Gosh, I didn’t realize PB had gotten to be like that in the past several years.
I remember when families would take a weekend drive down there (dad in his suit and mom in her best summer dress, the kids dressed up in their Sunday finest) to spread out a checkered tablecloth and have a picnic on or near the beach.
Usually the beaches and boardwalk were deserted early Sunday morning because everybody was at church.
I remember there were a few lost souls that somehow wandered into Pacific Beach though. I remember Willy, the town drunk. He’d get liquored up and officer Brown would laugh and lock him in the cell and Mrs. Brown would bring him some home cooked food to eat.
Ah, the good old days, seems a downright shame that Pacific Beach has recently had some growing pains. I knew things might not stay the same once ol’ reverend Smith passed, maybe church attendance has dropped? Maybe what these kids (which you so derisively refer to as ‘punks’) need is a nice wholesome hobby to get their wheels back on track, then maybe Pacific Beach could regain that charm it’s always been known for.