I am always entertained when liberals attempt to predict the future on anything. In this case, it was global warming, then aggregate temperatures declined and their models were exposed as complete fraud and fantasy.
Now, it is “global climate change” . . . whatever nebulous standards this is based on–probably what ever happens that year with the weather.
Reminds me of the Obama’s prediction that unemployment would be a 7.5 percent with the stimulus and would be 9.5 without it, with the opposite happening.
No doubt, the same type of wishful-thinking-never plan-on-unintended-consequences-event would occur here with this law. Isn’t that a great definition for the left? While I won’t get into the inane discussion about how many jobs will be lost because of this law, it is just an additional layer of feel-good emotional regulation that we don’t need in California for something that will have no effect on aggregate “global warming,” which doesn’t even exist.
Also, while I am at it, I bet 99% of the windmill and solar panel lovers advocating for this global warming law and “green jobs” likely will never employ a real person . . . ever.
Liberalism’s incessant drive to create inefficient regulations and tax small business actually creates what liberals say they don’t like, a wider distinction between rich and poor. With these regulations, most of those running businesses either fail (and become poor) or leave the state. So, we are only left with the poor, government workers as the new middle class, and then a few rich. Pretty much California, in a nutshell.
If this law stands, along with the 1099-misc regulation for Obamacare, we might as well close down California for business right now.