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Do you actually believe that there are different standards for ignorant speech based on the race of the speaker?[/quote]
Of course I do. That’s part of the Asian-American experience. Do you know why Dave Chapelle stopped his show after getting a lucrative contract with Comedy Central? It’s cause he noticed that one time a white guy laughed a little too hard at his jokes. Communication is derived from context, intent and speaker. For instance, would it be different if your boss called you a dumb ass instead? Of course it would! You need to understand that for all intents and purposes, historically minorities do not hold power in this country; whites do. From this perspective if another one of your coworkers calls you a dumb ass while drinking a few beers, it comes off a lot differently.
Damn you watch Dave Chappelle and have an Asian wife? Nice now you can pretty much say any culturally insensitive thing you please.[/quote]
Hey, I like to laugh and I think now you are trying to be funny here, but maybe we just aren’t connecting.
But it seems you aren’t entirely joking.
Do you actually believe that there are different standards for ignorant speech based on the race of the speaker?[/quote]
Of course I do. That’s part of the Asian-American experience. Do you know why Dave Chapelle stopped his show after getting a lucrative contract with Comedy Central? It’s cause he noticed that one time a white guy laughed a little too hard at his jokes. Communication is derived from context, intent and speaker. For instance, would it be different if your boss called you a dumb ass instead? Of course it would! You need to understand that for all intents and purposes historically minorities do not hold power in this country; whites do. From this perspective if another one of your coworkers calls you a dumb ass while drinking a few beers, it comes off a lot differently.
Damn you watch Dave Chappelle and have an Asian wife? Nice now you can pretty much say any culturally insensitive thing you please.[/quote]
Hey, I like to laugh and I think now you are trying to be funny here, but maybe we just aren’t connecting.
But it seems you aren’t entirely joking.
Do you actually believe that there are different standards for ignorant speech based on the race of the speaker?[/quote]
Of course I do. That’s part of the Asian-American experience. Do you know why Dave Chapelle stopped his show after getting a lucrative contract with Comedy Central? It’s cause he noticed that one time a white guy laughed a little too hard at his jokes. Communication is derived from context, intent and speaker. For instance, would it be different if your boss called you a dumb ass instead? Of course it would! You need to understand that for all intents and purposes historically minorities do not hold power in this country; whites do. From this perspective if another one of your coworkers calls you a dumb ass while drinking a few beers, it comes off a lot differently.
millennialParticipant[quote=flu]Whatever. If you progressives want to (incorrectly) label me as being narrow minded or whatever simply because I am against institutional discrimination (affirmative action), so be it. I guess given that we have the biggest bigot in office, I can’t be worse than our presidential role model for the next 4 years. Maybe even 8, if you progressives keep it up… Then everyone loses!!!! Yee haw!!!!![/quote]
Dude now who’s calling me overly sensitive. I totally agree with the removal of affirmative action. Affirmative action was created a while ago because the student body of public universities did not represent the makeup of the people that funded them, or the people they were supposed to serve (surrounding areas were composed primarily of a discriminated class). They created affirmative action (which I believe was necessary) to help those that were underprivileged. Obviously this no longer holds true and that is why it is not needed. This being said, all I’m saying is that admittance to top highly selective schools should continue to look at things outside of just test scores, which should also take into account an applicants socioeconomic well-being. Public universities, unlike private universities need to continue to serve a function that is beneficial to the public.
Although the definition of this may not be agreeable to both you, your son, and his friends; or for Trump; or for the richest who are much more able to control this. Personally I feel that the nation as a whole would be much better if people from all socioeconomic classes, and all backgrounds are represented in power. In order for this to happen, we need to make sure that public universities continue to serve this purpose.
The Chappelle show may have been a little before your time, so I’ll give you a pass [/quote]
Damn you watch Dave Chappelle and have an Asian wife? Nice now you can pretty much say any culturally insensitive thing you please.
millennialParticipant[quote=harvey]But I’m sure you are constantly writing to record companies, addressing the constant use of the “N” word in song lyrics.[/quote]
Depends. If it’s Garth Brooks I probably wouldn’t be the only one. If it’s Dre he get a pass. Heard he has an unlimited supply of cards.
Lighten up kid, and have a laugh:[/quote]
Trust me, I know how to lighten up. Just don’t tolerate when people intentionally say racially ignorant things, unless of course they are Asian. Then they get the race card.
Nah, I let my asian wife handle disciplining the kids.
(Did I say that right?) [/quote]
Doesn’t matter. Now that I know you have an Asian wife you can say whatever you want. We call that the Race Card, similar to Street Cred… sort of.
[quote=millennial]The reason I call you out is because of statements like this.
“Like I said. If you really care about the disadvantaged, you would stop talking theory, and start volunteering. But I am guessing like many that talk about affirmative action and the disadvantaged, very few actual bother to lift a finger to do the real things that would make a difference.”
[Lecture omitted for brevity]
[/quote]No that was meant for flu. He wrote that.
