There are a significant number of scammers on craigslist. It is usually pretty easy to spot them. Now and then I reply to confirm the deal really is too good to be true. Now and then people really are pricing things under market. Here is a reply I just received today about a rental.
My name is John H Lippert, I did get your response concerning the AD I posted on Craigslist .The house is still available but presently I’m not around.because of the work with human right awareness in conjuction with UN( here in west africa,And i am one of the Red Cross Red Crescent that was sent to west african for donation to the haitian because of the Earthquake in Haiti
Later we decided to have the house rent out, we would have give the same agent this job also but the truth of the matter is that the agent would want to handle it professionally and the occupant may not be able to reason along with him later.If you notice, you will discovered that the price we are offering is far below standard price, this is enough for you to know that we are not after the rental fee but the absolute care for the property. I know there is no way I can be sure that you are the right person to live in the house because we won’t be able to see physical before sending you the keys and the documents to occupy the space. But I just had a feeling that anyone who knows what it takes to put the kind of property down should know that maintaining it is mandatory, I will be more than happy to let you rent the house also why we need to take the rent is that. I want to use part of the money for a monthly donation to Haitian earthquake that took alot of life and make some homeless and if you read there stories you will thank God for your life I had always thought hell was somewhere under the earth. But it is there, flowing across the surface, between this terrace and the sea.because haitian are dying and i am ready to make full support to them,you can also support them with whatever you have,The first month rent is $1650 and security deposit $1100 You can reach me at this number +2348023446298 or 0112348023446298 .Please if you are ready now to occupy the house kindly provide the information below for record purpose.
Here is the address of the house.
Full Name__________________________ ________________________
Home Phone ( ) ________________________
Date of Birth_________________________ ________
Other Phone ( ) ___________________
Current Address_______________________ ________Apt#________
City__________________ State______ Zip________
Reasons for Leaving_______________________ _____Rent $__________Phone
( ) ____________________________
Are you married_______________________ _____
How many people will be living in the house_________________________ ___
Do you have a pet___________________________ _
Do you have a car___________________________ _
Occupation____________________ ________
Move In Date__________________________ __
Best Regards.
John H Lippert