Pablo, if you don’t mind my asking, why do you spell your name with a Q?
Pablo, if you don’t mind my asking, why do you spell your name with a Q?
Pablo, if you don’t mind my asking, why do you spell your name with a Q?
Pablo, if you don’t mind my asking, why do you spell your name with a Q?
Pablo, if you don’t mind my asking, why do you spell your name with a Q?
Ex-SD: “This thread should be re-named : “AS THE STOMACH TURNS”
How about we change it to “why I’ll never get married again.”
Ex-SD: “This thread should be re-named : “AS THE STOMACH TURNS”
How about we change it to “why I’ll never get married again.”
Ex-SD: “This thread should be re-named : “AS THE STOMACH TURNS”
How about we change it to “why I’ll never get married again.”
Ex-SD: “This thread should be re-named : “AS THE STOMACH TURNS”
How about we change it to “why I’ll never get married again.”
Ex-SD: “This thread should be re-named : “AS THE STOMACH TURNS”
How about we change it to “why I’ll never get married again.”
Diego, I asked him one time why he has the name of a famous narcotraficante and he said he got the name out of a comic book he liked as a kid. I didn’t recognize the spelling issue. Just thought I would interject that in case he does not see your post.
Diego, I asked him one time why he has the name of a famous narcotraficante and he said he got the name out of a comic book he liked as a kid. I didn’t recognize the spelling issue. Just thought I would interject that in case he does not see your post.
Diego, I asked him one time why he has the name of a famous narcotraficante and he said he got the name out of a comic book he liked as a kid. I didn’t recognize the spelling issue. Just thought I would interject that in case he does not see your post.
Diego, I asked him one time why he has the name of a famous narcotraficante and he said he got the name out of a comic book he liked as a kid. I didn’t recognize the spelling issue. Just thought I would interject that in case he does not see your post.