[quote=scaredyclassic]I see no technology that a problem can’t solve. Maybe Ted k. Was not entirely nuts. True, bombing people is bad, but the manifesto has aged pretty well, from it’s opening declaration onward…
“The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation.”[/quote]
being lucky enough to win the pussy lottery (i.e. be born a citizen of an “advanced” country) AND also been fortunate enough to have visited in “shit hole” countries (as TRUMP would say)
IMHO,… have to say KAZANSKI was targeting the wrong idea,… technology as I see things is just a tool that can be used for “good ” or “evil”
think of it this way a scapal (which is a piece of technology) in the hands of skilled surgeon can save a persons life if for example an appendix burst and needs to be removed,… OR consider a scapal in the hands of a young child, which is a disaster in the making,… capeesh?!
as I see things the root problem humanity faces AND a problem few actually think about is not being able to differentiate a “want” from a “need”
truth is from ancient times there have been not so subtle hints that “wants” are evil and deadly,… for example consider the story of king Midas (who wanted everything he touched, turn to gold)
actually should point out not being able to differentiate a “want” from a “need” even applies to BLM,… in other words,… “buy large mansions” which is a greedy self serving misguided cluster fuck that is political in nature
bottom line as I see things,… humanity is slowly but surely killing itself on spaceship earth because of consumerism AND greed,… in other words people in general cannot differentiate a “want” from a “need”
[quote] There’s a general awareness today that China and its massive industrial sector generate more carbon emissions than any other country, which is one of the reasons that parts of the nation have to endure some serious issues with smog and airborne pollutants.
But according to a new study, if you want to know what’s really driving the impact on the planet, you need to look past the obvious primary factors taking a toll on the environment – like industry and agriculture – and instead realise whose needs those things are servicing.
From that perspective, researchers say household consumers are by far the biggest drain on the planet, which makes for a very different picture to purely nation-focused analyses of environmental impact. In other words, before we start blaming whole countries for the state of the planet, we should probably be looking at our own habits and demands.
PS FWIW given this is a real estate forum, if humanity is going to dodge extinction, this is how I think real estate “rental” housing is going to evolve in an era of diminished natural resources