Thanks everyone, so much going on at work with the much hyped internet DNS flaw I can’t spend too much time here. I really appreicate everyone’s comments and attitude as ibjames points out, I could have gotten hammered, and truth is I deserve some of it. I remember thinking, man these banks are lending me over half a million dollars on my salary alone (wife was K1 from Phils and had no credit) I guess I can pay it back because they know what they are doing. So naive.
I in fact didn’t know about the “non-recourse” you may have just saved my butt. I will call CW tomorrow and get the low down. I’m paying enough “rent to the bank” so if rate jumps 8%+, that will be unacceptable. Sorry mortgage people.
I’m trying to be a bit vauge on my exact location but you’re right its not on Calle Cristobel that was in the 700’s at the time and not doable. But I’m sure I could be tracked down with a few zillow searches on the info I gave already, for anyone really interested.