Here’s another one, a block away: Went pending after a few days with multiple offers. Take a look at the interior. That’s straight out of the 80s. Take a look at the asking price too, that’s $50k more than the Feller Cv house. I guess that’s the difference between short sale and equity sale.[/quote]
Its a range price on Dancy from 450 to 500K. My guess would be closer to 450K but we will have to see. Shouldnt be much of a difference on final sales prices.[/quote]
Here’s another one, a few blocks away: Exact same floor plan. Asking $425-450k and went pending after 2 weeks. The interior is also straight out of the 80s. My guess is, the Dancy one will close around $480k, the Feller and Parkdale ones will close around $450k.