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17 years ago

Thanks Rich.

Thanks Rich.

17 years ago

You look so cute on the
You look so cute on the radio!

17 years ago
Reply to  barnaby33

I just got done watching the
I just got done watching the replay of your appearance on KPBS. I thought you did a fine job overall. You and the interviewer (I didn’t catch her name) did a good job working off each other’s responses. The broad questions she asked of you, such as “why have San Diego County foreclosures tripled in the past year?”, beg for a much longer time to answer than that which is allowed in a 5-10 minute interview. I guess that is to be expected in our sound byte society. Your body language was excellent. You looked relaxed and confident and I digged the dark-rimmed spectacles.

As strange as this may sound, I think you might do even better with an interviewer that plays the devil’s advocate role a bit more. Or have you paired up again with an industry adversary like the time you were interviewed with that RE hack a while back. I think that the heated discussion format actually plays into your hands because you have a more calm, counter-punching, hit-em-with-facts type of approach. Then again, this could be the wine talking. 🙂

17 years ago

That was a great


That was a great interview. KPBS should really devote 20-30 minutes to this, and not the 5 minutes that they gave you. But the viewership (the elderly) generally already owns their primary residence. But overall, it was great!


17 years ago
Reply to  jeeman

Rich, you’re too modest. Be
Rich, you’re too modest. Be more forceful and a better advocate for your position.

About real estate in San Diego, “I’ll like to think so, but some disagree” is way too modest!? What about an assured “I certainly do because I spend a lot of time studying this issue” ?

17 years ago
Reply to  PerryChase

I agree that he could have
I agree that he could have been more assertive, mainly because he can back up all his comments with data. In any case he did a much better job than in previous TV appearances. I wouldn’t have mentioned Alt-A even though it is a hot topic on the blogs. Last year few people new about sub-prime, in a few months maybe everybody will know about Alt-A but we are not there yet.

17 years ago

just watched the video,
just watched the video, thought rich did a fine job. I don’t think he would have wanted to be too aggressive and be seen like a bully. as for data, 5 minute segments are not the place to be pulling in data left and right.

17 years ago
Reply to  ocrenter

Great job Rich!
However, the

Great job Rich!

However, the interviewer wasn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. As one poster mentioned, she is pretty weak for KPBS.

But the interview was good. I like your style.

17 years ago

Rich, you did a fine job.

Rich, you did a fine job.

I wouldn’t suggest changing a thing.

It was great for my wife to watch the telecast. It helps my
case that we should continue to wait on the sidelines.


17 years ago
Reply to  CAwireman

oh god, gloria penner is the
oh god, gloria penner is the worst. her and her round table talked up the “housing shortage” to no end way back when. she’s a lap dog for the ut editorial staff, the conservative shmucks who run city hall, the padres and chargers team owners…

for being on kpbs, she is a freaking moron.

17 years ago

I heartily agree about
I heartily agree about Gloria Penner being a dim bulb. But what is kind of significant about her demeanor and the statements she made in the interview is that she seems only now to even have a glimmer of awareness about the magnitude of the housing problem. Yet, Gloria Penner is somewhat prominent on the San Diego scene. Would that mean that a lot of other supposed civic leaders are only now beginning to have an appreciation for how bad things are and how bad things are going to get?