The method of payment should not matter, but the better deals are going to the conventional buyers or all cash buyer. Just like in this other thread the cash buyers are getting the better deals.
The banks are leaving money on the table because they are not inclined to fix the home or simply buy appliances to get the place sold. That property needed to be sold cash or to someone that can put money into an escrow account to complete the kitchen. The bank was too lazy or didn’t care enough to maximize their profits. This is where the flipper can come in cash and make money by doing what the bank refused to do.
A friend of mine recently bought a home from a traditional seller (not flipper). The house was listed for x-amount and had no offers after 30 days on the market. The seller did not want to take anything less than listed price. My friend had to offer list price + the mandatory VA amount that will be paid by seller for closing. The VA appraiser had no problem appraising the home + concession to match the offer. The other comps were either superior or sold for less. I personally think VA appraiser kick in the extra amount to make up for the concession. I’m not sure if the concessions are actually on the appraisal itself.