So tell us, guardian of cultural sensitivity: Do you know when Americans stopped using the term “oriental” ..)[/quote]Honestly not sure, and really doesn’t matter at this point. It’s a term that many Asian Americans have a problem with and don’t like to be called. I’ve heard oriental refers to things like rugs that originate from the orient. But like I said it’s not the point. It’s disrespectful.
millennialParticipant[quote=flu]The irony. Look in the mirror dude. You are part of the problem.[/quote]
No people like you are the problem. You use rationale like “I help kids at my son’s school” as support to an argument. Give me a break. Finally you agreed that the only reason is for ME, ME, ME. I think that’s where we differ in opinion. This is not a Trump thing, or left or right thing, it’s a selfish thing. Maybe it’s a difference in culture, or the way we were brought up. It’s OK, there are many many more people that feel and act the way you do.
We’ve had some pretty heated debates on this site for years.
But you are certainly the first person to insult someone else’s mother.
L O fucking L[quote]
Not an insult, just called her ignorant.
First time in a long time that I needed to tell an adult how to behave properly and explain why it’s not right to throw labels at other people. Regardless how they thought.
It gets better….YOU ARE CLAIMING STREET CRED!Glad I checked in one more time today…the absolute best of Piggington right here.
Holy shit, I can’t stop laughing![/quote]
Just trying to help you. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you try and run outside and call every non-pc name in the book. After they say they don’t like it. Go ahead and tell them the meaning and proceed to call them it again. Let me know how it goes. I can’t believe there are people like you in this world still.
millennialParticipantYes exactly I’m judging you and Harvey. When someone misuses the term “oriental” I inform them. When someone does it purposely and labels you and tells you how you should feel about a word; I call them out. I hope you would do the same for your kids too.
The reason I call you out is because of statements like this.
“Like I said. If you really care about the disadvantaged, you would stop talking theory, and start volunteering. But I am guessing like many that talk about affirmative action and the disadvantaged, very few actual bother to lift a finger to do the real things that would make a difference.”
In this quote it makes you sound like you are assuming that no one volunteers because they don’t agree with your thoughts regarding affirmative action. It also makes you sound like you volunteering time in your son’s classroom somehow validates your credentials and your points.
millennialParticipant[quote=flu]fvck you too. I’m out…Bye. Enjoy the next 4 years.[/quote]
WTF? Where did I say that I like Trump? The truth of the matter is I despise him. You on the other hand have just proven to be very close minded to other’s opinions. In fact your response kinda had the same tone of a Trump tweet.
millennialParticipantWas going to start quoting people but there are too many points on here that I would like to address.
Firstly – Harvey you are a either a racist (if white), or a complete a-hole!
Ignorant people will use the term “oriental” instead of “Asian” because they don’t know any better, like your mom or maybe someone that lives in the South, or Midwest. That is fine – those people are just ignorant. For you to come back with an etymological rationale of why “Asians” should be OK with the term “oriental” is neither here nor there. You seemingly understand that the term is not correct when referring to “Asian Americans” yet you continue to use the term “Oriental” in reference. Is this because you think you are better? That you have the power to start calling people things after knowing they don’t like to be called it? You are a complete a-hole and if I was at a party with you I would either (a) punch you in the face, or (b) feel bad cause someone else just knocked you the eff out. Would love for you to come to my hometown by Detroit and start throwing the N word around and continue to use it after throwing out the etymological root of the word – would be great!
Secondly, flu get off your high horse. Yeah I get that you volunteer in your kid’s school and that some parents can’t remember 4th or 5th grade math. So what! I can’t remember some of the stuff my 4th grader brings home either and I’m a god damn genius (ha)! To be honest, a lot of the s*it doesn’t matter. Being Asian American, what my role model parents taught me was that grit and self control are way more important. This being said, those kids in Carmel Valley will do fine. Why? Because either their parents are smart,(professionals who understand hard work, good role models (moved to area and paying extra rent so kids can be in a good school), rich (parents can pay for outside tutors), or all of the above. What you don’t understand are places like Detroit, Chicago, or Flint where the kids, teenagers, etc. don’t have role models, money, or smart parents. These kids are so disadvantaged that for them to get an 800 on their SAT would put them in the 95% percentile. Is it there fault? Does it make America a better country when these people fall into a perpetual cycle of poverty with no way out because they were never taught that you need to multiply and divide before adding? My opinion, but maybe you should think about things like this before being all hell bent on destroying any idea similar to affirmative action.
Your viewpoints may be based on when your family immigrated to the US. I understand that a lot of recent Asian immigrants came from educated backgrounds (eg. doctors, nurses, engineers, etc.) which could explain our differences in opinion. My father’s family immigrated from Asia over 100 years ago. Those that did faced many injustices, and worked very hard to fight through them; probably with some help through affirmative action and other social programs. Are they necessary now? Certainly not for some of the rich immigrants coming from abroad. Does it make sense for some new disadvantaged class? Maybe. What makes America great is the possibility that one can move from one social class to another through hard work and grit. With college education playing such an important part, I really think that not assisting those that are disadvantaged is not right and will harm us as a whole.