DavidT1…..You are somewhat, in a tiny way correct in your methods of technical analysis, but ANY technical analysis is ALWAYS corrupted by the views/beliefs of the analyzer…..It is NOT a "simple mathematical calculation" at all when you add in the peculiarities of physcology of mass investors. You and NONE of your T/A cohorts can win all of the time, which would be the case if was 100% pure mathematical. Hahahaaaa…no DavidT1…its FAR from that
What you do by analyzing anything and everything "you" can think of to give you some type of edge….That is nothing more than trying to be a "Vegas card counter" in a game where the shoe contains 1 million decks of cards, or more.
If your a trend "gambler/investor" you might be a winner occasionally, but your beliefs and biased, corrupted data will eventually fail you, and if you've made a large bet on it, you'll be a LARGE loser.
If your a "scalper" then you could be a winner more than 50% of the time, but unless your dealing with capital risk investment of less than 500K, then your "earnings" couldnt raise a family or support a household.
It can be profitable some of the time, but for you to think T/A is a fool proof method of beating the street is folly. Iam willing to assume your a large margin trader….and we all know how those margin traders stories end…dont we ?…Especially now when the market turns Bear…its a helluva LOT harder to trade in a Bear market. You will see.
I would suggest you look into "black box" trading, or as its more commonly known as "Quantitative trading" (for your edification), that a few very large hedge funds use and failed…Get real DavidT1…You sitting at home in your spare bedroom in front of your desk top computer with 3 monitors "thinking you got a system thats fool proof, doesn't even compare to the GIGANTIC and incredibly expensive infrastructure they use along with the many PHD's that they employ to load and decipher data that you aren't even aware of (you cant possibly know) to predict future stock movements up or down….and maybe you could tell us how many hundreds of billions they lost the last 2 months ?
So to group everyone else into a category of "clueless" is painting with a broad brush…..
I have known many, many "supposed geniuses" like you lose EVERYTHING they own or ever made by "believing" they have a fool proof system…As a matter of fact, I have employed at least 4 PHD's over the last 10 yrs and not ONE of them was ever paid more than 40K per year each……