[quote=flu][quote=Rustico]”Contractor Christopher Lindsay, 40, who has filed a lawsuit against Fryson and Yuba County in federal court, said that Fryson told him she could make the unfounded charges go away by paying her $10,000. Child Protective Services failed to adequately supervise Fryson, according to the suit in federal court in Sacramento.”
I don’t think so.. I’d say more he’s more pissed. i’d do the same damn thing…Not to mention he probably spent a considerable amount of time to deal with this B.S.
I’ll stand by what I say.. Probably a good portion of the CPS workers themselves have pretty messed up lives.[/quote]
Looks to me like he had law enforcement on his side almost immediately. I think I would feel like it was an opportunity to be a good Samaritan not screw the tax payer more.