- This topic has 165 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by
Diego Mamani.
May 3, 2012 at 7:02 AM #742754May 3, 2012 at 7:19 AM #742756
Guest[quote=walterwhite]eliot spitzer’s prostitute seemed to be doing better than most of us.[/quote]
I think that among prostitutes there are “1 pecenters” also.
Nothing wrong with being the devil’s advocate.
Just be careful you don’t become the devil.
May 3, 2012 at 7:26 AM #742755Coronita
Participant[quote=Navydoc]I remember once reading a statistic in medical school which stated that the top 10% most sexually active males have sex with 50-60% of the females in any population. This carries throughout the animal kingdom. Helps explain the spread of STD’s, and the fact that the AVERAGE male has fewer lifetime partners than many people think. As the father of a 4-year old daughter, this horrifies me, and it is an almost daily thought in my mind how to teach my daughter to avaoid these guys. Any tips would be helpful. I figure I’ve got maybe 10 more years before she’e really in danger.
NeetaT, I don’t know if you’re one of the 10% or simply want to be, but you’re certainly not endearing yourself to any fathers (or mothers) of girls on this forum.[/quote]
My sibling is a well decorated financial exec. Her husband is a great man. She never fell for a dumbass guy.
Growing up, it had a lot to do with the peers and surroundings…Needless to say, being surrounded by high achieving people had a lot to do with it. It all has to do with self-esteem and self-respect. As my sibling put it, she didn’t need to hang out with “dumb people”.
My observation was the girls/women that ended up being screwed up and looking to marry dirtbags early were the ones that were missing a father figures, had serious trama somepoint in their life with a male figure, or ones that were alone with no siblings, and or were living in a unbearable-ultimately repressive/strict environment (ones with a lot of rules, formalities,etc)……Those girls/women had serious self-esteem/emotional issues…Easy prey for piggish men. But that how this world works…In just about everything….So, make sure don’t fvckup your daugther’s life.
BTW: you’re better off knowing who(m) your daugther is dating then letting her date unknown XYZ behind your back.
May 3, 2012 at 7:56 AM #742762scaredyclassic
ParticipantI suspect that the truth about prostitution like the truth about frug use may be clouded in hysteria, and unspoken moral judgments.
May 3, 2012 at 7:59 AM #742764scaredyclassic
ParticipantSome men are much better at getting laid than others. They tend to be very confident, funny and non-needy with women. Women tend to have sex with men they are attracted to, not necessarily those who make the best partners.
Just tell your daughters to date awkward needy guys, and it’s unlikelely those guys are getting laid anywhere else!
May 3, 2012 at 8:39 AM #742767sdduuuude
Participant[quote=pri_dk]At face value, prostitution is an independent transaction between consenting adults – we should all have the ‘freedom’ to participate, right?[/quote]
I agree w/ you 100% ! I view virtually all business transactions and most personal ones in exactly the same way.
May 3, 2012 at 10:51 AM #742793NotCranky
Participant[quote=walterwhite]I suspect that the truth about prostitution like the truth about frug use may be clouded in hysteria, and unspoken moral judgments.[/quote]
You can get married seven times including to partners 1/3 your age, or be indigent and sire infinite children by different women, but an average man or woman can’t pay for sex? Yeah there are some clouds around the issue. If consenting adults want to practice poligamy, I don’t see why that should be illegal, people do it all the time anyway.
May 3, 2012 at 10:53 AM #742794Arraya
Participant[quote=briansd1]Prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. The secret agents who indulged are proof of it.
Sex has been used as a means to an end forever. Sex is a powerful incentive. You can use it to obtain power, money, secrets, etc…[/quote]
I remember seeing an old video of Chimpanzees(our closest relative)years back. A female chimp tried to take some food that was in the vicinity of a male. The male chimp sees this and goes to hit the female with a stick. The female quickly turns around and gets in “postition”. Which, of course, stopped the attack. That is core of “prostitution”.
Of course, shown through a cultural filter, financialized and glorified, it looks a little different. But, basically, the same dynamic
May 3, 2012 at 10:57 AM #742795NotCranky
Participant….On the other hand the 40%-60% of women who sleep with the 10% or so of men are not necessarily the cream of the crop if you want a partner. No absolutes of course.
May 3, 2012 at 10:58 AM #742797briansd1
GuestAlso a spouse can be more expensive than a prostitute.
If you don’t like the sex with a prostitute you can change to another one.Aren’t all relationship contracts where we get value of some kind? Otherwise we would not enter into those contracts.
May 3, 2012 at 11:00 AM #742798NotCranky
Participant[quote=Arraya][quote=briansd1]Prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. The secret agents who indulged are proof of it.
Sex has been used as a means to an end forever. Sex is a powerful incentive. You can use it to obtain power, money, secrets, etc…[/quote]
I remember seeing an old video of Chimpanzees(our closest relative)years back. A female chimp tried to take some food that was in the vicinity of a male. The male chimp sees this and goes to hit the female with a stick. The female quickly turns around and gets in “postition”. Which, of course, stopped the attack. That is core of “prostitution”.
Of course, shown through a cultural filter, financialized and glorified, it looks a little different. But, basically, the same dynamic[/quote]
We adult humans are responsible for where our dominance and submission tendencies take us as far as average prostitution transactions go.
May 3, 2012 at 3:23 PM #742843scaredyclassic
ParticipantSex should not necessarily be tied to relationships even casual ones. Guys get too weird about girls and sex, get jittery when they sense a breakup because they fear they’ll have difficulty securing access to sex. If prostitution were destigmatized, relationships would actually improve.
May 3, 2012 at 7:12 PM #742867scaredyclassic
ParticipantHey mm33 is Ron Paul ok w legalizng sex workers?
May 3, 2012 at 7:29 PM #742868an
Participant[quote=walterwhite]Hey mm33 is Ron Paul ok w legalizng sex workers?[/quote]
Yes he is. He’s more “liberal” on a lot of social issues than a lot of democrats.May 3, 2012 at 8:36 PM #742871scaredyclassic
Participantgood man!
i was checking on the average wage of prostitutes. apparently the average is 48,000/year, with the top end making about $1,000 an hour.
wage range is strikingly similar to lawyers.
interesting article in THE NEW REPUBLIC on the economics of high end prostitutes.
promiscuous swimgers have more stds than prostitutes.
remind me again why promiscuity is legal but paying isnt?
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