This blog is the single most useful tool in my education about the SD housing market. Though sharp of intellect, matters of money have never been my forte as I have let my mind roam about subjects more esoteric .( see poetry and guitar playing) while renting and travelling….
Now that there is a Lil-Missus-to-be (queue violins) with a firmly formed American Dream, I find myself in the position of needing to rectify my GrandCanyonesque ignorance.
That being said… I’d always an intuitive sense that the insane appreciation was built of flimsy cards… ( How can my exes postage stamp yards and cottage 20 yds from Ted William Park in North Park POSSIBLY be FUNDAMNETALLY worth what it was appraised at??) …
What little I know says this is tardy in arriving and immensely sad for those who wasted their life savings for teaser loans and ARMS and TRUSTED unscrupulous folks in the RE biz. I think the worst is yet to come…
Thank you all-
What matters most
is how well you
walk through the fire…