Things have veered too far to the right in this country, and the majority is in the process of reasserting control, taking issues back to center. Enough is enough.
SDR: I appreciate your comments. You’re one of the posters I respect, knowledgeable comments and you conduct yourself well. I apologize if I’m a bit abrasive from time to time.
I completely support a flat tax as a percentage of change in wealth with ZERO avoidance.
I have no idea how to get there given the accounting games and utter alchemy introduced into our financial system in the past 30 years. Nor do I have much confidence in the political will of congress and our states to institute reform.
What I object to on this board and elsewhere, and I suspect the majority of people in this country object to, is this steady right-wing drumbeat of propoganda, and in this particular case suggesting that any change to tax policy is socialism.
Across the board — federal and state governments, counties, municipalities, institutions, agencies, corporations — we are on the brink of insolvency, if not outright bankruptcy. The economic issues, currency failure, has become a national security matter now.
You simply CANNOT have government, roads, sewers, schools, police, firefighters, wars and national defense, homeland security, safe food, clean water, a fraud-free financial system — WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT. There is room to debate what programs should be funded. But you must pay for it.
The status quo has evolved to a point where it pays for it by taxing the middle class disproportionately. Wealthy individuals and big corporations DO NOT pay tax at the SAME RATE as average people. THEY PAY LESS.
Or increasingly, it moves the costs off-books by borrowing the funds against our children. If it were public-sector investment it would be okay, but it’s not. We’re mortgaging our kids future to finance the operating needs of government. It’s disgusting.
All this noise about socialism and how democrats want to take all your money and give it to black people who don’t work is insidious republican horseshit. And you know damn well that’s the underlying message.
We need to collectively quit LYING and start conducting ourselves with some semblance of responsibility and honor because we have big problems right now.