davelj wrote:One could argue
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:It assumes that
- davelj wrote:It assumes that
- davelj wrote:It assumes that
- davelj wrote:It assumes that
- davelj wrote:It assumes that
- What I’m referring to is the
- What I’m referring to is the
- What I’m referring to is the
- What I’m referring to is the
- What I’m referring to is the
- AN wrote:Someone got really
- AN wrote:Someone got really
- AN wrote:Someone got really
- AN wrote:Someone got really
- AN wrote:Someone got really
- davelj wrote:That’s an
- davelj wrote:That’s an
- davelj wrote:That’s an
- davelj wrote:That’s an
- davelj wrote:That’s an
- davelj wrote:briansd1
- davelj wrote:briansd1
- davelj wrote:briansd1
- davelj wrote:briansd1
- davelj wrote:briansd1
- Just saw this posted by Dan
- Just saw this posted by Dan
- Just saw this posted by Dan
- Just saw this posted by Dan
- Just saw this posted by Dan
- paramount wrote:I’m sure many
- paramount wrote:I’m sure many
- paramount wrote:I’m sure many
- paramount wrote:I’m sure many
- paramount wrote:I’m sure many
- jpinpb wrote:We bought a
- jpinpb wrote:We bought a
- jpinpb wrote:We bought a
- jpinpb wrote:We bought a
- jpinpb wrote:We bought a
- sdrealtor wrote:No ocean
- sdrealtor wrote:No ocean
- sdrealtor wrote:No ocean
- sdrealtor wrote:No ocean
- sdrealtor wrote:No ocean
- One more note…
People are
- One more note…
People are
- One more note…
People are
- One more note…
People are
- One more note…
People are
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:One of the
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:CA Renter:
- paramount wrote:As you
- paramount wrote:As you
- paramount wrote:As you
- paramount wrote:As you
- paramount wrote:As you
- paramount wrote:The pension
- paramount wrote:The pension
- paramount wrote:The pension
- paramount wrote:The pension
- paramount wrote:The pension
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes but dont
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes but dont
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes but dont
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes but dont
- sdrealtor wrote:Yes but dont
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- bearishgurl wrote:jpinpb
- pemeliza wrote:”Any reason to
- pemeliza wrote:”Any reason to
- pemeliza wrote:”Any reason to
- pemeliza wrote:”Any reason to
- pemeliza wrote:”Any reason to
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:CA renter
- Doooh wrote:”Responsibility
- Doooh wrote:”Responsibility
- Doooh wrote:”Responsibility
- Doooh wrote:”Responsibility
- Doooh wrote:”Responsibility
- jeeman,
I agree with you that
- jeeman,
I agree with you that
- jeeman,
I agree with you that
- jeeman,
I agree with you that
- jeeman,
I agree with you that
- Doooh wrote:CA renter
- Doooh wrote:CA renter
- Doooh wrote:CA renter
- Doooh wrote:CA renter
- Doooh wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:The argument
- paramount wrote:The argument
- paramount wrote:The argument
- paramount wrote:The argument
- paramount wrote:The argument
- I don’t hear many of them
- I don’t hear many of them
- I don’t hear many of them
- I don’t hear many of them
- I don’t hear many of them
- Doooh wrote:What school
- Doooh wrote:What school
- Doooh wrote:What school
- Doooh wrote:What school
- Doooh wrote:What school
- jeeman wrote:$80k normalized
- jeeman wrote:$80k normalized
- jeeman wrote:$80k normalized
- jeeman wrote:$80k normalized
- jeeman wrote:$80k normalized
- paramount,
The pensions were
- paramount,
The pensions were
- paramount,
The pensions were
- paramount,
The pensions were
- paramount,
The pensions were
- pemeliza wrote:Nice post
- pemeliza wrote:Nice post
- pemeliza wrote:Nice post
- pemeliza wrote:Nice post
- pemeliza wrote:Nice post
- jeeman wrote: As someone said
- jeeman wrote: As someone said
- jeeman wrote: As someone said
- jeeman wrote: As someone said
- jeeman wrote: As someone said
- jimmyle wrote:~$80k a year
- jimmyle wrote:~$80k a year
- jimmyle wrote:~$80k a year
- jimmyle wrote:~$80k a year
- jimmyle wrote:~$80k a year
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- jpinpb wrote:Thanks for the
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CAR –
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CAR –
