[quote=AN][quote=all][quote=AN]Again, if not communism, then what are they? If you object to what they call themselves, then you surely would have a better name for them, right? FYI, there’s no such thing as pure communism or capitalism or socialism or fascism. I’ve never claimed that they’re pure communist according to the political theory. Afterall, they’re all just theories. How those theories get applied varry greatly. Especially when you take into account human nature.[/quote]
I already did – it is just another corrupt, authoritarian society.
You can interpret the communist manifesto creatively, but what you labeled as communist society is not described there. If the means of production are individually owned it cannot be communism. If there is accumulation of wealth by a person or a group it cannot be communism. If there are privileged groups (as in class), it cannot be communism.[/quote]This is the first time you’ve defined it as an authoritarian society.
BTW, how do you have a thriving authoritarian society with weak institution? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Don’t you need a very strong institution in order to exhert authority? Isn’t authority at the heart of an authoritarian regime?
[quote=all]This does not sound like communism, or even socialism. It sounds like any country with weak institutions.[/quote]
I’m not trying to interpret anything. I’m using the labels that they put on themselves. I agree, pure communism doesn’t exist and I’ve stated that. Communism sounds great in theory and that’s how those revolutions started. But add in human greed and other human nature, you have China/Vietnam/Laos/etc today. That is exactly my point. Pure theory sounds great. I would love to live in Utopia too. But that doesn’t exist. That’s exactly my point. You might not like that they call themselves communist but they do. That’s how they came to power. If China is not communist, then we’re not capitalist.[/quote]
All is correct about about the economic system not being communist if private individuals are allowed to own these companies.
What you’re describing, AN, is a corrupt economic system. Labels are always used to confuse the masses. It doesn’t matter if an economic system is categorized as “capitalist” or “communist” or anything in between. If it’s corrupt, and if it’s controlled by a few wealthy and powerful people, then it’s simply a corrupt, oligarchical/plutocratic political system. Economically, it can be a planned, mixed, or market economy, but the end result will basically be the same if the political structure is corrupt.