I was originally going to vote for Meg Whitman just because I felt she was the lesser of two evils, but now I think she’s very nearly as bad as Brown.
This is going to sound petty, but I honestly believe she got lucky with ebay. Like Myspace and Facebook, it was an original idea that filled a big need, and would have gotten huge with any trained business person at the helm, in spite of itself – ebay has always had a terrible interface, completely unresponsive customer service (you’re lucky to get a reply at all, let alone a meaningful answer), and bugs that any other company would find unacceptable just become a part of their “quirkiness” and never get fixed (for example, their messaging system works about a quarter of the time).
A non-democrat CA governor is impotent, so your vote against the status quo doesn’t really matter, although Brown being in office will probably hasten the end of days. I’ll probably vote for the Libertarian candidate, just to help give that party some recognition. He would be just as ineffective in office as Whitman.
The ONLY solution is bankruptcy, invalidating public employee pension contracts, and changing the legislature to part time.