- This topic has 335 replies, 42 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
December 19, 2012 at 5:15 PM #756658December 19, 2012 at 11:30 PM #756668
ParticipantI agree with some of the pro-guns here who mentioned the fact that semi-automatic guns have been responsible for far much lower number of deaths than hand guns. The stricter regulations of these more powerful semi automatic guns would not, therefore, change much in the number of deaths.
Hence, I believe that we must improve regulations that affect all guns. The majority of Americans killed every year by guns are from hand guns. The debate should not focus on the powerful guns only but on all guns if we are serious about the outcome for a safer society.
Video games, parenting skills, crazy people …etc could be the starting cause for these senseless mass killings. But it is the guns that provided the easiest and most effective tool to carry out the killings.
Don’t be so proud about you being a “responsible owner” of guns. You may never know and no one can really control fully of their emotions 100% of the time. If you are a robot, we can think otherwise, but human nature does snap at time and will snap with the easiest readily tools available.
Does anyone think that the mass murderer at Newtown thought that he was the bad guy and that he was irresponsible with his gun?
I support raising the tax for gun purchase/transfer to a very high level very similar to the extra tax on tobacco sale. For years, cigarette companies have lied to their teeth about the safety of smoking and have killed the smoker directly and the non-smoker indirectly.
I support also the application of a system for training, licensing for guns use and the requirement for liability insurance purchase.
December 20, 2012 at 12:46 AM #756675Allan from Fallbrook
ParticipantKIBU: My comment on “responsible” gun ownership was directed more at patronizing know nothings who seek to insert the government into the conversation through the introduction of even more ineffective anti-gun legislation.
As far as the Sandy Hook shooter not being a bad guy: The FBI investigation is indicating that he planned the event in detail and sought to maximize the damage. So, I’m gonna go with, yeah, this motherfucker was a bad guy.
Concerning guns and homicide: Statistically speaking, guns are NOT the leading cause. If you want to kill someone, you’re gonna find a way, gun or no gun. So that leaves us with you in the position of not particularly liking guns and thus wanting to ban something you don’t like. I mean you’re not seeking a ban based on any sort of factual basis.
Are you also seeking to ban cars, too? Drunk drivers kill 4x to 5x the number of people that are killed with guns every year. Shouldn’t we ban cars? Of course not, right? Why?
December 20, 2012 at 12:49 AM #756674paramount
Participant[quote=CA renter]
We got so close to actually getting to the real issue which is mental health problems and treatments. [/quote]
At a very fundamental level, I think an ever encroaching “culture of death” is conditioning the masses that life has little value or deserves dignity.
I think the “life is cheap” mindset has served the US gov’t quite well; a NWO gov’t primarily interested in American style Colonialism.
Some of the tools used:
1. Video games (where people get shot and quickly re-spawn)
2. Endless wars
3. War on Drugs
4. The drugging of American kids
5. Drugs in our water supply
6. Fluoride in water (proven to lower IQ)
7. Violent Movies – Entertainment – Tarantino Styleand on and on…
We’ve managed to create a horrible world. Humans are wicked.
I send my kids to Sunday school where they are taught solid values, and then I am essentially forced to send them off to:
Monday School
Tuesday School
Wednesday School
Thursday School
Friday SchoolWhere they are then conditioned and brainwashed by a NWO gov’t and essentially told everything they learned in Sunday School was wrong.
December 20, 2012 at 1:12 AM #756677paramount
ParticipantIs America Like Adam Lanza? U.S. Drone Strikes Have Killed 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
December 20, 2012 at 2:39 AM #756678njtosd
Participant[quote=livinincali][quote=CA renter]
I think it’s imperative that we look more closely at the evidence showing how violent video games and movies affect developing minds, and how technology is affecting people’s ability to empathize.
[/quote]We got so close to actually getting to the real issue which is mental health problems and treatments. Then we had to blame violent video games. Blame the guns, blame the video games, blame the bullying, blame something other than the real issue which is we diagnosis our kids with mental issues and then medicate the hell out of them.
It’s time for people to be parents. It’s time for people to start accepting responsibility for their actions. It’s time to start teaching our kids that winning and losing aren’t the same thing. We think if a kid has a mental issue we can just pop a pill and it will all be alright. It takes more work than that unfortunately. Address the mental health issues and treatment programs. That’s where the real solution lies. Eliminate the guns and next mass murder is a 5 gallon can of gas or a car.[/quote]
Completely agree. Although parents have little/no legal authority over children 18 and over. And, In the Conn. case I doubt 10,000 years in a treatment program would have fixed what was wrong with him. What do we do with dangerous mentally ill people who haven’t done anything yet? Good example is Irvine guy (professor, i think) who started a bunch of small fires but whose iPhone contained graphic descriptions of mass murders he had contemplated. He said he was just fantasizing …..
December 20, 2012 at 6:57 AM #756681SK in CV
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
As far as the Sandy Hook shooter not being a bad guy: The FBI investigation is indicating that he planned the event in detail and sought to maximize the damage. So, I’m gonna go with, yeah, this motherfucker was a bad guy.[/quote]
What FBI investigation? Why would the FBI be involved? I’ve seen lots of commentary from ex-FBI, but I can’t find anything indicating the FBI is involved in the investigation. Nor anything from anyone directly involved in the investigation to indicate that it was carefully planned. I suspect otherwise.
