Are you really saying that all people who attend mosque are more dangerous than the more radical Christians?
I’m betting that in the last 25 years, even counting 9/11, many more people have been killed by self-identified strict Christians than by self-identified Muslims on US soil.[/quote]
If you are referring to killings/terrorism in the name of the religion, you are wrong and I would take the other side of that bet. According to politicfact, as of January 2015, “right wing” extremists (not necessarily Christian) have killed less than 40 people on US soil since September 2011 . Do you really think there were thousands of people killed by Christian extremists in the 10 years leading up to 9/11? Now, If we’re talking “killings” in general, I would agree with your statement, but it’s statistically misleading and not relevant to the discussion (ex. A Christian kills someone in a DUI vehicle accident or a husband/wife carry out a murder suicide).