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CAR –
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CAR –
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:CAR –
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:If
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:If
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:If
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:If
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:If
- jpinpb wrote:Well, my one of
- jpinpb wrote:Well, my one of
- jpinpb wrote:Well, my one of
- jpinpb wrote:Well, my one of
- jpinpb wrote:Well, my one of
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- SK in CV wrote:CA renter
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- briansd1 wrote:Let’s be fair
- briansd1 wrote:Let’s be fair
- briansd1 wrote:Let’s be fair
- briansd1 wrote:Let’s be fair
- briansd1 wrote:Let’s be fair
- briansd1 wrote:It’s all
- briansd1 wrote:It’s all
- briansd1 wrote:It’s all
- briansd1 wrote:It’s all
- briansd1 wrote:It’s all
- Since we’re working on
- Since we’re working on
- Since we’re working on
- Since we’re working on
- Since we’re working on
- urbanrealtor][quote=CA renter
- urbanrealtor][quote=CA renter
- urbanrealtor][quote=CA renter
- urbanrealtor][quote=CA renter
- urbanrealtor][quote=CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- ucodegen wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- paramount wrote:Oh and by the
- paramount wrote:Oh and by the
- paramount wrote:Oh and by the
- paramount wrote:Oh and by the
- paramount wrote:Oh and by the
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- patb wrote:mish is smart but
- patb wrote:mish is smart but
- patb wrote:mish is smart but
- patb wrote:mish is smart but
- patb wrote:mish is smart but
- IMHO, there would be plenty
- IMHO, there would be plenty
- IMHO, there would be plenty
- IMHO, there would be plenty
- IMHO, there would be plenty
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- urbanrealtor wrote:CA renter
- davelj wrote:urbanrealtor
- davelj wrote:urbanrealtor
- davelj wrote:urbanrealtor
- davelj wrote:urbanrealtor
- davelj wrote:urbanrealtor
- urbanrealtor wrote:The seller
- urbanrealtor wrote:The seller
- urbanrealtor wrote:The seller
- urbanrealtor wrote:The seller
- urbanrealtor wrote:The seller
- Send a copy of your offer
- Send a copy of your offer
- Send a copy of your offer
- Send a copy of your offer
- Send a copy of your offer
- SD Realtor wrote:Right except
- SD Realtor wrote:Right except
- SD Realtor wrote:Right except
- SD Realtor wrote:Right except
- SD Realtor wrote:Right except
- Doooh wrote:I can’t find
- Doooh wrote:I can’t find
- Doooh wrote:I can’t find
- Doooh wrote:I can’t find
- Doooh wrote:I can’t find
- Glad you brought this up,
- Glad you brought this up,
- Glad you brought this up,
- Glad you brought this up,
- Glad you brought this up,
- Yes, as most people buy with
- Yes, as most people buy with
- Yes, as most people buy with
- Yes, as most people buy with
- Yes, as most people buy with
- Though you think you’re
- Though you think you’re
- Though you think you’re
- Though you think you’re
- Though you think you’re
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:However,
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:However,
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:However,
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:However,
- UCGal wrote:AN wrote:However,
- Wow. I really thought that
- Wow. I really thought that
- Wow. I really thought that
- Wow. I really thought that
- Wow. I really thought that
- Lest we forget, this $2
- Lest we forget, this $2
- Lest we forget, this $2
- Lest we forget, this $2
- Lest we forget, this $2
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- SK in CV wrote:Ok on the
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont bother
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont bother
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont bother
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont bother
- sdrealtor wrote:Dont bother
- Hooray for both of you!!!!
- Hooray for both of you!!!!
- Hooray for both of you!!!!
- Hooray for both of you!!!!
- Hooray for both of you!!!!
