Here are a couple of stats relevant to this thread. BTW, I have not commented recently or kept up with Piggington forum subjects, thinking my subject would die a natural death after so long. Alas, it lives on!
US Census data released (I think) today, showed that in CA 871,000 people left in 2022. I assume that is the NET loss–outgoing minus incoming. A few days ago another news report said higher income people are moving out more so than lower income.
Then today I got my property tax bill for the year for my house for this year: $2,644.04. Zillow values it at $760,200, so the property tax represents about 1/3 of one percent. CA long ago enacted Proposition 13, knocking property taxes down to 1% of value (although I believe add-ons put it at about 1.2%).
For that we get clean government, far better schools (according to national standardized tests), and yes, worse weather. But I’ve heard from friends in San Diego that their water, sewer, and electric bills are several times higher than St. George.