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ParticipantMy cynical side says not to expect any sort of tax break. Governor doesn’t understand the magnitude of keeping the state closed and the resulting loss of tax revenue. Calif has to push tax increases and new fees to recoup some of it losses.
Most people who get waitlisted get in to schools most of the time,[/quote]
I’m curious where you’re getting that information.
This website has stats that disagree. I don’t know if those are accurate, and I’m looking for accurate stats on the matter. [/quote]
The dirty little secret lies in your question – the stats. Remember how schools will tell you its the grades, scores, extracurriculars, etc that tip the scale? Well, they also require demographic data. Why?
Answer: The schools tout X% of disavantaged, X% minority admitted, etc. in the stats for incoming freshman. Because they want to appear as so diverse, politically correct, they are admitting students that meet the demo they are looking to fill yet the applicant pool many don’t have the chops for the work and many wash out in the first semester and they fill those spots with waitlisted.
Stats look good for the public and disgruntled applicants have already gone elsewhere.
Interesting they don’t profile the graduating class demos, huh.
Not trying to stir the pot with ya zk as this might get ya hot, its just a little inside baseball.
ParticipantThat’s a good area. I’d say if you have the $ to keep it a while without relying on a monthly rent for the mortgage, I’d stay the course and buy it. If your cash flow is tight, well..
“Governor Gavin Newsom today issued an executive order that authorizes local governments to halt evictions for renters and homeowners, slows foreclosures, and protects against utility shutoffs for Californians affected by COVID-19.”Agree, I would be wary of a new tenant who then plays the Covid card and you are stuck with no rental income and no means to evict.
Read up on Force Majeure in your contract.
ParticipantNot long ago these Karen’s were the high power women exec types.
Even a song about them:
go to 2:36April 20, 2020 at 6:20 AM in reply to: Kyle Bass Blasts China’s “Most Lying, Coercive, Manipulative Government” For “Knowingly Infecting The World” #816671Hobie
ParticipantWhat are we drinking tonight?? har….
April 16, 2020 at 5:04 AM in reply to: Are you f-ing kidding me ? Cali paying cash to illegal immigrants. #816494Hobie
Participant“said Newsom, who noted 10% of the state’s workforce are immigrants living in the country illegally who paid more than $2.5 billion in state and local taxes last year.”
And got those taxes back in using the Earned Income Credit …
“Newsom said the money will not be distributed based on income. “Their personal information will not be required to get those support,”
So the recipients are worried about deportation so they won’t have to give their name. Get in line, collect $500, then get back in line….
Wouldn’t it be nice if Newsom showed more concern for the middle class who are out of work and pay the lions share of the tax collected.
ParticipantThis guy discusses sample data and its implications. Worth 10min of your time.
ParticipantAnd what to do with a ton of tp and a freezer full of pizza. 🙂
March 22, 2020 at 3:17 AM in reply to: What did you do with your remain-at-home corona virus day? #815893Hobie
ParticipantHome depot had a 10% off coupon. Can’t remember where (wife found it)but I used it.
Planted garden, tons of home projects still to be done.
Noticed neighborhood kids outside playing in the street and on bikes!
Cops showed up to a front yard party by some neighbors enforcing social gatherings and distance. Seriously. They were all spaced apart before the cops arrived.
Some schmo must have called them and they didn’t disband the party.
ParticipantHere is a timeline beginning Nov 17:
ParticipantDo not comment on my statement below as I’m not wanting to start a political back and forth.
Take whatever political hat you wear off. Now consider this virus problem and its effects on the US and world population.
This is where we need and see real leadership in action.
Just imagine any of the candidates for this presidential or for that matter incumbents dealing with this virus in terms of their leadership.
Something to step back and think about.
ParticipantBrianESQ: Nice. But we are dealing with state law and whether a Governor issued emergency directive allows breaking otherwise non-breakable leases.
Now if the kid actually had the virus, then I’m sure you could walk with no repercussions due to being contagious and a public health hazard.