There are many posters on here that are way more knowledgeable about world affairs and politics than me, including you. In a few of your posts, you claim that the US was supported in going into Iraq. I remember it differently; my recollection is that we did NOT have UN sanction or approval, although certainly some of our allies agreed that we needed should go in. In my opinion, invading Iraq without UN approval accomplishes two things:
1) Emaciates the U.N.
2) Makes thet U.S. look like the sole aggressor (invader), even if we had support from other countries.
Without U.N. approval and a multi-nation enter and exit strategy, the whole event is and was doomed to failure. As an American, I am embarrassed that we have invaded another country without U.N. sanctioning. I have traveled to many countries before and since entering Iraq, and I can say from anectdotal evidence that America is viewed as the unjustified aggressor.