AN, there is just as much corruption here, but in the U.S., the most powerful people are not the ones “officially” in political positions; they are the ones working behind the politicians. Think Wizard of Oz. They cannot be voted out, and if you threaten their access to power or wealth, there is a very good chance that you will be severely discredited, ridiculed, and socially ostracized (with the full force and power of our mainstream media); in jail; or, in rarer cases, dead.
Look at what happened to Occupy Wall Street and the original Tea Party when it was attacking the financial industry and the bailouts. The Tea Party was co-opted (and called a “terrorist organization,” with all that that implies) and the energy was redirected to being anti-Obamacare (courtesy of Obama who is simply a tool in the corrupt two-party system that serves a single group of masters). OWS was infiltrated and these people began pushing totally different agendas so that the bulk of the OWS protestors ended up losing steam and walking away — Occupy Wall Street became Occupy “Everywhere,” totally losing its original focus.
And why is Edward Snowden still on the run? What about Julian Assange? Bradley (Chelsea) Manning? Some would think they should be celebrated for making our government more transparent.
The government isn’t just trying to hide information from “our enemies,” it’s trying to hide information from us.