- EconProf wrote:Renters saving
- EconProf wrote:Renters saving
- EconProf wrote:Renters saving
- EconProf wrote:Renters saving
- EconProf wrote:Renters saving
- SK in CV wrote:
I would
- SK in CV wrote:
I would
- SK in CV wrote:
I would
- SK in CV wrote:
I would
- SK in CV wrote:
I would
- briansd1 wrote:Djshakes
- briansd1 wrote:Djshakes
- briansd1 wrote:Djshakes
- briansd1 wrote:Djshakes
- briansd1 wrote:Djshakes
- Djshakes
- Djshakes
- Djshakes
- Djshakes
- Djshakes
- Diego Mamani
- Diego Mamani
- Diego Mamani
- Diego Mamani
- Diego Mamani
- briansd1 wrote:Another social
- briansd1 wrote:Another social
- briansd1 wrote:Another social
- briansd1 wrote:Another social
- briansd1 wrote:Another social
- Do you think that if the
- Do you think that if the
- Do you think that if the
- Do you think that if the
- Do you think that if the
- Eugene wrote:Quote:You can’t
- Eugene wrote:Quote:You can’t
- Eugene wrote:Quote:You can’t
- Eugene wrote:Quote:You can’t
- Eugene wrote:Quote:You can’t
- Definitions of custom home on
- Definitions of custom home on
- Definitions of custom home on
- Definitions of custom home on
- Definitions of custom home on
- Eugene wrote:jstoesz
- Eugene wrote:jstoesz
- Eugene wrote:jstoesz
- Eugene wrote:jstoesz
- Eugene wrote:jstoesz
- AN,
I think BG would define
- AN,
I think BG would define
- AN,
I think BG would define
- AN,
I think BG would define
- AN,
I think BG would define
- Eugene wrote:CA renter
- Eugene wrote:CA renter
- Eugene wrote:CA renter
- Eugene wrote:CA renter
- Eugene wrote:CA renter
- Just saw this, but wanted to
- Just saw this, but wanted to
- Just saw this, but wanted to
- Just saw this, but wanted to
- Just saw this, but wanted to
- I’d agree with BG’s
- I’d agree with BG’s
- I’d agree with BG’s
- I’d agree with BG’s
- I’d agree with BG’s
- You’re right, most techies
- You’re right, most techies
- You’re right, most techies
- You’re right, most techies
- You’re right, most techies
- LOL!! Awesome story, flu.
- LOL!! Awesome story, flu.
- LOL!! Awesome story, flu.
- LOL!! Awesome story, flu.
- LOL!! Awesome story, flu.
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Thanks
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Thanks
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Thanks
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Thanks
- lifeizfunhuh wrote:Thanks
- pri_dk wrote:Perhaps Jerry
- pri_dk wrote:Perhaps Jerry
- pri_dk wrote:Perhaps Jerry
- pri_dk wrote:Perhaps Jerry
- pri_dk wrote:Perhaps Jerry
- bearishgurl wrote:The
- bearishgurl wrote:The
- bearishgurl wrote:The
- bearishgurl wrote:The
- bearishgurl wrote:The
- Amen, sombaz. You’ve nailed
- Amen, sombaz. You’ve nailed
- Amen, sombaz. You’ve nailed
- Amen, sombaz. You’ve nailed
- Amen, sombaz. You’ve nailed
- AN wrote:CAR, I agree with
- AN wrote:CAR, I agree with
- AN wrote:CAR, I agree with
- AN wrote:CAR, I agree with
- AN wrote:CAR, I agree with
- One more…teachers do NOT
- One more…teachers do NOT
- One more…teachers do NOT
- One more…teachers do NOT
- One more…teachers do NOT
- No, not “entry level.” The
- No, not “entry level.” The
- No, not “entry level.” The
- No, not “entry level.” The
- No, not “entry level.” The
- AN wrote:Interesting comment
- AN wrote:Interesting comment
- AN wrote:Interesting comment
- AN wrote:Interesting comment
- AN wrote:Interesting comment
- Okay, this really doesn’t
- Okay, this really doesn’t
- Okay, this really doesn’t
- Okay, this really doesn’t
- Okay, this really doesn’t
- That was a great interview,
- That was a great interview,
- That was a great interview,
- That was a great interview,
- That was a great interview,
- SD Realtor seems to know that
- SD Realtor seems to know that
- SD Realtor seems to know that
- SD Realtor seems to know that
- SD Realtor seems to know that
- That is an AWESOME place,
- That is an AWESOME place,
- That is an AWESOME place,
- That is an AWESOME place,
- That is an AWESOME place,
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CA renter
- AN][quote=bearishgurl
- AN][quote=bearishgurl
- AN][quote=bearishgurl
- AN][quote=bearishgurl
- AN][quote=bearishgurl
- sdrealtor wrote:permabear
- sdrealtor wrote:permabear
- sdrealtor wrote:permabear
- sdrealtor wrote:permabear
- sdrealtor wrote:permabear
- permabear wrote:CA renter
- permabear wrote:CA renter
- permabear wrote:CA renter
- permabear wrote:CA renter
- permabear wrote:CA renter
- AN wrote:CAR, using your
- AN wrote:CAR, using your
- AN wrote:CAR, using your
- AN wrote:CAR, using your
- AN wrote:CAR, using your
- UCGal wrote:thought I’d toss
- UCGal wrote:thought I’d toss
- UCGal wrote:thought I’d toss
- UCGal wrote:thought I’d toss
- UCGal wrote:thought I’d toss
- bearishgurl wrote:protorio
- bearishgurl wrote:protorio
- bearishgurl wrote:protorio
- bearishgurl wrote:protorio
- bearishgurl wrote:protorio
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote:CA
- no_such_reality wrote: