[quote=flu]So the funny part is that it appears Trump is now saying he’s not planning to try to kill obamacare……I thought that was one on the main reasons people were backing him….Lol…I wonder eventually how much of what he says, he’s actually going to do.
I’m beginning to think that as he slowly learns what each of the issues are, he’s now like saying “oh shit, I didn’t think about that…That isn’t such a bad thing after all…”
US President-elect Donald Trump has said in an interview he is open to leaving intact key parts of President Barack Obama’s healthcare bill.
Mr Trump, who has pledged repeatedly to repeal the 2010 law, signalled he was receptive to a compromise after visiting the White House on Thursday.
He told the Wall Street Journal he favours keeping two pillars of the bill because “I like those very much”.
ha ha ha, oh my god… He’s not even in the white house yet, and he’s flipping on some of the main pillars of his campaign. Wow, that’s awesome.[/quote]The two parts Trump wants to “keep” are that people with pre-existing conditions can’t be denied coverage and young adults under the age of 26 can remain on their parent’s policy until they get their own coverage from FT work.
That’s it.
Those provisions aren’t new. They were going to be in his reform plans. If you read his proposals on his website, you would know that.
Those two things can be accomplished through the formation of state insurance pools formed for people with pre-existing conditions and a monthly allowance to help pay their (likely exorbitant) premiums. Yes, even if Obamacare is repealed in its entirety.
Currently, EVERYONE who has purchased a (non-Medicaid) Obamacare plan is paying higher (often MUCH higher) premiums to assist those who can’t otherwise afford coverage due to having pre-existing conditions.
Major insurance companies WILL participate in the state insurance pools . . . that is, if they want the right to sell policies to healthy people in that state. This is what should have been done in 2010 instead of drag everyone who was happy with their plan into the spiraling morass of dogsh*t..
In CA, only about 1.4 million people on “Obamacare” are actually marketplace planholders. A large portion of this group (myself included) were already insured prior to the inception of the ACA and our plans were cancelled directly as a result of the law. The other 12 million or so who signed up on Covered CA are on Medi-Cal … about half of them involuntarily. Covered CA is a joke and the ACA was designed to place as many people as possible as soon as possible on Medicaid, so our respective County Depts of Social Services would have all of our income info (which could be used against us later for other purposes) and complete control over our healthcare decisions.
In reality, Obamacare has helped no one and actually very quickly had the effect of decimating our insurance system (which was the Dem’s plan all along, so “universal coverage” would seem more palatable to the masses). The people who needed subsidies to purchase a crappy high-deductible narrow-network plan on the exchange could have afforded a nationwide HDHP with a HUGE provider network from a very reputable carrier pre-ACA but they chose not to spend the money until it was “mandated” and they got a very substandard product for it. They’re spending money now …. in spades …. OR dropping out of the exchange without coverage OR going on Medi-Cal. Obamacare is sinking from its own weight.
Compare the state insurance pools to “Mexico WILL pay for the wall” … directly or indirectly. MX can either cooperate with us now or pay dearly for not doing so later.
flu, you have a tendency to generalize on things you read on the internet and then type a little sound byte about it here … for “effect” (positive or negative). For example, you repeatedly have stated here that you personally fear deportation under a Trump presidency yet you claim to be a US citizen. If you can keep your facts straight and quit posting in drama queen fashion, you would be more credible.