The fundamental issue is there’s virtually unlimited demand for medical services and tests if you don’t have to pay for it. Under a universal system everyone contributes. If everyone abuses or over-uses, they’ll soon tire of the long lines.
Single payer solves the rising costs of infinite demand problem via rationing. What rationing is that? It is the opposite; giving greater access to care as opposed to discriminatory, selective care.
A free market system would solve that problem via competition of providers. Yes? Look where it has led.
Of course single payer does have the problem that you don’t necessarily attract the best and the brightest to become doctors because your single payer system has limited their compensation package. The best and brightest still might become doctors but they won’t be available to the users of the single payer system. They’ll exist outside of the system treating those that can afford to pay supplemental coverage. This is a large assumption. Doctors in other countries are well remunerated and the profession does not attract the money-grubbing type. The extent to which it does, makes no commensurate guarantee of better care. No lines and slicker service maybe.
Placing healthcare systems under a theoretical framework comes unstuck pretty quickly. Far better to experience it for yourself to understand it.