I also was born in an unspecified year in the early (very early) 60’s… Here in San Diego… grew up in Clairemont then UC. I didn’t pay attention to bars in PB till I had my first (fake) ID… Back then the two places young people went to drink in PB were Mothers and Jose Murpheys. Or to the Baccanal in Clairemont or the Spirit off of Morena. That was where the good music was.
I agree that someone figured out that bars = tax dollars and clustered them in PB.
I remember driving North east on 395 – before I-15 went through.
I have of vague memories of I-5 being US101 in the North county…
As far as La Jolla – growing up “La Jolla adjacent” with family and friends in La Jolla – the main change I see is that it is more developed now. Every place that can be built on – is built on.. My dad used to by suits from a Hong Kong tailor on Prospect… that type of business couldn’t survive these days because the real estate is too expensive. But a lot of La Jolla is exactly the same…