I am currently deep into the Carmel Valley middle school/high school scene and have lots of experience with Asian parents (Chinese, Korean and Indian). My observations:
1. It’s not one-size-fits-all, that’s for sure. Some Chinese parents are the classic “tiger” parents, who will roar at anyone who gets in the way of their kids’ Ivy resume-preparation. Some are the nicest people who are teaching their kids excellence, but not at the cost of human kindness/fairness. Bunch of great parents out there, long as you avoid the ones with the knives under their jackets, ready to stab anyone who gets in the way.
2. I think the CV high schools offer an amazing breadth of high-level (AP, etc.) classes and top-notch teachers. There’s a reason TP has such a great reputation, and CCA is now right up there with it.
3. Bottom-line: if your middle- or high-school kid finds a great peer group of kids who are motivated and smart and kind, who cares what their ethnicity is. And the chances of that seem very good in CV.