The San Diego job market went more or less nowhere in 2010.
This is clear from the chart below, which measures seasonally-adjusted
employment over the past several years. The year 2010 began on a
positive note, first and foremost because the exceedingly rapid job
losses that had characterized the prior two years finally came to a
halt. The stabilization of the job market was itself good
news. On top of that, local employment managed to grow — albeit
quite slowly — for the first half of the year. (The blip up and
then back down in May was the result of temporary census hiring, but
without that distortion employment increased through June).

Things must be be getting
Things must be be getting better locally… Friends are starting to make moves to new jobs – after a few years of hunkering down and being grateful for the crappy job they had.
(Employers beware… Even long term employees have awakened and resent the past couple years of benefit and wage cuts. At least at my workplace.)