So what’s the solution? Disenfranchise people? The people voted for this.
A lot of people. This is what a lot of people wanted. [/quote]
Well, technically, 59 million and change. Something around 0.25% more voted for Hillary (as of counting yesterday).
Of course, nearly twice the amount that were eligible to vote, didn’t. Yes, that’s right, right around 113 million didn’t vote.
Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. And, I voted for Johnson, third party, no chance of winning in California hoping Libertarians would crest a perception threshold to become viable. Essentially, I didn’t vote either.
IMO, the solution starts with removing the freedom of speech, in the form of money from all aspects of politics. Not just campaigns, not just PACs, lobbying, etc. That’s the corporations and the unions. Let the unions run a campaign to get their members to individually send in the money. Strip the Koch brothers and Soros or their ability to drown the country in their message. Stop Monsanto from buying legislation and funding campaigns.
Until then, we will have protests, that look to me an awful lot like a staged PAC activity.