[quote=ocrenter][quote=bearishgurl][quote=briansd1] . . . The stats do show that Asians consistently outscore the other groups. Numbers don’t lie, or do they?
…Budget-strapped state schools such as the University of California at San Diego are reducing enrollment of Asian-Americans to make room for international students from China and elsewhere who pay almost twice the tuition of in-state residents, Bloomberg News reported Dec. 28….
This is only the beginning. When all the Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans who will soon be bumped from the military and given Veteran’s preference (and benefits) in the UC system, there will be few slots left for incoming freshman who are graduates of CA high schools and lifelong residents no matter WHAT their GPA and SAT scores.[/quote]
What is the true percentage of international students in undergrad campuses? marginal. if you can find data supporting your assertion that Chinese international students are bumping out vets in colleges, ANY colleges, with subpar scores and grades purely because of colleges’ need for cash, SHOW US THE DATA.
Don’t pull this type of foreigners are taking our spot comments without proof. that puts you in a really bad light.[/quote]
ocrenter, I was simply quoting the current Bloomberg report that brian posted. Why don’t you read the report and ask THEM where they got the data??
I can tell you that in my “college days” (which was “eons ago”), public universities across the country admitted many thousands of middle-eastern students simply because they paid 2-3 times the admission of in-state students. The vast bulk of these students took their degrees back home with them after their wealthy (Saudi and other nationality) fathers paid cash for their educations. The students were all male as middle-eastern women were not allowed to have careers at that time.
At the same time, vast numbers of returning Vietnam-era vets enrolled in universities across the nation using a “veteran’s preference” and the “Vietnam-Era GI Bill.”
We will see this phenomenon again beginning Fall 2012, IMHO. Iraq and Afghanistan vets have returned en masse in the last 3 months and are getting discharged, relocated and situated as Civilians by the military. When each one figures out what they want to major in and where they want to go to school, the Veteran’s Administration will assist them (in lieu of allowing them to retire with the military). Veteran’s preference in admissions WILL win out over recent HS grads with high GPA’s and SAT/ACT scores. They always have.
Due to this situation, I believe the CA community colleges are going to have to greatly expand their curriculum to accommodate far more recent HS grads as freshmen and serve to get their GE’s out of the way so they can enter a university with an associate degree as a junior as the freshman slots at the UC/CSU level will simply not be there in the coming years.