sdr: Stay calm. Breath deeply. Everything will be all right.
I, probably like most Piggs, learned long ago to take with a grain of salt what realtors tell them. Their income depends upon convincing people to “Buy now…the data show…you are going to miss the boat…” C’mon man, as Biden would say.
Your recent posts, actually rants, simply do not correspond to a casual look at the charts shown by Rich at Piggington. Yes, SD prices are up and down, and generally up over the long term. But the PPSF and other indicators belie your rabid and angry accusations. And citing your own taxes, utilities, house appreciation, etc. has little to do with average San Diegans. Good for you… You scored. But then why is San Diego losing population as per latest Census data? People, and increasingly businesses, are looking at the long term trend before they make the big decision to move, and it is not looking good for CA and recently, San Diego.
You will undoubtedly respond childishly to this post with more cherry-picked data. But I’ll probably refrain from further postings. Feel free to declare victory 🙂