December 20, 2012 at 12:35 PM #756686no_such_reality
ParticipantI’m not sure where anybody is getting their info, but most of what I’ve seen shows all the quality of the following:
LA Times: Hair Stylist Remembers (shooter), I thought he couldn’t speak
Yep, critical analysis of the attacker from the hair cutter…
and as a nitpick, ‘as Morgan said’…
December 21, 2012 at 3:31 PM #756740enron_by_the_sea
ParticipantSince no one wants to talk about it, let me go first.
What you think about today’s NRA press conference?
Common.. Put armed guards in school? Is that the best you have to say? Why don’t you just raise your middle finger towards everyone else instead?
Of course, it did not take too long for people to dig up that – (1) Columbine High school had 2 armed guards on Campus, (2) Virginia Tech had Campus police or (3) It took cops just 90-seconds to reach the theatre in Aurora, CO.
Seems like NRA enjoys showing middle finger to everyone. Why should any sensible middle ground can be found by working with them?
December 21, 2012 at 4:40 PM #756742scaredyclassic
ParticipantWhat about a bullet proof coating for people?
December 21, 2012 at 5:16 PM #756744enron_by_the_sea
Participant[quote=squat300]What about a bullet proof coating for people?[/quote]
Sales of armored backpacks for kids soarParents anxious about their children’s safety are boosting sales of armored backpacks in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre, manufacturers are reporting.
“I can’t go into exact sales numbers, but basically we tripled our sales volume of backpacks that we typically do in a month — in one week,” Derek Williams, president of Salt Lake City-based Amendment II, told Mother Jones on Tuesday.
Wednesday, Williams told ABC News sales were now up “over 500%” since Friday, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza murdered 20 students, six teachers and his mother before killing himself in the Newtown, Conn., elementary school.
[/quote]December 21, 2012 at 6:08 PM #756746Anonymous
Guest[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]KIBU: My comment on “responsible” gun ownership was directed more at patronizing know nothings […][/quote]
Let’s talk about “know nothings” – shall we?
[quote]As far as the Sandy Hook shooter not being a bad guy: The FBI investigation is indicating that he planned the event in detail and sought to maximize the damage.[/quote]
There is scant evidence that he “planned the event in detail” other than that he destroyed his computers before going to the school, which he could have done in less than an hour.
This one is right there with your claim of having inside knowledge of the terrorist connections of the Foot Hood shooter. All very interesting, just not true.
[quote]If you want to kill someone, you’re gonna find a way, gun or no gun.[/quote]
I don’t know how someone can say that and expect to be considered serious about anything.
[quote]Are you also seeking to ban cars, too?[/quote]
Just when it seemed you couldn’t be more trite. I don’t know what is lamer, the “you don’t need guns to kill people angle” or the worn-out guns/cars metaphor.
“I mean they both kill people, so they are the same thing, right?”
Yeah, keep yelling that and the world will just get better.
So “personal responsibility” rules the day? Another hollow cliché, so get the hat trick in this post.
Lanza’s mother was a textbook “responsible gun owner” – at least until the moment that she was not.
BTW, Morgan Freeman tells us to blame everything but guns.
Of course we should listen to Morgan – he has that wise demeanor.
He did say that, didn’t he?
December 21, 2012 at 7:38 PM #756749SK in CV
Participant[quote=harvey]BTW, Morgan Freeman tells us to blame everything but guns.
Of course we should listen to Morgan – he has that wise demeanor.
He did say that, didn’t he?[/quote]
I’m not sure if you’re kidding about that or not…but no, Morgan Freeman didn’t say that. The alleged message from him about the shooting was a hoax. He didn’t write or say it.
December 21, 2012 at 8:44 PM #756753KIBU
ParticipantToday’s shooting: 3 people killed and an ir”responsible” gun user dead.
http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/21/justice/pennsylvania-violence/index.html?hpt=hp_t1Also, NRA came out with smart ass advise for 300 millions Americans: “we should put armed security in every school”
With this kind of reasoning, we may have to put armed security at the church, private home and on every street too:
CNN: “By 10 a.m., the “active shooter situation” in Frankstown Township, about 7 miles southeast of Altoona and 100 miles east of Pittsburgh was under control, the Blair County Emergency Management Agency reported on its Facebook page.
But the gruesome story wasn’t over. After this episode played out, authorities discovered three slain people at three different locations.
One woman was killed at Juniata Valley Gospel Church, one man was found dead in a residence, and another man was killed after getting into a car accident with the truck’s driver, added Bivens. All three had been shot”.
Get responsible America!!!! It’s you irresponsible son of bitches that get the guns all wrong.
December 21, 2012 at 8:50 PM #756754scaredyclassic
ParticipantI have an actual proposal for getting people serious about at least keeping the guns they have safe from others —
if you own a gun….
and you don’t take the required steps to secure it…
which involves say a locked safe that costs about 2 grand…
and that gun is used by any other person, even a thief, to commit a crime…
you share equally in the liability for whatever crime that gun was involved in.
I would consider that a step toward taking responsibility for your gun.
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