My biggest reason for being sceptical is that after working in the government 15 years, I saw so many things done that didn’t make sense and money wasted, I don’t think it would be effective. That’s not to say our system is 100% effective now. I also used the Military’s health system for a good chunk of my life and was amazed how much better the private system was. Before when I was sick, I called for an appointment, only to find out I could be seen in a week, or go to urgent care. When I got my own insurance, I could be seen the next day. Then there are friends of mine dealing with the VA, which is worse. The way the government hires, fires and retains workers, is not conducive to an efficient system. I think and have seen the school systems operate similarly.
That’s why I’m sceptical, it all sounds great on paper, but would it actually work? If we already have high taxes and companies are leaving as people say they are, wouldn’t higher taxes make it worse? I need someone smarter than I to bounce this off of, but if it wasn’t for the tech boom in the 90’s’ would it still have been possible to sustain those tax rates in the 90’s?
I’m also tired of working and paying taxes only to see other people I know that seemingly can work, but live off of disability. It angers me that they have plenty of time to waste when I work. Now I’d rather work and wouldn’t trade places, but I see how many think it doesn’t pay as much to actually work.